Spreading TF - Part 9 - Growing Pains

Story by poweron on SoFurry

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#9 of Spreading Transformation REDUX

Its here! Its finally finally FINALLY here! The next chapter of spreading TF as Sarah has some pleasurable and unexpected changes into..well you know... If you are new to the series its easy to catch up, or just jump in! Not so heavy on the non-sexy elements that you will miss anything except a whole lot of sex :)

Its been more than a year since the last chapter and for that I deeply apologize. If you are rusty where the story ended I encourage you to skim the last chapter: https://www.sofurry.com/view/806130

Please leave comments below, its been a while so I may be a bit rusty. This one is mostly female porn throughout but the next one will be m/f and then maybe, just maybe a m/m part :)

Part 9 - Growing Pains

Sarah felt her whole body clench like a fist, her increasingly voluptuous body shuddering as it tensed, every muscle straining under her taught skin. Her sinewy back arching in painful ecstasy as her mouth gaped. Sarah's vaginal walls ceased their ministrations as they squelched shut with a strange finality. Her pursing lower lips pressing against each other hard enough to stop the flow of her womanly lubricants like a dam. The last of her sweet womanly nectar dripping past the straining pink entrance to her sex, her thighs soaked from her slippery juices. As her vagina closed for business Sarah's breasts began to slowly stop their heaving, long shuddering breaths making their way out of her constricting torso. Her tit's substantial flesh had long-since surpassed her straining bra's capacity, the bra's silken cups having become insanely tight pasties covering the sumptuous rise of her hereto hidden areola and nipples. Mountains of milky breast flesh shuddered as she struggled to process the feelings assaulting her every nerve, every muscle that moved under her skin sent a hurricane of sensation into her over stimulated mind. Puffy pink aureola peeked around the edges of the cups as her painfully erect nipples sent shocks of pleasure cascading through her body. Her nipples were standing to painful attention under the bra fabric making it worse, making everything worse. The bra was forced to contour to their every pulse as her arched back pressed her mammaries ever more painfully into their tightening prisons, the strap of the expensive lingerie digging deep into her back.

Her mouth gaped wordlessly as she struggled on the floor, her eyes rolling orgasmically in her head as her body spasmed out of her control. Sarah's pussy a soaking clenching vice caught between her shaking legs.

"hughh...huaa...guh...guhhh....GaaaaahhhhhHHHHH!!!!!!" she finally managed to scream out of her widely gasping mouth. It was a primal scream, spittle spraying into the air as her hanging arms grasped for purchase on the juice-soaked floor. Her slender fingers sloughing a mixture of her and the horses combined juices in wide arcs around her torso. Her fingers glistened as they were coated with the sexual fluids. She was losing all control, Sarah's was being torn apart as a deep, primal and unfulfilled need ravaging her body and mind. The heat pounding from the back of her head and down her spine into her sex like a drum.

As her scream turned into a long moan her ears began to lengthen and move to the top of her head as her unfocused eyes rolled in her head. The pain mixed with pleasure was too much, her mouth soundlessly forming unspeakable words between gasping moans. Soft white fur began to sprout on her newly bare labia. It coated her quivering thighs as it thickened at her crotch. She could feel it pushing out of her, her flesh heaving as white fur grew out of every pore. Labia still shut painfully, the pushing sensation of the fur creating a throbbing tingling deep inside of her changing sex. A thick tuft of the white stuff quickly formed between her legs. It rested for a moment, bristling with her ministrations, before sending out shoots in every direction. Spires of fur racing up to her belly button and down her thighs as it spread to cover her flat, convulsing, stomach.

The fur spread ravenously as it established new bases on her calves and tightening ass, its silky coat obscuring her hot skin, which was darkening under its new white pelt. The fur cascaded to the undersides of her boobs like a white wave crashing against two mighty cliffs, its progress temporarily dampened as it gathered itself before climbing her large, smushed, bosom. The fur wouldn't be stopped for long as it slowly proceeded to climb her obscenely swollen twin peaks. Sarah's breasts milky pink flesh was soon completely covered with white fur as it crested over the top of her tits and raced down the other side like it was riding a roller coaster over her mammaries. The ache in her bosom getting worse as the fur only added to the painful straining of her chest against the bra's cups. As the fur began to crawl up her neck a small tuft of fur forming between her deep slightly jiggling cleavage, hiding nothing.

