Mathematic Inspiration

Story by TrianglePascal on SoFurry

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This story is another repost. Sorry for any annoyance or confusion.

This story contains sexual acts between anthropomorphized male animals. If you're not legal or not into it, don't read it.


Joshua knew that something was up the moment he stepped into the apartment. Well, that was kind of inaccurate. He suspected that something was wrong when he unlocked the door, and found it difficult to push open. It felt as if there was something stuck behind the door, barricading him out.

When he stepped inside and saw half of his roommate's possessions lying all over the kitchen floor, then he actually knew that something was wrong.

The cougar paused just inside the door for a moment, his wide eyes taking in the scattered bits of clothing and paper extending from his roommate's door. He remained there for a few moments, until he heard a slight thump coming from deeper within the apartment. Joshua let out a long, exasperated sigh, rubbing his forehead hard. He stepped forward, carefully placed his keys on the table, and called out, "Ian? You home?"

There was a bang from the dirty room, followed by a long line of muffled curses. Joshua waited patiently, taking off his backpack and putting a pot of water on to boil. As he began pulling out a pair of mugs from their cupboard, he heard claws tapping on linoleum.

Joshua turned around, opening his mouth to speak, but as he caught sight of the arctic fox, his jaw seemed to unhinge, and he fumbled with the mugs as they almost fell from his paws.

Ian's normally neat and pristine fur was matted down and covered in knots. At one spot by his knee, Joshua could see a pencil caught in the twisted white fur. His green eyes, normally vibrant and highlighted by his pale fur, were blood shot. As he watched the fox, they darted about the room, in a way quite opposite from his normal placidness. His long, fluffy white tail was tense, and it twitched erratically.

"What?" the fox finally demanded, his breath heavy as he glared up at the cougar.

Joshua paused, still eying the fox carefully as he hugged the mugs to his chest. Then, he began stuttering, "Um, uh... are you feeling alright?"

"Wonderful," Ian snapped, tilting his head to the side. "Why?"

"No reason," Joshua muttered, finally getting his cool back. He casually placed the mugs on the table, and, as he grabbed a few teabags, continued. "It's just that the contents of your room seem to be strewn across the kitchen floor."

Ian started, then glanced down at the small pile of crumpled notes and used socks he was standing on.

"Ah," the fox nodded, returning his gaze to Joshua. "Right. I'll clean that up later."

"Course you will." He plopped the bags into the mugs, and began pouring the now-boiling water over them. He paused for a moment to breathe in the scent of the tea (English Breakfast for him, decaf for Ian), before saying, "You sure you're alright?"

"Yeah," Ian said, waving his paw at Joshua distractedly. "There's just this one thing..."

"You wanna talk about it?"


Joshua glanced over at Ian, raising his eyebrows. "Well what?"

Ian remained there panting for a moment, as though considering what he was about to say. Then, he threw his head back, and in a howl of absolute agony, screamed, "I CAN'T FIND THE BASIS OF THIS FUCKING VECTOR SPACE!"

Joshua's eyes widened again as he stared at the small fox, who had proceeded to collapse onto the floor in a blubbering mess. Had he just said... vector space? There was no way Ian, so calm and relaxed, could get so bent out of shape because of a bloody math problem, was there? That was crazy...

"...and I tried to use the nullspace but it came out inconsistent and then I row-reduced it using constants x, y, and z, but it got all screwy, so I tried finding the basis of the fucking column space but its dimension was equal to n which doesn't work because its rank is only supposed to be two and I tried looking at my notes and it isn't working!"

Joshua continued staring as he realised that Ian had been speaking that entire time. He blinked a few times, wondering whether he should have been paying attention. Of course, the liberal arts major never really understood anything that came out of Ian's mouth when he spoke of math. The two of them got along fine enough, but conversations they had about each other's programs were rarely fulfilling.

Figuring that he ought to say something, Joshua cleared his throat, still eying his smaller companion. "So... you're saying that you're freaking out... and you've spread your stuff across half of the dorm... because you can't get a math question right?"

"Yes, it's horrible!"

