Vorentia's Story #1

She did not wake easy that first night, the memories of her fallen brethren crushing her heart. Life had not been easy on Vorentia, having been born different to others. Her fur was white, a very uncommon colour for Southern Sergals, her eyes a having...

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Their Life Beyond #3

Carter awoke, yawning a little before frowning, tasting something unusual on his lips. His sleep had been peaceful, enjoying watching his naked sister in his dreams. You could call them dirty, but Carter was used to seeing his sister naked and thus...

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Their Life Beyond #2

They walked together, their stride long and bouncy, both canines happy for no apparent reason. Carter strode a little bit behind his sister, watching her walk. He blushed, looking away and watching as Hoofman High came into view. The school wasn't...

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Their Life Beyond #1

It was a normal, perfect, sunny and cool Sunday. A simple house stood on a single street, nothing special about it. It had an amazing lawn, roses and violets off setting the green grass. It was well kept, a place for everything and everything in it's...

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Their Life Beyond #4

It was a cold and rainy Saturday morning.Angelica was have a troubled night again, neither having a pleasant dream or a nightmare. She awoke, glancing at her alarm clock, seeing it read 2:38 am. She yawned, stretching a little and rubbing her eyes,...

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