Monstra Exotica: Episode 01

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#1 of Monstra Exotica

Finally I am able to post the first episode of this series. I have been racking my brain for almost a week and a half looking for a title, and this is the best I could come up with.

Not happy with the title, but it's a start and might change it in the future.

But still I liked writing the first episode and am halfway done with the second, almost. So I hope you like it as much as I did.

Also if anyone wants a certain monster to make an appearance in future episodes, just PM me or post in the comments the monster name and some details.

The world of Atmos was a world of Legends. Where magic and science come hand in hand to create a fantastic utopia for those who lived there.

But the all nice things cant' last forever. A strange succession of events changed the world, one could say they turned it upside down.

The world of Atmos was not the same.

The world was invaded by monstrous beings and creatures, throwing the world into chaos and disaster that lasted for many centuries.

However, a courageous band of adventurers got together and put a stop to this invasion.

But the monsters weren't sent back to their world.

It was later found out that their world was invaded as well, but by stronger and more dangerous threat.

So the creatures were treated the same as any animal found in the mortal realm.

However, after a while, many found some profit from having the monsters around. Whether as guards, hunters, trackers, security, and even as mere pets.

This is where what the people call 'Exotic Ranches' come in.

Many people actually sympathized with the monsters once they knew that the monsters themselves were forced out of their own world. They were spitefully called by those who despise them simply: The Sympathizers.

So a few mages and alchemists agreed to help those exotic ranches, by providing magical artifacts that help control the creatures in their care, and essentially keep them out of trouble.

And this is where Astaroth Eizen comes in.

The young man of 19 is by far the youngest rancher around, also a respectable sympathizer among his comrades. He had a hard built body due to all the heavy lifting he had to do around the ranch.

He owned a ranch with many acres of land, some of it he cleared but left alone for later use. The Eizen Exotic Ranch was one of the successful ranches around the kingdom.

He had a simple two story house, a stable and a barn, with a large dog house nearby but the place was too big for a normal dog, but it's owner was nowhere to be found.

Az as he preferred to be called, walked out of the barn, with two large bags, one under his arm, the other over his shoulder.

Just then, a small van parked by the front gates. The owner of the car was a similarly buff human with olive skin, "Morning Az. Up and about as early as ever" He said with a smile on his face.

"Hello Krawly. Need something from me?" Az shook the guy's hand in a brotherly manner.

"Not exactly, I'm here to return something to you actually" The went over the back, shaking slightly with some movement.

Az looked over, before giving a dead pan expression, with a hint of disappointment, "You've got to be kidding me"

Inside was a wolf, or a Lycan to be precise. They are monsters that were among those that first appeared in the human world. They look mostly human but with wolf heads and fur all over their body, mostly looking like wolves walking on two legs.

The creature himself was tall looking, almost skinny but athletic in muscle build, a simple loin cloth covered his private areas. Not that it did much anyway, since it was flung to one side of the back of the van, his fur was all black from top to bottom, with a dark shade of grey on his 'inner' fur that was so dark that you have to look carefully and clearly to see the difference.

And the Lycan was fingering and licking himself.

"Seriously Loki?!" Az asked the creature, who simply gave his ranch master a brief glance, before returning to his own pleasure. His eyes could only be described as bedroom eyes.

Az turned to his friend, "What did he do Krawly?" He asked rubbing and slightly pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Nothing much. Except that I found him fucking around with every male and female Monster I have" Krawly stated with a small smile.

Az sighed in defeat, looking back at Locki, and actually noticed what Krawly mentioned. He saw a weirdly colored liquid slowly oozing out of Locki's hole, while the Lycan held it open, occasionally swiping a little with a finger and licking it up. The position he was in would make any athlete jealous, with one leg completely going behind his neck.

"I'm really sorry for this Krawly, I know that breeding ranches like ours thrive more on the males we have, then this slut comes over and ruins a perfect batch for you" Az face palmed himself, rubbing his face in.

Krawly suddenly took Az in a big bear hug, "Are you kidding me? You know that me and my dad have had problems getting our Monsters to listened to us. After he was done with them, they became as docile and quiet as barn mice. They listened to and obeyed all our instructions to the letter man" He had a very wide grin on his face, "If anything I think you should reward the poor fella, not apologize"

Az rubbed his chin lightly deep in thought, He met Krawly almost a year after he and his father took over the ranch from his grandfather, by that time, Krawly was and still is a novice in running an Exotic ranch. Granted his father is there to help, and both knew the basics, but not the method of raising the creatures individually.

He suddenly felt something furry on his cheek. Loki despite being a Lycan who are known for their strong-willed and prideful nature, was pretty affectionate towards everyone he met, licking Az's cheeks lovingly and slowly.

Sure enough his breath smelled like semen and cunt juices, while his body was emitting one hell of a funky musk, Az had to shake his head, to rid himself of the daze that Loki's musk put him in briefly. He sure worked up a sweat from passing himself around from male to male. Krawly's ranch is famous for raising large species of Monsters, like: Ursas, big Lycans, Tauruses and Drakes, even a few Centaurs.

"Does he do that all the time?" Krawly asked suddenly, "The running around and away from the ranch I mean"

"A few times a month. He is pretty much horny 24/7, and I can't take care of his needs all the time, I have a ranch to take care of as well, despite him being the only Monster in my care so far, he still keeps me busy"

"Cool, that's good I guess" Krawly began twiddling his fingers, nervously looking at his surroundings.

