Of Cats and Curiosities

Story by magnetic_kitty on SoFurry

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#1 of Of Cats and Curiosities

Short story, might make squeal. It's like 3 AM so hopefully not too many mistakes...

It was a cold night, and nearby I could hear the howl of a wolf. Its mournful cry sounded like it was right beside me.. partly because wolves' voices carry well, and partly because he was, indeed, right beside me. I was next to the wolf enclosure; I always admired the creatures. They were smart, hunting and living in groups. They were social creatures, which reminded me a little of humans in that regard. There were no other people around, all the other staff leaving for the night around 8 P.M. when the zoo closed. But I came after everyone left, to clear my head. A lot had been going on in my life recently, and I needed time and space to think. My small apartment was a tired space. Nothing new or interesting to do there, and worst of all it was where I had spent my time with him. The rooms still smelled of his presence. He had left me for another, and I still had not gotten over it. But I didn't have enough money to move away from the memories. So I was stuck, living in a place that reminded me of him every time I stepped through the door. Though I had thrown out most of his things, I still ran into the occasional gift he had given me. The air still smelled like his cheap cologne. Even things like my favorite lounge chair reminded me of him. We sat there when we made love on occasion; He sat there as he told me it wouldn't work between us, and I sat there and cried afterwards, wondering what was wrong with me that drove him away. My bed still smelled of his musk, reminding me of all the nights we'd spent together. I shivered, not really wanting to think about that here and now. The nearby wolf looked at me with his piercing yellow eyes. I blinked, finding tears in the corners of my eyes. Lately I couldn't look people in the eyes, afraid they might see the hurt there and take advantage of me. Or worse, perhaps I was afraid they would try to get me to talk about it, and I certainly didn't want to do that. This wolf was having a similar effect on me, and so I moved on, finding a different exhibit to look at as I thought. Lately all I did was work. I showed up, did my job, and stayed out of the way. I still had my zoo uniform on, khakis and a shirt of the same tan color, with a name tag that read "Danny". I thought that the tan of the clothing made my skin look darker. I was of Hawaiian decent, with black hair I kept in a ponytail.

I continued wandering aimlessly, and found myself by the big cats, stopping at the panther cage. It had high walls that curved inward at the top, to keep the creatures from escaping. I enjoyed watching the nocturnal animals. Powerful, able to survive on their own. Callus to what people thought of them. This particular enclosure had two of the big cats, a mated pair. They were quite active at night; sometimes I would hear them when I cleaned the neighboring cage. Lately though they were quiet, and I wondered what changed. I found the female right away, she lounged against the fence nearest to me, on her side. I knew it was her since her pelt was lighter, and her black spots were more visible against her grey pelt. I noticed another shadowy form, this one darker. The male. The moonlight that glinted off of his pelt made him look almost blue in an eerie sort of way. There was something odd about his stance; he was hunched over, head bowed. I thought maybe he was sick. I entered the exhibit, trusting the panthers not to attack me, as they had been fed just two hours ago at closing, and they were quite comfortable around me, as I was always in their cages, cleaning up the space so they would look great for the visitors and be comfortable for the animals. Something else was off about his form, his ears had to be pinned back, because I did not see them at all. Another sign that he was probably not feeling well. As I got closer, I noticed I was wrong about one thing.. He didn't appear_blue, He _was blue.

"Sahari..." I said, calling the panther's name so I wouldn't startle him as much. It was better for an animal to hear you coming than for it to see you suddenly in front of them. He let out an odd sort of yowl of surprise, between a trill and a growl. He wheeled around to look at me. That wasn't Sahari. In fact I didn't know what it was. The odd creature had a dark blue pelt. Its... or rather his (I could easily tell by the anatomy), eyes were a bright blue-green like I had never seen as an eye color for his kind. He didn't have ears, which was why I didn't see them before, but instead had a pair of antenna set far back on his head that curved backwards, looking like thick whiskers. Each side of his nose also had several of these, three on each side. There were also two above each eye, though they were shorter. All of them were maybe the width of a thick twine or a person's finger. His face was angular, more shaped like a house cat's, then a panther's. Around his neck was a collar, the same color as his fur. His legs were a little longer than normal, more like a wolf's proportions. His tail was longer than normal, thinner too, and it curved over his back like a monkey's. His feet were very un-panther-like, looking more like a rodent's feet, than cat feet. He possessed distinct fingers and thumbs, covered in fur.

