Fated Five - 02 - The Oni's Club

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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#2 of Fated 5

The Fated Five

Chapter 2

(The Oni's Club)

Written by Trickster_D and Leo_Todrius

Commissioned by Wolfboyx9

In rapture of his new powers, Song Wukong sets his sights on another sexual conquest on campus... but not everything goes to plan when the newly awakened Oni fights back.

The Fated Five Chapter 2 (The Oni's Club) Written by Trickster_D and Leo_Todrius Commissioned by Wolfboyx9

Crystal clear water spread across the wide pond, soaking the moss and willow branches that dipped into its edges. Dozens of Koi fish swam around in contemplation, an eternal dance. The air was fragrant with the smell of cherry blossoms and lavender. It was, simply put, a paradise. The horizon zig zagged with hills and low mountain ridges and a huge ancient tree sprawled out beneath a violet sky filled with three moons of varying shades... but the brightest light did not come from the illuminated heavens, but from a figure advancing toward the lake.

A bare foot stepped down onto the pond water, sinking in a centimeter or two before stopping. Then another came down just ahead of it. Ripples radiated out from the footprints on the water's surface, the water shimmering with refracted light. The figure crossing the pond most directly was a most unique individual. He was male with pearlescent skin, elfin ears and tall gleaming white antlers rising out of his long, sublime silver hair. Icy teal eyes gazed ahead with an almost immovable smile on the man's pale lips.

As he reached the other side of the lake, the antlered elfin man held out his hands toward the cherry trees on either side. A mist like light began to seep from the leaves, swirling around to build up in his palms. As the light left the trees, the pedals turned black and crispy, leaving only hints of their former pink glory. With enough energy drawn to him, he turned his palms forward, focusing on a crevice in the ground in the center of a grove of trees.

Light erupted forth, blinding and focused, hitting the crevice. The stones beneath began to rumble, being forced open centimeter by centimeter. Small flecks of light came forth, circling the creature, small melodic voices coming from the fae as they chittered and complained. The figure continued on, undaunted, his entire body glittering with pure white illumination.

"You don't have claim to it yet." Malik's voice was deep and angry. The Salamander stood a short distance away, summoning a ball of fire in his hand. The unending smile was turned his direction, teal eyes gazing into the man's.

"Malik, the wheel of karma has always been the destiny of those that hold the light." The antlered being responded. Malik shook his head.

"No, Alaunus, it hasn't... It's neutral, it's even, it's balanced. You can't bend it to a whim or a plan or a plot. As Master Wukong always said-" Malik was interrupted by a strobe of light. He shielded his eyes, turning away for a split second. The antlered creature turned, moving toward the salamander. Without his glow, it was easier to see the silver loin cloth hanging from his waist and the cords of rope tied around his smooth arms.

"For whatever cosmic joke that made that monkey mediator, it was not a good enough tale to span a second generation. You cannot stand in the way of our destiny clinging to a ghost of the past. All plains of our existence need to be led to the light." Alaunus said.

"It is their right to choose their own path, and the wheel of karma is not yours yet." Malik replied. Slowly the ever present smile returned to Alaunus' lips.

Apparently, even though he was now the avatar of the Monkey King, it was still hard for Song to get out of his bed in the morning. After he had opened his eyes, grumbled and mumbled for a bit while brushing his teeth and taking a quick shower, he slouched towards the campus bistro to get the biggest and warmest cup of coffee he could buy. The university center sat at the heart of the campus, containing the university book store, a very modest convenience store, administrative offices, and a full featured cafe. What was even better was that it was closer to the dorms than the cafeteria itself.

Even with the snow on the ground, the large, faintly tinted windows offered weary morning travelers a view of steaming hot coffee, spiced chai tea, and a cooler of two dozen kinds of pastries. It had always been a spot of curiosity for Song, but now it seemed like the single most important destination. The young man sat on the table nearest to one of the windows, his dark gaze wandering over the world outside, his long furry tail wrapped around his neck like an impromptu scarf. It was surprisingly cozy.

"Um... I should probably go and wake Frost up later..." he murmured to himself before taking a long sip from his cup. The liquid was hot and sweet and made him feel decidedly less groggy. With the caffeine flowing through his veins he was able to finally process his surroundings, realizing just how few other students had made it out in the crisp cold of the morning... but sitting in the corner with only the very tips of his red bangs sticking out from under a black stocking cap was Satoshi Kato, drinking a vanilla chai tea, typing away on an imported Vaio laptop. Song's eyes narrowed as a smug smile appeared on his lips.

"Nice... Look at who we have here..." Song whispered. His old self wouldn't have even dared to look in the general direction of the Japanese hockey player, but the new and improved Song didn't have the same problem... Even though it was still a bit too soon to approach him. "I wonder if he likes guys..." he added, staring at Satoshi with an intent gaze. Song tried to focus on him, to see if he, too, had the same "spark" he had felt inside Wade; he frowned and squinted his eyes, but whatever form of mystical perception he now had, it was indeed affected by the distance. Song sighed, lowering his head and biting his meaty lower lip.

"Um... everything okay?" One of the waiters had approached his table, and was staring down at Song with a worried face; he was a veritable mountain of a man, probably six feet four, with a short but full blonde beard and a stocky, chubby frame that filled the green polo shirt and the khaki pants of the bistro uniform quite nicely. He had a weird accent, a bit nasal... Probably North European.

"Yeah, no problem, seriously." Song said, putting on a happy-looking face. A huge smile of blinding pearly white teeth appeared in the middle of the beard.

"I'm glad! Just let me know if something's wrong, okay?" the big guy replied in a somewhat urgent tone, as if he really expected Song to have some kind of complaint. The monkey king stared at him for some seconds, his head slightly bent towards his left shoulder. Was the waiter trying to hit on him, or was it just his imagination running wild? Not that it would've been that weird, Song thought with an internal grin: he was a total treat, after all, to anyone interested.

"Sure, sure... " he said in the end. "Well, I do have a question... That Japanese guy over there... Does he come here often?"

"Mh? Oh, you mean Satoshi? Yeah, almost every morning," the waiter replied dutifully. "He's one of the most affectionate customers we have." He almost sounded proud of that achievement, as if it was his own personal merit. "He always sits at that very same table, so the mornings I'm on duty I usually keep it reserved for him."

