Full Moon Mating - Kylie

Story by Connor on SoFurry

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#1 of Full Moon Mating

A tear rolled down Kylie's cheek, clinging to her skin even as her head began to thrash about. Moments into the transformation, she knew for sure the chains she had set up in her basement would not hold the beast.

"Let me...out! I...want...OUT! AaaarghhhHHH!"

Six months since she had been bitten by some wild animal, and had been cursed to live this sad and lonely existence for three months every night, she spent every day since her first transformation frantically searching for ways to restrain the beast that she never thought lived inside of her. Uncontrollable as the werewolf was, it still had the intellect to open the door of her basement and escape her house. The beast had the instinct to drop on all fours when she needed to dart through the forest outside of her house looking for the next kill, but was stealthy and keen enough to leave as little a mark on civilization as possible, to avoid being captured and forbidden to hunt ever again. The werewolf's hungers were insatiable. Kylie knew, because they began to fill every pore of her being. The change was now in earnest. Her naked body was on fire.

Muscles bulged against her once fragile frame, leading the chains she had bought for this full moon to strain against her burgeoning strength. They had even been laced with silver, a special request that was harder to fulfill than Kylie thought. She had believed it was worth it when she unclothed and locked herself in the chains, which burned against her skin with greater intensity as the full moon began to rise that night. But the burn only pushed the werewolf out into the open even faster.

Ugly hairs sprouted from between her legs and spread like a disease against her skin. She flexed her hands, revealing claws that grew and shone in what little light the basement had from the small windows up above her. Fangs began to poke against her lower lip, and her gums bled, dripping down her chin but also onto her tongue. She was terrified that she actually loved the copper taste of her own blood, knowing she would want more.

Kylie's body tangled up in the chains even more, and burn marks began to form and peek out from underneath her growing fur. The silver irritated the beast, which made it all the more necessary to break free from the bonds she so foolishly placed herself in. No doubt the animal inside her would be furious at the human, and would make her suffer by forcing her to witness even more killing and violence.

Her breathing grew rapid, complemented by a subtle rumbling emanating from her stomach and traveling up her throat, an inhuman noise that began to resemble the fierce growling of an animal. She looked up through the window where the full moon shone down on her, and a trail of saliva dripped from the corner of her mouth and boiled against the patches of fur that had now infected her legs. Kylie had now become so hairy that she felt she was drowning inside the animal that was now breaking free. Her body had grown so big and powerful, yet the humanity she clung to was becoming smaller with every part of her that changed.

Kylie tried to concentrate on something - anything - to take her mind off the pain of the transformation. Her eyes crossed, and became transfixed on her nose, blackening and taking in every foul scent inside her basement. Her senses went wild and the sensations invaded her mind that she could only thrash about some more.

She had been tugging against the chains this whole time. They had been drilled into the wall with what little knowledge of power tools she had the morning of the full moon. Already, she could see that the screws began to twist and wobble against her might. She had always underestimated the strength she had during her transformation, and this latest eventual triumph of escape both horrified her at the dangers she was about to unleash, and excited at the prospect of the wildlife she would kill to sate her hungers.

The transformation neared its end, and perhaps Kylie had settled for the chains holding until the werewolf was fully unleashed. Maybe that was a small enough victory for next time, if she could be sure that stronger restraints would keep the beast at bay. The change began to finally slow, and she knew because of a burning sensation at the bottom of her spine. A tail that she couldn't see was beginning to emerge, the final mark of the cursed animal.

Instinctively, she bit down on her lips with her sharp fangs. She knew she would draw blood and it excited her, but the werewolf inside braced for one more effort, and pulled against the chains. This time, they gave, pulling a chunk of the wall out. The werewolf was thrown against the floor, and in anger, she pulled against the cuffs holding her wrists and ankles. They were no match for her strength, and even though pain seared through Kylie's body as the silver-coated metal burned against her, the wolf was overjoyed to be free, even before the final changes.


A joyful howl to the moon up above signaled the werewolf was free, with Kylie all but helpless and conscious of the terrors she would bring to the outside world. With all fours, she darted up the stairs and pushed through the basement door and out of the house, eager for her first kill of the night.