Suit Sentence II

Story by Chams on SoFurry

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#5 of Adult/Fetish Stories

I think this will end up being a four part story, with more actual sex in the last two parts. This part is about Keris being sold off. It's based on a similar idea of Endium's latex slave suits, so if you're not into heavy bondage and kink based stuff, then it's probably better to avoid it.

The suit had curled his arms around his chest, mouth still sealed, along with his eyes, the tip of his tail stuck between his shoulders and leaving him completely exposed. He was in a cage of some sort, one that let him barely stand up higher than his knees. A dull pain was in his shoulder, the bruises coming from the numerous times he'd shoved himself against the solid bars. Lately, he'd just felt around the cage with his feet. There were two padlocks where the door was. He'd kicked those enough times, for all the good it did him.

Keris couldn't tell how long it had been. Days? He wasn't hungry or thirsty, probably because of the suit. The concrete floor hadn't been comfortable at all. Sometimes, he'd try and shout some muffled abuse whenever he heard footsteps wandering past.

A pressure built up around Keris' crotch and he groaned, curling around to his side. He knew what was coming. As the suit teased his trapped sheath, taunting him with the pleasure of it, he felt a surge in the part of the suit that covered his now very smooth passage. Clenching his jaw over the gag, he made a groan as an electric surge scattered over his passage, mixing a deep pleasure with a very slight pain. Thankfully, this time, it only happened once. There had been 'sessions' where he'd been treated to that more than a dozen times, over the space of what felt like an hour. He never knew when that was coming, or for how long it would last. Keris swore, that when he got out of here...

The sound of a door opening and footsteps nearby caught his attention. Instead of trying to scream at whoever it was, he just lay on his back and hoped they would pay him some attention this time. The footsteps came closer, then stopped.

" So you've finished shouting, have you?" The voice was familiar. The Mistress, as the bitch called herself.

Even Keris could see that it wasn't going to do him any good to argue, so he just stayed silent.

A few electronic noises came from somewhere close, then the suit unsealed from over his eyes, letting in the light for the first time in a long while. The glare made him shut them, Keris turning his head away as his eyes adjusted to the light. The room slowly came into focus. It was small, with no windows, white walls and a steel operating table in the middle of it. The cage was there, looking much the same as Keris imagined it. Both of the doors out of this place were metal and extremely solid looking. The Mistress, the black wolf, towered over him, peering at Keris through the bars. She was wearing a similar business outfit to the one he had seen her in last time, a thick steel collar in her right hand.

" Consider that a reward. If you're good, you get rewarded further. You're going to get up on your knees just outside this cage, once I open the door. Then you are going to keep still while I collar and tag you." She smiled. " Or you can spend another two days like this, with both your eyes and ears sealed this time."

The wolf unlocked both of the padlocks with a set of electronic keys, then opened the door. For a moment, he just glared at her, growling underneath his breath. Fine, he thought. Fuck spending another two days like that. Humiliated, Keris stumbled out of the door and crept up onto his knees as best he could, looking down at his trapped arms. They looked like little more than an outline just under his chest. As much as he struggled, those limbs barely moved at all.

" Stay still."

Keris gave her a venomous glance, watching as the collar was brought around his neck and closed with a heavy sounding click. The weight wasn't as much as he would have thought, but it was still very noticeable.

" Good boy."

Keris made a muffled fuck off, although only he could have understood it.

The Mistress seemed to ignore that, crouching down beside him and pressing a small device up against the left cheek of his backside. A sharp pain jabbed into his latex covered body and he let out a pained growl. A faint echo of the sting stayed as she withdrew the device. Keris looked over his shoulder to see a white barcode neatly imprinted on his shiny black behind. It didn't do much for his ego. The attempt at insulting her sounded vaguely pathetic this time, eyes not able to meet hers.

" Since you decided to do as I said, you get to spend your time in here outside of the cage, so long as you keep obedient. I'll be back later today. We have some customers taking an interest."

She left, the door sealing with a hiss behind her. Getting up, Keris walked on his feet for the first time since he was put in the suit. It gave a sharp shock to his entrance and made him stumble up close to the wall, nose tilted up as he made a frustrated groan. There was little he could do, even being out of the cage. At least he could wander about. He took the chance, at least, to stretch his legs and arch his back. For a while, he tried to scrape the suit off himself with the help of the corner of the operating table. Each time he tried, it barely made a dent, going back to the way it was almost immediately. Keris never even got as far as seeing a single hair of his pelt. So, he waited, pacing about the room and trying to stave off the boredom that was starting to creep into his mind. By the time the Mistress came back, he was almost feeling relieved, at least until he saw the chain leash in her grip.

" On your knees." She said.

He frowned, then did as she ordered.

" Very good. That is a shock collar, by the way. I'll have to apologise, I should have mentioned it when I put it on."

Keris glanced at the band around his neck, slightly fearful of...

" No, I won't use it unless I need to."

"..Mmm..." He muttered, not even sure of what he was trying to say.

