Hallex Boarding School: Disciplinary Action, Take Two

Story by The Roz Wolf on SoFurry

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#4 of Hallex Boarding School

Disclaimer: All characters belong to me, so no touchie!

The light hum of the air conditioner filled the classroom as the students busied their pencils, each giving glances to the clock as they worked to finish their tests. Occupying the far corner of the room opposite the door, Toby relaxed in his seat, the young cheetah wearing a bright smile as his test lay completed on his desk. As the chimes for the afternoon class break sounded, Miss Merle spoke up from her desk at the front of the room "Everyone turn your tests face down and leave them at your seats. And all of you enjoy your weekend." Students murmured softly amongst each other as they shuffled from the room. Toby followed through the crowd, pausing as he felt an arm catch him "Mister Mayer, I require your presence for a little chat." Miss Merle had a stern look, the expression catching the cheetah off-guard "Um...okay, Miss Merle."

Minutes crept past while Toby sat quietly in front of his skunkette teacher's desk, watching Miss Merle's red pen cross over paper after paper. The tension broke with a knock at the door "Come in!" Miss Merle called. Toby's eyes widened as the door opened "Sorry I'm late." Katalina passed a grin to Miss Merle as the tigress slide through the doorway, Toby found himself guided to his feet, one paw held by his skunkette teacher, the second held by the tigress secretary "Come on Toby, we're going to have a bit of fun."

Dusk Merle's room was carefully designed, floral patterns crossing flawlessly over everything within it. Toby had no time to appreciate the design work however, finding himself sprawled on his back across the cushy comforter adorning Miss Merle's bed. Leather-padded cuffs secured his wrists to the posts of the bed's headboard. While he was kept working in class and his attention away from Dusk, he finally had a chance to admire the skunk's figure. White fur coated from her muzzle down her front, crossing between her round, slightly uplifted breasts, then further down her tummy and in-between her thighs. Another stripe led down her back, reaching out along her tail. Dusk was slender, her figure not quite as shapely as that of Katalina's, less plush and more trim than the tigress. At the moment, Toby was more focused on those black and furry breasts of Dusk, as they rubbed his pink length up and down between them, lubed by Dusk's saliva as her tongue circled licks around the head of Toby's shaft.

Toby's moans were kept muffled though, as Katalina's tongue invaded his muzzle in a lusty kiss. She clutched one of Toby's paws in her own, fingers interlaced, while her other paw flicked and pinched the cheetah's little stiff nipples. The two femmes toying with his body had the cheetah already quickly to his climax, a fact not lost to Dusk as she eyed the young feline. Shifting her position hastily, she speared herself down on Toby's shaft, burying it fully into her heated depths. Dusk nearly squeaked with delight as she felt him begin to unload, grinding down against his waist, quivering to the sensation of his hot cheetah cum filling her up. Her sex began to squeeze and massage along his shaft, leaving Toby with the feel of her milking him until his climax faded away. The cheetah could barely make a noise as the two females shared smiles "Think that'll be enough?" Katalina stroked a paw across Toby's cheek as she spoke to Dusk.

"I don't know. I mean, I am in heat, but we should probably do it again, just to make sure it takes."

"W-What?" Toby looked totally confused, bringing giggles from the femmes.

"Miss Merle has had a crush on you for a while now, Toby." Katalina purred into his ear "When I found out, I offered her this little setup. She's also been looking to have a cub, and since you're always so filled with cum, I thought we could fix both at once."

"But I'm too young to be a dad!"

"I'm not asking you to act as the father, Toby. I just want the cutest cheetah at the school to be the one who gives me the cub."

"B-But-" Katalina sealed her lips to Toby's in a firm kiss, silencing his protests. Dusk leaned in to join the touch, both tongues slipping within Toby's muzzle, playing against the cheetah's own.

"Come on Toby," Katalina purred against his muzzle "Do it for me?" Batting her lashes, both she and Dusk offered hopeful smiles to the cheetah. Toby gained an embarrassed expression before nodding faintly "Well...okay, Miss Lonsdale..."

Dusk reclined on the bed, her legs spread apart, bending at the knee to leave her hind paws on the bedspread. The position showed off her damp pink sex perfectly to Toby, the white fur surrounding it a glimmering while just a bit of the cheetah's cum dribbled from her.

Shuffling between her legs on his knees, Toby leaned slowly down, pushing back into her moist passage. Dusk moaned softly to the feel of him sliding inside her, slipping her arms behind his head to tug him down atop her. Her muzzle sealed to his in a passionate kiss as the feline began to lightly pump against her "Thank you Toby." She whispered into his lips.

