A day in the forrest

Story by darkcanine on SoFurry

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All characters are owned by 20th Century Fox


Abigail sat up on the branch smoking a cigarette and watching the sun rise. As she inhaled she lowered her hand into her panties and began rubbing herself. She focus her palm on the head of her clit while she slipped her fingers inside. As she began to rub she closed her eyes to let her imagination take her away. Her vagina was starting to get slick with her fluid when all of a sudden she heard "Abigail where are you?" Her eyes snapped open and she pulled her hand out of her vagina sighing with disappointment because she was so close that her hand was shining. As she popped her smoke into her mouth she carefully balanced on two legs while she put her jeans back on. She inhaled one more time before she put it out against the tree. She exhaled as she began to climb down. "Abigail when are you going to come when you are called? Abigail" her dad yelled out. He was just about to yell out again when he felt somebody yank on his tail. He turned around and there was his daughter just smiling as sweet as could be. "You know when I was a kid I couldn't wait to get class and learn about the ways of the forest." "Yes daddy" "Well at least you no longer climb trees, now go on straight to class." "Yes daddy" she sweetly told him as she started her way of to school she could here the bell ringing in the distance.

Russell was outside enjoying a cigarette when he head his mother yelled "Breakfast." Oh shit he thought he threw his smoke down and ran inside but by then it was to late. He saw the breakfast table was already swamped with his fellow siblings. He took a deep breath and dived in but the mass of brothers and sisters proved to be too thick. As he bounced off he grumbled to himself. When he was on the ground wondering how to get some food he saw a pair of mushrooms fall down on to the floor. He shrugged has he picked them up and scarfed them down. He wandered outside and picked up his smoke. As he relight it he heard the school bell go off. He sighed as he began walking towards school and lit up another smoke using the existing one.

"Mom I'm going to be late if you don't let go now." Edgar whined. "Now hon if you don't let me tie your scarf you could catch a cold." his mom gently responded. "It's summer mom. How in the hell I'm going to catch a cold?" he responded. Quick as striking snake she had him over her knee and spanked him barehanded five times. He cried out as the hand came in contact with his bare bottom. As she stood him back up she said "Now maybe you will learn not to back talk me. Give me a hug before you leave." "Fuck you" he cried out as he began walking away leaving his mother standing in the doorway. As he walked away with a with a stinging rear end he reached into his vest and pulled out his flask. He grimaced as the liquor burned down his throat on the way to his stomach.

All three of the students walked towards the ringing school bell. They smiled at each other when the paths converged into one. They were content just to get to school for their parents were right they were running late. They ran out into a clearing where they could see a little badger jumping up and down with the swinging bell. As they approached she stopped and stared at all three of them "Thanks a lot guys now we are late for class and we probably won't get to see the big surprise I betcha." She gasped as she ran out of breath "What took you so long." "My dad, my mother, no breakfast." they all told at once. "You know what I don't care. Come on lets go." the little badger Michele said as she led the way through the door and down into the Mr. Cornelius's class room. They went through the wooden door and started down the stairs as they got to the bottom they heard a voice shout out "Not another step." They all froze in mid step "Younglings prepared to be amazed." They all watched as an airplane model made out of wood and leaves flew out behind a stack of books. Their amazing looks were short lived however because it flew twice and fell to the ground where if fell into pieces. "Damn piece of shit" Cornelius yelled out as he stepped around the books. He shook his head as he looked at the remains. "Wow Cornelius is that what it was suppose to do?" questioned a smirking Russell. He dug into his pockets for his smokes. As he was about light up he stopped as Cornelius came over to him with his hand held out "Give those to me now." He sighed as he handed over his pack. All four students were shocked as he grabbed a smoke and handed the pack back to Russell. Cornelius lit up breathing in the smoke and releasing it a sigh. Russell and Abigail looked at each other and shrugged lighting up as well.

