Favored one - Ch. 2

Story by MisterStallion on SoFurry

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#2 of Favored One

Here's chapter two! See, I told you I upload fast! Enjoy!


Dakkar sat in silence in the dank, near-dark prison, leaning his muscled back against the cold bars of one side of his small cage. He swallowed, but even so his throat remained horribly dry - no one had brought food or drink since he had been thrown in here - and by the changing of the scant light that shone through the single slit in the ceiling, the sun had set and risen once already. He had heard some of the other prisoners whisper to each other, hissing quietly in the shadows, but no one had spoken to him. His only comfort lay in that now, after he had had some time to calm himself and think about his situation, he thought he understood what was happening.

The King, after having sent people to scout, had summoned him out of everyone in the kingdom to come to the palace, to - there was no other word for it - be his personal sex servant. Dakar shook his head. No, not out of everyone in the kingdom; all of the males in the kingdom. That was something he truly didn't understand, however. Did the King, the one person in the land upon whom it was required the most to produce an heir, enjoy... playing with males' parts? Perhaps more than women? He knew the King was unmarried, but it had never until now struck him as odd.

In spite of himself, Dakkar began to wonder about the King, and what he did with these males. Did he act like a female, do the things to a man that a female would normally do? Or was he the other way - did he make the males become the female? That last thought made him shudder.

"Hey," a voice rasped.

Dakkar quickly looked up, snapping out of his thoughts. In the shadows, he could detect the barest shape of a figure, on the other side of his cage, the bars blocking him from getting any closer. The figure was on its knees, his torso pressed against the bars.

"What is it?" Dakkar murmured.

"C'mere and help me?" The figure asked. "Help a fella out?"

Dakkar's eyes narrowed, but he shifted and rose to his knees.

"What do you mean?" Dakkar asked.

"Just c'mere," the prisoner urged.

Slightly intrigued, Dakkar moved closer to the bars. He didn't get close enough to touch them, however, just in case the prisoner tried to attack him.

"A little helpin' hand would be real nice 'bout now," the gravely voice continued. Dakkar could just barely see the glint of the fellow prisoner's eye, and from here he could tell it was most likely a canine of some kind, with large ears. "Haven't felt anythin' nice in weeks."

Dakkar frowned.

"What on earth are you-" he began, moving a little closer, then something small and blunt touched his thigh. He looked down.

The prisoner had pressed his hips to the gap in the bars, and what now poked into the muscle of his thigh was unmistakably the canine's erect penis.

"Get away!" Dakkar shouted, backing up as far as he could until his back was pressed against the opposite bars.

"Aww, come on!" The prisoner groaned. "I'd return the favor for you, after!"

"No! Leave me alone! You unnatural..."

The other prisoner scoffed and moved back, pulling his organ out of sight and turning his back to him.

"Humph. Fine. When it's been three weeks and you're horny enough to fuck a goat, I'm not helpin' you neither."

Dakkar didn't respond. His heart pounded in his throat, choking him. He settled for taking deep, slow breaths, desperately trying to calm himself. He had to get out of this hell-hole. There must be a way.


Dakkar looked up as light flooded the room and cast black shadows on the walls. It had been so long since he'd seen light, Dakkar raised a hand and shielded his eyes, squinting. The door to the dungeon swung open, and in walked a pair of guards, the same long spears in their right hands. They marched through the dungeon, right to Dakkar's cage, and stopped.

"Get up," one of them ordered.

Dakkar slowly rose to his feet, keeping a watchful eye on them. The guard on the right, a bear, pulled a jangling ring of keys from his belt and inserted it into the lock. The lock clicked, and he pulled the door open with a jerk.

"Out," he ordered gruffly.

Dakkar watched the two guards for a long moment, trying to decide if they were going to set him free, or perhaps execute him. Figuring he had no choice, he stepped out of his cage. The two guards immediately flanked him on either side.

"Don't try anything," the bear warned.