The wolf clipped the leash to the front of his collar. " Our customers understand our outlook. We do, in fact, choose them from a very long list of applicants. Regardless of who we lease you out to, the rules are largely the same. Obedience is rewarded, and disobedience gets punished." She reached down and tucked a hand under his muzzle, making him look her in the eyes. " If you act so badly as to create a need for a refund, I can assure you that you will be spending the rest of your sentence caged right here in this room."

Even if he was able to argue, Keris wasn't sure that he would have. A flurry of insults sat in the back of his mind, but he never tried to speak them. Nor did he act on his desire to shove her into the wall, even though he would very much have liked to have done that.

" On your feet. You will follow me."

They left the room with Keris on a loose leash, feet softly padding against the solid concrete floor. A featureless hallway greeted him. A fox walked past, dragging a whimpering, slave-suited female rabbit behind him. Her mouth was sealed and the fox dragged her along on all fours. He met eyes with the rabbit for just a second, taking some pleasure in the fact that he wasn't the only one in this situation.

They reached a small room with a series of cameras surrounding one of the walls. An expensive looking wooden desk was opposite, with a holographic display sitting just above it. The wolf moved Keris in front of the cameras and undid the leash, before she wandered over to the desk. A shuttering sound, much like one an old camera would have made, echoed through the room as the wolf worked with the console.

" Turn around."

Just after he did, another few shots were taken.

" Look at the camera with the blue stripe on it."

Keris peered into it, seeing his distorted reflection in the lens. It looked right back, zooming into his eyes.

Once more, he was dragged on the end of a leash, out of the hallway and into a much nicer looking room. A glass cabinet stood on top of a podium, with a rivet in the floor in the middle of it. Across the wall was splashed the deep blue and white logo of the company that had purchased him - the White Cat. The logo itself was a simple design of a cat's face surrounded by a long streak of blue. A few comfortable looking chairs were arranged in front of the podium, and a small bar sat near the back of the room, offering what seemed to be free drinks. There were no windows. Keris figured that this was a very private affair. After being led inside the glass cabinet, he found his leash being locked to the rivet between his legs, pulled down far enough that he had to sit on his knees. Keris shot the wolf a glance and a flare of his nostrils.

" I would try and appear more pleasant, if I were you. Some of our customers enjoy breaking a stubborn slave."

Keris turned away.

The Mistress wandered off to the bar, dusting off an already clean counter. Over the next half hour the customers filtered in, humiliating Keris more and more as each of them arrived. There were fifteen, in all, of all sorts. A vixen wearing a revealing dress, a lion in an expensive suit, an older looking bull dressed much more casually. They talked amongst themselves and occasionally wandered over to look at Keris. He kept still, looking back at them every now and then. They talked about him a lot.

" ... quite cute."

" In good shape. I have another. They could make friends." She laughed.

" I'd say I would put him at the end of my bed. I never did like mornings. I'm sure he'd make them _much_more pleasant."

Keris quivered with anger, wishing he could strike out at any one of these people.

An electronic display showed the current bid for him. It slowly crept up, going from a thousand credits to over ten thousand. The suit started to taunt him again and he tried hard not to show it, but the twitches of his trapped tail and soft moan gave Keris away. The bids crept up to twelve thousand. As it got more expensive, the customers began to make their polite goodbyes, filtering out of the room one by one.

Once it hit twenty, there were only two customers left. A cruel looking young vixen and a well-groomed and powerfully muscled lion, who looked to be in his mid thirties.

" I really haven't had a chance to try out my whip. I'd like to break it against him. Going by his records he certainly deserves it." The vixen said as they both looked at him, drinks in hand.

" Once per week, Lex."

" More if he asks for it, which he will. The kitten wouldn't be able to help himself. Just look at the collar. He's basically begging to be abused."

" Perhaps."

Keris kept his head down.

" I did have my eye on another one. Even more of a thug, if you could believe it?" Lex said.

" Are you letting me have him?"

Looking up, Keris gave a pleading look to the lion, unsure if he could stand being under the vixen's control. She sounded utterly sadistic. Not that Keris himself was much better, but...

" I think he likes you." Lex commented.

" More like he's afraid of you." The lion replied.

" He should be, Tiam. I'm blacklisted for the minor offenders."

Keris looked at the male and made a soft mutter. Fuck it, he thought. If he needed to beg, he would beg, as embarrassing as it was.

" Is the other one really worse than this one?" Tiam asked.

" Much."

" If you don't mind, then?" The lion asked.

" You'll probably end up letting him sleep on your lap every night, knowing you. You're way too soft with them, Tiam. But I'm willing to let you have this one, if only because I have something better on offer."

They shook hands. " Very well." Tiam said.

" I'd better be off before the next auction starts. I'll be seeing you around." The vixen said.

" You certainly will."

The vixen wandered away, her tail elegantly flitting about behind her. The Mistress stood silently in the corner, absently working on something on her console. The credit counter near Keris pinged and changed to green, before rolling down to zero.

" Nice to meet you, slave." Tiam looked at Keris, hands tucked behind his back.

Clean Break: Chapter II

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Suit Sentence

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