Furries University chapter 13: A story and a gift

Story by Kitsune Warui on SoFurry

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#19 of Furries University

Chapter 13: A story and a gift. (September 17th 2019 A.D. - Wednesday 9:00 AM)

Ozwot released Kitsune from the kiss, staring at his opening eyes. Kitsune smiled happily. Ozwot turned about and picked up his bag.

"Time to get to class foxy, have luck in chemistry" Ozwot spoke smiling back at Kitsune. Kitsune picked up his bag and put it on his back, he followed Ozwot outside the room his tail wagging. Many furs outside the class room gave Kitsune and Ozwot glares. Some scoffing others whispering to the furs beside them. Kitsune ignored it as Ozwot walked off the opposite way turning and walking backwards waving to Kitsune. Kitsune waved back and walked in the opposite direction.

'to judge what you don't know. These furs are annoying. You can't judge me till you've seen through my eyes, walked in my shoes, been through my life' thought Kitsune.

*** (2 hours 5 minutes later outside in the front of FU)

Kitsune sat on the bench watching furs walk by. Not as many stares and whispers happened. Kitsune closed his eyes, the chemistry class was as boring as it could get. He felt himself dozing.

'I didn't know you could directly liquefy gases. But the use of such a science seems somewhat unpractical. But I suppose it could be used for space travel. Liquid Oxygen must be useful for something' thought Kitsune 'Wolfie did this same thing so I'll just ask him where he got his info. Looks like I'll be up Friday doing this'. Ozwot walked out and sat down beside Kitsune. He put his arm around him and Kitsune lay his head on Ozwot's shoulder.

"Hard day foxy?" asked Ozwot.

"Kind of" spoke Kitsune "I didn't mean to but I spilled some of the liquids in the beakers on the professor he got really pissed about it because it put a giant spot on his shirt".

"Happens love" breathed Ozwot "just don't worry about it".

"I'm not" spoke Kitsune "Because the rest of the week is ours".

"That it is love" spoke Ozwot rubbing his cheek against Kitsune's. Kitsune smiled at this

show of affection.

"Don't we have to go see Leo" asked Ozwot.

"At night, he probably has a lot of work right now" replied Kitsune.

"Alright then foxy....what should we do for now" asked Ozwot. Kitsune looked towards him with a slight grin and a bit of blush on his face.

"Hee hee, as always a naughty lil' fox" spoke Ozwot smiling back "but no not right this moment. It's much too early in the day for something like that". Kitsune gave a sad face at this remark.

"Come on foxy you know people would surely interrupt us. It get's annoying after two times" replied Ozwot. Kitsune smiled and licked Ozwot's cheek.

"Okay hun, but maybe later tonight?" spoke Kitsune in a questioning tone.

"Maybe" said Ozwot smiling. Kitsune giggled at the reply.

"So what do we do then?" asked Kitsune "We haven't had much free time in the day together. How about we go out and eat or something?"

"Well what would you like?" asked Ozwot.

"Meat" replied Kitsune giggling.

"I know you want 'that'" retorted Ozwot.

"We need a car" smiled Kitsune.

"I don't have one" replied Ozwot "Maybe we should get one".

"I could steal Ryu's P.O.S. van" spoke Kitsune.

"Steal?" questioned Ozwot.

"Just a term, I would never steal anything. I'm a good lil' boy I promise" Kitsune smiled childishly after saying this. Ozwot smiled happily.

"Well that's good to hear" Replied Ozwot "Okay we can go ask him for his car then".

"What's it like in England hun?" Asked Kitsune standing up.

"It's very rainy" replied Ozwot "Somewhat boring at times".

"hmmm well you'll have to take me to your hometown some day wolfie" spoke Kitsune "I want to meet your friends".

"Alright but that may be awhile, It seems so nice over here" spoke Ozwot holding Kitsune's paw and begging to walk towards the dorm buildings.

"Yeah it is....once you get past all of the hypocrites, criminals, homophobes, liars, crazy furs, whores, pedophiles, rednecks, extremists, polotics, optimists, and idiots" retorted Kitsune smiling "It can be nice at times. But I'm sure that's no different where you go. Those kind of problems are everywhere".

