Twilight Eros Chapter 44

Story by specterHSC on SoFurry

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#44 of Twilight Eros

The tour continues as Scotty and Cindy seem to have caught someone's attention. What will happen next?

Thanks to IB: ScottyKat for use of his character and proof reading and zenia for the TE thumbnail

Chapter 44

"How's that helmet feel Scotty? Not too lose is it?"

Scotty tried to wiggle the surplus army helmet on his head but there was little give. It was snug but no so tight that it was uncomfortable as his ears stuck out special slots. Luna couldn't help but snicker at him even though she thought he looked cute.

"It's fine sir."

"You don't have to call me 'sir'. Spencer is fine. I'd say Call me Spence but its so close to what my son prefers to be called."

"Well Spec is easier then constantly saying 'Junior'. Looking good Scotty."

Everyone one turned to see Thea, Spec and Cindy enter the game room as Spec spoke. Cindy's mouth dropped open slightly as she saw her cousin wearing the army helmet.

"Oh my god, you weren't kidding Spec. Your dad put a helmet on him."

Spencer laughed as he walked over towards Cindy.

"Well my dear Cindy, how else does one play the game of global conquest, Gambit?"

He gestured to large wooden square table in the room with the three section, folding board set up with the box and pieces all set up next to it. The rest of the room had other board games on shelves as well as a pool table, dart board, big screen TV with game systems, and an air hockey table. Scotty finally removed his helmet and sat it down next to the German style helmet and a Fez.

"This place is crazy. Do you use it often?" Scotty asked as Cindy looked over the collection of board games. Luna chuckled as she started to talk.

"Well, Dad and Spec tend to use it more then them me and Mom. They do love to play Gambit a lot."

The male wolves replied in unison "We aren't that bad." This cause everyone to chuckle as Luna continued.

"We do have family game nights from time to time. But we have to be careful about what games we play. There was that one time we all thought it was a good idea to play Property Management, Power Bash Siblings, and Vito cart duel drift all in the same night..."

The Silvermanes all shuddered as they seemed to be remembering a bad time. Scotty and Cindy just looked at each other wondering what the aftermath of that incident was. Luna clapped her hands to break the tension.

"Well it wasn't anything that a quick blow job and dinner wasn't able to fix."

Thea, Spencer and Spec shook their heads at Luna's comment. She scoffed at their reaction.

"You all act like there is some one in this room who doesn't know what me and Spec do in our private time."

"Wait, your parents know what you two do together?" Cindy asked as she pointed between the twins. Spec answered her question.

"Well it wasn't exactly like we could keep it secret from our parents despite how big this place is. Besides our mom has really good hearing."

"It's true. Gotta love Thea and her cute, sexy ears."

Thea waved at Spencer as he complimented his wife. He came up behind her and gave her a hug as she started to nibble said ears, causing her to giggle. Everyone else watched for a moment before turning away. Thea noticed this and cleared her throat to get Spencer's attention. He stopped as they both straightened up.

"Well children, why don't me and my wife show you more of the mansion and where you'll be sleeping?"

They all nodded as they followed Thea and Spencer. Luna grabbed Spec and called out, "You guys go ahead. I need to talk to Spec for a second." Thea called back, "Don't be long you two. We'll show them the hot tub and sauna by the pool before we show more of the inside."

Spec turned to Luna, curious as to what she wanted to talk about.

"What's up sis?"

"I know something about Scotty that will interest you. It seems that handsome skunk of mine has an older sister and a twin sister we've yet to meet."

Spec was quiet for a second as he processed the information presented to him.

"How did you find out about this?"

"Scotty let it slip and I threatened to bite him on the butt if he didn't tell me about them."

Spec's shoulders slumped as his sister mentioned the last part. He shook his head and smiled as he made his way to the door.

"Come on sis. I'm sure Scotty will introduce them to us when he is ready."

"That's it? No 'ooh, a twin sister?' or anything?"

** ** ** ** **

The rest of the mansion tour was fairly basic. The Slivermane's showed Scotty and Cindy many places they've seen before in magazines and on TV. About the only unique place they saw were the twins old bed rooms. They reflected each twin's personality as Luna had a few luchador mask on display on her book shelves as well as some stuffed animals on her bed. Spec had several mech models posed in action poses, fighting each other among graphic novel collections and wooden puzzles. It was decided that Scotty would sleep in Luna's room and Cindy with Spec. Spec separated from the group to start cooking as the sun was starting to set.

