Ends and Beginnings: part two

Story by Kitt Da Folf on SoFurry

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#25 of The Great Balancing

Alec and Night stood in the steel plated elevator as it rises up into the building. Night stood off to one side adjusting his heavy leather jacket on his frame then taking out his handguns that looked more like cannons, almost as big as Alec forearm but for the eight foot tall blue wolf they were perfect. Alec looked over at Night in a much simpler suede black trench coat over his black dress pant and shirt get up locking in the magazines into his fully automatic handguns. "So what are we walking into?" Alec asked slamming the slides of the guns forward making them fully ready.

"If we're luck there will be only one door girl and one weapon check guy...they don't like guns in the club." Night said putting on his sharp black sunglasses.

"And if we're not lucky...?" Alec nervously asked putting on his own.

Night simply looked to Alec and gave him a toothy grin as the elevator came to a stop with a ping the door slid over to a white mouse female wearing a very short vinyl miniskirt and pink hair that was gelled out in all directions. "May I...it's you!" She squeaked as Night thrust forward tossing her passed Alec into the elevator. The door closed leaving both wolves standing there where seven rubber and bondage gear clad furs stand suddenly focusing on them. The long hall was deathly silent as the two wolves stood, instantly sizing up the dull green gray stone making up the rectangular room, the mirrored finished ceiling being held up by a series of rounded thick pillars and at the end of the room was an obsidian stoned arch way leading down into the club.

Night smiled "So good to see you again." He flipped a look to Alec as the seven all drew their various firearms and began firing, sending Night and Alec pivoting around the row of thick concrete pillars. The roar of gun fire echoed through the long room as shards of glass and concrete fly all over the place. Alec grunted and thrusts off his foot paws diving to the next pillar snapping a series of rapid fire bullets at the furs making them run for cover. Night took the opportunity and spun out from his cover firing a single round into one of the seven who's back was to him from avoiding Alec's bullets and unleashed a thundering boom as the energy cannon discharges shredding the upper torso of the gas mask wearing fur.

Alec grunted rolling to his feet instantly being doused in automatic gun fire, he twisted narrowly through the paths of the bullet pointing one of his guns forward and walking out the other under his arm to the side letting the torrent of steel slice two more of the guards to pieces. Night came up behind Alec as they pivot around back to back taking their shots, Alec grinned and tossed his empty guns to the side as he dashed forward taking several stepped up one of the concrete pillars, vaulting completely upside down over the heads of remaining two, just at the pinnacle of his flight his boot touch the ceiling using his energy to keep him attached to it as he grabbed the neck of one of the and violently twisted it shattering his spinal column and before the other can react Alec swung down connecting his boot with his muzzle, the force of the strike crushing him through a pillar and into the wall, limply collapsing to the ground.

Night blinked in amazement and dropped his cannons for fresh weapons as did Alec. "Whoa, nice moves..."

"I hate cover charges..." Alec chuckled.

The pair stepped confidently down a stair case into the main club instantly being doused in the ear shattering metal music surrounded by furs and aliens all in various types of bondage gear, having sex, snorting different drugs and heavily drinking. Alec and Night held their weapons out again back to back circling around each other as they make their way through the crowds seeing the chrome and black steel frame work of the main room, above them was several alcoves with nude dancers gyrating to the bass line; suddenly the music coming to an end.

On the main balcony of the club stood a five foot ten inch tall, shiny black furred jackal his chest bare showing his sculpted muscles adorned with two gold nipple rings and wearing a tight leather pants; his sharp golden eyes and pointed ears focused on Night and Alec. "So the prodigal son returned!" He bellowed out.

"We don't want another fight Sakai..." Night growled out, pointing his weapons in every direction he can to keep the crowd back.

"Could have fooled me you little shit, do you have any idea what it costs for guards like that?!" The jackal responded harshly.

"Obviously not much, if the two of us wasted through them so easily." Alec snarled, putting his pistol right at the forehead of a wolf who was trying to rush them. "If I were you I'd back the fuck off!"

"And you bring this thing here...you know that isn't allowed by the rules."

Night glared up at the jackal. "There are no rules anymore, Gabe took care of that, just listen to me for five fucking seconds and drop the tough guy act; I know you're just a little cum slut bitch anyway."

The Jackal waved to the crowd causing them to part to the staircase to get to the balcony, Night and Alec walking right to it but not dropping their guard. On the second level Alec and Night step to the Jackal and his harem of various male and female sex slaves, quickly the stair case filled again with the crowd blocking any escape. "You've got five seconds to make me change my mind about killing you both right now."

"We need to get into the other world..." Night began, causing the whole club to burst out laughing.

"Oh that rich Night...the other world...what for?"

"You know why, it maybe our only hope." Night said lowering his guns; Alec looked curiously at the, not daring to lower his guard.

"No one who goes there ever came back the same...everyone is change there, how are you so sure you can find him and bring him back?" the jackal said.

"Because we have no other choice..." Night sighed.

"Fine then you must be willing to pay a pretty high price for that...I'll make you a deal."

"Fuck that Night; we don't have time for a friggin' deal" Alec growled.

The jackal looked over Alec and grinned. "I want him...you either sign your soul over to me and I'll show you the way."

Night snarled at the jackal and looked to Alec. "Out of the question, he's still important."

