A shameful ad

Story by Profesor Lambert on SoFurry

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When a married lion finds himself with doubts about his sexuality, he decide to experiment with someone he met on Craigslist. But his prejudices might be stronger than he thought.

8:00 PM. He had waited for the last hour, clearly nervous. The lion walked across the room, sat on the edge of the bed, walked again, looked through the window and walked again, checking every so often the time, feeling every minute as an eternity. The TV didn't help him to relax, his work either. And a feeling of regret slowly started to grow inside him. A warm bath might be of help, but the big feline wasn't that sure about taking one, afraid of getting caught by the male he was waiting for. He imagined himself opening the door with only a towel and his fur wet and giggled nervously since that was how porn movies usually begins. Pretty convenient for his situation.

A loud sound made him jump from the bed in shock, holding his chest and shivering like a little kitty. His heart was beating rapidly and a cold sweat wets his back. It took him some seconds to finally grab his cellphone "I'm old for this kind of emotions", he thought before answering.

"Hi darling..." he let out a long sigh, making a huge effort to sound calm. "Yes, I'm at the hotel... No, I arrived earlier. There wasn't traffic at the city entrance... Sorry, the first thing I did was take a bath and then, you know me, fall asleep... I guess I'm gonna find something to dinner, come back to the room, look for something interesting on TV... Did she? I thought she didn't want to go to that party... Don't worry too much, she is a smart girl... Yeah, she's gonna take care of her brother..." Three loud knocks sounded at the door. Having so much time he decided to show right when he was on the phone! The lion shrugged while looking at the door, like a kid in troubles. "N-no, don't worry, I'll talk with him when I get back... yes, yes, " he called again, louder. "H-honey, can I call you tomorrow? I'm about to run out of battery and I can't find the charger... yeah, don't worry, I'll send you a message... I love you, too. Bye."

He left the cellphone in the nightstand and walked towards the door. Looking through the peephole appeared the distorted image of a young wolf. It was him. The lion swallowed and brushed his mane with his claws. Once again, his heart was beating faster. He couldn't believe he was about to open that door and receive the stranger who responded his ad. He could just... ignore him. The wolf would leave eventually and he will continue his life-like always. But his paw was already over the knob. He never felt like that. He wanted that. The entire year he was waiting for something like this. And now he felt like the first time he smoked weed in the university: nervous and excited.

He opened the door and look at the curious look and playful smile of a wolf. Brown fur on his eyes, like a mask, and covering the edges of his pointed ears. Gray fur on his forehead and sides of his neck. The rest completely white. Dressed in a black and tight tank-top under a green vest. That didn't have a sense at all, but he didn't pay attention after seeing his strong arms.

"Jeremy, right?" he asked, taking off his headphones. The lion nodded. "Cool, I was afraid I knocked on the wrong room. I'm Alex."

"Nice to meet you, Alex" he greeted him with a paw-shake. The wolf smiled and Jeremy moved aside to let him go inside the room, checking both sides of the corridor to confirm no one saw them.

Once he closed the door, he looked again at the wolf. He left his backpack on the floor and stared at the window, or actually, at the view. His headphones and cell phone were on the desk.

"I love how the city looks from here," he turned around and gaze at the lion, wagging his fluffy tail. "But I prefer how you look."

"Don't say that. It's embarrassing," Alexis was already feeling his cheeks turning red.

"But it's true. You look better in person. Especially for someone in his forties," Alex approached slowly, looking at the body of the lion. He was strong, something easy to see through the red flannel shirt. His golden fur and dense mane still had a huge appeal, even when he was already showing some white hairs here and there. But, when he was close enough, were the hazelnut eyes the ones who captivated him. "Have to say it, your ad really caught me by surprise. Never imagined I would do it with a married male."

"Well, that's... that's what I read on one forum..." he scratched his arm, moving back to the window.

"Yeah. Craigslist is a great place if you're looking for something fast. I use it every so often, having sex with a complete stranger is really exciting," with a huge smirk, Alex watched the shy lion evade him. Just the kind of guys he liked. He took off his vest and sat on the bed. "Nervous?"

"Kinda. Never made this before," Jeremy shut the curtains. That feeling of regret was still bothering him. He could feel the lustful gaze of the wolf.

"Oh, curious guy. You should have said that before. That way I could have come prepared."

"Prepared?" he looks at Alex with curiosity and fear. With what kind of male he was?! He just wanted something fast so he could say to himself this wasn't what he liked.

"Yes! I came from the gym. Exercise is great to increase the arousal. But I'm a little tired," he said that at the same time he was massaging his knee over the short pants. "Not that I can't do it, just I won't be on my... full potential."

