The Officer and the Executive Chapter 1: First Dates

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A mini-series commissioned by FA: Heru that I didn't realize I hadn't uploaded here yet. Enjoy the budding relationship between a horse businessman and a doggy cop.

If you enjoyed this, you can send a tip to, or, if you want a story for yourself, check out my twitter account at DraconiconWrite ( ) or at my website ( ) if you want to see when I'm open for stories, or what I'm working on on a given day.

Hope you enjoy.

Chapter 2:

Chapter 3:

Chapter 4:

The Cop and the Executive Part 1: First Dates For Heru By Draconicon

Henry shook his head as he took the second to last turn on the way home, the horse tapping his finger on his steering wheel as he drove into the night. The streetlights above him were barely bright enough to see, and the fog rolling in didn't help his mood very much.

He paused at the next stop sign, taking advantage of the break to reach up and adjust his tie a little bit. The damn thing was cutting into his neck more than his boss' pain in the ass assignments, and even a hard tug barely loosened it.

He sighed as he started up again, his car puttering along down the empty road as he thought back to the day he'd just had. Long hours in the office, meetings with shareholders and investors that he had no idea about whether they'd be profitable or not, and the inevitable shouting that came when the boss decided he needed to get more work done. How, he didn't know, as the stallion was already working sixty plus hours a week, but the boss wanted it.

I swear, one of these days, I'm gonna turn him into my bitch...

At least the thought gave him a chuckle. The horse knew it wouldn't happen; much as he might want to, he doubted that he'd be able to get away with it, not with the way that things were right now. Maybe in the future. Or if he had someone to help him cover it up.

He was taking another turn when the sound of sirens suddenly caught his attention. Tensing up, he looked up towards his mirror, and saw the flashing lights of a cop car coming up behind him.

"What? What'd I do?"

Grumbling, the big stallion turned the car towards the side of the road. Slowing as he hit the shoulder, he came to a stop and turned off the car. Keeping his hands on the wheel, he turned his head to watch the cop car as it came in behind him. The lights kept blaring and so did the siren as the door opened and the officer stepped out.

"Well, hello, gorgeous."

Henry couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of the big dog that walked out. Brown and black furred, he had a good set of muscles on him, and he wore his uniform almost like a stripper rather than a real officer. The badge and gun looked real enough to keep him from getting ideas, though. Or at least, too many.

Adjusting himself as the officer got closer, the stallion still kept his hands where they could be seen as the officer walked over and tapped on his window. He put a smile on his face as he rolled it down.

"Hello, officer. Uh, what's up?"

"Both of us too late at night, from the look of it."

He chuckled, and so did the canine.

"Anyway, can I see your license and registration?"


It was easy enough to hand that over. As the policeman looked over the documents, the stallion couldn't help but look him over. He was a good looking guy, and with a decent sense of humor, that sense of intimidation was rapidly departing.

"So, uh, you have a name?"

"Just call me Frank."

"Well, uh, Frank. I have to tell you, I have no clue what I was doing wrong."


"Yeah. I don't think I was speeding, but -"

"Nah, nah, nothing like that. Mind stepping out of the car? I can show you."

He nodded, opening the door after Frank stepped back and getting to his feet. He brushed his suit down - Always with the wrinkles... - and followed the officer to the back of the car. As the officer gestured at his license plate, Henry slapped his hand against his forehead.

"Fuck, I forgot the tabs...I'm sorry, man."

"Hey, no worries. Happens all the time."

Chuckling, the canine patted his arm. Now that they were both standing, Henry had a better excuse to keep checking the other guy out. He always had a thing for cops, and now that he knew that he was actually taller than the policeman by a good half foot, it only made it harder to keep it in his pants.

He was off in his own little world when he felt a piece of paper getting pushed into his hand, and he shook his head quickly to clear it.

"Uh, sorry. I wasn't paying attention."

"Oh, you were paying attention. Just not to anything I was saying."

"That obvious, man?"

