Twilight Eros Chapter 5

Story by specterHSC on SoFurry

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#5 of Twilight Eros

Spec and Cindy go all the way! And a bit more insight into Wolf Pack Magazine. The subject of Alpha and Omegas will be talked about again in the future.

Random Trivia for this chapter, I'm not a super fan of chocolate cake but I do love me some Devil's food. I think I like Angel's food better but as far as chocolate cake goes Black Forrest would be my favorite.

Twilight Eros icon created by the talented zenia

Chapter 5

Spec sat at the edge of the bed slipping on his robe. After he fastened the robes belt he turned in time to see Cindy slipping on a well worn green tee shirt. She stood up revealing the shirt was a bit big on her. It went down past her crotch covering her privates as she was not wearing any underwear. Spec watched as the back pulled up enough to show off her ass when her tail moved upward. She turned just enough to notice Spec looking.

"Like what you see?"

She lifted her tail higher and bent forward basically mooning him. Spec laughed as he patter her lightly, giving her a squeeze.

"In any other situation I'd be scared of a skunk doing that to me."

"The night is still young."

She stood up wrapping her arms around his neck. After a quick kiss on the lips she took his hands and led him to the kitchen.

"I hope you like devil's food."

"It's actually one of my favorite chocolate flavor cakes."

Spec watched as Cindy applied the finishing touches to the dessert. He was a bit envious at her baking skills. Baking was not one of his strong points when it came to cooking.

"You are going to have to teach me some baking tips some time."

"Baking isn't that hard once you get a good grasp of ingredient ratios and how they react when you bake them. Also you can't be turned off if they don't come out right the first time."

Cindy finished frosting her cake and stepped back to admire it. The stroke patterns were a little rough but no one seemed to mind. This was a cake for eating, not displaying. Cindy started to lick her fingers clean of the frosting she got on them. After licking her thumb and middle finger clean she turned to Spec hold out her hand.

"Care for a taste?"

Taking her hand in his he licked the length of her finger before placing it entirely into his mouth. Suckling like an infant, he felt a stirring in his crotch again. He didn't know why but there was a strong erotic allure that came from finger sucking. Cindy let out a soft barely audible moan as she watched him. There was some unspoken connection between them. As their eyes met they realized it. They stood there gazing at each other unsure of what to say. The moment was almost perfect but both wanted more.

"Would you like some milk with your cake?"

"Yeah, that sounds good. I'll get us some glasses while you slice the cake."

Spec went to fetch the milk and two small cocktail glasses as Cindy looked for a cake or pie server. It wasn't hard to find as Spec kept fairly organized drawers. Before she had the chance to look, Spec had placed two small plates next to the cake.

"How big of a slice would you like?"

"Medium size I guess. Not small but not huge."

She took a guess and ending up splitting a little less then half of the cake between them. As Spec finished pouring the milk Cindy came up from behind him giving him a surprise kiss on the cheek.

"Why don't you take the cake to the bed room? I'll be with you in just a sec. I want to load the dishwasher."

"Oh, okay. See you in a bit."

Spec didn't care for using the dishwasher. It always felt like the dishes needed to be washed a second time. But considering Cindy was the one who wanted to do the dishes he wasn't about to argue with her. He made two trips. The first for the cake slices, the second for the milk. It wasn't long before Cindy returned to join him.

"Sorry about that. I just don't like the idea of pots sitting over night unless you need to soak them."

"I know what you mean. It bugs me too."

Spec paused as Cindy slid next to him. Her scent was sweet but it wasn't just her soap. She noticed him taking a few deep breaths.

"What's wrong? Do I smell bad or something?"

"No, you smell nice. I... I like the way you smell."

Spec's face was getting hot. If it wasn't for his fur it would be easy to tell he was blushing. Cindy smiled at the compliment as she leaned in with her nose raised up. She moved her head about as she took similar breaths like that of Spec's. He eyes closed, she gave a soft moan as she laid her head on Spec's chest causing him to lie back as well.

"I like the way you smell too. And not just because you used my soap."

"What do you mean then?"

"I mean your robe. It has your scent on it."

She raised her hand to rest it on his chest. In turn he raised his hand and rested it on her head. The mood was intimate as they laid still.

"Truth is I noticed it when I first tried your robe on. When I got out of the shower I wanted to smell you again. That's when I found myself putting your robe on. I guess I just wanted to be wrapped in your scent."

"You like it that much?"

"Well like I said before one of the things I like about books are their scents."

She moved her head to look at Spec while still resting on his chest.

"And just like a good book, you have a good scent."

Spec smiled, flattered by the comment as he petted Cindy's head. He didn't know it at the time but he gave her one of the greatest compliments she ever received. It's common knowledge most people do not care for how skunks smell. But to find someone that not only doesn't mind her scent, but love it as well... She knew Spec was someone special. Cindy took a moment to soak in the surrounds before sitting up to retrieve the plates.