"Ah... ok. I don't need something at the full potential. It's just sex, after all."

"Just sex?" he playfully acted like someone offended, frowning and getting up the bed. "It's not just sex, pal. Let me show you what you had lost all this time."

His paw was now resting on his chest, unbuttoning the shirt. The fluffy white fur got revealed, and Alex didn't lose time to play with it, while his muzzle was running up and down his neck, filling his nose with the soft musk of the lion. Jeremy didn't know what to think. The wolf's paws were warm and soft, and those whiskers tickled him. His tail was already moving from one side to the other. His paws were floating behind the back of the wolf, and with a very unsure movement, he embraced it, trying to think he was a female. But when Alex rubbed his crotch and his lips bite softly one of his nipples, Jeremy couldn't take it anymore.

He pushed him away and turned around, facing the mirror with his paws over the desk.

"Sorry, I can't..."

"What? Fuck, I went too fast, did I?" with an ashamed tone, Alex looked at his face in the mirror. Jeremy noticed the guilty on his face and shakes his head.

"No, no. This is... this is wrong," he was already buttoning his shirt, wanting to go home and never think about that again.

"Well, a lot of married males cheated on his wife, that's no-"

"Not that! This...! Us!"

"Us? But why? There is nothing wrong in two males having sex," not wanted to saw his reflection, Alex moved to saw his from his broadside, but the lion turned his head the opposite side.

"There is a lot of wrong things. This isn't natural."

"Don't bring that 'natural' shit over here," he growled, showing his fangs. Suddenly all his good mood disappeared and born the idea of leaving the place before landing a blow on his face. But he stayed, something about the way he was avoiding him told him to stay. "I'm tired of people who still think that way."

"And what should I think, then? That this is completely normal?" he asked with his paws on the air to emphasize his sarcasm.

"Yes, it is! You want to try something different to know if you like it or not. You shouldn't feel ashamed for this."

"But I am! What if...!" he kept silence for a couple of seconds, before leaving his arms to fall on his sides. When he talked again, he wasn't doing it with that angry and offensive tone, but with a lower one. "What if I like it?"

Alex saw the big lion sat upon the bed. He had the face of a male who was beaten after fighting against something stronger than him. It was easy to understand then, his doubts and fears. He had it one time. And now the guilty replaced his anger. Alex sigh and sat on his side, looking for the right words.

"What's the worst thing that could happen if you like it?" he finally questioned after a long silence. Jeremy didn't answer immediately. He was quiet, looking at his paws like a scolded child. He wasn't thinking of anything. He was just there, feeling ashamed and guilty. Alex insisted. "Ok, wrong question. When did you start to feel attracted to males?"

The lion looked at him from the corner of his eyes and let out a long sigh of defeat. "Why should I tell you? You're a stranger. You don't need to act like you care about me."

The young wolf laid down on the bed, his paws rubbing his stomach.

"I was sixteen years old the first time I get attracted to a male. He was a friend I had since elementary school," he could already feel the look of the lion over him. "We went together to the beach. I saw him before in his underwear, that was completely normal between us. But I don't know what changed that day. I saw him and suddenly wanted to touch his body. I ran into the water just to hide the boner I had. Then I spend day after day trying to understand why I felt like that."

"I talk with my father about that. Big mistake. From all the shit he told me, probably the best one was 'I won't have a faggot child' and then he said he will find a way to cure me. So, his best idea was to sign me up with the football team. Because you're gonna cure homosexuality by throwing your son with a bunch of studs who shower together. But I thought it will work. Back in those days, I also thought this was wrong. So everyday, when I woke up, I said to myself 'I'm normal', and sometimes, when I was alone in the house, I spent the time looking at me in the mirror, saying over and over that I was an abomination, that everything about me was wrong and I was a disgrace to my family. Just because I look at the guys in the shower."

"Finally, as a gift for my seventeenth birthday, my father and one of my uncles locked me up with a prostitute in a motel. That was my first time. When I came up, my father said that I was a male. And yes, I was a male. I decided to accept myself and enjoy my life. So, at the next day, in the showers, I checked each one of my friends and fantasize with those who looked more attractive. Then I found one who was gay too and have my little high school romance. Then, at the university, one of my friends, a vixen, decided to be my fake girlfriend. It was my father the one who wanted to live a lie, not me. So I gave him what he wanted, and I lived how I wanted."