"Pretty dang. Though it doesn't help that your suit is a little too well fitted to you, if you know what I'm saying."

Groaning, the horse realized that he knew exactly what the officer meant. Now that it was pointed out, he could feel how tightly his pants were clenching at his cock; it must have dropped free while he was staring, and now it was making a bit of a sight. He didn't even bother reaching down to adjust himself. What was done, was done.

Surprisingly, the officer didn't seem bothered. If anything, he laughed, shaking his head.

"Don't sweat it. If it weren't for the cup, I'm pretty sure I'd be doing the same thing."

"W-really? Didn't expect that."

"Eh, call it a thing for hot guys in suits."

"Well, call mine a thing for hot guys in uniform."

"Heh, we'll call it what we like. Anyway, you get that taken care of by tomorrow, and you won't have any problems."

"Alright, officer."

The german shepherd held out his hand.

"Please, it's Frank, Mr. Gettering."

"And I'm Henry."

"Nice to meet you."

They shook hands quickly, and the officer walked back to his car just as fast. Despite all the embarrassments he'd just suffered, the horse couldn't help but watch that hard, tight ass walking away from him in the car mirror.

Heh, maybe I'll see you again.

He looked at the paper in his hand, expecting to see a ticket that he would need to contest, but to his surprise, it was just a blank sheet of paper. The stallion flipped it over, and chuckled.

"His phone number...Man, that's old fashioned."


It took four days of waiting to get the call. The german shepherd was on duty when he picked up, but as soon as he heard the horse's voice, and heard the name, Frank had perked up considerably. He chuckled at a few jokes that the businessman shared with him, and then cut to the chase.

"I was thinking of meeting up with you sometime. Got a little bit of off time after work today?"

"I think I could swing that. Got a place to meet?"

"I was thinking that club over on 34th. You know the one?"

"Yeah, I remember it. Say, about 5:40?"

"Yep, that works for me. See you there."

The officer hung up his phone, shaking his head a few times as he turned back to his desk full of work. He always preferred having his time out in the field rather than stuck behind a desk, but needs must. The department had a shortage of staff at the moment, so everyone was pulling double duty, taking turns from one thing to another.

Normally Frank wouldn't have minded, but when it was also coming with no overtime and cutting into what little free time he had, he had to admit that he was getting annoyed. He wanted to get someone else in his life, someone that'd bring some fun along with them, and help him forget about all the stress he was under.

Maybe he could get that with the horse later...

He couldn't remember being happier to tap out of a work shift than he was that day. After all the paperwork, and all the anticipation of what might happen between him and Henry - a nice name, he thought, stable - he wanted nothing more than to get changed and get out to the club. He even made a couple of calls, calling in a few favors to not get stopped as he sped downtown.

Soon, he was parking outside of the Grand Ball, a gay club that catered to a number of better off individuals. He didn't know about Henry, but he qualified by the skin of his teeth. It took a number of big payments to afford the membership every month, but at least it meant that he had access to an impressive place for dates. If his dates couldn't get there, they were at least impressed that he could. And an impressed date meant that he had a good chance of some action.

Handing his keys to the valet, the german shepherd walked towards the front door. He could feel the leather of his pants grinding against his thighs, and he knew that he needed to get them up-sized a bit after all the body-building he'd been doing, but they'd be fine for the night. As long as he didn't get too eager.

He stepped through the front door, blinking as his eyes adjusted to the dim blacklights and the disco reflections on the ceiling. Casting his eyes around, he quickly spotted the stallion at the far end of the bar, waving to him.

Just as good looking in the club as on the streets, he thought with a chuckle. The big guy was still in his suit and tie, though the tie was a different one. More shimmering, more eye-catching than it had been before. Frank made his way around the dance floor to the bar, and plopped himself down by the big guy.

"Glad you could come."

"Glad you could, too. Sorry about not calling."

"Long days?"

"You have no idea."

Frank chuckled, waving for a couple of shots.

"Try me."