"Crazy furs?" questioned Ozwot smiling "Get over me?"

"Well under maybe" giggled Kitsune. Ozwot chuckled with him leading him towards the dorm buildings.

"So...what about GLS?" asked Ozwot.

"What about it? I plan to actually work hard with this" replied Kitsune "besides it won't take any time from me being with you because you're the vice-president. So we'll get to be together a lot. Unless I have to give a speech in which case we'll have to be around each other a lot more. No one inspires me like you, speaking of which I want to get to writing on a story".

"Alright love" said Ozwot.

They were about five yards from the B dorm building when suddenly the sound of grass being ruffled came from behind them. Ozwot turned about as did Kitsune.

Jayson stood there with a bag in his hand.

"Ah it's you two" spoke Jayson "I heard ya' started a thing called GLS".

"What of it" replied Kitsune quickly.

"Nothin' but you should know that you're just asking to get your asses kicked" spoke Jayson "A large group of homos standing around parading about, they'll expose themselves...they'll get beat the shit out of".

"Whatever" blurted Kitsune "It's not just for homosexuals. Anyone is allowed to join if I approve them".

"Is that so" retorted Jay. Suddenly a finger came and tapped Jayson's shoulder form behind and Jayson turned about, There stood aide.

"What do you want?" he asked.

She quickly swung her paw into his cheek and pulled it back.

"Leave them alone" she blurted before walking right by him.

"The fuck?" breathed Jayson rubbing his cheek.

"That was random" spoke Kitsune looking at Aide.

"Felt like it" she spoke looking back "What are you two doing?"

"We were about to go to the dorm...then Jay here interrupted" Replied Ozwot.

Jayson spat onto the ground and then walked off towards the D dorm building. Kitsune smiled over at Ozwot.

"See honey" spoke Kitsune "if you don't pay too much attention to them they have to leave".

"Ahem" came Aide's voice "I believe I had something to do with that".

"Whatever you say" replied Kitsune "I didn't know you got out of your classes this early".

"Well I kind of skipped history, because I was feeling hungry" she spoke looking about her eyes showing she was tired.

"You sure look tired" spoke Ozwot.

"Who me?" blurted Aide "Oh yeah it's very hard. I stayed up all night because I wanted to watch this movie".

"What movie?" asked Kitsune.

"Can't remember" spoke Aide.

"Wha" breathed Ozwot.

"I know it's silly but I can't remember the movie's name" replied Aide "I'm gonna get Miken and We're going shopping".

"Ah, I see well best of luck on that" spoke Kitsune. Aide walked off towards the dorm rather quickly. Ozwot grabbed hold of Kitsune's paw once more and began to lead him to the B dorm building once more.

*** (2 minutes later. They ran up the long stairs into Kitsune's dorm)

"Boo" bursts Kitsune as he opens the door to the room, as Kagome and Ryu have lips locked they quickly break apart at this.

"Haven't you heard of knocking?!" bursted Kagome.

"Oh sorry didn't know you two were getting ready" spoke Kitsune smiling childishly "I was just wondering if we could borrow your van Ryu".

"Oh hell no" Spoke Ryu "I have no problem with what you two do in your free time but not in my van bro".

"What's wrong with going to McDonalds" asked Kitsune.

"Yeah like that's what you're going to do" replied Ryu.

"Really We're hungry" spoke Kitsune.

"fine" retorted Ryu "but If I find even a bit of.."

"Yeah yeah" interrupted Kitsune "Where are the keys?" Ryu reached into his pocket and tossed the keys to Kitsune. The keys went by Kitsune's shoulder and hit into the door.

"Alright Ryu....I'm over here" spoke Kitsune turning about and bending over.

"sorry bout' that" replied Ryu.

"Heh, just wanted to see me bend over" spoke Kitsune smirking "Let's go wolfie".

"Oh and Ryu...why would I ever want to spend such passionate, loving, serene time like that...in your nasty, smelly and probably camera filled Van".

"I almost forgot about the camera" spoke Ryu.