His eyes were wide, obviously surprised. I let out a startled "Eeep," at having seen how strange he really was. If you had asked me what he was, having shown me a picture, I would have called him some kind of Alien pet cat. I was too startled to scream, but I certainly felt as if I might any time. He must have sensed that, because he was on me in a second, pinning me down and placing a paw over my mouth. One of six. I had just noticed, now that he was standing up. Not that it would have mattered if I screamed, since there was no one else here..... No one who could save me from this... whatever it was. They would probably find my body in the morning, if there was anything left. The fur on his paws was shorter and smoother than a panther's. His jaws parted, and I could see the fangs inside. They were cat-like, but he had double incisors everywhere where there was supposed to be one canine tooth. The second set placed on the far side the first, replacing what would have been the first molar in the row of teeth. "Kthar," He called, looking into my eyes, "Nuuth, Srat fre mor."

They didn't sound like random noises, but like an actual language.

"Danny, Frie-nnnd." He said, his eyes narrowed slightly, not in animal-like fear or rage, but in calmness, like a human. His voice was higher than I thought it would have been.

I didn't think it was possible for my eyes to get any wider, but somehow they managed. He had said my name. "Uh... Hi?" I said hesitantly, my voice muffled by the paw on my mouth, wondering if he was smart enough to trick me into letting my guard down so he could eat me.

"Notttt eat youuu, no worrrry." The creature said, drawing out some syllables and sounds as if he didn't know how long each part was supposed to be. Perhaps it was just his extra teeth, getting in the way of his speech. He finally removed his paw from my mouth.

"You're not... Well thanks?" I said, the statement more of a question; I wasn't quite sure if he had the capacity to lie or not. His body was still pressed against me, and I could feel something hard pressed into my stomach. Probably just some odd alien feature I had not noticed, rather than what I had automatically assumed it to be. He reached up to his collar, and touched it. There was a ripple of dim light that went through the collar from the point he touched it at that quickly faded.

_I'm not here to eat you, merely to study your kind._A voice echoed in my thoughts. I was startled and flinched away from him, but his body prevented me from moving much. I watched as his collar pulsed with light again. The fur that surrounded his collar turned from dark blue to black and spread over his body in a wave, concealing his alien color. His odd whiskers and extra arms vanished, and his body regained its normal panther appearance. Ears appeared where there were none. The collar even cloaked itself when it was done, leaving me looking at the Sahari that I knew. I was curious to if I would still feel his alien like antenna if I were to pat his head, but I didn't dare touch him. He stood, moving off of me, and sitting again, to the side. I took a deep breath, both to calm me and to regain some of the oxygen I lost from the crushing weight that now had moved off of my chest.

"Why do you want to study us?" I asked Sahari, or whatever he was.

