Chapter 3: Tryst in the Trees

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#3 of The Mating Season 4

Chapter 3: Tryst in the Trees

"Keeno! KEENO!" Zalia screamed at the top of her voice. She was squatting beside the fire in the front of their hut, humming under her breath as she poked at a pot of oatmeal with a wooden ladle. It was a bright, sunny spring morning, and though spring always put Zalia in a good mood, a flock of teenagers and her annoying older brother did not. Kilyan had come over as usual to walk with Keeno to their post outside the village gates, but this morning he had also brought with him his two sons Roan and Zane (who were now training as warriors and had their own patrol duties to attend to), his and Keeno's friend Aros, and Aros' two pretty daughters Mora and Nyssa. With all these wolves crowding in her hut, on top of her high-spirited and haughty daughter Enya, Zalia felt as grumpy as an old hen under all the chatter.

"KEENOOOOOOOO!" Zalia screeched at the top of her lungs. "Get out here and take my nephews to the northern forest before I take my broom to them -- Zane! Down!"

Zane, a buff and brawny silver wolf, was in the middle of lifting Enya clear off her feet. It was something he did quite often: if Enya became particularly teasing and annoying, Zane lifted her by the arms, tossed her straight into the air, caught her, and slammed her on her feet again. This sudden tossing usually shut her up for a while, but Zalia hated the sight of her daughter shooting toward the ceiling and gave big Zane such a beady stare that he put his cousin down at once and muttered bitterly, "Yes, Aunt Zalia . . ."

"He was only doing it to so show off for Mora and Nyssa," Enya said with sparkling blue eyes. She haughtily brushed herself off and sauntered around the room again, sweeping and performing her morning chores but at the same time giving her cousin taunting glances. "He's probably trying to show off for Yuri too. But she's not in the other room listening, Zane. She's asleep. Tough luck!" She licked out her tongue, but Zane was too shocked by her words to retaliate.

"Yuri's here?" Zane and Roan said in unison.

Enya gave a mocking laugh. "The two of you are so pathetic. Don't get too excited -- there are females present."

After ten years, Enya was now tall and slender, her tan fur soft and sweet smelling, her breasts large and high with their pink nipples. Her tan mane was long and curly and fell now to the small of her back, and the same white stripe cut down her belly. She was, in fact, just a female version of her father Keeno, except for her eyes: she had her mother's blue sapphire eyes.

"Shut up, Enya," Zane warned, balling up his fists. "Or I swear to god --"

"Ooooo, such a big strong wolf," Enya mocked sarcastically. "Why don't you stomp around some more? Mora can't get enough of your swinging!" Enya swung her hips around and waved the broom in front of her like a penis to indicate.

Zane's silver cheeks blushed crimson and his only response was to sputter incoherently while Mora and Nyssa continued giggling at Enya's antics.

Mora and Nyssa were practically identical twins with their father's dark gray fur and black flecks. Their only difference was that Mora had brown eyes and Nyssa had black. They were huddled together beside the fire, giggling as Enya showed off in front of them. And Mora, who had an open crush on big, burly Zane, batted her lashes at him in such an ugly, desperate fashion that he turned away with a groan. Nyssa, meanwhile, smiled so meaningfully at bashful Roan that he gave a grimace of a grin and nervously looked away. The girls were there to spend time with Enya, who was their best friend, but they never wasted the opportunity to flirt with Roan and Zane.

"I don't know why you like Zane, Mora," went on Enya, rolling her eyes. "He can't even string a sentence together."

Standing near his brother against the wall, Roan snickered. Roan was the complete opposite of his brother Zane: like his father, he was a black wolf, lean but still muscular, with the same bright green eyes and long black mane. There were white flecks in his fur, which he had inherited from his mother, who was also a black and white wolf.

Hearing his brother snickering at him, Zane cuffed Roan on the ear. Roan cuffed him right back, and the two were on the brink of a wrestling match when they were immediately ordered (somewhat nonchalantly) by their father to head outside and do pushups until relieved. Grumbling and groaning and still bickering amongst themselves, Roan and Zane shuffled outside, and Kilyan could hear with satisfaction that they were counting their pushups in strained, miserable voices.

"That's enough, Enya," Zalia snapped at her daughter. "Or would you like to go outside and do pushups too?"

"I could probably do them better," Enya whispered to her friends, and the girls giggled.

"Sometimes I can't decide which is worse," said Aros wearily to Kilyan. "Having sons or having daughters."