Dakkar didn't plan to. The other guard, Dakkar couldn't identify his species yet in the dark, slammed the cage door shut.

"Come with us," he stated, gesturing roughly with his spear. Dakkar nodded and began to walk out of the dungeon, and the guards moved with him, remaining on either side.

"Good luck, pretty boy," the canine in the opposite cell snickered.

As soon as they exited the dungeon Dakkar had to close his eyes, pausing in his steps for a moment.

"Move," the bear grunted, smacking Dakkar's calf with the shaft of his spear. Dakkar winced and continued walking, only able to open his eyes to slits, it was so bright. After a moment, a cursory glance told him that his other escort was a wolf.

They passed down one hallway and another, and by the time he could see properly he couldn't remember where they had walked. A final blast of sunlight struck him in the eyes as they turned the corner, and as Dakkar braved opening his eyes again he found that he was being led across the throne room. He swiftly looked to his right, toward the dais. As he feared, the King now sat upon it, waiting for him. The King now wore his royal best - a golden crown adorned with red jewels and diamonds, a golden collar that spread across his shoulders and chest. A golden belt wrapped around his waist, and ornate, open-toed sandals graced his feet. He sat back in his throne with a lazy air, leaning to one side with his weight on one elbow, looking almost bored as he watched Dakkar approach.

They reached the foot of the dais, and Dakkar kneeled before one of the guards could make him. The guards didn't move. Dakkar swallowed, not daring to even breathe.

"How do you feel?" The King asked, his deep voice echoing through the stone chamber, amplifying it and making it seem as though it came from everywhere at once.

Dakkar, not knowing what else to say, kept with honesty.

"Hungry. And thirsty," he murmured, keeping his head low, so that all he could see was the King's feet.

"I see. Rise."

Dakkar did as he was told, and looked the King in the eye. The guards shifted slightly, placing both hands on their weapons - Dakkar felt their eyes boring into him.

The King watched him, one eyebrow twitching for a moment, then got to his feet as well and approached him.

"Tell me how you feel about the last time we met."

Dakkar didn't move. Nor did he answer.

"Tell me: have you changed your mind about what you said?"

Dakkar moved his eyes away from the lion's piercing blue ones, opting instead to stare at the wall over his shoulder.

A low growl rumbled in the King's throat.

"Very well." He glanced at the guards. "Take off his loincloth."

Dakkar started in shock. No, they couldn't-

The guards rushed in, pinning his arms to his sides.

"No, please-" he begged. But they didn't listen. They forcibly reached behind him and worked at the knot that held his garment in place at the back. Dakkar squirmed, trying to resist but painfully aware that if he struggled too much they would most likely kill him.

"Please! Unnng-" The bear grabbed him by the mane and tore his head back, forcing him to look at the ceiling as they continued to pull at his clothes.

"Shut up."

Dakkar felt the knot loosen - the garment began to slip down his waist.

"Please," Dakkar whispered.

The garment fell away and landed with a slap on the stone floor.

The bear let go of his mane. Dakkar brought his gaze forward again, his breath caught.

"Oh my," the King murmured.

For now Dakkar's most private parts were exposed for all to see. Even the two guards stared in spite of themselves. For, as was custom for his people, his loins were adorned the most beautifully of all.

Spinning circles, intertwined like vine work, swirled across every inch of his exposed testicles, in raised layers like lines inflated on the outermost edge of the skin. On his sheath, a perfectly symmetrical pattern of leaves, ranged in a circle, crowned the place where his maleness dwelled. The pattern spread across his lower stomach and his inner thighs, moving outward to connect with the rest of his less outspoken tattoos on his body, clearly making this the centerpiece of his living art.

They stared at his groin, speechless for a moment, while Dakkar's breathing became labored, his heart sick, a literal pain growing in his chest.