Sahari closed his eyes. We are an advanced society, our technology, our medicine, our minds, light-years ahead of yours. He paused a minute, shifting to his side, looking for all the world like a normal, lounging panther. He stared into the distance, through the fence. I didn't doubt what he said, seeing that collar. I was not even terribly offended when he said that his mind was more advanced. I could hardly debate that as he spoke with me telepathically. But you have something we do not. Relationships. Trust. Faith. Creativity. Hope. Laughter. Joy. All which we lack. We have sought to perfect ourselves, but it seems in doing so we have lost those things. On my planet we are of one mind. We all have the same opinions. There are no wars, no art, no uniqueness. But earth is full of uniqueness. And I was sent to try and discern why all of you are different from one another, and I think I've got it. Your faults separate you. Bella who works the snack stand worries a lot, but it breeds care for others. Brad who is the veterinarian is sometimes so consumed with his work that he stays long hours even if it means not caring for his own needs, to help animals. He looked like he was going to go through the whole zoo staff, but instead returned his gaze to me. You. You trust others too easily, and often are hurt because of it. But you have more capacity to listen then anyone I have ever met. And you are able to put others before yourself. We do not do that on my planet. It is every Feli'dae for him or herself. And we do not have relationships; we only meet up with one another for developing technologies, or breeding.... After which the female raises the kit... He paused, before returning to the original topic. That was why I was going to show myself to you. I had not planned for it to happen so soon. But now that the proverbial cat is out of the bag, I might as well not mind wipe you, yet.

I just blinked and stared at him. It was a lot to take in. He stared at me the whole time, those intent now gold eyes staring at me with intelligence I had not noticed before. "So you're watching us?" I couldn't help but giggle a bit at the irony. We were, after all, in a zoo.

Yes, but I desire to know more. He started, the irony lost on him. I was wondering, Could I travel with you in order to study you and those around you? He tilted his head, and his tail twitched in the conventional cat-like manor. There is not much to be learned from behind bars with much distance between me and my study.

"You don't think my neighbors are going to notice an 150 pound black leopard following me around? Or that the zoo will notice they are short one of their animals?" I asked, dodging the questions with a few of my own.

The zoo will get back their "Sahari" once I return him from his suspended animation aboard my ship. And I will be disguised as a house cat. Shall I make preparations to join you in your place of residence?

I wasn't going to question him about poor Sahari, or Sahari the original, since I was sure the explanation would be well above my head.

"So.. Uh.. Sahari? What's your name?" I asked, since I really wasn't sure how to answer. If I told him no, would he just put me in suspended animation and take over my life like he did Sahari's?

_I am Neroshidomiori of the Par'dus clan. But you can call me Nero._He said, casually licking his front paw before swiping it over his face.

Being as I had no choice and the consequence of refusing him would probably mean losing my memory (at best); I agreed to let him come home with me. Again he touched the collar, or where the color would be, and a pulse of soft light swept from it. But it appeared that nothing happened. He didn't change, and I didn't start hearing yet another voice in my head. I looked at him questioningly, but he was once again running his tongue through his soft black coat. Suddenly I felt a drastic change in the air pressure, like I was riding an airplane that had just taken off; or an elevator. I felt a force pushing down on me. There, above me, was a distortion in the air, like the air above a raging camp fire. The shimmering air sent a beam of light down, and in it floated Sahari. The cat was placed on his side, I could see his chest move, but he was definitely out of it. Move back a little, in case he is hostile when he awakes. Nero said, once again touching his collar to communicate with his ship. At once the pressure was lifted, and I quickly distanced myself from the two Saharis. Nero placed his paw on the real panther, and at once his eyes shot open. He got to his feet in a panic, and for the first time he saw.... Himself. He was confused at first, sniffing at the alien imposter, before deciding he wasn't a threat, and flopping over on his side to recover from his ordeal. By the time I looked back at Nero, there was a house cat there instead of the impressive panther. A Russian blue, with those same vivid eyes he actually had, not out of place on the exotic house cat. Shall we?

I led him through the maze of exhibits, until we were at the front gate. I locked up behind us, and then led the way to my car. Though, being the only one in the lot, it would have been easy for anyone to find. I opened the passenger side door for him, and he curled up in the seat. His wide eyes looked over everything. Primitive, but effective. I like it. Do you guys know about warming, or do you just not care about your atmosphere? The cat asked, still examining small things like the glove box or the seat belts.

"We know about pollution and warming.. it just takes forever for us to do anything because of our government. There are a lot of steps to making change, it's not that easy. And everyone would rather have cheap things now, rather than worry about the environment." I told him as I started the engine.