"Teenagers," said Kilyan with a sigh. "The bane your parents placed on your head whenever you misbehaved." He added behind his paw in a whisper, "I pull out now before I come. I don't think I could take another rowdy, bickering son."

Aros laughed quietly.

Just then, Keeno burst in from the hall, grinning for all the world as if he hadn't slept in. He gave Zalia such a big hug and such an exaggerated kiss that she laughed and instantly forgave him, then served him his oatmeal in a wooden bowl and smiled fondly as he kissed his daughter. Kilyan and Aros joined Keeno at the fire and waited patiently as he ate, chatting about the weather, their wives, and their children. Then Keeno applied his war paint, took up his spear, and the three males headed out.

"All right, boys," Kilyan said as he and his friends came to a stop before his two weary sons. "On your feet. Today you're patrolling the northern forest. I don't want any slacking or fighting, understand? Protecting the village is more important than our lives."

"This coming from the guy who got whipped for slacking off," chuckled Aros under his breath, and Kilyan elbowed him playfully.

"You got whipped, Dad?" Roan asked in amazement as the group started off. It was inconceivable to Roan that his father -- a strict follower of the code of the warrior -- had once broken a rule and been whipped for it.

They passed up the village streets, nodding in greeting to females hanging laundry, mothers with pups, warriors bidding their wives farewell at the curtains of their huts.

"Your dad was a regular rule breaker," answered Keeno, clapping Kilyan playfully on the shoulder. "There was this time when we got caught slacking. Your mother was there, too, Roan --"

"The truth is, we were all slackers," cut in Aros, coming to Kilyan's rescue. "Your father was the one who broke rules the least, that's all. But you boys would never think of doing that . . . right?" Aros added with a wise smile.

Roan and Zane glanced nervously at each other and chorused, "Right, sir!"

". . . Dad?" Roan asked tentatively after a while. "Enya said Yuri was here. Is that true?"

The boys waited hopefully, and when their father gave a miserable sigh, they grinned.

"You are to be on your best behavior around her, understand?" Kilyan warned. "If either one of you violates her, Zaldon won't take it lightly, and however he chooses to punish you for it, I won't stop him."

"He means that," added Keeno with a laugh. "Zaldon may be getting over the hill, but he hasn't lost any of his strength. Last night when he dropped off Yuri he snapped a big log from our fire in half to demonstrate, then gave me the solemn warning to look after Yuri. It was kinda scary."

Roan and Zane gulped, not knowing this was a lie, and Kilyan, Keeno, and Aros exchanged smiles.

At the village gates, the group parted. Aros left to patrol the village walls with Kilyan and Keeno while Roan and Zane headed into the forest.

"And remember," Kilyan called, "we'll be around to check on you!"

"Yes, Father!" the boys chorused, but the second they were deep in the gloom of the trees, Zane halted on the path.

"What are you doing?" Roan asked, halting as well. He shifted his spear to his other shoulder, watching his brother suspiciously.

"You know damn-well what I'm doing. I'm going to see Yuri! Cover for me."

Zane had barely turned away, however, when Roan grabbed his arm.

"Wait a minute! What makes you think Yuri wants to see you? How do you know she doesn't want to see me!"

"Ha! In your dreams. Cover for me. I won't be long." Zane started away again, but seeing his brother's moody eyes, he stopped again with a guilty sigh. "Okay, okay, how about this: I'll go talk to her first. If she turns me down, I'll cover for you and you can go talk to her."

"All right. But don't be gone too long. I can't cover for you forever." Roan offered his paw and they shook.

"Wish me luck, little bro," Zane said with a grin and ruffled his shorter brother's mane.

Roan batted him off. He was older, but because he was shorter than Zane, Zane insisted on teasing him. "Get outta here before I change my mind!"

Zane laughed and took off, his spear on his shoulder. Roan watched him go, feeling miserable. What if Zane was right? What if Yuri had no interest in him whatsoever? Zane was so big and strong and handsome. Why should she want Roan over him? Roan felt a pang in his heart at the thought and turned slowly up the forest path, his head bowed in thought.

It was true that Yuri had never shown any romantic interest in him. But it was also true that she had never shown any hint of feeling outside of friendship for Zane. Were the two of them just fools going after a girl who wanted nothing to do with them? Roan sighed. He couldn't understand it. He was cute, wasn't he? At least Nyssa seemed to think he was. And he was nice. And, unlike Zane, he never did anything to really offend Yuri: he had never grabbed her tail or kissed her or constantly pinned her down as Zane had when they were little. Though he had wrestled with Yuri and chased her and tickled her, he had always tried to be gentle. And he knew in his heart that he loved her. So why didn't she love him back?