Song looked at the big guy, who was fidgeting with his fingers and glancing at Satoshi. Maybe he didn't have a crush on him, but on the hockey player? "Well, that's... Nice to know," he replied after having struggled to find something appropriate to say.

"Do you need something else?" the waiter said dutifully. Song's lips pursed. That guy was starting to overstay his welcome.

"I just need to relax in peace, and to be able to finish my coffee before it gets cold," he replied, his voice tasting like sugar-coated poison. The waiter's face burned crimson as his pale blue eyes became a bit watery.

"O-oh... I'm... R-really, really sorry... H-have a good day..." he blurted out before scrambling behind the safety of the counter.

Song's fingers tapped nervously on the table, his eyes glancing to Satoshi from time to time. Something was sure: if he wanted to approach the hockey player, he needed a much more proactive way.

The growl of skateboard wheels on well finished cement walkways was nothing new, but to two students on campus it was a bit of a different experience. Wade rolled along slowly, half because he was walking with Song and half because salt had been spread across the sidewalk to melt the snow and ice. Despite the chill in the air, he wore long shorts that exposed his furry legs and his cloven hooves. His long, luxurious goatee dropped down to his nipples and his hair seemed naturally voluminous, contrasting greatly with his smooth, perfectly curved ram horns... and yet in the reflection on the windows of the English building, he seemed to be a perfectly normal college student with one bad ass bit of beard.

"So you still didn't say anything?" Wade asked in surprise, looking over at Song with a perplexed grin. The monkey boy jolted and glanced back at him, before shaking his head.

"Sorry, Frost... I was just a bit distracted." A small, impish grin appeared on his lips as his long slender tail emerged from his denim jeans like a furry snake and traveled to tickle the satyr's groin area.

"D-dude, you'll make me cum again in public like when you pet my goatee at dinner..." Wade moaned, blushing brightly but grinning all the same. Something about his tone seemed to indicate that Song had unlocked a depravity in him where he wouldn't actually care.

"Because you totally didn't like that, huh?" Song replied, still performing his bizarre erotic massage. "My little sexy satyr bitch..." he added in a somewhat pensive tone, as if he was still unsure about the truth hidden in those words. He, too, felt completely different than only a handful of days before: he felt smug, confident, powerful... It was an exhilarating experience, but also a slightly scaring one.

"Well, I wouldn't mind like... one more." Wade murmured, "I guess that's the only thing that worries me about this Satoshi thing... I mean I'd never want to hold you back, but what if you end up liking him more?" Wade asked, starting to press into the tail. To the outside observer, it seemed as if the skater was merely humping thin air. Song frowned for a moment, but then - in a gesture that he would've never dared to do only a week prior - he took a step on his side, raised on the tip of his naked, furry foot-paws and placed a kiss on the satyr's lips.

"You are the first person I shared my power with, Frost. This will never change," he said in a serious tone, before another grin appeared on his flat face. "And besides, I doubt Satoshi could become as sexy as you are... Well, if he can actually change like you did, I mean."

"I know you can do anything... You're the most amazing person I've ever met in my whole life." Wade whispered before he turned, grabbed Song's cheeks and gave his boyfriend a kiss the entire french class could see from the window. It was long, lingering, sloppy and very heated.

"True, I totally am," Song replied smugly. Wade didn't respond, though there was an odd glazed look in his eyes just before a wet spot started to appear in the front of his shorts. A musky, spicy scent hit the air only a moment later, and the monkey king smelled the winter air with a look of pleasure in his eyes. "Though I have my limits, you know... If he doesn't have a spark inside him, I'm afraid I won't be able to do much," he then explained.

"Well, what if you were drawn to him because of the spark? What if it's like a subconscious thing?" Wade asked, starting their journey again, rolling along slowly toward the math building. Song bit his meaty lower lip with his fang-like teeth.

"I don't think I like the idea of being controlled by my power," he replied in a lower tone. "I mean, it's true that I find him attractive and that there is something that draws me to him, but... No, I want to be sure he has the spark. I need to get closer to him, though... A sizable number of people around the campus have it, but I need to at least be able to touch someone to be sure of that."

"Well, it's too late to join any of the teams he's on, but you could go to one of his games? Or, like, if you're daring, figure out when he'll be in the locker room? You said he's always up before dawn, right?" Wade asked. Song nodded, a sly smile appearing on his face.

"True... I should study his moves more thoroughly," he said, before looking up at the satyr. "But first... Any plans for today?"

"Sleeping through calculus, then two hours until anthropology... What about you?" Wade asked with a spicy grin.

"Oh, I don't know... I wouldn't mind studying satyr anatomy a bit more closely," Song replied, his dexterous tail now caressing the tight globes of Wade's ass through the fabric of his pants. Wade bit his puffy bottom lip.

"Want me to skip calculus? Maybe Anthro too? I could just... be there, whenever you needed me." Wade whispered, wanting desperately to please his master. The vines coiled around his arm were still present, though in the reflection on the buildings they passed it seemed to be just a tattoo. Song held his gaze in the satyr's eyes, his tongue licking his lips.

"Yeah... Let's go back to the dorm, Frost. I don't want to share you with the world... You are mine and mine alone," he half-growled, half-murmured in a warm, possessive tone. Wade jumped off his board and lunged at Song, kissing the monkey god, humping against him in desperation. A raging erection felt most tangible against Song's groin. It seemed that he'd unlocked quite a well of eroticism in his first partner. Song smiled, a bit bashfully, caressing the huge boner of the satyr through the pants. His long, slender monkey dick was rock hard in his briefs.

"Man... Come on, let's go back to my room. Don't wanna end up fucking your ass here and now," he joked, before licking the Satyr's pointed ear lustfully.

"I wouldn't complain..." Wade murmured before he moved to grab his board and returned promptly to his monkey master, walking hip to hip with him.

"I'm afraid our glamour wouldn't hide something like that... And I certainly don't want to be arrested," Song grinned. "And as I said, I don't want to share you with the rest of the world... You belong to me, Frost." He added; his right hand moved quickly, and his fingers pinched the satyr's nipple through the shirt. Wade nodded, looking sexually drunk as he wandered along toward what he was sure would be heavenly bliss.

