Space Invaders III: A New Beginning

Story by AveatsOtter on SoFurry

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#3 of Space Invaders

Alexei stared out the window as the stars whizzed by. He was deep in thought. In an instant, Alexei had been torn from his world, leaving everything behind. Everyone he had ever cared about was now gone. Alexei sighed. He knew it was for the best.

"How are you doing, Earthling?" the alien asked, putting a large hand on Alexei's shoulder.

Alexei turned his head and glared. It was the alien commander, Gorok. "Don't touch me," Alexei said, pulling back his shoulder.

"You're going to be with us Lumarians for a couple more days, Earthling. You might as well make yourself at home."

"This is not my home. If it were up to me, I'd tear this ship apart."

Gorok laughed, "But then you'd die, too. Then you'd never get to see your friend - Kaelin, was it? - ever again."

Alexei turned and punched the commander in the gut. "Don't you ever mention his name again, or I swear I will destroy you."

Gorok growled and stood above the lion. "Where you're going, lion, you'll wish you had destroyed this ship and yourself with it..." The commander walked away.

Alexei stared back out into the emptiness of space. "Will I ever see you again, Kaelin?"

Alexei sighed and walked away.

Alexei entered the soldiers mess hall and took a seat at the end of a long table.

The alien next to him nudged him hard with his elbow and said, "You're gonna make us rich, boy. Glad you finally came to your senses and surrendered."

Alexei looked up to him, "If it were up to me- "

"You'd tear this ship apart, I know. I've heard it a hundred times. We'll rid of you soon enough, lion, don't you worry."

Alexei grunted and ate the slop that had been thrown in front of him; it was strangely appetizing this time. He had been traveling with the aliens for almost two weeks now, and in a couple short days he would reach his final destination: the Galactic Battle Arena. Alexei didn't know what they planned on doing with him once he was sold, but he knew he didn't want to stick around long enough to find out. Whatever it was, he would escape. He would get away and continue running, just like he had done for the last ten years of his life. The only thing that could save him now was death's warm embrace.

Suddenly, Alexei felt warm and his head began to throb. He dropped his dirty spoon into his food and he felt weak. He grabbed onto the edge of the table and propped up his head with his free paw. He looked up and all the soldiers were watching him, laughing. Staring. Alexei felt dizzy and suddenly everything went black, his head falling to the table. All he could hear was the loud laughter of the alien soldiers all around him. Then nothing.

* * *

Alexei woke up and shook the dirt out of his fur. "Where the hell am I?" he said aloud.

Alexei's head was pounding and his spine felt like it had been twisted around like a wet towel. He stood up and rubbed his head. He staggered forward, one paw on his back and the other on his head. Alexei groaned loudly.

Alexei roamed the dark, desolate planet for hours, with neither food nor water. He did not know where he was going or who inhabited the dusty planet, nor even how he came to be there. His head was pounding and he didn't know why. Alexei suddenly collapsed to his knees and he grabbed two fistfuls of the red earth, letting it fall through his fingers. He sighed deeply and got back to his feet.

Alexei concentrated hard, hoping to sense some form of intelligent life. There was nothing. The dry hot air blew sand into his eyes. He covered his face and tried to concentrate, which only intensified his headache. Alexei growled and collapsed, breathing heavily. He felt very sleepy, but he knew he couldn't. Alexei forced himself up again and continued on.

Alexei had a hard time traversing the sandy terrain; he sunk into the sand half way up to his knees, and his calves burned. But he couldn't stop. "I can't... stop... not until I'm safe," Alexei said to himself. "Puh! You're never safe... who are you trying to kid, you stupid lion? You'll just keep walking and walking... until you die... Until you die? I like the sound of that..." Alexei continued to ramble to himself as he pulled his half-dead body through the massive desert.

Alexei finally decided to rest against a large, red stone pillar. "I can rest for a moment... I've got nothing else better to do..." Alexei sighed and looked up into the dark-red sky. He started to rub his left wrist with his claws out. He began rubbing harder until he broke the skin. Alexei gasped slightly and held up his bleeding wrist. He growled and scratched it more until a steady flow of blood poured out. He sat back and sighed, letting the blood run down his leg.

Alexei groaned and put his lips to his wound, sucking the blood. He got up and continued to wander. He meandered along until he heard a noise. He stopped and lifted his head high, listening carefully. It sounded like some kind of helicopter, except it gave off a horrible screeching noise, a lot like a jet engine. The sound grew louder.

Alexei jumped to his feet and looked around desperately. He couldn't see a thing. He ran forward as fast he could, but still he could see nothing.

The sound continued to grow.

Alexei covered his ears and fell to his knees, screaming. "Leave me alone!" he shouted. "Leave me alone!" The sand rose in the air as Alexei shouted.

Suddenly, the noise stopped. Alexei lifted his head and uncovered his ears. The loose sand quickly blew away as Alexei rose to his feet. He could feel it now. Alexei turned around and walked toward the rocks. There was life behind the rocks... an alien... but not a Lumarian. Then, another alien, this one different. Then another, and another.

Alexei stopped and focused. He knew what was going on now. He knew where he was. He was dumped on the so-called War Planet, owned by the Galactic Battle Arena. The toughest beasts from around the galaxy were here to battle Alexei. The one who felled him would be Alexei's sole owner. Dozens, possibly hundreds, of species sent their toughest warriors to bring honour and power to their people, and the battle was just getting started.

