The White Cat

Story by Chams on SoFurry

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#8 of Adult/Fetish Stories

A follow on from the Suit Sentence series, taking place around three years after that one. It goes into more detail about how the White Cat operates, from the perspective of the wolf in charge of it. It's all kink and plot based, so there's no graphic stuff in this particular story.

The White Cat had reached its twentieth year in operation. Five years of that had been under the direction of the Mistress, after she had thrown out the original owner in a very hostile takeover. She had taken on the name as soon as she became the owner of the company. Things were going well. Voluntary customers made up the majority of the White Cat's business, with a significant and increasing minority taken up by their arrangement with the state's prisons. The rest of the revenue came from merchandise and a variety of different training sessions. The system worked just like it was supposed to. They made a handsome profit and the Mistress took more than her fair share. On top of that, she had the opportunity to indulge some of her personal urges on the some of the volunteers, at least while she was at work. Taking them home, while tempting, would be a very poor look if word ever got out.

The lion, Tiam, stood in the hallway with his cheetah pet. Tiam was always well dressed. He usually came in through the back entrance, in a vehicle with heavily tinted windows. It was an open secret that the wealthy businessman had 'pets', but he liked to keep a low profile about it. That was the same for many of their customers. Only a few took their toys in or out of the front entrance and barely any of those would do so during daylight hours. She remembered the cheetah from a few years ago. It was difficult to forget. He had been an exceptionally disobedient shit when he was being suited up the first time. Tiam had done a good job with him.

" Mistress." Tiam nodded, placing a hand on the cheetah's head and pressing him gently down to his knees. The smaller male, surprisingly, seemed happy to do so. " Good to see you again."

" You too. Your friend seems contented."

Tiam smiled. " I think he has a few words he'd like to say, but maybe it's best if they stay unspoken. I don't think Keris is terribly fond of you, still. But he'll be polite, won't you, pet?"

" Yes, Sir." The cheetah said, perfectly calm. He did shoot the Mistress a venomous stare, at least.

" No plans to get him any company?"

" I'm sorry. I think we're both satisfied with just each other. I'll keep paying for a suit for Keris, at least for the next year. He's been looking forward to today for months now."

" That's too bad. It won't be the same without you." It was too bad. Tiam had brought in more than a little money, and his air of respectability had encouraged others to return to the White Cat. She would miss the extra revenue. " Then I hope you both enjoy the new suit. Sorry if this comes across as rude, but would you be able to put in a good word for the prisoner program?"

" In private, perhaps. I'll see what I can do."

" I appreciate it."

Tiam wasn't going to spend any more money, so she had little more to say to him. With a purely formal smile, the Mistress walked past the pair and down the hallway. She checked on a couple of the new recruits, visiting the containment rooms at the back of the building. They had rooms for twelve prisoners, of which eleven were occupied. It was getting close to a time when the Mistress would need to consider expanding their operation, or moving a few of them to the White Cat's other office on the opposite side of the city. A female tiger was in the cage of room 010, thrashing about against the metal bars while her mouth, eyes and ears were sealed. All of them were put through the cage treatment for two days, in order to iron out unnecessarily violent disobedience. It was nice to get a younger female, and a predator at that, who had put herself in a position to be signed up to the program. She would fetch a good price at the auction. Would, if that was the reason she was here. The problem was that the circumstances behind her imprisonment had been dubious at best. It made the Mistress slightly uncomfortable about having her here. Some words would need to be said once the Mistress reached the party.

She strolled out of there and to the more pleasant parts of the building. The volunteer wing of the White Cat was much nicer, the walls adorned with expensive artwork and the four rooms where the pets got into their suits warm and comforting, with the exception of one. Three of the suiting rooms resembled comfortable bedrooms, with stone fireplaces in the corner and antique furniture giving a comforting feeling to it. The other room resembled more of a dungeon than anything else. A minority of them liked their play to be a bit harsher, and the White Cat was only too happy to accomodate them.

