Chapter Five: Surprises are for the Patient

Story by Kailas on SoFurry

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#5 of Beast of Feeling

Be forewarned, there's pointless sex in this one. Enjoy for those of you that do like it! :D * * *

Chapter Five

  • * * "I'm sorry my dear. How I wish I could explain it all to you, but you wouldn't understand anyway," he spoke to the still form of his mate as he stroked her cheek. He reached down and removed the sleeping dart, half tangled in her fur from where she had scratched at it. He was still amazed. Here she was, in full Were form on a night that wasn't the full moon. How the Hell was that even possible? So many other questions; who was she, was she pregnant, did she want him? He shook his head, warding them off as best he could. If things went right he planned on having all of these questions answered. She was considerably larger than him now, at least a foot or two more and far more muscular than he. It made carrying her quite the chore and he had to take frequent breaks, but he continued to tell himself it would all be worth it in the end. He would finally get to know who she was. That thought alone drove him to work faster and harder. It took him more than an hour to finally move her to the cabin he had found for the occasion. He had brought many things he might find useful; tranquilizer darts and a gun for them, silver shackles, leather restraints and a number of other useful items. He carefully sprawled her limp form on the bed before binding her snout shut. Then paws were tugged behind her along with feet, each tied and bound tightly before a chain was sent to attach all four limbs together behind her back. He laid her on her stomach, head facing the foot of the bed as he sent two more chains running across the entire bed and her massive frame, securely roping her to the mattress. Lyko had just finished tightening the last chain when he heard the groan from her. Bleary eyes opened to see him standing before her, same appreciative smile on his face, waiting silently for her to notice her situation. It didn't take more than a few seconds before she was growling and throwing herself about. He quickly had to add a couple of chains to keep the bed attached to the floor. Lyko could have knocked her out then and there, but what of the future? Every night he wasn't in Were form he would have to knock her out? Surely not. There had to be some way to get through to her. So he once again initiated ritual, jaws sinking into her neck after his claws pleasurably raked her form. She grew still again, snorting in displeasure as she attempted the pose once more. Her legs could only spread a little as tail went high. There was nothing more the restraints would allow her to do. But it was enough. His nose was still so sensitive to her scent that the simple movement of her tail sent that arousing aroma surging through him. Tying her up had been enough to get his cock poking out of its sheath; now it was fully erect and throbbing as he moved to one side of the bed. His claws raked along her back to the pleasurable growls of his mate before seizing the base of her tail. Her body jerked at the motion. He squeezed gently, knowing well enough that it was often a sensual place on any of their kind. She was no different. A muffled groan of pleasure left her as he continued the light squeezing. The other paws massaged across the tight muscles of her rump, slowly squeezing into the crack to give a tentative push to the puckered ring. She growled her displeasure. For the moment he abided by her wishes, fingers moving further down to feel and touch at the folds. He felt across every inch with a smile, watching her large form squirm with glee as he pressed against that sensitive clit. She was wet enough by the time he had felt at her. A few flicks with a claw at that nub of flesh and her hips were bucking, even squirting pre against the head board. His paw was soon replaced by his snout, taking in her scent to make sure it was still only hers and his own. Indeed it was. His scent was very faint by now, but still ever present on her form. He gave a few, warm licks to her womanhood, enjoying the muffled moan. But as soon as his snout was there it was gone. With determination he moved to the front of the bed, untying the lock on her snout. Much to his surprise she didn't snap or bite, but actually whined. His ears perked at the sound, head tilting. Surely this was not normal. They weren't supposed to mate again yet, just the check and they would split until the next night. Again and again until the night when the pups came, that's how it always went. But that whine of hers sent a chill down his spine. He knew what was implied behind it, what she was asking for. A light, devious smile played across his lips as he thought of the implications. Oh, yes. This could certainly be fun. Lyko carefully slid on the bed in front of her, grasping at his member and pressing the tip against her snout with a harsh, commanding growl. She had done the same to him; he wanted complete and utter submission before he even thought of her needs. The thought of what this implied was obviously distasteful to her. Her lips flowed back and those dark eyes looked at him with such menace that he second guessed putting such a sensitive part of himself into a ravenous female's maw. But even as that thought crossed his mind her tongue was already out and tentatively lapping at the tip. A sigh of pleasure left him at even such a simple action. He slowly pressed forward, her mouth willingly opening wider to take in his size. Her tongue rolled pleasantly along the bottom of the throbbing cock, lips rolled carefully over her teeth to keep from hurting him. Then she started sucking. Oh, what force she had! A truly heavenly experience! It was with such skill that he gasped and shot forward paws landing on either side of her, teeth clenched and legs spreading, instinctively bucking in and out of her maw with an ever increasing pace. Lyko had planned on a much longer evening for himself, but he hadn't expected the intensity of her mouth! In a matter of moments he felt his body tensing all over. Every muscle went tight in anticipation as the fire within him burned, swelling deep inside his member. And with one last, forceful thrust he buried himself as deep as possible in her