Let's Just Be Weird Together

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I've been working on this for a little while now, and I'm happy with how it turned out. It's one of my longest endeavors ever x.x

All characters depicted belong to me.

Story also belongs to me.

Anybutt, hope it's enjoyable for others. Feel free to drop a comment and tell me what you think.

***** This contains sexual acts between cubs. There's your warning. Do whatever you want now :| *****

It's rough being young. There's so much you have to learn and so much to figure out. So much to find out about yourself. As hard as it can be being young, there's still so much fun to be had. So many memories to make that you can keep with you as you grow older. So many new feelings and sensations. So many smiles. So many moments of laughter. Moments of joy. Moments that you never want to end, the ones you wish you could stay in and never leave.

Jamie, a young swift fox, padded about on the cool hardwood floor in the kitchen of his suburban home. His vulpine mother, Jasmine, sat at the kitchen table sipping on a fresh cup of tea. His father, Hugh, sat at the table as well with his own cup of tea and reading glasses fitted on his greying muzzle. The only noticeable noise was that of the fox kit padding about, but the subtle silence was soon broken when the kit spoke up. "So... could I have a friend over tonight?" "Which friend?" his mother asked in between sips of her tea. "Usual suspect," the kit replied. "The raccoon? Tobi, right?" his father chimed. "Yeah. Can he come stay the night?" "Depends. Are his parents okay with it?" his father quickly asked. "He said they are totally cool with it." "Will you boys be fine while your father and I are out? We won't be back until tomorrow." "You've left me home alone before." "Well if his parents are okay with it, and you don't get yourselves into any trouble, then I suppose he can stay," the fox's mother said. "Really? That's awesome! Thanks mom and dad!" "I know we're usually pretty strict with your bedtime, but it's the weekend and well, you are growing up. You're still our kit, but not so little anymore," said his mother. "No bedtimes? Really? Since when are you and dad so cool?" "We know you're growing up, but you're still a kid. Just enjoy the night and have fun, son." "Thanks, mom." "Just remember to take a shower and eat a good dinner though." "Got it." "And don't go getting into any trouble or burning the house down." "No promises." The young fox went off to his room and waited as patiently as he could for his friend to arrive. His parents were still talking amongst themselves in the kitchen. They had finished their teas and were getting ready to head upstairs and prepare for their night out. "He seems to be seeing that raccoon a lot lately," Hugh noted. "At least he's no troublemaker," Jasmine added. "You know he's gay, right?" "Of course. Why do you think Jamie spends so much time with him?" "Fair point. Wonder if he even knows that we know." "It's hard to tell. He's never brought it up with us you know." "Does he think we wouldn't approve?" "If only he knew that his old man had a few flings himself." "I'm sure he would be surprised if I told him I'm bi." "We'll have to handle that if it ever arises. All that matters to me is that our boy is happy." "That's really the only important thing, dear." "Let's go get ready to head out. I'm looking forward to catching up with Roger and Rebecca." "Ah yes. Those rabbits sure enjoy their wine." "That they do, and it's hard to tell who wants you more when they're both drunk." "Maybe tonight we can find out." "Don't get too excited dear. Swinging with those two is quite the challenge." "I'm sure it is. Rabbits have stamina of mythical proportions." "You should know foxes have equally high levels of stamina, my dear." "I did marry you after all." The vulpine couple smiled at one another after that one. They set their tea mugs in the dishwasher and departed from the kitchen to head upstairs and get everything ready for the night.

Jamie was comfortable in his oversized beanbag chair and playing video games. He couldn't help but think that it was odd receiving such lenient treatment from his parents. Ever since his fourteenth birthday a few months ago though they've been easing up on him. A few more chores have come up, but they've let him stay up a little later, play a little more games, and have friends over a bit more. The last one is the one he's gotten the most enjoyment from though. Along with being treated like less of a child and more of a young adult by his parents, the young male fox was also noticing some new things about himself. He'd even had "the talk" with dad too. Boy that talk was weird. Jamie never had any idea about all the stuff his own body could do, and still could barely fathom the few things about girls his father had mentioned. The kit noticed something else recently too. He noticed that seeing boys, especially his best friend Tobi, made him feel a little strange. He also noticed that if he stared or thought too much that his pants would grow a little tighter and sometimes his underwear would grow damp. Jamie wasn't naïve about any of that though. The young fox knew very well about his anatomy and his bodily functions. He even knew about attraction and sexuality too. He knew why Tobi made him feel strange, but so good at the same time.