Alexei staggered backward. He was nearly out of energy already, and he had no intention of being someone's pet. Alexei turned and ran. From afar, behind the rocks, he could hear the alien's war cry. The battle had begun.

Alexei tore through the deep sand, ignoring the pain in his legs. He stopped for a moment and looked behind him. Nobody was there. Alexei closed his eyes and focused. The sand beneath him rose and Alexei continued to concentrate. Alexei then lifted himself off the ground. If he was going to escape, his feet wouldn't carry him far enough. He rose high above the rocks. Alexei could see the alien ship not too far off. It was a large vessel, and aliens continued to pour out. Everyone was spreading outward, searching for the lion, each one appearing tougher than the next.

Alexei heard a cry, then suddenly weapon-fire. He held out his paw and easily deflected the attacks. Without hesitation, Alexei took off through the air, away from the masses below. He continued up into the dark clouds, the vapour spiraling behind him. The clouds were thick and cold, and Alexei couldn't see a thing, but neither could his enemies. He flew swiftly through the thick cumulus, not knowing how fast he was flying.

Alexei finally made his descent and skimmed the warm desert sand, the fragments flying up behind him. Alexei cruised above the desert, now resting on a large rock. "There are only two ways off this planet, Alexei..." he said to himself. He protracted his claws and rubbed his left wrist, which had just started to heal from his previous laceration. "Is this truly the cowards way out? Would a greater fur not do the same?" Alexei sighed and covered his face. "Just pick one, lion," he continued, "they're all the same. You've killed enough furs and aliens to know how to fake it your own defeat... it's either that or death... Besides, you might even find one who can replace that boring old Kaelin... No! Nobody can replace him..." Alexei stroked the shiny red pendant hanging around his neck. He started to cry.

Alexei was suddenly interrupted by a violent explosion behind him. Alexei jumped to his feet and wiped his tears. Somehow the aliens had found him, and they were closing in fast.

Alexei stood his ground and prepared himself. He was not going down without a fight.

The first alien to reach him was a large, dragon-like creature, heavily armoured and very well built. The dragon slammed into Alexei, sending the small lion into a large rock behind him.

Alexei quickly recovered and jumped into the air, narrowly avoiding an attack. He spun around and grabbed the dragon's tail and gripped hard, digging his claws through the armour and piercing the dragon's skin.

The dragon snarled and whipped his tail.

Alexei flew back, recovering to his feet. He lunged forward just as the dragon had turned. Alexei shoved his fist into the dragon's gut, denting the armour.

The dragon scoffed and grabbed Alexei by his arms and pulled.

Alexei screamed as his arms were nearly torn off his body. He suddenly felt incredible pain in his spine; an attack from a second alien.

The dragon pulled Alexei to the side and stomped his large foot. "He's mine, coward! Leave this fight to the fighters!"

Wasting no time, Alexei slammed his foot into the dragon's lightly-armoured ribs.

The dragon howled and dropped Alexei, tending to his wound.

The second alien, a small corpulent beast, lunged toward Alexei.

Alexei raised his paw and a wall of sand pushed the little beast away. He then jumped up and deeply scratched the staggering dragon's face, clinging on.

The dragon flailed about, trying to shake the lion.

Alexei dug his thumbs into the dragon's eyes, yelling. He pushed his thumbs into the sockets as far as they could go. The dragon screamed horrifically and keeled over. Alexei removed his thumbs and leapt backward, avoiding a third alien. Alexei landed gracefully and looked up. He was now surrounded by dozens of different aliens.

The small beast attacked from behind.

Alexei spun around and blocked the beast's surprisingly large axe with his forearm, receiving a small wound. He pushed the axe away and punted the beast hard. He could feel the ribs shattering as his foot tore through the small beast's chest. Blood flew everywhere, and there was slight hesitation in the surrounding aliens.

Alexei spun back around and showed nothing but malevolence and hatred in his face. Alexei dashed forward, past the felled dragon, and thrust his fist into another large alien. His paw ripped through the beast like he was jelly.

The alien cried out frighteningly as the entire right side of his torso was torn up.

Alexei jumped up and kicked to his right, pounding another alien into the rock. He kicked again to left, then from below, he stomped an alien's skull in. Alexei landed softly in the sand and spun around. He blocked an attack with is right forearm, then another to his left. Alexei stepped back and lowered his head, a large sword swinging above him. He twirled and blocked a large alien's kick.

Alexei skidded back a few metres then jumped up, three aliens colliding below him. He growled then crushed the three below using a powerful mental force, much like a hammer striking a nail. Now standing on bloody mush, Alexei let out a horrific war cry. He bolted forward and rammed his knee into a large beast's lower gut, causing the beast to spit up blood and fall to its knees.

Alexei spun and nearly cut a monster in half with his outreached paw. The blood sprayed all over Alexei and several aliens. As soon as the alien was felled, Alexei gave a hard back-kick to the beast behind him, shattering its ribs and puncturing its vital organs.