The fur didn't spare her backside as it crawled up the curve of her buttocks and began scaling the ridges of her spine, sending out exploratory tendrils to wrap around her torso, joining with the fur covering her stomach and boobs. Sarah felt an immense pressure and heat surging through her. It was like a whole other being was erupting out of her, each strand and tuft of fur pushing more and more pleasurably out of her old self. Her moans had become more frequent and urgent, her mind shutting down everything but her overstimulated pleasure centers as it was oversaturated in every way possible. She didn't care that she looked like a porn star bimbo in heat writhing on the floor, nothing mattered but the pleasure surging in her every nerve.

The coat of fur on her thighs was already pre-soaked as it pushed through her juice-soaked skin, her slick fluids coating every strand as they pushed out of her darkening flesh. Even without her pussy making a fresh supply of juices her furry crotch was as sopping wet. The fur spread down her legs as it trailed the paths left by her still slick juices. All the while, the fur crawling up her torso began to run down her arms, finding its way to her still weakly grasping fingertips. The fur was relentless as it crawled up her straining neck and began to cover her sweating, straining face. Her ears extended above her head as they grew long and upright, she could hear the cartilage of her ears extending, creaking, as they were covered in the same white fur as her face. The strands on her face were especially sensitive, she felt like she could feel each individual strand pushing out of her face's pores as she bucked and writhed with all the strength she had left, continually trapped on the knifes edge of orgasm. Sarah's body unable to give her the release she so desperately craved.

As the fur finally fully coated her body, her skin began to cool down. The darkened skin was now puling tight over her tensed muscles. Sarah exhaled low and long in relief, her body settling slightly. The exhale quickly transitioned into a low orgasmic moan. There was pressure, pressure everywhere. It wanted to get out, she wanted it to get out! She couldn't think, she couldn't react, her body filling with enormous force. Something was still inside of her boiling to get out. She couldn't...couldn't hold it in, even if she was in a state to fight it, which she wasn't. Her hands grasping at the floor in desperation. Her taught furry flesh began shuddering uncontrollably as she arched her back, her hands outstretched as they found their way to her inner thighs, gripping her legs fur, unable to even pleasure herself she was in such shock. It was all she could do to hold onto herself. The pressure inside building. Tears ran from the corners of her eyes as her mouth gaped wide, her vision beginning to shrink into a narrow throbbing tunnel, drool leaking from the corner of her mouth. It was too much! It was too much!!! Just as she was about to surrender to the throbbing darkness her body surged with adrenaline, her heart beating hard and strong as she was brought back from the brink by a surge electricity that arced behind her widening eyes. Her eyes wider than she thought possible as as her pupils dilated, their color shifting to a deep blue green as they grew in their sockets. Her body closer to the teetering crescendo of orgasm than she thought possible, her mind buzzing as her whole body shook.

The pressure deep in her muscles, in her bones, began to take physical form all at once, her body launching a final hard push. Sarah's breasts began to grow once more, pulsing larger and heavier with every heaving ragged breath. Her furry bosom finally reaching the limit of her bra's capacity, her thick nipples rubbing painfully into the fabric as the bra's clasp finally succumbed with a loud "**SNAP**" finally dislodging itself from deep in her shoulder flesh. The silken tatters of her bra flew off her mammaries into the air with no small amount of energy, the undergarment finding its way into one of the nearby stalls where it hit the floor wetly, soaked with her sweat as it was. Her massive G-cup breasts bounced violently free from their lacy prison, amazingly pert and gravity defying for their shockingly voluminous size. Sarah was in no state to appreciate them as their unconstrained forms towered above her gasping face. They were growing heavier, fuller, by the second, their density was increasing from the inside, fatty tissue increasing as new ductwork pushed its way through their flesh. The silky white fur covering them pulsing lightly between growth spurts, the thick erect, pink nipples at their peaks throbbing needfully.

