Between an Orc and a Hard Place (Commission for Calvin Wolf)

Story by Cimmaron on SoFurry

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FA: calvin_wolf on FA asked me for a story a while back, and I said "Sure!"

So, I wrote that story before Christmas.

Then promptly forgot to post it.


Here it is now though!

Enjoy my first Orc TF story, with some hyper, CV and muscle stuff to go with it. And of course the gay sex. Can't forget that.

Between an Orc and a Hard Place

Commission for Calvin Wolf

By Cimmaron Spirit

**WARNING: Contains orcs, transformation, cock vore, hyper, muscle theft, muscle growth, cock growth, fat growth, excessive semen, intelligence theft (yes, that may be a thing) and master/slave relationships, and musk. If none of these interest you, turn around and walk away, and watch out for orc's trying to capture you and do nasty things to you. If 18 and younger... WHY ARE YOU HERE, GO PLAY WORLD OF WARCRAFT OR SOMETHING WITH ORCS INSTEAD OF READING THIS. Ahem. Enjoy!**

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Sir Edward couldn't believe his rotten luck. Not only did he have to cut the day with his mistress short, his armor was at the blacksmith to be repaired, and his favorite steed was sick and might have to be put down... he was attacked, defeated, and caught by an orc in the Dark Forest. Insult to injury and all that crap.

The large, smelly green beast laughed at the knight, making the already unpleasant experience even worse. It didn't help at all that the orc had basically ripped off the chain mail, plate armor, tunic and pants the knight took so much pride in, leaving him tied up with rope, wearing only in a loincloth in the cool forest air. And that really didn't cover much.

Good thing his mistress couldn't see him like this.

"Haha! Puny hooman!" the orc laughed in a deep voice impeded by the massive tusks that jutted out of his mouth and upwards. "If I'd knewn dat you hooman so easy beat, I have beat all you in dat beg hourse!"

"Oh shove it you brute," Sir Edward snarled. "You defeated me, but I'm just one of many knights, and you will never take my Lord's Castle! It would take an army of you foul-smelling beasts to even get to the walls!"

The orc looked at the knight, his eyes squinting, walking around the knight. Every direction he walked in, another waft of very strong, very masculine odors hit the knight from a different direction, making him want to gag. But, somehow, it also made the knight's loincloth begin to tent upwards. "Hrmmm, army says you?" The orc smirked. "I make beg army! I beat dat beg hourse!"

"How do you... you plan to do that?" Sir Edward asked, momentarily taken aback by one very strong whiff that came from the orc's crotch.

The orc thudded around the restrained knight some more, before stopping right in front of him, his fat, hairy belly pushed just a hairs breadth away from the Knights neatly trimmed beard and nose. A leather harness that went up and wrapped over his shoulder, and with bones decorating the length of it. More leather, fashioned into a crude kilt, hung from his waist down to his knees, but the thick legs it only partially concealed look like it might break at any moment... Damnit, why was his loincloth becoming really uncomfortable all of a sudden?

"Hooman like beg, hooge orc?" the green skinned beast grinned, using huge meaty fingers to grab the knights chin, turning his head up to face the orc. The knight tried to stammer a reply, but the feeling of his member pushing up and at his loincloth, which never was designed to conceal a boner. The knight, normally unflappable and stoic in the face of danger, could feel his cheeks heat up and turn red as the orc continued to strut in front of him.

Then the orc did something that the knight was completely unprepared for. Grabbing hold of the kilt and with a swift yank, made the already fragile piece of clothing completely fall apart, leaving him naked from the waist down.

The sight of what the orc was hiding under such a tattered piece of clothing boggled Sir Edward's mind. The waft of uber-masculine stench filled his nostrils, nearly making him choke. But the massive hunk of green flesh hanging from his crotch hung down nearly to his knees, and was as thick as the orc's upper arm. A pair of massive balls, green and hairy, dangled behind, giving some sense of the orc's potential virility.

The orc smirked at the staring human. "Heheh, puny hooman." He reached over and shoved Sir Edward's face into his crotch, right up against the musky, soft flesh. The knight could feel the pulse, the muscle thickening and growing harder, making the smell that already nearly made him gag get even more and more intense.

Inch after inch of musky orc cock sprung up, wetly pulsing harder and harder on Sir Edward's face. A slimy drip of pre splattered against the knight's stomach, and more of the thick preseed was drooled up to his chest as the orc's stiffe continued to harden, copious amounts of foreskin sliding back as it got harder. Even as it nearly reached a mind boggling three feet long, thicker than the already massive orc's biceps, and with massive dangling balls behind that Sir Edward swore he heard churning and sloshing. The head of the cock, having been dragged up along the human's chest and caught under Sir Edward's chin, shuddered and sprung up, smacking the knight in the head, nearly sending him backwards. When Sir Edward managed to get his balance and look up at his captor again, the massive, mushroom like head of the cannon between the orc's legs was point blank in front of Sir Edward's head.