Michelle pinched her nose as she ducked under the smoke "Phew that don't smell good." "She has a point kids let take this class outside so my house doesn't smell like smoke." They followed him up the stairs and stood just outside as they gathered around their teacher. "Today we are going for a walk where at the end I have a surprise." "What is the surprise Uncle Cornelius?" asked a overly curious Michele. "You will just have to wait and see. Come on class lets get a move on, the sun doesn't stop for no one." He turned around and started walking down the trail with his class following behind him. "Oh man I hate walking." A miserable Edgar whined, he sighed and took a drink from his flask hurrying to catch up with the others. They continued walking down the path until Cornelius stopped suddenly. "What is wrong uncle Cornelius, why did you stop?" "I just wanted to point out this plant. Does anyone know what this plant is called?" "It called a cannabis plant Cornelius." said Edgar as he bummed a smoke from Russell lighting up. "Did you know that Cannabis can be used to relive the effects of chronic pain and muscle spasms?" Cornelius asked as he plucked a few buds and threw them in a pocket mortar and pestle. No one answered as they watched him work the buds up into a shredded mess. He plucked out some seeds and packed the mess into a pipe. Then he lit up and sucked in. His eyes bugged out of his head as the smoke hit his lungs. He coughed it out "however smoking wild planets also know as ditch weed (cough) not a good idea." he started walking down the trail again coughing as he went. As he was busy coughing he didn't notice that the ferlings kept walking. Abigail lit up and said "It's my turn to lead." "It is not, you always get to lead." Russell pointed out as he also lit up.

Abigail just waved her hand ignoring him as she ran off to take the lead. Russell and Michelle ran off after her, leaving Edgar and Cornelius to catch up. As Abigail ran ahead she wasn't paying attention where she was going and did not notice that the ground under feet changed. Russell and Michelle were focused on Abigail and also did not notice the change in the ground. As Edgar came jogging up, he noticed the ground because he was panting for breath. "Hey guys this ground doesn't look right and it feels harder." he said and he took a step out onto the strange new ground. "It smells kind of funny." said Michelle as she bent down to inspect it. Cornelius came up also out of breath and gasped as he saw all of students out on the road. "Ferlings get out of the road this instant!" he screamed at them as he heard a vehicle approaching on the road. The children turned as one as a huge thing came screaming down the road at them. "Ferilings run" he shouted as he watched them run back to the side. Abigail turned around and saw that Russell was paralyzed with fear. As the thing came towards him instead of running he curled up into a ball. He held his breath as the thing passed over him with an angry roar. The force of it dragged him a few feet and he flinched as he heard something explode. He unfurled as he heard the roar of the creature fade off into the distance. Cornelius ran up to Russell and sighed when he saw he was unharmed. "Russell you just dared death. Not a lot of creatures can go head to head with that monster and live. Come along then we should get off the road before we have another encounter." He ushered his class back into the grass along the side of the road, telling them to go in the direction of the stream where his big surprise waited. They could smell the water before they saw it. Cornelius ran ahead of the class panting he stopped just before the stream. As his class gathered around him "Okay class here is the big surprise." He pulled back the grass to reveal a boat made entirely out of wood. He could see the surprise etched on their faces as they ran to the boat and gathered in. He noticed with no surprise that one of his students was missing. He looked behind him and sure enough there was Edgar standing there mumbling to himself on whether or not it was safe. Cornelius chuckled at the fear of his student "Come on Edgar it's perfectly safe after all I built it." He held out a helping hand to him. "You mean like the plane that shattered into a million pieces." he asked taking a swig from his flask. "Come on the rest of class wants to get a move on." he took his hand and lifted him into the boat but the weight of Edgar's body caused the boat to drift outward. Cornelius now found himself stretching out over the water. He had just enough time to take a lungful of air before he fell in.

While the class was fishing out their teacher. Another huge monster was barreling down the road. As it came to the spot where Russell cheated death three of the tires blew out as it drove over the shattered glass. The driver tried to correct it but failed as the vehicle went over the edge falling to its side. The driver kicked opened his door and jumped to the ground and walked the length of the tanker. He stopped suddenly as saw gas leaking "Shit I have to get help." he ran back up to the road. The gas leaked out of the truck and drifted across the medow changing everything and everyone in its path.