"It's math; you're not supposed to understand it."

"But I always understand it!" Ian shouted. He sputtered for a few moments, looking around the apartment, as though he would find inspiration there.

Joshua regarded his dormmate with a mixture of amusement and pity as he sipped delicately at his tea. The little guy was almost in tears, now, working himself up into a frenzy. The cougar remembered his first year of university, and how obsessed he'd been with understanding each basic concept. Of course, he'd never been quite as obsessed as Ian, but still.

"Ian?" the cougar finally said, interrupting the fox's rantings. "Sit down."

Looking surprised at having been interrupted, Ian complied without hesitation. He glanced down, and was surprised to find a rather large mug of decaf tea sitting on the table in front of him.

"Drink up," Joshua ordered, nodding towards the mug. As the fox picked up his tea, Joshua leaned back in his chair and began tapping his fingers together. "You know how I spent my first year majoring in psych, right?"


"Alright, I'm going to be the psychologist now, and you're going to answer all of my questions, got it?"

Ian sighed, giving a hesitant nod as he took another sip.

"Good. So, has anything beyond the math been troubling you lately?"

"Not really. Things are going good; my marks are high, I should be holding onto my scholarships if I keep this up, and-"

"Stop," the cougar ordered, and Ian looked up in surprise. "No more of this academic bullcrap. Have you been feeling stressed out at all? For reasons other than school?"

"I don't think so. I mean, I have had this weird feeling, almost like I'm itching all the time but I don't know where to scratch. But that's normal, right?"

"Maybe. How have things been going in your love life lately?" Joshua asked, letting his mind wander. "Have you been having trouble with your girlfriend... boyfriend...?"

"No," the fox scoffed, shaking his head. "I'm single."

A flag went up in Joshua's mind, but he tried to keep calm as he asked his next question. "So, no relationships? Do you go out looking for, uh, company that often?"

"Never," Ian shrugged, taking a long drag at his tea. "I've been spending all of my time studying matrices and derivative formulae."

Upon these words, another flag went off in the cougar's head. Feeling slightly horrified at the prospect, he asked, "Alright, Ian, I need you to be honest with me. When was the last time you fucked?"

Ian's eyes widened as he began coughing, having swallowed a bit too much tea. Even as he hacked and wheezed, he turned his eyes up to stare at the cougar in shock. Joshua kept his face passive, waiting for the fox to reclaim himself.

Finally, after a few moments, Ian managed to wheeze out, "What are you talking about?"

"Are you the psychologist here?"

"No, but...?"

"Well then please answer my question and let me do my job."

"Your job? You had one year of psych! It's not like-"

"You're dodging the question!" Joshua interrupted. He moved so that he was looking Ian directly in the eye, and demanded, "When did you last fuck?"

Ian watched him for a few moments, clearly unsure on whether he should answer the question or not. Finally, he said, his voice just above a whisper, "I haven't... fucked... since I was in Montreal."

Joshua's jaw dropped, and he stared in open horror. His paws were shaking on his mug of tea, and he forced himself to put it down on the table. Finally, he managed to gasp out, "You haven't fucked since you came here? It's been three months, man!"

"So? Lots of people go for a while without sex, it's not like-"

"You're not most people!" Joshua replied, shaking his head. "You're a fox, for fuck's sake!"


"So a fox cannot go more than a week without some intense love making!"

"Says who?"

"Says everybody who's got an ounce of knowledge in their heads!"

"Don't you find that the least bit racist?"

"I would if it weren't true! Damn, man, no wonder why you can't concentrate. You need to get yourself laid!"

Ian stared at him for a few more seconds, then threw his arms up in the air. "I am not comfortable having this conversation with you. I'm totally fine!"

"You are not fine!" Joshua sighed, shaking his head in annoyance. Finally, he glanced up at the arctic fox, and muttered, "Okay, go get yourself cleaned up. We're getting you laid tonight."

"Excuse me?"

"Come on, look at yourself! You're a tight little package of white sexiness. Odds are we can hook you up with five people in the first hour if we really try. Besides, you know you want it."