Sarah was all but unaware of her her boobs newly gained freedom, her full attention was on her painfully expanding face. Her nose was getting further and further away from her eyes as her facial bones and jaw cracked and crunched. Sarah's nostrils grew as they were pushed into diagonal slits on a rapidly growing rabbit nose. Her upper lip split as whiskers grew out of her quickly developing muzzle. Her whole face pushed out further and further as her teeth grew flatter and larger. The frontmost teeth right under her twitching nose extending longer and wider than the others, forming a sharp set of well-defined bucked teeth. Sarah's breath caught as her face continued to push out, her heavy chest falling momentarily still. Her eyes moving apart slightly giving her a slightly wider field of vision as her muzzle finished forming. The pieces of her face clicked into their final resting places as she screamed silently, her eyes rolling backwards in her head. Her jutting rabbit face twisting into a look of abject lust mixed with pain.

While her face reshaped Sarah's lower body was a hub of activity and change. The pressure exerting its influence with broadening strokes. Her now fur-covered butt began to plump as her ass cheeks filled with firm fatty tissue. The strength of her legs and their ability to support her arched back, was failing as the shuddering changes wracked her body. They momentarily relaxed causing Sarah's ass to gently touch the cold wet floor. But once her muzzle had finished forming she was wracked with another wave of incomprehensible pleasure, making her re-arch her back once more, her legs spreading wider, thrusting her crotch into the air like she was rubbing against an invisible lover. Her ass kept swelling as it tensed and jiggled, it wasn't finished growing, taking on a distinct bubble shape. Her firm furry cheeks jiggling with her bodies increasing ministrations as they pressed firmly against each other, their furry expanse rubbing sensually together. Just as the changes below her waist slowed a series of quick creaking sounds emanated from deep in Sarah's hips as they began to grow even wider. Pelvis bones reshaping and thickening to allow her body to bear larger and larger litters.

The skin of her crotch stretched to try to accommodate her quickly widening hips but was having a hard time keeping up. Her crotches taught skin pulling at her labia as she bucked, her new face making faint squeaking noises from its gaping muzzle. but her nether lips were shut too tight for even her stretching skin and changing hips to pry them open. As her skin finally caught up to her cracking and reforming bones her mons began to pulse and swell between her legs. The rise of her pussy growing larger and thicker as thick muscles pulled and pushed in her womanhood, visible even through her crotches thick fur. Her growing mound was rubbing against her inner thighs as it throbbed mightily. Her now huge, white-furred, tightly-puckered lower lips barely contained a torrent of wetness aching to escape. Her vagina, much like her hips was being remade for carnal lust and bearing of young. Its increasing size not only external as her love canal strengthen and widened, burrowing deeper and deeper into her.

Her whole body twisted as she moaned, her back growing. As her spine expanded, her body put on height, inches at a time. Sarah temporarily getting enough of her faculties back grabbed heaping handfuls of her bountiful breast flesh, unable to find a handhold on the slick floor. She held and unwittingly pinched her thick nipples as she grasped desperately for a stability her body could not give her. Her bones were cracking and changing faster now. Muscles grew under taught skin as she was kept on the edge of orgasm, thick cords tensing under her velvety fur. As her musculature became more defined her spine pressed against the skin above her voluptuous furry ass, soon pushing into a small tail. It's hairless form grew out of her inch by inch and almost immediately gained a curved tuft of white fur. Her new cottontail flicking side-to-side instinctively as her butt jiggled and tensed with the rest of her clenching and growing body.

The bones in her hands cracked and creaked as they reshaped, growing broader and stronger as her fingers merging to form four large fingers. Somehow she was still able to maintain her tight grip on her huge boobs, soft tufts of her fur rubbing between her thickening fingers. Sarah was using her breasts like giant life-preservers, her grip on them stabilizing her heaving body, if only a little. She was drowning in the pleasure coursing through her body, it was too much! She had no coherent thoughts save for the shocks of ever-growing climax building in her heaving, increasingly lagomorphic, form.

Large pink pads formed on her fingers and palms as small claws pushed out of her digits with small drops of red blood, staining her fingertips fur. Her hand's soft pads pressing into her nipples made her squirm uncontrollably. The whole of her body was a giant erogenous zone, everything sending shocks of orgasmic pleasure to her still sealed pussy. Her still achingly-arched body toppled onto her side, no longer able to support itself. Her legs creaking and cracking as they snapped and reformed into thick digitigrade pistons, kicking wildly from under her. Both her feet spasming as they grew immensely long along with her toes. Tendons were stretching taught like piano wire. Large clear claws replaced her toenails. Sarah's feet soon resembled a pair of huge rabbit feet, adorned with the same thick pink pads that now occupied her hands, but much larger and bit rougher. Her legs strong muscles kicked her feet across the floor as her feet finished changing, pushing puddles of her and James's juices in the process. With the growth of her legs her body was easily at least six feet tall, if not more, well beyond Sarah's original five-foot height. But, much like her hugely increased bosom size Sarah was in no state to think about her newly gained attributes, or just about anything for that matter.

