A Knock At The Door: Part 2

Story by GeetarBoy on SoFurry

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*All my thanks to Roke Tanuki for all his help on this, and all his feedback on part one. Your advice could not have helped me more. This is the final installment of this series, and I think I ended it well. I hope you all enjoy it.*

John sat idly in the chair by the window, rocking back and forth slowly. A large blanket was draped over him, and his brown wool slippers squeaked as his rocked. The moon shone brightly through the window like a spotlight, illuminating John as he sat in deep silence. John stared out the window, eyeing the landscape outside with dull interest. A few cars passed by, carrying tired furs home to their beds, a few furs stumbled along the sidewalk, clumsily making their way home after a Friday night of drinking. But other than that, the scene was almost dead, and time passed on without faltering.

John shifted a little in the chair, bringing his arms closer to his chest for warmth. A lit cigarette protruded from the side of his mouth, a small stream of smoke rose from it and towards the ceiling in a snake-like pattern, winding and twisted as it disappeared into the darkness. The cherry red end being the only light source in the room, flickered as it burned, making the light seem to dance off the walls. John looked back slightly, to the bed on the other side of the room, where Aria was asleep, her deep breaths the only sound which broke the solemn silence of the night. They had made love that night, as they did almost every night, and as usual, John could not sleep afterwards. And when he did sleep, he had horrible nightmares. Nightmares of the night Jennie died. The horrible memories revisited, he would dream of being with her that night, of having some drinks at Joey's Bar.Then leaving the bar, and walking home....and the car..

As he did on so many other nights he sat awake, trying to rid himself of the guilt he could not shake. He had not slept in what felt like weeks, and his body was at at its end, physically and emotionally. In the daytime, he would tell Aria he was job hunting, but instead, would be asleep in his car, napping then, knowing that night he would find no sleep. Another one of the lies he spread to her, another one of the many ways he would end up hurting her. And so, that night on so amny other nights, the demons in his head teased him.

If she knew you were smoking, she'd kill you. The voice in his head taunted. You haven't even given up drinking yet.

John stared outside the window at the sky now, counting the stars. Again, he found himself thinking of her, remembering her. Her face was as clear as day in his mind, she was smiling, and the wind was flowing through her hair. John missed her, missed her so much every day. His first thoughts when he awoke in the morning and his last thoughts before he went to sleep were always of her. The last few months, he tried to get over her, tried to drop her from his thoughts, but it as too hard. Even when he was with Aria, he would always find himself looking at her, but thinking of Jennie.

John closed his eyes and rested his head of the back of the chair, thinking of Jennie again, picturing her in his mind. Quietly, he spoke to her,

"I'm so alone, so afraid. I'm ashamed of what I feel, ashamed of whom I am. I love Aria, but I love you still. I can't stop loving you, I know that now. But I can't stop loving her either. I'm weak, so weak. I don't know what to do. Can you help me?" With this he added "Call me back", jokingly to himself. Remembering how she would always miss him when he tried to call her. John opened his eyes and returned his gaze outside, again, watching the laziness of the night pass by.

John had yet to inhale on the cigarette, being too deep in thought to notice, leaving it to burn away in his mouth. He didn't want to smoke it, with every puff he felt as if he was falling deeper away, from what he didn't know; from being clean, from getting better, but mostly, from Aria. John sighed a little, mostly in sadness, and took a long drag on the cigarette, letting the smoke fill up his mouth, throat and lungs, allowing it to flow through him.

Almost instantly, his whole body relaxed. A tingly feeling passed from his head to his toes, and his mind cleared. He closed his eyes and savored the feeling as he exhaled, as if with every molecule of air that left him, was another bit of trouble that went with it. John had never been a smoker, and had only picked it up recently, but if someone had told him how good it was a long time ago, he would not have hesitated to start.