"Come on. Let's enjoy this while it's still fresh."

She hands him his plate with the slightly larger piece on it. Spec was a bit amused by her enthusiasm.

"You just made it a couple of hours ago. I doubt it will go bad that fast."

He is interrupted by a sudden moist, chocolate sensation in his mouth. Cindy had slipped him a piece from her plate to quiet him down.

"While that might be true I still say one should never take fresh cake for granted. Wouldn't you agree?"

She slowly removed her fork from his mouth allowing him to enjoy the soft texture and rich flavors. As he swallowed, he couldn't help but agree with her.

"Point taken, but it seems that now I owe you a piece."

He cut off a portion of his slice with his fork, bringing it to Cindy's lips. She was playfully hesitant at first, looking away like a child that didn't want to be fed. She quickly changed her attitude seeing Spec would not budge as he held the piece out for her. Leaning forward she took the fork in her mouth, pulling back slowly to have the offered piece. The two laughed at their own actions as they ate the rest of their dessert normally. Cindy moved her body so that she was laying on her stomach now.

"So is it true your sister works for Wolf Pack?"

Spec paused as he was caught off guards by the question. He took a moment to chew the cake in his mouth before having a sip of milk to wash it down.

"Yeah, she plays a pretty important part for the magazine."

"What does she do for them?"

"She is kind of their lead photographer."

Cindy paused with her fork in her mouth. Spec's response was not one she was expecting.

"She is the lead photographer of Wolf Pack magazine?"

Spec nods as he has another bit of cake.

"She is also their photo editor. She stays local most of the time but once in awhile she goes over seas for special location shoots."

Cindy took a moment to process this as she nibbled on the tip of her fork.

"The way Jon talked about it I figured she was an office worker or maybe a model. Has she ever been to the mansion?"

Spec looked off as if annoyed at the thought.

"Several times, more then I can remember. And she has thought about being an alpha or omega but never went through with it. She said there would have to be certain conditions for her to actually model."

"Have you ever been?"

Spec just sat silent for a bit. He was uneasy as he thought about the question.

"Yeah... It really isn't anything special though."

"Nothing special, how can you say that? It's the Wolf Pack mansion! I know people that would sell their souls just to spend a night there."

"It's not my thing okay? I just... It's more Luna's life style."

Spec sighed and rested his head in his hand. It was obvious he was upset. Cindy sat up slowly into a kneeling position.

"I'm sorry Spec. I didn't want to upset you or anything."

"It's okay. You didn't mean anything by it I know. I just get frustrated when people try to talk to me about it. Even more so when they find out Luna works for Wolf Pack. They want me to hook them up with her. They think they can get into the mansion or hook up with an alpha or omega model."

Spec looked off, rubbing his chin as he reflected. Cindy slowly crawled over to him, placing his hand on his shoulder. The sudden touch caused him to look back and her. Their eyes locked together, she slowly reaches around his body giving him a tight hug. He returns the affections as his eyes get a bit watery.

"You want to see a picture of Luna?"

Cindy pulled away nodding with a smile. Spec also cracked a smile as he wiped his eyes. He reached for his phone pulling up his photos. He pulled up a photo of a woman. She has the same grayish silver fur and blue eyes as he does. The only difference that stands out is her hair is much darker, brunet like.

"She's beautiful. Aside from the hair she could be a female version of you."

"Well... She is my twin sister."

Cindy started laughing as she looked at the picture again. She noticed the blue choker around Luna's neck. There was a round token hanging from the choker with the letter "L" on it.

"That is a cute choker she has on."

"She likes how they feel on her. I got her one when she was sixteen and has been in love with them since."

"That's sweet of you. You two must be close."

She returned her head to Spec's chest as he turned his phone off.

"We get along pretty well for siblings. Our parents are grateful we didn't fight much. Well, we didn't fight much as kids at least. She is a fan of pro wrestling. Especially of Canadian wrestlers and submission holds. To say she practices on me when I'm not paying attention would be an understatement."

A small burst of air escapes Cindy's mouth as she tries to hold back a laugh. Spec scoffs but is glad the mood had lightened. He reached over to grab his cake finishing the last two bites. Cindy sits up gathering the dishes after Spec is finished with his milk.

"I'll be right back. I'm going to put these in the dish washer and start it up."

Spec watched as she left, hypnotized by her swaying tail. He shook his head once she was out of sight. Sitting up, he untied his robe and set it on the ground beside the bed.

"Somebody is getting ready."

Spec looked up to see Cindy leaning against the door frame. As she takes a step forward she reaches down to lift off her shirt. Fully naked she reached the edge of the bed and started to crawl on all fours. Spec reached out cup her breast again, massaging them softly causing her to moan.

