Fun and Games: The BEgining of her problems

Story by Rowyin Darkwulf on SoFurry

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#4 of Fun and Games: The series

Fun and Games: The BEgining of her problems...

By Rowyin Darkwulf

All Characters © their players

The little grey mouse looked herself over in the mirror, standing sideways as she looked herself over. Even through all the mishaps, ‘experiments' and toy's Row had used on her, her figure hadn't been permanently impacted. That was both a relief and a disappointment she thought as she ran her hands across her tight stomach, remembering all the times it had grown out past the point where she could touch her belly button. Her hands slid up to her breasts, cupping the rather small B-cup protrusions. Of all the things that had happened, she had wished to have at least kept a few extra cup sizes when she returned to normal. She shrugged off the use reflecting on something that she couldn't fix, at least not on her own.

A smile crossed her muzzle as an idea formed in her head. She could just go and see if there was anything that could help her out at the curio shop Row always went to. She smirked and rushed over to her dresser, slipping into a pair of panties, a bra, a t-shirt and some short shorts before rushing out the door, grabbing her purse on her way out. She headed downtown, trying to remember where Row had said the little shop was.

As she stepped through the door her nose was assailed by the scent of incense, as well as an unfamiliar underlying smell. She looked around the front of the shop, waving softly to the older woman behind the counter, who returned her wave with a warm smile. The mouse began to wonder around the shop, looking over the various things till something caught her eye. She took the small bottle from the shelves of other pill bottles, looking over the label. It had De Versterker van de mislukking written in big letters across the front, which she couldn't translate, but the little pictogram on the side said all that she needed to know. A pair of breasts, small ones, was placed under the title for the label, and underneath the bust was an arrow. Said arrow pointed to a much larger pair of breasts, signifying what the little mouse was looking for. She could figure out the instructions on her own once she figured what language it was in.

She brought the bottle to the front, and quickly paid for it, but was stopped by the older female.

"I'd be careful with that hun... don't want to take too much of that. Best to follow the instructions." The older female advised her. "Don't worry, I'll be careful..." Makojin replied, stepping though the door and out onto the street with her purchase, heading home to try it out. She was home quicker than she realized, and was online looking up translations for the instructions on the bottle on the internet.

"Ok... take two a day for increased cup size, stop when desired size is reached. Sounds simple enough..." she quipped, opening the sealed bottle and pouring out two slender, white gelcap pills and tossed them back with a glass of water. She smirked to herself, wondering what Row would think when she walked into his house with a pair of DD's jiggling around on her chest! She caught a glimpse of the clock and cursed...she was supposed to start her laundry and run a few more errands, not to mention the appointment she had placed to get her hair braided! She grumbled to herself, putting the bottle of pills away, missing the small red text printed on the back of the bottle.

The little mouse stepped through her door a few hours later, carrying a bag of clean clothes and a few bags of groceries through her door, leaving them in her kitchen. As she rested her tired arms for a second her cell phone went off, the familiar ring of Rowyin's set tone reaching her ears. She pulled the little device from her purse and answered it with an enthusiastic squeak.

"Hiya Row, how ya doing...? I'm alright, just got done running some errands... No, I'm not really busy tonight, at least I didn't have anything planned... Sure, I'll come over and play some games if you're THAT bored... Alright, see you in a few... later!" The mouse said, hanging up the phone after they concluded their conversation. She hurriedly put away her groceries and clothes before once again grabbing her stuff and heading out the door. For some reason she was quite glad the wolf had invited her over, over the course of the day an itch had built up that she knew he'd be able to scratch.

"Come on in Mako, the door's unlocked!" Rowyin said as he heard a knock on the door, his head turning from the game he was playing as the mousette stepped into his apartment, closing the door behind her. "Hey... you look pretty good with your hair braided like that..." He commented, her hair having been braided into many small braids. She smiled and walked over, plopping herself down next to him and picking up the other controller sitting on the coffee table, waiting for him to set it up so they could both play.

"I hope you haven't made any magical augmentations to the game this time... I'd rather not pop out of my clothing at the moment..." She said with a giggle, causing the wolf to chuckle himself and shake his head. "Nope, not this time, only a simple game of Halo 3." He replied, exiting out of his game and choosing online play.

A few hours of gaming passed fairly quickly, and as time went on, the little itch between the mouse's legs increased. When they started their 15th match she decided her itch needed tending to. She placed her controller down and reached over to Row's, slowly removing it from his hands, exiting out of the game so his scores wouldn't be effected, all the while getting a confused look from the wolf. She then placed the controller to the side and crawled up into his lap, straddling her legs around his hips as she kissed him on his lips. Rowyin was caught off guard by her sudden shift in mood, but quickly recovered, returning her kiss and running a hand down her back as she pressed herself to his chest. She soon broke the kiss, taking the wolf's other hand and sliding it down her front, slipping it into her tight jeans.

She unbuttoned her waistband to give the wolf's hand more room as he slipped it into her panties, the crotch of which had been quite saturated by the mouse's juices. He skipped his fingers between her wet lower lips, one of his claws dragging across her flesh and slipping up into her, causing her to let out a long moan. Her smaller hands reached for his pants, unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning the waistband. Before she could reach in to remove his slowly hardening shaft he lifted her up and got up off the couch, both of their pants falling off their hips as he moved towards his bedroom, tossing the mouse over his shoulder as he moved. Mako let out a small giggle as she was hung over his shoulder, his free hand reaching up and pulling her panties from her fondling her plush rump, fingers lightly stroking her sex.

He set her back down once he reached the bed, her legs hanging off the bed, body upright as she quickly removed her top and her bra, spreading her legs and showing off her sodden nether petals. The big wolf chuckled and removed the last of his clothing, crawling up onto the bed and gently pushing her down onto her back, scooting her upwards till they were in the middle of his bed. He planted another kiss on her lips before pulling away and sitting on his haunches. He slipped his arms under her knees, spreading her legs and pressing them up towards her torso as she slipped forward, lining his shaft up with her dripping sex. She practically purred as his thick shaft pressed into her, his girth stretching her inner flesh tight. Her hips bucked against him as her lower lips kissed against his slightly swollen knot, wanting to take it all into herself.

