It's O-Kay

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Written for a friend (who knows who they are), this story is about a wolf and a young ottergirl who's sort of abandoned with him.


The thunderclap caused the entire house to shudder as the sound echoed off the hills. In my half-awake stupor I glanced over at my alarm clock, and, upon not seeing the red LCD display glowing brightly, rolled my eyes as I closed them again, knowing that the power must be out... but it wasn't that tremendous of a problem as I heard the grandfather clock downstairs chime for the quarter-hour among the peals of thunder.

My mind barely registered the door to my bedroom opening and something slamming into my bed. "Unca... I'm scared," came the tiny voice belonging to the cause of the unexpected indoor occurences. I sighed and rolled onto my back.

"It'll be alright, sweetie... come on up. Just get under the covers before it gets too cold in the house, ok?" I mumbled softly, not even bothering to open my eyes. The movement wriggled under the covers and snuggled up next to my side that had previously been occupied by my last girlfriend, but... that was awhile ago.

"Unca... I'm still scared," the voice repeated plaintively as I wrapped my right arm around the small form next to me, her stubby arms and legs hugging to me as her small head lay on my shoulder.

"Why are you scared, sweetie?" I mumbled amid the flashes of light and rumble of thunder.

"My nightlight don' work and the thunder's scary," she whined a little and then physically shuddered as another heavy thunderclap boomed, not as close this time, apparently, but still enough to frighten her.

"The power's out, sweet stuff. That's how come your nightlight doesn't work. But you can sleep here with me so long as you be good, ok?" I mumbled softly as she snuggled in. "How about you lay on top of me like a hug so you can stay nice and warm and Unca's arm doesn't fall asleep with you laying on it?" I suggested.

She started moving about under the covers. "Unca... how come you don't got any pants on?" came from beneath the blankets.

I rolled my eyes some even though they were closed. Yes, I sleep naked... well, in just my fur at least, except in the wintertime when I use old ratty t-shirts as nightshirts until they self-destruct... mostly just to keep my shoulders warm as I tend to wriggle about a bit at night and inadvertently move the covers this way and that. Apparently young otter girls weren't exactly used to folks indulging their fears and letting them sleep in their parents' bed... or maybe they were. I didn't exactly know how she'd been brought up before she and her mother moved in here. Either way, she was mine to tend to for the time being. Or perhaps more. Somewhere out there she clearly has a father... or at least HAD one. Biologically, anyway. Her mother... well... I didn't exactly know WHERE her mother was at the moment, though clearly she thought enough of me to keep the girl safe. Though how an otter would hook up with a wolf like me in the first place... that I never really did know.

Kay settled in atop me, wrapping those stubby arms around me again as her thick tail draped along my sheath and leg. I smiled and leaned forward to kiss her forehead as I spoke, "It's ok, sweetie, Unca sleeps without pants in the winter, and without a shirt or pants in the summer. That way I can get dressed in a hurry if I need to."

"Can I sleep without pants too?" she asked.

I chuckled and shrugged. What the heck, it wouldn't matter. "Go ahead, little one. It'll be alright. But you'll want to leave your top on so your shoulders don't get cold. With the power out, the furnace won't come on until the power comes back on."

I felt a wriggling on top of me and then she settled down some sprawled over my chest and abdomen again as she had been, her head atop my chest just below my neck after she removed her pajama bottoms, and apparently panties as well, as I'd soon find out.

The storm continued to rage outside and with each heavy clap of thunder Kay shivered atop me some and squiggled down further beneath the covers... until... "Unca? What's that poking me?" she asked with genuine curiosity.

"Fuck!" I thought. I felt her squirming just at the tip of my sheath. "How the hell am I going to do this while half asleep and with a squirming 9-year-old otter girl atop me?" It was true I hadn't gotten laid in ages, and hadn't even had the time to beat off the past couple days, not with all the work piling up and the invariable drives here and there for Kay. Thankfully I was able to home-school her, which solved a lot of other problems, like trying to explain where her mother was to some nosy teacher or administrator, and she had plenty of friends in the neighborhood, some of whom the parents knew full well that I kinda had Kay dumped on me. I finally settled on answering her question honestly. "That's my sheath, honey. It's what boys and men have instead of a vulva like you and other girls have."

"Whats a fulva, Unca?" came the response.

