Alphas pet

Story by Hail94 on SoFurry

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will fix later

_ Chapter 1 _

It was just another typical day for me. It was a Saturday morning, I sat up from bed and gave my back a good stretch. I sat in my bed for who knows how long before I smelled what my roommate was making for breakfast. Yuck tuna fish, while that's what I get for having a cat as my roommate. I ran my paws through my hair before getting out of bed and heading towards the shower. I turned the water and stepped into the shower, I felt the warm water soak my fur. Such a great feeling in the morning. I stood under the water letting it soak my fur completely. I couldn't help myself but to run my own paws over my body, it felt so good. Soon enough I knew I was pleasuring myself, my paws made their way down my breast, over my stomach and to my clit. I leaned back against the shower wall as the water fell on top of me. I massaged my clit feeling the sensation. Just as I was getting hot and heavy I heard my roommate yelling from the other room.

"You know we have to share that bathroom!" I gave a low snarl to myself, well I guess I'll finish this later when she's not home. A couple minutes went by and I was dressed in a pair of jeans and a black tank. I walked into the living room where a strong scent of tuna fish hit me.

"Jeez... Abby, why do insist on eating that first thing in the morning?" I said with a paw holding my nose. She giggled at me. "Because I know you love it so much" she replied with a cat grin. I rolled my eyes at as I grabbed my bag a rummaged around in it.

"Have you seen my house keys?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I borrowed them yesterday there on the counter," She purred. I grabbed my keys and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" She asked causing me to stop.

"I'm going to the library to pick up some books for class." I replied.

"While be careful, you know it's mating seasoning for wolves," She purred.

"Don't worry hun, I'm not full wolf only half, I don't have mating seasons like they do. Besides I also bite" I smiled at her.

"Well don't come to me when you've been knotted by some hot male wolf." She sighed before she turned her attention back her tuna fish.

I moved to this town for college earlier this year. So this will be my first year being in a town that's main population is a big wolf pack. But since I'm half dog I wasn't consider part of the pack. Which was fine by me I don't think I would be good with a pack life.

I walked out of my front door, and started walking to the library. It was a beautiful day, I in haled the air around me and just listen to the birds chirp in the trees. All of a sudden I hear howling, and yelling as a truck fly's by me with a bunch of young hyped up male wolves. Maybe this wasn't a good idea to go out today, I thought to myself. But then again I was almost to the library and it would have been a waste to turn around and go back home.

I finally got to the library, I walked in and sighed. I love the smell of old books. The library was decent size, with tall bookshelves filled with books and each book case had a little ladder attach to it. I walked to the book drop off and dropped off the couple books I had before I ventured into the library. I walked around till I found the anthropology sections. I wasn't even in there for long before I had the feeling I was being watched. I tried to shrug it off but to my attempts I just couldn't shake it. I browsed through the book picking out the ones I thought where the best, when I became startled dropping the books to the floor.

"I'm sorry for startling you hun," he said in an apologetic voice. He bent down to pick the books off the floor before handing them to me. I finally looked at him and just my luck he had to be a male wolf. He was a little taller than me with red fur, the tip of his snout was black.

"So you go to college here, because I've never seen you here before," He smiled. I looked right into his eyes and all I can see was lust. I looked away really fast, I couldn't believe I just did that.

"I just moved here this year," I practically whispered. He leaned against the book self while crossing his arms.

"You're small for a wolf, and cute" He said smoothly.

"That's because I'm half Border collie," I instinctively snarled, I hate being called cute. In a split second he had my chin in his paw, staring into my eyes.

"Are you challenging me pet?" He smiled. I looked back in fear he's smiling about this, I don't even fucking know him and he's smiling. He also called me pet, what the hell. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I don't even know who you are, and don't call me pet. I am not your pet." I snarled at him. He looked at me before letting go of my chin.

"I sorry about that, my names Red," he looked away from me and starched the back of his head.

"Well I think it's time for me to head home, Mr. Red," I huffed as I turned away and headed to the checkout desk.

"I'll see you around... pet." I hear him grin behind me. What an annoying male, I'm not a pet. I'm definitely not his pet.

I make my way home, I walk in and here Abby giggling then several male voices, I sniffed the air and cringed, it was full of sex. Really Abby why now, couldn't you have gone somewhere else instead of here, I thought to myself. I walked back out my front door, now great where to go. I looked at my cell phone, it was time for lunch. I sighed and started heading to this little café for lunch. I guess I can eat and start reading one of these books for class. Over the top of the book I noticed a couple male wolves staring at me. One male had stone color fur and the other was a brown color. The brown male got up and starting heading my way. I took my book and covered my face with it to show I'm not interested, but the gestured failed me. He sat roughly in the chair across from me.

"Well, well what do we have here?" He said with a cocky voice. I growled in response giving ever sign that I'm not interested. He chuckled then snatched the book right out of my paws. "Listen female I'm talking to you, so you better obey." He snarled. I looked at him stunned before I bared my fangs at him and gave him a low growl.

"I don't like it very much when a female doesn't obey me," He chuckled before grabbing my snout and pulling me closer to him. His grip on my snout was tight and a little painful. Just then the café door chimed open and the brown male was yanked up out of the chair. He let go of my snout to face the one who grabbed him. I looked up at the two males and too my relief it was Red. He had the brown male by the collar of his shirt, he was snarling at him while staring him down.

"Hey man just chill, I was just having a little fun." The brown male yelped.

"I don't want to see you anywhere near her again," Red threatened as he let the brown male go. Both the grey and brown male wasted no time leaving the café. I was amazed at how threatening Red was even though all he did was snarl.

I watched Red as he sighed and ran his paw over his head.

"Are you alright?" He asked with a sexy grin. I started at him like a deer in headlights. Then it hit me. Is he following me....

"Are you following me?" I asked with lowered my ears and narrow eyes. He looked at me, then smiled.

"While pet... to tell you the truth my family owns this café." He said while sitting down. He leaned back in the chair all lazy like, which was in a way very sexy. I gave him a quick once over, when I looked back to his face he had the biggest grin on his face.

"See something you like pet?" He chuckled. I blushed under my fur and looked away really fast.

"I hav..... I have to go now," I said quickly before standing up and went to leave.

"See you sometime pet," he chuckled as I walked out the café door.

Later that night I laid in my bed thinking of just how lucky I am to have moved to a town that has a mating season that last for two months. But soon enough I fell asleep. It didn't take me long to start dreaming.

I didn't recognize the room I was in, but the bed was very comfortable and the sheets where soft. I was naked, and could feel every inch of myself covered in the soft sheets. Then I felt a firm paw touch me, it ran up my stomach and to my breast before giving my left breast a good squeeze. I look over to see Red smiling at me. He then got on to my stomach placing his huge member in between my breast and right in front of my snout. "Suck.... Pet," he demanded. I looked at him submissively, before taking the head of his member into my mouth and began to suck on him. "Good pet," He said. But the dream didn't last long I was awaken by my alarm.

I laid in bed breathing heavily from the dream. I can't believe I am dreaming about him already I don't even know him. Then I noticed why I was having the dream. I was in fucking heat....