Twilight Eros Chapter 43

Story by specterHSC on SoFurry

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#43 of Twilight Eros

Kit is okay, if not a bit shook up from her experience. But the time has come, the pack makes their way to the Wolf Pack Mansion. We also meet the twin's parents, Spencer and Thea. We also learn where Twilight Books got its name from.

Thanks to following peopleIB: ScottyKat for use of Scotty and proof reading.IB: joshp1 for use of Angie and Kit. Check out what happens with them in greater detail in his story, Fox in the City on his profile.IB: Spacestrawberry for giving Thea her name. zenia for the TE thumbnail.

Chapter 43

Spec and Cindy worked through the day as if everything was normal but they were worried about Kit. Angie ran out too fast for them to get any details about Kit being kidnapped. It wasn't until the end of the day, after the shop was closed, that they got a call from Angie on Spec's cell.

"Angie, what is going on? Were you serious when you said Kit was kidnapped?"

"Yes, she was but its okay. We got her back and she's in the hospital with her brother."

"What? Are they okay?"

"Kit is fine physically but she's getting checked out just to make sure she's fine. Her brother was beaten up pretty bad so they are treating his injuries. He has some cuts and bruises and they think he has some broken ribs."

Cindy walked up next to Spec, wondering what was going on as she could only hear half of the conversation. She listened as Spec continued to talk to Angie. Spec rubbed his head as he sighed.

"Well I'm glad to hear they are okay but what about the people who kidnapped her?"

Spec listened and nodded while Angie explained to him what happened. He gave short responses to show he heard her before he exclaimed "What?!" Cindy was startled at the sudden outburst as the wolf composed himself.

"Okay... Angie, you can fill us in properly when you come back to work. Take a couple of days off and and tell Kit she can take some time off too. She can come back when she is ready. She just needs to give us a heads up so we can fill her into the schedule again. Give our best to Kit and her family. We'll see you soon... Okay, take care Angie. I'll talk to you later."

He lowered his phone and hit the end button to hang up. As he put his phone away in his pocket he ran his hand over the top of his head while sighing. Cindy walked up behind him while putting her hands on his shoulders.

"What happened? Is Kit alright?"

"Angie said she isn't hurt but they are going to keep an eye on her. Her brother got hurt it seems so they are in the hospital. She said they got the people who did this but... One of them was shot. There is going to be a police investigation."

She covered her mouth in shock upon hearing the news. Spec looked at her and immediately pulled her in close and hugged her. She returned the gesture as she started to calm down.

"What do we do now Spec?"

"Well, I told Angie to take a couple of days off and to tell Kit to come back when she is ready. We'll give her some time and go from there. For now we'll just have to cover their shifts. It's nothing we haven't done before. Plus we have Jen now."

Cindy nodded as she rested her head against his chest. The sound of his heart beat sounded nice as she closed her eyes. He held her for some time as he wondered what he would have done if the same had happened to Cindy. When they finally separated, he kissed her on lips and held her hand.

"Well, we're done for the night. You are more then welcome to stay Cindy."

"I'd like to but I didn't bring a change of cloths. Besides, I've been spending more time here then I have at my own place... Why don't you stay with me tonight?"

"Okay, just give me a second to pack a bag."

Before he could leave to pack, she took hold of his hand to stop him.

"Spec, do you think Kit and Angie are going to be okay?"

"I'm sure they will be fine. Kit has grown a lot since we've known her and Angie... Well, she's Angie."

They both laughed as the mood lightened. Cindy followed Spec to the apartment so that he could pack an over night bag.

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Then next couple of days were busy but the store ran smoothly as Jen took on a few more hours. She was curious about Kit but no one spoke about the incident with her. The day before the trip to the mansion, Spec picked up everybody's robes from Stitches. They were each neatly fold and tied down with their waist ties. Spec sent a text to Luna and Scotty to let them know everything was ready for the trip.

The day of the trip arrived as everyone gathered at Twilight books. Spec and Cindy had finished closing and cleaning while Luna was reading a magazine on the latest photo equipment to hit the market. Spec and Cindy showed up with their over night bags and the robes as he hands Luna and Scotty theirs. Spec was wearing his glasses as he didn't want to bring his contacts.

"We ready to hit the road folks?"

"Can you add this magazine to my tab Spec?"

"You don't have a tab Luna."