"Hey don't I get a say here?!" Alec blurted out taking a momentarily laps in the jackal's attention and twists his body smashing his elbow into one of the gas mask wearing fur behind him knocking him over the railing causing every single person on that balcony to draw their weapons; Night reacted grabbing one of them and using him as a shield lifting him completely off his feet and pointing his weapon at his throat, with lightning speed and accuracy Alec pivoted right through the crowd and lands right front of the jackal having his pistol right as he forehead. "Now you listen here...for one you couldn't handle me, I'd break you in an instant, second I don't play slave to anyone. So I've got a new deal for you, show us the way or I excavate your skull all over you're pretty boys there." He smirked with a glance over at the young furs chained to the couch.

The jackal chuckled and nodded. "He's got spirit I'll give him that much, alright you win, I'll show you the way but it'll do you no good, he's already change too much to be of use to you. So remember me come back maybe we can have some fun before the end of everything."

Lauren hadn't slept in days, every time she closed her eyes all she could see was death, so she kept herself awake, repeatedly going over the notes Alec had left her on the research he had done, all of it on the nature of evil and the fates. She wanted to be strong for everyone but nothing helped, suddenly she just closed her eyes finding herself in the club where the slaughter began surrounded by mangled bodies and the stench of blood pouring into her nose, she frantically raced around trying to get out but every door just brought her back into it until she saw the fox, in his leather trench coat, leaning against the bar.

"You know Kitt was right about you, you do have potential. Its jut too bad he was a fag and could never really see it." Gabriel started at her.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Lauren said gagging at the sights and smells.

"You loved him for fuck sake...and all he could think about was having another cock jammed up his ass."

"Shut up, it's not his fault he fell in love with Alec." Lauren growled.

"But you resent it don't you, maybe if you had gone through the Hung-gar trials maybe you could have met Kitt sooner, made him realize that you would be a better mate for him than Alec." Gabriel chuckled stepping towards Lauren.

"Just stay away from me alright..." she pled out.

"Oh well, better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all huh. How long has it been for you, since you've gotten any?" Gabriel asked tauntingly as he paced around her.

"Awhile, what does it matter?"

"I can give him to you...you can have Kitt...all you have to do ask."

"What do I have to do in return?" Lauren replied starting to cry.

"Nothing...just do nothing..." Gabriel faced the female wolf cupping his paw under her chin to look into her eyes. "I will send you to be with him and he will love you the same way you love him." Gabriel grinned and before Lauren can even look to the fox he whipped his paw across her neck raking a single claw through her jugular spilling her crimson blood on the floor.

Tarn dressed in his grey business suit stepped up to the apartment door and softly knocked upon it. "Lauren? Are you home?" he said after not getting a reply and gently opened the door. Tarn looked about the small apartment coming into the living room seeing Lauren's office chair turned towards the window. "Oh I'm sorry Lauren I didn't know you were...." He said coming around seeing the female's lifeless body sitting limply here eyes open and turned a milky white. "Oh my god, Lauren!" He yelped falling to her side.

"What happened to her?" Tarn said to the coroner as he looked down at Lauren's body on the steel table.

"We don't know Mr. President. There are no signs of any physical damage...it looked like here entire essence was drained from her body." The white furred lion in a lab coat said as he notes it all down on a clipboard.

"Alright thank you doctor, I want a full work up done and sent directly to my office." Tarn sighed and slowly walked out of the room collapsing against the wall. "What the fuck is going on here...?"

Night and Alec are tossed through the blue pulsating portal into the middle of a tall yellow grass field, a large range of snow capped mountains line the horizon. Alec rolled over with a groan, looking up at the white cloud dotted sky with the warm summer sun beating down onto him.

"Damn...what a ride. Alec, are you alright?" Night said getting up to his feet.

"Yeah man, I'll live. Where the hell are we?" Alec said dusting himself off as he stood.

"This is the plane of souls, a place where life essences come when they have finished their time on our plane." Night explained.

"I see...well where do we go from here?" Alec said his ears going rigid as he here the thundering hoof falls of several horses coming at them fast. "Shit!" He growled as they both have to leap into the air as a torrent of arrows fell through the air. Alec landed back a few feet on one knee seeing four foxes all dressed in what looked like red samurai armor racing forward on their black stallions. "Who the fuck are these assholes?"

Night landed just next to Alec and grunted. "Guardians, spirits mandated to protect the souls and keep out intruders."

"Cool...." Alec spun around drawing his pistols and pulled the triggers but only hearing the mocking click as nothing happens, the horse riding samurai rocketing right up to them, giving both of the wolves only a split second to dodge and flip their bodies out of the way as their spears sliced through the air.

"Our weapons won't work here!" Night huffed as he turned his body grabbing the end of the spear and flipping the fox to the ground. Alec leapt up off his feet flipping onto the back of one of the other horses smashing his fist into the back of the next of a fox, snapping his spinal column and tossing him lifelessly to the ground.

Alec pulled hard on the reins of the horse turning it around to face down another on of the samurai as he drew his shimmering long katana blade; the white wolf sneered and grabbed the handle of a sword held at the side of the saddle and charged at the fox. Both horses raced at each other, Alec waited until the last second as the fox's blade sliced through the air, Alec bending his body backwards letting the sharp edge slide within and inch of his body and pivoted quickly whipping his blade backwards it piercing right through the chest plate of the samurai. Alec stopped his horse and turned as Night quickly snapped the neck of the last fox. "You alright?!" He called out.