"Don't take too long Junior. The sooner we eat the sooner we can play Gambit. How about it Cindy, care to join me, Scotty and Junior for a round?"

Before Cindy could respond Luna spoke.

"Come on dad, you know that game takes hours to play. Why don't you play tomorrow in the morning? We'll be here all weekend after all."

Spencer made a semi pouting face as Thea patted him on the back to comfort him.

"There, there dear. Luna makes a good point. You can play your game with the boys tomorrow. Let them settle in tonight."

"Alright Thea, you all can do what you want after dinner but tomorrow after breakfast We play games and I share embarrassing stories about Luna and Junior growing up with Scotty and Cindy."

"Dad, don't you dare..." replied Luna as she balled up her fist. Spencer laughed as he led everyone to the kitchen where Spec was moving between the stove and island, preparing everything. There was a small dinner table that easily sat a small family of six to eight people. Spencer made his way to the mini bar which was past the dining area, inside the lounge. He opened the cabinet to reveal several bottles of different spirits and mixers.

"Luna would you be a dear and bring me the ice bucket? Would anyone like a drink before dinner?"

Scotty asked "Can you make a Hurricane?" while Cindy asked for "A Cosmo please." Luna requested "A Cuba Libre please. Hey Spec you want a drink? Dad's mixing em up!" "I'll have a Cuba Libre!" Spec called out from the kitchen. Thea smiled as she walked over to her husband and kissed him on the cheek. "You know what I like dear."

Spencer smiled and demonstrated his hosting skills as he lined up all the glassware needed for all of the drinks. He started to muddle mint into a glass with sugar as he put ice into a martini glass. The twins' drinks were easy and he left them for last. In less then ten minutes, he had prepared a everyone's drink including a mint julep for Thea and a whiskey and cola for himself. Scotty an Cindy enjoyed their cocktails as they each sampled them.

"That's good sir. Where did you learn to mix drinks?" Scotty asked as Spencer sipped his drink.

"Please Scotty, call me Spencer, and years of entertaining and hosting parties."

"Oh the parties we've had." Thea said before sipping her drink. Scotty and Cindy both laughed and nodded as they could only imagine what the Silvermanes have done through out the years. Spec walked out to retrieve his drink. "So long as me and Luna weren't a result of one of those parties, I'm okay with said parties. By the way, dinner is ready." said Spec before he tried his drink. "That's good, thanks dad."

"You're welcome son. Now come on everyone, let's eat." said Spencer as he motioned for everyone to follow to the dinning table. Luna retrieved the silverware as Thea handed Spec bowls which he filled with rice and the tomato beef mixture. The three of them brought out two bowls each and handed one to their significant other as they sat at the table. Luna and Scotty on one side and Spec and Cindy opposite of them while Thea and Spencer sat at the ends of the table.

"To family and new friends." toasted Spencer as everyone lifted their glasses. Everyone had a sip before Thea instructed to "Dig in." Everyone did as instructed and enjoyed the meal Spec had prepared. It was quiet at first as they all enjoyed the savory, sweet flavor of the meal. Thea broke the silence when she asked "So Scotty, how is your father Cyrus?" Scotty froze mid chew after hearing the question.

Scotty asked "How do you know my father's name?" Everyone replied "Luna told her." Luna swallowed what was in her mouth as she added "Yeah, I told her." before putting another spoonful into her mouth. Scotty had a stunned look as he turned to everyone.

"She told you that she told her Cindy?"

"No, it just seemed like something she would do."

Scotty looked around at as everyone acted as if this was normal. He sighed before taking another bite of food himself. After swallowing he answered Thea's question.

"He's been well. Still traveling and documenting sexual rituals around the world."

"I see, It must have been an interesting childhood, having him as a father and all. I'm sure you have several stories to share." She said with a sly smile

Scotty leaned over to Luna and whispered to her. "What exactly have you been telling her sweetie?" Luna replied, "Just who your dad is. Give me some credit Scotty. I may gossip with my mom but I know some boundaries." Thea Laughed as she looked over to Spencer. They made eye contact and exchanged some gestures.

"Don't worry Scotty, we wont pry into your past. But if you ever want to share, we'll be happy to listen." she said as she ran her foot along Scotty leg. He jumped slightly at the sudden sensation. Luna noticed as she looked at her mother. After a moment she smiled at her before nodding to her brother. Cindy noticed the twins and whispered to Spec.