The cold weather across campus had been a surprise, but even as weather reports indicated that conditions would soon improve with the arrival of spring, there was one spot on campus where that would have no influence. The air of the ice rink was constantly chilly year round. The rink was large, home to hockey games as well as figure skating. It was a source of pride for the campus even if they weren't in one of the larger sports divisions. For Song that was fortunate, giving him a front row seat during the practice sessions.

The monkey boy sat down with a large grin on his face, his tail - invisible for everyone save for himself - swishing happily behind him like a hyperactive snake. He was wearing a striped skullcap he has borrowed from Wade (although "stolen" would'be probably been a more appropriate term) and a scarf with the colors of the hockey team around his neck. He wasn't particularly bothered by the cold, of course, but he thought that wearing some appropriate accessories would've helped him concealing himself in the middle of the scarce crowd.

Most of the team was made up by what Song might consider bears. They were large boys sporting beards, covered in muscle and fat, using their weight to their advantage as they moved around the ice to send the puck sailing towards its destination. Where they were proverbial clubs on the ice, Satoshi was a scalpel. He moved with grace, precision, intricate efficiency. With the pads on he still seemed more robust than he truly was, and his emotionless gaze was as icy as the ground he skated on.

Song licked his lips, looking at the Japanese guy darting on the smooth icy surface with no perceivable effort. He wanted him, that was for sure. He wanted him just like he had wanted Wade, like a toy to play with, to reshape and remold in something even more beautiful. The monkey king knew he had the power to do just that, he just needed to know if Satoshi had the right spark of magic inside of him.

It tooked a honed focus, but Song started to see the spark. Satoshi carried with him an afterimage larger than himself. There were dark lines, strong shapes. Something powerful lurked beneath Satoshi's surface, something that had not yet been woken. Perhaps that was where his cool confidence came from, after all.

Song gulped, as an uncertain smile appeared on his face. Slowly but surely, his powers were growing: he had had to physically touch Wade to feel the spark, along with all the other people in the campus he had tested... but now he could just feel Satoshi's hidden power from a distance. Unless it's not me, but him, he told himself with a small shiver that hadn't been caused by the cold air. Could Satoshi's inner beast be so powerful to be perceived that easily around him, like an aura of sorts? The monkey king shook his head, dismissing that stray thought. No, he hadn't felt anything like that when he was spying on Satoshi at the campus bistro. He had seemed perfectly normal.

Another clatter came as the puck hit the goal frame, the inertia stopped by the net. The move had been so fast, most people had missed it entirely. Even the coach had taken a moment to process it before he blew the whistle. Satoshi circled the rink before he headed for the locker rooms, having deemed his practice as being over.

"Alright, the rest of you brutes, I want ten more goal shots and then four laps!" The coach whistled. Apparently he gave his star player some latitude, only glancing over briefly as Satoshi disappeared into the locker room beyond.

Song let out a long snort from his large simian nostrils, as his dick started tenting his underwear in an almost painful manner. He HAD to convert Satoshi. He was the perfect specimen: fast, strong, cute and with an astounding force of will. "Now's the chance..." he murmured under his breath as he jumped back on to his feet - making a guy with a big coat and a scarf covering half his face who was sitting close to Song to jolt in surprise. Song barely noticed before he ran out of the hockey rink. He needed to find a way to access the locker room, especially now that Satoshi was all alone in there. It was too good an opportunity to get wasted.

The locker rooms were full of bank after bank of seven foot tall, royal blue metal mesh lockers. They were larger than the conventional ones to accommodate the hockey gear. Satoshi had pulled his jersey off and set his sticks down, working piece after piece to unlock the armor like pads that covered his body. To be honest, he felt a little bad at leaving his team while they finished practice, but he didn't like the attention he got when they were all dressing down together. He felt like he was doing his duty, not being some sort of star. It was hard enough to take from the other students. He reached up and brushed his colored hair out of his face as he kept undressing.

From behind a corner of the room, Song was staring at Satoshi with rapacious eyes; he had doubled around the building and came inside the locker room from the other door... which had been closed, of course, but it had been no match for his now superhuman strength. At first, the monkey boy had planned to make his presence known immediately, but he couldn't resist the idea of getting some good eye-candy before stepping in front of Satoshi.

As the layers of plastic and foam came off, it revealed Satoshi's body in all its glory. He was ripped, but there was one unexpected surprise. Satoshi's right nipple was pierced with a ring of gold. The pads were loaded up into the oversized locker, the spare pucks stacked in the corner before Satoshi reached for his jersey again to begin the long trek back to his dorm.

"Hey, stud." Song was waiting for Satoshi, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed on his chest and the smuggest grin ever plastered on his face. "Going somewhere? Can I come too?" Satoshi looked up, showing emotion in his face for the first time.

"Just... finishing practice, going to do some homework. Maybe I'll see you at the bistro some time." Satoshi replied. He was a little caught off guard. Song had always seemed like such a nice, respectful boy before. The monkey king, however, was equally taken aback. He was expecting a reaction, maybe an angry or surprised one... but at least any kind of reaction!

"No, wait, wait, wait..." Song exclaimed, the fur of its tail puffing up a bit. "You... know who I am? Also, you're not surprised in the least that I am in this locker room? You're just... going to do homework?! That's it?" He would've felt outraged if he weren't so shocked.

"I know who you are..." Satoshi replied, "You're Song Wei... You're a freshman, right? You're going to have to work on your pickup lines, though I commend you on your bravery." Satoshi replied, pulling his jersey on.

Song cringed. "Okay, you're right, it was a cheesy line, I have to admit it... But still! I saw you out there today, Kato, I saw how good you are on the hockey field, and what your true potential is! I know it sounds crazy, but what if I can make you stronger and faster than you are? Stronger and faster than any other player?" If he couldn't charm him - granted, his attempt had been a little clumsy - maybe he could appeal the athlete in him? Satoshi's eyebrows narrowed even further.

"What do you mean, like performance enhancers?" he asked uncertainly.

"Uh? No, nothing illegal!" Nothing against ancient magic in sports rules, after all. "It's... I mean, everything you need is already inside of you. Right here, so to speak." Song placed a hand over Satoshi's heart, but couldn't help caressing the Japanese player's firm pec in the meantime.