She was quite dumbfounded by how worked up she felt; it was almost as bad as when she was in heat... but that wasn't due for another few weeks. She released a loud moan as Rowyin began to slowly pump in and out of her heated muff, his hands arching her knees over his shoulders. The mouse wrapped her arms around his sides, her claws digging into his fur and flesh as she let out a loud moan as the flesh around his shaft squeezed tightly around him. Her toes flexed as his shaft plunged in and out of her needy sex, her inner flesh much more sensitive then she could ever remember. She didn't need much more stimulus before she let out a very un-mouse like squeal, her sex practically squirting her juices out around the wolf's shaft as he pumped into her. Her orgasm didn't stop him though, the tightening her tunnel was doing around his shaft driving him to pound her even harder.

Her orgasm didn't stop her either, her hips bucking up against him once again as her orgasm faded. Rowyin grunted loudly as he clenched his eye's shut, his muscles tensing as he approached his own orgasm. His heavy balls flopped forward with each of the powerful thrusts, slapping against her rump with decreasing frequency as they began to tighten for his impending orgasm. Makojin was already well on her way to her second orgasm, her tail and legs twitching as pleasure coursed through her whole body. She heard the wolf above her let out a loud groan, his hips pulling back then driving forward, his swollen knot getting forced into her stretched lips, the boated bulb of flesh popping into her sex and tying their hips together. The mouse let out a loud squeak of a cry as her inner flesh stretched around his knot, her muscles clamping down on the large invader. This, in turn, proved to be the last stimulus that set the wolf off, his body shuddering heavily as he came messily into her sex. Spurt after spurt of his cum fired deep into her body, splattering her insides and painting every inch white.

Each of his spurts sent mini-orgasms vibrating through her body, the excess cum leaking past the seal of his knot and dribbling down between the cheeks of her rump. She felt his orgasm wane, the flow diminishing to a trickle before he let out a large sigh, repositioning himself to allow her propped up, and now sore legs back down onto the bed. He slipped one of his arms under the spent mouse, rolling onto his back and taking her with him. They laid there until his knot finally decreased in size, allowing him to pull from her sex with a wet squelch, but by that time the little mouse had long fallen asleep atop her wolfie lover. The wolf chuckled to himself as he gently rolled her onto the bed, curling her up against his chest as he slowly joined in her dreamland, arm curled across her chest.

As they slept, the drugs Mako had ingested earlier in the day began to affect her. Her normally B-cup breasts began to slowly press into the wolf's arms, swelling into the large furry mounds she was looking for. She, of course, didn't notice the new developments till morning, when she rolled over onto her stomach and felt her back arching more than usual, and the fact that her chest was pressing much harder against the bed than normal. She rolled back over onto her back, half asleep until she felt the two weighty objects resting upon her chest, not counting the sleeping wolf's arm. Her eyes went wide as she noticed her bigger breasts, hands slipping up to cup the twin orbs. She let out a small squeak at the sensitivity of her breasts, the slight touch of her fingers making her nipples harden like steel.

She slowly sat up, moving Rowyin's arm and cupping her tits once again, biting her lip as she stifled a moan of pleasure. With a little examination she guessed the two more than handfuls (for her small hands that is) were somewhere in the D-cup range. She would have considered more examination if it weren't for the growing wetness developing between her legs, the feeling of the weighty breasts pressing against her fingers feeling almost as good as when she had Row's muzzle between her legs. She heard a groan and felt the big wolf roll over onto his back, resuming his deep breathing. She felt the fire in her belly growing once again as an idea suddenly popped into her head for the perfect wake up for the big wolfie.

Rowyin was having a great dream of pudding and bacon burgers as he heard someone call his name softly, his mind trying to put face to voice. His name was repeated, more loudly as he realized it was actually real, his eyes opening slightly. It took him a moment to be able to focus on the green topped-grey blob in front of him, said blob focusing into the grey mouse. She sat astride his chest, arms crossed under her own. Something struck him as odd as he looked upon her chest, her breasts resting atop her crossed arms. He then realized what looked wrong... her breasts had dramatically increased in size.

"I didn't do it this time Mako... I swear..." Was the first thing out of his mouth as the cobwebs cleared from his brain, getting a soft laugh from the mouse atop him. "Hehehe... nope, it wasn't you this time Row... this was all my doing and my idea... Now I know how much you like me with bigger breasts, so how about we try these new ones out?" She said with a husky, purring tone. He chuckled and leaned upward, lapping his smooth tongue across one of her nipples, causing her to gasp loudly at the spike of pleasure that shot out from her hard pink nub. She removed her arms from under her breasts, letting them fall into his hands as they moved up to caress her oversensitive mounds of flesh. Mako moaned at the combination of his squeezing fingers and his lapping tongue, the moisture between her legs leaking down into the wolf's fur, her body shivering with pleasure.

She let out a loud squeak as the wolf encircled her nipple with his mouth and began suckling hard on the pink nub, her body shuddering and spasming as she had her first orgasm of the morning. She was quite astonished by her sensitivity as her orgasm waned...this was her first ever orgasm that didn't involve her genitalia! She rocked her body atop the wolf, spreading a slowly growing puddle of her juices along his belly fur as he continued to suckle her nipple. She threw her head back and moaned, one of her hands falling back and brushing against the growing tent in the sheets covering the wolf's lower half. She murred and slowly pulled the wolf's muzzle away from her chest, who let out a little whine as she separated him from her perky nipple.

She turned around atop him, removing the sheet from over his lower body and wrapping her hands around his throbbing shaft. She leaned over and lapped some of the dripping pre from the tip before standing up, moving herself over the large rod of meat before sinking herself down upon it with a pleased shiver. She murred loudly as she felt the pointed tip nuzzle up against her cervix , the swell of his growing knot nestling between her drooling lower lips. She shivered once again as she began to ride up and down the wolf's shaft, her body feeling supercharged with sensitivity. She could feel every bump and vein of his shaft as it speared her flesh. She felt Rowyin's hands caress her, first groping her rump, then snaking his hands up her back and around her sides, taking hold of her breasts and giving them both light squeezes.