"Twelve hours and a demand to say for five more with the secretary from hell."

He winced, shaking his head a few times.

"Rough stuff."

"Yeah. And usually I like the rough stuff."

"Oh ho, really? So what are you complaining about?"

"Because I'm not the one dishing it out!"

Frank roared with laughter, beating his hand on the bar a few times, and soon the stallion joined him in chuckling along. A couple of other customers looked at them in annoyance, but nobody complained. That was part of the nature of the club; what people did was their business, and they paid to have it go unquestioned.

Their drinks came over, the stallion having a simple beer, while he was having a pair of whiskey shots. He downed one right off the bat, shaking his head as it burned on the way down, before turning back to his date.

"So, what exactly do you do? I mean, I know you work in an office, but -"

"Heh, nothing exciting. Fundraising, paperwork, shuffling the different office work around. And a lot more accounting work than I'm actually paid for."

"So, you're basically the guy that runs the whole office."

"More or less. What about you? Traffic cop, or -"

"Detective, technically."

"Oh, bullshit."

"No, really. I'm just pulling a lot of double duty at the moment."

"Whose shitlist did you get on?"

"The commissioner's."

Henry whistled.

"Tough luck."

"Yeah...tempts me sometimes."

"Tempts you?"

"Well...nah, it's pretty silly."

"I could do with some of that. Pretty sure you could too; I bet all that cop stuff gets way too serious sometimes."

"Heh, you'd have that right."

He considered. It wasn't something that most people really believed in, but the horse was being rather nice. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to talk about it a little bit. Worst came to worst, he might just use it to get rid of the embarrassment later.

He turned - his eyes going down to that shimmering, almost rainbow colored tie again - before looking the horse in the face.

"I'm...kind of into hypnotism. And I'm pretty good at it."


Frank nodded. He braced himself, waiting for the disbelief, or the laughter. It usually came at this point; most of the guys he spent time with weren't looking for someone that liked that. They were looking for a cop 'dad' or something to take care of them or just use them.

But Henry surprised him. The horse smiled and adjusted his tie, once more bringing the canine's attention down to it. He found himself staring for a few seconds before he could look away, a little realization wriggling in the back of his mind as the stallion chuckled.

"Heh, I bet you have a few ideas of what you'd do with the commissioner once you got him under your sway."

"I - yeah. I do. But you..."

"Heh, didn't expect someone like me to think of that kind of stuff?"

"Not so much, no. Didn't seem the sort."

"Trust me. There's reasons why I'm good at what I do. I like...that stuff...probably as much as you do. If not more."

"...Dishing it out rather than taking it?"

"Of course."

What attraction the canine had for the stallion suddenly magnified at hearing that. His face actually hurt from the grin that spread across it, and he wasn't too surprised to see Henry back off. If he'd seen the smile he had on a suspect, he would have done the same. He waved his hand, trying to dismiss it.

"Sorry, sorry. I just..."

"You what? Lost your mind for a second?"

"Guess you could say that."

He shook his head.

"You know how long I've been looking for someone else that enjoys hypnosis like I do? Let me tell you, most of the guys looking for a cop partner aren't looking for someone to play with their heads. Or...wanting to play with a cop's head."

"Mm hmm. Is that an invitation, Franky?"


Henry hadn't quite expected to have an opening like this. After all, cops were tough customers, and even if Frank had been open to being hypnotized - or, like so many others, open to letting the horse 'try' to hypnotize him - he wouldn't have expected it to come up this soon, and not from the cop. He'd always had to bring it up before.

The idea of using some hypnosis on the big, burly dog in front of him, though...

He slid around on his stool, letting his growing erection be hidden by the bar. Taking another sip of his drink, he quickly went through his options. He could just take the one-night stand route, which would be easy enough. Frank was already interested in the shimmery tie, which meant that he had a chance of being hypnotized here and now. The dog would probably even like that, considering that he looked like he'd gone without it for a while.

Then again...