"Yeah no worries Alec" Night replied tying one of the samurai's swords to his side. "We should go. There will be others."

Alec and Night ride their new found horses over the vast grass planes of this world as the sun slowly set behind them coming up upon a village, looking of ancient Japan, various furs and aliens all mill around going about their lives. Alec scanned the scene. "Can you tell me now who the hell we're looking for here?"

Night sighed and pulled on the reins heading into the town followed by Alec.

Tarn rushed out into the massive control center in the capitol building. "Report!" he shouted out being confronted by a green uniformed bear, with colonel stripes on his shoulder.

"Mr. President we don't exactly know how but the vulpine home world just exploded." He gasped out as the twenty foot long monitor at the front of the room showed the image from space as the green orb began to crack then suddenly crumbled followed by a massive shockwave that vaporized the planet.

"My gods...how is that possible?" Tarn said, not able to believe that something could do that.

"We don't know, just before the planet was destroyed we monitored an odd energy spike; we're still analyzing it but it looked similar to a ki blast, just something millions of times stronger than anything we have ever recorded." The Colonel explained.

Tarn growled and balled up his fist and looked at the Colonel as the floor began to rumble and the lights all flickered, every piece of electrical equipment shorting out in a storm of sparks and exploding panels; the main view screen shifting to the image of the crimson red fox. "Mr. President..." he said with a dark grin. "...I trust I have your full attention now."

The entire room just stared at the fox on the monitor. "What do you want?" Tarn barked out.

"You actually...I've already taken care of the other and now it's your turn. I want you to fight me; if you do not my next planet will be your home world." Gabriel growled.

"You've got it you piece of shit, where and when?" Tarn said suddenly feeling a hard wind behind him as he turned he caught a swift punch to the chest which knocked him flying into the monitor, it shattering and exploding in an electrical flurry of sparks. Tarn landed on one knee looking up as he saw the ripped leather trench coat wearing fox Gabriel standing there. "What do you want here?!" he shouted out wincing from the strength of the hit.

Gabriel grinned and stepped forward, his power warping the steel plates of the floor and the computer consoles around him. "Simple I want to kill every single one of you pathetic life forms; I've spent millions of years watching you crawl through the primordial ooze you call life. You make me sick thinking that you have any sort of power!"

"We didn't ask for you to be watching us..." Tarn growled and stood up, flexing his ki, his aura starting to pulsate around him.

"If we didn't you would have destroyed yourselves eons ago, your primitive intellects can't even comprehend the simple concept of peace, you can't survive without fighting amongst yourselves. I'm here to stamp you out of existence and rid myself of ever having to infect myself with your filth again." Gabriel snarled out.

Tarn bared his teeth and lifted off his feet and raced towards the fox tackling him into the large steel wall. "If you think it's going to be that easy, you've got another thing coming!"

Gabriel, barely even fazed by the strike, raised his paw and smashed into Tarn's back collapsing him to the ground and laughed loudly. "You still don't understand what I am...you have no hope of even scratching me...so go ahead ascend give me your best shot!" Gabriel lifted Tarn off his feet by the scruff of the next and delivered a crushing uppercut to his jaw sending his battered body slicing through the walls of the capitol building and exploding out into the open air. Tarn's body fell crippled into the courtyard surrounding the capitol building.

As the large black wolf panted and whimpers in pain getting back to his feet, he see Gabriel right there in front of him. "I am waiting..." Gabriel said.

Tarn closed his eyes and inhaled deeply his waning power being forced up, his hair shifting into a golden yellow color; Tarn howled out as he ascended his golden aura firing out and shattering windows halfway up the side of the capitol building. "You want some then here it is!" Tarn yelled out as he put his paws forward his power crackling in blue lightning bolts quickly generating a ball of energy which fires out in a stream of golden energy that enveloped the fox then exploded in a nuclear looking blast that disintegrated half of the capitol building and cut ten meters into the ground.

Tarn's ascended form died quickly after as he fell to his knees, his power level dropping rapidly he tried to focus his eyes through the dust cloud and his jaw dropped as he saw the outline of the fox, his trench coat swaying in the wind. He stepped forward, patting Tarn on the top of the head, his muzzle dripping a little bit of blood. "Hmmm, I underestimated you. I nearly had to block that one. I commend your attempt but unfortunately not good enough."

Tarn whimpered, knowing that was everything he had. "Just wait until Alec finds you...he's going to kick the shit out of you."

"Ah the other wolf...I don't think he'll make it back. But thanks for the update, now goodbye." Gabriel softly said and lifted Tarn up by the throat, his body limply hanging in the air as Gabriel pulled his fist back and forced it forward cutting right through Tarn's mid section coming out the other side with a spray of blood. As Tarn howled out in tremendous pain Gabriel grin and blinked once causing Tarns body to explode in a cloud of blood, bone and internal organs, showering it all over the place.