She let out a loud squeak, her nipples hard enough to cut glass as they poked into the wolf's hands, his fingers pinching her nipples and causing her to cry out again. He sat up, then moved forward, pushing her down onto all fours as he kneeled behind her. He arched over her back and began to pump into her from behind. Her whole body vibrated with pleasure as he pounded her into the bed, her head pressing down into the sheets as she arched her back. Row slipped his hands under her breasts, groping them again as he pounded her rear end, his heavy balls flopping forward and bouncing off her clit, causing her to cry out all the more. She squeaked out again as she hit a second orgasm, her sex leaking her juices out onto their fur profusely, yet allowing the wolf to pound harder into her grasping flesh.

She panted heavily into the bed sheets as she came down from her orgasm, her hips pressing back against the wolf's thrusts once again. She pressed her breasts into his palms as his muscles flexed and tensed, his flopping balls doing a lot less flopping as he approached his orgasm. She moaned tiredly, her body rocking against him, pricks of pleasure emanating from her nipples as they ground into his palms. He wasn't going to last much longer, his hips pounding harder and harder, his thick knot ready to bloat and tie her to him as his shaft leaked precum profusely. He finally seized up as she hit her third messy orgasm, her tight tunnel constricting around his shaft. He plunged the full length of his shaft up into her, the tip penetrating her cervix as he knotted her. Her body quaked as he let out a loud groan and shuddered, the tip of his shaft spitting his cum fiercely, the whole length twitching inside her tunnel.

She too cried out as he spilled his cum deep in her belly, her whole body twitching and trembling in bliss as she felt him fill her with his seed, the excess leaking out onto the bed. They collapsed together as his flow slowed to a stop, Rowyin bracing himself somewhat over her so he didn't crush her. He rolled them both over onto their side after catching his breath, his hand cupping the slight bulge in the mouse's belly from his rather large load. Makojin looked quite worn out, her large chest rising and falling as she panted, her pink nipples still hard as rock. She finally let out a small murr as her breathing slowed, her hand joining his on her small pot- belly.

"Damn Row... two loads in twelve hours... I think I'm gonna be leaking you're cum for the rest of the day..." She said with a small giggle, arching her back against his chest. He chuckled in return, pressing down slightly on her belly, her sex making a rather flatulent noise as a bit of their mixed juices squirted out onto her thigh. "Hmmm... well, we could always go out and get you some diapers..." He replied, sticking out his tongue and chuckling.

"Ewww... no thanks... I gave those up when I was potty trained, and I have no desire to wear them any time in the future." She replied, nipping at his tongue. He dodged as best he could, one of his hands moving up and giving one of her nipples a tweak. She squeaked in surprise and gave the wolf a small smack on his thigh in retaliation.

"So, what'd you take to get these puppies, eh?" He said, taking both breasts into his hands as he rolled onto his back, taking her with him. She let out a small meep as they moved, delaying her response. "Well... I went to that curio shop you're always going to, was looking for something more permanent than most of the things you've used on me. I found these nice pills that apparently can give someone more up top, but the label was in another language... I speculated what it said after getting a translation online." She replied, reaching up and cupping his hands as they cupped her increased bust. "I was surprised how quickly they worked too... I thought it'd take a few weeks to get as big as these. I guess I should stop taking them now that I'm at size I wanted to be."

The wolf chuckled, then reached down to where they were tied, feeling his slightly decreased knot. He gave a few tugs with his hips, his knot popping out, followed by a sloppy mix of their juices and the rest of his shaft. He pressed down on her tummy, the excess cum flowing out of her and down onto him, making a mess of his hips. The mouse giggled and sat up, but quickly perked her ears upon hearing her cell phone alarm go off. She cursed and moved over to grab it, shutting it off.

"Well Row... it looks like I have work today... so I can't stay around and play..." She said as she hurriedly collected her clothing and dressing, forgetting the fact that she had wolf cum trailing down her thigh. She rushed out the door, leaving Rowyin sitting in a mess of their juices and soiled bed sheets. She rushed home and showered, doing her best to remove the wolf's cum from her fur and from inside her. She dried herself off as quickly as possible, searching through her vast clothing ‘collection' for something to support her new breasts. She knew none of her old bras would fit, but just as she was about to give up she found a yellow sports bra that just barley squeezed over her large tits. After adjusting her breasts she hopped into her work outfit and was out the door with a brush in one hand and her purse in the other. She made it in to the restaurant just in time to take over for the previous shift's manager. There wasn't much to pass on, and it was a rather slow afternoon at the pizza joint where she worked, and a bunch of paperwork had piled up, so without much to do she settled and attempted to take a chunk out of the pile.

After several hours she was finding it hard to stay still, her body fidgeting in her seat, the heated feeling from the other day licking its way up her body from her middle. She could feel a wet warmth seep its way into the crotch of her panties, and she only hoped that her moisture wouldn't seep through to the crotch of her pants. She was hardly paying attention when one of the other workers called out her name.

"Earth to Makojin... there's someone here looking for you." One of the mouse's female employees told her. She nodded quickly to the bunny, her inner ears turning red as she hoped no one would pick up her scent, which seemed almost as potent as when she was in heat. Her attitude lightened when she noticed the silver-haired wolf standing on the other side of the counter, a small smirk on his face. She was quite relieved to see him there, and with no other customers in the dining area.

"Hey there Mako... just wanted to stop by and see if I could get some free pizza..." He began to say; only to get a finger to his mouth as the mouse rounded the counter and moved over to him. Apparently none of the other workers were paying too much attention to them, and with that knowledge Mako dragged the wolf around the corner towards the bathrooms. Rowyin was a bit stunned by her forwardness as she opened the female bathroom door and pulled him over to one of the two stalls. She opened the door, pushed him down onto the seat, and locked the stall door behind them. She had her pants around her ankles and her shirt and sports bra off her chest, her large breasts bobbling out, nipples perked and ready. Rowyin shifted slightly on the toilet seat, reaching for his pants waistband before the mouse pressed her mouth to his in a heated kiss.