"It's beautiful!" The King exclaimed, stepping forward. He knelt down, bringing his eyes face to face with Dakkar's manhood. Dakkar kept his eyes fixed on the wall opposite, trying to lose himself in a glitter of a ruby on the throne that was caught in the sun, but closed his eyes as he felt the King's paws lift his testicles and caress their skin.

"Why would you ever keep this hidden?" The King wondered from Dakkar's nethers. Dakkar didn't see that he had to answer that question. He shuddered as the lion's rough tongue kissed his sheath, and ran up the sensitive in a broad, slobbery lick. Dakkar closed his eyes, desperate to control himself and failing miserably.

The King's paws explored further, finding the base of Dakkar's sheath and squeezing it rhythmically, though gently, trying to coax the member within. And, though Dakkar fought it with all his might, he found blood rushing to the only part of himself that had not yet been seen.

The air touched it first as it slipped out from the folds of dark skin, cool on the sensitive flesh. The king's paw caught it immediately, squeezing it and gently rubbing the head of it with a thumb, until the entire thing emerged, hanging somewhat limply in the King's grip.

"It's even better!" The King exclaimed. Dakkar heard the two guards murmur assent. For the pattern continued on Dakkar's penis, spinning around his girth in raised lines that detailed a pattern of life and eternity.

Dakkar remained where he was, frozen, his eyes closed, as he felt the lion's mouth engulf the head of his penis. He swallowed as the head bobbed, but felt a small burn of satisfaction in realizing that he hardly felt it, and his maleness was not getting harder for the attention. He just waited, and breathed, listening to the slurping sounds coming from his tormentor and enduring the odd, pleasurable tingles that would occasionally lance up his spine.

After a long few minutes of no change, the King paused. Dakkar had stopped paying attention, just waiting with his eyes closed, desperately praying for the nightmare to be over. The end of his penis felt warm and wet in the Lion's mouth as it sat there for a moment, almost comically. Then the King let it flop out of his mouth and Dakkar felt his penis soften and begin to retreat.

Movement - he felt the King stand.

"Why are you crying?" he asked.

And suddenly Dakkar realized that his cheeks were wet - a steady stream of tears falling from his shuttered eyes. He opened them, and found his vision blurry, though the King now stood face to face with him.

"My... my people... it is sacred," He managed, his voice shaking. "At manhood, our priest gives us each a unique sign upon our...." He let out a shuddering breath and took in another, unable to think of a word that felt dignified in this moment. "They're not to be seen by anyone but the one we choose as our love." More tears spilled, and he found his whole body shaking. "And now you've taken that from me."

As he spoke, the King's expression grew more and more grim, a frown creasing his eyebrows.

"I didn't know that-"

"How can you not know about your own people?!" Dakkar bellowed, his monstrous anger booming through the chamber.

The King did not answer, he just stared back at Dakkar with that same, deep frown.

"Rape me, imprison me, kill me, send me away- do what you will," Dakkar said finally, his voice shuddering with grief and rage. "I shall never get that back."

The King swallowed. For a moment, Dakkar thought he saw a trace of regret cross the lion's face. But then it hardened again. He waved a hand and turned away.

"Take him back to his cage."

"Yes, your majesty."

And the guards grabbed him by his upper arms and turned him around, leading him back the way they had come, the loincloth forgotten on the floor behind them. Dakkar kept his head down, weeping silently, his shoulders shaking.

The darkness came again. The cage door slammed behind him. The footsteps left. The shadows returned. Dakkar fell to his knees, all the strength in his legs gone.

"Nice cock," the gravelly voice next door said. "Never seen designs like that before. Very nice."

Dakkar glanced up at the canine in the opposite cage. He was on his knees, hips pointed in his direction.

"You sure you won't change your mind?" He asked, gesturing to his erect penis now poking through the bars.

Dakkar let out a breath. A piece of himself fell away, lost forever into the black abyss.

"Sure," he replied dully. "Why not." And he crawled over and took the dog's penis into his mouth.


Thanks for reading! Please let me know what you think! I LOVE hearing from my readers!