"Something on your mind?" Krawly almost jumped at Az's sudden question.

"No not much" They stood like that for about a minute, "Can humans catch illnesses from Monsters?"

"No they can't. The Monsters are immune to all human illnesses, just as humans are immune to their own. Why?"

Krawly looked between him and Loki back and forth.

Az realized this but simply smiled, "Let's go inside, you can park your van in my garage" He put his arms out, allowing for the Loki to jump in his arms, wrapping his arms around Az's neck and legs around his waist, the Lycan's full hole is still expelling some of the remains of his little trip to Krawly's.

Az carried his Lycan back to the house, "You're just too much Loki. But I love just the way you are" Az admitted with a soft smile on his face. His 'relationship' with Loki was simply that of interests, some would even call it symbiotic, Az would have a monster for his ranch and Loki would get his regular dose of sex whenever he wanted.

Az placed the Lycan on the couch of his living room, who immediately sprawled himself and lying on his stomach, just as Az sat on one side, petting Loki's head and rubbing his back. He turned on his TV to the news channel, nothing new or interesting like always, except that small part about the Slayers, Az wished that those haters would drop dead already, no one needed their services anymore.

A few seconds later Krawly entered the house, then stood by the couch, as if waiting for some kind of permission.

Az looked at his friend with a knowing smile, noticing the rising tent in his pants. He suddenly began rubbing Loki's ass for both the Lycan and Krawly's delight, then out of instinct, Locki raised his ass in the air, flinging his tail to one side, presenting it to the nervous and flustered human.

Az then leaned, holding both cheeks before pulling them apart to reveal Locki's slightly loose hole, the remaining essence of all the monsters he had fun with began flowing out more, "He's all yours buddy. Just whip it out and bury your bone. I'm sure you've noticed that this hole can take any size, right?"

Krawly had a very deep blush as he stepped towards them slowly, pulling down the zipper of his pants slowly with a shaking hand, then pulling out his impressive 6 incher, which was almost just as wide, he placed in between Locki's cheeks, making the Lycan whine with desperation and need.

He swallowed his nerves, looking back at Az, who already had his own 9 incher out, letting Locki give it a few licks around the whole thing. Az noticed his friend's gaze, before nodding his head.

Given permission to proceed, Krawly spit in his hand, lubing up his cock, placing the tip right at the entrance, he shuddered slightly at the heat it was giving off, seemed that Locki had put that hole through quite the workout. He then pushed in, slowly to savor the surprising tightness of Locki, until his hips touched the Lycan's cheeks.

Az on the other hand, was enjoying quite the blowjob, for a mindless beast, as those bigoted idiots call him and the other Monsters, Locki knew how to please someone. With one hand on Locki's head, Az guided him over his cock as the Lycan licked, sucked and simply slobbered all over the meat pole in his mouth.

Krawly, began sawing in and out of Locki's as, with a wide blissful smile on his face, "Damn Az, your Monster sure is a catch. None of our monsters allow me to do this, heck they don't even allow me to come near them" He didn't miss his rhythm even while he was talking.

"Yeah, Locki enjoyed this kind of stuff ever since he was a pup. Mostly it was me he fooled around with, but he goes out and looks for others from time to time" Az leaned back on the couch, reclining his head back, with his own blissful smile.

Locki was in cloud nine, A cock in his hole, the other, his master's in his mouth. He was whining and growling lustily at the double stimulation.

Krawly couldn't take it anymore, he pulled back till only his head remained inside, then thrust hard and fast.

Locki howled around his master's cock, just as his master pushed his muzzle to his crotch, burying his cock in Locki's throat.

Krawly was now pounding into the Lycan hard, his breathing becoming fast and rough, a weird smile on his face, "You like that you little slut? Yeah, you teased me for long enough, fucking around with my Monsters then leaving me high and dry. Take my cock bitch, worship it with your ass" He ended his order with a hard smack to Lockis ass cheek, making it jiggle a bit.

Az was also thrusting into Locki's muzzle, approaching his own orgasm.

About 3 minutes later, "Oh fuck buddy. I'm almost there. Inside okay?" Krawly asked as he was still pounding away, he wanted this to last, but he was so pent up it was almost a miracle he lasted this long.

"Anywhere you want buddy, but I guess he can answer your question" As if on cue, Locki pressed his ass to Krawly's hips. Unknown to them Az reached behind the couch, grabbing something.

"Inside it is then!" Krawly said firmly, delivering one more hard thrust, shooting his load inside Locki, adding it to the many loads already inside, he kept coming as he humped and grinded his pelvis on Locki's ass and hole.

Az took the item he held, which was a small flexible tube, connected to a jar of sorts. He managed to fasten the tube to Locki's knot, through a few straps.

He then grabbed a handful of Locki's head fur, pulling him back, just as he began shooting his own load all over the Lycan's muzzle and face.

Once he finished, he gave a hard smack to Locki's ass. The Lycan gave a loud howl, just as his own balls emptied for the umpteenth time, but this time into the small jar that Az hooked to his dick head.

After all three calmed down, Krawly patted Locki's ass, leaning forward to plant a small peck on the back of the Lycan's head, "Good boy Locki, you're master is lucky to have you"

"I sure am" Az smiled as he held the jar to his face, happy that Locki's production level haven't dwindled one bit.