Ian stared at the older fur in disgust for a few moments, his mouth working but no words coming out. Finally, he settled on, "I'm going back into my room. I don't need help with... with that. I'm going to do my math, and pretend we never had this conversation. Good night."

Joshua leaned back in his chair and heaved a sigh. He rolled his eyes once, and then said, his voice sounding bored, "Ian?"

"What?" Ian snapped, spinning around to glare... and then stare at the cougar.

Somehow, within the past couple moments, Joshua had managed to unbutton and unzip his pants, and tug them down so that his plum, tawny sheath was visible. The fleshy tube itself was a few inches long already without the actual cock showing any. A pair of perfectly proportional orbs sat just below the sheath, hanging loosely over the waistband of the cougar's red briefs. Ian's green eyes were instantly drawn down to the substantial package, horrified fascination dominating his face.

Joshua watched Ian for a few moments, giving him a bit of time to take in the sight. Then, he made a slight gesture with his hand, and ordered, "Suck it."

Ian didn't move. He didn't come up with a snappy reply, he didn't turn away in disgust; he didn't even breathe. Joshua shrugged, leaning back in his chair slightly to further expose his package. He could understand the fox's surprise. It wasn't often that your roommate ordered you to suck him off. The cougar picked his mug of tea back up, and raised it to his lips. Ian would probably need a few seconds to understand what he'd been asked, then a few more to get comfortable with the idea, then-

Scalding liquid poured into Joshua's mouth, the cougar's eyes shooting open as he bent forward suddenly. As soon as he managed to gulp down the burning tea, he sucked in a deep gasp of air, and glanced down.

A white head, topped with small triangular ears, was buried in his lap, its tongue already pulling Joshua's balls into its mouth. Joshua's free paw shot down, grasping desperately at the fur on the back of the fox's neck. He sucked in deep breaths, his other paw spilling tea as it replaced the mug on the table. Then, that paw went down as well, grabbing on tight to Ian's headfur.

"Damn," he stuttered, panting. "D-damn..."

The fox in his lap was giving his balls more attention than they'd had in their entire life. One moment, his tongue was hefting the skin up, so that the two globes dropped down on either side. Then, he would begin lapping at them as if he were a feral drinking up water. His tongue slapped up against their undersides again and again, quickly coating them in the arctic fox's ample supply of saliva.

Joshua was dimly aware of Ian reaching forward to wrap his arms around the back of the chair, giving him a better grip. Then, the cougar's torso arched, throwing his head back as one of his balls was pulled into Ian's mouth. Joshua mewled, caught somewhere on the brink of pleasure and pain as the fox's muzzle sucked hard at the orb. An intense heat was spreading throughout his crotch, making the cougar feel blind.

It had been so fast. One moment, nothing, and the next, the fox was sucking on his balls like they were the only water he'd drunk in weeks. By the time the fox switched over to the other half of his scrotum, Joshua's feline cock had already left its sheath, and was standing proudly at its eight-inch length.

Joshua hesitated for a moment, not sure whether he should be trying to speak with the fox right now. However, eventually, his paw shaking, he managed to reach down and tap Ian softly on the shoulder.

Ian's eyes glanced up, and he tilted his head back slightly to look at Joshua. The cougar stared at him for a moment, barely suppressing a moan. The fox was still sucking on his balls as he watched him; the skin of his sac was blocking Joshua's view of the bottom of half of Ian's muzzle. He looked so content there, a pair of balls in his mouth, that Joshua barely managed to muster up the heart to speak.

"Uh, this is great," he gasped, giving a meaningful nod downwards. "But, uh, my, uh, other friend here would like some attention at some point."

Even around the ball in his mouth, Ian's muzzle curled into a grin. He opened his mouth, letting the sac drop back down, and licked his lips.

"I think I might be able to help your other friend out," the fox purred, and his tongue snaked out, moving close to that spiny length between the cougar's legs.


Ian looked up, and this time Joshua actually did moan. He just looked so adorable and sexy there, glancing up at him, his eyes pleading with him to let Ian start sucking on him.