Internal combustion. I have never heard what one sounds like before. They were discontinued several hundred years ago. And you guys still use the wheel! Do you have flying technology yet? His eyes were literally glowing with excitement.

"Yes we do. But mainly for public transportation. You have to be rich to own your own airplane." I wondered how much outside of the zoo he had known.

I was thankful that he let the topic of airplanes drop, as I didn't know much about them. By then I was pulling into the lot that went with my apartment, and his questions went to housing, and then to appliances as we entered the door and he saw my small kitchen. I was patient with him, showing the small cat around, and telling him what each room was for. He was particularly interested in the bathroom. He told me he never heard of using water to carry waste away. And that it seemed to make matters worse by fouling perfectly good water. He talked about how waste on his planet was refined into a safe fertilizer. I was amazed to learn that instead of buying energy, most houses created their own. He told me he wouldn't talk too much about that, since he wanted to let our civilization evolve at its natural place.

Eventually I cut off his stream of questions, for even though I didn't work tomorrow, I wanted some sleep. I got ready for bed, and when I came back out, he was already curled up on the couch, though his eyes were still open. "Hey, Nero.. That couch can't be to comfy, wanna sleep in my room?" I missed the feeling of a warm body beside me, the sound of another creature breathing as I fell asleep.

Sure,_the cat said, getting up and following me to my room. We had passed over this room rather quickly before, since there was no technology in here, so Nero had to look around a bit before jumping onto the bed. _Do you care if I take my normal form? When I sleep in the form of something smaller than I am, I always feel stiff and cramped the next day.

"Go ahead. I'll try not to panic too much when I find a giant carnivorous alien beside me in the morning." I told him, petting the Russian blue on his head once. I was glad that I couldn't feel his antenna in cat form; it would have been odd feeling something I couldn't see. What was that for? He asked, looking at my hand as it retreated back to my side.

"Oh, sorry.. That's how we show affection to pets.. I kinda forgot you aren't a real cat. You're quite convincing."

_Do not be sorry. It felt nice. And I am a real cat.. Just not that kind._He said, smiling at me. I could see his fangs poking out. In a dull shimmer of light, he was once again changing. Quickly he grew, the mattress dipping under his weight as he shifted back to normal. I stepped into the bathroom for a moment, freeing my hair and quickly slipping into a t-shirt and boxers, then I slid under the covers, lying next to him. Though with his fur he preferred to lay on top of the covers.

If I may... I noticed you do not have a female. I know most of your kind mates for life. Have You not found one yet?

The lounging cat stretched, idly looking at me with his piercing blue eyes. He didn't realize what he had just asked me to explain. Or at least attempt to explain. How was I supposed to explain homosexuality to an alien animal, when I didn't understand it completely myself? I averted my eyes, instead looking at the rest of him, seeing if there were other aspects I had missed. He had more of those whisker like feelers along his spine like a fin without webbing. They had been lying flat before, but they now stood upright as he stretched and flexed. I noticed that oddly for a cat, he had a visible sheath, which looked very much like a dog's. I felt something stir, and I quickly chose to look at something else. His paws.. hands... whatever they were, were furred like an animal, but he had an opposable thumb. Each digit was tipped with a thick pad, and a retractable claw, though slightly shorter than human fingers in proportion. His hands were slightly smaller, and more delicate looking than a humans with the exception of his back most feet... hands... which were about the same size. I had stalled long enough, and he was still looking at me expectantly. "Uh.." I faltered and had to start again. "I'm not interested in girls.." I started.

Oh, so you prefer solitude? He asked, finally releasing me from his gaze in order to give his chest fluff a final wash before bed.

"No.. I like males." I just straight up told the feline. I doubt he had bias towards it like humans did. I wonder if he even had religious views to tell him it was "wrong".

Girls do not interest you. And you are not solitary. I do not understand, Danny.

"I'm attracted by, and pursue relationships with other males." I tried again to explain.