"I meant to ask buddy" Krawly meant to sit on the couch, just as he took his place on the couch, Locki moved till his head was on Krawly's lap, "I saw my dad also doing the same with the males and a few females we have, but he uses a machine instead. What's up with that?" He began petting Locki's head, as the Lycan's tail wagged at top speed. The TV was talking away, forgotten by the trio. His question was about the collection of a Monster's essence.

"We sell the essence of the monsters to other ranchers, they are used to give surrogate birth to either stronger, handsomer or even more fertile monster children and on rare occasions we bring our actual monsters to other ranches for the same reason. Sometimes even the appearance is effected by the mixed genes. Speaking of which, have you heard?"

"Heard what?" This should be good, was Krawly's thought, Az despite his age was a highly contributing member of their Sympathizer community, he would help other ranchers whenever he can and rarely asks for help himself. He technically knew everyone and everything in their rancher town. Luckily he wasn't a gossip lunatic and knew how to keep a secret or even a dozen.

"You know Mr. Berks?"

Krawly racked his brain a bit before the bulb in his head lit up, "Oh yeah, I know him, me and my father met him at last year's gathering, he helped me and my dad a lot, and gave us lots of useful tips. What about him?"

Az barely kept his excitement in check, "A couple of his monsters actually gave birth to a hybrid"

"WHAT?!" Krawly couldn't believe what his friend have just told him, "Dude, I thought that Hybrids are a myth, a legend"

"It's true. The father is Centaur and the mother is a Lycan. Both gave birth to a Lycan-taur. The body of a Centaur, but with Lycan definitions, like paws instead of hooves" He almost jumped in his place, "I can't wait to see it. He promised to bring it to the gathering this year"

"Awesome. I will need to go back now, I bet dad is waiting for me, better head back now before he straps me to those machines, let me tell you, from what the monsters look after going through it, it's not pretty"

Az shook his head, "No they're not Krawly. Those machines force the creatures to ejaculate multiple times on command, through both pleasurable and non-pleasurable stimulation, which leads to some discomfort or pain to the genitals or the crotch area. And the monsters don't like it one bit"

"Really?" Krawly didn't want to hurt the monsters living with them. That was the last thing he would even think about, if ever, "I'll talk to my dad about it. It's just that he doesn't want to do it by hand like you do, he said he has nothing against how you and your grandfather did it, but he can't see himself doing the same"

Az nodded his head to his friend, before escorting him to his vehicle.

Once Krawly left, he went back inside the house.

Time for the puppy to take a bath.


The next day.

Az made his way to the local market of their town. It was a town exclusively for Sympathizers and their families, which is protected by imperial law from any official who would think of harming them or their monster companions.

The emperor of their kingdom wasn't a Sympathizer himself, but he respected their cause enough to give them some support when needed.

Az loved the atmosphere of the town, many kinds of Monsters walking around, Lycans, Felins, Drakes, Reptilians, Centaurs, even Treeants and other Elemental Golems. All with a human companion or rancher. He even saw the shadows of some Avians flying around.

Az had a few stops for the day, two being important ones.

First: The Construction company of the town. The place was decent in size, with their sign of hammer and wrench forming an X. He went in and was greeted by a very friendly brown furred male Ursa, who grabbed him in a hug, nuzzling his face to his own. Ursas all were similar to normal bears, but their fur has some tribal markings that vary from each individual Ursa. All of them are tall big and very, _VERY_buff, that's why they are categorized among the heavy working monsters.

"Down boy, down. Let the kid breath would you" The deep and heavy voice belonged to the owner of this respectful establishment. A tall strong bodied human wearing construction clothes.

The Ursa softly put Az down, just as Az's vision turned south. Locki would definitely love having a go at this big fella, "Hello Mr. Bernards"

Bernards clapped Az on the back, with a wide smile, "What's with the Mr kiddo, it's Berny. Now what can I help you with?" He crossed his arms waiting for his next assignment.

"Well" Az pulled out a small notebook, "I need a few things actually. A would like a Lycan/Canid kennel, an Avian bird-range and Taurus/Stallion stables, plus a small Merfolk lake. the details of how I want them and everything they should contain are on this list" He said tearing the list and handing it to Berny. He then took out what looked like a map, "This is a copy of my lands, I marked the places I want all those new habitats to be placed"

Berny had a wide smile on his face, "I always liked you boy, you always give us some real work" He then had a mock frown on his face, "Unlike the others who want small and simple things"

"And I trust that you can get it done" They negotiated the price until both reached an agreement. When he went for the door, the same Ursa stopped him by holding him in another tight hug, this time accompanied by a few affectionate slurps to the face.

It could be his imagination, but Az is sure he felt something big and heavy bump his stomach a few times.


His next stop was the local alchemist. His shop was relatively smaller than the construction's.

He went inside, when a purple scaled Serpent with Black sploches in random places, slithered towards him. The naga-like lizard bowed his head allowing Az to pet him before straightening himself.

"Dr. Abner?" Az called as he went deeper into the shop.

A pile of books nearby moved a little, until they fell away, revealing a half naked human male. The person was looking a little disheveled, if not a complete mess.

Az smiled to himself, "Feeling okay Dr.?"

The alchemist looked at the young man with a tired look, "Ask that living leather tube behind you"

The Serpent had his hands behind his back, with a wide and innocent smile on his face, you could technically see a small halo.

The Dr got up and stretched, hearing a few satisfying pops and cracks in his bones, he let out a breath of relief, "So what can I do for you?"

