Twilight Eros Chapter 41

Story by specterHSC on SoFurry

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#41 of Twilight Eros

This chapter marks the semi beginning of what some could consider a new arc. In the wake of the party, Luna and Scotty split off to visit his B&B. Luna, as playful as ever makes Scotty an offer he can't refuse, or rather doesn't want to refuse.

Thanks to IB: ScottyKat for use of his character and proof reading this chapter.

Thanks to zenia for the TE thumbnail

Chapter 41

The morning after the party was spent sleeping in. Fortunately for Spec and Cindy the shop was closed and the only clean up needed was to remove the trash bags from the basement. Spec laid in his bed between Cindy and Scotty, much to his content. It wasn't until his phone started to ring that he started to stir. He sat up to see it was his father calling him.

He answered with "Hey dad." followed by a drawn out yawn before continuing. "What's up?"

"You sound like you just woke up Junior. Did you have a busy night?"

"You can say that. Me and Luna had a party with Cindy and Scotty."

"Ah, so you finally had that infamous party Luna's been talking about."

He let out a soft moan to the amusement of his father as he rubbed his eyes.

"Does Luna tell you everything I do dad?"

"Only the good things son. I'm assuming you had a good time at least."

"Yeah it was fun. Don't know if I'll be doing it again anytime soon but we all had a good time."

"That's good to hear. Junior, the reason I called you was about when you were going to bring your new friends up to the mansion."

"Dad, you sound way too excited about having a couple of guest over considering how many people you entertain on a regular basis."

"Well these aren't regular guest now are they? They are the first friends my son is actually willing to bring home."

Spec blew a puff of air through his nose with a laugh as he scratched his head. His father's words were on the mark as the others started to wake from Spec's movement and conversation.

"That's true. So dad, when were you thinking about having this get together?"

"Well I'd prefer if you all spent the night so we could properly entertain you all. How about Saturday night into Sunday?"

"Sounds good dad. But do me one favor, no big party or anything. Just you, mom, and us. Something cozy."

"Alright, no fancy dinner party. I do expect you to play at least one round of Gambit with me."

Everyone wondered what Spec was laughing at before he continued his side of the conversation.

"Okay dad, I promise we'll play a round of Gambit."

"Alright, you take care son. I'll see you Saturday."

"See you then dad. Love you."

He hung up his phone and was met with the eyes of his lovers, still laying in bed. He looked at each of them before lifting up his hands and bringing them down to his knees making a clapping sound.

"So, who wants to go to the Wolf Pack mansion Saturday."

Everyone looked to Luna, who was the only one with her hand raised. Spec blinked before shaking his head.

"Well I'm going to assume everyone else is on board too."

Scotty and Cindy nodded as they sat up as well. Scotty raised his arms above his head to stretch with a slight moan.

"Hey Spec, I've been meaning to ask you and Luna when will you have a chance to visit the B&B? I can get you all a room for the night and breakfast in the morning."

"Well Saturday night is really the best time for me since me and Cindy both have Sundays off. How about next Saturday since we'll be going to the mansion this weekend?"

"Sounds like a plan. I'll make sure there is a room for you and Cindy for next Saturday. What about you Luna, does that work for you?"

"Saturday sounds fine Scotty. Will we be sharing a room with Spec and Cindy or will we have our own room?"

"We'll have a private room to ourselves. I have a room I keep just in case I can't travel or something."

"So you can just use it when ever you want?"

Scotty nodded as he stretched out, wiggling his toes. Luna smiled as she crawled over to him, walking her fingers along his thigh.

"You know Scotty, I can go into work a little late on Monday. Think you can show me tonight?"

Spec laughed, blowing air through his nose.

"You might as well take her Scotty. When she has that look in her eyes she wont give up for some time."

"Listen to Junior Scotty, I want to see your B&B."

Scotty smirked as he kissed Luna on the forehead.

"Sure thing sweetie, we can go later today after we get a change of cloths."

Spec scooted off the bed and made his way to the kitchen. It wasn't long before Cindy followed him as he took out some eggs for a late breakfast.

"Hey, I've been meaning to ask you something Spec."

He looked at her as he put an apron over his naked body.

"Why did you call Kit 'Chrissy' last night at the party?"

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The group had brunch after washing up. It was a joint effort between the guys as Scotty prepared the eggs and sausage. Spec used his old bread to make oven baked French toast. The couples went their separate ways after eating. Spec and Cindy took the robes to Stitches to be dry cleaned while Scotty and Luna went to their respective apartments to drop of their things and pick up a change of clothing.

They decided to take Scotty's car from Luna's apartment as they pulled up to his B&B. It was cozy looking as it sat next to a park and several trees. The parking lot was fairly empty as Scotty pulled into his parking space.

"Here it is, my work slash home away from home."

"It looks lovely Scotty. Where to first?"

"Well first we should let the staff know I'm staying the night but not working today. Don't want the them getting worried I'm doing a surprise check up on them or something."

She laughed as they entered and checked in with the front desk. Scotty retrieved his room's card key. It was fairly close to the front desk as he let Luna in to the room. It was well kept as sun light flowed in from the window. Luna put her bag down next to the foot of the queen size bed before laying out across the soft white comforter and sheets.

