A Tail of Romance & Freindship Ch 1: My Crapy Life

Story by Kunar the Oracle on SoFurry

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I'm Razam and this is my story of how it all stated. Now my life has

changed for forever. But I have yet to find out if it is for the         

                 better or for the worse. I

lay in bed my body is aching I have been lying here for three days since... I was walking throw the village late at

night like I usually do, less people to get angry at you this way. on my

way home I was passing the butchers when I smelt it. Chicken juicy,

greasy chicken. the smell was wafting from the butchers open window.

Stopping and taking a step back. I looked thru the open window and I saw

it. The biggest chicken ever. couldn't help but stop and stare. My

stomach growled loudly putting a hand on my stomach to calm my self

down. I had to get a closer look. I crept around to the front door and

slowly cracked open the door trying to make as little noise as

possible. I peeked my head in and glanced around for the butcher. He probably wont appreciate me gawking at his food when he knows I cant afford it.Not

seeing him I proceeded to walk in and close the door silently behind

me. Still keeping an eye out for the butcher. I slowly crept over to the

chicken. It looked so good and I was so hungry. I licked my lips as I

eyed up and down the chicken. I realized some burnt parts on the under

side. He wont miss a little bit of burnt meat right... right

second guessing him self. I looked around to make sure no one was

nearby to see him. with his claws he pinched a little bit of the burnt

part and puled. A larger part came of then I meant to. But it was int

much I quickly placing it in my maw and closed my mouth and started to

back up away from the chicken. CRASH i wiped my head to wards the door

be hind the counter it was still closed but i decided that it was about

time I leave.It was dark out now. i started walking home still chewing on the succulent chicken. Dam that was good

I thought as I chewed and swallowed the chicken. Finally eating

something again made me smile like a a 4 year. it had been more than a 

week since I last ate as I rounded the corner of the butchers. Then it

happened but I saw it a moment to late a wooden board came swinging out

from around the corner and hit me square in the snout and knocked me off

my feet and on to my back. I moaned in pain as I grabbed my shout. When

I took my hands of my snout I saw they where covered in blood. I looked

up to find who hit me, to see the butcher."You

and your father always screwing people to get what you want. Never

thinking about the end game never thinking about how it would hurt

others. you know I haven't seen my daughter in 7 years because of your

father, and Now you have the nerve to steal from me right from under my

nose!" shouted the butcher The

butcher was a Kamoray with the same fur pattern as a linx. he was about

six feet tall and a little pudgy and now he was giving me a death

stare. The smell of alcohol suggests he had been drinking... a lot. He

had a not so good history with my dad, something about selling his

daughter. But that was my dad not me I wanted to

scream, but I thought better of it screaming at him would not help my

position. But on the outer hand doing nothing could be just as bad. "And

now you going to get it bitch!" He shouted ah he kicked me in the ribs

with such force to send me over and on to my stomach.

I went to try to get in to a kneeling position "I'm sorr-" I tried to

say before he kicked me in the jaw. My lip started to bleed profusely

blood mixing with saliva. i winced in pain.I

was now down on my stomach when he started to kick me repeatedly over

and over in till there wasn't a part of me that didn't ache or bleed. He

picked my head of the ground and stared at me then whispered in to my

ear. "come back here and it will be the last thing you do. I never what

to see you in my shop again or I will kill you I swear it!". he said

slamming my head into the ground. that was three days ago now. 

I have been awake for hours still in pain from that night. The pain has

only gotten bearable recently. There are still times when I kneel over

in pain. But I wont let that stop me I still need food and the village

is still the best souse. Without the skill or knowledge of hunting or

gathering. I was forced to scavenge and take what others throw away. I

was a pest. I prop my self up on my arms and

look around my room, to see it empty, as always.The

only point of

interest was the window. From my spot on the bed I could clearly see

outside. Looking out the window I could see that it was around

noon, probably later. If I stay here any longer will have to go another night without food. That's not something I want to go throw again. Letting my arms collapse from under me.

