Wolf Team Building

Story by Darokko on SoFurry

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Looks like I'm 'still' not quite done with our favorite werewolf and satyr couple! And look, they made friends!

"We should go campin'." Curt mused from around his pipe as he lounged close to the window, enjoying the sensation of the midday sun on his bare fur.

"Fuck no." Grumbled Riley, a controller clutched firmly between his fingers as he watched their modestly sized TV intently. After cleaning up the aftermath of the previous night and a telling Theo what he could do to himself, the werewolf and satyr lounged on their bed together. Naked of course.

"C'mon, you're a satyr. How can you not like nature?" Pressed Curt, taking the wooden pipe from his muzzle to speak.

"I love nature. I also love my bed and running water." Riley stated as he flicked at the trigger buttons, trying to keep on concentration. "I'm not going camping."

"Nah, you'll love it. We'll hike and explore and once it gets dark we'll sleep under the stars." Curt smiled as he spoke, watching the smoke rise from the bowl of his pipe.

"That sounds great, I'm coming home to a bed though." Snorted the satyr.

"We can play that game, the one when we first started datin'." Growled the werewolf. Riley's back stiffened and his shoulders tensed visibly.

"I don't want to go camping." Riley's tone was strong but Curt merely leaned into the satyr's ear.

"Next weekend we are goin' camping, and instead of arguing with me you are gonna gimme that controller and put your mouth to better use." Snarled the werewolf. Riley stayed motionless for a long while before relenting and handing the controller to Curt. The werewolf grinned as he tucked his pipe back into his muzzle, leaning back to watch the TV as a soft tongue pressed against his swelling member.

Riley sat on the tailgate of Curt's truck, arm folded tightly over his chest as he watched the other myth unpack their supplies for the weekend. Well, he less watched and more scowled. Curt could feel the satyr's eyes trying to burn a hole into him, grinning inwardly as he quietly cleared out their modest camping spot.

"Ya know, you can't be pissed at me for the whole weekend." Curt broke the silence first as he gathered a few rocks.

"Watch me." Argued Riley, tugging his hoodie tighter against him.

"I told ya that we'll have a good time." Said Curt as he assembled the rocks into a firepit.

"Being forced to go camping isn't my definition of a good time." Parried the satyr.

Curt sighed as he dropped the last rock in place, then went to his pouting boyfriend. Even with Riley sitting on the tailgate, the werewolf was still taller than satyr.

"Alright if ya really hate it that much, after this weekend I won't make ya go again. Okay?" Curt said softly, placing a strong hand against Riley's upper arm.

"Until the next time you want to go camping and forget this talk." Riley shot back, glaring at a spot on the ground with particular interest.

"No, I promise. No more after this, I'll go alone if I have to." Curt smiled as he reached down and nudged Riley's chin up for their eyes to meet. "But, I'll try and make ya enjoy this time so you'll wanna come with me again."

Riley snorted, frowned, then finally lamented, softening his expression as he spoke. "Fine. But if I hate it, never again."

"Never again." Curt repeated with a smile, pressing his forehead against his boyfriend's horns with a low hum in his throat.

"So, how are you going to make me like this? Not exactly like you can cook me a five star, 'I'm sorry for dragging you into the middle of the forest' dinner." Riley said, with a roll of his eyes.

"I'm glad ya asked." Curt moved to unbutton his flannel shirt, white fur starting to creep up his arms while his natural patches of blond hair grew thicker. Riley had seen Curt shift thousands of times and it still sent a primal chill up his spine. Beast over took man smoothly, fur growing over flesh, nails pushing into claws , until finally one handsome face became another.

"Damnit, shoulda thought that through a little more." The werewolf lamented as he tugged at legs of his jeans, feeling the circulation to his feet slow. Riley cracked his first smile of the day as he watched the Curt struggle with his pants.

"Fuck, finally." Snorted the werewolf as he fought his jeans down to his ankles, holding himself up against the side of his truck as he kicked them away.

"Sexy." Said Riley dryly, looking the now boxer clad werewolf up and down.

"Yeah yeah, now shut up and start runnin'." Curt grinned broadly as his spoke.