The creature twitching and writhing on the floor of the bathroom was nothing like the girl that had come into the boys bathroom to find her friend. Her body was now an animalistic mix of human and rabbit, accentuated by a extreme hourglass figure that any woman would kill for. Her hips wide enough to beat many young and breasts so large they resembled two ripe cantaloupes, their cleavage impossibly deep and capped by a pair of throbbing rock-hard pink nipples with areola the size of silver dollars. Sarah was now a creature capable of the most carnal and primal forms of sex, her body built for mating and breeding, her mind temporarily wiped of self-awareness, its overstimulated lobes filled with instinct, insatiable lust and pleasure as she grunted and moaned.

Sarah spasmed into a fetal position, her legs brought up against her breasts as she wordlessly gaped, her eyes rolled into the back of her head once more. Being on the edge of orgasm for so long was taking its toll both mentally and physically, her ability to feel stretched thinly, threatening to tear.

She kicked her legs out, her transformation finishing as her tendons tightened under her thickened skin, muscles threatening to charlie-horse. Every fiber in her body tensed immensely tightly like a rope pulled too far, her body as hard as stone under the soft white fur. Fire throbbed through her veins, the very core of her being.

Just as it felt like she could take no more Sarah's long-awaited orgasm finally came, her body soaked in painful electric ecstasy.

"aaaa...aaahhh..." she moaned quietly at first.

"guhh...gauhhhnnggg...." her voice rising from deep inside of her, thin strands of saliva sloughed off of her wide bucked-teeth.

"sq...sq...sssqqqqQQQQEEAAKKKKK!!!!" roared its way out of her muzzle the sound starting as a escalating moan and then transitioning into an all out animalistic scream as she finally came. She couldn't see, everything in her vision turned blinding white, her eyes impossibly wide. She came over and over her paws grasping at her massive labia, desperately trying to massage her powerfully spasming inner muscles. Her whole body shaking uncontrollably.

Her thick labia were swollen with her backed-up fluids. Trapped pussy juice gurgled, sloshed and roiled behind the large powerfully sensitive entrance to her sex. The juices were trying their best to escape her tightly clenched body. Her inner walls shuddering as her deep sex pushed against the increasingly volume of lubricating liquid, the waves of orgasm unending. The pleasure was excruciating. Sarah pressed her thick pink paw pads against her pulsing mound, massaging it as best she could. Her hands delving between her legs with increasing ferocity. It wasn't enough, she needed release! Sarah blindly began clawing at her nether lips with clenching hands, doing her best to pry them open even as her body was in the incomprehensibly animalistic throws of orgasm. Her vagina's long pink slit was too tightly pursed. Even as her paws stabbed and pried at her crotch trying to gain entry its strong, distinctly contoured muscles were unwilling to budge. Only the barest hint of liquid leaked between her labia, betraying the unfathomable steaming hot boiling clenching wetness inside. Her vagina spasming pushing the liquids hard against her entrance as it milked an invisible lover behind its sealed gates.

Still she couldn't, wouldn't give up, her instinctual urge to delve into herself too strong as she continued to dig her hands against her crotch in a futile attempt to coax herself open. Her legs kicking across the floor as she moaned and screamed orgasmically, her hands ministrations only exasperating the orgasmic cascade. As each wave hit her her legs lost all control, the toes of her large foot pads spread and curled under the long lupine feet, her strong thighs quivering as her legs kicked and spasmed into the air. Arms pushing at the sides of her voluminous breast flesh as she gripped at her heaving pussy. Her large bucked teeth biting her lower lip hard, her whole body convulsing on the floor.

