Lost with Life Chapter 7

Story by PROKNIFER69 on SoFurry

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#7 of Lost with Life.

Link is a guard, busy dealing with the odd and strange people in the markets. He is one of many guards, but often at night, he gets a strange feeling as if he is missing something. Throughout the story, he will regain his memory of the life he once lived long ago. He will meet the strangest people, fight the deadliest beasts, and perhaps find what he was missing.

Link couldn't sleep at all, he was tossing and turning. He had the same dream, over and over again. It always started out the same. He was standing in a massive chamber that closely resembled a colosseum. There was also six big spires pointing straight up towards the sky. One of them was badly damaged. In the middle of the chamber was a set of stairs, leading up to a platform with seemingly nothing on it. If there was something on it, it was long gone. The wind was blowing violently, as if signalling the start of a sandstorm. Each time Link took a step forwards, he got very quick flashes of something. It was like memories, but he recognized none of the places, or faces. Usually, Link woke up after just a couple of steps. Tonight was no different. Link groaned as he opened his eyes. He was starting to get really tired of these dreams. He had no idea what was causing them, but he had one theory. Maybe that shadow trick Midna always does was doing something to him. He didn't know, and he thought he might never know. He just tossed and turned until he fell back asleep.

"Hey, wake up."

Link groaned at the sound of the imp's voice. He could already see sunlight shining in through the window. "Just let me sleep a little longer..." He hated being woken up, but his sleeping habits had gotten him into trouble before. He liked a good long nap.

"You've got work today! And if you don't get paid, then I don't get fed." Midna pulled the covers right off Link's bed.

Link curled up a little, feeling a little cold without his warm covers. He decided that it was probably a good idea to get up, and get ready for work. The last time he didn't get up, she took some flowers out of a vase and poured the water over him. "Alright, alright. I'm up!" Link pushed himself off the bed, knowing that he was on patrol today with Dylan. Just another day.

Some time later, Link found himself back out in Castle Town Central Square. Midna was back in his shadow, probably taking a nap. It made him wonder what exactly she did while she was inside his shadow, if anything. "It's nice and quiet today," he happily said.

"Oh, don't say that! You're going to draw old loudmouth back!" Dylan exclaimed.

Link chuckled a little at his response before looking up to the sky. There wasn't a cloud in sight, looked like today was going to be a beautiful day. "Even if he does come back, it will give us something to do."

"You're right there, it gets really boring around here. It's a good thing we patrol in pairs, or we would all be just standing in silence all day."

Link suddenly heard screams. Quickly, he looked back to Dylan. "We better go check that out!"

Dylan let out a sigh before then quickly following link. He doubted that anyone really needed any help. It was probably just some kids messing around, but he followed Link anyway, just in case. Quickly, they ran straight to the East Road, and we're confronted by a sight neither of them expected. "Holy shit!"

Link was shocked to see a tall man, standing there. In his left hand, he held a two-handed sword. In his right hand, he held a guard by the neck. The man had dark skin, with a dark green tint to it. His hair was firey red, and his strength was clearly immense. He wore black leather fingerless gauntlets. The rest of his arms were covered by chainmail, as was the rest of his body. Under the chainmail, he wore a blood red shirt, but that wasn't visible because of the thick black breast plate he wore over the chainmail. He wore dark green cargo trousers, and covering his feet were black leather boots. Wrapped around the man's neck was a blood red scarf, which draped over his armor slightly. "Put him down! Now!" Link yelled as he raised, and pointed the spear right at the man in black.

The man looked over to link, revealing his amber eyes. A big smirk crossed his face, which quickly filled Link with a dreadful feeling he had never felt before. "Link!" he bellowed, loud enough for everyone to hear. He threw the guard down to the ground

"How do you know my name?!" Link quickly demanded to know, keeping his spear aimed right at the man. He was relieved to see the guard that he had grabbed was getting back up to his hands and knees, crawling away. He looked shook up, but he was going to live.

"So you don't remember me. That should make this easier," he replied, before walking towards him.

"Stop!" Link yelled, before seeing the man dash right towards him. This man wasn't just quick, he had enough strength to lift, and swing a two-handed sword with just one hand. Quickly, Link ducked underneath the blade. He could hear, and feel the blade slicing right through the air above his head. Link used what little time he had to thrust his spear towards the man's unarmored legs. However, the man quickly lifted the leg Link was aiming for, and brought down his foot right onto the shaft of the spear. Link didn't let go of the spear, so as the tip of his weapon was pushed against the ground, the head of the spear was snapped clean off. All Link had left to defend himself with was the broken shaft of a spear.

"You're a lot easier to fight than I remember," he said as he took a few more steps towards him. "Remember the last time? I do. I think of nothing else but that last fight!"

Quickly, Dylan jumped right in, and tried to deliver a killing blow as quickly as he could. He thrust his spear right towards the man's face, but was stunned to see the man, holding the shaft of the spear. The man had managed to stop it a mere inch away from his face. "No bloody way," he whispered in disbelief. Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see other guards, rushing right towards them.

