Athalus and the God of domination

Story by GuyBroDudeKing on SoFurry

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Basically, A god of fire (hatred and wrath) has to face a far older god of domination, who will not only fight him...but dominate him.

I has been a long time for me since i uploaded something ^^ this was written when i had a lot of passion in me, hope you enjoy it.

BTW this plays in a universe which i am also writing a series for :P

Yes it was finally the time...oh well it had to be happening some time, he expected it and time obeyed him, followed his command.

He, who is Athalus, God of wrath and hatred had finally found the chamber of the last living God of the old...but he only knew it was the God of dominance and that it was a dangerous opponent...

The Gods intentions weren't to defeat this God, it was to rather just...befriend him.

As a God of Fire or destruction, he seemed to have the same goal as the God of dominating.

It was to control the world, that was the goal of both of them it seemed, but that was just Athalus' view, he yet had to find out.

For most mortals, he was just a God without appearance, but, in fact, he had chosen the form of a male bipedal wolf, as big as a mountain and as black as obsidian.

And for reasons of style he wore a simple armor, which in a way also helped him in fights, but not a lot, he was invincible and couldn't really die, like all Gods.

However it just looked good and anybody seeing him would have more respect towards the God of wrath and hatred if he had armor on, that's how mortals would expect him to look.

In combination he also had an obsidian sword, it looked like a long shard of black dragon glass, this did serve a purpose, helping him fight.

With all of this equipment he managed to defeat most Gods in his way, his follower count grew but...there were some Gods that were just too powerful.

The most important was Ordinem, the God of order and his allies the God of hope, Spero and the Goddess of love Amare.

If this very God becomes his ally, he won't be stopped by anybody else.

All that being said he was eager to meet him, although he was told that this Chamber...or Temple was a prison for said God, which is understandable if multiple Gods don't want their kind to dominate the mortal world, as in becoming its ruler.

Athalus was in front of the entrance, the doors twice as big as him and that is gigantic, he was as big as a mountain, while he was in the mortal world and didn't have the desire to be a different size.

He put both of his mighty hands onto each door of the entrance and began to push but it wouldn't bulge.

"What trickery is this ?" At first he was a bit calm and pushed harder.

However it was hard for a God of hatred to be calm, so he lost it after the third try and began to lower his body.

He inhaled the cool air into his lungs, his veins started to glow in a dark red, turning into yellow slowly and quickly his lungs were filled.

A short of amount of time, around a half a second of silence was there before he emitted a deafening and storm creating roar out of his lungs that might have even reached the mortals.

Long and powerful it made the ground erupt and mountains break behind him and soon the door started to show some small cracks, the powerful shout continued and soon the door began to brittle, so he stopped what seemed to be even deafening to the divines.

Even now the door was still hard to push open, those that had locked him up in here must have been afraid of him...he could push the door open!

That was it, he grabbed onto his two handed black sword and thrust it into between the doors.

His sword was glowing and burning until the door burst open, falling into many pieces of rock.

The door was now open and he could walk into the long corridor, down into a dimly lit chamber.

Athalus could put his sword back and start to calm again, walking towards the sound of chains and growling that emitted from it, he was familiar with those sounds, he was canine, the God he was seeking.

"Someone is coming closer...i can smell your scent and it tells me you're not afraid of me...big mistake.." A deep rough voice was talking, so powerful even the God of Fire, Athalus was impressed.

A voice like that is intimidating and powerful had to fit to an equally powerful God, an ally he could need.

After a few steps, the voice spoke again.

"I have heard you from outside...powerful voice...I wonder who you are...You smell very nice..." He said in a weird tone, the last bit, at least, it seemed like a predator talking to his prey, but Athalus wasn't just anyone, he was a God, a God that was good at fighting, a mighty opponent born to conquer and kill anybody in his way if necessary.

He didn't answer to the other God, he was too distracted by that smell, it was so distracting and it was so...well it smelled good, but he couldn't quite put where it would was the smell of another wolf...that's it, another wolf, but a real one, well the body was that of a wolf the brethren of Calavir he was gigantic !