"You really like them don't you?"

"I like everything about you Cindy."

She lowered her body almost pining him. She ran her hands over his shoulders and gave him a kiss. Nuzzling her face against his she moved towards his ears and whispered,

"Prove it."

Spec heard her words and moved his hands from her breast to embrace her in a tight hug. They kissed as he explored every little curve of her body. From the small of her back to the nape of her neck, his hands never stopped moving. Shivers went up her spine as his nails dragged across her sides from her waist to just under the arm pits. Arching her back from the sensation caused her to grind her crotch into Spec's leg. She was already quite wet.

"Spec, I'm ready for you."

He responded by nodding and slowly turning her onto her back. Her moans were muffled as he kissed her again while caressing her breast. The anticipation caused her to rub her legs together as he could feel the heat coming from her crotch. Pulling away slowly, he kept eye contact as he reached down to part her legs.

His body now keeping them apart, he stroked himself slowly to become fully erect. With a firm hold around his cock he rubbed his tip against Cindy's wet slit. He teased her for several strokes, gathering her wetness as he ran his entire shaft against her.

"No more teasing Spec, please fuck me."

Spec took to her words, gripping his cock for support as he pressed into her warm opening. Cindy bit her lower lip and closed her eyes as she felt him enter. A muffled moan could be heard as she wrapped her arms around his body. Taking hold of his shoulders, she held him close as he grinded his hips into hers. Grunts and gasps could be heard as bodies moved in unison, back in forth almost creating waves. Cindy loosened her grip on Spec's shoulders. Moving her hands to her side, her body relaxed a bit as she grew accustomed to Spec's movements.

"Harder Spec, do me harder!"

He responded with a powerful thrust of his hips. He could feel the head of his cock press against her cervix, causing her to let out a small gasp. He pulled back to gauge her reaction. She placed one of her hands onto his chest and looked up at him.

"Do it just like that Spec, and faster. I want more."

She bit her lip again as Spec pulled back preparing for another thrust. This time he doesn't hesitate as he slowly built up his pace. The rhythmic sound of his hips slapping against her raised legs fill the room. Cindy let out a continuous low moan that changed each time their bodies connected. Spec reached a constant pace, fast enough to be pleasurable but no so much that he would climax early. His breathing matched his thrusting now as the heat radiating from both of them was incredible. He looked down at Cindy whose eyes were closed. Her face showed she was in the throws of pleasure as her hand that was not on his chest was reaching behind her. She turned her head from side to side as she continued to moan.

Spec held his position for a moment to lean forward. He caught Cindy off guards as he kissed her, his tongue entering her mouth dancing with hers. She returned the surprise as she bit down lightly on his tongue as he pulled it back. She followed up by biting his upper lip following another kiss. It was playful, yet aggressive as Spec continued to grind his hips into her not wanting to let the momentum drop for too long. Moving back to his original position, he starts thrusting again. His hands now groping her breast, Spec's mind goes blank as he draws near.

"I'm going to cum soon Cindy!"

"Do it inside me! Just don't stop until you do!"

Spec's thrusting quickened and intensified, as the slapping of bodies grew louder. His breathing became more rapid. He started panting as he holds onto Cindy by her waist. She felt it too as both of her hands was reaching behind her trying to find anything to hold for support. Out of no where she wrapped her legs around Spec's waist. It made it a bit difficult for him to move but he continued best he could. He held on as long as possible when suddenly he felt Cindy tighten around his cock. She let out a long moan as her hips shook violently. Spec was at his limit as he moved his hands onto the bed. Supporting himself up he feel his balls squeeze tight as he came inside of Cindy. He made a strained grunt as he emptied himself into her, barely able to hold his body up when he finished.

When Cindy finally stopped shaking her legs went limp, falling to either side of Spec. Both were catching their breath as Spec slowly pulled out of her, a small trail of cum flowing out of her vagina. Spec looked at it for a moment before sliding down Cindy's body. She was in a slight daze when suddenly she felt him licking her. She looked down to see Spec lapping up his own cum that was flowing out of her.

"Spec, what are you doing?"

He paused to look up at her. He slowly scooted his body up to lay next to her.

"I don't know. I just saw you leaking and, something came over me."

Spec wanted to say more but he looked into Cindy's eyes and knew he didn't need to. They smiled at each other before kissing. Spec was on his back as Cindy cuddled up to him. Resting on his chest she let of a soft moan of approval as Spec placed a hand on her head.

"You want to clean up now?"

She shook her head, rubbing her face into his chest.

"Not yet. I want to stay just like this, at least for a little bit."

Spec nodded as he continued to pet her head. Both closed their eyes, content as they cuddled each other slowly drifting into sleep.