Quest for the Wolf's Ass Episode 1

Story by Vikthefox on SoFurry

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#1 of Quest for the Wolf's Ass

A reality show where 10 gay furs compete for a one night stand with the host.

Author's Note: Thanks to my mate, my friends, my watchers, and my viewers. You guys rock! Inspired by houndlover56's Amazing Race and Gainer's Paradise series.

Quest for the Wolf's Ass: Episode 1

In a shitty white house located in a shitty town in Pennsylvania called Plymouth, ten gay furs gather in front of a grey wolf who is dressed in nothing but his red plaid boxers. The wolf sits on a cheap plastic chair from the dollar store and gazes at the ten furs seductively.

"Good evening, my name is Stash and I'm the host of this show. You've been chosen to compete for a one night stand with yours truly. Please introduce yourselves to the world", Stash said.

The first fur to speak up was a brown fox from Brooklyn named Mac. "Hello, my name is Mac and I'm a dom top. Your ass is mine Stash!", Mac said.

The next fur was a black cat wearing glasses from Dallas, PA named Melvin. "Um...hi...I joined this show because I want to lose my virginity before college," Melvin said, blushing like crazy.

After Melvin, a blue fox from Detroit, Michigan named Syke walked up to the cameras. "I'm Syke and I would love to fly in the mile high club with you Stash", Syke said.

A 400-pound brown bear from Oswego, NY named Oscar showed up next. "I'm Oscar and I kind of got on this show by accident, but whatever, I'm here for some fun", Oscar said with a wink. He was then nudged out of the way by a skinny black skunk from the Bronx with a dark blue stripe of fur instead of the usual white one.

"My name is Sal and I'm going to this win this competition, no matter what it takes", he said with an evil grin.

A red fox from Wilkes-Barre named Nick came up next. "I'm Nick and since Project Runway: Furry Edition got cancelled, I figure I'd try another show, so here I am. I'm just a chill fox from the W-B looking for a good time", Nick said.

Following him was a beige coyote from Cactusville in the Coyote empire. "Hey dudes my name Heissman and I'm Kuhlman VIII's brother. I'm winning this for you bro!", he said.

After him was a grey husky from Edinburgh, Scotland. "Hey my name is Tommy and I'm here to win! I'm gonna be the one who fucks the wolf up the arse!", Tommy said.

He was followed by a dark grey wolf from Heidelberg, Germany. "Hello, my name is Dieter and I came here because...this is the only show like this in the world, let's put it that way", Dieter said.

Finally, a white wolf took to the cameras to introduce himself. "Last but not least, my name is Noel and I'm from Anchorage, Alaska. All I have to say on!", he said.

"Now that introductions are out of the way, you can all move into your rooms, well those who have rooms anyway. There are only three bedrooms in this house and one of them is mine. The other two have two beds each which means the rest of you will have to sleep in the living room. Don't worry, we'll give you six sleeping bags to make things more comfortable. I will do a random drawing from a hat to determine who gets the beds and who gets the sleeping bags", Stash said. A crew member, white fox, then hands him a yankees baseball cap containing ten pieces of paper with the contestants names written on them. Stash then reaches into the hat and pulls out a name.

"The first person to get a bed is...Nick", Stash said.

"Yay!", Nick said with glee. Sal glared at him.

Stash then drew another name, "Tommy. You and Nick will sleep in the first bedroom on the left upstairs", Stash said. Tommy smiled with delight and Sal looked at him in anger, starting to get nervous about his chances of getting a bed.

"Lucky number three is...", Stash said before drawing the next name,"...Melvin."

"Thank you", Melvin said. Sal gave him a dirty look too, growing more anxious.

"And finally...Oscar gets a bed", Stash said.

"Sweet", Oscar said.

"What the fuck?! He's so fat, he'll probably break the god damned bed!", Sal thought to himself. He gave Oscar a nasty look and Oscar fired one right back at him.