Athalus was dumbstruck for a short moment by the size of that beast God...twice as big as him and chained up...its head as high as his own...surely it even was three times or four times as heavy as a mere God like him was.

The chains wrapped around his ankles, maw, neck and stomach to disable him from making too much movement.

He had Grey-blue fur and some orange markings from his paws to his legs and he was coating in beautiful thick fur, yes he was...his eyes pierced right through anything, truly this God was the God of dominance, someone who existed just to lead others...someone who had to become his ally.

"Oh...another one of my kind...this time with a more...pleasing appearance..." His nuzzle was twitching as he inhaled the smell of Athalus...a powerful God truly, just like him but...weaker.

The Old Gods were all more powerful than their descendants, that was a fact, the only reason most of them disappear was to give birth to more Gods, one old God could create up to three less powerful Gods.

Athalus knew that he was a child of the God of war who wanted to conquer all other Gods.

That objective was given to him at least, maybe to his brothers or sisters too, but he didn't know them so he wasn't sure.

Athalus walked closer just a little bit, just to have the giant beast jump forward suddenly, only having the thick chains stop it from pushing the smaller God onto the ground.

The beast launched forwards multiple times, snarling and growling at him with its powerful body barely contained.

And the beast shouted at him with bared fangs.

"Free me and offer yourself to me and maybe I will spare you when I have dominated this pathetic world and the world of the mortals! I Fenrir am the God of Domination" He was standing on two legs because of the chains that were cutting into him.

"We have very similar goals my friend so you becoming my ally is beneficial for both of us !"

Athalus shouted back with his red glowing obsidian sword in both hands and a slowly appearing burning crown on his head.

"I will dominate this world and everybody will be beneath me, you will be beneath me !" He growled and sat down as he said that back at the other God that seemed to just show off with his weapon and crown in the chamber that is or was his home for many millenniums.

Athalus stepped closer and smirked with his sword pointed towards the beast.

"I will beat the God of Domination into submi-" He was too distracted and off guard to notice that Fenrir launched his paws against the sword.

It fell out of Athalus' hand and onto one of the chains...heating it up.

Fenrir launched forwards again.

"Oh no !" Athalus managed to yell before the chains of Fenrir the dominator broke and all of the mass of a muscular wolf jumped towards him.

The stone ground shattered and the whole chamber rumbled as their bodies collided and their fight began.

Athalus could barely hold himself against the weight of his opponent as both pressed against each other, in an attempt to push each other into a wall.

Eventually after many dodging of a wolf maw to the face, he pulled the Feral wolf back and onto his back with a twist and a roll.

As Fenrir was lying underneath him he balled his fists and began to hit him in the face, causing him to shout out in pain before he used his powerful paws to launch Athalus away into the air.

There was not much time that passed before he could grab his sword again and each other were in a fighting position again.

One sword fighting God and a beast twice his size, both immortal Gods fighting for dominance, one was born for it, the other wanted to achieve it.

A slick sword swing around his body managed to scratch the chest and with the sword in his hands the beast was not able to get closer.

Multiple swings and thrusts from the swordsman failed to hit his opponent and a slight feeling of tiredness was building up, their fight had been going on for a while now and one mistake turned the tables around, a weak and slow, one armed thrust with the sword gave Fenrir the possibility of grabbing the sword with his muzzle.

Now it was different, the beast just launched his body forwards, pushing Athalus onto his back on the ground, holding his sword with one hand on the grip while his other hand was being cut by the two side sword.

The situation was dire for the smaller God and a lot of pain was coming from his limbs, but mainly from his hand that was being cut by the sword and just as it seemed it couldn't get more painful his opponent turned his head quickly, letting the sword cut deeper before throwing it next to them.

He started to feel the blood drench Fenrir's fur as he pushed against his chest, without success, but not only his blood was wetting their fur, the hit he managed to land cut the God of Domination.

Growling into his ear if he would make the wrong move and to warn him he was lying down to him.