Breasts heaved on her chest as her breath came in erratic bursts, almost like orgasmic hiccups. Her lungs unable to catch her breath between surges. Sarah couldn't feel anything but the pressure in her crotch and immeasurable painful pleasure cascading in waves through her body like as scalding fire. Every time she felt like her orgasm was waning it would reassert itself with renewed vigor, causing her whole body to shudder violently. Her claws began to make way through sheer force of will, starting to part her womanhood a little at a time. Her pussy was too full, too full of her boiling-hot lubricating fluids, which helped push her clenched walls apart, joining forces with her grasping paws. Her greedy body was finally unable to contain her roiling fluids. All at once her hands delved into herself as her womanhood's gates opened with an audible wet "shhhloocckk". The dam broken, her steaming-hot lubricant splashed out of between her legs with a series of torrential squelching wet splashes. The slippery sweet liquid soaking her paws and thighs completely as her pussy squirted. Hungry fingers, which had already almost disappeared halfway into her, spread her convulsing rabbit-hood open, letting the cool air caress her steaming hot folds. Wave after wave of pussy juice splashed across the floor as it pooled under her strongly winking white-furred labia, soaking her whole

lower body in the hot sweet liquid as it jetted past her delving fingers.

"G..GUHH...GUUHNNNNN.....EEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" Sarah screamed almost feraly, her crotch heaving as the cool bathroom air touched her changed orgasming insides for the first time. Her hips thrust wildly into the air with every strong shuddering pulse of her pussy. Her strong muscles gripped and ground against her paws which massaged her insides with a furious determination. It was too much for her to bear, her insides too sensitive, every touch of her paw pads on her slick inner walls almost making her black out in pleasure. Without missing a beat, her desire for pleasure making her unable to keep her hands off her body she withdrew one of her paws reluctantly from her sopping pussy. Tracing it up her heaving stomach Sarah left a sopping wet trail of her juices through the fur of her lower torso. Soon her pussy-juice soaked hand made its way to her huge bountiful jiggling breasts. With no gentleness she began gripping and tweaking her swollen pink nipples as she touched herself as fully as her simplistic mind knew how. Her soaking paw alternating breasts as well as she could. Her vagina having released its pent-up bounty resumed its regular convulsing ministrations with gusto, filling her body with unspeakable heat. Every touch of her paws on her jiggling mammaries sending fresh shocks to her pussy, causing it to elicit a fresh wave of steaming juices, re-soaking her thighs.

She came again and again as her body released everything it had. Sarah's body arching in orgasmic bliss before collapsing back onto the floor over and over, not a single thought or emotion going through her head except for the pleasure, endless pleasure. Her strong legs kicked rhythmically across the floor, her long toes curling as she rode the orgasmic waves. The white fur of her crotch was entirely soaked, steam wafting off of the dripping-wet matted fur in the cool bathroom air. The last of her love juices spraying out of her like a rushing fjord with every shudder of her inner walls.

Blackness began to take hold for the final time as the orgasm finally abated, her body totally spent. Her hands releasing her breasts as her large eyes grew immeasurably heavy, her body still convulsing and spasming lightly as the aftershocks passed through her. Sarah slumped into sleep with little effort, her thick thighs twisted over her still lightly throbbing crotch, slick sweet fluid leaking lightly in a warm trickle from between her legs.

Claire sniffed her nose as her pencil scribbled across the paper, quickly rubbing it with the sleeve of her blouse. Her essay flowing out of her like water, it was ridiculously easy, her mind felt clearer and sharper than she could remember it ever being. She had drifted to some very naughty places during the teachers lecture earlier, but it didn't seem to phase her now, she had caught herself before anything happened that would raise suspicion. She had to be guarded now, she couldn't let herself slip too deep into her seemingly rampant daydreams. She had to keep her mind above her deeply simmering thoughts, like a rock skipping across water, unable to stop or she would sink in a ocean of barely-contained lust.

All day she had been getting wide stares, mostly from the guys, as her ultra-short skirt rode up her hips. It was against school policy to have such a short skirt but none of the boys were willing to give her up to the principal, even some of the teachers seemed on board. It seemed that the skirts revealing hemline and her more feminine figure was somewhat of a mystery to the girls in school. They would have enough juicy gossip for a while about she was sure. Pulling down at her skirt Claire was occasionally reminded that her panties were partially showing. She still wanted to maintain a modicum of modesty, but increasingly she also was finding that she liked people looking. For the first time in her life she felt sexy. Maybe the wolf part of her wasn't so bad, it had some some unforeseen benefits beyond the ones that came with claws and fur.