"Whatever" Spoke Kitsune opening walking out the door.

"Seeya guys" spoke Ozwot following "Don't do too much and be sure to use protection".

Ozwot giggled as he left the room and shut the door.

"Not funny" breathed Kagome.

Kitsune ran down the steps as Ozwot lead the way.

"Are you gonna drive wolfie?" asked Kitsune.

"Sure I don't see why not" replied Ozwot.

"Okay but just remember there is a camera in that thing" spoke Kitsune "But I'm gonna un-plug it".

"you know how" asked Ozwot.

"I thought of a way to make it look like I didn't know there was a camera there" spoke Kitsune "just don't say a word at all until I tell you it's unplugged".

"Okay love" replied Ozwot.

*** (3 minutes in front of the van)

Kitsune walked over and opened the side door of the van looking inside, He stepped up into it and then tripped forward bringing down a wire that looked like it plugged into something, it feel from the roof and onto Kitsune's head.

"There we go un-plugged" spoke Kitsune "the camera is in the sealing looking down".

"Ah" breathed Ozwot.

"Like I'd want to do that with you in the back of this place" spoke Kitsune "That's a very special thing and shouldn't be done in a thing such as this smelly van".

*** (meanwhile with Jay in jerry's dorm)

Jayson sat on the couch looking at the TV screen. He wasn't really paying attention to the screen to much though. Jerry sat down on the other side of the couch.

"So you saw that fag" spoke Jerry.

"Yeah" replied Jayson.

"You didn't hit him?" questioned Jerry.

"No" spoke Jayson.

"I swear that's what I should do" spoke Jerry "I'll kick his ass".

"Not smart" spoke Jayson "as much as I know that kid, knows martial arts. His Dad teaches him too, he is into something like kung-fu or something".

"So what I'm not fighting his daddy" spoke Jerry "I'm fighting the pipsqueak".

"He knows how to fight" spoek Jayson "He'd probably beat you down".

"Like hell" spoke Jerry "doubt that guy can even lift 50 lbs".

"Maybe not but he must know how to fight" spoke Jayson "If his dad teaches him. His dad is Reynard Warui the guy who enters those Martial arts tournaments, he isn't a big guy either but I've seen him do some amazing things".

"Well whatever" spoke jerry "He couldn't do anything to me".

"Besides what if you do beat him up" spoke Jayson "Ryu, possible his dad and most definitely his boyfriend will come after you. His boyfriend decked you in one punch".

"It was a cheap punch" Blurted Jerry.

"You know doubting these things is gonna get your ass kicked" spoke Jayson.

"Ya' know you sound like a wussy" retorted Jerry "man next time I see that Kitsune kid and there isn't any witnesses I'll kick his ass".

"Whatever dude" retorted Jayson.

*** (An hour later in the van with Kitsune and Ozwot)

"Well I'm full" breathed Kitsune leaning back in the seat.

"You only had a small hamburger" retorted Ozwot.

"and that filled me up" replied Kitsune.

"Foxy...do you worry at all" asked Ozwot.

"About what?" asked Kitsune.

"About AGF" answered Ozwot "that they might hurt the other people who join".

"No" answered Kitsune "If we get plenty of girls to join too, no doubt we'll get at least one of the members girlfriends and if they do anything they'll surely get dumped".

"Sounds like you'd be taking advantage of the situation" said Ozwot still looking towards the road.

"That's one way of looking at it" replied Kitsune. Ozwot chuckled a bit at this.

"So what are planning to do first?" asked Ozwot.

"I'm going to get plenty of members" answered Kitsune "so then we can have plenty of help if we're going to throw events and the such".

"You'll need money love" blurted Ozwot.

"Oh yes of course" said Kitsune looking out the window "We'll have to hope fund raising, and donations will keep It up. Of course if we don't have enough money there is always a way to hold events without money".

"How so?" asked Ozwot as they pulled into the university parking lot.

"Well like I could maybe get my father to help out" spoke Kitsune.

"Your dad. I really want to meet him" spoke Ozwot.

"Yeah I know. We could maybe get him to do sparring sessions for money" replied Kitsune.