I pull of my blanket and slowly swing my paws of the side onto the cold

floor below. I took a deep berth and then smelt something rancid. What the hell is that smell I put my snout down to my chest and arm and smelt. Oo its me I thought with a smirk, dam I smell bad I'll have to go down to

the lake and wash myself down before I go to the village. I

stretch my arms back behind me and cracked my neck my eyes still droopy

and ears off to the side. My fur was all sweaty from the three days I

spent in bed. Grabbing the cloths I was wearing before to see if they

where any good. Holding up the shirt I realized how badly I was injured

that night. More than a third of my blue shirt was stained with my own

blood. My trousers where much better tho. there was only a  vary little

blood around the waist but there where badly ripped around the knees how about I do this i

thought as i ripped of the legs past the knees and dropped the legs off

the side of the bed. I sigh getting out the only outer shirt I own from

under the bed this one only being a dull brown. Not having any other

cloths I carefully putting on the trousers and clean shirt over the cuts

and bruises. Then I pushed myself off my bed. Then proceed to take a

big stretch

arc my back I could only go a little in before wincing in pain going any farther might open up my cuts again. Better leave it there for now. Out came a rather loud yawn when I stoud up straight.  Walking bare paw over and across the room I nudged the door open.With


hand against the wooden wall I walk down the hallway and to the

most useless room in my house. The kitchen I had a small ice box in the

floor. it was in the far back corner. Even tho I never had any reason to

use it. If I had food it wasn't around long enough to worry. Still

having ice was useful to say the least. Ice was one of the few thing

that were free as long as you don't mind the walk. In the Wolverins

territory just south of here it's usually

cold enough at night that the water freezes over. Only other things in

the room was the small oak table

an two matching chairs. Only ever needed the one tho. I never had anyone


I smirk I couldn't get people here if I payed them. Not that I needed any one. Every one that I ever liked, even mildly,

left me sooner rather than later except one. Then my wandering eyes happened upon one of the few

thing I cherished. It was my lute, my last resort, the one

thing that keeps me sane throughout the day. just the thought of it makes

me feel better. It was the only thing I have left from my

family.Just then my stomach growled. Braking my train of thought. I was hungry but that was nothing

new. I walked over to the door kicking on my boots when I got there.

Swinging the door open I started down to the river. I arrived at the

river moments later and

started to walk down the river bank. gazing into the trees watching for


life. I saw a squirrel jumping from tree to tree an a bird in its nest.

Way to far out of reach I made a mental note where it was just in case I

couldn't find food later. Kicking a lose pebbles as I walked. I

preferred to go downstream to make sure people didn't

find me. I had my own special spot where I bathe Ive used it since i was

young. It was where me and my brother used to come and swim and bath

when I was young. We would have such fun trying to find treasure. I

chucked silently to my self those good times. times that I miss deeply. I

now only enjoyed being alone here. I don't want to make friends. I only

have one and that's because she just hasn't left yet but she will they

always do. I got lost in thought and was slow to realized I had arrived

it was a reasonable distance in. It was a reasonably sized

pond that got as deep as my neck at parts. It had a small waterfall

where the water came in to start the river. Me and my brother used to

take turns jumping off of it. Just standing here makes me

start to relax it's nice and comforting. But then I'm hit with a pang of

loss and regret. I remember all of those times I had fun here, all of

the fun I had and never will again because of me. My ears go down to the

side as I came to the realization it was my older brother who showed me


place. I push the thought out of my mind.   


start to get undressed. First my shirt, then my pants then finally my

under garments and shoes. I ease my way into the water and sat down on a

rock under the water. I look down at my reflection, I saw me with my

blue eyes, black

pelt except for my white at the end of paws, snout, tail and my ears I

was not very muscular but I was a little I don't look bad... right.

There was blood all throughout my fur from where my skin was cut the

bruises weren't that bad not easily visible throw my black fur except

for one on my ribs from the initial kick. I leaned back so my body is

fully submerged my snout just above water I took care to not brake any

of the fresher scabs.  I

started to wash myself down first my face then my ears the back of my

neck before I remember Jaw-raw from the village.The

last time I saw him was when I got kicked out of the inn trying to get

some scraps the day before the chicken incident. He was standing across from the inn facing away from me. He

was helping his friend grab supplies for whatever reason. But he was

built and the shirt he was wearing was to small on him and was tight. I could easily see his muscles threw the shirt. When he

turned to face my direction and smiled I could see his clean white fur

and his cute white smile I couldn't help but smile back. When I walked passed him to get a better look

at his tight ass I could smell his musk. All I

wanted to do way lie with him for hours and just running my paws

throw his white and black striped fur. But that was something I could

never have.  He was straight as a nail last time I checked I thought letting the pent up air out with a huff. Siting up I realized I needed to get out or I would run out of time.I hurried and finished washing myself and got out of the water. I put my cloths back on with my body still wet Ehe i'll dry of in the sun.

Stroking fur body with my claws to comb it out and make it look nice.