Alexei dashed forward again and as an alien swung his massive arms, Alexei leapt up and pounded on his enemy's head with his foot. He then pounced to the left and rolled under another alien's legs. He stood up and grabbed onto its tail, pulling it over his shoulder. As the monster slammed into the sand, Alexei quickly crushed its trachea with his fist. Alexei twisted his body and blocked a large sword with his left forearm. Alexei pushed the weapon away as he stood up, then kneed the alien in the gut.

The alien dropped its sword and held its stomach.

Alexei grabbed the massive blade, which looked more like a giant slab of steel, and swung it above his head. Just as the alien looked up, Alexei splattered its head with the weapon. He swung it around and splattered several more aliens behind him with the momentum he had built up. He continued to spin the enormous blade around, slicing open anyone who dared attack.

Blood and gore flew everywhere as the weapon sliced Alexei's enemies in half. Alexei was swinging in an almost blinding rage; he didn't even look his enemies in the eye now. He just continued to cleave his way through every monster that approached him. Alexei's arms burned wildly, and he could barely grip the now dull blade. But he would not give up. He would not stop until every monster on that planet was ripped apart.

Finally, Alexei lost his grip on the slippery, blood-soaked sword. As the blade flew out of his paws, Alexei spun from the momentum and fell to his knees. In a second, he was slammed into the sand from behind. He felt an arm... now two... now three... Alexei was suddenly lifted into the air by many arms. He struggled desperately to free himself. Alexei managed to uncover his eyes; he was being held by a large, horrible monster with dozens of slimy, oozing tentacles.

The hideous creature held Alexei up high with at least ten tentacles, each one squeezing and caressing his body.

Alexei continued to struggle.

The creature was a large, olive-green, corpulent beast with dozens of tentacles protruding from its thick body. It stared at Alexei with small, beady red eyes. It pulled him in closer, and as it did, Alexei took hit after hit of random, unknown attacks.

Alexei, worn and beaten, gave up his struggle. As he looked around, he noticed the aliens had stopped their assault and simply stood and stared. All of a sudden, the red-eyed beast tore off Alexei's shirt.

The creature seemed to be drooling from one of its various orifices.

Very quickly, Alexei figured out what was going on. "Oh God..." Alexei began to thrash about once again. He could hear the others laughing; they seemed to enjoy this more than fighting.

The tentacles slithered all across Alexei's furry body, most of them already down his pants. As he struggled, Alexei was turned around and slammed onto his stomach.

The beast continued to caress Alexei's body with it's oozing wet tentacles. It slowly removed Alexei's pants. Alexei was now pinned down naked, held by his arms and wrists, his neck and torso, and his ankles and legs. The wet tentacles gently rubbed Alexei's soft balls and tailhole. Now another tentacle, different from the rest, rested on Alexei's rump. It was rock hard, and very closely resembled a phallus.

Alexei tried to move, but he couldn't. He shut his eyes tightly and gritted his teeth. Then suddenly, the beast, very hard and fast, shoved it's member up through Alexei's bowels. Alexei cried out in pain. Through his tear-filled eyes, he could see some aliens getting off. He looked away, disgusted.

Alexei could feel the beast's phallus inside him, and the pain was incredible. It just continued to work its way up through his bowels, and it seemed to be covered in long hard bumps, increasing the sensation. Alexei couldn't go one. He finally went limp as he allowed the beast desecrate his body. It was useless now; Alexei had resigned himself to the beast.

The alien continued up Alexei's bowels, giving off a bizarre moaning noise as it did..

Alexei groaning as the beast continued. His entire body burned, and the phallus seemed be to tearing his insides apart. It gradually inched its way up and Alexei could feel it all the way. It was unbearable.

The alien finally stopped, leaving its enormous cock within Alexei, shifting it around slightly. Then, using just it's one phallic tentacle, lifted the lion into the air.

Alexei screamed horrifically as he was being dangled above the ground by only his bowels. His tears fell to the sand, and Alexei felt himself starting to pass out over the intense pain.

Suddenly, the beast below squealed loudly.

Alexei could feel the tentacles loosening their grip and the phallus quickly and excruciatingly pulling itself out. Alexei fell to the sand, naked, bloody, and in incredible pain. His tailhole burned like it had never before, and he was certain it was bleeding profusely. Alexei shakily looked over his shoulder.

The green beast was lying backward with a smoking hole in its chest, twitching slightly, flaccid tentacles strewn about. It made gurgling sounds as is slowly died.

Alexei looked around to see who had saved him. Alexei gasped, frozen in his spot. It was Kaelin.

"Wha... what're you doing here? H-how is this possible?" Alexei cried.

"Enough of this fighting, Alexei." Kaelin held out his paws.

"I've missed you so much..." he wept, staggering toward the kangaroo. "I never thought I'd see you again."

"It's okay now. You don't have to keep fighting."

Alexei wrapped his arms around the kangaroo and cried into his soft, inviting shoulder. Alexei lifted his head, horrified at the sight. He pushed himself away, stumbling backward. "You... you're not Kaelin... what did you do with Kaelin?!"

A very large Lumarian stood above the lion, the red sky shimmering off his smooth skin. It said, in a deep voice, "I do not know any Kaelin, but it was I who saved you from that beast."

Alexei fell to his knees, holding his head. He shouted furiously out of frustration.

The Lumarian walked up to Alexei and lifted him off the ground. He looked into the worn lion's eyes.

All the other aliens stood and watched. There was still over a hundred left, but none dared interrupt the giant of a Lumarian.