Riding right into the village, Night and Alec only get stares from the populous as they are dressed in dark black trench coats and club clothes, while everyone else there is in robes and kimonos. Night led Alec to the door step of a small home, the doors made of white rice paper and thin beams of red oak wood. The sliding door was slightly open to let the warm evening breeze blow in; Alec and Night could see a bit inside a small low lying table sat in the main room with several candles on top at first it didn't appear like anyone was there but then a figure passed by, dressed in a white silk jacket buttoned up the middle and loose fitted black pants. Alec had to double take rubbing his eyes as he stared at this figure, it was a wolf, dark blue grey fur about five foot nine inches tall very well built an dark auburn hair cut shot atop his head.

"Kitt...?" Alec stammered out completely recognizing him. Night sighed and dismounted his horse follower quickly by Alec whom in his short black trench coat flowing in the breeze rushed up to the wolf. "Oh my god Kitt you're alive!!" Alec happily yipped out but suddenly recoils seeing the wolf's expression, not having the faintest idea who Alec was.

"May I help you gentle furs?" The wolf said with a calm peaceful demeanor.

"It's me Alec...you don't remember me?" Alec blurted out looking back at Night briefly.

"I'm sorry sir I do not...my apologies how may I help you?"

"You're my mate Kitt, you have to remember you and I fought Caster in the great balancing..."

The wolf's expression didn't change he only shrugged a bit. "I think you have me mistaken for someone else."

"Night, what's wrong with him why can't he remember?" Alec pled out at Night.

"I told you this wouldn't be easy, his mind has been altered here, and this is the reward for champions who have completed their tasked, a happy contented life in this heaven." Night explained still hanging back from the pair.

"Okay, I don't know who you two are, obviously you are outsiders..." Kitt said taking a step back into his home. "...I will have to ask you to leave."

Alec charged up a few steps. "I need you love, you have to remember; it's not over yet Gabriel is in our universe. Please!"

"I'm sorry...Alec was it...but I am not the fur you think I am. I have tried to be civil but please leave my home." Kitt replied growing a bit annoyed.

"I can't Kitt; I can do this with out you!" Alec said loudly thrusting his paw against the door as Kit tried to shut it.

Kitt growled and swiped his opposite paw down to knock Alec's paw away and swung his leg out connecting with Alec's chest knocking him to the dusty street. "Leave now, before I call for the guardians."

Alec grunted as he hit hard against the ground and quickly is to his feet, Night grasping his shoulder. "He isn't going to remember, the fates have altered every part of his mind."

Alec shrugged Night's paw away with a growl. "Fuck that he'll remember we have no choice!" Alec rushed up at Kitt thrusting him through the door way and flattened his back against the table. Kitt bared his teeth and braced his feet against Alec's stomach and flipped him over. Alec, barely having a second to recover rolled off the table as Kitt's foot came crashing down towards him, Kitt slid up lashing his leg out to sweep Alec's legs out from under him but Alec narrowly avoided the sweep by back flipping to the opposite edge of the table. Both in perfect unison spun in behind themselves to the same side of the table, Alec throwing out a hard back fist which Kitt ducked away from and leapt up with a front kick; Alec snapped his palm down onto Kitt's leg to stop the kick and slid his opposite palm up into Kitt's jaw and connected with a quick hook punch. Kitt reeled back from the combo fell to the floor bracing one paw down and swung his leg out nailing Alec right on the chest, the force of the strike knocked Alec through the rice paper wall and rolled him out onto the street.

Alec climbed to his feet as Kitt stepped outside. "Are you satisfied now who ever you are?" Kitt shouted out.

"Not by a long shot!" Alec yelled out as he saw out of the corner of his eye something that made him stop dead in his tracks.

"Kitt! What's going on, are you okay?!" The light grey furred and blonde haired form of Lauren called out from the street, rushing up to Kitt.

"Yeah sweetie I am, just someone here claiming to know me." Kitt responded hugging Lauren tightly.

Alec climbed to his feet and threw his arms up. "What...what the hell?!" Alec turned away looking to Night still near his horse as he shrugged just as confused. "If this is a dimension for souls whose bodies have died...that means...?" Alec gasped as a hand grasped his shoulder and twirled him around Alec already pissed off enough pulled his fist up to see a human, slightly shorter than he was with light blonde hair tied back in a long pony tail dressed in black and gold samurai armor.

"What are you two doing here?" the black armored samurai said.

Night stepped up abruptly and bowed quickly. "Our apologies high guardian, me meant no disrespect in coming here, we need Kitt."

The samurai laughed as Kitt and Lauren disappeared into their home as if Alec, Night and the Samurai weren't even there. "Night, you're still so young but I didn't think you were that dumb, Kitt is dead he cannot return to your plane of existence."

Alec lowered his fist and sighed. "Look dude, who ever the fuck you are...Gabriel the king shit fate is destroying our plane of existence and Kitt is the only one who can stop him."

The samurai raised his eyebrow. "Really...Gabriel, I always knew he would be the one to break the rules. I still don't see how Kitt can help, he, even in his prime cannot stand against him."

Night nodded. "I know...I didn't mention this to you Alec before but there is one way..."

The samurai stared at Night with a stark look of fear on his face and Alec just confused to hell. "Which is what...we're running out of time, Gabriel has already killed Lauren and is probably already after Tarn."

"For Kitt to return with us to our plane it would require a living soul to merge with one that had his strength and one that deeply loved him." Night quietly explained.