John looked back again at Aria, who had turned over onto her back, her blanket sliding off a little as she did so. Her face was calm and worriless, in a true state of sleep. She looked helpless almost, like a child, with her eyes shut lightly, and her mouth slightly open as she breathed. Her beautiful body covered by her silk nightgown, shown slightly as the blankets slid off of her, the thin silk gown sliding over her perfect curves. She shifted a little and shivered in the cold, her face contorting a little, and a small whimper escaping her open lips. John placed the cigarette down on the table, and standing up slowly, he walked over to the bed, trying to lighten his steps as he made his way over, hoping no to wake her.

As he reached the bed, he looked down at her, again marveling at the way she looked, admiring how beautiful she was. He watched her for a moment, watched her sleep, watched her lying there. He found, after a moment, to be staring at her, lost in her as she slept. His mind did not wander, nor did any thought cross it as he stood there, but he could not take his eyes from her. She was so peaceful, so righteous, so innocent, that John felt like a criminal as he watched, as if he was not worthy of even one glance upon this woman. Again, guilt panged in his stomach.

John brought his hands down to the fallen blanket, and placed it back at its rightful position across her breast. Then he leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. She squirmed and giggled as his lips touched her. She smelled so good, not like anything specific, just good, as if it was part of her to be so. As John pulled away from her, he added a silent "I love you." It was not returned, but John knew she had heard it.

John walked back to his chair, and grabbed the cigarette form the table, replacing it in his mouth. And again, making sure not to wake Aria, skulked out of the room, pulling the door closed behind him, gingerly releasing the door handle as it clicked shut. The dark loneliness of his apartment met him as he turned towards the kitchen, making John feel uneasy. He walked to the sink, putting the cigarette out in it, and washing the ashes away. And - opening the kitchen window and flicking the butt out into the night air, watching it fall towards the earth like a stone - John eliminated all the evidence of his vice.

John sighed deeply and brought a hand to his face, as an intense feeling of shame washed over him. What was he doing? Skulking around the apartment at night, sneaking cigarettes like a teenager, hiding them from Aria like she was a vengeful mother. He hid them wherever he could all over the apartment, places where she wouldn't look. Inside boxes of his old clothes, inside cases of old CD's, wherever he could find sufficient space. A small knot of fear twisted in John's stomach. His smoking was slowly replacing his drinking, which was something John feared he could not avoid.

That's when he noticed the answering machine was blinking, across the room on the couch's end table. John walked over and looked at the screen. 6 new messages were saved there, all from the previous day. John had been out job hunting, so he must have missed them. John hit the play button, making sure to quickly turn the volume down. John's own voice echoed from the machine, it sounded cold, cold and quiet, like a drunk who's lost a bet.

Hey, it's John. I'm not in, so leave your message and I'll get back to you.


"Hello Mr. Sanders, it's Ben Wallace from Eastern Mortgage. It seems you're overdue on...."

John hit the delete button fast, cutting Mr. Wallace off.

"Hey John, it's Debra from your support group. We haven't seen you around in awhile, so I was calling to see if you were alright..."


"Mr. Sanders, Hi it's Benny from FurGroup Financial. We took a look at your resume today, I'm sorry to say, the position has already been filled. If you..."

Delete. John cursed under his breath.

"John? Its mom, I haven't heard from you awhile, are you okay? I want to talk..."


"Hey John, its George, man, From Joey's Bar! We Haven't seen you around in a friggin' long time, man! How are things with Jennie? You still hittin' that? Haha! Just Kiddin'..."

Delete. John winced as he hit the button, hearing that last part as George was cut off.

"John, its me, call me back, okay?"

John stopped dead as he went to hit the delete button. That sounded like...but no, no that was impossible. It couldn't be...John listened to it again, and again. The voice, the voice was so clear, it had to be, he knew that voice. John's heart started pounding, his breath quickened, he mind raced. A million questions rushed through it like a freight train. John's vision blurred and his body went limp, and in one clean motion, he fainted, crumpling to the floor like a puppet if you cut its strings.

