Eeveelutionary Changes

Story by Mehlahphuse on SoFurry

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Three friends journey through the Kalos region, making a brief stop in Lumiose to catch up with one another. While there they try some free samples which are bound to have an effect on their journey.

Little gift story I did for my friend Renlu on FA and Nezumichan

"So how many badges have you got yet, Stephen?" A male trainer asked, sipping his coffee and leaning back in his chair.

"I got four so far. Was just heading to the Lumiose City gym before I ran into you. What about you, Kevin? How many do you got?" Said Stephen, tipping his cap back and taking a sip of his hot chocolate now that it was cool enough to drink.

"I got six. Just the psychic and iceberg badges left for me."

"Nice! I guess I gotta work harder so I can catch up with you. And you, Sammy? How many you got?" Stephen asked the 3rd trainer sitting at the table with them.

"Ummm... only two, sadly. Been busy chasing after pokemon more than going to gyms," Sammy said, smiling sheepishly.

The three trainers smiled and talked some more, enjoying the atmosphere at one of the many cafes that littered Lumiose City. All three of them were good friends and had started their Kalos adventures together though they split up upon arriving to the region, each taking on the regions challenges in their own way. They made a friendly rivalry out of it but were always willing to help each other out when another needed it. For now they were just relaxing after a long time of travelling and sharing stories about their travels.

"You know, I could go for a bit of a walk. Been sitting around for too long," Stephen said, waving over a waiter to bring them the check.

"Yeah, I could go for a bit of a walk too. Maybe check out some shops," suggests Sammy with a smile, getting out his wallet.

All three of them agreed and, after paying the bill, walked down one of the major streets of the city. They didn't have any particular destination so they just wondered about and checking out shops ranging from clothing stores, to various pokemon equipment and accessory shops, to the evolution stone shop. It was while browsing the various stores Lumoise had to offer that they came across a man wearing exceptionally fine clothes, waving for them to come over with his black cane to his table on the side of the street.

"Gentlemen, enjoying the fine weather today? May I interest you in trying a sample of a tasty treat that will soon hit Kalos like a pikachu's thundershock?" the man asked as he swept a hand over his display of assorted pokepuffs, pokemon treats that looked very similar to cupcakes.

Stephen waved his hand dismissively. "Thanks but we have enough pokepuffs for our pokemon. Besides, what makes your puffs better than everyone else's?"

The man smiled, flashing a diamond tooth. "Why, these aren't normal pokepuffs. Rather, these puffs are meant for human consumption. Haven't you all wondered what those tasty poketreats tasted like but were unable to enjoy such with your pokemon due to certain ingredients not suitable for human consumption?"

All three of them stopped to think for a moment. What the man said was true, they all wondered what pokepuffs tasted like. Technically Stephen did know due to one day of curiosity which awarded him a trip to the doctor. Still he did wonder how he'd enjoy one if they were human friendly.

"Alright, I guess we could try one," Kevin said as he looked over the selection. "What's the catch?"

" None!" the man exclaimed "They are completely free, though only one per person please. I simply want to see how well people enjoy them before I begin sharing my product across Kalos and then the world. I assure you once you try them you won't see pokepuffs the same again."

Sammy smiled and grabbed a brown frosted puff. "Just a survey? I see no harm in that." He bite into his puff and slowly chewed, moaning softly as he tasted the treat. "Mmmm... this is very good! Very rich chocolate taste."

The other two trainers glanced at each other and shrugged, each of them grabbing a puff too. Stephen took a bite out of his purple puff while Kevin ate a red one.

" Wow! This is very good! I normally don't like grape flavour but this stuff makes grape taste good!" Stephen exclaimed, devouring his puff fully.

"Yeah, these are delicious! Wish I could have more," said Kevin as he stuffed his face. "What did you use to make these."

"Can't tell you that. Trade secret. Plus you never know who is listening in. Can't have competitors stealing my secrets now can I?"

The three friends nodded together and smiled. All three of them decided that the food was so good that they gave the man a five pokedollar tip each.

"Thank you kindly," the puff salesman said with a polite bow "Once my product is a success I do hope to see you three buying some more puffs in the future." Sammy, Kevin, and Stephen waved goodbye to the man and continued walking along the main road.

"It's too bad we could only have one each. I really want to eat more of them. They were very good," Said Sammy, rubbing his belly a little.

Kevin chuckled and pat his friend's shoulder. "If we were able to get more you'd end up just as overweight as some of your pokemon."

"I wouldn't eat that much. And my pokemon aren't fat. They are just a little husky," Sammy replied, twiddling his thumbs.

"Settle down, you two. I'm sure we can get more when those puffs become available commercially," Stephen said, rubbing his forehead softly. He wasn't sure but it was feeling a little swollen. Probably just a bug bite or something. He was also starting to feel itchy under his shirt. "Stupid shirt, making me feel itchy. New I shouldn't have looked for a better quality shirt instead of a cheap one."

"I'm feeling a bit itchy too," Kevin said, scratching himself. "Feeling a little hot too. Maybe we should take a break at a pokemon centre for a bit."