He stopped mid-lick, the words finally clicking. He looked up, tongue sticking out a little still, before he corrected it. I forget humans do not communicate their desires of that nature with scent and chemicals. So, for you, it is a choice?

"That's a good way of putting it, I suppose." I said, wondering what he was thinking about.

Interesting. I never really took a mate on my home planet. I busied myself with learning and technology. Thank you for answering my questions, Danny. I hope that you do sleep well. Nero removed the pillow on his side, leaning it against the wall instead.

"Good night." I told him.

Yes it is. Sleep well.

Soon his even breaths told me he was asleep. I looked at his still form, picturing what it might look like in motion. I had not seen him move around in it, but it was odd to think how he might move. Maybe like a centaur with his top half upright, or maybe like a centipede with his entire body at ground level. Eventually the comfort of a warm body next to me sent me off to sleep.

I dreamed of _him_again. The good parts, followed by the bad. The anger, rejection, fear, and sadness weighing on me.

I woke up with my arms around something soft, warm and very much alive. I didn't open my eyes, just cuddled into my bed partner. My shaft stiff and drooling against the confines of my pants.

Good morning Danny, I trust that you slept well?

I quickly snapped out of my sleepy lust, hopping out of bed with a squeak of surprise. I blushed at my actions and thoughts.

"Um, yeah. I.." I stammered, avoiding looking at Nero, as I collected my thoughts.

Are you feeling alright? You seem troubled, and your heart rate is up._Nero slid off the bed gracefully, standing on 4 of his paws. His upper torso erect, like a centaur. His movements were more fluid, like a big cat, as he came to my side of the bed. The top of his head came to my nipple, and he pushed off with his middle paws, standing on two just as easily. Now he was a bit taller than I, and he pressed a paw to my forehead. _I think this is how the human females check their cubs for sickness? However I do not know what I am feeling for.

My cheeks burned with heat again. It was just the lingering effect of the dream, and the feeling of a warm body near me while I was under the foggy effect of sleep. Wasn't it?

"I'm fine." I said, brushing his hand away. He looked defeated. Like he was trying to show off what he had learned and I had shut him down. "Sorry.. Yes, that's how mothers check for a temperature."

He smiled, his gesture of friendliness would have been frightening with those teeth, but by now I was beginning to get used to it.

He dropped back down to all fours. I was thinking. I will let you ask a few questions if you would like, Danny. It was like in his own way he was trying to be social. It was clear he didn't know how entirely. But conversation was a good start.

"I'd like to take you up on that. Right after I get rid of this morning breath and freshen up a bit, ok?" I said, walking back to the restroom. Nero shadowed me, and as I shut the door behind me, he bumped into it. He stood there confused. Have I done something wrong?

Of course an alien race who didn't wear clothes wouldn't understand modesty. I stood by the stool, trying to get the stiffness to go down so that I could pee. At this rate it'd be faster to make myself cum so I could relieve my bladder afterwards, than stand there and wait.

"Sorry Nero, humans don't like to pee in front of others... we don't like others seeing what we look like with no clothes."

_I promise I will not mind what you look like. I am only curious._I guess it was just as distracting having him hover near the door talking to me, so I let him in. I was wrong. I had taken my pajamas off in preparation for a shower, and stood there naked. I felt his hand on my back, curious of the texture of my skin or something like that, probably. His fur tickled.

So humans do have fur other places than their heads. He marveled.

My cheeks turned red again, hands covering my modesty. "Don't make me change my mind about letting you in here..." I cautioned. Now that the cat was staring at me I didn't think it would ever go down. I decided to shower and see if I could rub a quick one before I got questioned about that too.

I started the water, letting it cascade down and adjusted the temperature. As I stepped in and drew the curtain, I noticed Nero playing with one of the razors, flexing the adjustable head on it. "Careful with that, it's sharp. Don't touch the metal part." I cautioned as I stepped in. "And don't move the shower curtain, I don't want water everywhere."