"Urrrrfff," the orc growled. "Hooman getting beg hooge orc exc... exci... ex... horny!"

As if to underline that statement, a huge glop of precum shot out of the orc's cock, splashing hot and sticky on Sir Edward's face.

"Wretched beast!" Sir Edward sputtered, trying to spit the orc man milk out of his mouth. The taste was overpowering: hot, salty, musky, and, much to Sir Edward's surprise, somewhat tasty. The last thought made Sir Edward's head, already reeling from the smell, get even more confused.

The orc grinned, thrusting his hips to make his absurdly huge cock hit Sir Edward's face again. "Hooman will be purrfoct!"

Sir Edward didn't get a chance to ask what when the orc used a big beefy hand to grab hold of his head, and shoved it right into the gapping urethra of the orc's cock.

Sir Edward was startled, his entire head being engulfed instantly by the orc's member. The smell was even stronger than before, which at first seemed impossible. He opened his mouth to try to shout, to scream, to order the beast to let him go, but all that happened was a massive rush of pre entered his mouth, and the knight was forced to swallow the copious amount of fluid or drown. He hated himself for doing it, even as his own cock began to throb, his heart raced, his mind confused at how much he liked it, even though, damnit, he shouldn't! He tried to grab hold of the cock, push himself out, but he couldn't get a grip on the sweaty, grimy flesh.

The orc wasted no time, and used his callused hands to pick up and shove the human deeper into his cock. It took a moment to work the broad, meaty shoulders in, but with a shove and a growl of ecstasy, the orc's cock stretched enough to take in more of the defeated knight. With his flailing arms pinned to his side, the knight seemed to have given up hope of escaping. The orc gave a deep laugh, roughly grabbing onto the human's torso, and shoving in his human sized sounding tool.

"Hooman silly to fight me! Naw you will turn into orc, and I be stronger!" the orc exclaimed, shoving more and more of the human into his cock. When he got to the loincloth, uselessly hanging down and not covering up the knight's cock, the orc grabbed hold of the fabric and ripped it off, tossing it into the bushes.

Sir Edward's head and upper body, compressed into the tight tube of flesh and bulging out the sides of the orc's cock, slipped down the shaft until his head finally emerged into a larger opening. It was pitch black, but it sloshed and splashed, giving some idea to Sir Edward where he was. The smell, the musk, the sheer power of orc masculinity overwhelmed his senses. The knight's own cock, rubbing against the flared and stretched urethra of the carnivorous member, shuddered and shot it's own load of cum hands free, though it was miniscule in comparison to what the orc would have released.

The orc waited for the shaking, writhing human to get his rocks off before he pushed in again, the hips of the human began to slip down. The orc reached up and smacked the knight's ass. "Dis will be mine when I done wif you!" he called out, though the knight couldn't hear him, through the thick skin, his head being forced into the sticky white cream in the large, egg shaped orb. Again, Sir Edward had to drink it, try to breath through it or drown.

The orc grabbed his cock and lifted it up, the legs of the human still sticking out of the tip of his mighty member. But with the help of gravity and the slick pre lubed passage, the rest of the human quickly entered the orc's cock. With some pushing, pulling and stroking of his member, the orc pushed the rest of the human straight down, curling up in his ball sac, which now hung down and was only a few inches from touching the ground. The orc had to widen his stance to even stand properly, but walking would have been nearly impossible. But the huge grin, the panting, the lolled tongue made it clear that he didn't mind at all.

"Now... turn into beg orc!" he hollered to the human inside. He flopped down on the side of the road, his huge mass landing with a heavy thud, making Sir Edward splash and fall and get tossed around in the ballsac filled with orc seed.

But almost as if a command, Sir Edward could feel his body begin to change. His bones snapped and reformed, making him grow almost half a foot shorter, his skin grew thicker and turned a shade of green not unlike the bigger orc, the muscles he developed over years of serving his lord as a knight began to melt away, to be replaced with fat, though more a muscle gut than morbidly obese. But his abs began to stretch and vanish, his chest began to droop, his arms lost the definition.