"I came here to deliver Locki's new monthly sample" He stated, pulling out his Lycan's semen jar.

The Dr. wore his lab coat, not bothering with a shirt. He wasn't as buff as Az or Berny, but he had a decent body on him, slim but fit, scrawny but reliable, "Thanks. I will be quick about it, if you have any business with any other place you can finish those first. I'll be done by the time you come back"

Az stepped out of the alchemists place, making his way around the market for the smaller things now: Groceries, clothes, carpenter tools and a few toys for Locki. It will take a while before he could be able to get new Monsters, so there is no need for more toys than needed.

After all that, he went back to the alchemist, Dr. Abner was sitting on his desk with a soft smile, "Locki looks as healthy as ever, no weird mutations or abnormalities"

"Thanks Doc" And with that Az finished what he wanted to do in town.

The Monsters' bodies function similarly to humans, but since their world is both mystical and spiritual in nature, the only way to find anything wrong with them is either through magic or alchemy, since normal medical methods don't bear any results.


He went back to his house and brought everything inside.

The house was weirdly quiet.

"Locki?!" Az called for his Lycan, but no answer.

Until, *AAAOOOOWWWWWOOOOOOO!!!!!" A loud howl pierced throw the very atmosphere around his place.

Az suddenly panicked. Going through the back door he went as fast as humanly possible through the forest behind his house. He knew Locki's howl from anywhere and at any distance, and he learned what each tone of his howls meant.

That howl was that of pain. And it wasn't Locki's.

He then reached a very small open area that was covered by trees.

Only to find Locki there, attending to the wounds of a small Lycan pup, who was caught in a metal jaw trap. His ankle looking to be crushed by the metal trap. The pup's fur was blue, with a lighter shade going from his chest and towards his hips forming what could only be described as a heart marking. The pup seemed to have the body of a 12 year old.

"Locki? Who's your friend?" He took a few steps forward, the young pup jumped slightly attempting to get away, but Locki held him in place, "Easy there little guy, I won't hurt you I promise" Az tried reassuring the pup, but a few assuring nuzzles from Locki seemed to calm him down.

Az inspected the trap, luckily no magic was involved in its making.

"Okay, I'll try to pry it open. Locki, hold him for me, and you pup, try to bear with it a while" He grabbed the slightly open jaws, prying them open.

It was slow and for the pup a painful process, but he managed to open it enough for the pup to pull his foot out.

Az pulled back fast enough so that the trap didn't tear his fingers off. He pulled it out of the ground, the chain slightly rusted from the area that was below the ground.

"I heard something from over here!" All three jumped as they heard a voice call loudly to someone.

A few seconds later, a guy with a hunter's outfit came out of the deep woods, "Well lookie here. Guess we caught three for the price of one"

Then more men and women wearing the same type of outfit emerged and surrounded them. Az counted seven.

"These two freaks are yours?" The leading hunter asked Az.

"What's it to you?" He knew their kind. They called themselves Monster Slayers, they were originally tasked to deal with Monsters who refused to reason with humans or live peacefully with them. But some began steering away from their original mission and began hunting all Monsters, whether they were hostiles, Sympathizer companions or even random docile ones. All for a profit or for shits and giggles.

"You better tone the attitude boy" The leading hunter raised his rifle, aiming it directly at Az's forehead, "I just might decide to put a hole through that pretty face of yours"

The pup held onto Az's waist as tightly as he can, clearly scared, while Locki simply growled and snarled, attempting to intimidate the Slayers. It seemed to work since a few of them flinched.

Az however wasn't fazed for some reason, "You lot are in our town without permission, trespassing on private property, hunting monsters in sanctuary and threatening a Sympathizer goes against imperial law decreed by the emperor himself"

"So what? The emperor is an old fool for supporting you freaks and your pets. Besides if we kill you, the pup and the wolf no one will be the wiser"

"Not quite" A figure jumped from the trees, followed seconds later by others, all of them landed behind the hunters, holding swords and guns to their heads or throats.

When Az got a good look at them, they also wore hunter outfits, but they weren't the same as those idiots who threatened him. Their outfit was black clothing all over, a uniform from the looks of it. They had a striped Felin, a Tegrin and a Nightwing, Blood Echo, with them.

Scouts of the emperor.

The scouts leader stood behind the Slayer leader, "You are all under arrest, I believe this nice young man already mentioned your charges so luckily for me I won't have to bother. Oh and that verbal swing at the emperor will land you in jail for a very long time buddy"

The Slayers were cuffed, and taken away, while Az bandaged the pup's foot with a torn piece of his shirt, "All done little pup, it will be good in no time. Luckily the trap didn't dig into the flesh too deeply"

The pup gave a small bark of gratitude, before burying his face in Az's chest, nuzzling him happily.

"Someone likes you at least" Az turned to face the scout leader, "We were getting some reports of hunting activity and sanctuarized Monsters going missing in these parts, so we came to investigate, and found the culprits. Don't worry they are going to be put away for a long time. After they tell us where they took the stolen Monsters"

"I don't care what you do with them, you can execute them for all I care" He then turned to the pup, "You have anyone nearby little guy? Where're your parents?"

The pup remained silent for a while, then tears moistened his eyes before he buried his face in Az's chest again, this time sobbing and crying.

"Hey what's wrong? Where are your parents?" Az asked again but with no reply again.