"I wanna see as much of that sexy fur of yours as I can while I'm riding your face," the cougar finally managed to say.

A wide grin crossed Ian's muzzle, and he quickly began fighting with his black T-shirt. After a few moments, he managed to pull it off of himself, revealing a tight and toned thin chest. The arctic fox wasn't a package of muscles; no, definitely not. He had just enough chords in the right places to make him wiry, but not frail.

"That enough?" Ian asked.

"It'll do," Joshua nodded, "for now-fuck!"

Joshua sucked in his breath sharply as the fox fell on his cock with a vengeance, not wasting any time on licking. He took the entire length into his muzzle, using his tongue to wrap around the base.

The cougar briefly considered how Ian had managed to take him in so quickly, what with the spines and all. However, his attention was quickly drawn away from that question as the fox began actually sucking. The warmth around the feline shaft suddenly became much tighter, as Ian's muzzle pulled on it, trying to get it deeper into his throat.

After several long moments of this, Ian pulled back, his tongue dragging along the underside of the cock the entire way. Joshua shuddered the entire time, and it took all of his self-control to not reach down and hump himself into the fox again.

As Ian's muzzle finally pulled free of the cock, he gasped in breath, panting heavily. Even as he was catching his breath, though, he leaned forward, rubbing the fur of his muzzle over the length.

Joshua, through his own panting, could feel a rumbling building in his throat. He purred unashamedly as that incredibly soft fur teased his arousal, making him squirm back and forth in his chair.

Ian, knowing the torture he was putting his larger roommate through, grinned. Now that he seemed to have gotten himself back under control, he wanted a bit of revenge on Joshua for provoking him. He kept rubbing the side of muzzle against the shaft, masturbating it lightly with his face.

He pulled back at one point, opening his muzzle. He pulled it across, so that for a moment, that sensitive, barbed cock was hanging between his lips, not quite touching anything. Then, he released a hard puff of breath, and kept moving his muzzle over to rub on the other side.

Above him, Joshua groaned. "Asshole."

"It's your own fault," the arctic fox replied, rubbing on the underbelly of the cock now with his nose. He stabbed his muzzle forward slightly, burying his wet black nose in Joshua's crotch again. He sucked in a deep breath, and caught the heavy scent of arousal that hung about the cougar.

"Ian..." Joshua moaned. The fox glanced up questioningly, and Joshua hesitated for a moment. "Nevermind."

Ian snickered softly, his hot breath falling across the hot shaft before his muzzle. "Were you going to ask if you could fuck me?"

"Depends," Joshua replied, trying to get his cool back. He stuttered slightly, the hot puffs from the fox making his cock pulse in need. "If I asked, what would you say?"

The fox pulled his face away from the cock, standing up slowly and dragging his muzzle up along Joshua's torso. His nose caught under the jaguar's shirt, and pulled it up partially as he went. He extended his tongue, and dragged a single, long lick up Joshua's chest.

He pulled his muzzle back, letting the shirt fall back down, and wrapped his arms around the jaguar. He lifted himself up, and straddled the still sitting Joshua, and brought his muzzle forward to whisper in his ear.

"I'd invite you into my room," Ian finally answered. "However, I think we'll have to use yours, seeing as mine is somewhat... messy."

"Might as well spread the mess around," Joshua agreed, putting his own arms behind the fox's bare back. He lifted him up easily, still in that straddling position, and stood up. The cougar, easily a head taller than Ian, didn't even flinch under the fox's weight. His member, still rock hard, was pressed up under the fabric of Ian's green cargo pants, leaving long trails of pre along the underside.

Joshua turned, and walked to the door to his own room. He was grateful that he hadn't fully closed the door that morning, so that he could just push it open as he stepped through.

The lights were off, and the blinds slightly pulled. They let in the small bit of red light that was left in the day, giving a slight rosy glow to Ian's fur as he laid him down on the bed.

The two released each other, and then quickly fumbled with their clothing. Joshua tugged his hoody over his head, tossing to the floor, and pulled down his already undone pants. This left his cock in plain view, easy for all to see as it stood proudly out from its sheath.