It all really started the weekend right after his birthday. Tobi had come over to visit and try to get to work on a group project they had. They were working on the project and were just talking about casual subjects at first, school, sports, new video games, and loads of stupid jokes only kids their age could think of. Then the conversation suddenly shifted to a more personal note. Jamie could still remember it all very clearly...

"Hey Jamie..." "Yeah?" "Have you... have you had the uh... you know... the talk...?" "You mean...?" "Yeah..." "My dad sat me down a few days ago." "Okay. What do you think about all that stuff?" "It sounded pretty weird. Especially the stuff he said about girls." "What about the stuff he said about boys...?" "Like what?" "Did he say anything about boys liking ... other boys? "Well... he mentioned that couples don't have to be just a boy and a girl, but not much else." "Do you think you like boys, Jamie?" The fox was a little startled by the question at first, but he felt no real harm in giving his answer. After all, Tobi was his best friend in the whole world! They could tell each other anything. "I... well I think so... yeah..." "Really...?" "Y...yeah..." "I like boys too..." "You do?" "Yeah." "Sounds like we don't have to worry about all the weird stuff with girls then." "Heh... you're right." Jamie couldn't help but notice that Tobi seemed... scared of something. That he seemed so full of fear and concern and that something was just weighing down on him. Then he looked into Tobi's eyes. Crisp pools of green that shimmered like emeralds. But something was wrong there too. Jamie lowered his ears as he thought that he had done something to upset his friend, and then he spoke softly. "Tobi... you look... afraid of something. What's wrong?" "I... there's... there's this one boy I really... really like." "Who is it? You can tell me anything, Tobi." "What if I told you... that boy I like a lot is you?" "Me?" "I... I'm sorry... Does it bother you...?" "Why would it bother me? I mean... I like boys too." "But do you like me, Jamie?" "Of course! We've been best buds for years now." "No... I mean..." "Like a... boyfriend or something?" "Y...yeah..." Jamie felt like he was in a dream. He felt like this was all made up, but deep down he really hoped it was all true. He could feel his heart racing away in his chest. He wondered why Tobi has been acting so strange around him lately. Now he knew. The kit knew how feelings worked to some extent, and he knew how relationships worked to some extent too. The young fox thought back to when he saw Tobi in the changing room after gym, and when he saw the raccoon swimming in the school pool, and when they went camping together and that raccoon looked so beautiful sleeping. Jamie was young, but he still knew what all of this meant. It meant that he had felt the same way that Tobi feels about him for a long while now. Upon this realization his eyes slowly welled up and he replied to the question that seemed like it was asked a lifetime ago. "I like you that way, Tobi..." "Really...? You do? W...wait...are you crying?" "I was just thinking... about you... and I realized... that I've liked you for a while, Tobi." "R...really? I was so worried you'd hate me. I was so worried... that you wouldn't even want to be friends anymore." "You don't need to worry about any of that..." "Jamie..." "I want us to be boyfriends..." "I want that too..." "Well... I guess that makes it official then... We're boyfriends!" The two cubs smiled at each other and wiped away their little tears before hugging each other close. They may be young, but if they can feel this way about it each other does it really matter?

In the months that followed, the fox and raccoon cubs spent more and more time together. Sometimes they talked and played video games together or worked on schoolwork, but sometimes their hormones got the better of them. They began to explore new things just as all teens are prone to do. In this digital age, the internet is a true friend for a wide array of questions. They had their first kiss about a month after that first talk, a first kiss that was pretty awkward due to their sheer inexperience. But they kept at it, and found out that kissing was actually pretty cool. They found some other stuff they wanted to try too, usually allotting one day for everything they found. Some things they liked more than others, and began to frequent those over the things that didn't work for them. Kissing, oral, and a bit of actual anal sex are things they did the most. But the internet in all of its glory helped the cubs discover new and more interesting things as well. The cubs found out they shared a particular interest in some more exotic acts. Ever since they shared their feelings, they've just been having more and more fun together.