The scout's leader placed a hand on his shoulder, a look of pain and sorrow on his own face, "I regret to tell you: that we didn't get here fast enough. On our way here, we stumbled upon a dead female Lycan, probably the pup's mother, we followed the general direction, and found a male Lycan, the father, also dead. The pup's an orphan now"

Az couldn't believe what he was hearing, he quickly took the pup in a comforting hug, rubbing his back slowly to calm him down. He picked the pup up, "Make sure those assholes get punished" His voice was low and full of venom.

"Don't worry, they will get what's coming to them" With that, the scouts bid Az goodbye and dragged the seven criminals with them.


Back at his house.

Az found some real bandages for the pup who calmed down by then.

The pup and Locki both slept in Az's bed for the night, while Az himself took the couch. He thought that the pup might be comfortable sleeping on something soft. Of course Locki joined him by default.

He began thinking to himself: The pup is still too young to be left alone in the wild, but was too wild for a ranch, and there's NO way he will sell the boy to the market. He will have to keep him for now, at least he will have Locki to teach him a few things...........And his worries just increased a hundred fold. It's not that he didn't trust Locki, it's what his Lycan might teach the pup is what worried him.

His eyes then began to feel heavy, finally succumbing to sleep. All will be clear in the morning is what he told himself.

*CRASH* Az's eyes flew open, just as he heard Locki and the pup barking at something in the second floor.

He quickly got to his feet, running as fast as he could to his room where the Lycan duo slept, swinging the door open, almost tearing it off its hinges.

Saying that the room was a mess was an understatement. His wardrobe and clothes drawer were open and all his clothes thrown about, his other belongings also everywhere: on the floor, crooked on the wall, he even found a collection of his quills stabbed to the wall like darts.

What caught his attention was the window. Or what's left of the very WALL.

Where his window was supposed to be was a large hole, big enough for an Ursa to walk through upright. Locki and the pup were by the hole still barking at whatever caused this.

When Az looked through it took him about a minute to locate what's out there, but he only saw what he counted as six blood red orbs which he deduced were the eyes of the creature, staring back at the house, or at the messed up room to be exact.

Az however didn't see any malicious intent behind the devilish glares, he only saw lust, but also a hint of something else he couldn't figure out, the eyes disappeared before he could.

The only confirmation that it wasn't nearby anymore was that both Lycans stopped barking.

Az began looking around the room, searching for something that can at least give him a hint of what's out there, it clearly wasn't human and it wasn't a Monster he knew, the eyes were his first hint, but he needed to check for something to confirm it.

He began cleaning the room while he searched, but still nothing.

Until he picked up a black shirt of his from the floor, it had a small but very damp spot, when he looked at the floor, he found some kind of fluid, finally something solid or in this case: liquid, to work with.

Before becoming an Exotic Rancher, Az was pining to become a tracker. Trackers are similar to scouts and slayers, but they simply search for Monsters and observe them from afar. A famous author of an encyclopedia about Monsters that Az followed ever since he was little, was also a tracker. He took a few classes in the Academy back in the main city of their kingdom, but he also taught himself a few personal secret tricks.

One of them included being able to identify a Monster without seeing it, this method included knowing the smell of a marked territory, the musk the Monsters give off or sometimes leave on an object, and sometimes the fluids they produce, whether it was sweat, blood, saliva and even semen, since it carries some musk he can identify.

He checked the fluid, it was red but didn't smell like blood, slightly thick but almost clear. The scent told him that it was seminal fluids, and it carried a heavy musk to it. The potency of it showed that the creature was definitely male, and the musk it emitted also showed that it, whatever it was, is in heat, possibly looking for a mate, or a fling or two for the time being.

But what still confused him were two things: 1. How did the creature get in his room on the second_floor, through the window he guessed, but how did it _jump that high? And 2. why his room and belongings in the first place?

He quickly brought a small petri-dish he got from the Dr. Abner, since he taught him a few alchemic lessons on Monster first-aid and basic medicine, taking the fluid in a small teaspoon he cleaned, and placing it in the dish, before closing it and sealing the container to protect it from the elements.

He decided to check it in the morning, as well as call Berny to repair the window.

He went back into a spare room he had, lying on the bed he closed his eyes.

A few seconds later, Locki and the pup both laid beside him on either side of him. All three slept almost immediately from the brief excitement of the night.


In the morning.

Locki took the pup out to play.

While Az went to the town to meet Berny and Abner at the same time.

Berny had two jobs. Along with his work in construction, him and his crew were also the security experts in town. Nothing goes in or out without them knowing.

They met at Abner's laboratory, once he told Berny about the wall, it piqued both Abner's and Berny's attention.

He recounted last night's events to both of them, handing a smaller sample from the fluid he got to Abner.

After he was assured that Berny and his crew are going to keep an eye out, he went back to his ranch.

He arrived but the place was somewhat quiet again. Just then he heard a few squeaky, tiny barks.

He followed their direction to the barn.

He checked inside a small stall which used to hold normal life-stock and found the reason for the pup's barks.

Locki was in a doggy position, the small pup behind him, pounding his small hips with enthusiasm that only a small child could muster, tongue out and panting hard.

Az smacked his forehead lightly, before pinching his nose bridge, "Really Locki? Really?!" This is what he was afraid of: Locki corrupting the young pup at a young age, granted their Monsters and that sex between them is normal despite age and gender but still, at least it would have been better if Locki taught him how to fight at least.

