A shocking transformation

Story by Eric_S on SoFurry

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#5 of The World of Music

Sometimes it's better to keep your mouth shut than risk the wrath of a unicorn

Hey everyone, Eric_S here again. Been forever since I've released anything mostly due to a combination of uni, work and other factors including starting things but never finishing them. Feel so rusty but hope you all enjoy this.

Song of inspiration - Black Magic Woman

Artist - Fleetwood Mac/Santana

"Man it's so hard to see you these days you know. You need to stop spending so much time with Ruth. Shit with the guys isn't the same without you,"

"I know Zach, I know. It's just that she's... very persuasive,"

For the past few months Zachary had been trying to catch up with Tyler but the dragon was always either working or spending time with his girlfriend. Now that he had finally managed to get him away from the unicorn for once, Zach now had a moment to actually speak his mind on a few different matters. Stirring his coffee a bit before taking a sip, the fox composed himself a bit before relaying something which some of their other friends had said.

"Look I know you love her and all but come on dude. You gotta spend some more time with the guys and stuff. The pub crawls and stuff just isn't the same without you tanking those drinks like no tomorrow,"

"Things have changed Zach. You know the drinking's not good for me. Don't want to get any long term liver damage,"

Zach rolled his eyes as he took another swig of the drink in front of him. Despite the same thing being told to him by his mother, the arctic fox failed to seemingly care about this little inconvenience if it meant that he couldn't have fun with his friends. What harm did the occasional tipple have in the grand scheme of things anyhow? It's not like he was getting wasted every waking moment of his life.

"Yeah mate whatever you say bro. You gotta come out drinking with us again though. The meets at the Brass Monkey aren't the same without you is all. And besides one drink isn't gonna kill you,"

Tyler bit his tongue as he idly stirred the empty cup in front of him. Despite having been determined not to get caught in the centre between any conflicts between his friends and his girlfriend there had been more than one occasion where one had won out over the other which lead to a lot of problems later. Judging from the insistence that Zach was giving off the dragon was more than certain that agreeing to these plans would cause problems in the next few weeks.

"Alright then," Tyler sighed, "Just tell me when and I'll see if I can pencil it in,"

Being the very insistent fox that he was, Zach made it own personal quest to get the dragon to come out to the many social events which either he or his friends had organized. It would be a good month before they met up again but it was more due to Tyler wanting to keep the fox happy than wanting to be there out of choice. He was effectively dodging something very important in order to even attend and if Ruth ever discovered just what he was doing there would definitely hell to pay.

"Hey dragonbutt you made it! Here I got something for you already!"

Within moments of simply setting foot inside the door of the Brass Monkey, Tyler was met with a slightly tipsy fox handing him a glass full of something he wasn't entirely sure of. Taking it without a second thought, Tyler stared at the contents a little as Zach started to drag him inside.

"The others were waiting for you to arrive,"

With the dragon in tow, Zach quickly found his two friends who were idly chatting next to a small table, a half empty bowl of nuts between them.

"Tristan, Josh guess who finally turned up!" Zach giggled, taking a swig of his half finished beer. The hyena and the wolf briefly turned from their conversation to wave at the pair before returning to their chat, seemingly more interested in the world of business than anything else at this point in time.

"Hey guys, long time no see huh?" Tyler nervously chuckled as he placed his untouched drink on the table and took a seat in one of the nearby unoccupied chairs. The background ambient music seemed to relax the tense dragon a little but the inherent fear of being caught out played in the back of his mind. While the dragon's girlfriend would have preferred him to stay home that night, Tyler had managed to spin a rather elaborate lie which he had hoped would have prevented him from getting caught out. Though that said there were more than a few rumours about unicorns actually having magical powers and that their horns were more than just for show.