"The rest of you will have to sleep in sleeping bags. I'll give you guys some time to set yourselves up and get to know each other before dinner", Stash said. The lucky four: Nick, Tommy, Melvin, and Oscar went upstairs with their suitcases and saw their bedrooms. The walls were decorated with orange and yellow wallpaper and the "beds" were just mattresses with blankets and no bed frame.

"This is the cheapest reality show ever", Nick said.

"Yeah. Stash is no Toner, that's for sure", Oscar said.

"I've seen worse", Tommy said, not bothered.

"I thought we would get our own rooms", Melvin said.

Nick, Oscar, Tommy, and Melvin then unpacked their suitcases and waited for dinner to be served.

"Oscar, can I ask you something?", Melvin said.

"Sure, Melvin", Oscar responded.

"You said you came here by accident. Why is that?", Melvin asked.

"I wanted to go on a show called 'Gainer's Paradise', but I made a wrong turn somewhere and I ended up at the auditions for here instead of there. By the time I realized my mistake, it was too late, so I decided to go through with this show. I love eating the most, but I enjoy sex too, so I'm sure I'll still have fun if I win. But yeah, I wanted to be a gainer and became a...quester instead", Oscar said.

"I see", Melvin said.

Meanwhile in the living room, the unfortunate six were disappointed that they had to sleep in sleeping bags. They got the bags set up, but with no closets or dressers, they had to leave their clothes in their suitcases. This eliminated the need to unpack, but they still had to wait for dinner. Everyone talked amongst themselves to pass the time, except for Sal, who "didn't come here to make friends". Mac was the most social of the bunch and wanted to make friends with everyone, even Sal.

"Hey Sal, what's up?", Mac said.

"Hi", Sal said, slightly annoyed.

"So...what do you do for fun, aside from sex", Mac said.

"I like watching tv", Sal said.

"Cool. Do you watch the Amazing Race with Toner as the host?", Mac asked.

"Yes, I like that show a lot. My favorite team is Hans and Claudia", Sal said.

"Oh? I liked the Frat bros from season 2 the best", Mac said.

The next day, the contestants gathered in the living room to hear Stash give out the first challenge.

"Good morning boys. Today we have our first challenge. It's a race on foot to the finish line where you will find your next challenge", Stash said.

Stash then opened the front door and said, "the finish line is at Happy's Pizza on Main street across from the library. On your mark, get set, go!", Stash said.

The ten furs then ran out of the house and onto the street. Sal was in the lead with Mac in a close second. Mac made it to Happy's first where Stash gave him the next challenge.

"Welcome Mac. I like a man who can eat, so you're next challenge is to eat an entire large pizza. Last one to finish is going home", Stash said.

"This will be easy", Mac said. Mac was then lead to a table where a waitress gave him his pizza.

Sal made it next followed by Noel, Tommy, Nick, and Heissman. Oscar, Melvin, Dieter, and Syke were 2 blocks away.

"What is this the Amazing Race?", Oscar said, panting.

They eventually made it with Dieter getting there first followed by Syke, Melvin, and Oscar in last.

Oscar was panicking about being in last until he heard this next challenge was an eating challenge. He sat down at the table and dug in.

"Done", Sal said with a smug look on his face.

2nd place: Mac

Third: Tommy

Fourth: Noel

Fifth: Heissman

Sixth: Nick

Seventh: Oscar

Eight: Dieter

Melvin and Syke were tied for last, each of them only had one more piece left. Syke got as far as the crust, but could go no further because he was too stuffed. Melvin struggled to eat more, but he pushed himself until finally he finished the last piece.

"9th place goes to Melvin, which means're going back to Detroit", Stash said.

"Aww man", Syke said, "do I get a consolation prize?"

"You get nothing. Good day sir", Stash said.

"This is bullshit", Syke said before storming out.

The remaining nine contestants breathed a collective sigh of relief, but what challenge awaits them next? Find out next time on "Quest for the Wolf's Ass"!