It had been a long time since he'd tried going out with anyone seriously. Yeah, he had a wandering eye, and he liked to get a lot of variety in his bed, but he wanted to have someone around that he could really enjoy. Someone that brought a little more spice to his life, and a little more stability after all the shit that he had to put up with at work. He didn't know if Frank would be the one to do it, but he might be a good man to start with.

The horse downed the last of his beer as his date did the same with his second shot, and looked back at the dance floor. Everyone else was having a good time. Why should he be second guessing himself?

"So, you want to head back somewhere...private?"

"I was thinking the same thing, Henry. I was thinking the same thing."

"Lead the way, big guy."

The dog got to his feet, and as soon as Frank was around the stool, he followed him. His eyes were immediately drawn down to that hard, muscled ass. The leather pants framed it even better than the cop uniform did, squeezing those sexy ass cheeks and pushing them together, making the canine look like he was almost naked from behind. Henry's hands itched to grab and grope at them, but he restrained himself. Better not to push things too far, just yet.

They passed by several closed doors before they found one that was open. Frank held it for him, and he smiled as he passed by. The door shut with a click behind them, and the officer even went so far as to slide an 'occupied' sign up on the outside.

"Don't want any interruptions, do we?"

"Heh, not at all."

The room itself was very simple. Just a circular bench that followed the curvature of the room, a set of lubes and cleaning supplies in the middle of the room as well as a set of condoms, and a TV screen. Probably for people that just wanted to jerk off or wanted some extra porn. Henry didn't think they would need it.

He sat down, spreading his arms out over the top of the couch with a chuckle, and nodded for the german shepherd to join him. It was kind of cute, seeing the big cop so nervous all of a sudden; probably hadn't had any action for a long time. As the dog sat down by him, Henry slowly lowered his hand down, patting the doggie's ass.

"So, Frank. How long's it been?"

"Too long. Probably...I don't know. Six months?"

"Heh, and you call yourself a hypnotist?"

"Hey, just because I can -"

He adjusted his tie, and the policeman's eyes went right back down to it. A few little tugs back and forth, and Frank was swaying his head with it. It took almost ten seconds for the cop to finally figure out what was going on and turn his head away.

"Ooooh, you're good..."

"I'm better than that."

He squeezed that hard, muscular ass under his hand, and grinned even wider as his date started moaning. Pulling him closer, the stallion nuzzled his cheek ever so gently, even as his hand kept squeezing, tugging, exploring that big ass. Everything he did seemed to excite his new friend all the more, judging by the hot, panting breath blowing over his neck.

Bringing his hand up, he rested his fingers at the waistband of those tight pants. It would be so nice to have them off, or to slide his hand down inside them, but they were way too tight for that. He'd need to let Frank remove them.

Sighing, he let go.

"I think you better get those off."

"I think you better get yours off first."

"Mmmm, what's the matter? Pup worried that his eyes are bigger than his stomach?"

"He wants to see what he's working with tonight. Been a long time, but I bet you that I can take whatever you got hidden in there."

"Heh, you might be surprised."

But he was happy enough to indulge. Reaching down, he slowly pulled down his zipper. His bulge had been developing ever since he heard that Frank liked hypnosis as well, and he wanted to try out that hard, sexy ass for himself. He unbuttoned his jeans, and the sheer size of the barely-constrained bulge shoved his pants to the side, leaving a tent that was barely held in by a stretched out pair of briefs. The waistband was pulled well back from his waist, and he could tell that the dog appreciated the view.

"Heh, think you can take this?"

"Mmmm, I dunno. Why don't you get your underwear down a bit too?"

"Heh, making me wait, huh?"

Still, he went along with it. His anticipation was building, and he had every expectation of it being fulfilled. He whipped his underwear and pants down, exposing his cock to the dog. It throbbed upwards, rising up as it finished getting fully hard. Henry took his time, running his hand from base to tip, giving as good a show as he could of his fourteen inches.

