Full Moon Mating - Evan

Story by Connor on SoFurry

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#2 of Full Moon Mating

Evan kept his breathing under control and his body steady, even as his body warmed to the pull of the change. He was foolish not to have the blinds drawn. He had forgotten the little things in his rush to get into the cage he had built before tonight, so the full moon mercilessly shone through the window and reflected all over the room. It pulled at him, beckoned the animal out of him. Not that contact with the moonlight triggered the actual change, because he had tried confining himself deeper into the forest where the moon wouldn't touch him and still the wolf came out. Still, the moon shining across his bare, crouched body through the bars of his cage made it much more alluring for him to just unleash the animal inside him.

But he owed it to himself and those around him to control the transformation. Even while living alone and feeling safe no one would be hurt tonight now that he had restrained himself, he needed to keep the werewolf at bay to have any semblance of a normal life. Evan kept his thoughts anchored on that prospect, focusing on everything that was human in him to keep from changing. Two years was far too much time to suffer this curse every full moon. He wanted something more than to change into a werewolf every month.

After wiping his brow of sweat, he clutched the bars and looked away at the moon. It burned at his back, and he willed himself to keep from letting the curse take over. Even if he struggled with it tonight, with practice he would be better able to tame the wolf. Rhythmic breathing slowed the change, and even reversed what small changes he could feel throughout his body. When he felt his hands lengthen, he compelled his mind to bring them back into human proportion. When his ears deformed, he ran his fingers over them and they would round out, back to normal. If he could maintain control all night, the beast could be contained. He would not have to be a werewolf.


That howl! He was sure the entire neighborhood had heard that wolf, but his heightened senses had focused on it. To most, it sounded like a wolf, but Evan knew for sure there was something partly, barely human to it. It sang to the moon, but something in him wanted to believe it called out to him. Beckoning him to it. To her. It was a female! A shewolf!

His head banged against the bars of the cage. Evan felt his heart pound faster, as it did when the full moon first broke above the horizon, which had to have been an hour or so ago. The werewolf inside him wanted to meet the beast that it had heard. It felt excited, evidenced only by the rush of blood to his manhood. For the first time tonight, after an evening of determination, Evan felt ashamed. How could he be undone by this feeling of...lust?

"Stay calm," he said to himself, "Stay human. You need to...no. No!"



Subconsciously or not, a part of him was more determined to transform in response to a potential mate than the rest of him wanted to keep the animal caged up. And that part of him was bubbling to the surface, meeting the moon and forcing his body to change, making it more painful, more intense.

Hair exploded across the backs of Evan's hands. Had he let the change come naturally, it would have spread more gradually and more slowly. But the beast inside of him was spiteful, and the change accelerated through him, past the point where he could not turn back the werewolf. Evan bared his fangs at the moon, and rattled the bars of the cage. It was bolted to the floor, but it didn't feel so secure. And that bit of his mind that wanted to remain imprisoned was fading away, replaced with a growing desire to escape. He knew he had slipped the key underneath the couch, next to the cage. In case he did change that night, the wolf's arms were too big to reach under the sofa. Maybe while he was still partly human, he could release himself and be free.

His body spasmed again, and he curled up into a ball. In a fetal position, Evan could feel hair - fur - sprouting all over him. The hair on his legs and knees pressed against his furry cheek as he braced for the pain. Whimpering cries for help to no one in particular turned into pained growls underneath his lips. He had become so big, so muscular now, that he began to throw his body against the cage almost involuntarily. His mind, quickly becoming more animalistic, remembered the key. With so little time left, he tried to reach through the bars with his furred arm. It had become so much bigger that it was a struggle to fit through the bars. When the wolf realized it was futile, Evan burst out in anguish, letting the rest of the changes take over.

Lying on his back and letting the moonlight wash over him and burn the werewolf out of him, he watched his claws elongate into deadly talons. They would not be strong enough to tear through the metal cage he found himself in, but when he balled his hands into fists, he let his own blood drip all over him. It was a mix of pain and pleasure, but it served a greater purpose. He banged his knuckles into the top of the cage, making an indentation. It hurt so much, but not nearly as much as the transformation itself. He drove his other fist into the metal surface, damaging the cage even further. He was making so much racket that the neighbors were sure to hear, but he didn't care. The animal wanted out.

Covered in fur, Evan's body sprouted a tail and his face developed a wolfish snout, but he was less fascinated about the final changes than he was in the prospect of escaping. The wolf inside of him was getting stronger, and he could feel the power surging in his veins.

Another howl from outside steeled his motivation toward freedom, and so he continued banging at the top of the cage. With each swift blow to the hard, metal surface, small indentations turned into larger deformations until the metal was bloodied by his hands. Still, he continued to attempt escape. The werewolf's determination was rewarded when he could push on the metal until it tented up at the center. And so, with one final push, Evan the werewolf thrust himself upward, and the cage's ceiling finally gave way. For the first time tonight, he stood up on his two legs, free of his own confines. His transformation complete, he arched his furry body backwards, lifted his wolfish head and sang to the moon.


Absent-mindedly, the werewolf looked at a reflective surface along the wall near the window. It was him, fully transformed, covered in pitch black fur and wolfish features complete with feral, glowing eyes. The werewolf was never going to be controlled like that on a full moon ever again.


The werewolf remembered why it was determined to change, despite the human's resolve. Another werewolf was beckoning him to escape! He licked his fangs and snarled. He was going to meet this new shewolf. Without a second thought, he burst through the window - weakened from the werewolf's redoubled efforts, Evan's mind lacked all the human intellect to find his way to the front door - and landed on the backyard lawn below. His strength was so that he leapt up over the fence and into the forest to meet the shewolf that called out to him to change.