Feeling wretched, Roan wandered through the trees, not really paying attention to where he was going. As a result, he looked up to find himself at the waterfall, a place deep within the northern forest where young males often came to swim and lounge on the bank. He was, therefore, not surprised to see one of his friends doing just that: Theo was wadding in the shallows, and Roan felt himself stir a little just watching him: Theo was very handsome, a dark gray wolf with a square jaw and intensely black eyes. He smiled when he saw Roan watching from the trees and waved.

Feeling in some odd way like a Peeping Tom, Roan was hesitant about going down to the river, but did. He leaned his spear against a tree, and he didn't want to when Theo beckoned him, but he wadded in.

Roan moved through the shallows until he found himself tail-deep at Theo's side. Theo was scooping up water and splashing it down his mane. His fur was plastered to his hard chest and rippling abs, and it glistened wetly in the sun. Roan felt himself stir again and blushed. He turned away, ashamed of himself. He wasn't supposed to feel anything for other males: he was supposed to be with a female, perhaps two females, like his father.

"So what's wrong, Roan?" Theo presently asked. He sounded amused, and Roan's heart skipped a beat when he glanced over his shoulder to find those dark, intense eyes fixed in curiosity on him.

"And where's Zane? He sneak off again? I tell ya, I don't know why he never gets caught. I mean, Zane isn't exactly a small wolf." Theo laughed, and Roan heard a splash as he tossed water on himself yet again.

"Why do you think I'm upset?" Roan wondered, frowning at his reflection. He was careful to keep his back to Theo as he scooped up water and splashed it onto his face. It was early spring, but already the mornings were burning hot.

Theo laughed again. "Trust me, Roan: I know when you're upset. You look all pouty and your eyes cloud up. To tell the truth, it's kinda cute."

Roan's ears flicked forward in his surprise and his head snapped around. He couldn't believe it: Theo was smiling at him lustily. He felt himself stir and turned away from the handsome young male, still in a state of shock.

"You shouldn't say th-things like that," Roan stammered nervously.

"Why not?" Theo returned in a nonchalant voice. "It's true. You're cute. Is that why you're so upset? Because some girl doesn't think so? I think so."

Roan grew very still as Theo sloshed through the water behind him. He couldn't believe it when Theo's paw actually reached around and closed over his cock. He had been fighting down a hard-on since he'd first laid eyes on Theo, but now it came, hard and strong. He was so stiff and thick in Theo's paw that he wanted to die on the spot. But Theo's breath was on his neck, closely followed by his hot kisses, and Roan gave away to these kisses without even realizing: his head fell back on Theo's shoulder and he groaned as Theo's big paw slowly massaged him toward an orgasm.

"But, Theo -- I love --"

"Yuri? I know," Theo mumbled between kisses, but he didn't stop massaging Roan, gentle and slow, and with such skilled fingers that Roan moaned in spite of himself.

"Feels good, doesn't it?"

"Y-Yes," Roan sheepishly admitted.

"Do you want me to stop?"


Theo laughed softly. "You ever been had . . . here?"

Roan gasped: Theo's fingers entered his anus and spread wide apart, holding him open. He shook his head vigorously, mumbling that, no, he had never been had there, but feeling Theo's hard body against him made him want it. He had never realized until that moment how badly he wanted it.

And Theo was so sweet, so affectionate. He took Roan's paw and led him to the bank, smiling at him with a fire in his eyes that frightened and aroused him all at once.

"But, wait, Theo," Roan panted, and Theo did wait, looking questioningly into Roan's eyes.

"I do want you," Roan admitted with a blush, "but if we're caught here, if we're seen --"

"We won't get caught," Theo said, kissing Roan's cheek with a look that said his fear was cute. "We won't be seen. And if I'm very gentle, we won't be heard." He smiled, his cheeks crinkling around his handsome black eyes, and Roan felt put at ease -- and yet so nervous. He allowed Theo to back him into a tree and they started kissing in a passionate frenzy.

"I've never done anything like this before," Roan admitted as Theo showered his neck with kisses. Theo's paws were everywhere: on his cock, fondling his balls, grabbing his buttocks in fistfuls. Roan felt himself getting harder every second.

"But you've thought about it," Theo said wisely, and he looked so friendly and handsome when he paused to smile in amusement at Roan that his heart fluttered.

"Yes," Roan admitted bashfully. "All the time. But I thought about females too -- especially Yuri . . ."

"Did you think about me?" Theo asked playfully. He paused again, his forehead close to Roan's.