The pup gave a few little barks as he wildly humped all of his cock into the older Lycan. Az squatted beside them, pretty confused of the blissful look on Locki's face. It's just a little pup, he can't be that big.

He then saw the pup's balls. They were big for his age, even among Lycan's, each of them was the size of a lemon. Az had to admit that the sight of them swinging back and forth, slapping Locki's ass and balls was somewhat arousing.

The pup then began barking, before releasing a loud howl as he buried himself deep into Locki. He remained inside the older Lycan, panting hard, placing his body on Locki's back, his tired expression looked too cute for comfort. Locki meanwhile was panting with a very happy expression, his tail wagging fast.

A few minutes later, the pup pulled out of the older Lycan, that explained to Az what put Locki in such a happy trance.

The pup was beer can thick and 5 inches in length, plus a bulbous knot. No wonder Locki was having the time of his life. The pup would definitely grow up to be a fine specimen and the pride of his species.

The pup sat on a small mound of hay, still panting slightly, while Locki turned around and began cleaning his equipment.

"I'll just leave you guys to your business. But remember Locki: he can't exert himself, his leg didn't heal fully yet" With that he turned around heading for the house. With an impressive tent in his pants leading the way.

He went straight to a small study his grandfather had built when he still run the place. Az remembers that every time he visited his granpa, he would go straight to this place, reading every book he can until the time he left.

He got the book he needed: The encyclopedia that was written by that famous tracker about the Monsters of their region of the Southern Lands as it was called.

Their world, Atmos, was split into 4 groups of islands, each with a large Main Land, surrounded by smaller islands. Each group represents the four poles: North, South, East and West. Each of the Four Lands have their own exclusive Monsters, or variations of common Monsters. Az had an encyclopedia of all the Four Lands' Monsters, all written by the same author.

Az had the petri-dish in one hand, while flipping through the pages. He memorized what each chapter talked about and what pages some specific details were on.

Every time he looked at the semen sample he had, he would remember what he deduced about it. He flipped through the pages that held the same information, he found several, but all that was left was the reason for the color.

He then finally found it.

As he finished reading about the Monster, what he read actually created more questions instead of giving answers. The mentioned Monster is from the Southern Lands, but it's home is many weeks if not months away from here. So why come all the way to their town? And not to mention that it's the mating season for these Monsters, so why?

Just then a loud roar pierced the very atmosphere around the house.

Az quickly jumped to his feet, but remained in his place as if waiting for something. Another tracker trick he taught himself was listening to the long distance calls of the different Monsters. And this one confirmed what he found and read.

It was a call. And it was for him.

A few minutes later he was in the forests behind his house. He pushed a few branches away as he walked slowly at his own pace when he arrived at the halfway point.

He dreaded being here again, with what happened to him and the his Lycans, yes his, he decided to keep the pup.

He arrived to a small clearing which had a large tree, way taller than all the trees around it, reaching many feet above, he guessed between 100 to 120 something feet, and just as wide it seems.

He looked at the foot of the tree and saw the creature that was calling him.

The creature had digitigrade legs, it was taller than Az, about 7 feet when hunched, long arms with long fingers, the first knuckles on its hands reached the floor, as if an ape walking. A slim waist, and buff upper body, more in the chest area, red skin covered under a black metal of sorts. The metal cover just above the pecs, the shoulders, the arms and the back of the hand, the back which reached just above the waist, and the legs from below the elbow to the rest of the leg, leaving the front, chest, abdomen, thighs, palms and crotch area open to the elements, showing its bright red skin.

The head resembled the skull of a mix between lizard and canine, made from the same black metal, and its eyes, just as he counted last night: six, three on each side forming a line.

The creature growled lightly, but not in an intimidating manner, walking slowly towards Az.

The rancher stood his ground, waiting for what the creature does.

He got a closer look at it once it stood in front of him. The eyes had red pupils which were a darker shade, but not visible in a distance. A short brown mane flowing from behind its head.

"Hey there big boy" Az greeted, as he raised his hand slowly reaching for the creature's head.

The creature was what the book called: A Demoniax.

Rumors say that they appeared in Atmos almost a year after the other Monsters, coming into the human realm from the depths of the other world's underworld. Hence the name.

The Demoniax purred, or at least that's what Az heard, as the human pet his head.

He looked behind the Demoniax, noticing a few things at the roots of the tree. The Demoniax noticed, trotting back to the tree then back to Az, holding those items.

Az, deadpanned as he realized what the items were. All were his clothes, a few pairs of underwear, socks, undershirts and half of them were actually in his dirty laundry.

"Guess we found what your fetish is" Az stated as the creature rubbed it's head to his chest. Slowly bringing its body closer to his until both bodies were pressed together.

Az then felt it, the reason the Demoniax was here in the first place. It's member began emerging from its cloaca until it reached a foot long, it looked like a small tendril or tentacle, moving around like it had a mind of its own, its girth was bigger as it reached the base. It had small bumps along it's sides, when Az looked closer, he found that those were small shards of the same metal that covered it's body, they seemed smoother than the armor it wore, acting like small barbs.

Az tried moving, but the creature held him tighter and tighter by the minute. Until the creature gave a groaning growl.

Az smiled knowingly instead of being mad, while his current clothing was getting literally soaked, "Someone was really pent up" The creature pulled back, its sticky red essence covering both their bodies. Az simply took off his top and shirt, turning around back to the ranch.