I sighed... figures that Lena never told her daughter about anything like that. Not that it comes up in daily discussion about dinosaurs, multiplication tables, and what she'd want at the mall the next time she gets to go shopping. "Vulva, sweetie," I corrected. "It's the slit between your legs that looks kinda like a pair of lips. It's part of what makes someone a girl, just like a sheath is part of what makes someone a boy," I explained.

"It feels kinda weird having it poke me there.... is that what mommy felt like when she lays on top of you like this?" she inquired. I sighed heavily and pet down Kay's back. "How do you know about that?" I asked, guessing I knew the answer but curious anyway.

"Sometimes when I heard mommy scream in the night I'd peek under the door, or when you have your door not shut tight I peeked around it and I seen mommy laying on top of you, or you laying on top of her. She looked like she was hurt but then she'd smile and kiss you." At least her reply was honest about things.

"That's called having sex, little one. It's when a boy and a girl like each other a whole lot and they want to do something that makes them both feel really good, and it can also have them make babies, like your mommy and your daddy did to have you." I answered. She wriggled further down even though the thunder had lessened.

"What's it like?" she asked.

"Oh, boy... what did I do now?" I thought, pondering for a bit. "Well... you're a bit young for sex like your mommy and I used to do." My answer was as honest as hers were, at least. I could almost feel her face turn to a pouting expression as her ears folded. I could feel one move against the fur of my chest.

"But I wanna feel good like mommy did, and.... you've been sad for awhile since mommy left. I know you have been. I know you try to be happy around me all the time but I can tell when it's fake, Unca Shawn. I'm not 6 anymore, you know...." she started chiding me, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Well... " I commented and another clap of thunder shook the house once again and she started shivering. I held her close. "Roll to your side, sweetie, and scooch up so your head's on my left shoulder. I guess it's about time you learned about a few things at least." I felt her roll some and cradled her with my left arm, my hand holding her ruddertail tightly as she balanced in the crevice between my body and arm. "Now spread your legs some and..." I stopped myself. I'd nearly said "... and give me your hand" until I realized that her otter body wouldn't allow her to reach her own crotch without bending a fair bit, and that would negate her head being above the covers where the air was fresher.

"And what, Unca?" she asked, catching that I'd stopped.

"And I'll show you some things about your body." I changed my statement for her benefit. Whether she caught it or not, I'd never know. She giggled a little as I tickle-scritched her belly fur, my arm and hand cradling her young body easily as she lay along my side, the size difference between our species accentuated by the age difference. "Well... up here are your nipples, as you know..." I moved my hand up, moving her nightshirt up some as well. "When a girl gets aroused - that's ready for sex - they'll perk up some as well and become more sensitive. Not as much as some other body parts, but we'll get to that later." I moved and circled one of her partially-hidden breasts with a fingertip, causing the nipple to perk up firmly. "How does that feel?" I asked.

"Kinda weird, Unca. But not bad-weird, just... Tingles a little, kinda? I dunno..." she whined a bit and then shivered again as another thunderclap sounded.

I chuckled and kissed her forehead. "There's nothing to be scared of, little one. The house is solid, and you're here with me. There's nothing much that could hurt you as there's nothing much that could hurt me right now." I pet down her front to her tummy again, continuing the lesson. "When girls are aroused, there's a lot of places on their body that make them feel differently, like a girl's tummy... the inside of her thighs, her neck, ears, even feet on some. And since you're an otter... your tail being gripped can give you interesting feelings as well." I undulated my hand gripping the base of her thick ruddertail and she squirmed a bit.

"That makes me feel all oogly, Unca...." she said with a half-giggle. "But what about my fulva and your sheeth?" she asked.

"We're getting to that, Kay. Patience..." I gently chided, caressing down her front. "I'd guide your hand so you can feel things for yourself but you'd have to bend a bit and I want your head above the covers so you can get all the air you need... you're already breathing a bit fast as you're feeling oogly inside, aren't you?"

Kay nodded. "How'd ya know, Unca?" she asked with genuine curiosity.

"Well, both girls and boys start breathing harder when they become aroused... it's all part of their bodies getting ready for sex, or mating... People call it all different sorts of things, but it all means intimate, loving feelings between two people, whether they be a girl and a boy, or two boys or two girls or... lots of different combinations." I smiled tenderly at her and she giggled, then wriggled more as my fingers reached her Mons.