Jamie came back from his flashback of the past few months at the sound of the doorbell going off downstairs. The young fox paused his session of Uncharted and happily made his way downstairs. By the time he made it down, his parents were already sending Tobi's mother off and ensuring her boy will be just fine. Tobi saw the fox at the base of the stares and waved at him, the kit giving a happy wave right back before making a gesture to head upstairs. "Boys we're heading out now. Remember not to get into any trouble!" Hugh called up from downstairs. "And don't stay up all night either!" Jasmine added before heading out the door with her husband. The cubs made it into Jamie's bedroom and hugged each other closely. Jamie blushed a bit when he realized he had been swaying his tail like some happy dog this whole time, trying hard but to no avail to stop it from moving behind him. Tobi giggled and smiled at his kit before planting a little kiss on his cheek. This only causes the fox to blush even more. "Tobiii... You're just trying to turn me red!" "Yeah, but you can't blame me. Not my fault you're cute." "I'm just happy to see you again..." "The tail kinda gave that away already." "Looks like we're already alone." The fox and raccoon settled out of their embrace and smiled at each other. Jamie had an oversized beanbag chair near his bed and plopped down with controller back in hand. Tobi set his overnight bag down before joining the fox in the large seat. "Where are your folks going?" the coon asked. "I'm not really sure. I'm just happy to have you here all night." "Got anything planned?" "Lots." "Anything new?" "Was thinking we could try some more watersports." "Want to go take a shower then? We can do it in there so it won't make a mess." "And we can rinse off so we don't smell like pee either." "Heh... yeah."

Once again Jamie paused his game and hopped out of his beanbag chair, only this time sticking around to strip off his clothes. Tobi stood and removed his clothes as well, and soon the two cubs were down to nothing but bare fur and making their way to the bathroom together. Jamie shut the door out of habit and turned on the bathroom fan to help clear out steam from the shower. Then the fox went over to the tub and started up some nice hot water for the shower. He stepped into the large shower, and held the glass door open for his raccoon mate. The two cubs stood together under the flow of hot water, each taking a few moments to admire the other's body. Jamie let his eyes run over Tobi. The kit had seen his young lover nude several times now, but he always enjoyed the view. The fox's eyes started up at that trademark mask of the coon's face, down to the faint tuft of grey fur on his chest, down further still over his torso until landing at the waistline. Here was where the fox found his true treasure - well, one of them at least. The raccoon didn't have animal genitalia; instead he was set with humanoid genitalia - a sizeable uncut cock for a cub his age and the orbs to match it. That uncut beauty always made the fox smile, and to be honest he couldn't help but feel just a little jealous. All the while Tobi was looking over his fox, taking in all the details as he went. The raccoon let his eyes roam over the fox from head to toe and all the way back, stopping on the fox's slight belly before drifting down to the white-furred area between his legs. Tobi couldn't help but lick his lips as he stared at the fox's sheath, the tip of that vulpine cock already emerging out of its confines. The cubs moved closer and hugged each other close and tight. Their eyes met briefly, only to close when their muzzles touched. A quiet moan slipped out of the fox as he parted his muzzle and allowed the raccoon's tongue to enter his mouth. The raccoon moaned softly as well while his tongue tangled with the fox's. They stood there in the stream of water just making out for a good while, before slowly breaking the kiss. "Gosh... you always taste so good, Tobi." "You taste pretty good too, foxy." "So... who should go first." "Well...I uh...I guess it depends. Do you have to go right now?" "A little..." "Okay. Then you can do it first. What should I do?" "Hmm... Well the picture we saw had the wolf guy down on his knees while the other guy was marking him." "Just try not to get any in my eyes. I don't think that would feel good." "Don't worry. I'll keep it out your face." Tobi knelt down in front of Jamie and waited for the fox to start. His eyes were almost perfectly level with that white-furred sheath. Jamie reached down and worked out a bit of his foxhood so he could better aim his stream. The fox took a few little deep breaths as he felt the rush from his bladder build. His stream started out a little weak at first, but quickly picked up into a reasonable little torrent. The fox kept a paw on his shaft and watched closely as his urine coated the raccoon's chest and slowly soaked into his fur. Jamie gave Tobi a good thorough marking, the coon's grey fur slowly becoming faintly stained. Eventually the fox's piss ceased to flow out of his shaft and he looked down on his work. The raccoon ran a hand through the little tuft on his chest and looked up to the fox while he brought his hand up for a sniff. "Kinda smells, foxy." "Is it... is it too bad?" "It's not really bad I guess. Good thing we're already in the shower cause I don't want to smell like your pee all night long." "Yeah... So... your turn." "Okay. On your knees, fox." The young fox blushed a little at what seemed like a command from his partner, but obliged happily nonetheless. The pair moved around so that the raccoon had his back towards the shower of water and the fox was largely shielded from that stream. Tobi pulled his foreskin back and took aim before releasing his urine onto the fox. Jamie felt a bit more... adventurous during his turn being marked and leaned forward with an open mouth. At first, Tobi tried to avoid the open maw, but the realized that the fox actually wanted some of that coon piss in his mouth. The warm stream splashed on the fox's tongue, with some trickling down his throat but most spilling out of his mouth and down his body. Soon though - much to the fox's obvious disappointment - the raccoon had emptied his bladder and stood there letting his foreskin roll back up. "You seemed to enjoy that a bit more than I did." "Yeah. It was... it was pretty nice actually." "Didn't it smell though?" "Well yeah... but I didn't really mind that." "What made you open up your mouth?" "I saw a few other pictures where that happened. It got me worked up then so I thought I should try it myself." "How... how did it taste?" "It's kinda hard to describe it. It was a little salty, but other than that it just seemed like really warm water." "We should get cleaned up now though." "Yeah I guess so."

