Happy Anniversary - Chapter 9

Story by FeralByNature on SoFurry

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#10 of Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary, Part 9. A little darker this time around.

Happy Anniversary - Chapter 9

Jordan and Abigail spent the next few minutes pondering their situation, and what they would end up doing about it. Here they were: a being now comprised of both of their original bodies being offered free and, supposedly, consequence-free sex in a hotel that allows for such a thing! Needless to say, they were in two minds of it.

"How can such a place be like this?!" Jordan asked out loud. "The nerve of it! Offering...But we're married! Surely they know this!" I guess they want us to be more...open with the possibility? Become swingers or something?

_ _ "Nonononono, no way, not a chance. You're my wife, even if you are...well, ME now. Us..? Whatever, the point is..." Jordan took a deep sigh. "It should go without saying that I love you dearly, you know that. And it just...It sickens me that someone would assume I'd go for the next woman whenever I had the chance."

Honey, listen. I'm sure that girl didn't mean anything by it. Maybe it was just a courtesy, a requirement to offer it to patrons? I mean, we ARE technically one person now, so...maybe the definition is a little different? Maybe...

Their thoughts were interrupted by another knock at their door. Confused, they got up and checked to see who would be at their room this time; perhaps Jeanne, the receptionist, had forgotten to mention something. What they saw, however, was something they had not expected.

Two people were waiting to be let in: a man and a woman, both fennec foxes and both completely naked! They just stood there like statues, the male well-toned and flaccid, the female placing her hands over her navel, accentuating her breasts, her nipples perky in the chill morning air.

"Good morning, sir and madam", the male fennec began. "My name is Andrew, and this is my wife, Sylvia." The female fox, Sylvia, gave a curtsey and a simple smile. "We're both employed here at the Pantheon, as...well; I suppose you could call us the 'relief staff'. Our job is to offer our services to the patrons, new and old, as a complimentary gift."

It took a moment for Jordan and Abigail to comprehend what they were saying, but it quickly dawned on them. These two nude figures were offering them sexual relief while they were one body! They knew they should be disgusted with the hotel staff's assumption that they would take up such an offer, but the feelings were mixed with unexpected and reluctant surges of arousal and curiousity. Some primitive parts of their combined minds pondered what feeling these two people in the throes of ecstasy would be like, while the more inquisitive parts of each other wanted to know how the other sex felt during such an act. Jordan had never been privy to being the submissive party during his and Abby's romps, so he had never known what it would be like to be penetrated; likewise, Abigail had never simulated the feeling of having male genitals. The combined feelings of both Jordan and his wife were beginning to overwhelm and confuse the fused being.

In a daze, Jordan gestured the two fennecs to come in out of the hallway, mainly out of embarrassment that people would see these two stark foxes in front of their room, though they couldn't deny that a small part of them wanted to see what they could do.

Jordan! These....These two are really...s-sexy...I...I can't stop feeling so horny...

Jordan suspected the reason that the two strangers were so attractive to them was due to their shared, and doubled, genitals, giving them a stronger libido. It wasn't so farfetched to think that the potion they drank the night before had not completely worn off, still enhancing their sexual needs to greater heights, or that the two foxes had some sort of pheromones that excited those of the opposite sex.

The male fox, Andrew, spoke again. "Listen, we want you to understand something: My wife and I are not prostitutes, whores, sluts, or anything you think we might be. This is our job, yes, but we also respect the boundaries of our patrons at this establishment. We understand if some people are put off by such an offer, and as such, we choose not to force ourselves onto others that don't want our services. So please realise: we'll leave you be if this is too much for the both of you; our motto is: "Respect the client". The two foxes recited the phrase in unison, Sylvia having a surprisingly husky voice for such a well-shaped and feminine-looking woman.

The revelation of this fact made Jordan and Abigail breathe a sigh of great relief; knowing that this was to be their choice if they wanted to engage in activities with the married foxes calmed their minds a great deal. At least they could rest in the fact that they weren't being truly pressured into the act; merely given an opportunity should they choose to do so.

Jordan took a steady breath and began to speak. "With...ahem. With all due respect, I...we think you should--"


Jordan was taken aback by the suddenness of his wife's outburst, stumbling for a second, feeling his legs turn weak...and then his hands, followed by his vision fading. Oh no, he thought. He knew what this meant: Abigail was taking control of their body. But why? Why did she want to be in charge right now? Surely she couldn't mean to...