"With who?" questioned Ozwot.

"Dunno. If no one else then me" replied Kitsune.

"You?" breathed Ozwot "I don't want you getting hurt".

"He won't hurt me" retorted Kitsune "he is my daddy".

Ozwot stopped the van in an open space in the parking lot and turned the van off taking out the keys. They both got of the car and began to walk towards the B dorm building.

"How long until we go visit Leo" asked Ozwot "now I'm really curious about how he got those wings".

"Hmmm yeah, he is probably the skinniest lion I've ever seen" replied Kitsune.

"Well we also have to tell him that GLS was approved" spoke Ozwot "you said you'd tell him any news about it".

"I know" spoke Kitsune yawning.

"You okay foxy?" questioned Ozwot.

"Yeah why?" asked Kitsune.

"I'm just wondering if you got enough sleep last night" replied Ozwot "I mean you said last time you

had a nightmare and that's why you came down".

"Yeah I did" spoke Kitsune "I slept fine wolfie".

"Well okay" spoke Ozwot "why don't you sleep with me tonight though?"

"Sure" replied Kitsune "I would never turn that down. In fact I'm sure I can stay over the limit they have. I mean if no one catches me in the dorm and no one says anything to a teacher I'm fine".

"Okay foxy but I hope something like that doesn't get you kicked out" replied Ozwot.

"Oh yeah of course not, Well this limit is only for the first few weeks" spoke Kitsune "at least that's what I read. Students are supposed to get used to their own dorm rooms. I don't think it's a strict rule".

"Well that's good" replied Ozwot "I know you'll love your gift".

"Any chance I could get that gift now?" asked Kitsune smirking.

"Ha, interesting question and I'd love to. But I think we should wait. I want it to be special love" answered Ozwot.

"Fine then" blurted Kitsune crossing his arms.

"What is it love?" asked Ozwot "You don't even know what it is yet".

"I know" spoke Kitsune "that's exactly the reason I want to get it now".

"Now Fox, you should be more patient" replied Ozwot with a smirk.

*** ( 9 hours later. Kitsune and Ozwot. Went to Oz's dorm, they sat on the couch and watched TV. Cuddling and kissing. Kitsune fell asleep at some point)

Kitsune felt the moving of his shoulder. His eyes opened and he gave out a yawn stretching his arms outwards. He looked up to see the white wolf's face looking down at him smiling.

"Wake up sleepy head" spoke his voice so sweet and serene. Kitsune smiled up at him.

"That was a good nap" spoke Kitsune.

"you were sleeping so soundly, I didn't want to wake you up but it's a little past eight o' clock love" said Ozwot. Kitsune moved from Ozwot's lap onto the ground so that he was standing.

"Well I suppose we should head on our way" spoke Kitsune "I don't even know where the house is".

"I've seen it" replied Ozwot "It's on the other side of the dorm C building".

Ozwot stood up beside Kitsune and rubbed his arm.

"You sure you got enough sleep love?" asked Ozwot.

"Come on wolfie I told you I did" replied Kitsune.

'I don't want you to worry love. It's not a problem when I'm with you. Nothing is. I love you with all my heart. And that love forces out all the nightmares and evils that try to budge into my life. Thank you wolfie' thought Kitsune.

"Okay then foxy but you're sleeping over here tonight. I can't stand not knowing if you're getting enough sleep" spoke Ozwot. Kitsune giggled softly.

"What?" questioned Ozwot.

"like we'd get much sleep" replied Kitsune still giggling.

"Silly foxy" spoke Ozwot "Naughty foxy".

"That's me" replied Kitsune smiling and grabbing Ozwot's paw "Let's go see our lion friend". Ozwot followed Kitsune's lead as they both ran out the door.

They ran down the stairs. Kitsune seemed very energetic after his rest. Giggling and running down the steps. Ozwot smiled at this. When they reached the bottom Kitsune lead Ozwot towards the C dorm building.

"Behind the C building right?" questioned Kitsune.

"Yes lil' foxy" answered Ozwot. Kitsune then began to walk.