"Obviously, he found it out, eight months ago. But I wasn't scared anymore. I told him the truth, and he kicked me out of the house. I've lived with a friend who knows about my sexuality. He and his parents have been really helpful all this time. And even when I had to drop college, I don't regret," a long whistle came from his lips. "It's been a long time without telling all of this."

Jeremy was looking away. He was impressed by his courage and the trust he had on him. Impressed and ashamed. Alex didn't spoke for some seconds, but for the sounds he made, Jeremy guessed he was shedding tears.

"I never told anyone," he finally spoke, still with a low tone. "I thought it was something bad. So I did my best to ignore it. I convinced myself that time will make me forget about those ideas. And it worked, at least for a long time. I got married, had my kids, tried to be a good father. Then, one day, I go to pick up my son from his friend's house, his father comes to greet me, saying he was fixing his car, and that sweaty fur and musk gave me the biggest boner in my life."

"At least, you didn't have it during your prostate exam."

It took them a few seconds to burst in laughs. Jeremy thanked for that, cleaning the tears from his eyes. His stomach was already hurting. But he felt better. Relaxed. He turned to saw the wolf when he felt him getting up.

"It's scary, I know. And yes, people will judge you. But the only opinion that should matter to you, it's yours," the way Alex was looking at him... he couldn't find words to describe it. No one ever gave him that kind of look. "If you like it or not, don't worry about that. At least, you will know the answer. That's better that stay with the doubt."

"And if I like it, what?"

"You can do what you want. Do you want to tell your family? Tell them. You don't want to? Don't do it. You can keep it as a secret if you still have fear. But you will be yourself, and do what you really like it. And, I don't know, maybe one day find someone to love. It's not late for that, grandpa."

"A boyfriend at my age?"

"Age doesn't matter. You have no idea how many guys are on mature males."

Jeremy smiled. He saw Alex put his paw on his knee, but didn't stop him.

"I don't know how my kids are going to react if I find a lover," all those words still were weird for him, leaving a strange taste in his mouth.

"Hey, this last years people has said 'accept your child's like they are',"he moved his paws in the air like he did minutes ago. "I think it applies to parents, too. It has to. Besides, you already give them a lot, you deserve to be happy. How old are them?"

"Seventeen, nineteen and twenty-two."

"Well, the three of them should already know about sexuality, or at least enough to understand that his father can feel attracted to his own gender. If you raised them well, that won't be a problem. They'll understand."

Somehow, the big lion felt more relaxed. Alex saw that and smiled, giving him a soft pat on the back.

"Do you mind if I take a shower? I couldn't take one in the gym and I don't know if my smell is a problem to you."

"Go ahead."

He left his vest over the bed on his way to the bathroom, but before closing the door, he turned and give the last advice to Jeremy.

"If you want to leave, I won't be mad. I know this is hard to understand, so it's ok if you want to take your time to think about it and clear your mind. But if you want to... I mean, I REALLY want you to stay, but... it's up to you."

Jeremy nodded. The wolf closed the door and seconds later he listened to the water stream. He closed his eyes and thought, and thought, and thought. It was really wrong or all his prejudices were messing with his feelings? Did he really have to stay tied to a female he doesn't love? He really wanted to find some answers, but he couldn't get out of his head the image of the wolf completely naked and soaked.

"I'm gonna regret about this later, did I?" he asked to himself before started to get undressed. But he didn't feel shame or guilt, for his heart was full of life and joy like he never experienced before. Without a doubt, he opened the door and get inside the bathroom. The sound of the water stream became louder, and the warm steam was slowly drenching his fur. Once the door was closed, the voice of the wolf came from the crystal shower.

"There's a place for someone else."

His slightly blurred silhouette turned. Jeremy smiled and get inside the cabin. His lover embraced him, rubbing his chest against the fluffy white fur. The water falls upon them. Jeremy shyly rubbed the wolf's body. That touch was new for him, but there was something in it that made it enjoyable. It wasn't awkward or forced, since his paws were now moving by themselves, running from his back to the hips, and down to his thighs. Alex was nibbling his neck, and soft moans came from his muzzle. Jeremy responded grabbing the thick canine's cock and holding it together with his own, both getting hard almost instantly. Alex stopped the water stream and, after a soft rub on his cheek, he kissed the lion. He was surprised at the beginning, but couldn't resist the taste of Alex's lips. And when he thought that was his first kiss, his cheeks blushed deeply.

They stayed like that for a couple of minutes, kissing and touching each other. But eventually, Alex stopped, hungry for something else. He was decided to give him a splendid first time. And for that, he needed to prepare him. And while his muzzle looked tasty, he wanted something else. And Jeremy didn't offer resistance when he turned him around.