"Yeah I know right? Well to be honest we haven't had much time to be out of the office either unfortunately. This is the first night off we've had in months and even then it's still work, work, work," Tristan chuckled as he sipped at his drink, "How have you and Ruth been anyhow? No major relationship troubles just yet I hope,"

Tyler glanced around nervously as he sniffed the drink that Zach had given him. When he convinced himself that it was nothing dangerous he took a sip and found that the odd coloured liquid was likely some strange cider which he had never tasted before. Zach laughed heartily as he slapped the dragon on the back, causing him to cough as he inhaled some of the brew accidentally.

"Ha this Casanova have relationship issues? You know that's never gonna happen! You can barely tear him away from her!" the fox smirked as he took another swig of his drink.

"How much have you had to drink since you got here?" Tyler asked, a cold chill starting to run down his spine.

"Not too much... perhaps a drink... or... three," Zach responded, a slight hint of hesitation in his voice as he thought about how much money had had dropped at the bar already. Tyler shook his head ruefully as he tried his best to ignore the more than tipsy fox sitting next to him. Tyler had always been the caretaker of the group and while both Tristan and Josh had eventually matured and were taking more responsibility over their lives, the fact that Zach hadn't still frustrated him for no good reason.

"Just why are you here anyhow? I thought you said that you weren't available today over Skype," Josh asked, the wolf leaning forward to take a few nuts from the bowl in front of them, "You said you had something important on,"

Tyler scratched the nape of his neck ruefully as the sensation of guilt tingled down his spine once more.

"I uh... I kinda bailed... on anniversary night... I mean don't get me wrong I organised stuff for the day, just came out for this small thing is all," the dragon admitted. Tristan and Josh exchanged concerned looks with each other much to the obliviousness of Zach who had bounced off to get another drink.

"Dude... get the fuck outta here and back to Ruth. You do not want to fuck this up anymore than you already have. I know Zach wanted to see you really badly but now is not the time to screw around," the hyena hissed, "Get your ass back to her otherwise you'll go through what Josh did last year"

The event in question was something the wolf wanted to forget as it ended in a great humiliation and his girlfriend at the time leaving him without a second thought. Ever since then Josh had become extremely bitter about any mention of his ex.

"Well uh... if you say so mate... give Zach my regards I guess," Tyler mumbled as he quickly took his leave, leaving the two others to break the news to the fox.

If the dragon was hoping that he would have gotten away with his little escapade then he was fresh out of luck as Ruth found out very quickly what he was up to. While she was a little cross with Tyler for ditching them on their anniversary she was more interested in exerting her revenge on Zach when she found out that he was the reason as to why Tyler had ditched her that evening. The fox was still much of an enigma to her given how Zach and herself rarely got along even when in the company of others. Through enough coaxing, Ruth had not only managed to deduce a lot more about Zach than expected but had come up with a very nice plan for having ruined their plans.

Putting some wax on her horn, she noticed the concerned look on Tyler's wary face as she finished doing up her hair.

"Is this really necessary? So he fucked up, it was mostly my fault," the dragon asked, wringing his hands partly out of nervousness.

"I just want to let him know not to slight me like this in future. Nothing more. We're just going to have a talk. I'm not going to do anything to him unless he instigates it first,"

It didn't take long for Ruth to find the fox eating his lunch by himself, a textbook sitting on a bench next to him as he took a bite out of his sandwich. Looking up from his meal, he mumbled something incoherently but with a slight taste of hostility in his tone. Looking up at the unicorn which was now standing over him, Zach swallowed the food in his mouth as he narrowed his eyebrows at Ruth. "Is there a problem? You're blocking my light," he grumbled as squinting a little.

"Zach we need to talk," Ruth growled at him, her horn starting to sparkle slightly as her hair billowed with the wind.

"Look if this was about the other night I didn't know what was going on. You can surely spare one night without seeing him," Zach responded, waving a paw in a dismissive fashion.

"It was our anniversary!"

"And you ruined a nice night out so what's the difference?"

The hair on Ruth's neck bristled with fury as she stared daggers at the fox in front of her. It was becoming very obvious that she would have greater luck knocking down a cement wall with her fists than actually convince him that what he did was wrong. Her horn started to glisten slightly with magic as one thought after another ran through her head. While something that was far beyond Ruth's control, Tyler had learned the hard way that the moment this started to happen was the time that you backed down and left quickly. The unicorn did have an explosive temper at times meaning it was best to not annoy her too much. Zach however could barely notice the difference against the harsh sunlight however as he turned his attention back to the sandwich in front of him.