"Now this pad, just above your slit? That's called the "Mons Verenis"... meaning Mound of Venus. And it helps you mate face to face, which is how most otters have to do things because of your thick rudders... Other positions mean you otters have to get a bit more creative than most other species." I smiled and then I trailed my fingers to where her legs joined her body. "Spread your legs a bit more, hon..." I instructed, and she did so.

"Here's your vulva.. that means the whole space between your legs from the Mons up here...." I pressed my fingers against the pelvic pad, "... alll the way to your tailhole back here..." I trailed my fingers along the joining of the labia, then her perineum, and then touched and teasingly circled the pucker I knew was at the back. When I did so she squeezed her thighs shut around my hand.

"That feels WEIRD you touching my tailhole....." she admonished.

"Didn't like it?" I inquired.

"Well... no... it didn't hurt or anything I just... I'm sorry Unca Shawn." She started sniffing and I kissed her forehead, my free hand still trapped between her thighs.

"Relax, pup... you didn't do anything wrong." I chuckled softly. "Your tailhole is sensitive too, which is why some girls and some boys like mating under their tail with the other boy, or a girl with a toy, pushing into their tailhole and it rubbing back and forth inside in an interesting way."

"Really? I mean... I thought all it was for was pooping...." Kay started thinking out loud.

"Well... that's what it's mainly for, but you can have fun there too... but..." I thought better of myself. "... only at home here should you go exploring your body like this... it's not for out in public or other places or people could get upset and... I could get into trouble."

"Why would you get in trouble?" she asked.

"Well..." I admitted "... I'm not really supposed to be showing you all this with me touching you. Lots of people won't think it's right, but... I'd rather you learn from me than to make mistakes fumbling with some boy your age or one of the older neighbor kids or something. You see... between the lips of your vulva is where you pee from - your urethra - as well as another opening, the opening to your vagina. And... now don't wriggle or it'll hurt... there's a barrier across the opening called a hymen. Some folks call it a "cherry" as you bleed when it's broken, or call it a "maidenhead" or your "virginity", as it's broken when you first put something inside of you that's bigger like a penis..." I gently wriggled my fingertip at her opening. "Yours is fairly widely open so you could put a finger inside without too much trouble. One of your fingers. Mine are a bit big to go through without causing you some discomfort," I explained.

She seemed to be soaking up the information with rapt attention. "So... when you mated with mommy... is that why she cried out a lot?" Kay asked. She did a full-body shudder, nearly toppling herself from my arm as I drew my finger back, clear that she was holding it in as I'd cautioned her.

"Well... that's a little different. You see, your vagina is like a tube... with an opening at one end where your hymen is and at the other there's your cervix, the barrier between your vagina and your uterus - where babies grow in. So for a wolf like me... our penises are a bit longer than most otters' penises, so it made your mommy stretch a bit long-wise in her vagina, pressing against her cervix, and also we swell up at the base of our penis. It's called a "knot" and it makes our mates stay together with us for a long time, our penis stuck inside them when we mate. That's what usually made your mom cry out is when my knot swelled it caused her to orgasm a couple more times." I guess it was the night to explain all about it to her, so... at least she'd know.

"What's an organsm?" she inquired.

I chuckled. "Orgasm, sweetie. It's... a very overwhelming feeling that comes along with touching yourself or sex or things like that... things that stimulate you down here... at your private places." I returned my free hand to her vulva and began trailing my finger between the lips and wriggling at the top where her clit is. She wriggle-squirmed a bit in response. "That was me teasing your clitoris. It's like a boy's penis only much much smaller, and it's very sensitive like you just found out. It helps a girl get more and more aroused. And when a girl gets aroused..." I trailed my fingers back down to her vaginal opening and moved them about some, then brought them up to where she could see amid the lightning flashes "... they produce mucus that helps lubricate their insides in preparation for sex, whether or not they're actually going to have sex."

She rubbed a fingertip in her own girl lube clinging to my fingers and she examined it some between her own fingers. "Feels slippery and kinda weird...."

I smiled. "Well, that's what helps a girl be ready for a boy to put his penis inside of her, or another girl with a toy, or just by herself with a special sex toy." I kissed her forehead. "All girls do that when they're aroused."

"Does that mean I'm ready for sex now, Unca?" she asked.

"Well... yes and no. Your body seems to be ready, but... you're still quite young for that." I cautioned.