"Well, that's at least more creative than following me home." Satoshi considered, looking down at the hand on his pec. Song grinned, his tail swishing behind him, his big ears twitching from time to time.

"I'm sure it's something we will both enjoy..." he murmured, taking half a step forward. If only he could manage to kiss Satoshi, he was sure he could awaken his spark really easily... and after that, the hockey player would've become his and his alone, just like Wade.

"Maybe, but a guy likes to be courted... I've got an open mind, but it has to feel right." Satoshi said, reaching up to try and take Song's hand away from his pec. The monkey king let out a tiny growl, but he quickly pulled up a playful facade.

"Well, it takes two to play, right?" he said with a short laugh. "I'll make sure for everything to... ?feel right', next time."

"Alright... I'll look forward to it then." Satoshi said, closing his locker before he slung his stick over his shoulder and turned to walk away. As he moved, he reached up to rub at his pectoral, feeling that it was stiffer and tighter than usual. He pushed the thought away as he disappeared from the room. Song stared at Satoshi's back as he walked away, his dark fingernails sinking into the palm of his hands, his fangs bare in a nervous and disappointed snarl.

"You're a tougher opponent than I would've expected, Kato... but I'll make you mine," he whispered to himself, before following him in the coldness of the world outside, leaving only an empty locker room behind.

Song was already starting to regret the idea of choosing the hockey rink as the place to enact his plan: the extreme cold was seeping through his glamour and his thick fur, making him shiver from time to time, and the edges of his big ears were red and achy. His naked feet paws, however, were taking the brunt of it, despite their thick leathery soles; the monkey boy was shivering and starting to wonder if he was going to turn into an ice statue before his date would have showed up... if he would have showed up at all, of course.

Discovering where Satoshi's room was had taken no more than five minutes, and writing a short, nicely-worded letter to slip under his door no more than ten. The idea of Satoshi not reciprocating his flirting was simply inconceivable for the Monkey King, something that had driven him crazy the previous day: not even Wade's juicy ass had helped him feeling any better. Song had signed the letter as "your #1 admirer", hoping that would have at least piqued the hockey player's curiosity; and knowing Satoshi, he would've probably showed up either way just because he was expected there.

The far doors opened up, letting in a bit of moonlight around the approaching figure. Satoshi looked somewhat unlike Song had seen before. He wore no jersey, no equipment, nothing athletic at all. His black jacket was form fitting, his jeans sleek and the red scarf around his neck matched perfectly with the streak in his bands. Satoshi lingered in the doorway for a moment before advancing, curious to see how Song's second attempt fared. He had to admit, he was curious.

"Ooh... so you did show up, after all." Song smirked, trying his best to hide the fact he was very happy by the fact that Satoshi had actually answered his invitation.

"Well, letter writing is a lost art in this day and age. It's commendable." Satoshi replied with a soft smile. It was more emotion than Song had seen him display around campus, so much so that the monkey boy's heart almost skipped a beat.

"Well, you know... I have a fascination for ancient traditions," he said, trying to sound as suave and charming as possible. "Guess you could say that I am the living embodiment of one of them, in a way."

"A living embodiment of ancient traditions?" Satoshi asked, moving toward Song, stepping carefully onto the rink. The athlete looked at Song, realizing how cold he must have been. He took off his red scarf and offered it to Song. The Chinese young man, however, shook his head.

"Don't worry, Satoshi, I'm not that cold," he reassured him. "But your kindness was the reason why I felt so drawn to you..." His tongue licked his lips. "Well, one of the things, at least. As for who I am, um... I could show you, of course. I could show you a world just beyond your current ability to perceive reality, something brand new and at the same time impossibly old."

"I love a good enigma." Satoshi said, stepping closer to Song, "I'm ready for you to show me why you brought me here." Satoshi grinned, but Song's grin was way wider.

"Oh, I'm not sure if you are ready..." Song took a step forward, his hand caressing the right arm of the hockey player through the jacket. He could indeed feel the spark inside him with perfect clarity now, burning red and proud despite being nothing but a tiny flicker. "I think you should probably relax, before I do my magic, you know..." he added, his voice nothing more than a breathy murmur, his face getting a bit closer to Satoshi's. Satoshi didn't pull away, though he wasn't sure how game he was for what was about to happen. The smooth talk was fine when it had something to back it up, but Satoshi was worried that Song would remain as cheesy as their first encounter in the locker room. Despite that, though, he tried to relax, to give it one more shot.

Song, however, was especially careful, and most of all surprisingly gentle, as if he was handling a precious crystal statue: his hands kept caressing Satoshi's jacket as he pulled the other boy closer, a small smile on his lips... it was clear he wanted to try and kiss the hockey player, but he was hesitating for some reason. There was something beautiful and dangerous at the same time in that spark, as if it was made out of real fire, and could burn him if he dared to touch it.

To Song's surprise, it was the hockey player that made the first move. He leaned in and their lips touched. There was a spiciness to it like cinnamon, the lips moving in a skillful dance just like Satoshi used on the ice. Satoshi's bold move made Song forget his doubts: he gleefully reciprocated the kiss, his eyes closed but burning gold behind his eyelids. As his tongue slithered inside Satoshi's mouth, he sent a pulse of energy through his body, hitting the spark and making it flare and explode in his chest like a miniature supernova. The Monkey King broke the kiss, looking at Satoshi with a smile of triumph.

"And now, you are mine," he declared in a smug tone.

"It was one kiss dude, you're still on a fine line." Satoshi replied, though he suddenly closed his eyes, wincing a bit. He reached up to claw at his coat, trying to get it open as he felt so hot suddenly. Once again, Song licked his lips rapaciously.

"Already feeling it, don't you? The power, the fire?" He said, his tail almost wagging behind his back. "Let it burn, Satoshi. You will feel awesome."

"What did... What did you do to me?" Satoshi muttered, stumbling back. As his feet hit the ice, steam erupted upward in plumes. The water spread outward until he was standing on the baseboard of the rink. Satoshi managed to tear open his coat, his fingernails stretching into claws and tearing at the shirt beneath. Through the tears Song could see obsidian black flesh beneath.

"Well, you said you were interested in knowing more about the tradition I embody... now you are becoming part of it," Song smirked, even though he was a bit weirded out by what was happening in front of him. The reaction the change was having on Satoshi seemed decidedly more extreme than what had happened with Wade. "Just let it do its job... You will become my loyal servant in no time."

