Welcome to Nexus: Chapter 5

Story by Darkscribe on SoFurry

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#5 of Welcome to Nexus: Year One

We walked out into of the infirmary and into the real school. It looked very regal, like it was designed for the Queen Victoria of Hell.

"Surprising isn't it?" Cerberus said calmly. "Almost like they do this just to see the reaction on people's faces." He chuckled.

"Yea..." I whispered, not really listening.

"We should go up to our dorm, it's getting kinda close to being dinner time," Arkk said and patted his stomach.

Cerberis shrugged. "I'm not really that hungry, but I don't wanna be a buzzkill."

"Alrightey then! Let's get going!" Arkk said and started walking up the stairs. I began to follow them, but then I looked down the hall and saw something. It was a big circle of kids, tightly packed, so that no one could push past them. I walked over to them, my walk turning into a jog as I heard a scream and the sound of blows as I got closer.

"What's going on?" I asked the nearest kid when I finally got there. He turned to me and shushed me.

"Hey! Just tell me what's happening," I said angrily. He turned to me with a clear look of annoyance in his face. As he turned, I saw past his shoulder and saw two demons, one with the same kind of look as Arkk, and the other who looked like a human except for the bottom jaw which was split down the middle, almost like the aliens from Halo, and the sickly grey-green skin.

He punched the other one in the face and sent him into the wall of kids, who only pushed him back.

"It's a fight! Ain'tcha ever seen one before?" the kid said and pushed my shoulder, forcing me to step back a bit.

"Don't fuckin' touch me! I'll beat the shit out of you, kid!" I screamed. I didn't like being provoked.

"Oh, big tough girly wants to fight me! Bring it on, ba-" I stopped him from getting out the last part of his sentence with a knee in the stomach. He keeled over and started convulsing on the ground. The fight stopped and the kids looked at me. The split-jawed demon stopped choking the

Arkk-looking demon with his grey-green tongue and looked at me. The demon that I hit's friends came over and made sure he was ok.

"Who the fuck are you?" Split-lip walked up and asked.

"I'm...a new student, I didn't mean to interrupt you guys," I said. However tough I was, I didn't think I could take on this guy. He looked like he was about to kill his previous victim, who was now coughing and sputtering on the ground as two other kids tried to help him breathe.

"Well, guess what? Ya did. But I'm a nice guy, aren't I Screech?" he turned his head towards a demon leaning against a wall. The demon was avian in appearance, almost like an anthro

gryphon except with bat wings instead of avian wings.

"Oh yea! Very nice guy!" he chirped.

Split-lip turned his attention back to me. "So, I'm gonna let you off with a warning. But, everybody only gets one warning and you just wasted yours. Watch your back for the rest of your time

here, or you won't have eyes to watch it with. Names Crow, by the way."

Suddenly a voice called out: "Hey! No fights in this hallway! Take it somewhere else!"

It was a prefect who had been walking by and noticed the fight.

The crowd dispersed, all but me and this Crow character. He stared at me for a few seconds before the demon leaning against the wall walked up and started tugging on his shoulder.

"C'mon Crow, let's get out of here before they give us detentions," he said nervously.

"Whatever," Crow muttered and turned his back on me, walking down the hall.

"Hey Jarra!" I heard someone call my name. I turned to see it was Arkk and Cerberus who had come to find me. "Whatcha doing? C'mon! We're gonna miss dinner!"

"On my way!" I called back. I looked back towards Crow and Screech. They had already left sight, most likely took a turn or something.

I ran up to the guys and we all started walking towards the mess hall.

"Hey, where's Kyra? Didn't she go with you guys?" I asked.

"Yea, she'll be there shortly, she just had to fix some things up in the room." Cerberis said.

Kyra was unpacking some of her things into a trunk next to her bed. She had mostly chew toys and a few different color collars, some of which were quite fancy for special occasions. She took a few small boxes out of her suitcase and revealed a pink vibrator that she thought she had left at home. She took it out of the case and laid it on the nightstand. She kept unpacking, but she suddenly couldn't take her mind off it. For some reason or another, she felt this incredible urge to play!

"Everybody's at the mess hall, nobody will know if I just have a little fun with myself," she thought to herself. She searched through her stuff until she found a small bottle of KY and squirted a little in her expert hand. She rubbed the jelly all over the vibrator and lay down on her bed, vibrator in paw. She spread her legs gingerly, revealing her tight pink pussy.

"It's been at least a week since master and I had sex...I hope I haven't gotten too tight." She thought to herself again. "Oh well, let's give it a try."

She began rubbing the tip of the vibrator against the pink flesh between her legs. She let out a silent moan of pleasure, shudders breaking out all over her body. Her hips pushed forwards and drove the tip just little further inside her, making her sensitive clit vibrate and sending chills of pleasure skirting through her lower body. She growled and pushed it in about halfway, tearing a stifled moan from her damaged (yet talented) throat. However amazing this was, Kyra couldn't get enough!

"Ooooh...I guess I'm not as *pant* tight as I thought I'd be...it's a *pant* perfect fit *pant," she thought and pushed it deeper, bringing climax ever closer. Kyra was just about to start finishing up when she felt a tongue start to lap at her pussy. She was surprised at first and began to open her eyes, but they were gently re-closed by a scaly hand.

"That has to be Master! I'd know *moan* that tongue...anywhere!" she thought and relaxed, pulling the vibrator out as the tongue swirled and teased, pleasuring every part of her most important organ. Kyra reached out to grab Cerberis's head to push him closer to her body, but when she reached out, she felt nothing. Her eyes shot open and she looked down. There was nothing there! The licking stopped, Kyra was completely alone in her room.

"What the hell?" she thought and quickly jumped out of her bed, shaking a little, though more out of surprise and pleasure than out of fear. Kyra reached down to pick up her collar, and at the same time, thought she heard a voice behind her.


Kyra my dear...

Come and play with us...

Kyra yelped in fear, snapped her collar on, and bolted for the door. It slammed shut before she made it out and a dark laugh filled the room as Kyra shrunk into a corner...