A newly suited wolf sat outside the door of one of the rooms, his eyes curiously looking at his freshly mitted hand. A small white heart was imprinted on his forehead and a loose silver collar was wrapped around his neck, identifying him as a volunteer. Unlike the prisoner's suits, the voluntary ones had a few features disabled, such as a simultaneous sealing of all senses and excessively long periods of immobility. Some had asked about lifting those limitations. The Mistress was starting to give the idea some cautious thought, but she dreaded the terrible publicity that would come with a bad experience. If an owner was very well trusted, then perhaps... One of the attendants was kneeling close to him, making sure that everything was comfortable and to his liking. It was important to treat the voluntary pets as well as possible, since it was their words that went the furthest in encouraging others to apply. The wolf seemed happy with it, going by the smile on his face. Almost all of the volunteers came back satisfied. The Mistress would have given him a friendly word, but she had more important places to be. Taking the elevator, she rode to the top floor of the five story building.

The celebration was taking place on the top floor. Expensive drinks were held in the hands of figures wearing formal clothing, each of them having paid two thousand credits for the privelige of gaining access to the upper management of the White Cat and several of the city's more important officials. Two rabbits, one male and one female, were done up in latex suits, kneeling by the huge table in the middle of the room, chained to the legs with decorative silver collars. They looked quite proud of being invited, heads held up high. Down on the second floor there would be a more... rowdy celebration, coming at a much more reasonable price of fifty credits. The Mistress wasn't interested in that. She had better people to rub shoulders with. One of those people was the man in charge of the state's prison program, Andrew Myles, a stag with a slight weight problem. He was there, by the table and in his cheap suit, closely inspecting one of the rabbits and rubbing his fingertips behind her ear, his chubby cervine face showing the same impenetrable smile that it always did.

" Ah, nice to see you again. Do you think she likes it in there?" Andrew asked.

" Given that she's a volunteer, I would assume so."

" I asked her, but she didn't answer." He complained.

" They're supposed to keep quiet and look nice for the guests. Speaking is going against the rules."

Andrew swung his glass of wine as he staggered a step sideways, spilling a couple of drops on the rabbit by accident. She stayed perfectly still, the liquid glistening on her latex coated muzzle. The Mistress tried very hard not to frown. One of them was well-behaved, at least.

" How about we move over to the balcony? There are a few things I'd like to discuss in private." The Mistress asked, giving a nod to one of the wait staff to clean up the slave. He nodded and followed her out.

They walked past a small gathering of the small business leaders who were favorable to the White Cat's activities in the city, out into the cool air of early spring. The balcony was high enough above the city and its automated cars that it felt somewhat private, a place to observe the very clean streets below. A few plants were neatly arranged near to the white railing, the soil still damp after the morning's rain. The Mistress closed the glass door behind them, giving her deer-like friend a long look.

" Don't touch the White Cat's property again." She warned him, as soon as everyone was out of earshot.

" That's not a good way to make a business arrangement."

" You're right. It isn't. Do it again and the deal is off. This is my establishment and it runs how I would like it to. If you want to touch, you can go and join the others downstairs. We have polite company up here. Do not ruin it for me or I will have you run out of office."

Andrew laughed, drinking the rest of his wine and setting the glass down in one of the pots. " You're not that important, sweetheart. We've got some mutual interests. Why don't you settle down and just listen a moment, hey?" She folded her arms and set her jaw. " Yes? Good. That tiger downstairs, I think you know the one. She's quite the cute little thing, isn't she? She wouldn't look twice at me, well, not that I imagine she's looking at much of anything right now."

" I know of her."

" How many credits did you think for her auction? Twenty thousand?"

" Thirty. Demand has gone up."

" Thirty, was it? And if we opened up more sentencing options, we might be able to arrange for more females to be sent in. We all know the city could save some extra money. Budget constraints, you see."