snout. He could feel the back of her warm throat as she gave a muffled sound. Then the seed came through, coating her throat with every heated burst and quick thrust of his hips. Shot after shot until he actually feared he might make her choke. With regret he finally pulled himself free to a thankful gasp from his mate who had been dutiful enough to swallow as much as she could. Now she received even more as the last to shots of his seed shot across her snout and face, soaking that thin snout of hers in a matter of seconds. She had certainly already earned her reward. He shifted off of the bed, licking his fingers in readiness as he came to the side of the bed once more. Her legs were still spread and ready. With one paws squeezing at the base of her tail he lined the other with her womanhood. He barely even prodded her before plunging a couple of fingers in. Her body jerked at the sudden action, hot walls clenching so tightly at him that his groan mingled with her own sound of sheer pleasure. He pumped harshly in and out of her body, the tip of his next finger pressing in carefully with each fast, deep thrust, working further and further in. All the while his thumb grew ever closer to that waiting clit. And she didn't disappoint. Even though it couldn't have been as pleasurable as his cock she was moaning with happiness and heated need. Her scent rose stronger than ever, not hidden by his urine as it was in their last encounter. He happily took it all in, each squirming movement of her body, each delectable sound and scent. His thumb reached its destination. Faster than he even thought possible he had that digit flicking back and forth across that hot, swollen nub. Her body jerked and bucked against the restraints, the guttural moans shaking the very walls of the room. Lyko grinned on as he felt her walls clenching so tightly about him, her screech of a moan music to his ears when he finally added his last digit. They pumped mercilessly at her as his thumb tickled at her clit. She was quick to rouse too, for in a matter of moments her body was stiffening, those tight walls clenching tighter than ever. As quickly as they had tightened they loosened again with a sharp, deep moan of the greatest pleasure. He swiftly removed his fingers upon the sound, leaning in close to watch against as those harsh shots of come sailed through the air and landed on the headboard, a deep growl of satisfaction leaving his lips as they slowed and finally just dripped downward, coating the fur of her thighs. Her body slowly went lax against the restraints, eyes half closed as she let out a deep sound of appreciation. Especially as he cleaned her off again, lapping between those thighs and drying her as much as possible. Then his snout was next to her own, lapping off the leftover juices of their lovemaking. Her eyes were closed and she seemed asleep as ever. It was only then that he noticed the lightening haze outside; morning would be coming soon. He figured after such an eventful night and dawn on its way they would be safe and she would be a Hell of a lot more comfortable if he rid her of her restraints. Carefully he moved about the bed, undoing her from the bed and the bed from the floor. Then he finally undid all of her paws, leaving her fully of her own, sprawled upon the soft cushions. She only stayed like that for a few seconds. Eyes suddenly flashed open, body in a crouch as she made a haphazard leap for the window. But Lyko was there in an instant, his own body sailing through the air and slamming against her side, sending her with a thud against the far wall. The female howled with rage, paws thrusting beneath his arms as she rose, holding him a foot above the ground and away from her form as claws began to sink into his flesh. His paws dug into her shoulders as he leaned forward, not to give an authoritative bite, but instead a tiny lick to her nose. Her face jerked back from the gesture, surprise and confusion in her eyes. One soft, light sound left him. A whimper with one simple message; don't leave me. Those cold eyes locked with his own, snarl wide as ever and growl just as fierce. But, slowly, she lowered him to the ground. Those clenching claws released him completely, but the glare told him not to push her any further or attempt to touch her. Her breaths rose swiftly as she stared at the window, fingers flexing as that small, instinctive brain fought itself. But who won the fight would never be determined, for she simply ran out of time. A deep groan left her as eyes rolled into her head, the forced magical sleep of the dawn suddenly taking over. Lyko caught her limp form, carefully moving her to lay on the bed. He couldn't help but smile at seeing her fully in the light. An imposing, gorgeous figure even when asleep. And her colors! He had never had the chance to see them before. A soft beige made most of her coloring, soft rings of white around those entrancing eyes along with a dark brown streak that started at the top of her head and ran all the way to the tip of her tail. He also noted that dark brown around her paws, almost like elegant gloves. But the image didn't last long. He leaned in on the bed, claws gripping at the sheets with intensity as he watched on. The imposing form slowly shrank as her fur grew shorter and shorter and was gone. Gone? He always kept his fur. Perhaps she was a scaled creature of some sort. Wait, it wasn't all gone. Some stayed on her head and in fact grew! The snout and feet began to disappear next. He had to force himself to breath as she began to take on the telltale signs of a human. But surely not the one he had been fantasizing about.. In seconds the snout was gone, those sizable muscles disappearing all across her body and leaving only a shadow of her former, menacing self. But he didn't dare get his hopes up, not until it was entirely certain. And only a few minutes later did he find it to be true; the sleek form of Kailas now lay before him. Lyko couldn't move, couldn't even begin to comprehend. Instead he took in the silent moment for a few seconds, admiring just how calm the usually fierce woman looked when she slept. Then it all hit him in a rushing wave of excitement, bubbling up so forcefully he couldn't contain it. "Kailas!" he shouted, paws moving to her shoulders and sitting her upright, "Kailas, I can't believe it's you!"