"Are you out of your mind? I'm not playing...That right now, especially in an unfamiliar forest!" Riley lowered his voice as he spoke, as if there was someone that could over hear him.

"That's the fun! You run, I track, we both have a good time, and I carry you back ta' camp." The werewolf's toothy grin turned dark as he snapped playfully at the satyr's shoulder.

"Stop it! I'm-" Riley interrupted himself with a short bleat as his hoodie was yanked over his head and his shirt along with it by powerful claws.

"C'mon babe. I always find you and bring ya back safe, don't I?" Curt's tail flailed into a white blur.

Riley eyed the werewolf, his frown returning. "I don't like this trend, you forcing me to do stuff I don't want to do."

Curt's ears dropped instantly and his tail went still, frowning himself now. "Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't really notice it." The werewolf studied the ground as he spoke.

The shirtless satyr bit his lip then shook his head. He reached forward and pulled the white and blond muzzle up to face him this time. "Look, I know somewhere deep in that wolf brain you are the alpha, but we are supposed to be equals."

Curt just nodded softly, his tail swaying once more.

"You are only allowed to boss me around in bed." Riley added, earning a gentle chuckle from his boyfriend.

"Ya know, I guess I have been a bit of a dick to you. I don't mean to be, ya know that right?" Curt stated as he pushed his head against the satyr's chest.

"I know. You're going to make that up to me too." Said Riley as he rubbed over Curt's furry ears.

"How though?"

Riley hummed in thought, rubbing at his bearded chin before he gently lifted Curt's head from his chest only to leap off the tailgate and sprint into the forest. "By giving me a head start!" Riley shouted behind him before he disappeared into the woods.

The satyr was made for this. He sprang over fallen trees and boulders with the greatest of ease, his body flowing between the vegetation like a fish in water. He moved as fast as his legs would carry him, hoofed feet making quick work of the terrain. After a minute into his sprint he heard a howl, knowing instantly by the timbre that it was his werewolf tearing off after him. His scent would be easy to track but Riley knew that he could still give Curt a decent challenge. He could already hear the heavy footfalls in the distance though. Riley could feel the adrenaline in his veins willing him to run faster, coaxing him to keep the werewolf away for as long as he could.

A loud snarl caught him by surprise. Riley didn't dare turn to look but he knew Curt was closer than he expected. Maybe this wouldn't be much of a challenge, he did need to spend a little more time on the treadmill.

The footfalls became louder as Curt closed in on him. Riley ran harder, until he felt the werewolf's breath at his lower back before he was taken down to forest floor. Thick furry arms took most of the shock from the sudden impact but, Riley still grunted as they went to the ground together.

The werewolf snarled dangerously as he caught his prey, pinning the satyr down by the wrists a nipping at the exposed neck playfully. Riley struggled despite knowing that his efforts wouldn't get him far. There isn't much that could match the strength of a werewolf.

Just as Curt moved his claws down to Riley's torso something heavy and hairy barreled into his side, throwing him hard from the prone satyr. The white and blond werewolf grunted as he tumbled away across the unforgiving ground, catching himself and getting to all fours before he could register what happened. He shook his head and snarled as the world came back into focus. Curt's first instinct was to be near Riley, however a stout and scruffy black werewolf separated him from his partner.

The black werewolf's hackles were raised, his expression hard and threatening and his eyes trained carefully on Curt. Through bared teeth, Curt spoke up first.

"Who the fuck are you?" Snarled Curt, his attention flicking between the werewolf and Riley who was still on his back, the satyr's eyes wide as saucers yet he was staring off at another spot between the trees

"The wolf that's about to beat your ass." The black werewolf countered, his voice thick with a Spanish accent. Curt sized up the other werewolf with a low growl. He was easily bigger by a foot and a half but this new challenger had already laid him out once, coming to the conclusion there must have been some serious muscle under that voluminous black pelt. Curt flicked his gaze back to Riley who was now looking back at him, shaking his head softly.

"I can take him." Curt thought as he took a challenging step forward.