She kissed him lustfully, her hands reaching down and opening his waistband, fishing his already hard shaft from the confines of his boxers. Before he could say anything she was straddling his lap, pressing the head of his hard shaft to her wet and messy snatch before seating herself upon it, face to face with him. They both shuddered as his shaft bottomed out inside her, the small knot of his flesh nestling between the dribbling lips of her sex before she began to lift herself up and down. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing his face into her jostling breasts as she rode his shaft hard, biting her lip and stifling a moan of pleasure. Row pulled his head from between the mouse's D cups, taking one of her nipples into his mouth, gently nipping and suckling hard on it as she rode him. Her nipples seemed even more sensitive than normal; the wolf's suckling causing her to spasm slightly on his shaft. She drove herself down harder onto the wolf's shaft, the tip piercing her cervix each time she impaled herself upon him. The wolf's hands stroked quickly along her back and rump, his blunted claws digging into her shapely rear as she bounced on his shaft, his knot filling with blood in earnest as he quickly approached his orgasm.

Mako wasn't too far off from her own either as worked up as she was, the little mouse trembling in pleasure as she worked to press the thick wolf-cock deeper into her inner flesh, intent receiving another one of his large loads. Suddenly her body tensed up, her eyes clenching shut as the tip of his wolfhood ground against a particularly sensitive spot inside her canal. She bit her lip to stop herself from screaming in pleasure as she came upon him, her sex issuing forth a copious amount of her femme cum as she pounded down upon his knot. His hips, almost on their own accord, thrust upward against her and forced his distended knot up into her sex. The little mouse arched her back and buried his face in her large tits once more as his shaft commenced filing her speared womb with his heated seed. The heated feeling that had previously flooded her slowly faded as Rowyin emptied himself into her.

She collapsed forward as the last trickle of his seed filled her, a more than satisfying wave of comfort flowing over both of them as they sat in the after effects of their orgasms. They both murred softly, sitting completely still as they waited out the wolf's knot.

"Mmmm... thanks a lot Row... dunno what's happening to me lately... just been getting really horny randomly... and I'm not due to be in heat for another few weeks or so..." She said before sitting back up and stretching her back. "Well, once we're separated I'll see if I can get you a pizza. I'm not gonna be able to stay over tonight though, got errands to run in the morning." She added with a giggle, giving the wolf a lick on his nose. They tested the ‘seal' his knot had with her nethers, and after a few tries his knot popped loose, releasing a trickle of his seed. She cleaned up as much as she could with some toilet paper, but she knew she'd be leaking his cum for the rest of the night. They dressed quickly, and discerning that the coast was clear they left the bathroom. Makojin got Row his pizza, and after he left went back to her paperwork for the rest of the night.

The door to Mako's apartment closed with a rusty squeak, the mouse tiredly stepping in and locking the door with a sigh. She dropped her purse by the door and headed to her bedroom to collapse on her bed. She struggled out of her work clothing and almost had to cut the sports bra from her breasts to get comfortable once more. She tossed her clothing into her hamper and rolled onto her back, feeling her large breasts jiggle on her chest from the movement. She let out a small yawn and decided to get some sleep instead of staying up, curling up under her sheets on her side, closing her eyes and trying to sleep.

Several hours later she was still awake, tossing and turning in an effort to get comfortable. Unfortunately she couldn't. The heated feeling was once again building in her loins, and was starting to really annoy her. She didn't want to call Rowyin and wake him up just to have him come over to help her with the itch again, so she rolled over to the edge of the bed and leaned over it, reaching for a box she kept hidden underneath. She slid the shoebox out from under her bed and set it upon the bed, removing the top. She blushed as she looked over the contents. She had bought a few sex toys before meeting Rowyin, but afterwards her 3 toy collection increased to 15 toys. He had purchased several varying sized dildos, vibrators, and one of her more special toys, a rather large, wireless vibrating egg.

She picked out one of her other favorites though, a large canine dildo. It was near the size of Rowyin's own, which is why he had bought it for her. She giggled slightly and slipped the box to the side, lying on her back while hefting the large dildo. She pressed the tip of the dildo to her wet lips, teasing herself with the head while taking one of her large breasts into her other. She squeezed the soft flesh of her bosom as she pressed the head of the dildo into her sex, letting her flesh stretch slowly around its girth. Her teeth sank softly into her lip as she let out a whining squeak, her inner flesh gripping at the pointed tip of the dildo as she pressed it in. She panted heavily as she slipped the dildo deeper, stretching her flesh around the knobby dildo and pinching her nipple. She clenched her eyes shut and bucked her hips while thrusting the thick dildo deep into her cunny, her juices leaking in a steady flow over the silicone toy.

She squeaked as the tip pressed against her natural dead end, imagining a burly canine thrusting deep into her. She pressed the dildo into herself up to the thick artificial knot, her nether lips practically sucking on it as she pulled it out and pressed it back into herself again. Her back arched as her other hand reached down between her legs, stroking her clit as she pumped the dildo faster. Pleasure vibrated down her spine as she gently squeezed her clit, the head of the dildo grinding against her g-spot in sync with her fingers. She gasped, her breath coming in short pants as she squeezed her muscles down upon the dildo. Her entire body shuddered as she worked herself closer to her peak, pressing the false knot against her nethers in an attempt to push the baseball sized knot into herself. Her back arched as her flesh stretched around it as she forced it into herself with a whimpering squeak.

She shuddered heavily and let out a loud squeak as the rough textured knot ground against her g-spot, sending her into small spasms as she hit her peak, her nectar soaking the bed as it squirted from between her legs. Her legs twitched as she ground her finger over her clit to prolong her orgasm, her inner flesh tightly gripping the rubber phallus. As her orgasm waned she collapsed back onto the bed, her chest rising and falling quickly as she took short breaths. After enjoying the feeling of the dildo stretching her inside for a few more moments she slowly tugged it from her folds with a wet pop, removing the sticky toy from her own slick cunny. Shakily getting to her feet, she went to her bathroom to clean the toy off before returning it to her toy box. She crawled back into bed, avoiding the wet spot from her play session, and laid her head down on her pillows, her body finally sated enough to let her get some sleep.