The God of hatred was calming down slowly as he laid under the Feral God...having someones fur against his, it was a lot more fur that he had...even with undercoat...

What felt like a dangerous situation, at first, turned out to be...something else.

The dangerous opponent from before was no longer snarling...just breathing into his ear and licking it a bit, which sent shudders down his spine and the head coming from Fenrir didn't make it better, no it made it worse, something in his guts was feeling weird and contract, never had he felt something like this before.

Never had he have someone do this to him...

"I will dominate you are under my control and I don't care if you like what I will do to're mine, for now, ~" The dominating wolf whispered into his ear before continuing.

Athalus' breaths were quickening and he didn't know he did know what was happening.

He was getting aroused by this treatment...and it started to hurt a bit in his crotch as he was still wearing his he let out soft whines that were sounds he never did before and Fenrir received them...knowing just exactly what they meant.

Fenrir ignored them for now he had his attention turned towards the injured hand of the smaller God beneath him, he licked it with his giant tongue and eased the pain a lot.

Athalus sighed as it helped a lot, he didn't expect that kind of outcome, but instead of being just the one receiving he should give a bit back.

The other hand that wasn't injured moved to the neck of the giant wolf and began to caress the fur, his fingers going through was very soft and fluffy.

"I see you embrace what I am doing...hmm...that is good my sub-ordinate..."

What Athalus was doing seemed to be the right thing...going from a fight into a very intimidate cuddling session...a God of hatred cuddles with another God...oh if the others knew they would laugh at him, well maybe not, since hate and wrath are only his most prominent aspects.

He had a growing erection and was starting to whine because of the arousal building up, so the nose that he had began to dig into Fenrirs chest and inhale the smell that he had like from the beginning.

The natural smell of a wolf and the musk was what made it so amazing.

Although he was existing for at least 13 millennia now and he never thought about male intercourse, it was something that never crossed his mind and doing it just for fun was something he was unable to think of until that he was receiving such pleasure just by touching, by pressing his hot body against another muscular body.

Fenrir was finished with treating the wound and looked directly at the other...less feral wolf with a slight smirk.

"I can smell something that wants want attention...but I won't let you receive any unless you deserve it...I want a good fight, only that way you are worthy of filled with my seed.." He said as he sat up, onto the armored lap and let Athalus see what must be a giant feral wolf sheath with big balls...really big balls for mating...oh God it was getting hotter and hotter and his armor was very annoying.

"I will remove my armor, get off me..." Athalus said while he was kneading the chest fur of the bigger wolf and then he stopped and waited...he didn't actually move, in fact he pressed his body harder against him.

"GET OFF ME !" The smaller God shouted and grabbed the muscular and furred neck of the God of dominating and pulled it by the fur towards his left, it managed to actually give him the chance again to both hit Fenrir again into the face and get into position again.

A lot of tension was in the air, the room was full of their scents, various different scents and no denying some were of sexual nature and both could smell each others desire, but also battle-lust.

"Oh so you finally show some teeth...common give me a good fight !" Fenrir growled as even he had started to find himself getting aroused, the fur in his crotch was slightly getting wet and soaked as something emerged from the unused sheath.

That something between his legs was growing hard and emitted a lot of heat and a smell that could turn mortals into sex craving crazy beasts.

All of the arousal was becoming heavier as he could watch Athalus removing his armor and revealing his a muscled body of a wolf that he could be proud of. The eyes of the beast pierced through him like little poison daggers, he was enjoying the view of a smaller male, that was undressing just for him.

A body that belonged to only a descended of a God of war, muscular and Godly.

Even someone like Fenrir had his breath quicken as he watched something he enjoyed looking at, the sheath between the legs of his smaller 'friend' didn't make it it made it worse...a fight of dominance that way is what he always wanted. Sexual dominance was what he needed again.

"Oh...i see you are well packed for your size...too...oh it will be fun... pounding that body of yours..." He laughed in an evil but happy tone as he got ready to jump at the naked God of Fire who already was in a battle position, but no sword, this time....this time, it was a different kind of fight.