"You run a tight ship Scotty. Everything looks so clean and orderly."

"Well you kind of need to be when you work in the hospitality business. Do you want to check out the kitchen and see what we'll be having for dinner tonight?"

Luna sat up smiling with that all too familiar look in her eye. She was up to something as she followed the skunk to the dinning room. There were several round tables that sat adjacent to a buffet style serving line. Two staff members were setting up the plates and silverware at the start of the buffet line and salad bar. Luna sneaked a black olive from the bar as they passed it.

Inside the kitchen, Scotty greeted the kitchen staff as he looked over the menu for dinner. Luna was distracted when he saw the large walking cooler off to the side. She was giddy as she walked over to it.

"Hey Scotty, can I go into the cooler for a second?"

"Sure, but why do you want to?"

Before he could get an answer she jumped into the cooler still giggling. She closed the door behind her. Confused, Scotty opened the door to check on her.

"Luna, what are you doing?"

"There is no Luna, only Duul..."

The response caught him off guard as he started to laugh once he realized what she was imitating.

"You aren't the destroyer and we aren't summoning a giant marsh mellow man. Get out here and decide what you want to have for dinner. We need to know what you want for your main course. You can pick from fried chicken, pork chops, grilled fish, or prime rib."

She looked over the menu as she tapped her finger against her lip.

"I don't suppose I can get a little of everything can I?"

Scotty smiled and turned to the kitchen staff.

"Better make a little extra of everything guys."

They all nodded as they continued preparing dinner. Scotty escorted Luna out the the garden area out back. It was decorated with natural flowers and natural shade provided by tress. There were some local flowers growing around in planter boxes along white painted, wooden benches.

"This is a lovely set up you have here Scotty. I notice you don't have any roses though."

"Nope, roses can be a bit of work to maintain. But they would look nice in the garden though."

"What about the roses Spec has in his apartment? They are low maintenance. They also hold up pretty well in the city."

"I noticed Spec's roses seem to hold up pretty well. Where did he get them from?"

"I got them for our birthday. I'm sure if I asked I can get some ordered for this place."

"I'll think about it. Some full bloom roses would look nice in the garden."

** ** ** ** **

Dinner was pleasent as a couple dozen other people ate in the dining room. Aside from the different meats there were mixed steamed veggies, mashed and baked potatoes, and the salad bar. There were a couple of children who were served mac and cheese and chicken tenders. It wasn't much as the kitchen usually only made those items as special request for guest.

"This is a nice set up Scotty but I have to ask, what happens to the left overs?"

"Well we try to not have too many left overs to cut back on food waste. Usually when there are a few left overs the staff can have it, especially if they work overnight so they have something filling to eat."

Luna leaned forward resting her chin on her hands.

"Well aren't you just the sweetest boss?"

"Well a happy staff is a productive staff."

Luna continued eating her prime rib. Scotty could tell she approved of the flavor.

"I'm glad you are enjoying yourself Luna."

"Well my company for the evening plays a big factor in that. I especially love that garden. I can only imagine how good the light is for a photo shoot."

Scotty snorted slightly as could only imagine Luna setting up a photo shoot for Wolf Pack at his B&B.

"Always thinking about work. I doubt my guest would approve of naked models posing in garden."

"Well we don't know that for sure. Besides, I'm sure there are some people who would pay double to stay here if we did. Triple maybe if they could watch. And its fun to think about work when you enjoy what you do."

The skunk couldn't help but laugh at her comment. He wiped a tear from his eye as he drank from his glass of water.

"Well I can't argue with that."

Luna chuckled as she continued eating her baked potato. It wasn't long before they were ready for dessert. Luna was eyeing the strawberry cake and chocolate pudding.

"Can't decide which you want Sweetie?"

Luna grinned as she shook her head.

"I know I want both but I just can't decide."

"Decide on what?"

"Which I'm going to lick off your body first when we take them back to the room."

He stood frozen for a moment befor he swallowed trying to compose himself. He grabbed a bowl of pudding and a plate of cake. He leaned in and kissed Luna before whispering into her ear, "Grab one each and head to the room." One of the servers who was cleaning up spotted him with desserts in hand.

"Um, Luna would rather eat dessert in the room. I'll bring the dishes back later. I doubt you'll be seeing us for the rest of the night."

The server's expression went from confused to a smile as Scotty and Luna made their way to the room.

Twilight Eros Chapter 42

Chapter 42 (Warning: See info box for list of kinks) Scotty some how balanced his desserts on one arm as he got his key card to unlock the door. Luna quickly stepped in, still giggling while holding her two desserts. She placed her plates on the...

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Twilight Eros chapter 40

Chapter 40 (Warning: See info box for list of kinks) Scotty walked about the basement floor as he sipped from his cup. He spotted Spec sitting on a couch with a can of Crimson Ram in hand. He took a seat next to him as the wolf took a sip from the...

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Twilight Eros Chapter 39

Chapter 39 (Warning: See info box for list of kinks) It was the morning of the party and Spec was a bit nervousness. He skipped his coffee that day to keep from getting an upset stomach. Cindy came to him with the final check list and a kiss on the...

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