He soon found himself without a physical form, looking out through eyes that he could not control as Abigail assuming full control of their shared form. She took a moment to compose herself before taking over from Jordan's speech. "N-now then..." She caught her breath as the dizziness wore off slowly. "I'd...I'd like for you two to...umm.....s-stay...just for a little while..."

WHAT?! Abby! What are you doing!?

"Jordan...I...I just want to try a few things, that's all. Just some...experimenting."

This is absurd! You're my wife, how can you even think of sleeping with someone else!?

_ _ "Because....Because...." Jordan felt her hesitance in admitting her reason, but he waited for her to continue, not daring to force her to speak. Her breathing was shaky again, and she held herself to stop from trembling and crying.


"I'm...I'm a nymphomaniac..."

Jordan couldn't believe what he had just heard. His wife...was into adultery? In all the years he had known her, he had never suspected she would be that type of person. The revelation of this was almost too much for him to process; how could he view Abby the same way ever again?

Y-you...You enjoy...having sex...with others...even though we're MARRIED?

"N-no, I...I swear I never did anything while we were dating, I promise you. I...I used to, though...before we met..."

"Excuse us," said Sylvia, knocking Abigail out of her trance. "But, if this is a tough moment for the two of you, we'd be happy to give you some space."

"N-no...Just...I need some water." Abigail quickly left the bedroom and darted into the bathroom, locking the door behind her. She splashed cold water in her face and stared into the mirror, letting Jordan and her see eye-to-eye, metaphorically. "Okay...Now, please...d-don't be mad, sweetie...I swear...I never slept with anything else when I met you. You were the only one I loved when we met; I...I told myself I would never do it again...I...I'm sorry..."

Jordan was flooded with his wife's sadness and self-resentment. He could feel that she genuinely regretted what she had done in the past, and that she spoke truthfully when she said she had been faithful to him over the many years they had been in love. He gave her comforting thoughts and sensations as she began to cry, curling up into the foetal position on the floor.

Oh...my Abby. It's alright...I'm not going to hold the past against you, you know I won't. What you did back then is gone and done with. Besides, I don't love you for what you used to be. I love you for what I know you are: a loving woman, with a kind heart. It doesn't bother me that you used to practice something like that.

"But...I....I at least owe you...an explanation of it. Will you allow me that?"

Of course. I promise I'll do my best to not judge you. Just don't be shocked or anything if I'm a little freaked out.

_ _ "Okay...okay." Abigail wiped the tears from her eyes, taking deep, slow breaths as she began to recount her story to her husband. "When I was...about 17, 18, I had this boyfriend...His name was Aaron, and he...Well, I'll say this: I was the stupid girl back then, into bad boys and partying. After we graduated high school, we got married. Rather rushed, I know, but we were young and in...Well, almost love.

"When we were married...He started taking me to these...these clubs, sort of like...o-orgies..." She choked at this point, the memory of it surfacing in her mind; Jordan caught glimpses of a Mohawk-sporting jackal with a cigarette in his hand, tattoos on his face, and a piercing on his...penis?! Ouch, thought Jordan quietly. Who DOES that?

"We, um...We were going to these places maybe...twice a week, for hours. There were so many people there...all naked and...And fucking like beasts. Of course, being the...the idiot that I was, I was part of it...another body in the crowd. God...I can still remember all the times I was...taken from...s-so many angles..."

It's alright, Abby. Take your time on it; I won't force you to go on.

Abigail sniffled. "Thank you. Anyway...After a time...I...I ended up....falling pregnant...from one of the countless strangers at that place. I was terrified...I was too young to take care of a baby, and...I knew Aaron would never help me raise it. And I knew I couldn't tell my family or friends. What could I have said? 'I'm pregnant with some orgy-lover's fuck-baby'? No...I kept it hidden for a while, just...wondering what I should do. I never told Aaron about it, and he never asked, or figured it out.

"So...I decided to do something drastic...I knew I couldn't keep the baby, and I knew no-one would want a....a child born of rampant sex, booze and drugs...so I...I....I had an abortion..." With this confession, Abigail broke; tears streamed down her face and sobs wracked her body. Jordan, for his part, was in utter shock. To hear that his wife had such a traumatic experience was too much for him to bear, as well. Had he possessed a body of his own, he would have wept with her. As it was, all he could do was float in her consciousness and become enveloped in her grief. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Abigail spoke again, hiccups breaking her words apart every few seconds.

