The Holy Crusades

Story by JewelThief on SoFurry

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With hearts as hard as Western mountaintops,those fighting machines marched across the valley slopes. Carrying steel and wood in their hands, those proud brigands marched across their Holy Lands.  Brought on by demons, led on by traitors, they come to our homes, these annihilators.Slaughtering women and children,old men and sheep.What their dirty paws don't grab, the Desert keeps.

I lived in Newville

I lived in Newville, Until it became old,I lived in Newville, Back when this song was told. 'Tis odd indeed to be spiteful,A bit like a weary old stoat, But 'tis hard to be kind to Time,When he's the one who makes you croak.

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The Pretty Lady-Tree

The Sergeant grinned, The Cook, he wheezed, As we all slowly died beneath the willow trees. I slowly began to close my eyes,And though I knew my life was fast a-fadin',I spotted on the hillock, An oaken maiden. The tree smiled and waved as she noticed,...

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An Erratic Escalation of Events

O, that ferocious, fine-flanked fox,Grinned like a green gannet,As astoundingly aroused an aggravated owl, Hissed horribly as a hateful Henry howled in horror,At an angstful arrow addled on an anchor. Ravaged by this red rose of remorse, and filled...

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