The morning light shone in though Makojin's apartment window, a sneaky shaft of light shining right over her face. The mouse groaned in frustration, attempting to roll over onto her stomach, but was met with much resistance from her chest, a bolt of pleasure brining her to full consciousness. She let out a loud surprised squeak as her eyes fell upon her chest... she was HUGE! She grunted as she quickly rolled onto her back, sending her now melon sized tits into jiggling quakes, her nipples springing to attention. She tentatively reached up to cup her left breast, the heavy orb sending shots of pleasure up her spine as her fingers sunk into the soft flesh. A heavy shudder vibrated through her as she hefted her heavy tit, concern mingling with pleasure upon her face before she dropped the breast onto her chest. She hadn't even taken any of the pills the other night, and yet she was still growing at astounding rates. She shuddered slightly as she came to a realization...what if she kept on growing? She didn't like the thought of growing so large she would have to be bedridden for the rest of her life, nor the thought of growing too big for her apartment. Her skin didn't feel tight, so it didn't seem like she'd get so tight she'd burst, but the fears were still there at the back of her mind.

"There has to be a way to stop this growth..." She said to no one in particular, looking over to her nightstand and eyeing the pill bottle. "Wait... maybe Row can help me... he has to know something that will stop this growth..." She stated, slowly hefting herself to her feet. The weight that pulled down her chest was so much more than the other day, but inexplicably she could stand upright without much back strain, even with her breasts unsupported. She dug through her clothing drawers, desperate to find something big enough to cover her now porn-star sized breasts (and she didn't even know of any mouse porn stars as gifted as she was right then). None of her old bras would fit, for obvious reasons, and neither would the sports bra she had worn the other day. As she just about gave up she noticed a folded shirt sitting atop her dresser. She remembered she had to borrow one of Row's shirts one night when she grown through one of her own, due to one of the wolf's trinkets. The shirt was big, possibly big enough to cover her huge breasts.

She snatched the shirt from her dresser and slipped her arms into the short sleeves, reaching around and pulling the sides together to attempt to button it up. She had to struggle to get the buttons over her breasts done up, sucking in her chest as best as she could. She managed to button up four of the buttons, but as soon as she inhaled the four buttons shot off rapid fire-style, bouncing about the room. She huffed and grabbed the shirt tails, tying them tightly under her large breasts, providing herself with some support and modesty despite the acres of cleavage showing. Her nipples tried eliminating any sense of modesty though, the two thick nubs poking into the fabric plain as day. She sighed, hopped into a pair of shorts, grabbed her purse while making sure the pill bottle was inside, and then put on a jacket to help hide her two huge...problems.

Rushing out the door, she made her way to Rowyin's apartment, her large breasts giggling with every quick step she took. She did her best to ignore the stares of passer's by, quite embarrassed by the occasional leers she received from the males along her route to Row's place. She realized after the 30 minutes it took for her to walk to the wolf's building, that unlike what she heard (and assumed) about large breasts, her's were not causing her any back problems, even with all the wiggling and jiggling they were doing unsupported. She slipped into the building as someone left, heading up to Rowyin's floor and knocking on his door. She heard some movement from inside, as well as a muffled "Just a minute!" Once the door began opening Makojin pushed herself in, past the surprised wolf. He was simply dressed, standing there in a black T-shirt and pair of shorts. Once he noticed who it was he smiled, closing the door behind him and looking his over. She gave him a weak smile before speaking.

"Umm Row... I need some assistance." She said softly, pulling off her jacket and showing him her expanded bosoms. His eyes nearly popped from his skull when he saw her tightly packed breasts in one of his dress shirts. "What the heck happened? Did you take more of those pills or something?"

"No... I haven't taken any since the first few. I don't know what keeps causing the growth... I don't want to end up with tits bigger than I am!" She exclaimed, tears welling up in her eyes. Rowyin crossed the room and embraced her, hugging her as close as he could even with her huge breasts pressing against him.

"Hey, its alright... we'll find some way to get this to stop... maybe even reverse it." He said, kneeling down to be eye level with her. "Jeese... these must be the size of volleyballs... are your muscles alright? You're not sore or anything are you?" He asked, hefting one of her heavy breasts in his large hands. She bit her lip and moaned softly at the sudden wave of pleasure that flowed into her brain, slightly fogging her worries. Rowyin caught the moan, and the slightly glassy eyed look she had on her face, and removed his hand from her breast, mumbling that they must have been sensitive too.

"You have the pills on you?" He asked, snapping her from her little pleasure induced haze. She nodded and dug the bottle out of her purse, handing it over to him. A frown formed on his face as he scrutinized the bottle, not recognizing the language printed on the bottle. "Well... I'll see what I can figure out about the bottle... you hang tight for a bit, alright?" He said looking over to her. She nodded, following him as he stepped into his bedroom and hopped onto his computer to do a few internet searches. She in turn hopped up onto his bed to await any findings, resting her feet.

Her chest felt a bit confined in the tied top, and since it wasn't like Rowyin had ever seen her naked, she removed his shirt and tossed it in the hamper across from the bed, then crawled further up the bed and leaned herself back against the headboard as she waited. She grumbled slightly, an uncomfortable feeling falling across her chest. It took her a while to realize her chest was starting to feel bloated, a small amount of pressure building up in the two large orbs. She blinked, then cursed under her breath as she realized what was going on. She hefted one of her breasts, trying to ignore the pleasure her small hands caused as they pressed into the flesh. She noticed that they didn't sink in quite as much as earlier, her fingers moving to her thimble sized nipple.

With a bit of manipulation she squeezed her nipple, and after a few moments a bead of white developed at the end of the pink nub. She squeaked softly in frustration, which garnered the attention of Rowyin.

"What's the matter Makojin?" he said as turned his head and noticed she was topless. She frowned and set her breast down, which practically sat in her lap with her other breast.

"What usually goes hand in hand with having huge mammaries? I'm starting to lactate..." She replied with a small grumble, feeling the pressure continuing to slowly build. He gave her a small nod, getting up from his computer chair.

"Well, I found a small site that sells the pills, but it's in Dutch... I asked a friend to look into it... says he knows Dutch and will E-mail me later... " He commented, slipping onto the bed with her. "So now we just wait. Are you alright?"