"Ugh, I feel like I have a rash or something," Sammy said too, scratching himself as well. "I hope there wasn't anything wrong with the puffs we just ate. I feel like tearing off my shirt I'm so itchy."

All three of them started making their way to the nearest pokemon centre, none of them noticing tufts of fur peaking out of their shirts. Nor did they notice their ears getting longer or their mouths and noses altering in shape, looking like small muzzles. They were almost near the centre when Stephen began to clutch his head, groaning in pain.

"My head... It throbbing so much. I feel like my head is about to burst," Stephen said with another groan. Kevin was about to go over and help his friend when he too started to groan, tugging at his shirt and starting to sweat heavily.

"Arceus, it feels so hot out here. Feels like I'm burning up."

While Sammy was feeling fine compared to his friends the itch was getting worse. His clothes were irritating him so much he wanted to tear them off.

"Seriously, this itch is getting worse! I think we should all go to the hospital or something. There has got to have been something wrong with those puffs, making us all... " Sammy trailed off when he noticed his hand was all fuzzier, their hair on his hand a chocolate brown in colour, "... ill?" Sammy looked at his hand, dumbfounded at the sight. He touched it with his other hand and softly stroked it. The hair on his hand felt soft like fur. He looked to his friends and saw fur growing on them too. Kevin's face was turning a bright shade of orange while tufts of orangish-cream fur was sprouting from under the collar of his shirt. Stephen himself was sprouting lilac coloured fur across his face with large tufts on his cheeks, ears growing out till they were large and pointed.

Stephen cried out as a red rhombus shaped gem pushed out of his forehead and his eyes opened wide, glowing a bright white along with the gem. His body began to hover as psychic energy coalesced around him, tearing apart his clothes in the process. His arms dropped to his sides, becoming more slender and feminine while more soft lilac fur coated them completely. As the fur spread of his chest it started to swell around his nipples, forming two watermelon sized breasts. His waist thinned and his hips widened to give him a fine hourglass figure, ass becoming plump with a slender tail pushing out and splitting at the tip. His legs became more slender and his heels raised, feet becoming digitigrade while also becoming paws. Lastly his manhood, which had been shrinking in plain view up to this point, shrank till it was just a tiny nub and his testicles sucked into his body with a wet slurp, leaving him only with a moist cunt. Once the transformation was complete the fully formed espeon girl lowered back to the ground, wobbling unsteadily on her feet and softly rubbing her head.

Kevin was the next for his changes to fully ignite. Quite literally as flames enveloped his body, burning away his clothes but leaving his body unharmed. More orange fur spread across his feminizing body, furred breasts the same size as Stephen's sprouting from his chest, arms and legs slenderized, and his body became curvaceous and sexy. He moaned in pleasure as he ceased to be male, 'her' manhood quickly replaced by a virgin slit. A thick billowy tail formed behind her and the hair on her head began to match the fur of her mane and tail, the fire surrounding Kevin soon dying out leaving the former human a humanoid female flareon.

Sammy, who had been watching his friends transform before his eyes, now felt unbearably itchy, forcing him to tear off his shirt to try and relieve his irritation. He was greeted with a face full of cream fur as a thick billowy mane puffed out around his neck. Chocolate brown fur covered the rest of his body as he became just as curvy and girly as his friends, breasts practically bursting from his chest and ass becoming plump and pillowy with a nice bushy tail springing out of his backside, his pants falling off his much slender legs. His male bits shrank and pulled into his body, causing 'her' to moan and grasp at her now female crotch in embarrassment. The anthro eevee looked over her curvy body once the changes subsided, blushing more red as she took in how sexy she looked.

The three pokegirls exchanged glances and looked each other over. They had to admit they were fine looking women, even if they were also part pokemon. All three of them did the best they could from the public, people staring at them and taking photos of the nude pokewomen.

"I feel like I'm on display here," Kevin said, blushing whenever someone whistled at them or shouted about how sexy they looked. "You think that guys pokepuffs did this?"

"That would be the only possible answer. Not like people transform into anthro female pokemon on a whim," Stephen said as she picked her glasses off the ground, surprisingly having survived her transformation, and put them on carefully. It surprised her how calm she felt despite their change. She should have been freaking out but she felt cool as a cucumber. Probably for the best as if she was freaking out she'd probably be hurling objects and people at random with her new psychic powers.

Kevin and Sammy weren't doing as well as her. Sammy looked like she was ready to take flight at a moments notice while their air around Kevin started to shimmer as her body seemed to heat up the more flustered she got.

"What are we going to do?" Sammy asked her friends in a worried tone. "We're girls, we're pokemon, and we're naked! We got to find that guy and get him to change us back! I don't want people staring at me anymore!"

"Calm down, Sammy." Stephen told her friend, putting a hand gently on her shoulder. "First, lets go back to our hotel and get whatever clothing we can wear as well as our pokemon. Then we can find that guy and get him to help change us back. Is that an acceptable plan, you guys?"