"Come back when you get the sand out your pussy. I have stuff that needs doing," Zach hissed as he turned his gaze back down to his book, taking a bite out of his sandwich as a sign to show he was no longer interested in conversation.

"I'll get you for this Zachary Taylor even if it's the last thing I do!" Ruth hissed before turning tail and walking off in the opposite direction.

If Ruth had intended to intimidate Zach that day it didn't seem to have much of an effect on him as he went about his daily activities without a second thought. Tyler had been exceedingly uneasy however ever since that day and was more than a little nervous when he met up with the fox for coffee a few weeks later. When the topic eventually came to the dragon's girlfriend, Tyler suddenly became a lot more guarded, viewing the conversation with a little more caution than usual.

"Man you know Ruth is such a bitch right?"

"Uh Zach I wouldn't speak ill of Ruth if I were you. The walls have ears you know and she does practice black magic of sorts,"

Zach snorted with disbelief at his friend's superstition. Normally Tyler was a very logical individual so it confused Zach that he would believe in such a thing.

"Oh come on you don't actually believe that bullshit do you? I can't believe you of all people would get suckered in by that voodoo black magic crap," Zach scoffed, wiggling his fingers for added effect

"Dude its real man. She... can grow a cock with a spell. Saves on having to get a strap on I'll tell you,"

Zach reeled at the thought of his friend having a cock up his ass. Not that he had any real problem with the idea of anal sex but it was the idea of a guy being on the receiving end no less from a female that seemed to make him uncomfortable for some reason.

"Look I don't want to know what kind of freaky sex you have with her but you gotta agree that she is a massive cunt at times right? She hates the fuck outta me right about now,"

Tyler gave him a look of both surprise and shock as the potential consequences ran through his mind. There was no doubt that the unicorn did not take insults lightly and the different opportunities that could arise were almost endless.

"What did you say to her? Please tell me you didn't insult her or say something dumb," Tyler groaned.

"I told her to get the sand out of her vagina and to stop being such a cunt about it"

Shaking his head, the dragon took a good swig of his drink before letting out a sigh. He had a rough idea of just what might happen to his friend but wasn't sure if he wanted to suggest what might happen to him. A part of him wanted Zach to suffer whatever misfortune Ruth had in mind for him but another part of him didn't want to either. Going against what he considered his better judgement he picked up his cup and stretched slightly before gesturing to the door.

"Well I certainly hope you know what you're doing Zach. You know she isn't gonna take this lightly. Come on I gotta head back to work," he mumbled before shuffling towards the door.

A little perplexed about why Tyler seems so concerned about his wellbeing Zach left their meet up more confused than anything else. The dragon was not normally superstitious and Zach was more than certain that he was making the whole witch thing up to try and scare him. Out of all their friends he was the most hostile towards her mostly because he honestly thought that she was a bad influence on the dragon, moulding him to suit whatever stupid things she believed in. As he retired to bed that night he started to wonder if perhaps he was being a little too hard on her. Surely she wasn't as bad as he made her out to be.

"Nah, what am I thinking. A witch... what nonsense," he mumbled to himself as he fell asleep.

His dreams were filled with oddities that night as his normal dreams of self insertion into video games were replaced with ones of him living as a female. While he did manage to sleep properly Zach woke up a little more confused than usual as he tried to understand just what had happened to him. Stumbling out of bed and into the bathroom he lowered his pyjama bottoms and started to urinate. Confused by the lack of sound of liquid on porcelain he looked down and it took him a few seconds before noticing the lack of a penis in front of him. Letting out a screech of surprise he kicked aside his pyjama bottoms as he fell to the ground in utter shock. He blinked a few times as he stared down at the mound in front of him, his cock and balls now all but gone and replaced with a vulva and clitoris.