" I dislike having her down there, Andrew. The mayor and I had a very heated conversation about this."

" Dislike it all you want. If she didn't want to be suited, she wouldn't have committed the crime."

The male set her on edge. Not just because he was corrupt, God knew there was enough dirty money floating around the city, but because he was stupid. Likely to get both himself and the Mistress into trouble.

" She's a friend of the mayor's niece." The Mistress stated, pointedly.

" I know. Her best friend, I believe. Let me just say that I think it's a good idea for you to go along with this. Things are changing. Who knows how long Cellin will be in charge?"

She didn't say a word.

" I thought you might agree."

The Mistress gripped the railing, making a show of seeming angry. " Is that right? I'd prefer not to make enemies if I can avoid it."

" Trust me, it'll be fine. A few month's time and you'll be able to open a third office, maybe even expand out to other districts if I put a few good words in. It's all taken care of. You won't be making any enemies that matter." He explained, the sleaze dripping off his face.

She stared at the pristine street and paused for a long time, letting him think that she was giving the whole idea some thought. The pause in conversation perhaps went for an unneccessarily long time, but the Mistress did want to seem convincing.

" Hm, fine. I could show you her, if you wanted." The Mistress could see the glint in his eyes. There was no way that the stag would be able to help himself. " There's a way down from the back of my office. We can be discreet."

" I'm glad to hear that you're coming around to my way of thinking, darling."

" It's this way." She couldn't wait to get away from him.

They wandered through the expansive room, as the Mistress gave a few smiles and polite words to the guests. One of them even gave her a slight bow out of respect, which helped to put the wolf in a slightly better mood. Once this business was over and done with she could look forward to enjoying the party. Her office was down a short hallway, the door locked and only able to be opened through a retinal scan, which only responded to the Mistress' eyes. Her office was quite simple, with a solid oak desk in the middle of the room and a screen on top of it, two massive windows looking out towards the city. On the wall was a photo of the first time a slave suit had been used, with the rabbit about to be stuck in it wearing a huge smile on his face. She remembered that day quite well, although at the time she had been little more than a secretary. It was a reminder of how far the Mistress had come. They walked through a small door at the back of the office and down a flight of concrete stairs, reaching the hallway where the prisoners were kept. The Mistress offered Andrew a frown before she unlocked and opened the door to the tiger's cell, closing it behind them after both of them had entered. Andrew almost instantly stepped up to the cage, placing his hands on the bars and staring down at the shiny, wriggling figure below him.

" She can't hear us?"

" I doubt that she even knows we're here."

" Do you think we could let her out for a moment. I'd like to take a closer - nghh, fuck!"

The Mistress pressed the syringe right into his backside, taking a great deal of satisfaction in watching his expression change from surprise, to anger, to dread as he started to become helplessly drowsy. After a few seconds Andrew's eyes were closed and he was sprawled across the stainless steel bench in the middle of the room. The Mistress sent a quick buzz to Cobalt, not his real name of course, and waited for her assistant to arrive. It only took a few moments for the blue stallion to arrive, his hooves clicking firmly on the floor.

" Mistress." He dipped his head down, barely even acknowledging the unconscious figure on the table. That was what she liked about Cobalt. He was completely and utterly loyal to her.

" Take this one into the dungeon for me. He'll be having a guest, so make sure he's made to look the part. Nothing painful, Cobalt. That can wait until he's been transported out of town. Otherwise, do whatever pleases you the most. Take the suit off our friend here, too. I think she's done more than enough to help."

" Of course, Mistress. I have something in mind for him."

She smiled. " I'll be looking forward to it."