"See, its fuckers like you that give us a bad name." Said the black werewolf as he lifted a hand. On command, two more werewolves crept into view. One was close to Riley's size, lean and wiry with grey and brown splotches spread though his short fur, wearing a demented grin on his muzzle. The other carried a more imposing stature, his fangs peaking though his lips , body cloaked in a black and white coat.

Curt glanced at the two others, but stood his ground, teeth bared as he adjusted his thinking. "I can take 'em."

"We already get it bad enough, but then we got ones like you goin' around eating innocent satyr's and shit." The black wolf continued, flicking his head to get the other two werewolves at his side, making a wall of fur and muscle between Curt and Riley.

The mixture of anger and adrenaline made it hard for Curt to grasp at what was just said but after a few short moments he lifted his head then cocked it to the side.

"Uh, eat?" Curt scoffed, looking between the three werewolves then motioned at Riley. "He's my fuckin' boyfriend.

The three opposing werewolves lost their rough expressions in a moment and looked at each other with raised brows and awkward shrugs. The stout black werewolf took a half step forward, rubbing the back of his neck with a heavy hand.

"So... You weren't mauling 'em?"

"No." Curt replied dully. "I was going to ravage him though."

"Well what the fuck was that howl for?!" Demanded the stout back werewolf. The fanged, black and white werewolf quickly lost interest in the exchange, turning to inspect Riley who was still prone on the ground. Riley moved to get to on his hooves when he saw that he caught the biggest of the trio's attention, however a thick muzzle pressed against his chest kept him on his back. Riley froze as the massive werewolf sniffed at his bare chest, trying to ignore the tickling sensations of whiskers against his skin. After deeming the satyr's scent satisfactory, the fanged werewolf dropped his tongue from his muzzle and lapped curiously over Riley's belly. Riley's stifled a sharp gasp before a low and nervous chuckle escaped him, squirming into the ground in a futile attempt to escape.

"Hey! Do you fuckin' mind?" Shouted Curt, teeth bared as he glowered at the larger werewolf. The fanged werewolf withdrew his muzzle swiftly from Riley's chest and flattened his ears against his head.

Riley's heart melted that moment. The satyr reached up without an ounce of hesitation to caress along the jilted werewolf's ears, earning him a gentle rumble from the big, monochrome male.

"Easy, Curt. This one seems okay." Said Riley as he rubbed his fingers along the fanged werewolf's jawline. "And the others 'were' kinda trying to protect me."

"Easy!? These assholes-" Curt found himself at a loss for words mid-sentence. Riley very rarely gave him the look he was giving him now but it was one that always managed to subdue the white furred werewolf. The satyr's gaze wasn't harsh, but it was intense and challenging and starting right into the eyes of not only him, but the deep seated wolf in the back of his mind as well. Curt was the alpha, yet Riley was his equal.

Curt turned, broke the gaze, and snorted, turning his attention to the two other werewolves before him. He gave the stout and the scrawny werewolf an appraising glare before speaking.

"So... Since the satyr seems to not mind ya, what do ya go by?" Asked Curt begrudgingly, avoiding eye contact with Riley. The stout and scruffy black werewolf was the first to speak up.

"Manuel." He stated proudly, before jerking his head toward the thin with grey and brown splotches.

"Name's Scott, call me 'Scotty' and I'll gut you." Answered the smaller werewolf with a low growl, only to receive a hard nudge in the side from Manuel.

Curt raised his brow and nodded his head. "Riiiight, sure. Now who is the big guy working over my boyfriend?" Said Curt as he motioned to the large werewolf licking over Riley's stomach once more with the satyr squirming and giggling under him.

"That's Solomonov."

"Excuse me?" Curt's tongue already felt tied.

"He's Russian, prefers Solomon anyway." Manuel said with a thoughtful nod. Curt bared his teeth as he watched Solomon pin Riley down with a thick paw to the smaller male's chest however, Riley still chuckled warmly.

"Don't worry, he plays rough but he never takes it too far." Added Manuel quickly, motioning toward Scott. The scrawny werewolf chuffed but, nodded and padded toward Solomon.