The orc gasped, as he could feel both the fat of his body melting away, and the muscle that the human had also being redirected into his body. His corpulent frame seemed to shift in front of his eyes. Flabby arms grew thick and solid, veins making the green skin pop out. His chest grew larger, manboobs getting bigger, rounder, and more firm, turning into pecs with massive nipples. The orc reached up to touch one of the thick, hard nipples, and moaned as a shock of erotic electricity went through his entire body. If he had been able to look over the pecs nearly blowing up in his face, he would have saw his pot belly shrink away, with a rock hard eight-pack of abs taking their place. Massive All of the fat from his body disappeared, being dumped on the poor transforming human in the orc's balls.

Sir Edward, if the increasingly short and fat human could even call himself a knight anymore, grunted and growled in pain as two sharp pains in his lower jaw suddenly pushed out, tusks slipping out past his lips. From the bottom of his vision he could the tips of the ivory tusks. They would be great at tearing into raw meat, or just being intimidating for whatever enemy he would have to fight. Because that was his job, to fight, for his master. The master that gave him this gift.

His cock also began to shift, growing longer and thicker, though nowhere near as big as the orc that had cock vored him. But gaining nearly a foot in length, several inches in thickness, and balls to match in just a few moments was nothing to be ashamed of.

But his head began to hurt. "Ow, ow, ow... what is going on? Hurt... Can't... think... uh... think... can't think. No, no, don't let me go... no... what? What was wrong? this... dis... is... gud!" he bellowed, his human intelligence having slipped away. "Head stop hurt when stop tinking. Let Master tink fer me..."

Outside the orc was also holding his head, the intelligence the human turned orc lost being redirected to "Ow! Smart hurts! Smart painful! Why being smart hurts?" he held on as long as he could, crying out in pain, before he suddenly stopped. The orc looked around, blinking. He... knew things. He had just eaten a knight of Lord Blackmoar, Sir Edward. The castle the Lord had was pretty strong, but there were secret passages to slip in, and the walls on the north side were in need of repair.

"Wow... this is... amazing," the orc said, before realizing his speech had changed. Still a bit of a lisp from his tusks, but he was able to better enunciate (a word he didn't even know until now), and was able to think deeper, more strategically...

But one thought more than anything overwhelmed his new mind. His balls sagged and squirmed as the human he had captured continued to transform, and the smell of his musk and pre was enough to get him riled up.

"Hope you're ready, human!" the orc grinned, grabbing hold of his turgid flesh. It may have gotten a bit bigger through all this, but the orc didn't know, or care. He just grabbed it, and began to jack himself off, using his new strength to tug and pull at the stiffening tree at his groin, and the foreskin that he so enjoyed playing with when he was alone from the other orcs. He panted, moaned, growled and gasped, his cock much more sensitive than he remembered. Pre began to leak out, cascading over the veiny flesh of his member and over his massive balls, before soaking into the ground. But there was so much, soon it began to pool up, buckets of orc seed oozing and shooting out.

"Oh... fuck... gonna... blow..." the orc panted out between heavy breathes of lust, before with a loud roar, his cock surged in his hands, and his balls contracted, pushing their prisoner out, through the cock that could no longer stand upright, flopping onto the ground with a loud slap. The entire member stretched and lewdly bulged so much, it looked like he was giving birth. In a strange, demented sense, he was.

The newly transformed orc was shoved out of the cock, along with the gallons of seed he had been bathing in to cause the TF. The orc landed on the ground, coughing, and blinking into the bright sunlight.

"Well, that wasn't so bad, was it human?" the bigger orc asked, looking down at the smaller, fatter creature he created. He looked a lot like the first orc, though his face still had a bit of the sharp jawline of when he was a human, as well as the beard and hair. But he was still an orc, and that was what mattered.

"M-master," the smaller orc said, turning around and crawling to the larger orc. "Tink fer me. Tell me what do."

The big orc grinned, and seeing the former high and mighty knight literally and figuratively (another word he didn't know before) crawl to him was a great treat. He could feel his cock throbbing again, begging now to be stuck in someone, instead of having someone stuffed into it...

The smaller orc climbed right up to the thick cock, rubbing his fat, sweaty, cum soaked body over it, making it get harder quicker, the cock towering over the kneeling and sitting orcs.

"You will make an excellent servant," the bigger orc said with a tusk filled grin.

The smaller orc continued to rub his body and cock over his master's larger, engorged tool. Pre was already leaking out again, pouring like a broken fountain over the smaller orc's head, but he didn't care, instead liked it all up as much as he could, rubbing it to lube up his master's cock.

"Now, before we go make our army to take your old castle," the bigger orc rumbled, reaching a hand to the new orc's ass, and fondling it, shoving a beefy finger up the virgin asshole, making him cry out in something a mixture of pain and ecstasy. Oh, taking him was going to be a treat, the larger orc though. "I need you to do something for me..."