In the darkness if his unconsciousness, John found himself running down a long, dimly light hallway, at the end, he saw a female figure, enveloped in shadow. John ran as fast as he could, with his hand outstretched. She was calling to him, "John.....John.....John....". As John neared her, she faded, and the floor fell from under him, John fell; fell into the dark unknown, screaming, before he was ripped back into reality.

He awoke, drenched in sweat, his breath pounding. John sat up quickly, and a sharp pain split his head. John brought a hand to his forehead and cried out a little. He looked, waiting for his blurred vision to focus. As John slowly stood up, he remembered what happened, the memory of it flooding back to him. Her voice, her voice was on the answering machine.

John went to press the play button again, but hesitated, as if he was about to touch a hot stove. John pulled his hand away, and instead grabbed the phone from the jack, bringing it up to his face; he listened to it as the dial tone rang out loudly. What was he doing? Was he actually going to try and call her? John shook his head, and went to put the phone down, but brought it back up.

This is crazy, I must be going crazy. I must be drunk. John thought to himself.

John brought his finger up, and slowly dialed in Jennie's old cell phone number. His hands were shaking, and he kept making mistakes. Once he finally got the number dialed in, he brought the phone up to his ear. He had never been more nervous in his life; he couldn't even keep the phone steady. After a moment, the phone began to ring. It rang only once, before a voice came on the other end. John nearly cried out in horror and surprise at the same time.

"Hello John. I'm glad you got my message."

John nearly fainted again, a small whimper escaping his lips. He mumbled a little, the words caught in his throat. As the words came out of his mouth, even John could not believe what he was saying.

"Juh....Juh....Je....Jennie? Is that you?"

"Yes John, it is. You have to come meet me, right now. Come to the Bridge on Elm Street, under the overpass, I'll be waiting underneath it. It's raining, so wear a coat."

'Wha...Whu....What are you talking about. Jennie I..."

"I'll see you in a minute, John."

John heard a click the other end was cut off. For a minute, John stood there, the phone frozen to his ear. John hung up the phone slowly, laying it back on the jack. As he stood there, he debated what to do. He doubt of himself was more prominent that ever now, he was still trying to make sense of what was happening.

"Well," he said to himself, "I must be fucking crazy, but if I am, then I should go."

John grabbed his shoes and scribbled a quick note to Aria, saying he needed to get some air and went for a walk. Another of the dozens of lies he told her, and he was sick of it, but what would he say otherwise? That a voice on the phone claiming to be his dead girlfriend told him to come and meet her in one of their old hang out spots?

As John made his way out the door, he suddenly remembered what the voice on the phone had said, that it was raining, so he should bring a coat. John opened the door and looked outside, the night was clear, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. John closed the door, and chuckled a little, feeling like a fool.

"I must be crazy, its not..."

Just then, thunder boomed, and rain began to fall in sheets. John stood in front of the door, frozen in shock as the rain poured from the sky. In one quick motion, he snatched his coat and threw it on, and went running out the door.

As John walked through town, the scene was just as dead as it had been before. The streetlights shone brightly, and the wind blew hard as it rained. John's footsteps banged rhythmically on the ground as he paced towards his destination. As the rain fell harder, John put the hood of his coat up, covering his face. John face was contorted with determination, as he tried his hardest to continue his course, but his fear was great.

As John passed an alleyway, he heard someone move from in the alley. John jumped and turned to meet them, and was greeted by a man crawling from under a doorway. The man was dressed in rags and clearly homeless. John relaxed a little as the man emerged from the shadows and walked up to him. His features slowly coming in to view as he stepped into the light from the street lamps.

The man was old, very old, his wise wolf face shaped into a demented smile. His teeth were yellow and rotting. One of his eyes was scarred shut, and he walked with a hunch. His beaten trench coat dragged on the ground as he shuffled over to John, and held out his hands. His voice wheezed as he spoke.

"Hey man, whatchoo' doin' out this late, eh? Headed somewhere? Can you spare some cash for an old man? I'll take whatever you can find it in your heart to give."