"Yeah... guess getting something to wear first would be best. Then at least we will have some dignity going down the street." Replied Kevin, starting to cool down. "Lets get going before I start burning cameras out of peoples hands." She grumbled and flicked her tail, glaring at nearby trying to snap pics of her furry rear.

The three grabbed what items they owned that survived their transformation and quickly made their way back to the hotel, ignoring the stares they received as they rushed to their hotel rooms. They put on whatever clothes would fit their new bodies and set off to find the man who did this to them. However, after searching the entire city in full they could not find the man anywhere. Tired and fed up with being Lumiose's latest attraction the three gave up their search, filed a police report in hopes the Kalos police force could find the guy, and retired to their hotel. From there they spent the rest of the night discussing how they would find ways to live as they are before calling it a night.

Two years pass and the man was never caught nor did the three find a way to change back. Fortunately, even though the first few months were awkward, they got used to their new forms and even started to enjoy being pokemon gals. It helped that they had each other, making their new lives easier. Discovering their abilities as pokemon was also fun too. At this point it felt awkward to continue battling pokemon essentially being pokemon themselves so they did what felt was right and let their pokemon free. Both Stephen and Kevin had their names changed to Mehl and Renlu respectively while Sammy kept hers the same as it still suited her as a girl, though her friends sometimes teased her by calling her Samantha. With such strong bonds of friendship it wasn't long till Sammy experienced another change, her evolution from an eevee into a pretty sylvion. The evolution gave Sammy some more confidence but was still a bit shy here and there. The three eventually got a house together as well as jobs. Mehl took up work as a librarian, Renlu went to become a waitress at one of Lumiose's three star restaurants, and Sammy took on work at the pokemon centre. While the three lived well together there was the occasional squabble.

"Sammy! I was saving those pokepuffs for later!" Renlu shouted to her friend, hands on her thick hips.

"I'm sorry. You should have left a note or something. I didn't know." Sammy said timidly, twiddling her thumbs.

"Ugh, will you two be quiet? I'm trying to read my book." Mehl said, laid out on the couch reading a book titled 'The Aura of Love', munching on a pokepuff idly as she flipped a page using her telekinetic abilities.

"But those were my pokepuffs and... Hey! Where did you get those?"

"I kept a secret stash for myself. I knew you two would devour the box I bought within a day so I bought a second box for myself."

Renlu walked up to Mehl and got onto her knees, giving Mehl her best puppy dog eyes she could muster. "Please, Mehl, can I have some? Pretty please? I'm craving them so badly!"

Mehl sighed, rolling her eyes and psychically levitating the box to her friend. "Fine, have some. But no more than six. I'm trying to make this box last."

Renlu smiled and grabbed six puffs, scarfing them down greedily. Ever since their change the three discovered they had grown fond of eating pokemon treats from poffins to pokepuffs. It started off as simple enjoyment at first but after a while it became an addiction, all three craving pokemon snacks. Consequently they all packed on a few pounds as a result, bellies pushing out from under their shirts and pants fitting tightly around their thick thighs.

"Mehl, do you ever wonder if that salesman knew his pokepuffs would turn us into pokemon? And if he did why would he want such?" Sammy asked, sitting down on a nearby chair, contemplating her own question.

"If he did I'm not sure why. Maybe he just wanted to see if he could. I'm still wondering how we ended up girls. Though... I don't really mind being an espeon girl," Mehl admitted with a blush. The other two nodded in agreement. Mehl read through her book some more before putting her bookmark between the pages she was on and closed the book. "So Sammy, how are things going with that boyfriend of yours? The one who said became a raichu cause he was possessed or something like that."

Sammy blushed and smiled softly. "Things are going alright between me and Reido. I have another date with him tomorrow. He's taking me to an all-you-can-eat buffet."

"Well, that means me and Mehl have the house to ourselves," Renlu said with a smirk, glancing over at Mehl who grinned knowingly back.

Sammy looked at them with a confused look on her face. "Huh? What are you guys talking about?" The two pokegals simply looked at her with sultry smirks on 5heir muzzles before glancing at each other briefly and giggling. Sammy was still confused for a moment before it suddenly clicked, her cheeks turning red. "You don't mean you two..."

"Hehe, yes we do," Mehl said with a purr. "Tis a pleasant way to relieve boredom. Also has given us time to test our abilities in... unique ways." Mehl grinned and winked at Sammy.

"You know, you should join us in some 'girl time'," Renlu said teasingly. "It would be fun to have another gal with us and we could demonstrate some our new moves."

Sammy's eyes went wide and her cheeks turned crimson. "I-I-I am flattered but I'm sure you two don't need me being a third wheel." Sammy smiled sheepishly, not sure how to react to their suggestion.

Mehl grinned wider and rolled onto her hands and knees on the couch, the couch groaning under her shifting weight as she went into a predatory crouch, tail swishing high. "Oh, that wasn't a suggestion hun."

Sammy didn't have a chance to react before Mehl was on top of her, surprisingly fast for a girl of her size. Renlu soon joined in, clothes being torn off and soon the house was filled with sounds of pleasure as the energetic large eeveelution ladies had a wonderful night together.

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