Shaken Space

Story by YZuntReticulan on SoFurry

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First Person account of space mission

Shaken Space

This Story is for Mature Audiences -

In Contains -

Some strong language.


Hello, this is Bernard Satchet, recording this in text rather in video. I did have video camera attached to me while this happened to me, but they were quickly confiscated once I got back home, so my C.O. wanted me to write this down in as much detail as possible and with freedom of how to report it. Now, I am not so much a detail-orientated guy, but I'll try.

So this happened on March the third of 2012 in a base, let's just say in the Southwestern United States since my C.O. doesn't want me to reveal that. Today was a new day, I was working at that base and was woken up because I know we had a 'special thing' that we were going to do, but not in those sarcastic sort of words and I was briefed by my recent C.O. Brass on what we were going to do and it did seem very unusual because he said I was working with yet another Reticulan. I mean, I've worked with them before but a lot of them just seemed by the book and boring, so I wasn't expecting much, yet I got this rather, fellow who takes up some more space than usual named Yerneley and he just seemed like the usual Reticulan, and what I mean by Reticulan, before this C.O. gets on my ass about this is the original Zeta Reticulan and not the ones similar to it. Just like the doppelgänger of me I met in college, there are many alien races that look alike, i.e. humans and Nordics. Anyway, the launch pad was nearby and the best I can describe what the ship looked like was a miniature space shuttle but skinnier like a plane. The inside of it was very much like a plane's yet I think it was slightly more confined I think with an entrance behind and to the right of the cockpit and behind that were sort of lockers on either side and hung up spacesuits, in which Yerneley provided his helmet and gloves since his space suit was built in to what he was wearing. Speaking of what he was wearing, it was the sort of tight suit Padme wears in the battle fight in Episode II but a little shinier, so quite hot looking, on Padme that is, not Yerneley.

So, first Brass goes in the cockpit, followed by Yerneley in sideways, note again, this ship now brought more into the fact that it was a little confined because Yerneley had to squeeze his way into the cockpit, which took quite a while, and that wasn't problematic. There were three seats in the cockpit, two in the front and one besides the archway to the door, again very confined and at that point it just seemed Yerneley was getting the special treatment up there by Brass since he, well not really since he basically had to squeeze into the seat there. When we launched it was shaky, I had never liked turbulence and still don't and that's why I like to be grounded as possible, but once we got into space it was eerily quiet and somewhat unsettling. I remember Brass briefing me about a base but what for? I thought about this as I heard Yerneley and Brass talking about some nerdy science stuff like the ship being a prototype and what not. Very soon after, we whipped into what seemed like hyperspace. Hyperspace was a lot of mixed light tone of colors but as soon as we were out we were descending onto a medical base tower thing that looked like it was on our own Earth's moon, but not.

I exited the cockpit along with Brass and followed by Yerneley and we were assured by Brass that our space suits weren't needed for the walk out to the landing pad. We were greeted by a long necked humanoid giraffe, it sort of looked like a furry. She, I think it was a she, she had large knockers though, let us for a tour of the place in which I learned was very Frankenstein-esque in what they were doing - they were hybridizing humans with aliens in terms of manipulation, I think it was sexual or genetic manipulation, all I know is it freaked the shit out of me. Brass tells me this a checkup with the giraffe lady but this was freaking me out and I think I know Yerneley was glancing over and somewhat knew what I was feeling since he was hurrying Brass along. At least, I think that was what Yerneley was doing. We all very soon left where we were. I mean, I'd expect with all this technology that you'd like vidchat them to check up, but as Yerneley said to me on the way back that communication was a bit trickier in space and face to face was necessary.

It could've been a short trip back but as soon as we got out of that moon's atmosphere the ship had some thruster trouble and then there was a discussion that turned into an argument in the front of how the ship's schematics were and I think something Yerneley argued was that "if the ship had some back thrusters, we wouldn't have this problem." Great, clashing attitudes shaking up in a confined space. It turned around though, Yerneley admitted that he was unfamiliar with the ship's schematics and that Brass knew them and was going to go out of the ship to fix them. It had been only a few minutes when a purple sort of hole appeared in front of us and looked like it was spinning and the ship started shaking and great more turbulence. Yerneley looked back at me and said this was a space vortex and was buzzing Brass to get out of there. Shortly after we hear and see Brass get sucked into the space vortex. Yerneley got out of his chair and told me to get back to where his own suit was and grab his stuff and bring it back to him making sure the helmet was tilted down while I did that. I did that and he reached inside his space helmet and found a circular device, grabbed my hand, pressed a button on the device and we were transported off the ship into brief whiteness.

It looks like we were transported onto another ship, it was Yerneley's ship as he insisted. From where I was standing, the room was circular, the floors were white and somewhat reflective and the walls were dark grey and reflective. The walls around me looked like they had doors that lead to five other rooms, but Yerneley went into a one on the right and I followed him in. He sort of stood there and said, "Sometimes I think we shouldn't've invited humanity into space, it's too dangerous, maybe I am." I assured him that that thing, space vortex, whatever, came out of nowhere and wasn't his fault. Both of us seemed affected by the recent event, it just happened so fast. I talked with this Reticulan more and he said he wasn't too sure if the ship survived or what happened to Brass after he went into the vortex but also just to avoid it. He then went and pressed this sort of panel next to this tube thing and said he had to report this in. He stepped into this tube thing and it was silent for a while, I think the tube was sound proof. Once he exited the tube he said we had to go back to Earth, but you know, I was in a fucking U.F.O., so you know, I wanted a tour around. Right out of that room was a sweet entertainment and then a bedroom, bathroom, control room, kitchen, hallway to the ladder as he called it, and back around to the I think a conference tube? I wanted to see beyond the ladder, so he went first down below to what looked like another room within a room and it was an armchair, with restraints. And a table with needles. I think he knew I was uneasy so he said he wasn't going to hurt me since that was against alien to military 'code.' There was also another door that led to a room against a wall in which he said it functioned as both the airlock and boarding place. Anyway, he led me down to the last level in which there were four large circular things surrounding a panel. We both walked to the middle of it and he explained that they were the sort of 'engines' and the panel controlled the ramp off his ship. He obviously wanted to get going so I walked and went up the ladder. The ship seemed to branch out each level down, which sort of complimented his body, not that I liked his body. He went into the control room and told me to go somewhere to hold on. I went into the entertainment room and his ship jumped somewhere. It seemed we were slowing down and landing. He called me over as he exited the control room and down the ladder to the bottom floor. He entered the code in the middle panel on the floor as his ramp descended down as he said it would. He gestured me out as at the bottom of the ramp was one of my superiors. He first greeted and talked to him just for a bit on what happened and there was a buzz in his right pocket of his suit and he went to answer it. He said it was other work and he had to go. He gave me a firm handshake, say goodbye to me and the superior and rushed back up to his ship. Instantly after that, I was talking to the superior there for a bit and he walked me away from the ship to where some nearby people were there to confiscate my cameras and bring me in for intense questioning.

From the time we lost Brass, I've been working here only seldomly with other Reticulans, but of course I think Yerneley did stand out for me in terms of body shape and personality and enjoyed being around that.