She rolled back to where she had been atop me and wriggled back down against the end of my sheath, this time a little further so the tip poked between her labia. "I wanna have sex with you, Unca Shawn. I want to feel good with you and I want you to feel good with me." Apparently she understood my explanations a lot better than I had expected.

"Honey... Kay... It'll hurt you. A lot, since you're so young and you've not had anything big inside you before..." I cautioned, but my shaft was firming inside my sheath at the very thought.

"Unca... your pee.. peeness? The thing inside your sheath that you put inside mommy... it's poking me." she commented.

I chuckled. "Well, when boys get aroused, their penis grows inside their sheath, if they have a sheath, and then extends from their sheath and thickens so it can go inside their mate." I pet down her back. I supposed it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if someone she loved took her virginity... especially someone a bit more grown so they'd know to take things slower than a hurried teen would.

"Does that mean yours is ready to go inside of me?" she asked, curiously as she wriggled further down my front so the tip was indeed brushing between her labia and poking at her opening, as best I could tell.

"Well, sort of, honey... But... " I pondered just how to do this all, if she really wanted to. WHY I was actively contemplating it, I'll never know or understand. Perhaps it was a lack of self-control stemming from y arousal, perhaps it was that her mother hadn't been around in a long time. Perhaps it was her willingness to learn combined with my love for her and love for teaching her new things. Whatever it was, I didn't stop. ".... it'll hurt a lot if I put myself inside of you, and.... if I did... I don't think I'd be able to stop mating you once I start even if you wanted me to stop, and I don't want to hurt you. I... come up here so I can see your face, Kay."

She wriggled up and poked her nose out from under the covers. "Yes, Unca Shawn?"

I pet over her head and sighed deeply in the darkness as the rain continued to pelt the side of the house where my bedroom was. I sighed again. "Kay, I need to know for sure that you really want this... it's a very very big step for any girl to give her virginity to someone... it can only happen once in any girl's life and... it should be with someone she really loves. Not just a casual thing or in the heat of a moment... or heat of a heat." I realized what I was saying. "Have you started having heat periods yet, Kay?"

The little otter shook her head with a look of confusion that I could see in a flash of lightning. "What's that, Unca?" she asked curiously.

"A heat period is when your body really really wants to mate to create babies. Girls go through it every so often. In some species, it happens once a month. In others, only once or twice a year. But you'd have known if you were having them as your slit would go all puffy and you'd feel an overwhelming need to have a boy's maleness crammed inside and be seeded by the boy... or using a toy as a substitute when you don't want to get pregnant." I explained.

"Oh... kinda like Lacey Petra across the street when she smells like flowers for a few days each month?" Kay asked.

I chuckled, knowing the teenage vixen's father and having smelled both heat-scent as well as masking faux flower scent now and again when she was over to babysit or we'd have community functions out on the street. "Yeah, like that. She's not as feral-like as some foxes so she cycles every month instead of once a year."

"I haven't smelled like flowers yet, Unca... and ... this is the first time I've really wanted to mate. And..." she buried her muzzle in my chest fur and pulled the blanket over her eyes as she mumbled into my pecs "... I love you, Unca Shawn, and so I kinda... I do want to mate with you."

I pondered things for a bit, then smiled and kissed the teeny nosie barely peeking out from under the heavy comforter. "Normally the best way for a girl's first time is for her to be under the boy, sweetie. But with the power out and the furnace not working, that'd leave a lot of air space for us to get cold...." I pet down her back as I pondered just how to do this. She, true to her inquisitive nature, interrupted my train of thought.

"Why's that, Unca?" she inquired.

"Well... It allows you to relax your whole bottom, legs and all, so none of your muscles are tight, and being underneath the boy face-to-face means that you can't really wriggle out if you suddenly change your mind. That helps him a bit to have confidence he's doing the right thing, and usually helps the girl not be so afraid." I continued petting down her back as she wriggled against my cocktip. "Girls will tense up if they're afraid and their slickness stops being slick if they're frightened or such, so for a first time it's very important that the girl be relaxed, feeling safe and ready."

She scooted up and we kissed. "I'm pretty sure I'm ready, Unca. Even if it hurts some. I know... you're big and I know you said it'll hurt some but I also know mom always seemed so happy when you two were... mating?... that...." She paused. "I want to feel like that with you, and you were happy holding her afterwards and I want you to feel happy like that again, too."