It was more than enough to get Frank hard as hell, and he smiled at the sight of the dog's cock throbbing through his pants.

"Looks like I'm not the only one ready for some action."

"Hell no. I haven't had something like that in...I don't know how long."


"Can't promise that."

Without even being asked, the dog got on all fours on the couch, one hand resting on the horse's thigh, the other reaching down and fondling his balls. Henry leaned back, enjoying the slow fondling as the officer's nose came closer and closer to the head of his cock.

"Heh, you want it, officer?"

"You have no idea..."

"Heh, well, fair is fair."

He pushed him back, knocking him almost off of the couch in the process.

"You made me strip. Now it's your turn."

"Come oooon. Now? You're teasing me here."

"Yeah, well, strip for me or no cock for you."


There was enough affection in there that he didn't get bothered, and he leaned back to enjoy the show. He slowly stroked his cock to the sight of the burly dog taking off his shirt, exposing hard muscles along his abs and up to his chest. Everything looked like it had been worked to the bone, pushed until it was a perfect machine. He grinned, imagining how it would feel pounding that muscular cop right into the bed.

That was only the beginning, though. As Frank turned around and started pulling his pants down, wiggling the waistband up and down the curve of his ass cheeks, the stallion leaned forward to watch more closely. He was panting, he knew, but he didn't care as he stroked his cock hard and fast. Pre ran down over his fingers as those leather pants slowly slid further and further down, showing just how muscled those ass cheeks were. There was hardly an ounce of fat on them; certainly they didn't jiggle or bounce the way that he was used to seeing.

Then the pants hit the floor, and Frank leaned forward a bit. The dog's tail went straight up as he reached back to part his ass cheeks, holding them spread far apart to show off the hole between. Henry stared at it, watching as the pink pucker twitched, sucking in then pushing out, almost as if it was begging for something inside.

Hell, it probably was, after six months of no real action.

Chuckling, Henry reached up to start taking off his tie, but stopped as Frank shook his head.

"Leave it on. It's sexier."

"Heh, fine with me."

He waved his hand, and the dog joined him back on the couch again. In short order, both of Frank's hands were wrapped around his big, throbbing cock, and Henry could feel every puff of air coming from the panting dog, blowing right over the head of his dick.

"Mmmph. Don't leave me hanging here...take it, man. Take it."

And that was exactly what Frank did. Henry moaned as his cock head was swallowed up, pulled into the dog's talented mouth. The talented swipes of that tongue over his cock head were the best things that he'd felt in weeks, and definitely better than the time that he got a guy in Filing to get on his knees for a bit of action.

Always better when they know what they're doing, he thought as he laid one hand on the back of the german shepherd's head, pushing it down further, making him take it deeper and deeper. He curled his toes in pleasure, sighing deeply in the back of his throat as his cock was swallowed. The feeling of having it enveloped in something so hot, so wet, was driving him mad, and he knew that he was leaking pre like crazy, too. It was already dripping down his shaft, and Frank was gagging a bit on it.

Not too much, though. He had a feeling that the officer liked having someone take a little advantage of him.

Chuckling, Henry brought his other hand to his mouth and licked his fingers. Sucking on them until they were soaked - and trying not to be too distracted by the cocksucking going on - he brought his hand down to the solid, muscular ass that had been on his mind for days. He slid his fingers under the tail, prodding around until he found that puckering, hot hole.

The first finger sliding in got the dog to grunt and moan, shivering as he took that cock even deeper. Henry chuckled to himself, shaking his head as he started pushing his finger in deeper, then pulling back, only to jab in again, even further.

The dog's inner walls were hot and silky, so soft against his finger. It didn't take long for him to find Frank's prostate, as a result; it was the only thing that was harder and stood out against the general clasping feeling. He jammed his finger down on it, and was rewarded with a shot of pre against his leg, soaking his thigh.

"Hehehe, looks like the doggy likes getting his ass filled."