"What's going on?"

"Well If I know my family, things are about to get interesting."

Cindy was confused as she tried to figure out what was was happening with Scotty and Thea. When she looked to Spencer, he was chuckling as he ate. Thea finally stopped teasing Scotty and continued to speak.

"I'm sure Spencer would be interested in meeting your father as well. I know he usually writes for International Regions but perhaps he could do an article for Wolf Pack in the future."

"That would be an interesting collaboration Thea. Please do tell your father I'd be interested in meeting him, even if we do not work on a professional project, it would still be good family relation building."

Spec looked as if he was about to say something as he rose his hand. He quickly put his hand down as he reached for his glass instead and quickly finished it's content.

"Well, I need to refresh my drink. Cindy, care to join me so I can refresh yours as well?"

"Okay." She responded as she brought her glass with her as she caught his obvious ques that he wanted to talk. Spec called from the bar, "Luna, Scotty, can I freshen your drinks as well?" "Sure." Scotty replied as he got up with his cup. Luna continued to eat as she waved her brother off. "I'm fine Spec, thanks though." Spec rolled his eyes as he called out, "Luna!"

Luna heard it as she was mid bite. She swallowed what was in her mouth and set her bowl down and finished her drink in a quick chug. "You better make these as strong as dad's little brother." she said as she went to the bar. Thea and Spencer smiled at each other as they continued to eat.

"So Thea my love, what do you think of them?"

"They are good for them. Cindy especially for Junior. He seems much happier now then before. And of course Scotty is not hard on the eyes either. His fur is so soft too." They both laughed as they had another bite each. Spencer continued talking while the others were away.

"Well it seems Luna is willing to share him. I don't know how Junior feels about sharing Cindy though."

"Well don't worry dear. If Luna does let me have some fun with Scotty, I'll still have enough energy to be with you."

"Oh you sexy wolf you." Spencer said as Thea growled playfully at him. Back at the bar area, Spec was mixing everyone fresh drinks as Scotty was trying to gather what happened between him and Thea.

"If I didn't know better, I swore you mom was just flirting with me back there."

"She was." replied both twins in unison. Cindy and Scotty were both shocked to hear this as the wolf siblings seemed unfazed. Scotty was a bit shocked as Cindy asked "And your dad is okay with this?"

"Oh, he wants to sleep with you too Cindy. That's what that exchange was back there at the dinner table." replied Luna as both Cindy and Scotty had the same expression on their faces now. Spec was half way done with the drinks as he continued to speak.

"To say our family is open about sex would be an understatement. Our parents aren't exactly swingers but they have a similar relationship like the four of us have. They only do things with other people that they know about and there are no secrets."

"Wait, but have they ever done anything..." Cindy asked as she pointed back and forth between the twins. They quickly shook their heads saying "No, no, no."

"Me and Spec do things together but we don't do things with our parents. If we did this tonight and shared you with them, this would be our first time."

Spec handed out the drinks to everyone as he had a sip from his glass.

"I'm not gonna lie guys, I'm a little tempted to see where this goes and it seems obvious Luna here isn't shy about sharing Scotty."

Luna replied with a quick "Hey." Spec looked at her with a look which caused her to shrug and shake her head in agreement. Spec turned back to Scotty and Cindy.

"I know my folks and they are interested in both of you. But they wont do anything that will make you uncomfortable. I guess what we are saying is that it's all up to you two."

Cindy and Scotty faced each other as the thought of being with cultural icons, even for just a one night stand, crossed their minds. The pros and cons rushed through their heads as Cindy spoke first.

"What do you think we should do Scotty?"

Twilight Eros Chapter 45

Chapter 45 (Warning: See info box for list of kinks) The Twilight Pack return to the table with their drinks. Thea and Spencer both got seconds as everyone else continued eating their first portion. "So Scotty, Luna tells me that you love apples. I...

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Twilight Eros Chapter 43

Chapter 43 Spec and Cindy worked through the day as if everything was normal but they were worried about Kit. Angie ran out too fast for them to get any details about Kit being kidnapped. It wasn't until the end of the day, after the shop was closed,...

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Twilight Eros Chapter 42

Chapter 42 (Warning: See info box for list of kinks) Scotty some how balanced his desserts on one arm as he got his key card to unlock the door. Luna quickly stepped in, still giggling while holding her two desserts. She placed her plates on the...

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