"I-I told Aaron...after I had the...He w-wasn't pleased...kept screaming, 'Why did you do that?', 'Why wouldn't you tell me?' He started...calling me a stupid bitch for not trusting him...for not being smart enough to keep the b-baby...He...he slapped me...hurt me so hard that day...I knew...I couldn't stay with him...I had to leave...I packed my things while he slept, then...ran. I ran away, back to my home...My parents were so shocked to see me...dishevelled, crying, bruised and cold on their doorstep so late...

"I didn't tell them about the baby...I couldn't tell them, th-they would've been devastated...All I said was that Aaron beat me for not listening to him...I called the police on him in the morning...and they took him away after I showed them my face... Last I heard of him....he, uhmm...He was b-beaten in prison...other inmates...k-k-killed him...Oh god......he d-died because of m-m-m--"

Sshhhhhh, sh-sh-sh-sh. Honey, no. It is not your fault that happened. Don't beat yourself up about it. You can't blame yourself for someone you didn't know was going to happen. All you did was what you felt was right; you are NOT a murderer...

Abigail's sobbing filled the room once more as the feelings of guilt began to overwhelm her, muffling and suffocating Jordan's consciousness to a degree that he couldn't tell his mind from hers. Abby...Have you...seen anyone about this?

"No, I...I was ashamed...I thought that...if someone knew what I had done, they would hate me...and...and...Y-you don't know...how many times I thought about.....ending myself in the weeks that passed...So many t-times...B-but...I did tell my parents about it... to an extent, just the beating and the...loss of Aaron...They got me on antidepressants, and...That kept me alive...After a time, I...I learned how to smile again, and move on from what had happened...until now...

"Seeing those...those naked foxes out there...I flashed back to when I was...a wh-whore...and the baby I could have had...and the man I imprisoned and killed...Jordan...I need help...Please...help me, please..."

Jordan was silent for the longest time, absorbing all of the information Abby had just told him. All the guilty feelings, grief and sorrow, depression and self-hatred...It threatened to destroy her, he could feel it. And sharing a body now, it was coming close to destroying him too. He couldn't bear to watch his wife in such pain, to see her so wracked with dark thoughts and anguish that she was near inconsolable.

To the best of his ability, he attempted something. He focused his thoughts on their right arm, as hard as he could, and sure enough, he began to feel something. He was in control of one of their arms now. With it, he reached around Abigail's midsection as tightly as he could; for now, this was the best he could offer while they shared this body. His wife needed him, and he would do what he could, everything he could, to make sure she didn't destroy herself.

Abigail, listen to me, and please, listen very closely. I am...absolutely and MADLY in love with you, and everything you've done, everything you do, everything you WILL do, I will always, ALWAYS forgive you for it. I will never ever hate you, and I promise that I will stand by your side for the rest of my life and yours. He reached down with their right hand and held their ring finger in front of her eyes.

You see this ring? This ring is the symbol of our union, our love, our devotion to each other. "Til death do us part", remember? And I will forever stand by that oath. I swear to you, we are going to get you as much help as you need to get past this, and I will be with you every single step of the journey, no matter how harsh and painful it will be. You know why? Because you are my wife. And more than that, you are the only woman in my life that I would gladly and repeatedly give my life for, just to be sure that you are happy, safe and ALIVE. No force on the planet can ever stop me from being your husband, and no power alive can prevent me from loving you. You are my one, my only, my love, Abigail~

"Oh god...Jordan...I love you so much~" Though her tears stung her eyes and made her cheeks wet, Abigail managed to utter those words to her unseen lover. She held the hand controlled by Jordan with her own, linking the fingers together, holding hands with him for what had seemed like a lifelong gap since the last time they had touched each other. Eventually, Abigail found the strength to stand, returning to the bedroom, where the naked foxes were still waiting.

"Hello again," said Andrew. "I hope the two of you feel better now. I won't pry into your personal lives, but rest assured: You and your lover will get through even the toughest of spots in your lifetime. Sylvia and I have been through rough times, and we've come out stronger than ever for it." He turned to his nude wife and kissed her sweetly then. "Take it from a man with experience: It always works out in the end."

With that, he stood, taking his wife's hand and heading for the door. Before they left the room, the two turned to face the couple, and in unison, chanted: "Happy anniversary to you~". With that last blessing, they left, leaving the fused couple to their own privacy, lying on the bed and resting after such a tiring morning. The day was still young, but they needed the break; after all, with hours left until they separated, they would take as much time as they needed to simply enjoy the joy of their union. For the first time in a long while, they smiled as they rested.