Their Life Beyond #3

Story by Vorentia on SoFurry

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Carter awoke, yawning a little before frowning, tasting something unusual on his lips. His sleep had been peaceful, enjoying watching his naked sister in his dreams. You could call them dirty, but Carter was used to seeing his sister naked and thus thought nothing of it. He got up, stretching his arms and walking to the door, listening carefully. He brushed out his fur a little, ruffling up his tail before walking out, naked as usual but moving off to the shower. He heard it running, and assumed that his sister left it on for him. He walked in, running a paw under the water. He stepped over his sister's clothes, putting his body under the water and relaxing. He sniffed, smelling something oddly sweet and intoxicating. He looked around, trying to pinpoint the scent before his eyes landed on Angelica's panties.He shuffled around, staring at the panties in confusion and arousal. He felt a tingle in his groin, his sack groing firm. He moved a paw to rest above his sheath, feeling it grow as his member swelled inside, its tip poking out. He shuddered, watching the underwear intently, swaying slightly at her incredible smell and musk. He stumbled over, reaching to grab her panties, bring it to his snout and taking a huge sniff of them, moaning into the air as his cock throbbed and shot out of his sheath. He wasn't overly fond of masterbation, his sister ever present, but no seemed like a perfect opportunity to do it, no less for his sister.He grasped her panties tight, holding them against his snout while moving a paw to grasp his length, slowly pumping it. He blushed, his hips bucking into his paw unconsciously, his pre spurting out and landing on the wall. He was so pent up, her scent driving him onward. He stood back under the water, letting it splash onto his back as he pumped himself harder, gritting his teeth. He moved her panties to rust under his sack, feeling their coolness and softness press into his fur, coaxing him closer and closer to an orgasm with each pump of his paw. He pumped harder than ever before, his knot swelling up slightly as his paw wrapped around it. He shook slightly, his legs bucking with every motion he made with his hands. He yelped, yelling her name out and spurting his load onto the wall, a small amount running down his tip into his fur. He continued pumping, holding her panties close to his snout again as he orgasmed, one of the biggest he has ever had thanks to her scent.He huffed, letting go of his shaft and letting the water clean himself up. He threw her panties onto her clothes, leaning against the wall but still smelling her scent, if not a little stronger now. He blushed, picturing her nude form in his mind again, thinking about her the way a brother should not. He yawned, turning off the water once he was clean, grabbing a towel and drying himself. He moved to the door, resting his paw against it, Angelica's scent incredibly strong now. He sighed, opening the door to watch his sister

retreat down the stairs, going into the kitchen. He walked down the hallway, walking past a small wet patch in the floor and scenting her again, stronger now than when he had her panties on his snout. He walked past it, moving into his room and donning his clothes, walking down the stairs.----Angelica was making breakfast, laying out her brothers on the table. She watched Carter get up, walking to the shower, and yawning. She blushed, still remembering their kiss last night, letting her tongue rub over her lips. She shuddered, moving to pack their lunches into their bags. She leaned against the bench, waiting for her brother to come down. Sighing, she got up, moving up the stairs and walking to the shower door, placing an ear against it to listen. Her eyes widened, listening to him huff and pant, a slick sound coming out. She shuddered, growing warm near her groin as she smelt his musk and sex, her own growing increasingly aroused. She leaned against the door, pulling down her skirt roughly, the need to release too strong to ignore. She hadn't been this needy in ages. She pushed a paw against her slit, teasing it and rubbing her clit, gasping slightly as her sensitive flesh clenched.She moved a finger inside of her, slowly pressing it in and against her barrier, still a virgin like her brother. She huffed, breathing in deeply and catching his scent and musk again, moving her finger out before pushing it back in, her juices already flowing around her finger. She shuddered, pressing her back against the wall as she felt her legs wobble, almost giving out from under her. She removed her paw, pressing the other one against her slit, moving it to rub her clit. She moaned, pressing not one but two fingers against her slit, pressing them inside and bumping against her barrier. She pulled out, forcing them back in with a little more force, her hips bucking as she thrusted into herself. She pictured her brother in the shower, listening to his huffing and jerking as she continued, pressing into herself harder each time.She yelped a little, her walls clenching around her finger as she orgasmed, her juices spitting out onto the floor. She bucked her hips, feeling her legs give under her and let her body fall onto the floor. She rested her head against the door, listening to her brother finish, her mouth pressed into a thin smile as she heard her name called out, blushing at the revelation that her brother masterbated to her and she to him. She got up, pulling her skirt back up and walking to the stairs, aiming to get into the kitchen before he noticed. She turned to walk down the stairs, just in time to not notice her brother open the door, his shaft still erect. She walked into the kitchen, grabbing their bags and placing his breakfast on the end of the bench.----Carter walked into their room, grabbing his clothes and donning them, walking down the stairs and grabbing his breakfast. He blushed, watching his

sister's hips shake as she walked to the door. He grabbed his bag, finishing his sandwich before catching up to Angelica. He was still blushing by the time he caught up with her. He walked beside her, still smelling her scent in the air. Angelica strode onward beside her brother, conscious still of his musk. She grinned, swaying her hips in happiness before watching her brother. "You okay?" she asked, smirking a little.Carter's head shot up, looking at his sister. "Yeah. Im okay... Why do you ask?" he asked her, trying not to look at her hips.Angelica blushed, looking away. "No reason. You just seem lost in thought..." she said, walking onwards and letting her brother follow behind.Carter sighed, walking a little faster, blushing to himself as he watched her hips sway. He gulped, looking down at her skirt, seeing a small wet patch between her thighs. He smirked, ctaching up before walking onward. They stayed in silence once more, as the two of them walked to school again.