"Okay... this... I must still be dreaming," he mumbled to himself, "I am totally still a male and this must have been a result of what I ate last night. I don't have tits so I must be a dude... a dude with a cunt,"

Shakily getting to his feet, Zach rinsed his face and muzzle in the sink, splashing the water against his face in the hopes that it was indeed all a dream. Looking down again he didn't notice any difference and if nothing else it looked like it was getting all puffy and engorged downstairs. Hesitantly he reached down and ran a few fingers against his new pussy lips before dipping a finger inside. Letting out a lustful moan his knees buckled a little as he pulled his fingers out, a little of his own fluids coating his fingers as he panted slightly.

"Oh god it's real.. fuck I gotta go see a doctor about this," he uttered as he hobbled to the phone, trying to avoid letting his thighs rub up against his groin which was now burning with a desire to be filled.

A mere two hours later soon saw Zach waiting awkwardly in the waiting room trying his best not to let his predicament get the better of him. The walk over was excruciating given that every step had his thighs constantly rubbing against his groin which wasn't helping the constant state of arousal he happened to be in. He was almost certain that he had a blush on his face when he spoke to the receptionist who did give him a bit of an odd look as he carefully sat down. The sound of the radio and a pair of children playing on the ground did little to distract his mind as he swayed slightly back and forth in his chair. One by one the other patients were called forward as the waiting room emptied and filled in a cycle.

"Zachary Taylor? Come through please,"

Shuffling forward out of his chair he stared at the ground as he slowly trudged into the doctor's office, wondering just how he would explain himself. Despite being his doctor for his entire life Zach still felt a little hesitant to explain himself to Dr. Rotchford given his new sudden change in circumstances. The lion had been around for a long time yet still seemed to have a good mix of young and older patients which surprised him to be honest given that a lot of other doctors seemed to prefer one over the other.

"So what can I do for you today my boy? I certainly hope you are taking the vitamins like I suggested the last time I saw you,"

Zach shrunk into the chair slightly as his mind raced to come up with an answer. Why couldn't he simply spit it out like every other time he saw the doctor?

"I um... yeah I've started on them. It's just that uh... well... I kinda got this problem... down there," Zach mumbled, his face flushing a bright shade of pink. Dr. Rotchford's facial expression didn't change one bit as he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, his voice dropping a tone as a slightly more serious tone took hold.

"You are using protection whenever you're having sex right?" the lion asked.

"Well yes but this is uh... some... something else I guess? It's really um... embarrassing,"

Dr. Rotchford let out a quiet chuckle as he turned to his computer screen and typed up a few notes.

"Zachary my boy I've been practicing medicine for almost a good thirty years now. Nothing you show me will surprise me. Though I will admit the time that you came in with all those different coloured lipstick rings around your penis was very unique,"

Zach fidgeted a little as he was reminded of that event a few years ago which had scared him quite a bit despite everyone else in school doing it at the time. While not normally one to be under the influence of peer pressure the thought of getting laid was more than enough to convince him to try it despite causing him all that alarm.

"Well... uh if you um say so," Zach gulped as he stood up and dropped his pants. Turning back to face the fox, Dr. Rotchford's almost shocked expression said millions as he stared at Zach's apparently feminine groin. He blinked a few times before rubbing his eyes, wondering if he was merely seeing things or if what was in front of him was indeed real.

"Okay uh... I've never seen anything like this before," the lion responded as he continued to type up some notes into his computer, "Please take a seat on the bed for me,"

Turning behind him, Zach hopped onto the bed, the scent of his arousal making him feel a little dizzy as he watched Dr. Rotchford pull on a latex glove and spread a little bit of lubrication over it.

"Now uh... this is normally something I wouldn't do but the medical literature never mentioned anything like this before," the doctor continued as he approached Zach with a confused look on his face, "I want to make sure that nothing is abnormal if that makes any sense to you,"

Zach nodded his understanding as he would currently accept any test or investigation that would explain his sudden change in his genitals.