"It's nice out" he spoke so serenely "I'd like to go to a park with you wolfie. Sit under a tree. And rest in your arms". They both stopped. "Wouldn't that be nice wolfie?" asked Kitsune.

"Of course it would" replied Ozwot "We will".

"Thank you wolfie" spoke Kitsune beginning to walk again towards the C dorm. Ozwot followed right beside him.

They passed right around the building and saw on the other side, a white house with two floors. It looked quite peaceful. The sun was setting behind them. Ozwot looked at Kitsune who was looking at the house. The setting sun made his fur seem to shine like gold. Ozwot didn't know how a setting sun can do this to fur. Maybe it was his own eyes seeing Kitsune's beauty.

Kitsune approached the door somewhat timidly. Ozwot walked up next to his mate as the red fox knocked on the door. The door opened slowly and a female cat with brown fur answered the door she had an apron over her clothes all Kitsune could make out was she was wearing blue jeans?

"Hello who are you two cuties?" she asked in a kind voice.

"I-I" Kitsune tried to speak but he was a bit nervous in front of the adult. Suddenly leo peeked through the door on the right side of the woman.

"Hello there" he spoke calmly "You'll have to let me dress boys. I needed to get out of that jumpsuit they make me wear".

"Why are you downstairs undressing?" asked Kitsune.

"Heard a knock" replied Leo "So I was gonna answer the door".

"Naked?" questioned Ozwot.

"ummm I smell something burning" spoke Kitsune. The woman quickly turned around and dashed out of the door frame.

"Damn it all!" she shouted as she ran out of the room.

"Are you about to eat" asked Ozwot.

"We 'were'" chuckled Leo "But I think it might be ruined now. Oh damn almost forgot. That was my wife Keva".

"Oh, coolio" spoke Ozwot.

"She seemed nice" spoke Kitsune.

"She is" replied Leo "Could you two wait right out there while I get something on to cover myself?"

"yeah that's fine" replied Kitsune. The door closed in front of them and Kitsune wrapped his arms around Ozwot.

"What?" questioned Ozwot.

"Nothing" spoke Kitsune "Just I love you".

"Where is this coming from?" asked Ozwot.

"No where, I just thought I'd remind you" answered Kitsune.

"Like I need reminding" Spoke Ozwot pulling Kitsune's muzzle into his, their lips touching. Ozwot pressed against Kitsune. Kitsune began to blush at the feeling but only pushed into the kiss. Suddenly the door opened and Leo began to chuckle. Then a flash could be seen and Ozwot broke from the kiss and looked towards leo. Kitsune just stood blushing.

"Huh?" breathed Ozwot.

"Well you know what they say take a picture it lasts longer" spoke Leo "Though the picture doesn't huff and puff and get all hot now does it". Kitsune only giggled lightly.

"You two don't mind that I took a picture right?" questioned Leo.

"N-no" spoke Kitsune "I just want a copy".

"Same here" spoke Ozwot smiling "can we come in now".

"Oh yes of course" spoke Leo leaning out of the way as the two walked through. Himself wearing a pair of black sweat pants.

"Please sit down and make yourselves at home" spoke Leo grinning.

Kitsune and Ozwot sat together on a green love seat. Kitsune looked about the room. In the front side sat a TV, to the left and right of that were two large vases. On the opposite side of the room was a fire place in the left corner, a book shelf was far to the right of that, and their was a stair case near the door they came in. Another door lay open opposite the door they came in, the inside was what appeared to be the kitchen.

"So before I tell you about..myself" spoke Leo "Why don't you two tell me about yourselves a little more and about GLS".

"Are you actually interviewing dates now" asked Keva's voice from the other room "Aren't they a bit young". Her laughs could be heard following it.

"No these are the two boys I told you were making out in the shed" replied Leo "They were curious about my wings". Kitsune only blushed at this.

"Okay well I'm Kitsune Warui. I'm nineteen years old and I have come to FU to possibly help pursue my career plan of being a writer" Spoke Kitsune "That's about all I can really say about myself".

"I'm Ozwot Wolf. I lived in England for awhile and I came here to be with the fox next to me" spoke Ozwot "I kind of came to the college just to be with him as well".