After realizing the shower water was starting to cool off, the cubs washed themselves as quickly as they could while still making sure to get thoroughly clean. They shampooed and scrubbed their fur, giving a little more attention to their piss-soaked chests and bellies. The cubs each slipped a paw under their tails almost in unison and made sure they were all clean back there (after all, there was much more fun to be had). Finally, the cubs rinsed off and stopped the water. Jamie opened up the shower door and fetched a towel for himself and for his mate. The young fox and raccoon toweled off, taking their time to make sure any remaining trace of unwanted moisture was soaked up. Once they were dry enough they put the towels up on a rack to dry out. With their time in the bathroom finally complete, they went back to Jamie's bedroom.

"Well, what now?" Jamie asked with an eagerness in his voice. "What did you have in mine?" Tobi responded. "How about oral first?" "Sounds good to me, foxy." "Who's sucking who though?" "I want to do it to you," the young raccoon quickly replied, eyes already fixed on his prize. Before the fox could make an objection to the notion, the raccoon was already kneeling in front of him. Tobi leaned in close to that white sheath and gave it a few good licks to help coax the vulpine cock out of its confines. It didn't take more than a few licks to draw out enough flesh for the raccoon to pass his attention towards. Tobi continued to lap at the emerging fox cock until the first drops of pre began to flow out. The raccoon opened up his mouth and happily welcomed Jamie inside, a quiet moan slipping out as more pre spilled onto his tongue. Jamie placed a hand on Tobi's head and gently scratched behind his ears to show his approval over the work done thus far. The fox stared down at his young partner and watched his muzzle take in more and more of that fleshy red shaft, all the way down until soft little lips met the knot near the base. Tobi let out another moan as the taste of fox cock filled up his whole mouth and began to slowly draw his head back. The raccoon brought himself just over halfway back up the warm cock before taking the oral plunge right back to the base of the knot. The cubs let out moans in near unison, one eager and muffled and the other vocal and pleased. Tobi continued slowly bobbing back and forth for a few moments before deciding to increase the pace. He didn't really have to do too much though since the fox had now began to thrust away at his own pace. More moans slipped from the raccoon's stuffed maw as a steady stream of pre flooded onto his tongue. The raccoon could feel the fox's cock pulse away and could feel that knot against his lips on every thrust in, desperately hoping soon it too would slip into his mouth. As fortune would have it, Tobi got his wish sooner than he thought he would. The raccoon relaxed his jaw and opened his mouth a bit more to accommodate the signature feature of a canine cock. Without any warning or signs, the fox hit his climax. Jamie howled out as he fired off several spurts of fox cum into the raccoon's mouth and throat. Tobi also chimed in with his own noticeably louder muffled moans as the fox filled up his mouth. It took a few moments for the climax to finally subside, which in turn finally allowed the raccoon to swallow what wasn't already shot right down his throat. Slowly the fox pulled himself from the raccoon's mouth, but didn't seem to be going soft. Tobi licked his lips and kissed the head of that delicious fox cock before looking up at its owner with a large grin.