"Uncomfortable... the pressure keeps increasing... not that I'm not used to it... You still have that breast pump from the last time I was like this?" She said with a sigh. He shook his head, a slight smirk on his muzzle. "Looks like we have to do it the fun way..." He answered with a smirk, scooting up to her. The pressure in her breasts seemed to level off as his nose poked her right breast, lips pressing to her hard nipple. She didn't stop him when he slipped the nub into his mouth, not that she would. Despite not liking the pressure, she enjoyed being milked by the wolf; a mix of mothering instinct merged with the pleasure of having her nipple sucked outweighing the cons of lactating in the first place. He began to suckle hard on her breast, a squeak suddenly coming from her, not expecting him to have started out so vigorously.

He scooted next to her, laying his head across her front as he filled his stomach with her sweet milk. One of his hands began to stroke her slim belly, the fire from the past few days returning with a vengeance. As he suckled she slowly began to writhe beneath his ministrations, his hand slipping into her shorts, noting the absence of panties as his fingers found a mound of very wet fur surrounding a pair of puffy pink lips. He chuckled into her breast and slipped two of his long fingers into her, causing her back to arch and her legs to spread more as he pleasured her. His thumb ground into the swollen nub of pleasure between her lower lips as he fingered her, still suckling on her nipple as the milk ran dry in that breast. He removed his muzzle from her breast, and his hand from her shorts for a moment, lifting up the small (yet still heavier than normal) mouse up and moved her over so he could get to her left breast.

Makojin bucked her hips against his hand, her inner muscles squeezing down on the invading fingers. She raised her hands up, one gripping her free breast, the other holding the wolf's head to her full breast as she let out another loud squeak. Her panties were suddenly soaked as she came over his fingers, her breast letting down, her left filling the wolf's mouth, the right leaking what was left down onto her stomach. Rowyin suckled hard, quickly draining her left breast as she shuddered in orgasm. His fingers continued to work her petals through her climax, stopping when she finally settled back against the headboard once more. The wolf removed his hands from her now sodden shorts, licking her juices from his fingers with a smirk.

Mako rolled her eyes at the wolf, and after catching her breath slipped herself out of the rest of her clothing. She eyed the bulge in the wolf's pants, the heat having slowly returned once again. She leaned over him, heavy breasts hanging down over his chest as her hands slid into the waistband of his shorts and stroked over his erect shaft. She slid her small hand up his shaft, then moved it back to the waistband of his pants, gripping it and tugging them down his legs and letting his shaft spring free. She gave him a moment to kick them off before she straddled his stomach, reaching back and jerking his shaft with her small hand. A gentle squeeze brought forth a squirt of pre, which landed on her rump, trickling down its surface as she jerked the wolf a little longer.

As pre began to trickle with more volume down his shaft and onto her hand she finally lifted herself up over it, and with a sashay of her hips lowered herself upon it. Her body shuddered as her nether lips spread themselves around the wolf, muscles working to tug him deeper into her fleshy passage. Her eyes close as she bit her lip softly, working herself down till the head of his shaft was pressing against the entrance to her womb. She felt Rowyin shift slightly under her, propping his upper body up against the headboard of the bed, his nose inches away from her hanging breasts. As she began to move herself up his shaft he leaned forward a more, taking a nipple into his mouth and nibbling on it. A loud squeak followed, Mako's tail twitching as she rode his shaft, the remains of her milk dribbling into his mouth.

She crushed her huge breast against his face, grinding her nipple against his smooth tongue as her hips wiggled against him. His hands encircled her waist, gripping her plush rump while guiding her faster up and down his shaft, their conjoined genitals making wet slapping noises as her juices leaked down into the wolf's lap. Mako let out a loud moan, her muscles bearing down upon Rowyin's shaft as she bounced herself faster on his lap, the fire in her belly once more growing into a blaze, needing the wolf's spunk to quench the aching need. Rowyin released her nipple, panting heavily while thrusting up into the mouse's sex, shivers running down his back as her widely splayed nether lips kissed his swollen knot. His muscles began to tense, his thrusts pressing his knot harder against her pliant flesh. The mouse let out a loud squeak, her hands reaching up and squeezing her malleable breasts, her sex clamping down like a vice upon his shaft.

The wolf let out a surprised yip at how her muscles wringed the hell out of his shaft, a hard thrust forcing his knot into the tight grasp of her cunny. He let out a load groan as his knot bloated bigger, even in the tight grip her muscles had on it. His balls churned, spurting his heavy load up into her as he moaned loudly. Makojin let out another loud squeak as he filled her with his seed, the tip of his shaft sending a good amount up into her womb. She shuddered, lying herself down on top of the wolf as his seed splattered into her, a content smile on her face. Mako panted slowly as she enjoyed the afterglow of her orgasm, oblivious to the small beep coming from Rowyin's computer. Rowyin, on the other hand, noticed it, his ears perked as he strained to see what had popped up on his computer screen.

"Heh, Mako... I think we got our answer... but it might be a bit till I can check it..." He said with a chuckle, running a hand through the mouse's disheveled hair. She looked up and over to the computer, but slumped back down onto the wolf's chest, a bit too tired to care at the moment. Rowyin rolled onto his side, laying the mouse down next to him as he waited for his knot to release their hips. Mako dozed off before they were separated, and when Rowyin was finally able to pull himself from her sex, she let out a small moan in her sleep. He got up and went to his bathroom, cleaning his hips off with a wash rag before tossing on a robe and checking out the message. He skimmed over it quickly, then sent off his response. His stomach growled loudly, so he got up and left to cook something, letting the mouse nap for the time being.

Makojin moaned in her light sleep, rolling onto her side and letting the weight of her heavy breasts rest on the bed. After a short while her nose began to pick up the scent of cooking food, which woke her from her nap, her own tummy growling after having used so much energy a short while earlier. She slowly stood up, stumbling slightly as her breasts lurched forward and threw her off balance. She grumbled, slipping her hands under the weighty things and hefting them up slightly. The dull pressure that had filled them earlier had returned slightly, not having reached the same over pressurized state they were at earlier. She was slightly glad by the fact that for once she didn't wake up to two even larger breasts though. She lowered her breasts back down, which hung almost down to her belly button, before heading to the wolf's kitchen.

