Anthro Vs Human Chapter 11

Story by DeathAvenged on SoFurry

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#11 of Anthro Vs human

Koren snarled at her father once they had reched home. "Daddy! This isn't fair!" She still had tears rolling down her cheeks as she glared at her father in anger. Nicholas stepped out of the carriage and looked inside to his daughter, his ears folded back against his head. "The man kidnapped you Koren...he made you his prisoner...and here you are crying like a small child over him! Life isn't fair. Your a princess and you have to do things you don't want to do for the good of your kingdom!" Koren jumped out of the carriage with her fur standing on end as she looked up at him. "No I don't! You weren't forced to marry momma were you?!" She turned and headed into the castle before Nicholas had a chance to respond to her. He snarled and motioned for the guards to take the carraige and horses back to the stable while he headed into the castle as well.

When he made it into the throne room he saw Koren with her mother. The feline was hugging her daughter as tightly as she could while tearing up and purring heavily to her. "Oh my baby girl...your safe." She gently pet her head while Koren held onto her with her face buried against her shoulder. "Naomi..." Nicholas moved up to his wife, putting his hand on her shoulder. "I need to talk with you in private.." Naomi stood her ears up and looked up at her husband before nodding some. She looked to Koren and gently pet her head while whispering softly. "Go on to your room Koren...lay down and rest...I will come see you in a little while." Koren looked to her and nodded. Nicolas reached out to gently pet her head only for Koren to pull away from him with ehr ears folded back. She turned and left the throne room to rest. Naomi blinked, looking a bit stunned as she looked to Nicholas.

"What was that about? What is going on?" Naomi turned to him and crossed her arms as she looked him in the eyes. Nicholas growled and rubbed his forehead some as he grumbled ebfore he finally answered her. "That king...well the boy that took his place...admitted to Koren he is in love with her...he wanted to make peace..." Naomi blinked and looked a bit floored from what she was hearing. "That is a good thing isn't it? Why is she upset with you then?" Nicholas moved up to his throne, sitting down and leaning back while Naomi followed him, standing between his legs with her arms crossed. "Because I didn't believe him....I grabbed her and pulled her to the carriage to come back here. I told them both they were never going to see each other again...that there was another prince that was to be marrying her." Naomi folded her ears back and hissed as she looked at him. "Are you nuts?! Why did you do that Nicholas? Did she look happy with him?" Nicholas looked to her then gave a shrug. " I don't know...He offered to let me stay and learn more of the kingdom but..." Naomi held both her hands up and hushed him as she stepped back. "No no no you were so enraged over what happened and just wanted her home you didn't even consider she might be in love with him as well and just might be happy? For god sakes Nicholas..." She turned and headed off in a huff, shaking her head as she went to see Koren.


Naomi soon lightly knocked on Koren's bedroom door to give her a small warning that she was about to come in. Naomi stepped inside the room and closed the door behind her, looking to see Koren was laying face down on her bed, her face buried among her pillows. "Oh Koren..." Naomi moved to the bed and sat beside her, gently rubbing along her back as Koren let out a whimper. A moment later Koren sat up, rubbing her eyes to clear away some tears as she spoke softly. "Momma...I don't wanna marry that prince daddy was talking about...I want to...go back." She lowered her ears and looked at her while Naomi smiled some to her, gently wiping her cheeks with her thumbs. " I know Koren but your father is hard know how he can get." Koren nodded and soon hugged her mother tightly, her head resting on her shoulder. " you love this Alex?"

Koren was silent as she thought on it for a moment before she nodded a bit. "yes...I do love him. He was good to me after the first few days...He...he kept me safe after his guards...he" She closed her eyes tightly and whimpered as she pressed her forehead to Naomi's shoulder once more. Her mother closed her eyes and gently pet her head as she sighed. "Sleep Koren...if this man wants to be with you bad enough then he will find a way..." Koren nodded and let her mother push her back so she was laying back down again. Naomi kissed Koren's forehead gently before covering her with some blankets then leaving the room to let her daughter rest.

While Koren was resting Naomi made her way back to the throne room only to find the visiting king, a large male cheetah standing at the foot of the steps leading to the thrones. Beside him stood his son, a thin, lanky looking cheetah who one could swear was to fragile to be royal. Naomi folded her ears back and moved up to the throne to stand beside her husband, looking to him in silence. Nicholas glanced to her then spoke softly. "She alright?" Naomi nodded and sighed. "She is sleeping."

Nicholas looked down to the king and spoke softly. "Samuel...a room for you and Soren have been prepared...Koren has just arrived home today from her time with the humans...I am not going to force her into a meeting this both can meet her in the morning." Samuel folded his ears back against his head, growling faintly. "This better not be a trick Nicholas...we had this planned the day your wife gave birth to her..." Nicholas snarled and stood up from his throne, moving towards Samuel only for Naomi to grab onto him and stop him. "Don't...we are all tired from being on edge for so long...Guards...take the king and his son to their rooms for the evening...make sure no one disturbs my daughter for the evening as well." The guards that were in the throne room nodded to the queen before moving to lead Samuel and Soren from the throne room. Nicholas growled and sat back down in his throne, rubbing his forehead again while Naomi looked to him. "You know she won't allow matter what you try to do." Nicholas looked to her and nodded some before he spoke. "I don't think she has much of a choice...a princess never really does." Naomi folded her ears back and looked him in the eyes. "I did..." She turned and left, moving to the bedroom she shared with him to prepare for bed, leaving Nicholas sitting there mulling things over in his head.

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