Frank blushed, but actually managed to take more of his cock. He was down to the halfway point, and was drooling over the other half, some pre and spit even dribbling all the way down to the stallion's balls.

It looked fucking sexy.

"Heh, well, let's see how he likes two fingers."

He pulled the one out, and pressed two against that puckering hole. It was a little tricky doing this blind, but he managed to make it work. After lining up, he just needed to push with a little more pressure, and -


Frank's groan was a strong vibration all over his cock, and Henry groaned, stomping one foot against the ground as a result of the strong burst of pleasure that washed over him. It was like he was getting his balls sucked up through a straw, and he knew that this was going to be one hell of a night.

I swear, I'm keeping this pup, no matter what it takes...

After several more bouts of the straw-sucking technique on his cock, he knew he had to change things up, or he was going to blow his load before he wanted to. Henry pulled the pup back from his cock. Frank came off with a pop, strings of spit connecting the horse's shaft with the dog's lips. He twitched again at that, a shot of pre shooting into the air and landing in the middle of the floor.

"Fuck, you look hot like that."

"Mmph. First time...I couldn't really deepthroat a guy...properly."

"Heh, well, you'll - mmph - get some practice. But for now...Up against the wall, doggy."

The way that Frank smiled as he followed the order was...simply indescribable. The horse could already feel himself falling further and further for the german shepherd, thinking of how it would be to make this - and more - a regular thing between them. As the big guy pressed one hand against the wall, using the other to part his ass cheeks, he just couldn't control himself.

Going to his knees behind his pup, Henry grabbed that ass in his hands. It was so hard and so thick that he could barely pull the ass cheeks apart. They were hard and solid under his hands, and he knew that they would be a pleasure to pound. He squeezed at them, feeling how strong they were, how muscled, and grinned at the thought of that clenching around his cock. A part of him imagined hot-dogging this ass in the future, and it was a very pleasant thing.

But that was for later. Holding the cheeks spread, he darted his head in, sniffing at the skin. It was hot, a bit sweaty and definitely a little bit bitter around the hole. Must not have had the time to shower before coming out of work, at a guess. Henry didn't mind that; in fact, he kind of liked it.

He dug his thumbs in around that hot, pink hole and pulled, stretching it and tugging on it. The bit of spit from his fingers left it shiny, and he licked his lips as it dripped a bit of his spit back down. A few little wet lines ran from pink hole to hefty balls, making the fur flatten out.

That was all he could take. Shoving his lips against that pucker, he dragged his tongue over it, big and flat and wet. Frank moaned above him, and Henry groaned at the taste of sweat and musk in his mouth. It was so hot, so strong, and it made his cock twitch like crazy as he imagined how it would feel to ram it in.

Again and again he dragged his tongue over that pucker, teasing it, covering it with his spit. It twitched under his licks, almost like it was trying to pull his tongue in with it, but he resisted that. At least, for now. He kept his licks firm and long, dragging his tongue from a spot two inches below that hole to two inches above, each one dragging the fur and skin along with it.

He licked for almost five minutes straight, and when he pulled back, the fur and flesh was shimmering with how wet it was. The hole puckered like mad, opening up as it loosened for him, and Frank was a mess. Dribbling pre from his cock like a faulty faucet, the dog looked down over his shoulder, panting.

"Give me...that cock..."

"Heh, you want it?"

"So much...come on..."

"You want it..."

He stood up, lining his spit-slick cock up with that spit-slick hole. It was so wet and slick, and he slid along between the ass cheeks easier than he expected, particularly as Frank pushed back, grinding against him, begging him with his body to finally fuck that hole.

So he did.

He slammed in hard, his thick cock spreading that hole wide. A soft gasp was the only sound to escape the german shepherd's lips, leaving him gasping and wheezing against the wall as he was suddenly filled up to the hilt with a thick horse cock. Henry reached around him, big hands grabbing the dog's cock, stroking it as he slowly pulled out and slid back in.

"You want got it."