"A warrior of your caliber does not deserve to be humiliated in such a fashion. You will fight me, lion, and the battle will be fierce." The Lumarian placed Alexei back down.

Alexei groaned. He looked into the Lumarian's eyes. "I... I don't want to fight... I've had enough fighting..."

The Lumarian laughed. "You have no choice, lion. Either fight me or die."

Alexei held up his arms. "Kill me... go ahead and try... I dare you..."

The Lumarian scoffed and charged Alexei, slamming his large fist precisely into Alexei's gut.

Alexei spat up a massive amount of blood as he flew back. He slammed into a large rock and toppled to his paws and knees. He tried desperately to catch a breath while rubbing his stomach. He looked up and watched as the Lumarian charged again.

The Lumarian kicked Alexei in the face, sending the lion back into the rock.

Alexei's head smacked hard on the rock, and he was certain his skull had split. He fell back down, now lying dead in the sand.

The Lumarian picked up the limp lion. "'Greatest warrior in the galaxy?'" the Lumarian spat. He threw Alexei over his shoulder and walked away.

All the surrounding aliens were screaming and throwing various objects at the Lumarian.

Alexei felt the objects pelt his body. He was in incredible pain and completely exhausted. This was it for Alexei; the Lumarian had won the fight and he now belonged to the alien. Once again, Alexei found himself possessed by the Lumarian race.

* * *

Alexei walked out onto the large platform, in front of the hundreds of Lumarian dignitaries and military men. His paws were cuffed behind his back.

Alexei stood before the council of Lumar, awaiting his fate. He knew now why he was there. The council had spend a great deal of money to send their behemoth to the War Planet, and it was only lucky for them Alexei was in no fighting condition. The council would now decide how they should use their prize.

Alexei stopped in the centre of the platform. He looked up at the Lumarian elders floating above him.

"Welcome, Alexei. I trust you know why you're here?" spoke the Head Elder.

Alexei glared at the old Lumarian.

The Head Elder laughed, "Very good. I pray this will not take too long. Everyone is dying to have you."

"Do what you will with me. As far as I'm concerned, my life ended when you raped me of my home."

"Well, you have a new home now, lion. And for your sake, I sincerely hope you will adjust."

Alexei scoffed malignantly.

The Head Elder shook his head and raised the Elder's platform up into its place. "Welcome, all!" he began. "I thank you all for coming, for this is an important day in Lumarian history. We have now come into possession of the galaxy's greatest warrior!"

Alexei was sickened by the whole ordeal. He felt cheap and dirty.

"I will now open up to suggestions for the Warrior's use..."

"We, of Lumar 4, are in dire need of soldiers," some far-off general shouted.

"So is everyone else! Why should Lumar 4 get-"

"We need him more than you, you s-"

"You have more than enough!"

"How dare you accuse us-"

The senseless bickering continued for what seemed like hours. Finally, one general shouted abruptly, "I suggest we enlist the Warrior as one of our Elites. Our numbers have dwindled since the assault by the Commune."

Alexei's ears perked.

The Head Elder glanced down at Alexei. He looked back the general. "And just how dwindled are your Elites, General?"

"We have with us five of our finest warriors, plus the new recruit whom you sent to capture the Warrior."

The Head Elder scratched his chin, and the dozens of arguments continued shortly after.

Alexei looked up to the Elder, and the Elder looked back. The two shared a brief glance, but it was enough. The Head Elder turned to his left and his right, quietly discussing his thoughts with the four other Elders.

Finally, the Head Elder rose out of his seat and slammed his gavel until the noise finally subdued. "We have come to a decision... I realize you all feel you need the Warrior's - Alexei's - power, but we feel it is in Lumar's best interest to place the Warrior in the able hands of General Garrik, head of our Elite Corps."

"This is insane!" someone burst out.

"We have already spoken. The decision is final!" The Head Elder slammed down his gavel one last time.

General Garrik, smiling, walked up behind Alexei. He place a hand on Alexei's shoulder, "Come with me, lion. I want to-"

"Don't touch me." Alexei said coldly.

The General pulled back his hand then removed Alexei's restraints."I want to show you to your new quarters. Your fellow warriors will want to meet you."

Alexei followed behind the General. The two climbed into a small shuttle and soon it was off.

"Just were are you taking me?" Alexei asked.

"To Sarbod. That's where our main headquarters is."

The ship now cleared Lumar's orbit. It coursed gracefully through space.

"But I thought Lumar-"

"We have expanded greatly in the past century. In fact, our people now inhabit nearly one half of this sector's planets."

Alexei grunted.

The two traveled the last distance in complete silence until a bright planet showed up on the radar. Garrik turned to Alexei, "Here we are... Our base is actually a space station orbiting Planet Sarbod. When we dock, I'll introduce you to the rest of your team."

"Wonderful..." Alexei said unenthusiastically.

The small ship finally docked and Alexei and General Garrik were greeted by six large Lumarians.

They stepped off the ship and Garrik started, "Greetings, team. Thank you for your warm welcome." Garrik placed his hand on Alexei's back. "This is the Warrior you've heard so much about, Alexei. He is one of us now."

The team just stared down at Alexei, unimpressed.

Alexei stared back with hollow eyes. They wanted him there as much as he did.