"Okay then, you guys wanted to know why I have these wings am I right?" spoke Leo giving out his rhetorical "Well. Let's see. where to start? Ah how about here. When I was born my name was Samuel Tabby. When I was born I had a lot of bone and muscular problems. So through out my entire child hood I underwent medical treatments which were excruciating, some of them even life threatening with the risk of tearing specific tissues which were vital. Do you two understand that so far?"

Kitsune gave a bit of a sympathetic look and nodded. As did Ozwot. Leo nodded and then went on.

"Well once my body had seized it's growth, after almost tearing me apart in a sense, the doctors wanted to do medical treatment and surgery. In this day and age that was easier then it used to be 10 years before I was born. The synthetic muscle and bones were easy to make and cheap as well, but the problem with this surgery, and perhaps the reason most furs choose death is that most of my body had to be cut open and each piece moved in and molded so as to hold each tissue" Leo paused and took a breathe as if he was reliving that trauma.

"anyways, I didn't just want that, I wanted to have the highly experimental fur and muscle grafts, something you two will probably hear a lot about on the news. These things though were highly expensive and no insurance would back up a self-decision of such highly dangerous things. Well my dad's family was backing me and would do anything for me to be happy, and alive".

"I know what you're talking about with the synthetic tissues" spoke Kitsune. "Ryu snapped his arm a few years back, the bone ripped through and caused major damage, what they used to do is put your arm in a sling and wait for everything to mend itself but this was more expensive because of the procedure of stitching and it was also more painful, supposedly. So it was cheaper to get synthetic bone and cut of the excess from his old bone and heal the skin with some synthetics rather than stitching".

"Yeah that's the stuff" spoke Leo "This was about the time I also discovered my Bisexuality. Strange but I think it was one of the doctors though it's hard to remember. Before they finished I requested they graft on bat wings. They didn't really ask any reasons...possibly they were greedy but either way they did a good job. Which all of this explains my short height and small muscles...for a lion that is".

"Wow" breathed Kitsune "That really does explain it all". Ozwot nodded his head.

"Anything else you wanted to know" asked Leo "you could stay for coffee".

"No" replied Kitsune "Not today but I did say I'd tell you about GLS. Well it looks like we are going to be open no matter sexuality and we have been approved".

"That's great" replied Leo "So I don't suppose you'll stay?". Kitsune let out a yawn his eyes half closing and his muzzle opening wide. He quickly closed his muzzle and put a paw over his lips blushing.

"I'm sorry that was rude" blurted Kitsune.

"No, no you're obviously very tired" spoke Leo.

"Maybe we can come by on the weekend. Possibly you could help me plan a good first meeting" spoke Kitsune.

"That'd be nice" replied Leo.

Kitsune and Ozwot stood up. Kitsune made his way to the door followed by Ozwot.

*** (The next afternoon)

Kitsune had his head against Ozwot's shoulder, looking at the television not really looking at the screen.

"Time for your gift foxy" spoke Ozwot suddenly. Kitsune's ears perked up and he lifted his head from Ozwot's shoulder. Ozwot stood up and walked over to the desk and pulled a blindfold from the drawer.

"Kinky" blurted Kitsune looking at the blindfold in Ozwot's paw. Ozwot walked over to Kitsune and tied the blind fold around his eyes.

"What are you gonna do wolfie?" asked Kitsune.

"You'll see" responded Ozwot.

Kitsune filled around and could hear Ozwot moving away from him, then he heard a door close to him open, the closet door, then he heard it shut again and then he felt Ozwot's paw grab his.

"Ready love?" questioned Ozwot. Kitsune nodded towards Ozwot's voice. He felt Ozwot's paw move forward and walked slowly keeping at a pace to stay directly behind Ozwot, or where his wolf was. He heard the door open and followed him out.

*** (15 minutes later)

Kitsune could hear twigs snapping underneath him and he felt Ozwot's release his paw, he went to pull the blind fold off but quickly Ozwot's paw stopped him.

"Not yet" Ozwot spoke softly "just wait".