I reached over to the bedside nightstand and fumbled around in the drawer, finding two things I might want... I grabbed both and shut the drawer, then, with a hand atop Kay's back holding her to me I rolled us to our sides. "This is going to get a little more complicated since I can't be over top you - which is sometimes called the "missionary position" - but this should work...." I caressed along her side and arched my back some, drawing my knees up so she was sort of in my "lap", and I could feel my tip center in between her folds quite readily with her rudder between my thighs. I reached down and peeled back my sheath. "Are you absolutely sure you want me to mate with you, Kay? I'm not kidding when I say it'll hurt." I pondered. "Why don't you take a couple moments and feel what you're really like between your legs. If the lights were on, I'd show you what you look like. But then again, if the lights were on..." I was interrupted by renewed thunder with apparently another storm coming in right behind the previous one. Kay shook.

"Unca... I... just want you to make me feel what mommy felt - safe and loved, and I want to feel you inside me like she did." Her pleading expression spoke volumes as shown in the split-second flash of lightning illuminating the room.

I sighed... and guided her legs to being spread beneath the blankets, placing her right hand on her upper, right, thigh to hold it bent and spread as I gripped her hips and moved her into appropriate position face-to-face with me. I arched forward with a bit of straining and kissed her nosie. Leaning back I brought her to bear on the tip of my rigid organ. The tapered tip centered easily between her labia at her opening. I started increasing pressure both with my hips and my hands on her hip, and she started breathing heavier.

I wished I could have seen her face, but in hindsight it was probably better that I couldn't as if she was crying, which my nose told me tears were flowing, likely from pain, I'm sure I couldn't have gone through with it, and probably would have regretted it all later - mostly stopping when she wanted me to mate her. She was starting to sniffle and I could feel she wasn't budging. "Relaaaaaax Kay.... just will your opening to be relaxed and open... think of it like a biiiig open tunnel... all ready and slick for me to push into... all..." she meeped loudly and I figured the slow method wasn't going to work. "Kay... just pant like a doggy for a bit... and then take three big breaths - in, out, in, out, in then hold it, ok?" I offered.

"Ok Unca," came the whimpering response.... she panted for a bit and then when she started taking the breaths I started my work, and on the third inhalation I shoved forward firmly with my hips, and pulled her hips towards my crotch with my hands. She screamed out as I broke her seal and was halfway into her untested depths before I could release the tension in my arms, her untested insides clenching so tightly my member ached.

Kay screamed out an earsplitting yelp and I arched more to kiss her as I pet her back. "The worst is over, pup... I'm inside you... about halfway in... can you feel it?" She mutely nodded through her sniffling and I brushed some of her tears away with my hand. "Just breathe, honeygirl... you're doing so well..." I cuddled her and then after a short time I aked her, "Does it still hurt?"

"Yes, Unca... it hurts. It hurt a lot but right now it's... just... it doesn't hurt as much... as it did," she replied, still whimpering a little.

I pet along her back some and this time she made the first move, letting go of her leg for a moment to move my hand back to her hip. "Mate me, Unca Shawn. Breed me like you did with mommy when she was here."

I smiled and drew back some before pushing forward, then remembered and reached under my pillow, putting the cloth to our joining for a moment as I drew back, nearly completely out of her.

"What are you doing?" she inquired.

I smiled tenderly and set the object on the bed above her head. "You'll see when the lights come on, or in the morning, sweet stuff." I then started mating her with genuine enjoyment, as her tunnel started relaxing to accommodate my size. I pressed deep in, fully up to her cervix and moved my upper hand so I was touching her ribs with her foot overtop. "Let go of your leg for a moment, sweetie, and feel how wide I have you stretched.... and how you're taking every inch of it like a big girl."

She, having somewhat adapted to the stretching and sensations and her breathing became more rapid again from her renewed arousal, bent some and ran her webbed pawhand along her front, then pelvic brim and then....

"WOW! Unca Shawn... you're like... you're HUGE!" she exclaimed and then shuddered as she brushed over her own exposed clit, the lovebud standing proudly from the pressure all the wolfmeat stuffed tightly into her young lovetunnel. "How is it all.... I didn't think I could stretch this much!"

"Otters are pretty stretchy, sweetie. Do you think you could take a little more?" I inquired, shifting my hips a little for my tip to nudge against the opening of her innermost gate.

I could almost feel the change in her expression. "Will it hurt like the other did, Unca?" her pawhands pressed against my chest and I raised my bottom hand to caress her lower nipple with my thumb, her nightshirt apparently having worked its way up to her armpits as we had moved.