Nero nodded understanding before I vanished behind the curtain. Finally I felt safe behind the protection of the plastic barrier between us. I slowly rubbed my aching rod, massaging the neglected length until I was panting at how good it felt. I had gotten close once and backed off, trying to make the feeling last, edging.

Are you alright? Your breathing sounds labored. He commented. Just as sharp and present in my mind as ever. I forgot the sound of rushing water would do nothing to dull the feeling of his words in my head. I startled, nearly bursting right then and there, but I managed to reign it in.

"Nero?" I asked.

_Yes?_Came the echo of a reply in my head.

"I'll share with you what I'm doing after my shower, alright? I'm fine."

There was actually the sound of a deflated sigh in my head. Alright.

I gave myself a few more strokes, the jets unleashing at last as spurt after spurt mixed with the water and was carried away. I sighed in relief, which after I was completely done I could also relieve my other need. The water carried that away too.

After I had scrubbed away all of yesterday's filth, I stepped out of the shower, collecting the towel I had left near the shower.

Nero's nose twitched. The bathroom is full of interesting scents. He commented.

"Yeah..." I agreed, finishing getting ready except for clothing. I was distracted by thoughts of what I was about to try.

I went back into the bedroom through the adjoined door, sitting on the bed. I patted the bed and he looked at me confused.

I chuckled. "Commere, silly, up on the bed."

He hopped on, sitting just like a cat.. who had an extra set of legs. He sat in the conventional pod-like shape of a cat. Back legs coiled, leaving two raised haunches. Front legs folded in front of him, tail curled around. Except for his torso, that stood upright, his top arms at his sides, the hands clasped together in front.

"Only if you want to, I will show you what I was doing." I told him, my shaft already stirring back to life.

I always want to learn everything I can. He stated, whiskers twitching.

"When humans are lonely, bored, sometimes even sad..." I said, while gently pushing on his side so that he flopped over. He obliged, moving so that his upper half was on my pillow, he rolled fully onto his back, all 4 back feet in the air as he stretched. "We do things to occupy us, to comfort us..." I rubbed his exposed stomach, starting with his upper torso. His closely cropped blue fur coarse against my fingers. I went lower and lower until I brushed up against his sheath. I paused to see if he minded, if he'd fight it. But his eyes were wide again, like when he was thinking. It almost looked like he was mentally taking notes. I laughed at his expression.

"You said you have never taken a mate?" I asked

I have not. I have always kept myself too busy. He stated.

"And your kind only breeds for babies. So you've probably never felt..." I let my voice trail off. His member was starting to peek out, it was black in color. I tickled the tip, and more pushed out. The tip had tiny fleshy barbs on it. They were actually quite soft and short. Past the tip the rest was smooth, and felt almost like it had a bone in it, like a canine's. Another part that was canine I could tell was the unswollen knot at the base. Being such a large creature he had a good 10 inches including the knot.

What are you doing...? he murmured distractedly in my mind.

"Shh, you'll like it, trust me." I said, using my other hand to rub myself as well, matching rhythm.

Soon both of our breathing was irregular, panting like I had been in the shower.

Oh, so that is why your breath was... He let out a little moan, sounding more like a mew.

I moved to lay beside him, as I took his tip in my mouth. Instantly his hips bucked up against me. I could see his toes curling out of the corner of my eyes. I massaged his knot with one hand, my other still very busy with my own shaft. I felt his release start to coat my tongue in an earthy, salty taste, his little barbs tickling my throat. Up until that point I had done a good job of making myself last, but the cute noises he was making sent me over the edge. My own seed flowed out, painting my stomach with ropes of sticky cum. Both of us just lay like that for a while, catching our breath. I rested with my eyes closed, but suddenly I felt a sandpapery tongue against my midriff. I looked down to see Nero cleaning me off. I shivered as his rough tongue passed over my flaccid shaft. "Thanks."

I was curious what it tasted of. I like it. Was his only reply.

"Of course."