"You meant to do this? This was a plan?" Satoshi snarled, his teeth stretching into fierce fangs. Satoshi suddenly doubled over, panting hard, groaning before he reared up. Two thick, ribbed black horns erupted through Satoshi's forehead, curving out and up. Blood dribbled down onto the ice and the surface of the rink suddenly ignited in blue flames. Steam gushed outward as the water evaporated, filling the rink with the humid gas.

"Oh, fuck..." Song murmured, half-fascinated and half-scared by what he was witnessing. Whatever creature Satoshi was changing into, it could clearly harness fiery powers, and was as incredible as it was dangerous... and, most of all, looked really pissed off. "I just wanted you to fulfill your destiny, Satoshi!" He screamed over the sound of magical flames crackling around. "You are destined to greatness, to something more than just a pathetic hockey team of a third-grade college! You can be someone unlike nobody else!"

"Yes, I can, but not as a servant or a slave!" Satoshi snarled as a hand whipped out and grabbed Song by the collar, lifting him up. Song's glamor burned away, revealing the monkey king as he truly was. His honey colored fur seemed resistant to the fire, though there was no indication how long that would last. Satoshi tossed Song onto the rink where he landed in a puddle of hot water. The transforming athlete groaned out again before two bony spurs tore through his shirt, sticking out from his collarbone above his nipples. Song tried to get back on his feet, but the water and the slippery ice didn't make that easy.

"I need... to do something..." he growled as he climbed back on his feet after a couple of attempts. If only he had brought his staff! That could have given him the edge in the fight. Even though he had slightly more experience in harnessing mystical energy, he had spent the past few days screwing Wade and gloating about his powers. "Fuck... I could have least tried to learn a trick or two..." he told himself in a bitter tone. One of his fangs had cut his tongue when he had felt on the ice, and even if the cut had already healed itself, he could still feel the metallic aftertaste of blood in his mouth, reminding him of his failure. And yet, there was nothing else he could to: he had created a monster, so he had to deal with it. "Oh, you don't want to be a slave, huh?" He exclaimed. "Well, see if you can beat your creator before saying something like that!"

Satoshi's eyes narrowed before his entire body erupted in crimson flame, burning away his clothes to ash, blackening the guard rail of the rink. Satoshi's skin wa darkening to pitch black across most of his body, though part of his skin had started to turn silver, toughening up and growing harder. It fran out under his pectorals and met on his sternum before climbing upward and spreading out again on his collarbone before jutting up into the two bony spikes.

The gold ring that had pierced his nipple before had melted and hardened again in a larger size, dangling from his left nipple almost like a door knocker. Satoshi growled as a second set of bony spikes slid up and out of his shoulders, and a smaller, silver set of horns emerged in front of the larger black ones. The athlete's eyes gleamed a bright blue as he looked out at his opponent.

Whatever creature Satoshi was becoming, he seemed fueled by rage... probably too much to think to any kind of strategy. Song, at least, could count on the fact that he had the superior agility of a monkey. "Come on!" He shouted at the transforming beast in front of him. "If you are too scared to attack me, I think I'll make you my bitch instead, you know?"

All Song saw was a flash of fangs before Satoshi charged. As he moved, the air around him erupted into fire, burning away all remnants of clothing. His abdomen was covered in shades of obsidian, charcoal and gunmetal. The red streak in his hair spread until every strand was a fiery aurora, and the hair grew longer down the back of his head, cascading to his bony shoulders. He was demonic in every shape and form, but not in the conventional western sense. He was something else, something that Song had studied long ago. Satoshi was an Oni. The monkey boy stared at the fiery and savagely beautiful creature in front of him, his mouth agape for a second, and he almost forgot to jump out of his way before it was too late; despite that, he could still smell the unpleasant stink of singed fur.

"Damn, you're hot. In more ways than one," he tried to jest, but fat drops of sweat were dripping down his forehead. Satoshi snorted and turned, his face contorted more.

"I told you that this should have been special... I will be no one's bitch." Satoshi snarled. There was another smell starting to creep up, the smell of hot cement. The rink itself was heating up at this point. Song yelped, jumping from one foot to the other in order to avoid getting burned.

"Well, you are special... We both are," the monkey boy replied before he bounced backwards, his tail swishing in the air like a whip. "I mean, look at you! Look at what you have become, Satoshi! You are something that is straight out of legends and fairy tales!"

"Then why do you keep treating me like a thing?" Satoshi asked, "We are equals, we are both special... All life is sacred." Satoshi snarled. Song stopped jumping around, his mouth slightly open as if he was going to say something.

"I... I don't know why," he admitted candidly. The weight of what he had done had finally caught up to him, pinning him to the warm ground. His power, his newborn confidence, his smugness... it had been a dangerous slippery slope, something that had caused the birth of a creature more powerful than he was. "I inherited this power just recently, and... it went straight to my head. I discovered I could change the world around me as I wished and I lost focus, and..." The monkey boy's fists closed as twin trails of tears started flowing from his eyes. "Man, grandpa would probably scold me right now..." His golden irises focused once again on the oni, on his physique and his fiery aura and his blazing rage, and Song did the only thing that felt right in that moment: he knelt on the floor where the ice had been, lowering his body until his forehead touched the concrete. "I'm sorry, Satoshi. I hope you can forgive me. I dishonored myself and my legacy, and you have every right to hate me," he said, fighting back tea rs as much as he could.

The fiery blaze wrapping around Satoshi disappeared and the fury in his eyes faded. The air started to cool down and then something peculiar started to happen. Song didn't notice it at first, but as he bowed down as low as he could go, tiny crystals of ice were drifting down and landing around him fleck by fleck. The supernatural heat had disappeared, and the humidity that had come from the melted ice was returning in one way or another to its natural form. Satoshi moved forward and knelt down in front of Song, reaching to lift his head with a claw tipped finger.

"Your legacy is defined in the way you move forward. Prove yourself to your grandfather by making the right decisions. Prove me right in giving you a third chance." Satoshi whispered. Song nodded, a hard lump in his throat.