Garrik stepped forward. He placed a hand on the largest Lumarian's shoulder. "This is Behemoth, the one who defeated you on War Planet. He's our newest recruit, before you of course."

Alexei faked a smile. "Thank you, I had almost forgotten."

Garrik continued, "This is Kavhen, our youngest Elite. He is yet to be matched in his skills as a sharpshooter." Garrik moved on, "And here we have Eskelle, our only female Elite. She's our chief medical officer on the field."

"Howdy, short stuff. Pleasure to meet you," Eskelle said, holding out her hand.

Alexei pulled back. "If you so much as lay a finger on me, I will tear you apart."

"Charming," Eskelle laughed.

The General went on, "Here is our eldest Elite, Graunta. He has been with us for nearly fifty years-"

"An' I'm just in my prime, sonny, so don't think your threats will work on me."

Alexei scowled at the old Lumarian.

"This is my second-in-command, Raiche. He's strong, smart, and loyal; I couldn't ask for a finer soldier. And finally we have Jhorn. He's bit eccentric, but he's a excellent warrior. Tough and brave..." Garrik walked over to Alexei and addressed his team, "And this, Elites, is the warrior from Earth. He's small, I know, but he's powerful."

"Then why did he fall at War Planet?" Raiche asked. "He can't be that strong."

"Most people who are forced onto War Planet don't survive at all, Raiche, and trust me, it wasn't luck that kept Alexei alive. It was his will. His will to survive."

Alexei scoffed at the General's remark. Garrik wasn't even close. "Will had nothing to do with it."

They stared at the lion, expecting an explanation. Alexei kept his mouth shut.

"Well, anyway, this is your new home now, Alexei, so get comfortable. Training starts at 06:00 hours."

The group walked away and Alexei slowly followed behind. Kavhen waited up for him. "What did you mean by, 'will had nothing to do with it?'"

"None of your damn business. Just leave me alone."

Kavhen stared down with sympathetic eyes. "You don't have to be alone, you know. We're all here for each other. Here for you."

"I don't need anyone... Do you think I want to be here?"

"No, I suppose you don't. But you don't have a lot of choice, so you might as well make the best of it."

Alexei sighed.

Behemoth walked up to the two. "Hey, small fry," Behemoth said to Kavhen. "I'll take the Warrior from here. I've got to show him to his quarters."

"Alright." Kavhen turned to Alexei, "Remember what I said. You aren't alone."

Alexei walked away with Behemoth. They traveled down various halls until they reached a large door. It had bizarre writing on it, none of which Alexei could understand. The door slid open and Alexei entered, Behemoth following behind.

The room was cold, dark, and sterile. There was a small bed in the corner and few shelving units. It also had a small window on the farthest wall, looking down on the planet.

"This is your room, lion. Try to get some rest for tomorrow."

Alexei walked over to the window and stared at the white planet. He turned back to Behemoth, "What do you want?"

Behemoth turned and pressed a few buttons on the panel behind him. He looked back at Alexei, walking forward slowly. He held up his large hands and gestured for Alexei to come.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Behemoth reached the loin, placing his hand on Alexei.

Alexei smacked the hand away. "Don't you dare touch me again..."

Behemoth suddenly trust himself toward Alexei.

Alexei growled and pushed the giant Lumarian away. "I warned you." Alexei punched at Behemoth.

Behemoth easily blocked Alexei's punch, holding onto his fist. He smiled and threw Alexei into the side wall, leaving cracks behind.

Alexei climbed to his feet. He charged forward, nimbly dodging an attack. He swung behind the large beast and thrust his fist into Behemoth's spine.

Behemoth was hardly phased. He swung his massive fist around and smacked the small lion away. As Alexei recovered, he approached the lion. He picked him up and slammed him into the wall with ease, holding him up to his face.

"Why are you doing this?" Alexei whimpered.

"It has been a very long time for me, lion, and I like you."

"Ugh. You make me sick."

Behemoth laughed as he threw Alexei to the floor. He started removing his clothes.

Alexei shakily got up. There was something different about this alien. Every one he had encountered was never even close to being this strong. Alexei charged Behemoth once again.

Behemoth drove his hard knee into Alexei's gut, then slammed his clasped fists down on the lion's back. He picked Alexei up and rubbed his soft cheek with his hand. "Don't bother resisting."

"But... you told me... I did not deserve this kind of humiliation."

Behemoth laughed. "I said a warrior of such caliber... you are nothing. You're just a play-thing for the strong."

Alexei swiped his claws at Behemoth.

Behemoth dropped Alexei and held his small, stinging incisions. He growled and smacked Alexei hard. He then kicked the lion hard in the chest, sending him flying back into the window.

Alexei collapsed to the cold steel floor.

Behemoth walked up above Alexei. He bent down and slowly removed the lion's pants. He stroked Alexei's tail with one hand and massaged his tailhole with the other. Behemoth quickly mounted the much smaller lion, slowly feeling up Alexei's scar-covered body. He removed Alexei's shirt now.

Alexei breathed slowly. He struggled to free himself of Behemoth's grip, but it was useless. He squirmed about, knowing what was soon to come. Behemoth was only teasing him with his soft touches and fondling. Alexei shut his tear-filled eyes and wished it would end. He wished for Kaelin.