John looked the man up and down, for all he knew, the man would just rob him if he reached for his wallet. But...there was something about him, something...well, John didn't know what it was. But he sensed something from this man, something good, and something honest. John nodded and reached into his pocket, and pulled out a twenty dollar bill. He went to put it back, but stopped, handing it to the old man, placing it in his hand and smiling.

"Here ya go, old man. I hope it keeps you warm."

The man loked up at John, his eyes suddenly piercing and dark. "You better hurry, my man, shes waiting for you."

The man smiled and grasped John's hand tightly, and then without saying another word, walked back into the shadows. John watched the the man walk back into the alley, a little shocked, not sure what to say. Then, he turned back to the sidewalk and continued his journey. As he walked away, he reached into his pocket for his cigarettes, when he heard the man's voice behind him.

"Hey man, could you spare one of those smokes, too?"

John stopped, and turned quickly, yelling out as he did so.

'How did you know I...."

But the man was gone, nowhere to be seen. John stood in disbelief for a moment, before pulling the cigarettes out of his pocket, and lighting one up. As he walked down the road, he could have sworn he heard laughing, somewhere far away.

As John neared the overpass, he stopped for a moment, dropping the cigarette on the ground and grinding it out with his foot. John looked at the bridge for a moment, remembering all the times he and Jennie had come here, to be alone, when they were younger. John still had no idea what was happening, but a small spark of confidence was lit in him, and he continued toward the overpass, walking slowly, and cautiously.

John walked underneath the overpass, and took his hood down. He looked around, but saw no one. He walked form one end to the other, but saw no one coming. John scorned himself, and his heart dropped. How could he have been so stupid? What was he thinking? He leaned up against the side of the overpass, taking another cigarette out and bringing it up to his mouth. As he brought the small disposable lighter up, flicking it on, a voice from behind him startled him suddenly, and the cigarette fell from his mouth as he saw who it was.

"Hi John. It's nice to see you again.

John could not believe his eyes. A woman stood under the overpass, wearing a heavy coat with the hood up over her head. God...oh god there she was. Standing right in front of him, as clear and as real as the day he met her. She walked towards him, pulling the hood of the coat off of her head. As the hood came away, John was met by the same bright and beautiful face that had caught his eye when he was younger, and the same face that had haunted his dreams for months.

It was her, none other. Her bright doe eyes shone in what little light there was. Her long brown hair flowed down off of her face and past her shoulders, fraying in the wind a little. She smiled at him, and walked closer. John backed away, his eyes wide with terror. He nearly stumbled and fell backwards as he backed away. She frowned, bringing her hand up, and gesturing for him to come to her. John stuttered, the words caught in his throat.

"Oh god...oh...my...god...how...Jennie? Jesus Christ...Is it....is it you?"

The woman smiled again, nodding slowly. She walked closer to John now, her hand still outstretched. John stopped backing up, and instead, watched the woman as she walked to him. As she got close, John's breathe quickened, and his eyes were bright with fear. She reached her hand around and placed it behind his left ear, and began to scratch slowly. John relaxed a little, it felt very good, and his breath slowed and his eyes closed a little. The woman spoke again, a hint of amusement in her voice.

"I see you still have the old sweet spot, huh? You didn't think I would remember?"

John opened his eyes, and smiled. His whole body felt like it was floating as he looked into her eyes. It was her, somehow, someway, it was her. John reached up a hand, and brought it too her face. He had to know, one more test to see if he wasn't just going crazy. As he hand reached her face, he touched her, and felt the warmth of her fur. Her smile grew, and her hand left John's ear and grasped his hand. For a moment, John didn't what to say, or how to react. A mix of emotions brewed in him, and a single tear fell from his cheek. In this moment, Jennie wrapped her arms around him and embraced him. John gripped her with his arms and pulled her as close as he could. Her smell was there, he knew know. It was her, it was really her.

They hugged for what seems like hours, neither one speaking, neither one moving. As Jennie pulled away from John, she wiped a few tears form his face with her hand. John started to laugh, he had never been happier in his life; he couldn't believe what was happening to him. With their arms still around one another, John worked up the courage to ask.