"I'm sorry," he repeated. "This power, it's... It's like it has a will of its own. I know it's not an excuse, but... I don't want for it to control me, even though I'm still not strong enough to harness it properly. I think... I need your help, Satoshi." Song's right hand, trembling slightly, raised to caress the side of the oni's face. "I need someone strong enough to teach the virtue of humbleness to a king."

"And I need you to teach me how you were blending in. Otherwise we'll never be able to go on a real date..." Satoshi murmured, "I'll start by teaching you to meditate, but probably not here. They'll ask too many questions about why it's snowing indoors." Satoshi said softly, looking around. Song snickered.

"Well, I guess they will be more interested in how all the ice in the hockey rink had melted and evaporated," he said. "Why don't we go back to my room? You can crash there for the night. That way I'll be able to teach you how to shroud yourself in glamour." He couldn't help but notice that Satoshi, too, had taken his change surprisingly well; maybe the Monkey King power actually helped in facilitating that transition after all, so that nobody would freak out.

"Anything I should know about?" Satoshi asked, pulling Song up to his feet.

"Well, I might have changed the guy who lives in the room next to mine into a horny satyr..." the monkey boy admitted with a pang of guilt. He should've probably asked Wade for forgiveness too, as soon as he had the chance.

"A horny satyr?" Satoshi questioned, "Horny... with you, or with everyone?" He asked as they started walking for the door. Song shrugged.

"He's always been a bit of a slut, from what I could gather. I'm pretty sure he'd be more than happy to have fun with you, if that's what you're asking." Song eyed the oni's meaty dick hanging from his groin, black and thick, and his own penis began to tingle and stir. "And honestly, I wouldn't mind either."

"Song, don't make me have to make you kneel again." Satoshi smirked, "We're going to go back to your dorm and while you help me with my guise, I'll help you meditate. Then we're going to go out to eat at the Thai Orchid, and you'll tell me about your life and your interests. And you'll pay, since you're wanting to court me with the prospect of steamy hot love making..." Satoshi grinned. Song grinned back while raising his eyes to the ceiling.

"You're no fun, man. And seriously, the Thai Orchid? Is it just because we are both Asians or are you always this horribly stereotyped?" The monkey stuck his tongue out, before he offered his hand to the oni. "But yeah... a date like that seems nice." His fingers closed around the now huge, clawed hand of Satoshi. "And I at least get to walk around hand in hand with you for a while. Since you can't disguise yourself, we'll have to count on my glamour for now."

"You can share it?" Satoshi asked in surprise, eyeing Song carefully as they moved out of the back of the rink. The Monkey King's eyebrow raised.

"I just turned you into an oni and this is what baffles you?" He replied. "Of course I can. Monkeys are tricksters, this is just the ABC for someone like me," he added, a small trace of his previous smugness still present in his voice. "...though I guess I could just touch you with my tail, but holding your hand feels much better."

"It is the first romantic move you've made." Satoshi smirked, leaning down to bite Song's neck gently as they walked. The monkey boy murred in pleasure, the fur on his back ruffling a bit; he leaned a bit against his bigger companion, a small sigh escaping his lips. Satoshi grinned more before he pinned Song to a tree trunk and leaned in, biting a bit rougher, a clawed hand sliding up and down the monkey's furry back. Song squirmed, moaning softly, his eyes closed and his cheeks a bit flushed.

"H-hey..." he murmured, panting. "Now you're the one teasing me, ogre boy..."

"Just a taste for if you behave." Satoshi said, though it was clear he was flushed by the experience. Reluctantly he pulled back, not letting go of Song's hand. The monkey raised on his tiptoes and placed a small, tender kiss on Satoshi's cheek.

"Thank you," he replied in a soft voice. "I knew I was right in choosing you."

"Of course you were." Satoshi smirked as they moved down the path.

The stars had come out in a crystal clear sky, though the spectacle was muted somewhat by the glow of the street lights outside the restaurant. Still, situated up on the second floor it was something special. There was a quiet chatter throughout the restaurant and a rich savory scent of well spiced meats, hearty noodles, and a variety of nuts countless people would no doubt be allergic to. For Satoshi, though, it was a celebration of a new beginning.

Song and Satoshi had been seated at the corner table, giving them an impressive hundred and eighty degree view of the city beyond even though they only had eyes for each other. Satoshi had pulled his hair back into a ponytail and pulled on a respectable, albeit somewhat baggy button up metallic black shirt and slacks. It had taken some work with some scissors to make it work over his shoulder spikes, but his guise hadn't yet perfected itself. It took constant contact with Song to keep them under cover. There was something exciting about that, almost thrilling that brought out more emotion in the athlete than he was accustomed to showing. It was as if he had been sleeping all his life and finally woke up.

"...and basically that's how I discovered about my heritage," Song had just finished recounting the story of Sun Wukong's power. "Though I'm pretty sure it's something that's more widespread than we think. Many people around us have those... Well, I call them ?sparks' inside their chest. That's how I changed you and Wade, by igniting that very spark. And maybe... You know, maybe they are some kind of proof a lot of people actually descend from mythical creatures."

"Every culture has their own origin mythos... Maybe there's something to them, about which entities they descended from." Satoshi considered, taking a bite of his phad thai. Song nodded.

"Makes sense... Guess Frost has some European blood in his veins." The Chinese boy took a sip from his tea cup and went on in a lower voice. "I'm honestly impressed... You are surprisingly cool-headed for a fire creature. I mean, you seem unfazed by the fact that I changed you into an oni."

"It's hard to put into words." Satoshi said, leaning back though he still felt the familiar and pleasurable pressure of an invisible tail wrapped around his ankle, "This feels more right than how I was living before. It's like finally getting over a cold, or waking up well rested or something."

"You know, when I changed Frost, I remember feeling like he was supposed to be that way," Song explained. "So... Maybe it was fate? We were brought together because of some bigger purpose we don't know about?"

"Or that spark is just waiting to ignite into the fire it was meant to be." Satoshi shrugged, finishing off his food.

"Well, yeah, but... I don't go around igniting all the sparks I see. I felt drawn to your fire, like I was a moth," Song admitted. "Or maybe I'm just overthinking. Everything is still so new and fresh to me..."

"I think we both have a lot to learn, and with my help you might be a bit more... gentle in your approach." Satoshi smiled, leaning in to give Song a soft kiss. Song blushed a bit, lowering his eyes on his empty plate.