Behemoth was breathing loudly as he caressed Alexei's slim, furry body. He rubbed Alexei's scars as his hands passed over them. Behemoth became erect, and this pleased him greatly. He laughed as he stroked his enormous cock, sitting back on his knees.

Alexei turned back and got a quick glance of Behemoth's member. He was almost horrified.

Behemoth leaned over Alexei and slammed his fists down hard on his shoulders.

Alexei groaned.

Behemoth pulled on the base of Alexei's tail, lifting his rump into the air. He moved his cock just outside his tailhole and rubbed the edge teasingly. Behemoth's cock was long and thick at the base, and tapered near the tip. It didn't even look like it would come close to fitting in Alexei's hole.

Alexei knew what was coming. He knew what to expect. He knew he couldn't resist. As on War Planet, Alexei resigned himself to the beast.

Behemoth finally began his journey through Alexei's body. He entered about an inch until he heard Alexei whimper.

Alexei was shaking; his tailhole was still tender from the tentacle beast's attack.

"Is something wrong, lion?"

"Fuck you!" Alexei spat.

Behemoth growled and pushed himself in further, this time quickly.

Alexei cried out in pain. His claws scraped across the steel floor, breaking off the sharpened ends. Alexei started to cry.

Behemoth laughed and pushed himself entirely in, giving out a loud sigh as he did. He wrapped his hands around Alexei's waist and pulled his now blood-soaked cock out.

Alexei's body went limp as the giant phallus was removed from his bowels. His tailhole burned and he could feel his warm blood pouring out. Alexei tried to drag himself away.

Behemoth pounded his fist down on Alexei's back. "Don't even think about it, lion. I am not through with you yet. I have just begun." Behemoth pinned down Alexei's arms and adjusted himself. He continued his assault.

Alexei clenched his fists and held them to his face, crying into them. The pain was unbelievable, and it only worsened from there. Then Alexei noticed something frightening; he felt his own member expanding. He shut his eyes tightly and yelled, frustrated. He was disgusted with himself for even slightly enjoying it. He was being violated in the worst way possible, and he enjoyed it... Alexei continued weeping into his paws. He would never forgive himself.

Behemoth, however, was in complete bliss; he was in a state of ecstasy, of extreme pleasure. His thrusts became quicker and harder, and he grunted loudly at every time. And at the same time, Alexei cried out, the tears pouring down his face. Hearing the lion scream only intensified Behemoth's pleasure. Behemoth laughed and cried out pleasured growls as he worked Alexei's tailhole. He continued for a long while, an eternity to Alexei. Behemoth finally felt his climax quickly approaching, so he gripped the lion harder. He slowed his movements and let it come.

Alexei could feel the hot spooge explode inside him. He cringed at the sensation.

Behemoth removed himself completely, letting his warm seed spread down Alexei's leg. He stood up and laughed. "That was very satisfying, lion. I'll be sure to come back to you next time." The large alien stood up and kicked Alexei out of his way, laughing. He then put on his clothes and walked out the door.

Alexei, tired and beaten, crawled painfully to the corner of the room. He huddled in the corner, shivering terribly, his entire body aching. He cried into his arms, thinking only of Kaelin. He needed something, anything, to keep his mind focused. Alexei knew he wasn't going anywhere, and he knew it was just a matter of time before he snapped; before he unleashed a power neither him nor Behemoth could stop.

* * *

Alexei walked into the training room exhausted and lifeless. He was only half dressed.

"You're late," Raiche said, standing behind Alexei. "You can't just come in here whenever you please... and where the hell's the rest of your clothes?!"

"Fuck you," Alexei replied.

Raiche raised his fist, "When General Garrik isn't here, I am in charge! You will not speak out of line again or I swear I will make you will regret it!"

Alexei stared into Raiche's eyes angrily.

Behemoth came up behind Raiche and pulled on his shoulder. "Leave the kid alone, Raiche. Can't you see he has been through a lot?"

"I don't care what he's been through. If he wants to be a part of the Lumarian Elite Corps, he had better learn some discipline."

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that," Behemoth smiled. "I taught him a few things last night."

"Don't tell me," Raiche said, walking away. "I don't want to hear it."

Behemoth laughed. He looked down at the cowering lion. "I am surprised to see you up and walking this morning..." He laughed again and walked away.

Alexei stepped backward, shivering.

Kavhen walked up to Alexei with worried eyes, "What's wrong? What happened to you?"

"Fuck you... fuck all of you..."

Suddenly, the General rushed in. "We just got a transmission from the Complex in Sarbod's capitol. The Commune are attacking... Get Alexei suited up and let's move!"

Kavhen grabbed Alexei and pulled him to the armory. "I'm pretty sure they made a suit just for you... Here." Kavhen pulled out a long box from one of the large storage units and handed it to Alexei.

"What the hell am I supposed to do with this?"

"It's your armour. Just put it on!" Kavhen said as he stripped. He began climbing into his large, black suit of armour.

"I don't need armour..."

"Yes, you do." Kahven finished suiting up and he pulled out the bottom half of the suit. "Take off those pants..."

"Why the hell should I?"

"Because I said so."

Alexei glared at the Lumarian.

Kavhen rolled his eyes and tore off the pants.

"What the fuck do you think you're donig?" Alexei cried, stepping back.