Then headed down to town

and if I was lucky enough I would come across that hunk of a man Jaw-raw

and if not him it would be nice to see his sister Nar-i and ask her

where her brothers going. But

the main purpose of going to town was to find more food anything is

better than starving.When I got to town the first stop was the inn, a small run down old place called the Sleepy Wolf wow what a name

I rolled my eyes as I opened the door. My friend Nar-i works here I wonder if shes here

and walked in. She was one of the only people in town that still liked

having me around. I still remember when I told her that I had a crush on

her brother. She took it rather well if I recall."What

the fuck . Whats the hell is wrong with you is that why you.. Ugh! "

said Nar-i with disgust and anger as she jumped ou from the grassy hill."I

I I'm sorry Nar-i I didn't mean to upset you I'm so sorry can we just

forget this ever happened." I was in tears i was about to lose my last

friend. I looked up to her to see her holding her hand over her snout.

She had oval black spots on her golden fur and her checks where bright

red. Then she started to laugh profusely."Your face! just look at your self!" she manged to say between bouts of laughter nearly falling over."Wha- your not angry at me for liking your brother?" I mumbled slightly frazzled."No

of course not. Okay maybe when I first found out ." she said still

trying to suppress the laughter and giving my shoulder a playful punch."H- how did you know. Wait never mind that how long have you known" I said with shock."O

please. I see the way you look at him. your eyes dow upon him as if he

was a feast just beyond your grasp if you liked him any further and you

would be practically siting on his lap."joked Nar-i"

O and when. Umm well I've known for a good long time now say 10 - 8

years. Its become more apparent in the past year tho. " she said."Wow. am I really that obvious." I said. Nar-i nodded."Do you think he knows." I said to her."Not unless you tell him. you dont have to worry about me telling anyone about your little secret

ether" she said with a smile."Thanks Nar-I" I smiled back.The interior was

small and it always smelled of three things ale, smoke and ham as soon

as I took a couple steps in the bar  before the owner saw me, she was a

crude old bitch if you ever met one. she glared at me then barked "get out!""Okay fine" I barked back trying to mic her voice. 


behind her I saw Nar-i. When I turned to leave I saw Nar-i jerk her head

slightly to the side an then wink at

me. I only then proceeded to leave the building. once out the door crept

around the back of the inn, and

quietly peeked around the corner to see the door slowly open. Then Nar-i

stepped out from inside with her ears at full attention looking around.

I realized she had a small crate under her arm left arm. I walked out

from behind the corner to great her. She noticed me almost right away

and when she did she put a finger to get lips. I looked at her

quizzically. She then proceeded to lower her ears drop her jaw and let

her tongue hangout and pointed to the door. I nodded slowly. she reached

out with the package in her paws and winked at me. I quietly garbed the

crate and it it under one arm an smiled and waved her good bye. she

then started to shove me off with a smile.Once

i was a couple of meters away I opened the top of the crate with my

nails. When I opened it I found several apples of ranging colouers and a

note. The note read:I can only do this once so don't do anything foolish, and keep it under you hat okay.love Nar-iI smiled again and continued on my way home. I need to find a way to thank her for that I hope she doesn't get in trouble for helping me. I walked thru the front door to my house and placed the crate on the table. What a great day

I turned and sat on the edge of the table. looking around the room i

wondered how I should spend the rest of the night now that had some free

time to my self I leaned back up against the crate and rested my head

on top. i looked to my left and saw my lute realizing now I had some

time to play my lute. I even had time to make it up to the tree where I

first told Nar-i that I had a crush on her brother smiles. I grabbed

my lute and a green apple and hurried out the door.I

started to walk to wards the hill. My lute was under my armpit in an

awkward way up against a bruse but not wanting to put any thing down I

placed the apple in my mouth and bit in to it to hold on to it. with my

arm free I grabbed the neck of the lute with my other hand thats better. I finished eating my apple down to the core and then some by mistake.I

had gotten to the base of the hill and started to walk up the side. when at the top of the tree i could see the hole village I

walked over to the tree and went to sit down cross but decide against it when it started to hurt. I leaned up against the

tree and started to play like i had done a million times since I lost my family.(play this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AV8DOyih7A&list=PL00A6tErbC_mW_1fHOjYOePul9lcIuwIg&index=1)At


end of the song I closed my eyes and pushed up against the tree. Happy

and content, that is until I heard a loud

yelp from behind me. I crawled around the tree to see the

forest I scanned back an forth to see what caused those sounds when I

was about to give up and credit the yelp to my mind. Then I saw It, I

mean him. A tree

had fallen on someone, I could see from the shot distance I was that it

was bad blood everywhere I dropped my lute

and ran.  Only not away but towards.~KN~ as always stay cool cats and proud pups and brave bears like like, fav & watch to see it more oftennext chapter is called A Friend to be... Maybe More.