"Your attacks are pathetic, your ways have made you weak! You all deserve to fall if this is the best your queen can muster!"

Link watched as the tall man yanked the spear right out of Dylan's hands, and threw it aside. Almost immediately after doing so, he made a large sweeping slice towards some of the guards. His blade snapped the heads off several more spears. Every guard around this man backed away, all except for Link. They made eye contact, and in that brief second, he got almost a sudden flash of memory. He remembered a field, and he remembered him, standing in that field. It was like a picture, except his eyes were the camera. He was snapped back to reality really quickly once he saw the tall man putting away the blade, sheathing it on his back. It was then, Link made a move. He ran straight towards the tall man. He must have been at least seven and a half foot tall, but Link still attempted to fight him anyway. He noticed the man lifting his leg to kick him, so he quickly jumped, and tucked right into a roll. He rolled right underneath the man's kick, safely landing behind the tall man. However, by the time Link got back up to his feet, the tall man had already spun around, and threw a punch right into the side of his face. The blow connected with a loud smacking sound, causing Link to stagger backwards.

"Fancy moves, I see you do remember some things after all. It is a shame you don't know how to fight hand-to-hand," he said as he walked right over to Link.

Link's ears were ringing from that blow. His eyes went to the ground for a moment, spotting Dylan's spear. Immediately, he picked it up, and steeped right for the man's head with a loud yell. The man ducked underneath the sweeping attack.

"Too slow, Link!" he yelled before narrowly sidestepping a thrusting attack aimed at his neck. He then grabbed at the shaft of the spear with one hand, whilst striking Link with his chainmail covered elbow.

The sheer force of the blow staggered him enough to cause him to fall onto his back. It also opened up a cut on his cheek, which then proceeded to bleed. How was he supposed to beat someone with this much speed and reach? He tried to get back up as quickly as he could, but almost as soon as he got onto his hand's and knees, the man grabbed him by his hair, and forced him up onto his feet. "GAH!"

"I know this hurts, Link, but it will be over soon!" he said, before pulling Link's head down, and ramming his knee right up into his face. The horrifying sound of hard bone striking the soft flesh surrounding his skull made everyone recoil in pain. Link's head flung back as he collapsed to the floor, rivers of blood escaping his nostrils. Seeing him in this much pain, about to lose his life made the man smile. "Ganondorf... That is the name of the man that will kill you!"

Dylan ran right at the tall man, he couldn't just stand by and let this man slaughter his friend like this. "Fuck off, you big bastard!" he yelled as he was just about to throw a punch. Suddenly, he felt the big man slamming his boot against his chest. The air quickly left Dylan's lungs, before he coughed violently.

"Fine, you can die with him!" Ganondorf yelled to Dylan, before turning his attention back to Link. Almost out of nowhere, Ganondorf was struck right in the face by a mighty blow that was enough to send him onto his back. Quickly, he got back up to his feet, only to be greeted by a face he thought he would never see again. "Midna?! Protecting your dog, I see!"

Midna hated that she was forced to show herself, seeing the other guards looking at her as if she was some kind of monster. She felt like she had to jump in though, what Link was being put through was just too brutal to sit back and watch. "I don't care who you are, just get the hell away from him!" Link was the only person that treated her with any sort of respect. What kind of person would she be if she just let him die? She didn't know why this man was doing this, but she wasn't going to just watch him murder Link.

Ganondorf looked around at all the guards, before laughing to himself. "You really are stupid, aren't you? You think you can save Link? By showing up, you have just shown every guard here that Link has befriended a demon! You should've let him die, at least you would've been safe. Now, no where will be safe for either of you," he told her, before walking down a side street. It was clear to him that Link posed no threat to him, not in this life.

Midna didn't care if she had to sacrifice her new home for Link's life, it was worth the trade in her eyes. She looked down to him, seeing how badly messed up he looked. "Get up! We have to leave!"

Link grunted as he was helped up to his feet by the same big hand that punched Ganondorf. Looking down the streets, he could see knights approaching. Unlike the guards, they actually had some guts. Quickly, he decided to leave, before his former colleagues hunted him down, and charged him for working with a demon.

Dylan got back up to his feet, holding a hand to his badly bruised and aching chest as he watched Link run away with a demon. It didn't make sense why Link would work with one. He knew Link though, and he knew Link wouldn't do something without a very good reason. He looked back to the knights, and quickly pointed them in the direction of the tall man. "The bastard went that way! Ngh! My fucking ribs..." he grunted as he watched them run down the side street. At least while they were chasing Ganondorf, they weren't focused on chasing his friend.

Author's Note: Beaten, bleeding, on the run, and homeless. Things aren't looking good for Link and Midna. Thank you to BigBissSonic for editing this, and as always, thank you all for reading this! :) Expect another chapter soon.