Roan blushed deeply now and Theo laughed: he had his answer. They kissed, and Roan embraced Theo tightly. Then timidly, he grabbed a little at Theo's buttocks. They were hard and high and firm and perfectly toned. God, Theo was beautiful! He smoothed his paw down Theo's tail and brushed it aside. His finger found Theo's anus and prodded there, curiously caressing it. Theo, who was kissing hungrily at Roan's neck and shoulders, groaned his appreciation.

"I've wanted you for a long time," Theo admitted in a whisper. "Roan, you have no idea . . ." Theo groaned, and Roan realized that his penis was rigid against him. He stroked it, and Theo whispered, "Yesssss. That's it, baby. Make me want this ass." He clutched at Roan's buttocks, and closing his mouth over Roan's, his tongue filled it.

Roan trembled. He had never been called these things before, had never been touched or kissed in this way, and he felt the sticky pre-cum seep from his cock. He knew he was on the brink of an orgasm when Theo guided him to face the tree, and then that great cock was ramming inside of him as impatiently as if Roan might disappear. Roan hugged the tree and cried out as his anus was held open wide, as Theo grunted and strained to force his way inside, panting and kissing the back of Roan's neck fiercely in his effort. He felt Theo's big paw close around his cock, and he was being stroked vigorously even as he was being fucked.

Roan closed his eyes and gritted his teeth with the strain. It hurt, but, god, it felt so good! He whimpered through his teeth, but when Theo slowed down, he begged him not to. He loved Theo's hard chest against his back, loved the feel of Theo's flexing muscles, the heat of his breath, his wild kisses. This was more than Roan had ever dreamed. And then it happened: he exploded. He cried out loudly without meaning to, and Theo frantically clapped a paw over his mouth and kissed him below the ear, whispering, "Not so loud, baby. I want you alive so I can fuck you again, kay?"

Roan nodded, and the paw was removed. Theo kept going until he came too: a strained cry came through his teeth, he whimpered, and then Roan felt it: the hot sticky cum spurted inside of him. They stood together panting against the tree, Theo showering Roan with lazy kisses, and then they lay together down in the grass.

"I've been wanting to get you alone," Theo panted, "for so long. I wasn't sure if you were a tail chaser or not -- after all, you've always had this crush on Yuri. But one day during training I caught you looking at me. . . . and I knew."

Roan blushed, but Theo only smiled and pulled him into his arms. Roan rested his head on Theo's chest, suddenly very happy and content. But something was still tugging at his heart: Yuri. Yuri's sable eyes. Yuri's pretty smile. He hadn't seen Yuri since they were thirteen, but he just knew she had full, supple breasts and round hips by now. But how could it be? How could he feel these things with Theo, and yet still long for Yuri?

As if he sensed Roan's discomfort, Theo asked quietly, "Still thinking about that female?"

"Yes," Roan admitted, feeling suddenly guilty. "I'm sorry."

"Nah. I know this was just a fuck. But maybe one day, it'll be more."

Roan looked up quickly: Theo was smiling at him with something more than lust in his dark eyes. He kissed Roan quickly on the lips and got up. Roan sat up in the grass and watched as Theo took up his spear and looked at his reflection in the shallows to adjust his smeared war paint. Once he thought he looked presentable, he straightened up and turned to face Roan.

"See you around, baby," Theo said with a wink. Adjusting his spear on his shoulder, he moved past Roan and into the trees.

Roan watched him go, his heart pounding in his chest, and when he felt the blood rushing so hot through his veins, he realized that he and Theo . . . had become lovers.

Roan gave a little laugh. He couldn't believe it -- he had a lover! It was true that he had often lusted after Theo, but he thought his feelings were masterfully hidden from all. He'd been wrong. Theo had known about his feelings all along! He felt like such a fool, but he was glad: if he hadn't been so easy to read, Theo might never have approached him.

This morning he'd had his first time with a male! His heart suddenly very light, Roan climbed to his feet and took up his spear -- and froze when he came face to face with his grandfather.

Loryn was a gray wolf with black stripes and amused black eyes that were always laughing and twinkling. He was tall and very big: even at his age, his arms were still bulging and tight with muscles, as was his hard belly and broad chest. His gray mane was striped as well, and it lifted in the breeze as he stood leaning against a tree, gazing at his grandson with clear amusement.

Roan stood in shock. Most male wolves Loryn's age were retired warriors. That is: they no longer went on patrol, and unless there was a great crisis, they no longer took part in protecting the village. Loryn should have been at home with Kira doing whatever retired wolves did. But Loryn was standing here in the forest, leaning against a tree, and smiling at Roan in such a knowing way that Roan visibly winced.