"And don't forget Frost. I'm sure we can both help him be a bit more focused on what he does." the Chinese boy grinned.

"More focused on what he does? He does seem to be of a one track mind." Satoshi smirked, "But we'll figure this all out together."

"Together?" Song repeated slowly. The image of him, Wade and Satoshi cuddling in a bed travelled through his mind, and a warm feeling bloomed in his chest. "Yeah... Together. I think I like the sound of that."

"It won't be easy though... There's a reason society rarely functions with polygamous relationships." Satoshi said, but from the look on his face it was clear he was willing to try the unusual arrangement. Song's cheeks got a bit flushed: the Japanese boy's pragmatism was bold, even attractive in a way.

"Well, I'm pretty sure there hasn't been a threesome between a monkey spirit, a satyr and an oni before, though," he then jested in a whisper. "We'll have to wait and see how it goes."

"Have faith?" Satoshi asked before he nodded, "I think I can do that." He replied with a true and honest smile.

Trendlor Park had a bit of a reputation as a seedy place to be, from shady commerce to safety risks to underclassmen that ventured in unaware... but for Satoshi and Song, that fear had been replaced with an unbridled lust. Their natures had won out, and the flirtation had become something more. Satoshi growled as he nipped at the monkey king's neck, coming down on him, sliding his long, dark demon cock into Song's tight, muscled ass over and over again. The monkey boy, his mystical golden eyes rolled in the back of his head, was moaning in subtle pain and definite pleasure, his limbs wrapped around Satoshi's bigger body.

"Oh, f-fuck..." he whispered, slightly bouncing up and down, squeezing his butt cheeks around the mighty dick that had invaded his insides. His dexterous tongue licked the smooth skin of Satoshi's neck, savoring the spicy tang of his sweat. "Yeah, fuck me hard..."

"The hardest you've ever had." Satoshi grinned. Clearly he enjoyed winning their ?battle' as he grunted and bore down, pummeling Song's ass so hard his hips hit the ground with each thrust. Clawed fingers came around and toyed with the monkey king's nipple, tugging and twisting it as the Oni bore his fangs. Song stuck his tongue out as a small trail of drool dropped from the corner of his mouth.

"I'm sure you can do even better," he replied, even though his ass had never been ravaged so ferociously before. If he hadn't been blessed with the powers of Sun Wukong, being fucked like that by such a large dick would've probably broken him in half. His hand mimicked Satoshi's gesture, playfully pulling the fat golden ring hanging from the oni's nipple. As he bounced, he could feel the side of the Oni's cock pressing against his sensitive prostate, sending wave after wave of blazing hot pleasure directly to his brain. "D-damn..." he muttered; his eager mouth reached for Satoshi's lips, kissing him with fervor, his tongue snaking through the demon's fangs to taste his thick, slightly salty saliva.

Satoshi pounded into Song, but his kisses were still tender and loving. After years of feeling asleep, keeping his emotions pent up, Satoshi was able to blossom and express himself, exploring deeper truths. He moaned and groaned into the kiss as his heart raced. He wanted to demonstrate his sexual prowess, to blow Song's mind regarding the duration, but their love making had been fast and furious. He could feel the infinite wellspring rising inside him, cresting toward the breaking point.

Song, however, won the race by some seconds: he felt his balls churning in his furry sack as shot after shot of dense monkey cum hit the two of them on their chests and chins, dribbling down their pecs and the curves of their abs, soaking Song's soft pelt as he moaned and murred in the fleeting ecstasy of his orgasm. Satoshi grinned at that, leaning to lick some of his new lover's seed from his fuzzy chin before the Oni moaned and threw his head back.

A hot, tingling flood spread into Song's ass, coursing through his depths, splashing against the flesh over his prostate as the demon came into a blissful orgasm inside of him. The monkey yelped in surprise and held tight on Satoshi's body, burying his face in the curve of his neck as he felt the surprisingly warm cum of his lover burning and tingling inside his ass. Song sighed softly a couple times, his hug becoming tighter as if he didn't want to let go. Satoshi snuggled against Song, kissing his neck and ear and cheek before grinning.

"I never thought I would have liked sideburns, but yours are the best there have ever been." Satoshi murmured. Song nuzzled the Oni, a grin on his mouth.

"And I love your skin... You're so warm. I'd just love to stay like this..." the monkey boy replied, his arms and legs still wrapped around Satoshi, the Oni's dick still firmly stuck in his ass. "But I think we should go back. I need to introduce you to Frost, and... We should probably get clean."

"Getting clean is one of my specialties... Athletes get a lot of practice in showers." Satoshi said with a smirk, "But you're right. We better head out before I start a forest fire or something."

"Come to think of it, why don't we go back to the hockey rink? We can take advantage of the showers there," Song suggested. The monkey carefully dislodged himself from the still hard dick, his ass wide and dripping hot demon cum.

"How about the showers at the pool... People might stumble on the mess we made at the rink before too long." Satoshi smirked. Song nodded.

"You're right, demon boy. Well... let's go, then," he said. Satoshi smirked again and took Song's hand in his, having rather enjoyed their first date.

The walk back to the dorm room had been full of quiet laughter and frivolity, not to mention even more kisses and gropes snuck in when no one was looking. It had helped that Satoshi's glamor had started to work on the way back. To human eyes he seemed taller, buffer, and much more of his hair was dyed red. He was a tank, but that was only a mask hiding the real Oni beneath.

"Wow, you certainly got bigger," Song said, giving a playful punch to one of Satoshi's pecs. "You think people would notice? Like, your teammates? Speaking of which, you should probably go easy on them from now on... I'm pretty sure you could break all of them in half with one of your hands tied behind your back right now."

"I was already going easy on them, I'll have to figure out better ways to control my ab-" Satoshi stopped mid word, looking up ahead. Standing outside of Song's room was a peculiar sight. There was a man, no doubt in his late twenties, with almost citrine red hair pulled back into a ponytail. Black frame glasses rested on his nose and he was dressed in a button up shirt with a dress vest that almost made him look like a professor or teacher's assistant. He turned and smiled when he saw Song.