"Now just relax and I'll try and do this as quickly as possible," Dr. Rotchford sighed as he slowly inserted one finger followed up by another. Zach let out a lusty gasp as his desire for something to fill his pussy was suddenly granted. Tensing almost subconsciously, he clapped his paws around his muzzle to avoid from moaning too loudly as the doctor went about poking and prodding around inside of him.

"Hrmm... interesting... the rugae are almost like any other female, external features are exactly the same... I wonder if there is a cervix as well,"

Zach could barely pay attention to the doctor's musings as he silently desired for something a little bigger to be inserted inside of him. It was nothing like anything he had ever experienced before and he started to wonder if this was what every girl felt when he was inside of them. If that was the case then he simply could not understand why so many of them found it so hard to orgasm. The desire to play with his clit pulsed strongly in his mind as his body trembled slightly, trying to stave off the sensations of pleasure and enjoyment that was coursing up and down his spine. He shouldn't be enjoying this as much as he was.

"This is incredible, I wonder if there is a G spot,"

With a subtle flick of his wrist and a few gentle rubbings, Zach felt himself get pushed over the limit as his pupils constricted and his body tensed up significantly. Letting out a loud almost feminine moan his pussy gripped the two fingers inside of him tightly as he rode out the most intense orgasm he had ever experienced in his life, squirting a little right onto Dr. Rotchford's surprised face, forcing him to pull his fingers out in shock. Collapsing onto the bed, panting from the exertion Zach slowly composed himself as he tried to get the feeling back into his limbs.

"I... I'm sorry doc," he moaned, "I don't know what happened there,"

"Well either way that explains everything I needed to know," Dr. Rotchford responded as he reached for a tissue to clean his face off, "You have a fully functioning set of female genitals right there and you did experience probably the most powerful orgasm I have ever seen. I want to take some blood tests as well just to check your hormone levels too. It certainly is a unique thing let me tell you,"

Handing the dazed fox his pants, Zach almost drunkenly put them on before slumping back into the chair next to the doctor, his legs feeling almost like jelly as the burning desire in his groin started to slowly recede.

"Well what can I do about the horniness in the meantime?" he asked.

Dr. Rotchford shrugged his shoulders as he finalised the paperwork on his computer, "Well I've never had to tell anyone to masturbate before as a medical treatment to help with arousal but probably start there and see how you go? Take this form and go get some blood taken. I'll see you when I get the results,"

Taking the piece of paper with the blood test request on it, Zach stumbled out of the doctor's office, a little confused as to what he could potentially do to fix this issue.

As he made his way home, his face flush as the itching desire to be filled once more resurfaced in his mind, Zach stared at Tyler's number in his contact list. While he was certain that this was Ruth's doing, the fox hoped that Tyler could at least have some luck in getting the unicorn to change him back. There was no way that he could do it himself, especially not after he had insulted her recently again. Pulling out his phone as he got into his car, he slowly tapped in Tyler's number, hoping that the dragon had a spare moment.

"Zach? Not right now... I'm in a meeting,"

"Tyler damnit this is important! I've got a pussy now instead of a dick!"

A brief moment of silence passed as Tyler started to digest this new piece of information.

"Say what?" came the response.

"I've got a pussy! I'm surprised I don't have tits at this point as well!"

"Drop by my place after 7... I have to see this for myself,"

The next hours were an absolute torture for Zach as he waited outside the dragon's front door. While not entirely sure of what time Tyler actually finished work, this didn't stop him from getting there significantly earlier than asked. His mind was giddy from his constant state of arousal and to him it was a wonder that he could walk properly let alone speak coherently.

"Come on open the damn door already!" he thought bitterly to himself as he hopped from one leg to another. Hearing the door knob turn next to him, the fox barged past the dragon, shoving him to the side as he made his way to the living room.

"This had better be impressive Zach... there is no way that Ruth has the power to make you a girl," Tyler hissed as he flopped onto his couch, obviously drained from working that day.