"That was sooooo goooooood, foxy." "You're telling me. I didn't think I'd finish so fast." "Well I'm pretty happy you did. Was pretty tasty this time." "You always say it tastes good." "Well it always does." "Heh... I'm glad you like it that much," the fox said with a bit of a blush. "Got any plans for me to finish?" "You didn't rub one out?" "No... I wanted to make sure you got off." "Well I guess I do have to return the favor." "Hehe I'm waiting foxy. Not gonna get soft any time soon." "I've got something special for you tonight to help out with that." The raccoon watched as the fox went over to his bed and leaned forward, legs spread slightly and that orange and grey tail lifted up high. Tobi couldn't believe the offer being made, as usually he's the one raising up his tail. It was certainly an offer the raccoon had no intention of passing up though and he walked over to stand behind the fox. Jamie put both of his hands on his bum and spread himself nicely for Tobi. The fox expected that hard uncut cock to immediately press against him, but he was met with another piece of flesh first. There wasn't too much the cubs haven't explored together, and they gained the knowledge that having sex isn't exactly as easy as it looks in those videos they watch together. An important thing they found out was just exactly how helpful a good rimjob can be in the absence of lube. Even though he was generally the more submissive one, Tobi held onto this information and soon found himself burying his little muzzle under the fox's tail on a regular basis just for the sheer pleasure that it brought. Tonight it wasn't just a good rimming though.

That short muzzle was pressed firmly against Jamie's tight little fox hole, a very eager tongue going to work on the pink pucker. Tobi was thoroughly enjoying himself as he ran his tongue over Jamie's butthole, a faint natural musk muddled in with the taste of fox cock and cum that was still in his mouth. The raccoon gave the fox's hole several good long licks before pressing his tongue inside of that tight rear. He began to work his tongue back and forth, trying to snake it in as deep as he could to stretch out the fox a little and provide a bit of natural lubrication. Tobi felt his uncut cock throb madly, pre now spilling over his foreskin and dribbling down the underside of his shaft all the way down to the underside of his balls. After a good while with his muzzle snug against the fox's rump, the raccoon decided that it was time to stop and move on to something bigger and better. Tobi stood up slowly and placed one hand on Jamie's hip, and the other firmly on his own dripping cock to guide it to its target. With the head of his uncut member resting at the fox's rear entrance, Tobi took one final moment to make sure his partner was ready.

"I don't think I can make myself wait for it any longer," the raccoon almost whispered. "I'm ready. Just try to keep it gently." "I will. Just let me know if it's too much for you. You don't really put stuff back there." "I'll be okay. I just really... really want you inside me." "Someone's subby tonight." "Oh just hush and give it to me already." "Hehe... Anything for you, foxy."

Without any more beating around the bush, Tobi obliged the fox's wish and began to slowly press into that tight entrance. His more animalistic side wanted to slam home and just rail the fox as hard and as fast as he could, but his more romantic side wanted it to be just as enjoyable for his partner as well as himself. He held onto to the latter and continued to slowly sink his cock deeper into the confines of Jamie's hot, tight rear. The fox didn't give any signs of pain or discomfort, so the raccoon continued to press further in until finally he had buried all six inches of his dick. Tobi couldn't help but to marvel at how good this felt, how warm and magnificently snug that Jamie was. With a drawn out moan, the raccoon pulled himself about halfway out of that fox butt before sinking right back in. Pleasure was overloading both of the cubs, each experiencing it in unique forms. The fox was being hit with steady waves of pleasure as Tobi began to deliver thrusts into him, that uncut cock giving him the wonderful sensation of being full - not to mention the extreme pleasure resulting from his prostate being steadily massaged. All the while the raccoon was lost in bliss of his own from the feeling of his foreskin rolling back and having his member fully exposed within the delightfully tight fox. While lost in all of the pleasure for a few moments, the young raccoon hadn't realized that his thrusting had significantly increased in pace. He was about to slow himself down, but noticed that the fox wasn't complaining or showing any signs of displeasure with it. In fact, he could have sworn that he even heard the fox let a little moan slip out and say "oh yeah, that's what I wanted" under his breath. Tobi grinned at the thought of Jamie enjoying being the bottom end that much and kept at his decided to put a little more force into each thrust in.