The muscles contracted and he launched into the air towards Athalus who did a similar thing.

Both muscular bodies collided and pushed against each other, their heads were next to each other, each of their muzzles was bearing fangs and growling at each other while nibbling the fur playfully as each other got into a sexual frenzy and a fight over dominance.

Their muzzled lick and bit into each others cheek fur and wetting it with saliva as Fenrir had his paws on Athalus' shoulders while he had grabbed the fur on the beasts back while the other one was fondling the fur on his chest and letting the fingers slide through the thick for of the God of Domination.

Athalus had gone from a submissive state to a perverted dominate state as they ravaged each others face with their tongues and their teeth.

And the smaller males cock was completely erect and squirting precum and drenching his fur in the liquid, so did Fenrir's fur.

But Fenrir's fur was thicker and so it was a lot more visible how the fur was a lot wetter where his enormous cock showed that also was dripping liquid, sometimes shooting it out of the fleshy prick, but a lot more compared to Athalus' cock, he was making a small puddle underneath him with every squirt already after a few moments as the fertile beast he was.

On behalf of his lust craving personality he pulled Fenrir to his right and with one leg under his, it caused the big wolf to fall over onto his back, the attacks still being as powerful as they were before their fight over dominance.

Athalus placed himself down and sat on his stomach, a giant cock now squirting precum on his back, but instead of saying anything like having dominated him he instead continue to lick bit and sniff the cheek of Fenrir while he made small thrusts into the already wet chest fur of the 'pillow' he was sitting on, his sheath stretched by its own cock and slightly swollen knot.

"Yes...lick my lips just like a submissive bitch..." Fenrir whispered into his ear as he was sure about his victory at the moment.

But Athalus was far from loosing instead of doing anything in submission, he was only getting started.

With a quick move, he pushed his muzzle against Fenrir's and with both maws opened he began to wrestle with the other tongue, both were enjoying it a lot and the bigger cock that was touching Athalus' back was becoming hotter and harder.

He broke the kiss and pushed his but back between cock and stomach to pull the skin even further back, it cause the larger God to hiss in pleasure as he could feel silk body fur against his cock.

One free hand was placed on the chest as the other one was used to fondle a big cock that was already wetting the ground as it has soaked Athalus' back fur and the fur on Fenrir's own crotch too.

Groaning filled the chamber, the groaning of a God that had been building up something for many millennia, something hot and sticky that belonged into someone else...a warm living body.

The whole scene was getting more erotic with every passing moment and the heat of each others body increased both pleasure and desire for one another.

Athalus was busy pleasuring himself with the fur of someone else, it was already drenched in musky and slick fluid which caused it to become lumpy, he pressed his cock against the bridge between chest and stomach, rubbing it against Fenrir and every thrust made it squirt precum, eventually some hit the God of Domination in the face.

"Mmm...go on..Athalus... I want your young body..."

So that is what he would be doing now...getting bred by another God with something that would put a horse to shame...but he can take it, he wont get any illness or any lasting effects of negative nature from what they were about to do.

No lubricant would be required as the cock was slimy and slick from the precum and it wasn't that thick..just as thick as a fist and so he took the tip into his hand and placed it at...well his backdoor.

He was sweating and shivering, never had he done something like this, it was exciting and nobody would have expected that of all the people, he would let another male breed him like this, willingly.

A short bit of shocked entered his body as he could feel the warm and slick tip that began to prod his butthole and with a lot of relaxation and time it began to slide into his rump.

"Ugh, shit..." Well to describe how It felt, there wasn't a lot of pleasure at the just was uncomfortable and his behind was clenching a bit too much.

More and more slid into him and after a while he seemed to get used to longer clenching, his muscle ring was tired and because there was no more contraction of muscles he could get started.

At all that time Fenrir stayed still and let Athalus get used to it, his paws over the shoulders of the kinda submissive male while licking the ears and face of him as they pressed their bodies against each other in an almost cuddly mess of fur.