"It shouldn't hurt like that... but a different type of hurt... kinda like... Remember how a bruise sorta aches, like when you landed the wrong way and fell on your butt on the stairs and your tail hurt for awhile? It'd be like that." I almost caught myself saying "cramps" but since she'd never had a heat before, she wouldn't have the first idea what uterine cramps would be like.

"Did you do that with mommy, and did she like it?" Kay asked, inquisitively again.

I smiled and started rocking my hips, drawing my shaft in and out a bit. "Your mommy loved it when we would do things that way, sweetie... especially the surprise at the end when I did..." It was my turn to take the initiative it seemed, so I did. "Touch yourself down there, Kay... feel how your femaleness is, and then when the oogly sensation starts to bubble over, do it all the more, ok? And if you need to grab onto me when that happens, it's quite alright. You can't hurt me."

I could feel her nodding her head and I started short-stroking her as I felt her upper pawhand exploring our joining, occasionally her insides starting to clench and she'd lean back some, but then arch forward some more and continue her feeling around. Faster and faster the squeezings occurred until she shoved herself down hard on my crotch, grabbed two pawfuls of my chest hair and let out a wail that would have done a harpy justice.

I took the opportunity to press as tightly as ever I could to her inner gate as she contracted around me, and as she relaxed, it happened, the tip started working through. I kept the pressure up and shoved forward. Her breathing was so rapid it was as though she were a dog panting, and again, another shove, more of that super-tight ring of muscle wedged along my tapered tip. Another shove... then another... she was starting to whimper and cry and then as she drew a shuddering breath in, I slipped fully into her.

Something between a strangled scream and a gargling moan issued from her mouth and I held her close, letting her upper leg drop to my hip and I slid my hand down so my thumb could tease her lovebud, which set off a near-epileptic undulation in the tender preteen mustelid, her insides gripping me ever so tightly as she went through yet another orgasm, but this one prompting a significant reaction from me as well.

As her vaginal opening tightened heavily on my nerve plexus, my knot started to balloon within her young pelvis, and after a few seconds she realized what was happening, causing her to start to panic a bit. "Unca... what's.... you're growing... oh my god, it's too big.... take it out! Take it out! Take it out!" her voice rose in tone and she started writhing around so I wrapped my arms around her holding her tight.

"Settle, Kay. Eaaaasy. It's not too big, little one... stop worrying... It's my knot connecting us together in a mating lock. Trust me, Kay, it'll be alright... It feels huge because to you it IS huge... and it'll plug your pelvic opening..." I could already feel the tightness of bone to either side of my swollen orb as pre jetted into her very womb "... but it'll be alright. Breathe as deeply as you can and then, if you trust me, reach down and touch yourself one last time."

She shuddered there for a few moments before I felt one shaky hand move between our bodies.... down my front this time, until...

She barely touched herself before she had another cataclysmic reaction. She flailed about horrendously though time and again her hand returned our joining as she screamed and wailed and grunted like a being possessed by demons. If it hadn't been for the storm raging outside I'm sure the neighbors would have heard her vocalizations and probably would have called the police.

Her internal contractions caused me to tip over the edge myself and I ran my hand down to her rudderbase and shoved forward repeatedly in mating spasm, even though there was absolutely nowhere for my swollen knot to go in such a tight lover, and I'm sure she could feel the jets of hot wolfseed painting her insides and filling her bit by bit with messy, sticky, goo.

She went completely limp after a short time, and I was slightly worried but she was still breathing so I just cuddled her close to my front. After a few more moments she came to and mumbled. "Whut happened?" into my chestfur.

"We mated, Kay. You're tied to me by the mating lock, and you passed out from your very first mating." I petted down her back. "Did you like it, pup?"

"Yes, Unca...." came the tired reply, her hands coming to rest on her slightly-bulging abdomen - bulging both from my presence within her, as well as the juices I was still minorly jetting into her.

I set the handkerchief stained with the juices of our coupling and her virgin blood on the nightstand, so she could have a perpetual momento of her very first time, her first love...

I sighed softly as I heard the furnace kick in as the power came back on. I wriggled a little to settle in to sleep some more, still tightly tied with my young lover. She murphled something incoherent as I did so but she made no moves to do anything other than cuddle with me.

I closed my eyes again and sighed as a soft voice squeaked from under the covers....

"Love you, Unca."