"Are you sure you want this?" the wolf whispered to his ear.

The huge feline nodded, looking at his young partner over his shoulder. He had an anxious expression. With his fur soaked, he looked even more handsome. Alex was surprised when he felt the warmth on his cheeks, and couldn't control his smile. He gave him the last lick before kneeling. His paws slowly brushed his legs and thighs, firm and strong even at his age. Probably the lion didn't go to the gym, but he surely take care of his body. Letting out a sigh, he shoved his maw and licked the tight and virgin hole. Jeremy moaned loudly. One moan after another, almost uncontrollably, with his paws, desperately looking for something to grasp. A shock of pleasure was running for his entire body, as that tongue licked and slowly made his way inside his hole. It was too much for him, and yet, he wanted to continue. His cock throbbed and dripped, his tail wagged fast, the trembling legs seemed about to collapse. Fuck! He was in heaven, and Alex too, somehow smiling with his tongue going in and out of his tight hole. "Fucking love how a virgin moans", he tough, making a huge effort to control his desire to fuck him rough and fast, like an animal. He was grabbing the fat knot of his cock. Not a good idea for his first time, but fuck it, he was willed to try it anyway.

Satisfied by how loosened up he was, Alex got up and passed his long dick up and down Jeremy's ass. He was so anxious as the lion. His paws were rubbing his chest, feeling the heavy breaths. His canine cock, hard as a rock, had the tip covered in pre. The musk filled his nose. It took him some seconds to notice he was growling, excited by how submissive looked Jeremy. Alex sniffed his neck while looking for the tight entrance with the head of his junk, slowly pushing once he found it. The lion moaned again, his body shivering by the mixture of pain and pleasure. His cock was huge! Jeremy was scared, thinking that thing could tear it apart. But the wolf suddenly stopped, and he felt the fat knot against his rear. Alex was panting, completely still, holding him firmly.

"How does that feel?" he gasped.

"Weird, but... I like it,"

It was weird, yes, but he never felt that much pleasure before, and the pain was fading away. And in his insides, he was happy like he never been before. Alex kissed him on the cheek and started to thrust at a slow pace. Jeremy bit his lips to muffle his moans. A shock of pleasure ran through his body every time the tip touched that sweet spot. The wolf was panting at his ear and drooling over his shoulder, captive of the pleasure. He rubbed his nipple and grabbed his cock, looking for any sensitive point. Jeremy scratched the wall, clenched his fangs, but he ended up opening his maw. He was pleading. It took him some seconds to hear it himself, but he was pleading for more. The pleasure given by that dick going in and out wasn't enough anymore. He wanted more. He needed more. So he pleaded for more. And Alex didn't think it twice. He humped faster and harder, growled and roared, acted like a beast, feeding him with the pleasure and the moans of his prey, a shy and submissive lion. He held the feline paws against the wall and bite down his shoulder, to be sure he couldn't escape from him. The pleasure was unbearable for Jeremy, who tried to squeeze his rear as hard as he could. The moan from Alex was like a howl, and his hips thrust harder. Both of them were now soaked in sweat. Their legs started to hurt. And then, the lion roared in pleasure and shoot, a huge load of thick seed crashed on the wall. It felts incredible. It was an orgasm so intense and long, and it just kept going once he felt the thick cock of his lover pulsing inside of him, followed by the warm feeling of his cum filling him. Alex moaned with him, pushing his cock as much as he can, shivering in pleasure and holding his body against him.

Soon, both beasts were in calm, only gasping for some air. Jeremy rested his forehead on the wall, fighting to don't fell. That was his first time with a male, and it was amazing! He smiled, feeling like an idiot for thinking that was a bad idea. Nor shy or guilt, just happiness. And the eagerness to do it again. Over and over again.

He noticed a warm liquid running down his thighs, and looked at the wolf resting his muzzle over his shoulder, with a huge smile drawn on his face.

"You left the knot out..."

"I think we can leave the knotting part for later," he giggled, "Besides, we still had the entire night."

"Weekend... I told my wife I'll be out the entire weekend."

Alex's face go from tiredness to surprise, and then excitement, licking his lips like a hungry beast.

"I won't let you get out of this room."

"Should I put another ad to invite someone else?" the lion chuckled, squeezing his rear to get a last moan from the wolf.

"You're shameless, aren't you? Be my guest."

Special Interview

"I won't drink like that again", whispered Lambert to himself, rubbing his forehead with his huge claw as if that could decrease his pain. The big, red crocodile, dressed in a white shirt and black pants, both wrinkled, and the cheapest tie he found on...

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