Adjusting the skirt under the desk Claire was just passing through the mid-way mark on her test. As she pulled she jerked, feeling a sudden deep jolt inside of her, a familiar sensation running from deep in her loins. She crossed her legs tightly, compressing her crotch between her thighs. "Not now!" she thought, her mind torn between the test and the realization that she was nowhere near in control of her body as she thought. She was doing her best to continue writing. As she put a period at the end of her final hastily scrawled sentence the pencil stabbed the paper so hard that it broke in two, still gripped tightly in her now shaking white-knuckling hand. The shattered graphite tip leaving a dark gray smear on the page.

Her classmates collectively looked up from their tests, the sound startling some nearer to her. A few cracking smirking smiles before putting their heads back down. Claire could feel a drop of wetness forming inside of her, the jolts becoming more and more frequent until they became a steady thrumming. Sniffing her nose it hit her like a brick wall. Her whole body lanced with electricity, her skin developing goosebumps. Claire could smell him, even here, his sweet salty smell permeating her nose as her hands began to shake. Her chest felt tight, her thighs instinctively squirming together under her desk as that small bit of wetness made its way out of her and made a small wet spot at the base of her panties. Streamers next to the air conditioning vent in the far corner of the room fluttering as they pumped in James's scent from somewhere deeper in the school. There was something else mixed in, something decidedly more acrid but also sweet. She couldn't quite identify it, at least with her human nose.

Hurriedly Claire gathered her test materials up and brought them to the teachers desk in the front of the room near the door. Her skirt riding up her hips, revealing her crotch and ass for the whole class to see. The growing wet spot was now visible out in the open, her legs crossing awkwardly as she walked to try to hide it, her skirt riding ever higher despite her efforts. Her teacher looked up from his book as she turned in the test, setting it atop the growing pile on his desk. His glasses lowering as he looked at her over his book. Claire's legs were crossed with her skirt curling in on itself, a few inches above her crotch. "Missy it looks like you need to get to the bathroom, and don't let Ms. Lewis see you with that skirt or...well you know..." his voice trailing off as he went back to his book, if Claire's nubile form was interesting to him he was doing his best to hide it.

Claire made haste for the door, with her teachers tacit permission to leave she had to get out of there and fast. James's smell mixed with the new scent was getting stronger, her nostrils flaring as her mind filled with fuzzy memories of their previous carnal acts. Her pussy was throbbing in earnest now, its lips dampening despite her minds protestations . Her blouse felt uncomfortable around her torso as she made her way through the hallway. She had to find somewhere away from the smell. Away from James. If he had lost it somewhere in the school and was now a horse it would do both of them no good if she wolfed out as well. She walked faster and faster through the halls, her footsteps echoing loudly in the harsh surfaces of the hall.

The smell was getting worse as she made her way through the labyrinth of the large high school. A trickle of her juices making its way down from her soaking panties down her bare thigh, making her shudder as she held her sides, trying to keep it together. She knew as soon as the steaming hot fluid began to leak down her leg that it was toot late. She had to find somewhere to hide, and fast. Getting out of range of the scent of James's sex was no longer feasible she reasoned, her mind a blur of thoughts and emotions. The exits to outside which were clear on the other side of the building were out too, she couldn't risk passing by the principles office with heaving lactating wolf breasts or her panties soaking wet with her own juices. She didn't know how much time she had, but judging by her heaving chest and slightly deepening cleavage she didn't have much.

"Damn it..grahh...damn it..urhh..rrhhh...rghhghhhh ittt!" she rasped under her breath as her blouse wrapped too tightly around her chest, her voice getting deeper and more gravelly very every breath. She cursed herself for not getting this under control before going to school, she should have been smarter than this! She felt a mix of not only disappointed with herself but the now familiar throbbing horniness making itself known. The walls of her inner sanctum pulsing with her ever-quickening heart. It was making it hard to think as she stumbled increasingly haphazardly through the hall. The treasure trail of her juices having made its way so far down her leg it was now meeting her thin socks. As it touched the fabric, the cloth soaked it up and drew it deeper into her shoe, her right foot beginning to swim in her own sexual juices.

Fumbling for a way out of the hallway she began trying almost every door that wasn't a classroom she came across, her hands fumbling knobs in an ever-increasing panic. She had to get out of the hallway and now!

To Be Continued