"God, I missed you so much, you have no idea...but Jennie, I....I watched you die. You're dead..."

Jennie frowned and pulled away from John. Her hand reached up to her forehead and pulled her hair away from it, showing an open bleeding wound on her head, a small trickle of blood shown running down from the wound. The memory rushed back to John, of him seeing her on the hospital bed, dying, with a bloody bandage wrapped on her head. John moaned in disgust and disappointment. His mind flowed with horrible thoughts.

She is dead, she is dead, you're crazy, John Sanders, a loony, a psycho...

John cried out in desperation and fell to his knees, tears flowing from his eyes. His hands reached up and covered his eyes, and he chanted over and over, "No...No...No...No..." He rocked back and forth, refusing to believe what he saw. It all felt like a bad dream, a horrible dream. Any minute he would wake up, any minute now.

But he didnt, and as John looked up at her again, her face was as blank as stone. John whimpered a little and shrugged his shoulders at her, unable to speak. She let her hair down, and put her hands in the pockets of her coat.

'I want to be honest with you John. You're right, I did die. I won't lie to you now, not now. I have died, but have remained here, because of you. I'm afriad its a little complicated..."

John brought a hand up to his head and ran it through his hair. "But...then how...am I crazy?...Jennie, what the hell is going on? Tell me!"

John began to get angry. He wanted answers. He was scared and confused. He took a step toward her, and she remained firm. She shrugged a little and looked away. "Your not crazy John, but you are irrational. What would make you think this isn't real? I'm here for a reason John, I'm here to help you."

John wiped the remaining tears form his eyes and sniffed, getting up and brushing the dirt from his knees. "So....is this all real?"

Jennie shrugged again and nodded towards the sky. "What is real, John? What you can see, taste, and touch? Then yes, this is real, and no it isn't. Your not dreaming John, but nor are you actually here."

John shook his head in anger. "God dammit, Jennie, what the hell does that mean? What's going on!!??"

Anger showed in Jennie's face, and her eyes grew fiery. Her hands came out of her pockets, and she pointed at John with intensity. "You need to calm down, John, since it is your fault I'm here. I'm disappointed with you John. I know what you've being the last months since I died. I know; drinking, smoking, and skulking around like a whipped dog with no will to fight. Hurting those around you, and pushing them away, like they were unwanted guests. Is this how you remember me, John? Is this how you want to go on?! Why don't you tell me, John! Why don't you tell me!

John began to weep, sobbing slowly, and falling back to his knees. Stuttering and sobbing like a scolded child. He realized now, what she meant, why she was here. Guilt and remorse flared up in him like wildfire, and he crawled to Jennie, hugging her knees, sobbing the whole time. Pleading with her to forgive him.

"I'm so sorry, so sorry....please forgive me....oh god I'm sorry."

Jennie knelt down and placed her hands on John's shoulders. John looked up into her eyes, her deep beautiful eyes. They were full of sympathy, worry, and forgiveness. She brought her hands around John, and hugged him to her chest. John felt the sadness in her, the sadness she carried in death.

"I'm not mad at you, John. Please don't think I am. I'm here to help you, because I love you. They let me come back, come back for one night to show you what you need to see."

She got up, and helped John to his feet. John sniffed loudly, and Jennie hugged him again, her embrace was the sweetest thing John had felt in so long, and he felt himself being lifted up, up into the air as if he was flying. John buried his face in Jennie's neck and let the feeling take him over. His body felt warm, and his muscles light. His head swam with happiness as he gripped her. As John felt his feet leave the ground, he closed his eyes, and heard Jennie whispering in his ear.

"I came to give you something John, something that will help both of us. But we need to go somewhere else. Will you go with me, John? Will you let me take you there?"

"Yes," John said quietly into her shoulder, "Yes, I'll go with you."