"You know hun, if you were anyone else but the man I love" spoke Kitsune "I'd think you were going to murder or rape me". Ozwot chuckled at this and the sound of something being layed on the ground could be heard. Moments later Ozwot pulled the blind fold from Kitsune's eyes.

Kitsune saw that he stood in a forest near a pond. It was quaint and the setting sun could be seen above them almost, it touched the water making a beautiful orange color that shined. Kitsune then looked down to see a picnic quilt and basket.

"This is...beautiful" spoke Kitsune softly looking towards Ozwot.

"Do you really like it?" asked Ozwot.

"Yes" answered Kitsune "You want to have a picnic?"

"Well actually love....this isn't a picnic" spoke Ozwot moving close to Kitsune and grabbing his paw. Kitsune began to blush as his own naughty thoughts ran through his head.

"Love" said Ozwot sincerely looking down into Kitsune's eyes "I would like very much to mate with you". Kitsune's blush only went redder.

"W-what is the basket for love?" asked Kitsune.

"To carry the quilt" answered Ozwot smoothly "I could not have your fur getting messy on the ground". Ozwot smiled sweetly the effect of the sunset behind him making his white fur almost shine. Ozwot put his paws on Kitsune's shirt's bottom pulling up, Kitsune raised his paws letting the shirt come off, Kitsune did the same for Ozwot.

"How will we start this love?" asked Kitsune.

"Take off my pants love" replied Ozwot stroking a paw against Kitsune's cheek. Kitsune continued

blushing as he put his paw on the front side of his lover's pants and used his free one to remove the button and pull down the zipper. Kitsune dragged down the pants, seeing Ozwot's underwear he slowly pulled those down as well to see his sheath. Quickly a feeling of pure emotion ran through Kitsune as he stared up towards his lover. Ozwot grabbed the under side of Kitsune's arms and pulled him up once more.

"Love" spoke Ozwot sweetly "this is your gift, not just for GLS, but for loving me so much". Kitsune wrapped his arms around Ozwot quickly and put his face into Ozwot's shoulder.

"Oh wolfie you owe me nothing for it" replied Kitsune.

"But please love" spoke Ozwot "it will bring pleasure to us both no?" Kitsune smiled up at his mate after this.

"So what will we do?" asked Kitsune. Ozwot fell to his behind pulling off the pants and underwear fully. He then sat each leg to the side, smiling.

"I'm going to need it to be hard" chuckled Ozwot "But don't make me release love".

"Well I'll need something in my mouth love" Giggled Kitsune. Ozwot reached into the basket and pulled out a bottle of chocolate sauce, he opened it and poured it into the inside of his sheath and around his sheath.

"That should do love" said Ozwot smiling. Kitsune fell to his fours and crawled over to his lover looking down at his sheath. Kitsune opened his mouth and softly licked at the sheath taking bits of chocolate sauce into his muzzle. He began to stick his tongue into Ozwot's sheath taking in more chocolate.

"Mmm, yes that's it foxy" murred Ozwot. Kitsune continued licking into the hole of the sheath, feeling the cock push up, it pressed upwards and poked at the base of his tongue as he licked around it. He then took it into his muzzle slowly bobbing at the head at first, slowly. Kitsune began to murr as he quickened his pace bobbing slowly getting lower with each downward press. The vibration ran down Ozwot's wolfhood making him churr softly. The fox began to speed up quickly now, each thrust pushing him down to the top of his mate's sheath, The cock poking at the back of his throat. Pre began to leak from the top and Ozwot put his paws on Kitsune's shoulders.

"Come on love" spoke Ozwot "I didn't want you to be the only one doing work".

Kitsune pulled off of the cock and looked up at Ozwot, a blush forming once again on his face.

"Sorry love" replied Kitsune "I got carried away".

"Turn around" insisted Ozwot. Kitsune followed the order obediently, Ozwot crawled up behind him, his cock bouncing up and down slightly with each motion. He put one of his paws on the sides of Kitsune's pants, and he put the free paw on the zipper and pulled it down and then softly un-buttoned the pants. Then he placed both paws on the side of the pants and pulled them down to the fox's knees. The fox's cock was sticking out of his sheath.