She noticed Rowyin was standing in front of the stove, clad in a robe, while she walked in nude. She felt a little underdressed, until she remembered there probably wasn't anything she could wear in the apartment. She slipped onto one of the kitchen chairs, attracting Row's attention away from the food he was cooking.

"Heh, have a nice little nap?" He asked, placing the wooden spoon he was using to stir a pot on the stove down. Mako nodded, sniffing the air. "What ya cooking?" She asked, her tummy grumbling rather loudly.

"Baked chicken, broccoli, and Mac & Cheese." He replied, knowing that one of the mouse's favorite dishes was Mac and Cheese. Mako let out an enthusiastic squeak, bouncing a bit in the chair and sending her huge breasts bouncing upon her chest. She stopped and cupped her bosoms, ending their frantic jiggling with an annoyed sigh. The little bout of bouncing caused the milk that had once again built up in her breasts to begin dripping once more.

"God, this is sooo annoying... Row, please tell me that you got word from your friend already..." She asked with an exhausted groan as she hefted her tits and sat them on the table. Rowyin nodded as he turned back to the cooking food.

"Yea, he said that they have an ‘antidote' pill that can reverse the effects of overdosage, only thing is it'll be at least a day or two till it gets shipped here. I told him to just go ahead and order some." He replied.

"Great, I'm stuck with big leaky cow tits till at least tomorrow. And what's more, they're probably gonna be even bigger by then too!" She complained, resting her elbows upon the table alongside her breasts, which were slowly making puddles of milk on the tabletop. Rowyin sighed softly, putting the spoon back down again and stepping over behind the mouse, placing his hands on her shoulders and rubbing them lightly.

"Hey, relax. It's not all bad. You can chill here till the pills arrive, and then after that you'll be back down to a more normal size..." He said before getting interrupted by the stove timer. "Alright, foods done, so lets concentrate on eating for the time being." He said afterwards, stroking then mouse's head. Mako nodded, waiting for Rowyin to serve the food, knowing that he would with her being less mobile than normal. The two ate in relative silence, Makojin enjoying her Mac & Cheese while choosing to ignore her problems for the moment. Rowyin looked up at the clock as he finished eating and cursed to himself, grumbling softly as he quickly placed his dirty dishes in his dishwasher.

"Mako, I forgot I need to run some errands, so I better head out before the stores close..." He said in slight annoyance. The mouse nodded. "I'll be fine here by myself for the time being..." She replied, finishing her own food. Rowyin rushed into his room to change, before grabbing his wallet and keys and hurrying out the door. With no one there besides herself, Mako decided to go entertain herself with some video games while she waited for Rowyin to return.

Rowyin eventually returned with several handfuls of groceries, steering himself through the doorway. He was glad to see not much had changed about Mako during the time he was gone. She was still sitting upon the couch, controller in hand, kicking some butt in Smash Bros. Brawl. Her chest, while not bigger, defiantly stuck out more than when he had left. Her breasts previously were hanging around her navel, but now stuck straight out, looking firm and full. Mako was obviously aware of them too, because every now and then she'd grunt slightly from the pressure. She was doing her best to ignore it as she played, her hands resting on her lap under her breasts. She paused her game as Row walked by, slowly levering herself to her feet and following him into the kitchen. He was packing things away into his cabinets and fridge, but stopped when she stepped in.

"Need to be milked again?" He asked as he finished putting away his groceries, to which the mouse nodded. He chuckled softly. "How bout a shower? We can milk you in there, save us the mess... I'm too full to drink it all again."

She crossed her arms under her breasts, wincing slightly. "That's fine... I guess I need a shower anyway."

Makojin slipped into the bathroom first, turning on the shower and adjusting the water to a comfortable temperature. Rowyin came in nude after her, having doffed his clothing and tossed it into his hamper. He checked the water, then climbed in, letting Mako step in before sliding the glass door shut. He let her soak in the water first, washing the remnants of their earlier fun out of her fur before he reached around and took her heavy breasts into his hands. The mouse let out a mixed squeak and moan, leaning forward and bracing her upper body against the wall, allowing her heavy breasts to swing low, into the wolf's hands. He began to gently knead her nipples, coaxing the milk out into the shower. Her milk quickly let down, sprays of it splattering the wall and running down the drain as the wolf squeezed along her nipples. Makojin let out another pleasured moan, her thighs rubbing together while her rump began to press back against the wolf's hips.

The pressure quickly dissipated, the flow of her milk slowing a bit in volume. That all too familiar fire in her belly began to return, helped back by the manipulation of her nipples by her wolf lover. With the milk still dribbling from her nipples she shifted her weight to one arm, the other reaching back and pressing against his stomach, trailing down to his crotch. His wolfhood was already poking from his sheath, the scent of her arousal and the feeling of her rump pressing against his crotch causing the blood in the wolf's body to migrate south. The fingers upon his shaft sped the process, his girthy rod soon nestling between her rump cheeks. Before her other arm became tired she angled his shaft down between her spread thighs, returning her hand to the wall to more evenly support her torso. Rowyin picked up her eagerness, releasing her breasts and lowering his hands to grope her rear end.. A plan quickly formed in his head, and before she knew it Makojin was lifted up into the air with a squeak of surprise, and then quickly impaled on the wolf's shaft.

Her feet dangled helplessly as she was held aloft, gravity pulling her down to the base of the wolf's shaft, the only support she was getting being from the shaft imbedded inside her sex. The pressure on her sex was intense, yet pleasurable, his knot slowly swelling to it's pre-tying state inside her. She squeaked once more before the wolf finally slipped his arms under her knees, lifting her up his shaft. He leaned back slightly, then dropped her down onto his shaft again, thrusting up in tandem. The mouse cried out as she was slammed into, her large breasts flopping about as he bounced her along his shaft. She braced herself against the wall, the only thing available to actually grip, as he pounded her cunny from behind.