"Just put the damn armour on! Everyone's already left."

"How do I-"

"Ugh. Let me show you..."

Finally, Alexei was suited up. "I don't like it. I can't move as well."

"Too bad! Let's go."

The two ran out of the training room and boarded a nearby shuttle.

Raiche looked at the two, "It's about time. This kid had better be worth it."

The shuttle door shut and soon it took off for Sarbod's surface.

"Alright, team, you've fought the Commune before, so you know what to expect," Garrik started. "Alexei, I hear you're a quick learner, so I'm sure you'll do fine. Remember to watch each others backs and as always, be safe. The Commune aren't pushovers."

Finally, the shuttle landed in the main square of the now ruined Complex. The team stepped off the shuttle, weapons in hand. They looked around the dusty ruins for signs of life.

"How did they do this much damage so quickly?" Jorhn thought aloud.

"It beats me, kid," Graunta replied, "but you can bet they ain't far. I've been in enough battles to know when to expect an ambush... Keep your eyes open."

Alexei walked around calmly, his weapon still on his back.

Raiche approached Alexei, "Get your gun out! What the hell do you think you're doing walking around like that? I knew this would be a mistake."

"Guns are for cowards."

Raiche scoffed. "What would you know?"

Alexei looked up at Raiche. "You wanna see what I can do without a gun?"

"Knock it off, you two! Act like a team, for God's sake." Garrik put his arms between the two and pushed them apart.

Suddenly, they heard a noise coming from a ruined building. They all looked over, pointing their weapons.

Then a bloody Lumarian stumbled out of the rubble.

Eskelle ran forward and grabbed the injured alien. She brought him over to a safe distance and slowly placed him down. "Tell me what happened," she asked, treating his wounds.

The Lumarian tried to speak, but got only mouthfuls of blood. Shortly after, he fell limp. Eskelle covered his face and got up to join the rest of her team.

"Alright, team, they've got to be around here somewhere. Spread out and search everywhe-"

The entire square suddenly began to shake. Through the clouds of dust and debris, the New Allegiance, the Commune's toughest regiment, slowly emerged, chanting their war cry.

"Holy shit..." Jorhn said, mouth agape.

The Lumarians moved in close to each other, weapons armed.

"This is it, men... All you can do now is give it your all... never give up, and never surrender..."

The Commune general held up his large, clawed hand. Moments later, he threw it forward and let out his war cry. The entire Commune army suddenly charged the Lumarian Elites.

Alexei backed off, frightened. "I... I can't do this..."

"What's the matter, kid? Don't tell me you're scared!" Graunta yelled.

"I can't..."

"Forget the coward!" Raiche commanded, firing his weapon madly.

Alexei was petrified of his enemy.

Very soon, the Commune army had approached the team, and they were forced into hand-to-hand combat.

Alexei stood and watched as his teammates fought fearlessly. He heard one of the Commune shout, "Take the general! Then they will fall!"

The noise and cries of the battle began to overwhelm Alexei. He fell to his knees, holding his head, shaking. He saw fire... all around him was fire. Burning. Alexei felt hot. His body burned. Alexei cried out.

"Hey, what should I do with this one?" a Commune soldier shouted.

Fighting off two enemies at once, Kavhen shouted over his shoulder, "Alexei! Watch out behind you!"

Alexei looked up, tears coursing down his face. Suddenly, he felt cold... there was a sharp, familiar pain in his right shoulder.

"No!" Kavhen cried, pushing a Commune off his blade.

Alexei rubbed his shoulder and felt something unusual. Something that wasn't supposed to be there. Alexei felt the cold twisted metal of a Commune blade. He looked to his right and rubbed the blade.

The Commune warrior stood above the lion, staring.

Alexei looked up to the warrior. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Kavhen running toward him. Alexei, blood running down the Commune blade, shakily stood up.

Kavhen stopped and watched.

The Commune warrior was in awe.

Alexei turned to the warrior, hate and pain reflected in his eyes. He quickly and suddenly thrust his hard fist into the Commune's gut, driving the alien into the wall behind him. Alexei continued to drive his fist into the beast.

The warrior cried out a frighteningly loud scream.

Everyone stopped and looked over at Alexei.

Alexei cried out, still pushing his fist into the alien. Tears ran down his face as he screamed, and his fist started to crack the Commune's armour. Suddenly, his fist broke through and went straight into the alien's gut and into the wall. Alexei pulled out his bloody fist and stared malignantly as the crying alien fell painfully to the ground.

"My God..." Kavhen muttered.

Alexei turned to the armies, the blade still in his shoulder. His eyes seemed to almost glow now. Alexei grabbed the blade and tore it out of his shoulder, pieces of flesh still attached.

Moments later, the battle continued, several of the Commune warriors now heading toward Alexei.

Alexei easily blocked each attack, narrowly dodging every blow. He grabbed onto ones head and crushed it together, brain matter spreading all over. Alexei turned and thrust his knee into another alien's chest, shattering the ribs and internal organs. Just then, Alexei heard a cry. He looked up and saw General Garrik hanging off the end of a large Commune pike.

The Commune stopped and cheered as the General slowly slid down the pole, still barely alive.

The Lumarian's stopped and stared.

Alexei stepped forward, the rage building inside him.