As soon as the words left his lips, John felt as if he was being ripped backwards. A force slammed him the stomach and he felt as if he was being tossed around in a washing machine. Jennie's hand found his, and he gripped it hard, holding on for what he was sure was dear life.

Suddenly, John felt solid ground under his feet. He opened his eyes, and looked down, and saw grass under him. Jennie pulled away from him, and John took a look around. They were on a hilltop; a grassy plain surrounded them, with outlaying mountains at each end. It seemed to be early evening, and the sun was just going down. A soft breeze blew around John, and the stars and moon where just coming out. The fragrant smell of flowers was on the wind, and John breathed deep, which seemed to relax him.

"Where are we?" John asked as he looked back at Jennie, whose clothes had changed. Her coat was gone, replaced with a long flowing white dress. Her hair was flowing in the wind, and she spun around, dancing on the hilltop before settling down, laying down on the hill. John noticed his own clothes were gone, replaced by a white shirt and shorts.

"We are in a place of peace, John. A place where time does not exist, and science and logic have no meaning."

John walked over and lay down next to her, the soft grass tickling his skin as he relaxed his body alongside her. Looking into her eyes again, he found himself wanting her, wanting her so bad he could hardly contain himself. "So why have you brought me, here?"

Jennie smiled and leaned in, kissing John passionately. John's brain shut off, and he lost himself in her kiss. He moved closer, hugging her tightly to his chest as they embraced, their tongues exploring each other. John ran his hands up and down her body, feeling her. John had missed her so much, and just the feel of her body was enough to get him going. His cock grew slowly in his pants, he moaned in anticipation as their embrace continued.

After a moment, they broke their kiss, and Jennie placed a hand on John's shoulder. Her eyes became very serious, and she spoke in a quiet tone. "I missed you, John, more than anything. I want you to know, before we do anything, that I love you, and always will. You and Aria being together, was meant to be. Ever since the day you to were born, you were destined for each other, and neither one of our feeling's for one another can change that. My death, like everything else in life, happened. There was no real reason for it, but it happened. Do you understand?"

John nodded, and then sighed a little. His eyes ran along Jennie's beautiful body, and John was getting hornier with every second that passed. "Is this right?" he asked her, "Is it?"

Jennie answered in kind, and kissed John again. In the strength of their embrace, John reached around behind her, and undid the tie on her dress. As the dress fell from her body, Jennie's hand fell down, and gripped John's left buttock. John moaned a little and pushed the dress the rest of the way off of her, running his hands along her smooth body, from her thighs to her breasts. Jennie's own moans grew louder as her own arousal increased. John slipped his own shirt off, followed by his shorts. As they lay together naked, playfully kissing and feeling one another, Aria rolled over on top of John. "Are you ready?" She asked, her voice full of excitement. John nodded, again eyeing her beautiful body, her full round breasts bounced as she moved.

Moving forward, she kissed John again, and her hand found his already throbbing cock. John eyes shut tight and he shuddered at her touch. Playfully, as Jennie stroked John's dick, she began to lick and nibble at his neck, tasting him. John muttered a small "Ow", as her teeth sank a little too far into his shoulder, leaving a bite mark. Jennie giggled and continued her foreplay, nuzzling him tenderly. She was turning John on so much, he feared he would climax even before they got started.

There eyes met again, Jennie sat up, and John shifted a little and giggled as the grass tickled his back. Jennie smile grew, and in one clean motion, she plunged down onto John, burying him inside of her.

John moaned loudly as he entered her, feeling her as she came down slowly, until he was fully in her. The sensations were incredible, and John found himself in total bliss, a complete state of euphoria. Jennie leaned down, and again her lips found John as she began to buck. With every motion, waves of pleasure convulsed in both of them, their minds lost completely in their love. John eventually found the strength and presence of mind to reach up, and cup her supple breast in her hands. Jennie cried out a little, and her hands came up to grasp John's, holding them in place.

John eyes shut tight; all the while his mind was in pure disbelief of what was happening. But, at the same time, with every moment that passed, was another feeling of guilt, another feeling of shame, another worry, and another sadness that was melted away. It was the most glorious, and renewing moment of John's life, and he found himself wishing it could last forever.