Ian was just finishing up with kicking off his pants and black underwear, his tail curling out on the bed beneath his crotch. Joshua could only stare with a watering mouth as the fox's member bounced about with the action, free from its white sheath. The foxhood was average size, and of a pink colour that stood out starkly against Ian's fur.

Finally, the pants fell free of Ian's legs, leaving him completely nude. As he finished this struggle he panted a few times, then glanced up at Joshua. Their eyes caught each other's for a few moments, both waiting for the other to make the first move.

Then, slowly, languidly, Ian stretched his legs out, and straightened his tail so that it drooped over the edge of the bed. Joshua watched that long white line, staring as it led his eyes up and back to Ian's cheeks.

The tail gave two slight twitches upwards, almost beckoning to Joshua. The cougar glanced up at Ian, and the fox nodded.

Joshua knelt down on the bed, and grabbed Ian's legs. He lifted both of them carefully up, and hung them over his shoulders. On reflex, Ian flexed his back muscles, lifting his lower sections up and presenting himself to the large cougar.

Joshua stared down at the fox's two plump cheeks for a few moments, breathing deeply in and out. He reached forward tentatively, and gave one of the globes a slight stroke. He grinned as he felt Ian shuddering beneath his touch.

He placed his other hand on the opposite cheek, and then, slowly, he pried them apart as gently as possible.

A groan came up from Ian as the fox's tailhole was revealed. Its puckered entrance was nestled in the white fur cover Ian's ass, making the small hole stand out all the more.

Joshua stared several moments more, trying to catch his breath. He breathed in and out several times, then gasped, "Ian?"


"Can you reach my bedside table from where you are?"


"Top drawer, there's a bottle of lube. Could you grab it for me?"

The fox reached over and pulled said drawer open. He fumbled about for a few moments, his ass still up in the air and being pried apart by the cougar's strong paws, and then withdrew a small tube.

"This thing's almost empty," he muttered, eying the bottle of lube. "How often do you do this?"

Joshua accepted it, and began quickly applying the cool liquid to his own cock. "You know how you always here those bumps coming from my room, and I just tell you that it's me stubbing my toe on the bed?"


"Yeah," the cougar nodded. "Alright, this is going to be cold in a second."

He squirted a bit of lube into the fox's tight hole, and grinned as he felt all of Ian's muscles tensing. He carefully reattached the cap, and tossed it onto the bedside table.

"Alright, then," he whispered, eying the pucker before him. "Where were we? Ah!" He lined his cock up, and touched its tip to Ian's entrance. The fox gasped, tensing one again at the contact. Joshua grinned, and said, "That's right. Let's begin."

Ian's eyes widened, his breath escaping his lung, and his body arched as the cougar pushed in. For the first inch or so of the length, he remained like that, totally surprised by the sudden invasion. As it continued, though, he grunted, and writhed a bit in the large cat's strong grip. Joshua, however, held on tight, and kept pushing in. He knew that if he didn't manage to get it all in now, the fox might try to back out.

But damn! Was that fox tight! He could definitely feel the three months worth of inactivity in this tailhole; he didn't know if he'd ever fucked another fox who was so tight. The burning anal passage gripped him tightly, making him painfully aware of every detail of his member. It was odd, in a way, having such a keen awareness of his cock.

Finally, Joshua felt his hips touch against Ian's cheeks, and the two paused, panting for several moments.

After a few seconds, Ian whispered, "Joshua?"


"Are you gonna keep going, or just stand around until you're limp again?"

The cougar managed to gasp out an out of breath laugh, and called out, "Fine, fine. Here we go."

With that, he pulled back. He felt Ian's insides gripping him, trying to keep him in, but he managed to fight against the tight tailhole until he was three quarters out. Then, he shoved back in, and with a slight smack, they connected again.

Soon, they were moving at a good rate, Ian getting pounded back into the mattress with ever one of Joshua's thrusts. After the first few, Ian's eyes closed, and a look of pained ecstasy came to his face. His expression seemed to change with the thrusts, from wincing, to sighing, to panting, to pleading. His own cock was bouncing up and down, letting out tiny jets of precum as the cougar pounded him.