Cornelius could feel the boat rocking as Abigail and Russell fought over who would steer. "You two settle down before we t..." that was all he managed to say before he got another face full of water. He swam up to the surface and saw his students were also treading water "Swim for shore class." Once they were on shore they turned back and watched the boat sink. Russell reached into his pockets for his smokes and pulled out a sodden pack of paper and tobacco. He threw the mess onto the ground and watched with disbelieve as Abigail pulled out a plastic bag filled with her stuff. She opened up the bag and pulled out her pack of cigarettes lighting up with a smirk on her face. She looked at Russell and nearly spit out her smoke from laughter for his face was like a begging puppy dog. She threw him a smoke and the lighter "Thanks" he mumbled around the smoke. Cornelius stretched his back and saw at least fifty different birds all flying in the same direction. "Class be quiet a moment." he said as he closed his eyes and listened. Usually he could hear birds and other small lifeforms making some sort of noise but for reasons unclear he heard absolutely nothing. "Class we have to get home now." he said as he started in the direction of home. Edgar took a swig of his flask and said "But we are still wet." Cornelius didn't hear that though for he was already running through the grass and his class had no choice but to follow him.

As they approached the entrance to the meadow Cornelius came to a sudden stop. The meadow looked just fine and yet something was different he just couldn't put his finger on it. He slowly started forward with the class following him. He looked around at the plant life and saw that it was far from being dead like he was thinking. The plant life was vibrant and green all and all the meadow was booming with life. In fact if Cornelius strained his hearing he could hear sounds coming from the meadow that sounded like flesh slapping flesh. Michelle was also looking around but her thoughts were on her parents "Cornelius what happened here? Where is everyone, Mommy where are you?" All of sudden she took off in the direction of her home. "Stop her it's not safe." Cornelius cried out. The rest of the class took off after her while trying to call her back. Michelle ran all the way to her front door, which stood open for some reason. She called down into her home to see if anyone was in there and her voice echoed back to her. "Mommy is that you?" she ran down into her house just as the class caught up to her. "Stop don't go down there. I believe there is a deadly gas down there." Cornelius said as he struggled to catch his breath. Abigail looking concerned said "but what about Michelle?" "Just give me a second I'll think of something." he said while running both of his hands through his hair. Abigail shook her head and said "We can't wait that long." She ran down into the home before anyone could stop her. "Cover your mouth, don't breath in the gas." Cornelius shouted after her.

Abigail took her shirt and covered her mouth as she went down the steps. As each step lowered her into the badger's home she heard moaning and grunting. When she got to the bottom she gasped under her shirt as her eyes took in the event before her. There on the table was Michelle's mother bent over as her ass was getting pounded by her husband. Abigail watched as he pulled out of her ass and shoved his entire fist in there. Michelle's mother screamed in pain and yet pushed back begging for more. Abigail was starting to get a sense on what the gas was doing to the meadow. It wasn't killing things, it was turning them into sex starved beings. She could feel her own vagina responding to the scene in front of her. Already her vagina was moist and begging for anything to be put up into it. Just as she started lowering her hand to take care of this incredible burning, she saw Michelle on her knees with her ass in the air. Abigail gasped as she watch her insert three fingers into her ass, moaning as she did so. She shook her head and remembered just for a moment why she was here. She walked around Michelle so she was looking down at her head, intending to pick her up and carry her out. As she reached down to pick her up, Michelle reached up and rubbed her vagina through the rough fabric of her jeans. Abigail stifled a moan and picked up the little badger, pulling her hand away from her sex. As she started walking back up the stairs Michelle started to fight savagely. She started kicking and punching Abigail it was almost like she didn't want to leave. One of the punches caused her to lose her hold and she felt Michelle starting to slip. She quickly tightened her grip around her little bottom and felt two of her fingers slid into her little tailhole. As soon as those fingers slipped in Michelle stopped fighting and started whimpering. Abigail knew it was the gas but did not want risk dropping the badger down the stairs so she wiggled her fingers gaining a moan from her. Just before Abigail reached the last stair she threw the girl's dress down over her hand that was currently busy pleasing the badger. As she stepped into the daylight Cornelius ran up to take her but if he did the guys would get a first class view of a girl's anatomy and she didn't want that to happen. She just shook her head and kept on walking in the direction of his home for if anyone could come up with a cure it was him.

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