Alec looked towards the small house and whimpered slightly. "So basically I have to sacrifice myself so he can live?"

The samurai looked to the ground. "No...you have to sacrifice what you are and what he is to become one true being, it is irreversible and we don't even know what will happen to you both. It's never been done."

Alec nodded slowly, knowing this was his only option. "What about Lauren...?"

"She is already dead, we cannot help her...as is your Tarn, and we received his soul a short while ago." The samurai said.

Alec growled and bared his teeth ball up his fists. "Fucking Gabriel...lets do this, I want to get this over with."

Night nodded and looked to the samurai getting the same look. "I hope you know what you are doing...I will grant both Lauren and Kitt their memories back." The samurai said waving his paw over the house, suddenly Kitt burst out the door followed by Lauren, and Kitt leapt at Alec and hugs him tightly.

"Alec! Fuck I'm so sorry I didn't get to say goodbye!" Kitt yelped out.

Alec sighed and hugged his mate in return crying softly on his shoulder. Kitt looked into Alec's eyes seeing the deep dark look of defeat there. "I know hon...I know..."

Lauren looked around the town and to Night sizing him up. "This is the only way?" she said to the hulking blue wolf.

"Yes...if I know Gabriel he's already slaughtering the population of our existence, we're running out of time."

Kitt looked to Night. "I guess this is truly the end...did you see this coming?"

Night shook his head slowly as the group go into the home.

Gabriel stood atop the gutted burning remains of the capitol building on the lion home world as the massive skyscrapers lie in ruins burning clouds of toxic black smoke, blotting out the sun in the sky. The red fox grinned as he saw a column of Alliance tanks coming along the main road of the city, instantly firing a barrage of high powered rounds at him, all of them blasting huge holes into the steel.

The tank commanders all ceased fire looking through their scopes to see if they got him. One of them gasped as he saw the muzzle of the fox right in front of the camera as he began to rip the tip of the tank off with his bare paws. One by one Gabriel tore the helpless furs to shreds leaving the street stained in puddle of thick red blood. Quickly Gabriel looked to the sky as two red energy bolts crash down onto the street, instantly being confronted by three tiger furs all in black leather and vinyl standing confidently on the street just a few meters away. "So they finally sent their fighters."

"You killed two of our own, Tarn Earthwalker and Lauren Florenas; now you will pay for that." The lead seven foot tall orange and thick black striped tiger hissed out.

Gabriel rolled his eyes and waved the trio on. "Damn right I did and I'll enjoy stringing your lifeless bodies up just as much."


The dawn slowly broke over the ancient Japanese styled town, a heavy air of tension and dread fell onto the quaint house hold, Alec and Kitt laid curled up tightly next to each other, neither had slept just enjoyed so much being close to one another. Finally they stirred and climb out of the soft bed, finding Lauren crying softly on the landing of the house.

"What's wrong Lauren...?" Kitt asked as they sat down next to her.

"I can't believe I let myself be tricked by him, I failed..." Lauren sighed out, not bringing her eyes up to meet neither Kitt nor Alec.

"You didn't fail Lauren, you merely made a choice, but it's not over yet." Kitt said in a very somber tone.

"I know but it's just so dark, I wish I couldn't feel these energies; why me?"

"I was once told something by a friend...we are who we are because no one else could; everything happens to us because we are the only ones capable to handle it."

"That's oddly comforting Kitt; I'm just so sorry for making this choice, you know my feelings for you, but I never wanted to get in between the two of you." Lauren finally looked to them both almost tearing up.

Alec chuckled. "Don't worry about it Lauren, no harm done." He finished giving her a hug. "Everything will be alright."

"How? You haven't met Gabriel, I've felt his power, I don't see how either of you can do it."

"It will be...I know it, I don't know how...but it will be." Kitt replied and stood up looking to Alec as the samurai stepped out.

"Are you both ready for this?" He nervously said getting two confident nodded.

"This ends today, no matter the cost." Alec and Kitt both say in unison, stopping to look at each other.

"What the...?" Kitt curiously said.

"You have begun to merge...as you both wanted, your life essences are becoming one form, as it progresses you two will arise with an unimaginable power, enough to stop Gabriel." The samurai said as Kitt and Alec stood side by side, their minds seeming to become one, their thoughts closer than ever before, it was like they weren't just hearing each other's thoughts they were apart of them. "Now go...stop him...before it's too late."

Gabriel having dispatched the three tigers without so much of a thought wandered the streets seeing the hundreds and thousands of innocent furs dead or dying, their blood spewing out of their wounds, the sounds of the chaos and destruction only brought a smile to his muzzle, when a stiff wind kicked up in front of him, appearing the forms of both Kitt and Alec. "You?! How did you get here?" Gabriel gasped out in amazement.

Alec looked to Kitt then to the fox having not seen him in person to this moment. "Gabriel, you've broken the mandate of the fates, and toyed with the rules; now we are here to put and end to you." Kitt snarled.

"Ha! You're just a ghost you can't hurt anything in this plane and if you think your fag lover there can stand against me you're more fucked up that I'd thought." Gabriel answered.

"That's where you are wrong, the other fates know what you're doing and have given us the power to stop you." Alec said as both of their auras explode outwards in a fiery light.