Behemoth approached the lion, ignoring most of what was going on. "Look at what you've done, you coward!" Behemoth shoved Alexei hard.

Alexei bared his teeth and growled. "That is enough!!" he shouted. "I am going to end this now..." Alexei shoved Behemoth out of his way and, with a thought, dragged the Commune's large blade into his paws. As Alexei stepped forward, he rose into the air.

The ground then began to quake and the rubble rose. A strange force fell over the aliens below. The Commune suddenly began to rise, and they all started shouting out in confusion. They had no idea what was to come, hanging helplessly in the air.

High above the army, Alexei started to spin the blade. As he did, the soldiers began to spiral around. Very soon, the New Allegiance army was spinning out of control.

The Lumarian Elites stared up at the powerful cyclone in complete dismay.

The cyclone had reached incredible speeds. Alexei looked down at the Commune army, pure hatred flowing out of him. It was this hatred which fueled Alexei's rage, and it was that rage which fueled Alexei's cyclone. Nothing could stop him now.

Rocks and large pieces of jagged metal pelted and tore apart the aliens. Alexei, the blade in his paws, flew forward. And like lightning striking a metal rod, Alexei attacked swiftly and precisely.

The Lumarians watched in disbelief as Alexei effortlessly hacked and sliced each Commune soldier into pieces. Within moments, blood rained down upon the Lumarians.

Alexei, lightning-fast, jabbed the blade into a soldier's gut, then thrust it upward through its torso and through its skull. Alexei swung around a lopped of another's head, then behind him, he cut open another's stomach, its entrails spewing out. This one-sided battle continued for but a few minutes. Alexei stopped and landed back on the ground, completely surrounded by the bloody carcasses of the former Commune New Allegiance. He dropped the blade, but he was still seething.

The Lumarians approached Alexei, unnerved by the lion.

Alexei looked up with that same pain in his eyes. He growled and leapt forward, slamming his fist into Jorhn's gut, sending the Lumarian flying. He looked over at Kavhen. Suddenly, he stopped. He clenched his head and howled out in pain, falling to his knees. Once again he could see fire. A constant burning within him. He looked up into the flames and noticed a figure. Kaelin emerged from the flames, and to his left was another... Thomas.

They said, in unison, "You don't have to keep doing this, Alexei. You can stop the bloodshed..."

"No, I can't! You don't know what they've done to me... you don't know what I've been through."

The Lumarians watched Alexei, uncertain whether to approach him or not. Jorhn recovered shakily and watched the lion.

"You have no idea how hard this has been for me..." Alexei continued. "They've tortured me, beaten me, humiliated me... I don't know if I can go on..."

"You must, Alexei, until you have paid your vengeance. It is the only way to gain your freedom."

The figures slowly disappeared, along with the flames. Alexei held out his paw as he watched Kaelin slowly drift away... He was met by the concerned gaze of Kavhen.

Alexei stood up, trembling. He fell into Kavhen's arms, crying.

Kavhen held Alexei close, rubbing his back.

Suddenly, Behemoth cut in and pulled Alexei away. "Good job, lion, except we could have used you before you got the General killed!"

"Hey! Cut him some slack!" Kavhen shouted. "This was his first battle against the Commune... I think he's been through enough."

"No... that wasn't the first time..."


"It was a long time ago... I... I don't want to talk about it."

"Alexei, we're a team... A family. You can tell us anything."

"Yeah, out with it." Jorhn added.

"I can't... it's too painful..." Alexei shut his eyes tightly.

Behemoth grabbed Alexei by the arm. "Listen, you little punk-"

"Leave him alone!" Kavhen shouted, shoving the much larger Behemoth.

"This is between me and the lion, kid, so back off!" Behemoth shoved Kavhen away.

Alexei looked up at Behemoth and pulled his arm away. "You... how dare you touch me... And now dare you touch anyone..."

"You lookin' for a fight, lion? Don't tell me you've already forgotten..."

"No. I haven't forgotten." Alexei bent down and picked up the blade.

"Alexei, don't do this..." Kavhen begged.

Ignoring the young Lumarian, Alexei thrust the bloody blade into Behemoth's gut, twisting it around.

Behemoth stared down at Alexei, shocked. He started to cough as blood sprayed out of his mouth, onto Alexei's face.

Alexei pushed the dull blade in further, continuing to twist. He finally let go, allowing Behemoth to fall onto his chest. Alexei backed off.

Kavhen approached and put his arm around Alexei.

For once, Alexei didn't mind. The two headed back to the shuttle.

The others soon began to head back, bringing their fallen comrades with them.

Back on the space station, Alexei sat in the cold infirmary naked, having just been sewn up. He stared out the window and lost himself in the emptiness of space. It had just started to set in just how far he had come. Just over than a month ago, Alexei was at home on Earth, doing what he had always done: running from these beasts. Alexei sighed as tears formed in his eyes. He rested his head against the window. His life was moving so fast, and for once he felt like he was not in control.

He didn't know what the future would bring, but he was he knew whatever happened, he would experience it with the Lumarians. He hoped for one day to return to Earth, but he knew to expect nothing. Alexei's old life had died back on Earth, when he was taken away by the very aliens he now lived with. Alexei's old life was dead, and his new life had just begun. Whatever future endeavors were held in store for Alexei, he would not have to go through alone, and Alexei has come to accept that.