"Don't believe me? Then explain this," Zach growled as he dropped his shorts. Tyler stared on in shock as he looked at the fox's groin and the notable absence of anything that would resemble a male. Unbeknownst to Zach, the dragon did have a thing for cuntboys and the fact that he was now seeing one in front of him was inflaming his senses with a lust he thought he would never have thought of having for his friend.

"Holy shit dude... is that real?" Tyler asked as he kneeled in front of Zach to get a closer look.

"Of course it's fucking real! Do you have any idea how many things I ruined today because of how horny I was? I can't use half of my vegetables now!"

Leaning in, Zach felt his knees buckle slightly as the sensation of Tyler's warm breath on his groin made him gasp slightly. As a blush started to form on his face, the fox looked down at the dragon now seemingly entranced by what he saw in front of him.

"Hey what are you doing?" Zach demanded as he saw Tyler's tongue start to reach out towards him.

"So hot... I must have it," the dragon murmured as he placed his hands on Zach's hips before giving the fox a lick. The sensation sent tingles up and down Zach's spine as he felt Tyler start to go to town on his pussy lips. Stifling a moan he started to pant a little as he pushed Tyler's muzzle against his groin, wanting to feel more of the powerful sensations of the dragon's tongue.

"Fuck don't stop," Zach mumbled as he felt Tyler's tongue lap against his pussy lips before flicking against his clit a few times. Grinning slightly, Tyler gently pulled back a little before sliding in a finger, flicking his tongue against Zach's clit at the same time.

"You're so wet right now... you know that right?" the dragon smirked before adding a second finger to the first one.

"Sh... shut up!" Zach whimpered as his face flushed even redder than usual. Pushing his groin into Tyler's muzzle, he let out a loud and girly moan as he came straight into Tyler's face. Panting heavily, he collapsed forward, barely getting caught by Tyler as he started to slowly recover from the giddiness that his orgasm brought him. Licking his lips Tyler smirked quietly as he picked the fox up with little effort and carried him into the bedroom.

"You taste as good as you look as well... now that you've had your fun it's time for me to have mine," the dragon chuckled as he dumped Zach onto the bed and pulled his shirt off.

Zach stared up at Tyler and blinked a few times as the dragon quickly stripped, his toned physique in stark contrast to his own. As his gaze started to trickle down the dragon's body, Zach let out a quiet gasp as he caught sight of Tyler's engorged cock resting against his slit. Not having seen it before it scared him at how large it appeared but in spite of that his body still craved more attention. It wanted that draconic cock and it wanted it now!

"You ready?" Tyler asked as he positioned himself at Zach's entrance, the head of his cock nudging against Zach's pussy lips, coating it with the fox's juices.

"Ah... may...maybe we shouldn't do this," Zach mumbled incoherently before letting out a girly moan as the head pushed past his pussy lips into his cunt. Covering his muzzle with his paws, Zach stifled a moan as one inch after another entered him until the dragon's entire length was embedded inside of him. He panted heavily as the sensation of being filled almost made him climax right then and there.

"So you ready for this?" Tyler smirked as he pulled Zach's paws away, the dragon's warm breath washing over the fox's face.

"I... I..." Zach breathed as he subconsciously clenched his kegels, squeezing the draconic shaft inside of him as it throbbed gently. His burning lust inflamed his senses one more time as his mind hungered for a load of cum inside of him, "just... just fuck me already"

Tyler chuckled quietly to himself as he slowly pulled himself out before pushing back in until the hilt, drawing out one loud moan after another from the fox.

"You're so tight you know that? Never had a cunt this tight in like forever," Tyler whispered, causing Zach to blush deeply. Reaching down with a clawed hand, the dragon started to tease Zach's clit before licking at his nipples. The fox moaned loudly as he held Tyler close to him, wrapping his legs around the dragon's waist as the cock that pounded into him started to pick up a little speed. Nibbling on Zach's neck, Tyler started to grind against Zach's groin, pushing himself in deep as he could go as he made small circles, rubbing the fox's clit in the process. The sensations sent shockwaves through Zach's body as his pussy juices mixed with Tyler's pre cum. The dragon let out a low growl as the warmth that enveloped his cock started to squeeze and massage his shaft in a way that he never thought was possible. As he pulled himself out and slammed himself back in, Zach let out a quiet whine as he came hard around Tyler, gripping the draconic cock tightly in his snatch.