Gabriel's eyes went wide, knowing exactly what they are doing. "No, you can't if you do, neither of you will ever be able to exist here again!"

Both of the wolves' voices speak out combining into a new single tone, their bodies glowing with a pure white light congealing into one. "We are aware of the cost...if it means stopping you!" They howled out as the light exploded encompassing the entire planet and out into space, where the two bodies stood seemed to crack and burst in all directions like glass being shattered by a brick leaving one figure still shrouded by the pure light. As it died Gabriel stood in shock, feeling the tremendous power from this new form, soon showing a six foot three inches tall wolf covered in a shimmering pelt of jade fur, its eyes rip open reveling a pair of milky ice blue eyes that seem to pierce right into the soul. Over its body was a pair of shiny black vinyl pants and an open dark blue tactical vest lined with various pockets left open to show off the jade wolf's lathe sculpted chest and stomach. As quickly as the entire ordeal had begun it ended with the jade wolf standing across from Gabriel calm and cool headed the entire planet seemed to be in silence as the force of the merge caused a heavy torrent of rain to fall onto the city, washing the blood pool along the gutters and down the drains.

"Well I didn't think you two had it in you, to sacrifice everything you were or ever could be. But I guess it's time, once you're out of the way I will rule existence!" Gabriel laughed out.

The jade wolf looked around, as if seeing the world for the first time, flexing his paws and arms. "You're finished Gabriel." He said looking up letting the beads of water wash through his fur.

"Hardly, I am just getting started with you!" Gabriel snarled and launched himself along the street, the force of the leap ripping up the concrete and shattering every window in the building on either side of him. The two connect hard, the jade wolf at the last second grabbing Gabriel's wrist before the strike could land and came back with his own punch crushing into the fox's muzzle causing the street to cave in and topple over the skyscrapers sending Gabriel flailing half a city block away. Gabriel panted and yowled out as he threw off the rubble that had fallen upon him. "What is the point of this Kitt, Alec...seriously, you think for a second that this will change anything; so we beat each other into oblivion I am a fate my energy is eternal!"

The jade wolf stalked forward as if a small pup, taking in the scents and sights of the planet, his eyes seeing the entire world in bands of colored energy outline each of the objects. "Then why are you sweating, we can see it now; our power is the same as yours." The jade wolf said seeing the dark purple bands of energy cascading down over the form of Gabriel's body at it's center looking like a sun was a white ball of energy flaring outward symbolizing the fox's power

Lauren, Night and the samurai sat in the other world in Kitt's home all with their eyes closed feeling the immense battle going on. "Why are Kitt and Alec just standing there, they're not attacking at all!" Lauren growled out.

"They're still getting used to what they are now; like a child learning to walk." The samurai responded seeing Gabriel and the jade wolf spin around each other swinging their arms and legs out in a ballet pattern of strikes and blocks.

The Jade wolf swirled his body against Gabriel's and thrust him into the side of a building, punching him effortlessly through the concrete wall. Quick to his feet Gabriel stepped out through the hole, laughing evilly dusting off his torn and ratty leather trench coat. The jade wolf blinked and instantly appeared in front of Gabriel swinging his body around and unfurling his leg but at the last moment Gabriel grabbed the jade wolf's leg and swung him hard into the ground following up with a heavy hard red energy blast that buried the wolf half a kilometer into the ground, collapsing six square blocks into the chasm. Gabriel floated above the hole in the planet for a few seconds before a torrent of thin lightning bolts streamed out of the center of the hole.

All seemed silent for a long drawn out minute, the air seemed to quiver all of a sudden as the chasm grew encompassing half of the lion city; hundreds of blue lightning streaks shot from the center then the jade wolf come howling out at the Gabriel crashing into him mid air. The pair sore into the sky piercing the ominous black rain clouds both being drenched in down pour, bolts of electricity tear across the horizon, both the fox and wolf spinning at impossible angle smashing their paws into one another. All around them the planet shook the very crust cracking and the surging power of the core threw up volcanic flows of lava and sulphur clouds blotted out the sun.

Night, Lauren and the samurai gaze on wincing as the power both were emitting was almost too much for their minds to handle. "C'mon Kitt and Alec, hang in there." Night grumbled out.

Gabriel back flipped off of the jade wolf coming to land on one of the few remaining sky scrappers still up right as the wolf floats there starring him down. "You have never come across a challenge like this before have you?" The jade wolf asked its voice both of Kitt and Alec.

"You are correct, there has never been a non fate that has been able to stand up to me, hell even the other fates are nothing. Realize this, you will have to destroy everything in this universe in order to kill me; your entire fight will be for nothing!" Gabriel chuckled.

"That is not of your concern Gabriel, you yourself should know that nothing is ever left to chance, we all have our parts to play." The jade wolf's expression never wavered from it's stone cold glare as it extended its paws to the sides creating two swirling green energy balls and with a flash of light it pushed its paw together and forces an immense stream of energy at Gabriel, whom has but a fraction of a second to put his paws up before the beam encompassed him and passed around him blasting the entire western hemisphere of the planet into space; what was left of the planet soon began to crack as the atmosphere was cast out in a geyser of gasses and debris into the vacuum of space.