"Ooohhh... Tobiiiiii... That's so good," Jamie said with a faint whimper carried in his voice. "Enjoying it that much?" "Heck yeah! I can see why you like being on the bottom so much." "Maybe I should be on top more then." "Mmmm... maybe you should..."

Tobi didn't need to see Jamie's face to know just how much the fox was blushing after saying that. He knew exactly how red the fox's cheeks had turned beneath his fur. He didn't need to say anything else though, not yet. For now the raccoon just wanted to savor every moment of this, moments he could feel were beginning to diminish as climax started to build. Tobi put his hands on Jamie's hips and held the fox close as he picked up the pace once more. The fox moaned out quite louder now and was in incredibly deep pleasure. Jamie wanted to reach down to his foxhood and paw off as hard as he could, but he wanted even more for Tobi to hit much needed climax first. It felt so good having that cock stretch him and fill him and slam into his prostate over, and over, and over. While the fox was lost in the massive waves of pleasure coursing through him, the raccoon was starting to pant lightly and was quickly approaching orgasm now. Tobi decided to sacrifice speed for power, partly to elicit more loud moans from the fox he was currently balls deep in but mostly because it feel absolutely incredible. Jamie had leaned down further now, moaning into his bedding as his young lover gave him a good, thorough pounding. Tobi could feel it now, the rush that starts in the depths of his balls signifying the end is near. The raccoon was really giving it to the fox now and could feel climax approaching. With a few more good, hard thrusts into the somehow still tight fox Tobi finally hit his much needed climax. The raccoon fired off spurt after spurt of his warm cum into the fox's welcoming bowels and kept firing off for a surprising while. He could feel every shot spill out into the fox and began to wonder just exactly how much he was letting off inside that lightly abused hole. Finally though, after what felt like nearly a solid minute, his orgasm settled down until it was just his cock idly pulsing. Jamie had lifted his head up and was panting lightly now, a pool or pre cum beneath his vulpine cock. Behind him, Tobi was hasty about pulling out and making a hot mess when his seed spilled out of the fox. Luckily the raccoon came up with a kinky little plan to deal with all that fresh cum without making a mess at all.

Tobi took in a deep breath and steadied himself before executing his plan. Then in one swift motion, he pulled out his cock with and fell down to his knees, quickly diving his head right to that gaping fox hole. Jamie felt oddly open now that Tobi had withdrawn from him, but even stranger felt a warm tongue upon his butt again. He looked back and his eyes confirmed what he was feeling, seeing just the top of the raccoon's head. It was odd, but the fox couldn't find the stamina to move, not that he even wanted to. Tobi put both hands and the fox's chubby little rump and spread him open, using his tongue to clean out all the cum he could reach. The raccoon felt strange doing this, but simultaneously so right and so turned on by the act. He continued to eat out that fresh creampie, snaking his tongue in as deep as he could manage to lap up every last bit of himself left inside the fox. Soon he found himself all of cum left to lap up, and slipped his tongue out to simply lick that slightly gaped hole. Satisfied with his job, Tobi brought his tongue back into his mouth and slowly stood back up. The young raccoon leaned over his fox and hugged him tightly.

"Jamie..." "Tobiii..." "That was so ... fucking good!" "You're telling me..." "Did you get to finish?" "Nah..." "Should I paw you off?" "Why don't we just have more fun later?" "More? You sure you can take it?" "Who says I'll be taking it?" "I do." "Is that a promise?" the fox said in an obviously flirty manner. "Oh yeah. I don't think I'm done with that fox butt just yet." "Good." "Kinda hungry now though. We probably should have eaten first." "Didn't get enough to eat from me?" "I wish. What I got was really good, but not that filling." "You were pretty filling though hehe." "Oh you..." "You're pretty weird, you know." "Says the fox who tried to drink my pee." "I... I didn't try to drink it..." "Opened up your mouth." "Well... you like licking my butt. That's kinda weird too?" "So what? You lick my butt too, weirdo." "Well maybe we're both kinda weird..." "That's pretty safe to say." "Let's keep being weirdos, Tobi." "I don't want to be weird with anyone else, Jamie."