"Nngh... fuck that's good," Tyler growled as he pulled himself out , his cock still hard and throbbing, "turn over. I'm gonna make you feel real good,"

Dumbly obeying without a second thought, Zach got on all fours before raising his butt up and parting his pussy lips. The blush on his face complimented his expression of lust as his juices slowly leaked out of his used hole.

"Come on fuck me... I need your cum," he whined, slightly surprised at himself for demanding Tyler's cock. The dragon was only too quick to respond as he rubbed the head of his cock against Zach's snatch before plunging in again. The fox let out a soft whine as Tyler pushed forward, burying himself once more into the deep warmth of the fox's cunt. Shifting his weight forward, he pushed Zach's chest towards the mattress as he started to pound his shaft in with an ever increasing speed. Zach let out a loud moan as he squeezed the cock rhythmically and played with his clit. He could feel the sensation of that dragon shaft throbbing inside of him, each thrust threatening to make him cum once more but also encouraging him to want to go that little bit faster. Tyler's ballsack slapped lewdly against Zach's thigh as each thrust pushed him closer and closer to his peak.

"Getting close foxy," Tyler growled as he finally redoubled his efforts, hammering into Zach with a speed he didn't know he had. The sensation was too much for the poor fox as he came hard for the third time that night, biting the pillow in front of him in an attempt to stifle his moans of pleasure. His cunt convulsed with pleasure, squeezing and milking Tyler's shaft in a desperate attempt to coax out a load of cum. Letting out an almost guttural growl, his ministrations were well rewarded as Tyler pushed himself in one last time before unleashing one long spurt after another of hot and sticky seed. It almost felt like a continuous torrent of cum as one spurt after another filled Zach's tight cunt with the hot and musky draconic seed.

When the torrent finally abated, Tyler collapsed on top of the exhausted fox, hugging his body close while he started to catch his breath. Pulling out with a soft slurp, Tyler pulled his softening cock out of Zach's cunt, his cum slowly oozing out the fox's used hole. Rolling onto his back, he looked over at the panting fox who had collapsed onto his stomach. Now with his relentless desire to be filled with something eased, the sudden realization of what happened was starting to slowly sink into Zach's mind.

"Holy shit that was good," Tyler mumbled, not tearing his gaze away from the ceiling which was now very interesting.

"Does... does this mean we're gay now?" Zach asked, his legs feeling like jelly as he groggily reached for his clothes.

"I... I don't think so..."

"Well whatever happens nobody must ever know about this,"

Tyler nodded his understanding as he watched Zach stumble to the door, stuffing a few tissues down his pants in the process. Waving a brief goodbye, the fox had a long and slow contemplative walk back home.

It would be well over a week later before Zach and Tyler even spoke to each other again and luckily enough for Zach, his sex drive had finally managed to calm down a bit after their encounter. While he was happy that he didn't have to jump Tyler's guns every time they met again there was something else which was going to make the fox's life that much more painful.

>> Hey Ty it's me um can you please make Ruth change me back? Holy shit these periods are shit! Please?

>>It hurts so much and god so much blood!

Tyler smirked to himself as he read the text message which had just been sent to him. He was expecting this message sooner or later and it surprised him that it took so long for Zach to start complaining.

"Who is it Ty?" Ruth asked as she walked out of the bathroom and peered over his shoulder.

"It's Zach. He's whining for you to change him back," Tyler responded, flipping over in bed as he smiled up at the unicorn who was now straddling the lower half of his body.

"Oh really now? How did he like taking it from another guy?" she asked, rubbing her groin against his.

"Something tells me he didn't like it... faggot doesn't know what he's missing out on," the dragon laughed as he felt the unicorn's cock slip into his ass, letting out a deep long moan as he held Ruth close to his chest.