"Then I will be back for this later." She said as she sat the magazine down and picked up her belongings. The four of them made their way to the street where Spec and Luna's cars were parked. Cindy would ride with Spec and Scotty with Luna. The twins were driving as they knew the way to the mansion. Before they left Luna motioned for Spec to come to her.

"What's up sis?"

"When we get some time alone I need to tell you something you are going to want to hear."

"Am I going to regret finding out what you want to tell me?"

"Maybe, but cheer up. We're going home to see mom and dad!"

"You act like they live out of state or something."

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The drive wasn't too long as they headed north, towards the hills. The landscape gradually turned from city streets to suburban trees and fences. After roughly an hour of driving the two cars pulled up to the gate of the mansion. Luna leaned out of her window to input the gate code while chuckling. They pulled up to the front drive way of a beautiful two level mansion. What stood out the most were the white rose bushes that decorated the front of the building. They were larger versions of the potted one Spec had in his apartment.

After the cars were parked, Luna held her arms up in a victory pose as she called to Spec "I win!" Spec shook his head as he called back "We weren't racing Luna!"She replied by sticking her tongue out at him. He sighed while shaking his head and went to grab the bags from his car. Scotty had his bag as Luna grabbed hers. Cindy tried to take her bag but Spec insisted on carrying it for her as Luna rang the door bell.

After a couple of minutes the door opened slightly. Through the crack, a blue eye behind glasses could be seen. A gravely voice asked "Who dare enter the manor of Silvermane?" Cindy and Scotty were confused as Spec simply shook his head. Luna stood up straight with her hand out before bowing and replying.

"We, the children of Slivermane and our significant others dare."

The door opened as a wolf with glasses and dark gray fur stepped out to hug Luna laughing. There was no mistake that he was Spencer Silvermane, owner of Wolf Pack magazine. He wore a red button up shirt and tan slacks. He was a little shorter then Spec but the resemblance was obvious when they stood next to each other with their glasses on. Aside from the height and apparent age Spencer's fur was just a little darker then Specs. After a quick kiss on Luna's cheek, Spencer turned his attention to his son.

"Junior, its been too long. How are you doing?"

The two hugged each other as Spec some how held onto the bags. They patted each other on the back before backing away to speak to one another.

"I'm good dad. It's nice to see you. Allow me to introduce you to these lovely people, Scotty and Cindy."

Spec motioned to the two skunks who waved at Spencer. They were a bit in awe as they were in the presence of a cultural icon. Spencer nodded to them and said, "A pleasure to meet you both." He gave Scotty a firm hand shake and Cindy a gentle kiss on the hand. Spec let out an annoyed growl as he did.

"Come on dad, that's my girlfriend."

"Oh he's just being a gentleman Junior. He doesn't mean anything by it."

Everyone turned to the door where the woman's voice came from. Scotty and Cindy went wide eyed as they saw who it was. She walked up to Spec first and gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek. He said "Hi mom." before she pulled away and did the same with Luna. Luna saw the skunks' reaction and couldn't help but smile.

"Scotty, Cindy, this is our mother, Thea."

"A pleasure to meet the two of you."

She extended her hand and shook Cindy's first who was still in awe. When she moved to Scotty, he had some trouble finding his words but eventually was able to speak.

"Oh my god, you're Thea Twilight. You were the very first Alpha in Wolf Pack"

All of the Silvermanes laughed softly at his reaction. Thea nodded with a smile as she made the infamous pose she did in the very first issue of Wolf pack with her hand holding up some of her hair from behind, her other hand on the outer thigh of her semi crossed legs, and her chest sticking out.

"Indeed I am. Please just call me Thea though. I haven't been called Twilight in years."

Thea was also slightly shorter then her children were. She had the same type of hair as Luna but her color was just slightly darker. Her fur was also a lighter gray then her children. She wore black pants and a black button top that was partial open, exposing her cleavage. She might have been a mother of two but she did not lose any of her looks or figure from her days as a model.

"Come on you kids, don't stand around outside. Come in everyone." Thea said as she turned to enter the mansion. Spencer chuckled as he said, "You heard her kids, everyone inside." Before anyone had a chance to take a step Thea called from the door way, "The 'kid' statement referred to you too dear." Spencer remarked with, "I'm not a kid. I'm a childish adult with disposable income." This caused everyone to smile as they entered the mansion and closed the front door.

Spencer instructed them to leave their bags in the main hall for the time being. There was a stair well in the middle that lead upstairs. Scotty and Cindy had seen it before from video clips on TV but it was something to behold in person. Spec and Luna walked about as if it was nothing.