"Are you ready for this love?" asked Ozwot softly as he rubbed one of Kitsune's arms sweetly.

"Y-yes love, I am" spoke Kitsune smiling slightly his tail begging to hike upwards brushing against Ozwot's muzzle. Ozwot crawled so he was over top of Kitsune, the head of his cock poking at Kitsune's tail hole softly.

"Are sure love?" asked Ozwot once again caringly.

"Yes love" repeated Kitsune. Ozwot slowly pushed into the tail hole with his cock, it went in slowly. Kitsune let out a slight yelp, the feeling so new in this position, so softly he could feel it move in and further in. Ozwot stopped letting Kitsune and himself get used to the feeling, Kitsune's eyes were closed as he breathed straight from his muzzle.

"I-I'm ready love" spoke Kitsune, himself new to the whole feeling.

"Okay love" breathed Ozwot, he slowly brought his hip back, pulling his cock out slightly but before the head could come out he pushed forward again his balls slapping into Kitsune as he thrust in, along with this thrust he grabbed at Kitsune's cock. He began to pump slowly into Kitsune each time his balls slapping into him and he rubbed his hands up and down Kitsune's shaft softly. Kitsune moaned loudly with the first few thrusts, birds flew from the surrounding trees. Ozwot wanted to hush the cries from his lover, so no one would bother their passion again, but the sounds aroused him. Ozwot murred as he began to pump faster each moan from his fox lover making him want to do it harder and faster. Ozwot could feel pre begin to run over his paw as he rubbed it, the pre lubricated the shaft for Ozwot making his strokes faster, Kitsune murred every time Ozwot pulled back but let out a moan of passion at the thrusts.

Ozwot now began to pump rapidly, leaving no room in-between Kitsune's moans for murring. More pre escaped Ozwot's cock only making his pumps faster, Kitsune began to sweat as did Ozwot, the wolf's breathing was heavy and his pumps hard thrusting Kitsune forward a bit as he held himself up with his paws. Ozwot was pumping very hard now, Poking at Kitsune's prostate with each pump. The moans grew louder, and only enticed the wolf more, each pump only growing faster and harder. Ozwot could feel his lovers cock begin to throb as he rubbed it. He rubbed slower trying not to let his lover's seed flow quite yet, as he pumped, pushing Kitsune forward.

Kitsune bit the bottom of his lip as he felt his cock throb with Ozwot's stroke, he wanted to release so badly, the feeling of the hot meat inside of him causing him to sweat, making an arousing smell surrounding him.

Kitsune moaned louder as Ozwot's thrust pushed him forward, Kitsune could feel his loves not fill as he pumped harder and harder, Kitsune began to release his seed in hot streams shooting onto the quilt. Kitsune's voice began to quiver with the moans as he blushes slightly. Ozwot let go of Kitsune's shaft as he pumped and now he wrapped his arms around Kitsune's stomach and lay his head onto his back still pumping, sweat falling from his snout onto Kitsune's back. Kitsune began to thrust his behind backwards as Ozwot pushed forward.

Kitsune's orgasm seemed to be un-ending because with each pump of Ozwot's mighty cock, shoot out another stream of hot cum onto the red and white quilt. Kitsune's arms were becoming weak and even in his lust filled state he could tell the sun was setting he heard his lover murr but only for a second did he wonder why the pumping had stopped. Slowly his innards filled with a hot warmth that made him churr with passion as he felt the wolf cock pull out of him, yet the flow had not stopped a stream of cum flew onto Kitsune's leg and a bit onto his ass cheeks. Kitsune's arms finally gave way under his weight and he fell to his belly Ozwot's falling behind him onto his back. Ozwot moved a paw over to the edge of the quilt and pulled it over them.

Kitsune sniffed into the air, and smelled the aroma of the passion filled event. It was beautiful. His eyes became heavy and as they closed only three words left his mouth.

"I love you" he said so sweetly so softly, Ozwot smiled at this and rubbed his paw on Kitsune's arm.

"I love you too foxy" he replied closing his own eyes.