Song, however, had a different reaction: he stopped dead of his tracks, his nostrils widening, his lips pursed. Even his tail wrapped around one of his legs. There was something unnerving about that man, and at the same time unnaturally familiar... Not just in his smell, but also in the way his aura shimmered around him. And his spark wasn't a spark at all: it was like a globe of fire, blazing proudly in his chest.

"Hello?" The monkey king said, waving a hand in the mysterious visitor's direction.

"Oh wow, Song, you've really grown up, haven't you... " Malik said, looking as though he was a bit pleased, but something was also concerning the stranger, "I haven't seen you since you were in elementary school." Song took a half step backwards, taken aback by the fact that whoever that person was, he seemed to know him pretty well.

"Am I supposed to know who you are, mister...?" He replied in a flat tone.

"No, it's been so long... But I was your grandfather's assistant." The man replied, looking from Song to Satoshi and then back. Song gulped. There was something magnetic and probably dangerous in that stare, even though Malik clearly wanted him no harm.

"Grandpa's... Assistant?" He repeated, slowly. "You mean you... Do you know about, I mean..."

"I do..." Malik replied, "And it looks like I might already be too late." Song's lithe muscles tensed as he exchanged a quick glance with Satoshi.

"What do you mean?" He asked back, his voice dry. If the man really was who he claimed to be - though that could easily be a lie - he was most probably at least knowledgeable in the arcane; there was also the strong possibility, considering his spark, that he wasn't even human to begin with.

"I think that's a conversation best held in private, maybe with some tea." Malik replied, gesturing to Song's door. Song nodded slowly and gestured at Satoshi.

"Would you show him inside, while I call Frost?" He asked the oni.

"Sure, of course." Satoshi said, moving ahead to open the door to the dorm room and show their strange guest inside. Song felt bad in leaving Satoshi alone with the mysterious stranger, but he was his strongest ally, after all. The monkey boy shook his head and motioned towards the door of Wade's room, knocking on it with urgency.

"Frost, you here?" He asked.

"Come in my liege!" Frost called out, obviously in a good mood. Song opened the door, his face frowning.

"Sorry, dude, no more playing king and subject. At least not for now," he said, taking a look inside Wade's room. The room smelled of sex, but it also had an oddly fresh scent to it - no doubt from the dozens of potted plants that now sat around the room. Wade sprung up onto his hooves and moved over.

"What's wrong, are you okay?" He asked, running a hand up and down Song's arm. Song raised a hand and caressed Wade's fingers for a moment, an anguished look in his golden eyes.

"I'm sorry, Frost. I'm sorry about treating you like I owned you, for the past few days," he said in a small voice. "And I'm sorry I haven't told you everything. I managed to change Satoshi, but... Things got a bit out of hand."

"You managed to get him? That's great! I'm sure he'll serve you well." Wade replied, his eyes glittering with love and loyalty, but it was clear that something was off, something that would have taken Song a while to notice on his own. He had imposed his will on Wade and reshaped him into that loyalty. Song's lips trembled as he tried to get rid of the hard lump in his throat.

"No, he..." Song shook his head. "There's no time right now. Come with me, Fr... I mean, Wade." If Malik really had been the assistant of his grandfather, maybe he could have been of some help with that, too. "A lot of stuff has happened. I need you to meet someone... Let's go to my room, okay?"

"Sure, I'll never object to coming into your room." Wade grinned, sticking his tongue out as he followed after Song, his satyr tail wagging above his perfect ass and sagging basketball shorts. The monkey king sighed, feeling worse and more confused than ever as he opened the door of his room and ushered Wade in.

Despite the small confines of the room, Satoshi had done a remarkable job getting the two chairs set up, along with a freshly brewed pot of tea. The steam poured from the cups, but something was off - quite literally the hot plate that Song used to heat up water for tea and ramen.

"Wow," Song exclaimed. "Thanks, Satoshi," he added, giving an uncertain smile to the Japanese oni. Malik looked up at Wade, another eyebrow rising, though he stiffened when he saw the peculiar adornment on Wade's arm. His fingers tightened and Song got a flicker of a very different sort of beast lurking beneath Malik's guise. He saw a flicker of flaming orange eyes, or black and gold flesh, of a wicked tail, but the flicker was gone again and replaced by the glamor of the research assistant.

"I should have gotten here sooner..." Malik muttered, "But from the look of things... you were slowly starting to piece it together." Song simply nodded, barely managing to look at Malik straight in the eyes.

"Glamor down, guys," he said, as the magical camouflage around him melted away into thin air, revealing the toned, lithe body of Sun wukong underneath it. "He's like us." Satoshi hesitated before giving in, revealing his hulking Oni form. Wade, however, hadn't wasted a moment to revel in his satyr body... perhaps a little too much so as he debated dropping his shorts. Wade ran a hand up and down his stomach, smiling in pleasure.

Malik looked at the window to ensure the blinds were suitably drawn, and then the door, weighing the risks before he closed his eyes. The button up shirt and vest disappeared, as did his pants, though he seemed to be wearing some sort of strange wetsuit like pants made of an unknown material. The assistant's true form, though, was quite striking. He seemed to be some sort of fire lizard, practically glowing with tiger stripes of magma in places.

"Wow..." Satoshi murmured softly. Song's amber eyes widened in marvel.

"Are you... a dragon?" He muttered, taking in the fascinating form of the stranger. Malik chuckled a bit at that before shaking his head.

"No, I'm a salamander. Dragons are usually taller than me." Malik said. Song nodded slowly.

"Wow. There's... So much stuff I need to know about all this. That's why you came here? To teach me about my heritage?"

"Among other things... You need to know who you are and how to use your abilities safely... And I need to get you ready for what's coming." Malik said softly. There was something ominous in that last sentence, and Song tried to find some comfort in placing his right hand on Satoshi's shoulder while caressing Wade's arm with his left one.

"Why? What is coming?" He asked, even though he wasn't sure he wanted to know the answer.

"If we don't stop it? The end of life as we know it..." Malik replied. Satoshi's muscles tightened and Wade's eyes widened, looking to Song as if begging him to save them all. The monkey king stared at the satyr, then at the oni, before looking back at the salamander. He was scared, there was no point denying that... But he was stronger, now. And, most of all, he was back to his humbler and gentler self.

"Okay," he said, staring straight into Malik's blazing eyes. "Let's talk."