"Ey, leave 'em alone big guy." Grunted Scott, trying his best to tug the much larger werewolf off the squirming satyr and failing spectacularly.

"He smells nice." Rumbled the huge werewolf and he easily brushed Scott aside, his voice dark and thickly accented. Scott scowled sharply at Solomon before ducking his head down and giving Riley's neck and gentle sniff, then taking a much longer one.

"He smells alright I guess." The scrawny werewolf admitted, flicking his ears against his skull and backing off. Riley knew enough werewolf behavior to decode Scotty's sudden standoffishness. It was clear that Manuel was the little group's alpha, and if he had to guess, Solomon was the beta, which would make the smallest werewolf the omega. With a great effort he nudged Solomon's heavy body off him and sat up to face Scott with a slight smile. The smaller werewolf scowled at the satyr, ready to bare his teeth until Riley reached out and scratched under his chin.

"The fuck? I'm not a fuckin' a dog! Get off me!" Scott narrowed his eyes and moved to jerk his head away but, that was before Riley's fingertips hit the right spot. With little control of his actions, Scott leaned hard into Riley's scritching hand, while unhindered grunts and rumbles trickled from his muzzle.

"You're a little like a dog." Said Riley with a shrug and a coy smile as his hand moved to Scott's cheek.

The scawny werewolf unconsciously nudged his way into the satyr's lap, his tail swaying lazily side to side as he made quickly made himself comfortable. Manuel watched the display with a raised brow, turning toward Curt who merely grinned and shrugged himself.

"What the fuck?" Groaned Manuel as he faced the two other werewolves now. "Solomon's always been friendly but, Scotty ain't so good with people. What's up with your satyr, man?"

Curt watched as Solomon nudged his head under Riley's other hand, earning a little affection of his own. "No clue, he's always been real good around werewolves far as I can tell. His mouth is way better than his hands though."

Manuel turned toward the smirking Curt once more, then with a soft grunt paced toward the trio. Manuel growled as he approached, catching the attention of Solomon and Scott who roughly squirmed his way out of Riley's lap. His eyes met with the satyr's, holding the gaze for a long while before speaking.

"So." He started, his voice pitched low as his ears sunk a little. "The dude-uh, your boyfriend says that you pretty handy with your... mouth."

Scott and Solomon looked at each other with wide eyes before a lazy grin spread across Scott's muzzle. "Whattaya want boss, a handy or a blow job?"

Manuel shot Scott a hard glare before taking a step closer to Riley. "Well, I mean loud mouth over there kinda said it for me. You think I could...Ya know."

Riley's eyes widened before narrowing, his brow knit tightly. "I said you guys were okay, that doesn't mean I going to blow you." The satyr snapped. Curt couldn't help but grin at his partner's sudden outburst, a spark of an idea forming in his head. With a lazy sway to his tail, Curt paced toward the werewolves as Riley continued his rant.

"I mean for fucks sake, despite what I said you did attack and threaten my boyfriend. Doesn't exactly make for the warmest greeting!" As Riley continued his rant, Curt found himself behind Solomon, the largest werewolf's tail tucked between his legs. Distracted by the annoyed Satyr, the ever stoic Solomon's ears stood tall in surprise, but he calmly turned to find his tail being lifting by a white paw.

Curt grinned as he earned a curious chuff from Solomon, taking that as his go ahead. He ducked his muzzle between the black furred cheeks and began to lick softly along the clef. Solomon shifted in place and gnashed his teeth, while Curt's tongue swept though his faintly musky fur, the long ribbon of flesh easily finding the werewolf's tight ring.

Riley was moments away from shaking his finger as he continued berating Manuel, only interrupted by a hushed moan from behind him. The satyr whipped around, his expression still sullen, but only until he saw Solomon with his chest to the ground while a familiar white mass of fur moved under his tail.

"Curt!" Riley's shouted, causing the werewolf to jerk his head up and smack against Solomon's tail.

"What?! What'd I do?" Curt asked, wiping his muzzle with a paw before resting in on Solomon's presented rump.

"Dude, I'm tryin' to make a point here and you aren't helping." Said Riley's flatly.