As if on command, John felt Jennie's pussy clamp down on him, and she cried out in pleasure as she came, her juices flowing onto John's cock. This was enough to put John over as well, and he shot load after load of cum into her. When it was over, Jennie fell onto John's chest, they were both panting, and sweat was pouring from their bodies. They kissed one more time, and in the bliss and exhaustion of their love making, they slept in each others arms.

When John awoke, he found himself alone, still in the same spot he had been with Jennie before, he sat up and looked around, trying to find her. He had a brief moment of desperation when he could not see her. He got up, looking around frantically for her. When he saw her, she was standing about 20 feet away, facing away from him looking off into the distance. Her dress had returned, and it flowed gently in the wind. John jogged up behind her. She turned as John reached her, her face was sad, but happy at the same time. She smiled a little as she looked at John.

As John opened his mouth to speak, he noticed the valley, mountains, and hills around him were beginning to fade, starting to become blurry, and almost melt away. John looked around slowly, and back at Jennie, whose body seemed to be glowing.

"Jennie...what's happening?"

Tears were starting to flow in Jennie's eyes, but her smile remained, unaffected by the tears. She reached out and scratched John's ear again. John smiled and reached up, grabbing her hand in his. She spoke, her voice also sounded faded, as if it was far away.

"Our time together is over now, John. Finally, 4 months after my death, I must truly leave you. I know it's hard, John, I know how you feel. But know that with every moment that passes in your world and in mine, I will love you with every inch of my soul."

John opened his mouth to speak, but could not find words to match what he felt. Jennie pulled away from him, and the glow around her began to grow brighter and brighter. John suddenly knew what was happening, and called out.

"No, No Jennie please, please don't go, I'm not ready for you to leave! Please!"

Jennie's glow became so bright John could no longer look directly at her. He brought a hand p to shield his eyes, and watched as Jennie's figure slowly faded away from sight. From far off, John heard her voice calling to him.

"Wake up, John. Wake up. Wake up now, John. Wake up."

The light around her flashed like an explosion, brighter than anything John had ever seen. John cried out in fear as he felt his body begin to fall, fall without end.


John awoke, still crying out to her. He shot upright, and fell off of the bed, crashing to the floor, gasping as the wind was knocked out off him. John rolled over, gasping, as he heard Aria come running over to him. It was dark and John struggled to see as he attempted to get up. His head was swimming, as his eyes hurt, so much he couldn't even keep them open. He felt Aria grab him, and lead him over to the bed, sitting him down on it.

"Jesus, John, are you alright? You were having a nightmare; I had to wake you up. John? John look at me, okay?"

John opened his eyes, and waited until they came into focus. John turned his head and looked at Aria. Her face was full of worry, and she stroked his back with one hand, while she gripped his knee with the other. John looked around the room, trying to make sense of what happened. Suddenly it hit him, and he went sprinting for the bathroom, flicking the light on, and looking in the mirror for the proof he was looking for.

Sure enough, there it was, right on the nape of his neck. The bite mark, as clear and as red as anything. John smiled, his heart jumped, and he began to laugh. He laughed with pure joy, for the first time in a long time, John felt good. He rubbed the bite mark with his hand, and laughed again.

From the other room, John heard Aria yell after him. "John, what's wrong with you? Are you alright?"

John walked out of the room, and found Aria standing by the bed, her arms crossed in front of her. He walked over to her, and grabbed her swiftly, bringing her close to him, he kissed her, more happy than ever to be with her, and he wanted her to know. As he let her go, she had a look of surprise and wonder on her face. She shook her head a little, apparently a little confused.

"John, are you going to be alright?"

John laughed again, and nuzzled her gently. He loved her, he loved her more now than ever, and he was no longer ashamed of it. All guilt and depression was lifted from him, and for once in a long time, he felt free.

"Yea...yea I think I'm going to be okay."