"She'll need a more intense fucking than that, Toby." Katalina's voice brought both to look over Toby's shoulder right before the feline felt her strap-on shove firmly into his tail hole, forcing him firmly against Dusk's form, drawing groans from them both. Katalina bent down against Toby's back, trapping the young cheetah deliciously between the two curvy bodies. As both began to move, Toby cried out unexpectedly, feeling the tigress rolling her hips, the length in his backside spurring his own hips on against Dusk as she grinded back into his waist, curling her legs around both Toby and Katalina. The three chorused in their moaning through the simultaneous fucking as Toby got it the best, taking it from both ends. The young cheetah didn't have that much stamina to begin with, and the double attack on him drained it quickly. His body again tensed, his backside tightening around the strapped-on length that filled it so deeply right before his length throbbed, shooting his gooey cream into the depths of his teacher a second time. Barely holding on through his climax, Toby collapsed onto Dusk, his cheek coming to rest against her furry breasts. The two females giggled softly, the words of Katalina falling on his ears as he drifted off "Good boy..."

Toby finally awoke, finding himself back in his bed. A glance to the clock found out it was the next day, Saturday to be exact. A little note sat atop his clock, bringing a curious look to his face while he read it, instructing him to report to Principal Halifax's residence.

Toby arrived there quickly, dressed in the white short-sleeved shirt, tan vest and tan shorts of his school outfit. He knew the way to the residence well enough, having attended several training sessions there in the month since becoming Lamina's pet. He was curious though, as his training sessions were always setup face to face with the Principal. The door opened before he could knock, met by Principal Halifax with a smile on her muzzle "Come in Toby." She guided him in by the paw, revealing the silky black robe that draped her curvaceous form.

"Is something wrong, Miss Halifax?" The lioness' demeanor had calmed the cheetah, but he was still curious as to the reason of the meeting.

"Nothing that you did, Toby." She offered him another smile while leading him down the staircase into the basement. Each training session had taken place there, but Toby had never seen it in such disarray. Toys and various implements were haphazardly strewn about, and puddles seemed to be splashed everywhere. But what caught Toby off-guard most were the conditions of the two females within.

Katalina lay on her breasts lengthwise along a wooden bench, bound intricately by a silky rope. Her head was kept tilted back, arms bound behind her back, while her legs were bound in complete bends, leaving the heels of her hind paws touching the cheeks of her behind, with a rope connecting both of her big toes to hold the paws in place. A spreader bar connected at her knees, keeping her legs spread apart, showing off the large-looking vibrator plugging her ass, while a matching-sized one filled her pussy, both buzzing softly. Her groans were muffled by a bright-red ball-gag that filled her muzzle. And finally, even through the orange and black fur of her backside, bright red welts were clearly visible.

Dusk was in an equally precarious position. Thick leather wraps curled around her legs, binding them together while extending up to a few hooks from the ceiling, leaving the skunkette dangling in the air. Her arms were slid into a leather binder, belted on tight, trapping them together behind her back. A clamp was secured on both her nipples, each with a little weight attached, leaving her breasts pulled down towards the floor and her head. Her belly swelled out, looking pregnant already thanks to whatever she had been filled with. That liquid was trapped inside the skunk thanks to a thick plug inserted into her backside. Bright red drops sprinkled across both her breasts as well as the folds of her sex, with her moans muffled by a red ball-gag filling her muzzle, matching the one on Katalina.

"Now ladies," Lamina spoke while Toby took in the scene "I do believe I've made it clear that Toby belongs to me and me alone." Sliding down into a plush chair facing the two females, the lioness pulled Toby down with her, settling him between her legs "Any plans involving him, no matter how delicious or pleasing," Her paws expertly undid the cheetah's pants, slipping past his underwear to cup his furry sac and squeeze his sheath, coaxing out his pink length "Must be approved by me first. No exceptions." Toby's body tensed as his Mistress stroked at his shaft, her other paw firmly fondling his balls to the sound of his soft moaning "Do we have an understanding?" Weak nods were the only responses the two females could muster as Toby squirmed under the quickening strokes Lamina gave his pink shaft "His body, which includes his seed, will be distributed at my agreement, and only my agreement. That is final." Toby's cry followed, the lioness directing his shaft to let the cheetah's cum arc into the air before spattering across the floor.

Toby felt his head directed up by a paw, panting softly before Lamina brushed a kiss across his lips "Good pet, Toby. Now run along and enjoy your weekend. You've got more training on Monday."

"Yes Mistress." Fiddling with his underwear and then his pants, the cheetah hopped a few times before getting himself adjusted and scampering up the stairs as Lamina watched with a smile. When she heard the upstairs door shut, the lioness turned her attention back upon the two exhausted femmes "But for you two, it's obvious you need some more discipline." The words brought weak groans from the two females, the sounds calling up a grin in the lioness.