"This is how I make friends. It's how I made you like me." Curt grinned wide, utterly pleased with himself.

Riley sighed, pinched the bridge of his nose and turned back toward Manuel and Scott, who weren't trying very hard to stifle their sophomoric snickering.

"Ugh, fuck it." Groaned Riley. "Let's at least start a campfire first, it's getting cold."


The sun was just dipping below the horizon by the time Curt got the fire to a roaring blaze, however the satyr failed to follow his own condition. Riley's pointed ears burned as his cheek was pressed against a darkly colored member, easily coaxed into a sixty-nine by the thickly furred werewolf. He groaned and his tail fluttered above Manuel's muzzle, nearly beside himself with pleasure as the surprisingly agile tongue danced along his muscled ring. Scotty sat a few paces away, nursing one of Curt's chilled beers in one hand while trying and failing to discreetly fondle himself as he watched the stout black werewolf slip his broad tongue into the moaning satyr.

On the other side of the fire, Curt was balls deep inside Solomon, snarling lowly as he bucked wildly into the huge werewolf prone beneath him. Solomon's wide tongue hung lazily from his fanged muzzle but his claws dug into the ground, giving him enough purchase to grind his hips back into Curt's powerful thrusts. Furred flesh slapped together as the two bigger werewolves climbed toward their peak together, letting loose muted snarls and hushed groans while Curt's knot fought its way under Solomon's tail. Curt bared his teeth and clenched his eyes shut while he threw all his weight into his thrusts, until his orange sized knot breached Solomon's quivering ring with a lewd pop. The blond and white furred werewolf tossed his head back in a deep howl as he unloaded syrupy jets of his seed inside of Solomon. Only moments after Curt, Solomon joined his howling, his body shaking in place as he spurted a near ridiculous amount of cum onto the forest floor.

Riley was momentarily distracted by the loud climax, gripping Manual's throbbing cock in both hands as he watched the pool of jizz under the rutting werewolves steadily grow. A thick hand placed on the back of his head brought his attention back to the werewolf he was splayed over.

"Suck on it." Ordered Manuel with a low groan as he pushed Riley's face into his member. Riley closed his eyes, opened his mouth, and took the head of the meaty werewolf's dick between his lips, wasting no time in suckling it while his fingers gripped tightly around the base. Manuel grunted loudly and bucked his hips in response, a deep shudder running though his body as the satyr's tongue teased over the head.

"Not gonna pop too early, are ya boss?" slurred Scotty as he crept closer.

"Shut up." Growled Manuel before a gentle moan slipped from his muzzle. Scotty lowered his head but grinned, setting his empty bottle aside as he crept between Manuel's legs. He quietly nudged Riley as he dipped his muzzle low to lap along the part the alpha wolf's cock that wasn't enveloped by the satyr's warm mouth. Riley's opened his eyes once he realized he was sharing, pulling off the thick head to allow Scotty to take his place.

"Boss here really likes oral." Said the grey and brown werewolf between long and languid licks. "Gives 'em a hair trigger."

"Shut the fuck up, Scotty!" Snarled the scruffy black wolf as he bucked his hip hard, clutching Riley's thighs.

"Yeah, when he fucks me he always has to shoot more than once." Scotty continued, grinning as he tucked Manual's shaft into his maw, inching his way down the throbbing cock until his lips reached the base. Manuel panted hard and gnashed his teeth while Scotty's well trained tongue rolled in waves along the underside, the attention causing his knot to swell in a matter of seconds. The wiry werewolf only had to bob his head a few times before he had Manuel throbbing and squirming. Scotty swiftly pulled the jerking cock from his warm maw with a wild grin, only to press Riley's mouth back down around it. The satyr was barely able to work the wide head of Manual's cock into the back of his throat before the werewolf under him erupted with a soulful howl. Thick and heavy ropes of spunk filled the satyr's mouth, which he tired to swallow but just managed to spill some of the down his chin. Scotty was there to help though, licking across Manuel's twitching knot and Riley's bulging cheeks as he lapped way any stray seed.