"So dad, I see you don't have any of the house keepers here today?"

"Not this weekend Junior. It will just be a quiet weekend with family, just like you requested."

"Thanks dad... Wait, who is cooking then?"

"Ooh, can you make your tomato beef and rice son?" Thea asked, clasping her hands together. Cindy thought the gesture looked familiar as she leaned over and whispered to Luna, "I see where you get it from." Luna just smiled and nodded as Spec rolled his eyes.

"Okay, I'll cook tonight. I assume you have all the ingredients I'll need."

"Now Junior, you know we keep the fridge and pantry stocked."

"Mom if you have flank steak that is already defrosted it means you and dad planned this."

"Well Luna told me that you wouldn't mind making dinner when she called me the other day so I went ahead and bought the things she asked me to."

Spec looked at his dad for a second before turning to Luna who was gesturing to her father to stop talking. When she saw Spec was looking at her with a displeased look, she gave a nervous chuckle.

"What can I say brother, I love you cooking."

Spec closed his eyes and lowered his head with a low growl of defeat as he walked into the kitchen. He paused at the door and spoke.

"I'll start prepping the meat so it will cook a bit faster. Why don't you show Cindy and Scotty around so they don't get lost later. Perhaps show them the bathrooms and where we'll be sleeping."

Spec disappeared into the kitchen as the Silvermane's looked at Scotty and Cindy. Spencer walked up to Scotty and patted him on the back with a smile.

"Scotty my boy, let me ask you something. Do you enjoy board games?"

"Yes sir."

Spencer chuckled as he put his arm around Scotty and lead him away while saying, "I have something to show you." Luna watches as the two left to another part of the mansion. She turned to Thea.

"I think I better follow them. Gotta make sure dad doesn't try to scare him or anything."

"You know he only kids around. But you should still and make sure your father behaves. I'll show Cindy around."

"Thanks mom."

Luna gave Thea a quick peck on the cheek and pursued Spencer and Scotty while calling for them to wait for her. Cindy felt a little uneasy being alone with Thea for a couple of reasons as she tried to find something to talk about.

"It's an honor meet you Mrs. Silvermane."

"You don't need to be so formal Cindy. Please, call me Thea. If anything it's a honor to meet you. Luna has told me a great deal about how you've gotten my son to open up. For that, I thank you Cindy."

"Oh, it's nothing. Spec is such a caring person and I love being with him and working at his store."

Thea's smile went wide at the mention of Twilight books.

"Oh, I love that book store of his. I doubt he told you this, but he named it after me."

"You're kidding."

"It's true. When he was deciding on a name, Luna suggested to him to name it after me. I love books and loved reading to the kids when they were younger. Junior of course didn't want to have any obvious ties to the family name so his father suggested Twilight books because of my stage name when I did photo shoots. Everyone loved the idea and that's what he went with."

Cindy raised her eyebrows upon learning the original of the shops name. She let out a content "hmm" at the touching back story. The moment was interrupted by Spec who walked out of the kitchen.

"You two are still here? Where did everyone else go?"

"Your father took Scotty to show him the game room. Luna went to make sure your father played nice."

"Knowing dad, he'll have Scotty in an army helmet by now. Let's go save them before dad starts up a round of Gambit with them."

"Agreed" replied Thea as she went in the same direction that the others. Spec took Cindy's hand as he followed his mother down the hall. Cindy squeezed Spec's hand a little to get his attention as they walked.

"Yes Cindy?"

"What did you mean when you said your dad would put Scotty in an army helmet?"

Spec chuckled as he faced forward, still walking forward.

"Oh, you'll see soon enough."

Twilight Eros Chapter 44

Chapter 44 "How's that helmet feel Scotty? Not too lose is it?" Scotty tried to wiggle the surplus army helmet on his head but there was little give. It was snug but no so tight that it was uncomfortable as his ears stuck out special slots. Luna...

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Twilight Eros Chapter 42

Chapter 42 (Warning: See info box for list of kinks) Scotty some how balanced his desserts on one arm as he got his key card to unlock the door. Luna quickly stepped in, still giggling while holding her two desserts. She placed her plates on the...

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Twilight Eros Chapter 41

Chapter 41 The morning after the party was spent sleeping in. Fortunately for Spec and Cindy the shop was closed and the only clean up needed was to remove the trash bags from the basement. Spec laid in his bed between Cindy and Scotty, much to his...

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