He turned back to the Demoniax, which had a sad and longing glaze in its eyes. Az smiled nodding his head towards the ranch, "You coming?" The creature perked up, before stepping besides Az. He noticed that it had a large bump on its back, almost reaching the top of the spine, it had a small opening with a long reptilian tail-shaped metal appendage connected to it, he guessed that this is the creatures 'tail'.

Both now made their way back to the barn.

But first....


"Amazing" Dr. Abner stated as he looked over the Demoniax that Az brought back with him.

"I know right? Didn't know that he was imprinting on me" Az stated to the Dr.

Berny was with them, not understanding a word that either one said, "Can someone please explain?"

Az decided to take this one, "When the Demoniaxes decide to look for a mate, they find someone they like first, after that they walk around and find something that belongs to them and imprint on their scent, in my case, my laundry" He waited for the information to sink into Berny's head, "Once they imprint on them, they do whatever they can to win that potential significant other's attention. As long as they get their attention they are content, even if the other individual doesn't actually love them"

"Awesome" Berny stated before uncrossing his arms and placing them on his hips, "But what about them coming from the hell of their world?"

Dr. Abner took over this time, "That's easy: They're not hellish beings. Their habitat however is something else, the atmosphere there must have forced their bodies to evolve and change into" He gestured to the Demoniax, "This"

Berny scratched his head lightly, "Well then I guess you will need another keep for him?"

Az looked over at the Demoniax, "Nah, it's just him, so he can either stay in the house or the barn. Just concentrate now on what I asked before"

Abner looked over at the Demoniax, noticing that its cock is appearing, he also noticed the shining stones imbedded in it, "Oh, are those onyx stones? Do you know you can actually take them out of there" He reached for one of them.

But was pulled back instead, just as a large claws dug into the floor below them.

The Demoniax, began growling and roaring angrily, as if telling the Dr. to back off. Az stood in front of it, which instantly calmed it down, "I believe this tells you something Dr?"

Abner straightened his glasses, still shaking from the near death experience, "Yes: Never attempt to pull out an onyx from a Demoniax's member" He stood up dusting himself, "It's just that the onyxes on its member are worth a fortune"

Az crossed his arms, clearly irritated, "Well I'm not selling him or pulling any of these stones out. It clearly causes discomfort or pain to them. Nothing else explains the way he blew up just now"

"Well he's your Monster now. I can't tell you how to deal with him" Abner raised his hands in defeat.


After visiting the Exotic Ranch Guild to register the Lycan pup and Demoniax as his own Monsters, naming the pup: Absolos and the Demoniax: Berroth, he went back to the ranch with Berroth in tow.

Once beyond the gate, two happy barks came from inside the house. Just as Absolos and Locki came running towards them, first greeting Az, then introducing themselves to Berroth. The Demoniax greeting them back with equal enthusiasm.

The three Monsters went to the barn, while Az went back inside the house to study more on Demoniax and the best method to handle and raise them.

A few minutes later he was done with the Demoniax chapter, he reclined back on the chair closing his eyes for a little nap. Just as he was slipping into dreamland , a loud roar and a similarly loud howl came from outside.

His eyes shot open but didn't get up in a hurry, after all: if his training was worth it, those were sounds of nothing but pure pleasure.

He went to the barn and straight for the large mound of hay on the far side of the barn. There he found Berroth sitting spreading his legs, with Locki between them apparently cleaning the large Demoniax, while Absolos began having sloppy seconds. VERY sloppy seconds from where Az was standing, but Absolos was having a blast nonetheless.

When Berroth saw Az, he walked over to him, then pulled him back to where they sat, him sitting back on the hay mounds, spreading his legs once again, with his large tendril cock still out, large and thick as the first time, guess that's what being in heat does to a Monster. And the pheromones that Berroth was emitting didn't help one bit but only to intensify Az's own arousal.

Berroth pulled Az to him, letting his tongue slip out of his mouth, before pushing it into Az's. Their tongues wrestled and fenced, swapping spit back and forth, while Berroth rubbed Az's rising erection through his pants, and Az was rubbing the Demoniax's large member.

A sudden deep sounding yelp escaped Berroth. Az pulled back from their sloppy kissing, to find that Berroth's body was shaking lightly. He looked at the member in his hand, he noticed that his thumb was right on one of the onyxes.

He decided to test this out.

He rubbed it a little up and down, then in circular motion, Berroth was breathing harder than usual, "So these are more than precious gems are they?" He asked Berroth, but didn't expect an answer. He then did something he rarely does with anybody: He took Berroth's member in his mouth, sucking lovingly on the tip, slowly taking more and more in his mouth.

Berroth let out a small roar, the feeling he was getting was too intense for his already sensitive body.

A few minutes and slobbering later, Berroth pushed Az's shoulder, breathing and panting hard, his head reclined back, gazing at the ceiling with his tongue lolling out the side of his muzzle, "Too much for you buddy?" Az asking mocking Berroth's sensitive condition.

The Demoniax however growled at him, grabbing him by the neck, then throwing Az on the hale.

Az was startled by this sudden action, but was more than rewarded for the view in front of him. Berroth standing in all his glory, and all of it was Az's now.

The next thing that happened would make Az think of his choices a bit.

Berroth held Az's pants in both hands, grabbing the pants and underwear together.