The three on lookers gasped as they sensed the lion home world being torn apart, Lauren was knocked right on her back by it "God damn it they destroyed it, what the fuck are they doing?!"

The samurai helped Lauren back up and tried to calm her "What they have to....trust them."

Lauren looked for something from Night but only gets a solemn shake of the head as he quickly tried to locate the two combatants again.

As the Lion home world crumbled two bands of golden light could be seen clearly zooming away, leaving the planet as it collapsed and burst in a simply massive red shockwave of energy, casting city sized rocks jetting into space. The Jade wolf landed upon one of them, his fur being blown by the fierce energy being outputted by him and the explosion, he casts off at Gabriel, slamming him into another hunk of rock shattering it further into hundreds of pieces. Gabriel grabbed the jade wolf by the jacket as they crushed the rock and smashed him through one of the fragments; the jade wolf howled in pain as Gabriel kept his grip and delivered several blows to his stomach then finished with and uppercut that sent him flying into space. Mere kilometers and light years of distances seem to disappear, in the blink of the eye, Gabriel and the Jade wolf race through the Lion solar system exchanging planet busting energy attacks.

"Fuck c'mon they were supposed to be more powerful that Gabriel, we have to do something!" Lauren growled out tensing her fists. "They need help!"

"What are we supposed to do Lauren? There's nothing left to be done but watch." Night sighed out realizing what she's saying.

"Bullshit, there are six other fates, surely they can do something!" Lauren barked aggressively back.

Night's eyes open as the samurai's, both looking at the steaming female wolf. "They know what is at steak High Guardian..." Night said.

"They are not sure who can win, that's why they have not acted. If Gabriel should win, they would risk their own lives." The samurai responded.

"Fuck that...they have to do something. Kitt and Alec can't beat him and our existence is on the line, do they think if Gabriel wins some how he'll just magically say hey I've had enough for this billion years lets just go back to the way things were?!" Lauren yelled out standing up suddenly her vision began to blur and it felt like she falling, hitting a solid floor as Lauren regained her senses she see what appears to be the citadel, the lupine people's center, a massive arena lined with a black stone floor; thousands of seats climb the walls, hundreds of torches stick up along the stair way giving the room an ominous eerie feel especially with absolutely no one in it; this was the place where Kitt had fought Tarn when he had first ascended.

"You are correct Lauren..." a booming voice seeming to come from everywhere said.

"Yeah no shit I'm right; question is what are you going to do about it?!" Lauren yelled you into the empty space.

"The rules must be upheld and the game must go on, it is the only way any of us will survive." The voice answered.

"I've just about heard enough about your rules and your fucking game. Just cut this circular bullshit and get to the point." Lauren said.

"We will make this fight end, but you must give us something..."

"Well I'm all fucking ears now aren't I!?" Lauren huffed.

"As Night serviced us in the preparation for the great balancing, so must you..." The voice said, Lauren snapped her glare around focusing as the voice separate and became six figures standing underneath spot lights, each one wearing robes and having no features what so ever, appearing like beings of pure light.

"And what does that mean?" Lauren responded quickly.

"The ones you know of as Kitt and Alec can never walk in your existence again, but if you would agree to carry on their essence; we would level their playing fields so to speak." The seven spoke out.

"Fine! Whatever it takes, just make things right. I don't care!" Lauren snarled.

"Then it is done...let what has been done be undone..."

The Jade wolf was about to land a devastating punch to Gabriel when they both were jerked hard from that plane of existence and like a whirlwind crash down into the audience chamber of the Lupine citadel, only this time the rows of seats seem to go on forever each seat taken by trillions of life forms all of them once existed in Kitt and Alec's plane of existence.

"What the hell is going on here?" Gabriel growled out.

In the center of the floor between the Jade wolf and Gabriel appeared the six white robed fates joined with Lauren, Night and Tarn. "You have forgotten our way Gabriel and disgraced what we stand for." The six fates all spoke out in one voice.

Gabriel tensed his paw and whipped his arms forward as if he was going to fire an energy attack but nothing happened. "You fools you know we cannot survive if the seven of us are not in control of our power. Taking mine away has only sealed your death warrants and everyone!"

Lauren grinned and looked hard a Gabriel. "It won't matter; if you aren't defeated now then there is no point in surviving anyway. The playing field has just been leveled."

"She is correct Gabriel; you would have destroyed everything anyway, so now you will face Kitt and Alec as a mortal as they will you. The rules will be upheld." The fates announced. Making Gabriel howl out in rage dashing at the fates but only to have them disappear and appear at the edge of stadium ring. "This fight will end today and every being under our guidance will be its witness."

The Jade wolf paces forward standing a couple stepped in front of Gabriel "You actually believed that they wouldn't get involved?"

The crimson red fox sneered at the wolf and ripped off his leather trench coat tossing it to the side. "I will deal with those bitches as soon as I tear your intestines from your lifeless corpse!"

"Then come get some." The Jade wolf grinned and pulled of his paws into a soft open palm fighting stance. Within a second Gabriel side stepped and spun his body around swinging his leg out at the wolf that ducked out of the way and pivoted down sweeping his own leg out giving Gabriel a split moment to flip his body over the sweep landing with a bit of a stumble, his body seeming a bit shaky.