With that business over and done with, the Mistress could spend the rest of the day enjoying herself. She took the stairs back to her office and straightened up her clothes and fur, before taking a deep breath and wandering back into the happy conversation of the party. Knowing that Andrew was being tucked away on the lower ground floor put her in a much better mood. The Mistress almost thought the place looked a little brighter without him treading around and disturbing the other guests. She talked to most of them, passing by and taking a polite interest in what they were doing. There was a good amount of support for the prisoner program now, at least amongst the more important figures within the city. It kept them off the streets, they said. She was amazed at how disconnected they were from the poorer parts of town, having grown up there herself, but if they were willing to help her out then the Mistress wasn't about to say no. For the whole time the two latex suited rabbits stayed almost perfectly still, just giving a small stretch or twitch of their ears every now and then. She could have had then sealed still, but the two were volunteers and the Mistress really did admire their discipline. It would be nice to give them some bonus pay after all of this was done. The party went on until the early afternoon, until some of the guests left and others retired to the private rooms for a little entertainment. Twenty years, the Mistress thought, of which she had been in charge for five. She had to admit that things were going well. Her bank account certainly looked good, in any case. Once the afternoon had worn on, she recieved a message. The wolf was only too eager to take the elevator down to her personal dungeon.

The dungeon itself was elaborately decorated, with an antique throne one one side of the room and cupboards full of toys on either side of the doorway. Chains and rivets were placed strategically in the walls, floor and ceiling, allowing someone to be bound in any number of different ways. Behind a locked safe were a pair of slave balls, although the Mistress preferred her play to be somewhat more traditional. A groggy figure, dressed just in his underwear, hung from black ropes that were tied to the ceiling. It was Andrew. Cobalt really did treat this as an art, the wolf thought, as she inspected his work. Andrew hand his arms tied around his chest, legs bound together with copious amounts of rope, his feet tucked up near his backside. More rope was tied around his hips and antlers, used to keep him balanced and swinging comfortably from the ceiling. She knew her servants work. The male could probably stay suspended like this for several more hours. A leather muzzle sat snug around his head, mouth opened wide with a solid looking ring gag. Andrew looked at her and groaned, eyes much more desperate than they had been before.

" Mistress, a visitor." Cobalt said quietly, as he stood a step behind her.

" Seng?" She asked.

" Yes, the mayor."

" Thank you, Cobalt. You did a very good job with him."

He gave a small smile. " Always a pleasure. I imagine you would like some privacy?"

" Please."

Seng padded in just after Cobalt left, closing the door behind him. The mayor was a white tiger, built like a truck and with frighteningly sharp fangs, his purple eyes deep and intelligent. He always spoke in a soft voice and never really got angry so far as the Mistress noticed, perhaps as a result of his intimidating appearance.

" I never did like the man. Wouldn't have done this if he had a family to take care of, but... well, let's say his ex-wife didn't have many kind things to say. Not really sure about how much of it was true. Enough of it, I suppose." Seng stepped forward and took a hold of one of Andrew's antlers, leaning in towards him and looking him right in the eyes. " It's a hard lesson, Andrew, but I hope you've learned about who's in charge."

" I have somewhere to take him. There's a property outside of town that's in need of a new pony. A personal friend of mine, so I can vouch for them keeping this a secret."

The stag's eyes grew wide at that. The Mistress took a particular pleasure in his expression, after he had been so rude to her before. Serves him right, she thought.

" I know the one. Friend of mine, actually. Shianna would like to say thanks for letting her try out the suit. We caught her fooling around with my niece, doing um... things like this. Not the best look for someone of her status, but we put it to good use. You should have seen the look on her face when she told me how it went. Never seen someone so embarrassed in my life." Seng let go and flicked his tail as the deer swung from the ropes binding him, looking somewhat embarrassed himself. " Then it's settled. I can't offer what he was, but I'll see to it that the prisoner program continues, perhaps with a discount for the White Cat's reliable contracting."

" I appreciate it."

" Then I'll see you at the next civic meeting."

The wolf smiled. " Like always, yes."

Seng nodded and left, closing the door behind himself. The Mistress had things to do later in the day, but there was an hour long gap in her schedule. She was beggining to think she knew just how to fill it.