Loryn sighed and shook his head. "Like father like son, eh?" he said, grinning at his grandson. "I once caught your father out here slacking off too. He was actually on top of your mother." He chuckled at Roan's shock. "It's a good story. I'll tell it to you some time."

Feeling dismal, Roan set his spear against a tree and prepared to bend over, but Loryn waved his paws and cried out with a laugh, "Whoa, whoa -- What are you doing!"

"Aren't you going to whip me?" Roan asked, blinking his bewilderment.

"God, no. One: I'm getting too old for that crap. And two: I'm retired. I don't spank sixteen-year-olds anymore. No longer part of the job description."

Roan laughed but still felt very anxious: his grandfather had just caught him coming from a secret rendezvous in the forest! There was no way he couldn't have seen Theo moving off into the trees. And what was even more mortifying: he had probably heard Roan crying out in ecstasy. Roan wanted to sink into the ground and disappear. He stood there looking stiff and frightened and waiting for the axe to fall. It didn't. To Roan's surprise, his grandfather threw a heavy arm around his shoulders and said, "Walk with me, Roan. Talk with me."

"Yes, Grandfather . . ." Roan answered uncertainly.

Grandfather and grandson walked the shady path side by side. Despite his confusion and fear, Roan walked the straight and proud gait of a warrior, a walk which had been taught to him by his father and the other older warriors during his training. But Loryn walked cheerfully and at his leisure, as if he didn't give a damn.

"Roan, believe it or not, I know exactly how you feel right now," Loryn began.

Roan was again surprised. "You do, sir?"

"Of course. Where do you think you got it from, your hunger for male ass?" Loryn chuckled to himself, and Roan gazed at him in astonishment.

"You mean . . .?"

"Yes. When I was your age, I was fucking males out here in these woods. Really handsome ones too. I guess you could say I was a bit like young Theo back there. He's cute, isn't he?"

Roan blushed.

"And he's a nice kid. A perfect warrior, never done a thing to anybody, got a nice singing voice and a great smile. If you want a partner, stick with Theo. He may look the part, but he's not a heartbreaker."

"But, Grandfather," begged Roan, looking thoroughly uncomfortable, "I'm not a tail chaser! I love Yuri!"

"And I love Kira," Loryn returned, his eyes flashing with rare solemnity. "I love her with all my heart. Doesn't stop me from liking cock."

"So . . . so it's okay to like both?" Roan asked uncertainly.

Loryn gave a half-smile. "You sound like Kel, bless him."

"What!" Roan couldn't believe what he was hearing: his other grandfather liked cock too?

"That's right. I spent a hell of a time convincing Kel that it was okay when we were pups. He was so scared. His father was a real prick, you see. Told Kel that it was horrible to like cock. Hell, Kel wasn't even allowed to like pussy -- not until he was seventeen. Very strict male, Kel's father. So he grew up scared of what he was: a male who likes both. And now that I know you're the same way, Roan, I want you to know that you don't have to be scared, understand? Don't ever be scared to be who you are. But remember --"

Loryn paused on the path, and placing his paws on Roan's shoulders, he said firmly, "Don't ever get caught kissing a male in public. They will stone you, Roan. Or they will burn the mark of the lone wolf on your head and cast you from the village. And I could never stand by while a grandson of mine was cast from the village. I'd die before that happened to you. Understand me? Don't get caught!"

"Yes, sir!" Roan promised, deeply touched by the fear in his grandfather's eyes.

"Good boy," Loryn said, patting him on the shoulder.

They started up the path again, and Roan felt somewhat put at ease. So it was okay for him to want both Yuri and Theo! He just had to keep his feelings for Theo a secret. That saddened him. He liked kissing Theo and being held by him. Why was it okay for a male to kiss his wife in public but not a male lover? When he asked Loryn as much, he saw his grandfather's face crease in grim thought.

"Because the world is full of wolves," Loryn answered, scowling into the distance. "And eighty percent of those wolves are full of shit."

They continued on until the trees started to thin out, and Roan realized with a skip of his heart that they were heading back to the village gates.

"Grandfather, I have patrol duty in the forest --"

"Which you neglected to get fucked by Theo," finished Loryn. "Protecting the village is a serious matter, Roan. Failing to the protect the village warrants a serious whipping. We're going to find your brother, and then, well . . . knowing Kilyan, the two of you better pray."

Chapter 4 Good Taste

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