Manuel huffed and panted as his climax ended, the sudden deluge ebbing to a lazy trickle. Riley's nursed on the softly throbbing cock before Scotty grabbed one of his horns and eased him off the spent shaft, before pulling him into a deep kiss. Riley couldn't stop a blissful moan rising from his chest as Scotty's wide tongue pressed between his lips and coaxed him to share the half of Manuel's sticky load that he didn't swallow. Scotty's tongue moved smoothly around his mouth, like they had kissed dozens of times before, and the werewolf knew exactly how the satyr liked it. Riley's cock throbbed hard against Manual's chest, mostly ignored for the night but surging to life as the werewolf kissed him hungrily.

"Ey, get a room you two." Barked Curt, causing the scrawny werewolf to break the kiss leaving a string of saliva and cum dangling from his lips. The three spent werewolves all laughed while Riley's ears turned red and Scotty grunted and rose to his feet.

"Fuck you guys, I gotta go piss." Scotty announced, cradling his painfully hard cock as he shuffled a ways into the forest. Curt turned his attention to his partner again, giving the satyr a knowing grin before he sat up and tired to dislodge his knot from Solomon's vice tight tunnel. Riley pushed himself up on Manuel's chest, giving the werewolf a soft rub on the belly before following behind Scotty.

The brown and grey werewolf had already found himself a tree was stood in front of it, muttering softly under his breath.

"Its kinda hard to go when you're hard, yeah?" Asked the satyr.

Scotty jumped and jerked his head back, scowling at Riley's. "Yeah, And even harder when you're watching." He snapped before softening his tone. "Whatya want?"

"Was just gonna ask you, I mean if it's not too weird." Riley paused and rubbed his chin, looking for the right words before shrugging softly. "Do you want to hang out with me a Curt sometime?"

Scotty raised his brow and studied the satyr for a short while before slowly nodding his head. "Uh... Yeah I would like that, I mean it would be cool. Whatever."

"Sweet." Was all Riley said before turning and heading back their camp.

Scotty watched the satyr leave, then turned his attention back to his cock. He waited for a long while, mulling over Riley's offer before finally giving up on emptying his bladder and trotting back to camp. He found all four myth's huddled in a circle of muscle and fur together with Riley's tucked safe in the middle. Curt and Manuel talked with while Solomon was content to listen and stroke over Riley's chest. Scott was about to make himself comfortable at Curt's back, however the white and blond furred wolf easily drew him into tight hug, which only brought him into the center of their circle alongside Riley. Instead of fighting it, Scotty snuggled and relaxed.

"So, Riley and I have this friend in town." Curt continued. "And I need to repay a little favor, think you three can help me with that?"

"Well, that depends on the favor." Manuel gave Curt and suspicious glare which just caused him to smile.

"You're gonna love this."

-Next Weekend-

Theo flipped through one of his many books as his four tails twisted and swayed lazily behind him. He hadn't had a customer all day and he toyed with the idea of closing shop early and treating himself to a long bath. A heavy sigh left him as he closed his book, fishing his keys out of his pocket to prepare to close. That was until the gentle chime of the front door opening stopped him.

Before he could even get a greeting out, he saw his customers. Four werewolves blocked his view, one with thick, inky colored fur, one huge and monochrome with dangerous fangs, one small and lean but menacing and one with terribly familiar blond and white fur.

"Oh, Curt! It's great to see you again, to what do I owe the visit?" The kitsune smiled brightly but shifted in place as he watched the four werewolves crowd his counter.

"Ya know Riley, told me what that stuff ya gave him does to us wolves." Curt said, a sly smirk crossing his muzzle. "He eats it, it makes him irresistible ya know the stuff."

"I do..." Theo's tail twitched as he picked up their scents, all four nearly dripping with arosual.

"Well, me and my friends here did a little experimentin' and ya wanna know what happens when a werewolf eats that stuff?" Asked Curt, his hands moving down to unfasten his belt, the other werewolves following suit.

"What?" Theo's ears sunk against the back of his head while his cock stiffened.

"You'll be glad to know that is makes us insatiable."

Theo let out a soft whimper as Curt unveiled his throbbing and fully knotted cock. His bath could wait a few hours.