Although each of them would be seen as terrifying by mortals as their forms represent one of the 'evil' aspects of humans they didn't look like the Gods the mortals knew, they looked like lovers, one being the top, the one with knowledge and the Experience who shows Athalus, the one who would be the bottom how to pleasure a male right.

In a way, it actually was his first time, with a male of course and what a male that was, a muscular feral wolf in the truest aspect of a wolf, Domination, a God that was strong and had knowledge about the old world.

Fenrir was attractive to say the least...

Finally, he could feel how the length that seemed intimidating, at first, had finally disappeared into him, it was pulsating and it felt so warm inside him that it was starting to feel good.

Just having it inside him felt good.

Where at first was not any pleasure at all, there soon was a build up and he could feel it in his whole body...but most importantly in his own groin. His cock was throbbing as his prostate was squeezed by the large intruder inside him, it caused his breath to become deeper and more unstable, which didn't help at all as his moans were frequent now and his gasps for air seemed to be regular.

It was starting to feel more and more dirty.

In Fenrir's perspective it wasn't a lot different now as it was back then, the males and females he mated mostly behaved just like Athalus did right now, whining and moaning in pleasure while he had to control himself not to hurt them with unexpected thrusts, but apparently he didn't have to thrust at all when he noticed that the smaller God began to bob his rump up and down, while leaving his head on the muscular furry chest with closed eyes, enjoying the licking and the little nibbles he received.

There was no resisting the pleasure and impossible to resist moaning to the long missing activity he

does now and he had to smirk when he looked at the face of Athalus, big blush and a slight smile on his face while he buried his canine maw into the thick fur of what might also be a giant pillow.

He could feel how the smaller mate inhaled his musk, his smell that was becoming more and more intoxicating as the mating progressed and it might seemed useless for certain Gods to have genitals and things like musk, it did not serve a lot of purpose but it was fun and after all, Gods could choose their appearance and their abilities and almost every God has genitals .

Maybe just for this purpose and maybe just to have fun.

And how much fun was it, well fun wasn't the right word...amazing was.

Never would he have felt such pleasure if it wasn't 'forced' upon him, although he didn't do anything against it.

Instead, he was working it, moving his hips up and down a giant beasts cock, while he inhaled the smell of it and kissed it occasionally.

Every thrust was making it more pleasurable, every thrust made it go deeper into his insides, touching his prostate and making him moan like a bitch in heat, which made his cock go harder and harder.

Their thrusts would continue and become harder and faster, both of their cocks had built up slight knots, meaning orgasm would be reached soon.

"Oh~ I'm a-almost there..." Athalus moaned as he rode his opponent and pushed himself harder and faster towards the edge while Fenrir was thrusting his hips against the cheeks of the God of Fire.

Their moans filled the chamber, full of desire and lust as each of them felt the orgasm come to them.

Everything went numb as his knots expanded fully, pulling his sheath back and ejaculated over Fenrir's chest and face while he was filled with fertile juices of a mighty god.

He had to bite into the fur and grab it with both paws while Fenrir's knots expanded, locking him in place with both of his mighty paws and a swelling and throbbing cock that filled him with sperm that would impregnate any mortal.

The orgasm both received was lasting a long time, around 12 seconds and each squirt of both cocks was like a mini orgasm afterwards.

Athalus could feel how he was pressed against the lower stomach by the powerful paws of his new...whatever he is.

He had let himself be dominated in an enjoyable way, still feeling how he was filled up with cum he moaned a bit and looked at Fenrir who was looking towards the ceiling of his chamber.

"So...are we allies now? I think I deserve to have you helping me..." He said with a strong voice again, like he didn't have a giant cock inside his ass only to get a response he kinda expected.

"You will pleasure me whenever I desire, my personal bitch, that is what you are to me...If you do that for me I think you can see me as...your higher ranked ally...."

Athalus smirked, that was a yes...and a little bit extra whenever he felt like he wanted some fun...

Gosh, i didnt know i could write so much hehe, please write critisism, ideas fornew stores and etc in the comments