Joshua himself wasn't exactly dry. He could feel his own cock shooting off occasional spasms of the warm liquid, priming Ian's tailhole for what was to come. The cougar's breathing was haggard as he shoved in repeatedly, each time pushing harder and harder to get another millimetre in. He could feel the barbs rubbing against Ian's insides, giving him extra traction with his thrusts.

Joshua glanced down suddenly, surprised by an odd noise that Ian was making. They were heavy, breathy sounds, coming from deep in his throat. It almost sounded like a series of short, cut off growls that he let out in time with Joshua's thrusts.

It took a few moments for Joshua to realize it, and then a slight chuckle managed to escape his lips. The fox was yiffing. He was actually yiffing from the pleasure. Damn, that fox must have been really desperate!

By this point, Ian had begun pushing back at Joshua's thrusts, aiding the cougar in his quest for deeper penetration. They had their rhythm down, spikes of pleasure building inside of each of them at the ending of each thrust. Joshua was growling deep in his throat, the act of claiming bringing forth some of his more primal instincts.

All too soon, though, their pounding became erratic. They each felt the other slowing down, going for deeper and harder thrusts instead of the fast, manic ones they'd been using before. Joshua was biting his lip, puffing air through his nose. Ian had tilted his head back, and a long, high moan was coming forth from within him, punctuated by his yips. It was all either of them could do to keep from screaming.

Suddenly, Joshua lunged in one more time, very hard this time, and threw his head back in a roar. The pleasure in his cock built to a peak, and flooded forth, exploding into Ian's tailhole. His hips kept making reflexive jerking motions, pushing himself further and planting that seed deeper.

Ian's eyes shot wide open again as the cougar's burning essence filled him up. That heat, the pressure on his prostate, the throbbing in his flapping cock, it was all too much. He yelped, almost in pain, as he climaxed. His body arched back with the release, tightening his tailhole's grip on the cock as it did so. His cock spurted, and burnging white cum flew from its tip, launching up into the air. The first jet splashed across Joshua's belly fur, hanging there from the tawny strands. The next one went up into the air, and came down again to slather Ian's chest and stomach.

He must have been coming, without stop, for twenty seconds. It was amazing. Rope after rope of the sticky fluid appeared all over him and the cougar's fur, plastering it down to their bodies.

Eventually, though, both of them collapsed, exhausted from their climaxes. Ian's body relaxed, and he drooped back, even as Joshua hunched forward, his chest heaving. They remained as they were for a moment, Ian's legs still draped over Joshua's shoulder, the cougar almost leaning on the fox for support to stay up.

Joshua and Ian slowly manoeuvred themselves, turning slightly, so that both of them were laying on their sides, with the cougar's member still stuck in Ian's ass. They lay panting, staring at each other with the same dumb grin on their faces.

"Wait..." Ian breathed suddenly, and Joshua shuddered as he felt his anal passage tense up around the feline cock.


"I'm supposed to be looking for the basis of the row space..."


Suddenly, Ian pulled himself off of Joshua's length, wincing slightly as it slid out. Then, he began grabbing his scattered bits of clothing and tossing them on hurriedly.

Joshua sat himself up as best he could, propping his body up with his elbow. He stared at the retreating fox, watching him limp along while trying to pull on a pair of underwear. Cum was still dribbling out of his hole and falling over the tight black briefs.

"You were thinking about math that entire time?" the cougar demanded.

"Can't talk now," Ian called, and then slammed the door to his room.

Joshua lay back down, staring up at the ceiling. He could dimly hear Ian fumbling around throughout his room for a few moments, before the scratching of a pencil on paper filled the air.

"Fucking geek," the cougar muttered, reaching down to rub the arctic fox's still-warm cum into his fur. Oh well. He would just have to convince Ian to take a study break later.

Sex on a Dance Floor

Warning: this story contains sexual acts between anthropomorphized male animals. If that isn't your fancy or you aren't legal to access such material, don't read it. This story is a slightly edited repost. I am the original author, and I have not...

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