
Story by Wolf_Ghost on SoFurry

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#5 of The Arena

Well, this was fun to write XD Thanks to everyone who has been reading this, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do ^_^

"Introducing a fight we haven't seen in a long time! That's right, we have a double date!"

Alex wasn't sure what he meant by a double date... but then, maybe with Platinum, everything seemed to be over-sexualized... anyways, as Ace and Alex walked into the arena, Ace would turn towards him and ask, "You ready?"

"Ready for what?"

"Ready to face a taur."

"What's a taur?"

He waited a response from the shepherd, but instead, the announcer would be the one to do it. "And introducing the one of the few... taurs! Please give a loud roar for... Viktor!"

Alex would turn to see the huge grey and orange... wolf taur... wait... "The fuck?" He has never seen a taur so... it was a rather interesting sight. Another interesting sight was the fact that he wasn't wearing an armored thong, no, the only thing he wore was the armored chest piece.

As he stares, the announcer says, "Alright boys, show us some action! Give it your all!"

And the taur would pull out a staff... correction, a steel pole, twisting it around a bit before charging, his paws kicking up dust as he ran.

"Get ready wolf."

Alex wasn't sure how to be ready for this. He's never fought someone who... who was part horse... and looked ready to smack him with enough force to forget the next two weeks.

So he would raise his staff, watching the taur closely. That huge body, the muscles... oh geez, this might just be terrible for him...

And the taur finally was in striking range... to which Ace swung at its legs, causing the beast to trip and fall, rolling over once or twice on the floor. Ace would then laugh before looking towards Alex.

"Doesn't matter if one of us gets knocked out, we will both advance... just don't get yourself knocked out."

"Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence."

As they stood there, the taur would suddenly stand up, shaking itself a bit before turning to face them. "How is a creature like that even possible?"

Ace ignores him, staring down the taur before he says, "C'mon big dick, come fuck with us!"

And the taur would snarl before charging towards them, staff at the ready. Ace would continue taunting it while Alex would take a defensive stance. And the taur was soon on them... to which Ace smacked it in the stomach... but the taur was more interested in Alex.

As the taur swung, Alex would raise his staff to defend himself, but the force of the blow knocked him off his feet, causing him to land on his back.

"Geez... what in the... fuck," he would pant as he pushes himself up... only for the taur to suddenly smack him across the head with his staff... and everything went black.

"Wolf... wolf... wolfie... wake the fuck up?"

Groaning in pain, the wolf would slowly open his eyes to look upon the German shepherd. "What... happened?"

"You got knocked out by Viktor..."

"Oh... I'm sorry..."

"For what?"

"For... failing..."

And then he would laugh. Alex wasn't sure why he was laughing so... "What's so funny?"

"We got in Crystal dude."

Crystal, the second highest league, just right below Diamond. And then there were special groups, such as the Black Knights or the Silver Blades... but they weren't leagues, as mentioned already, just groups you could go into permanently and abandon the leagues.

"Oh... well... what happened?"

As Alex lay in the middle of the arena, unconscious, Ace would look at the taur before he says, "C'mon big dick, I ain't playing around, get over here and fight me."

The taur would turn towards him and, laughing slightly, would raise his staff and trot towards him. So Ace did what anyone would do. He held his staff firm... before raising it like a javelin and throwing it... right at the taur's face.

The taur would slide to a halt, only to get hit in the jaw by Ace's staff. As he howls in pain, Ace rushes towards him before ramming his body into the taur, knocking him onto the ground. He would then stand above the taur, letting the crowd know he was the absolute winner before he says softly, "Lift your head bitch."

So the defeated taur did as commanded, lifting his head to look upon the crotch of the shep. And for his obedience, Ace would remove the armored thong, showing off his sheath and furred orbs. "Now start licking, all the fighting has gotten my boys a little tense."

"I don't believe this! The Platinum Shepherd Ace is forcing the Crystal Taur to clean his equipment! Oh how lewd," the announcer would shout. And the crowd watched in silence as the taur licked the shepherd's crotch.

"Good boy," Ace would say, rubbing the taur's ears for a good job on the cleaning. He would then push the taur over, walking towards Alex before he says, "Well... at least you have your uses..."

"And that is what happened," Ace would say proudly. Alex simply stares before he says, "Wow... I'm surprised you were able to take his staff and beat him with it."

"Yep... uh... it was hard work..."

"And then you kicked him right in the leg before knocking him out with your bare paws... that's impressive."

"What can I say, I'm an impressive dog."

"And then you humiliated him by shoving the staff into his rump."

"Um... yeah, who knew it would fit, right?"

Alex would chuckle a bit before he asks, "So why is my rear sore?"


"My rear, why is it sore?"

"Oh... right... the taur kicked you in the bum while you were knocked out."

"Oh... wow, someone sure is a sore loser."

"Yeah... so I showed him what happens when you kick a wolf while they're down."

As Alex lay in the infirmary, the nurse would look towards Ace and ask, "Would you like a few moments with him?"

And he would nod his head, so the nurse would leave, letting the two partners be. Ace would smirk and, walking towards Alex, he would say, "Well... while you're knocked out, I might as well have a little fun, yeah?"

And that's when he would grab the wooden paddle he had been sitting on. "And what better way to do it than the good ole fun way."

Alex chuckles a bit before he says, "Well, thank you for taking care of me."

"Hey, no problem, it's what partners are for, right?"

"Right. So... see you in the showers?"

"Oh, you can bet on that, wolfie."


"Hmm... well, my jaw is doing better," says Alex as he looks himself over, his paw running over his jaw. Apparently, it had gotten infected and whatnot... so he had to be taken out of the scheduled fights for medical reasons... Anyways, as he stood...

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The Rules have Changed

"And look what we have here; Gold Wolf is up against the one and only... Gold Roo!" Alex stood there, staff in paw as he stares down the kangaroo. He was the only kangaroo in Gold League... and Alex wasn't the only wolf in Gold League... though the...

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After that fight, Alex was a little upset, not by much, but just a bit. Sure his balls and sheath just got displayed on the fight channel for all to see, but he won... he had won against another bronze opponent... fuck that. He's going to the gold...

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