Before tearing both right down the middle, "Hey watch it! Those were expensive" Az scolded the Demoniax, but a deep snarl made him quiet, "Shutting up"

Berroth took Az's own member, using his long tongue, he swirled it around Az's cock, stimulating it from all sides. He couldn't close his muzzle properly due to his 'face' and 'muzzle' being made from the same black metal on his body.

After lubing Az's cock, Berroth stood from his place, stepping over Az, and squatting over his member. He took it all to the base with no problems.

Berroth began moving up and down on Az, the rancher had his hands on Berroth's hips, but letting the Demoniax do all the work, for now at least.

Az, finally remembering that they weren't the only ones there, looked over at Locki and Absolos, to find them enjoying an afterglow of their own, Absolos was even long asleep, Locki's back acting as a small bed.

Az suddenly thrust his cock to the hilt in Berroth, holding his hips tightly as if telling him to stay still. Az's hands began roaming all over the Demoniax's body, one hand was caressing Berroth's hips, and the other one was on his chest, tweaking, twisting and pinching his nipples, Az then noticed that Berroth had three pairs of them, one was on the chest in the normal place, the other two pairs were bellow them, the positioning formed somewhat of an unconnected V shape. More to play with later was what Az thinking.

Az now took matters in his own hand, and began thrusting relentlessly in and out of Berroth, the Demoniax was growling and roaring from pleasure. Az then took Berroth's long member in hand, then sucking around the tip, due to Berroth's length, he managed to take a few extra inches below the tip.

Berroth's breathing became harder and more labored, Az noticed this, then take the large cock in both hands, began jerking him hard and fast, taking it out of his mouth, "Come on big boy, shoot for daddy. Let go of all that stress you felt for a long time"

With that final instruction, Berroth couldn't hold it back anymore, slamming his hips down hard on Az's, then letting out an ear splitting roar, accompanied this time by a dangerously strong flame breath, which scared Az a little, Berroth expelled all of his build up tension during his heat, shooting load after generously large load all over Az and some distance behind him, while Az emptied his own balls inside Berroth, painting his insides.

Both lost count of how much they shot, but by the time they were done, they stayed in their place, panting from the workout they put themselves through. Berroth leaned down his body until he was lying over Az, the rancher not wanting to move yet, simply decided to sleep in the barn this time with his three Monsters.

A wide smile crept on his face as sleep finally caught up to him.


2 months later.

Az's ranch was still the talk of the town.

No one would believe that he had tamed a Demoniax, since those Monsters are mostly hot-headed and difficult to control. Merchants even began knocking on his door, asking for Berroth, since the onyxes that grow on his member are priceless, they either wanted to take one or a few, while the more adventurous ones wanted Berroth himself for pretty much the same reason.

All were either turned down or kicked out of the ranch, Az making it clear that he will not hurt Berroth by plucking a stone out of him or even selling him to anyone. He had to use Berroth's flame breath to drive away the stubborn ones.

Berroth and Absolos now were living in the ranch full time, with Berroth acting like the older brother, keeping the other two out of trouble and mostly keeping Locki from running off, he also took upon himself to teach Absolos how to fight and hunt for food, which was mostly small critters left in the world.

Berny and his crew finished most of their work.

The Bird range Az decided to have built along the branches of the large tree behind his ranch, he even asked for a few Nightwing ranges among them.

Nightwings are basically large bats, Their fur is thicker around the neck and reaching to the top of the elbows, with the rest of their bodies having thinner fur, which mostly resemble skin unless you look really closely, their legs were long and fit mostly, with their toes resembling those of a monkey's or ape's. Despite their name, they can fly around in the morning and most actually prefer it.

The Ranges were like gigantic bird cages, that open on one side in the morning to allow the Avians and Nightwings to spread their wings and fly around until sunset, where they all return.

The stables weren't too much of a problem, since he already had stables that his grandfather built for normal horses and life stock, all Berny and his crew had to do was remodel them a little. The stables are homes to Mustangs and Tauruses.

Mustang are simply humanoid horses, skin thin fur also bare the markings of a normal horse, they have normal hooves on their legs, but their fingers have smaller miniature hooves instead of fingertips and nails. Tauruses on the other hand are also humanoid bulls, they have the head and fur a normal bull, but they don't have fur around their midsection, namely from their chest and back to their waist and just above the elbows is bare skin, that on rare occasions have the same coloration and markings of their fur, but mostly resemble a human's skin tone. Both are working Monsters that can lift almost triple their weight, and sometimes more than that, that would explain their hard, tank built bodies.

And finally the kennels were built in a small clearing nearby, several big dog houses, built for individual Lycans and Canids, with a bigger one on one far side of the area for group meetings among the 'pack' there or simply a place for all of them to have 'private' fun. The kennel's area was surrounded by a 20 meter thick and 30 meter tall wall, those were precautions since Canids and Lycans can jump very high and their claws can tear almost anything to pieces.

All that's left now is the Merfolk lake, which according to Berny would be finished sometime next week, but will take time to be filled with water completely.

Az, have already placed orders for a few Monsters.

Three Avians: Two Falcons, and a Cockatrice. Two Nightwings: A Blood Echo and a Sharp Talon. One Taurus and one Mustang. Two Lycans and Two Canids.

He decided not to order a Merfolk yet, since it will be awhile before the Lake is fully completed.

But looking at the ranch now, he could only be happy and is sure that his grandfather would be proud of how big it had become under his management.

And he intends to make it even bigger. With all his Monster companions by his side.