He kept it slow, teasing. Not just for the dog, but for both of them. He knew that they'd both blow too fast if he went at full speed, and he wanted to enjoy this. The trickle of pre flowing over his hand every time he stroked Frank's cock only made it better for him, and he wanted to see how far he could push it.

Despite the slow speed, he kept each thrust hard, deep. He felt his partner sliding up the wall with each thrust, grinding against it as he was used again and again. Henry barely noticed; each time he did it, the policeman clamped down on his cock all the harder, leaving him moaning in the dog's twitching ears.

They moaned, ignoring the soft knocks on the door as they continued. They were both having too good a time to care about anything else. Henry shivered as that hot hole squeezed him again and again, begging him to fuck it harder, faster, but he was the one in charge. He would take it at his speed.

Still, even with that, he was rushing to the edge. Panting, he tried to hold back, but as Frank pushed back against him, grinding that muscled rump right against his crotch, it was just too much. With a deep moan, he rammed in deep, surviving two more thrusts before his cock finally gave up the ghost and came, hard.

Each spurt of cum seemed to be matched by one from Frank, squishing against his fingers or shooting to the floor. His partner howled, and he grunted, the pair of them riding it out for nearly a minute. When it was over, Henry barely had the energy to slowly slide back, his cock sliding free with a wet slurp.

He chuckled at the creampie left behind, sufficient in size that he knew that Frank wouldn't be putting his pants back on anytime soon. He flopped down on the couch, and his officer partner sat on his lap, oozing.

"Mmmph...that was the best I've way too long."

"Me too..."

They were silent for a while, both holding each other. It felt...surprisingly tender to him, and he squeezed the policeman a little tighter.

"You know...I should tell you -"

Frank chuckled.

"If you say that you have a harem, it's not going to chase me away."

"Why, do you have one too?"

"I could..."

"Looks like this'll have to be an open relationship, then."


"...Why not?"

Henry smiled down at him, and slowly kissed his cheek. It was strange, thinking of it that way. Yeah, he'd been hoping for it, wanting it, but he didn't think he was gonna get it tonight. But if Frank wanted it too - and it was pretty clear he did - he was sure as hell not going to turn it down. He wrapped his arms tighter around the german shepherd, holding him close.


"Hey, you've been in there for more than an hour. Other guys want a turn!"

The sudden knock and shout split them apart, only to get them giggling as they realized just how long they'd been spending together. Henry quickly pulled his pants back on, and while his pup was still getting dressed, walked to the door. He opened it a crack, looking down on the panda owner of the club.

"We're almost done. Just getting dressed."

"Took you long enough. Why don't you just buy a room next time?"

"It was a one time thing, you don't -"

"You're wasting time and wasting money. Get dressed and...get..."

Normally, Henry didn't push hypnosis on people. But after a hell day at work, he was fed up with bossy bureaucrats making his life suck. He twitched the tie back and forth a few times, starting a basic trance before pulling the panda into the room. A little nudge sent him towards the far side, and he locked the door behind him.

Frank paused as he was putting on his clothes, watching as the horse started waving his tie and whispering.

"What are you doing, Henry?"

"I'm teaching this jerk a lesson."

"It's not gonna hurt him, is it?"

"No. And it won't be rape, either."


For a moment, he wondered if this was the brightest idea, doing this with a policeman in the room. After all, even if the policeman was into this sort of thing, he might not want to participate with a witness. Or he'd want to put him under arrest for something that was more obviously illegal than just a friendly romp. Or -

"Think I can help?"

Henry blinked, then smiled.

"I think that's a great idea. Come on over."

They quickly stripped the panda down to nothing, keeping him in a trance by alternating between Henry's tie and a little pocketwatch that Frank pulled out of his pocket. It was fairly easy to keep him from struggling when he was that deep, and as soon as he was in the nude, they really went to town on him. Henry was surprised at the sheer number of commands that Frank had in mind; perhaps office people like him weren't the only ones with a bit of stress to work out of their system. He'd have to remember that.

The End