The Jade wolf stepped forward smashing his palm into Gabriel's chest, casting the fox's body down to the floor. Gabriel rolled to his feet and lashing his arms and legs out, both warriors weaving and dancing around the floor blocking and avoiding their vicious attacks.

Both furs pant and huff as the fast pace melee waged on locking their arms against each other both growling fiercely, "Why can't I hit you?!" Gabriel forced out pushing the Jade wolf off of him.

The wolf simply smirked. "You are so used to fighting with your power you have no skill in a real fight. Where as we have had to fight and forge our skills every attack you make came with out focus or control."

"Fuck you, I'll show you focus and control!" Gabriel snarled and engaged the wolf once again.

Lauren, Night and Tarn watch on, the intensity of the fight almost looking like a well choreographed dance, the moves coming in a theatrical slow motion each of their bodies extending to their very limits.

Gabriel ducked down over a swooping mid air kick but came back up to fast as the jade wolf barely touched his foot paw to the ground before launching a second kick which nailed Gabriel across the muzzle spraying his blood from his nose and collapsing him to the floor. Gabriel whimpered in pain holding his muzzle feeling the red flow of blood pouring onto the floor, coating his muzzle and neck.

"Never felt anything like that, have you?" The Jade wolf said only to have Gabriel rush up and wrap his bloody paws around his throat, all technique and style right out the door, purely animalistic rage flowing through his body as he tried to strangle the wolf.

"I will kill you!!! Existence is mine!" Gabriel yelled out then felt the hard paw of the jade wolf crash into his chest, shattering several ribs, he collapsed to his knees crying out in pain as his internal organs throb with pain.

"Existence belongs to the people who live in it. I'm sorry Gabriel but it's over..." The jade wolf sighed and stepped behind the fox. "Maybe in your next life you will learn for your mistakes."

"Fff...fuck you." Gabriel managed to gasp out the last thing he saw were the six fates standing before him, then he felt a warm white energy surrounding his body right before he felt the jade wolf's paw crashing down across his neck snapping the vertebra instantly.

The Jade wolf stood silently, on one knee with his arm out stretched in the position he struck Gabriel with, panting softly. He looked up to the fates and nodded. "Now fulfill your end of the bargain."

The six nod as they begin to emit a brilliant soft light encompassing everything. Tarn, Lauren, Night and the Jade wolf see everything that had happened since the first time Kitt and Tarn had fought in fast motion, every event right through the first ascension to the Dominion Alliance war and the fight with Caster; the Blackstar exploding into the planet killer cloud, Kitt's funeral right up to the final strike that killed Gabriel; suddenly the explosion that destroyed the Alliance capitol seems to rewind all the death and destruction reversing itself the buildings reconstructing themselves.

"What the hell happened?" Tarn said.

Lauren looked at the Jade wolf as he has an odd grin on his face. "Everything is as it should be..."

"What about you?" Lauren quickly asked. "Can you stay?"

The jade wolf shook his head, smiling at the three. "You knew this would be it..."

"But what happens to you?!" Night asked urgently, for once not knowing what's going on.

"Gabriel was right...there has to be seven fates to balance the game." The jade wolf said, looking back at the six white robed beings, his body slowly being covered by a white robe of his own, the hood pulled back still showing his face.

"Will we ever see you again; I don't want to loose you not now!" Lauren hugged tightly to the jade wolf.

"You will always be apart of us...after all you agreed to carry on the line." The jade wolf said looking to Lauren's stomach getting only an astonished look from the female wolf. "I must go now...please all of you do not morn for us for we will always be watching over you and will forever be with you. It's a big existence which is yours now; everyone knows what part you had to play. Maybe one day we will meet again." The jade wolf said kissing Lauren on the cheek before stepping away.

"Good bye, Kitt, Alec...good luck. May the universe protect you in all the dark places you must walk" Tarn softly said.

The Jade wolf smiled and nodded as its body began to glow Night, Tarn and Lauren smiled and felt the warm peaceful glow from the wolf seeing both Alec and Kitt's face there before it dissipated into beads of light which phase into nothing.


Tarn, Lauren and Night sat on the roof of the completely intact capitol building as the sun crests over the horizon, beckoning on a bright new day. The entire planet seemed to take on a peaceful feel with the billions of living creatures going on about their lives.

"It's so amazing..." Night softly uttered.

"I know, it's like everything is so crystal clear now, so pure." Tarn replied with a smile.

Lauren closed her eyes as the warm breeze blew along her soft muzzle fur. "This is their gift to us...we are finally free, it's up to all of us to forge out our own futures now."

"It has been so long since I have been free; I almost don't know what to do." Night sighed.

"You can do whatever you want now the choice is yours." Tarn said. "So what do you want to do today guys?"

Lauren looked to the two other wolves and smirked. "I say we go out and party, it's what Kitt and Alec would do."

The three of them laughed and carry on their conversation with the world whizzing around them.

"The path of the warrior is not an easy one, it is not about conflict but peace and harmony should be the goal. Everyone has the power to affect reality for the better or worse and it is up to us as the supreme warriors to guide and protect. Some fall to darkness, others come into the light, balance is our key and the true nature of life itself. Remember these thoughts and lessons and you will live forever in the hearts and memories of the ones you have touched. Thus the cycle goes one and that my students is the game...the great balancing." End passage, Hung-gar Ess.