Makojin cried out loudly, gripping her inner muscles over the wolf's shaft as it plowed into her. Her hips swiveled as she bounced on his shaft, her breasts flopping heavily, flinging droplets of water and milk against the wall of the shower. Makojin let out another loud squeak, her inner muscles clamping down on Row's shaft as she hit a light orgasm, the wolf grunting and thrusting through her tightening cunny. Rowyin's own muscles were beginning to tighten, one of his hands reaching up and groping one of the mouse's flopping breasts. She finally let out a strained squeak as she hit a larger orgasm, immense in proportion to her previous one as her muscles clamped down, squeezing the hell out of Rowyin's shaft. The wolf let out his own groan, shoving his hips hard against her, his knot popping into her folds and locking her to his groin. She gave another squeak as he knotted her, her body convulsing as she hit several more smaller orgasms, the wolf shuddering inside her.

Rowyin let out a small howl as his shaft began to spurt into her depths, holding her tight as his heavy balls tightened. Makojin fell limp in his arms, leaning back against his chest and panting heavily as she felt the warm cream spurt up into her depths. She panted tiredly, the wolf shuddering against her as his spurting shaft slowed. He reached down to her hips, hefting her up and pulling her into the slowly cooling stream of water, rinsing away the remains of their juices before the water turned ice cold. With practiced movements, Rowyin carried the mouse, still tied to him by his knot, out of the shower, sitting her in his lap as he sat on his closed toilet to await his knot. Makojin took the time to reach behind the wolf to retrieve a pair of large towels, leaving one upon the wolf's head playfully as she began to dry herself. Rowyin chuckled, uncovering his head and began to dry the mouse's overblown breasts, causing the mouse to squeak and moan softly as the soft towel scrapped across her sensitive breast flesh. She batted away the wolf's paws, too tired to go at him again even as they were still tied.

Moments later they two stepped out of the bathroom, separated and dried. The mouse flopped down onto the bed, slipping herself into the wolf's blankets with a yawn. She was feeling tired, and despite the knowledge that her breasts would once again be engorged with milk in the morning, she prepped herself to sleep. Rowyin slipped into bed next to her, spooning up behind her as she lay on her side. With an arm tossed over her side and tucked under her breasts, the wolf snuggled up to her to join her in sleep.

The feeling of soreness was the first thing the mouse felt in the morning, waking to a pair of grey-furred zeppelins jutting out in front of her. Her breasts had continued the trend over the past few days, looking like a pair of overinflated beach balls jutting from her chest. The sheets in front of her were soaked, trails of milk leaking down the curves of her breasts. The slightest movement seemed to cause her breasts to spurt out streams of milk. She let out a loud groan, noticing that she was alone in bed as she tried to sit upright. She cried out Rowyin's name, nipples leaking out onto the bed as she managed to get herself into an upright position, her breasts resting in her lap. She heard the door open, Rowyin walking in carrying two packages, a smaller one stacked atop a much larger one. He stepped over to the side of the bed, placing the boxes next to the mouse.

Makojin gave the wolf an inquisitive look as he began to open and empty the box of various metal parts and tubing. Her inner ears blushed as she realized what he was pulling from the box and assembling... an almost industrial looking milk machine. He paused halfway through assembly, leaving the room, only to return with an empty 5 gallon jug. Once assembled, he plugged the pump in, turned on the suction and pulled the plastic hoses for the pump up to the bed and the milky mouse sitting upon it. The hoses ended in cups large enough to fit over Makojin's leaking nipples, which Rowyin put in place. The suction held the cups over her nipples, the mouse letting out a surprised squeak as the machine began to chug, sucking harder upon her leaking nipples. Rowyin returned to the machine, making sure the output hose was secure in the jug as he turned up the suction, Makojin letting out another squeak.

The suckling pressure on the mouse's nipples soon got the flow of milk to increase from a trickle to a spray, the machine alternating the pressure on each nipple as her milk flowed down the tubes towards the guts of the machine before emptying into the jug. Makojin blushed hard, the pressure sucking her nipples causing her libido to spark. She leaned back against the headboard of the bed, trying to ignore the fire growing between her legs as her breasts were milked. Rowyin had disappeared from the room, taking the empty box to the trash, leaving the mouse alone to try and deal with the growing need to get off.

Her breasts were feeling a lot less sore now that the milk was flowing, and with a bit of maneuvering she hefted herself to her knees on the bed, then lowered herself onto all fours, letting her breasts hang down under her, resting their weight on the bed. She checked to make sure she didn't dislodge the cups from her nipples before reaching towards her rear end with one hand. Just as her fingers began to stroke up between her thighs Rowyin returned, and upon seeing the mouse with her hand between her legs let out a small chuckle. He stepped over to the bed, climbing up behind the mouse and playfully batting her hand away. She arched her tail up over her back, revealing her heated snatch as she spread her legs wider. Rowyin ducked his head down, pressing his cold nose against the heat of her nethers, then slid his tongue from his muzzle and lapped it over the mouse's cunny. One of his hands slipped up the inside of her thighs, his fingers parting her puffy outer lips lapping his tongue against her inner pinkness, the tip pressing against the sensitive nub at the top of her cunny.

Makojin let out a lusty moan, her body shuddering as the wolf's tongue stroked over and over against her most sensitive parts. She lowered her head into the cleavage pressing between her arms, muffling her moans as he pressed his tongue into her inner flesh. He snaked his tongue in deep, then drew it back out again, dragging the silky muscle along her inner walls. Her muscles fluttered over his tongue as it plunged in and out of her slit, her feminine juices soaking her thighs, along with the wolf's muzzle and the sheets below as he licked as deep inside her as he could. She knew she wasn't going to be able to hold on for long, the suckling on her nipples and the tongue dancing inside her cunny proving too much stimulus for the mouse to resist.

Rowyin paid close attention to the mouse as her hips began to press back against him lightly, her body shuddering as she cried out again. The wolf's tongue began to deliberately stroke over a rough area inside her cunny, causing her body to quake as she let out a loud squeak, her inner tunnel suddenly flooding the wolf's muzzle with her juices as he lapped her into climax. She tossed her head back, eyes closed tight as her body shuddered in climax, her tail whipping about above her back. It soon fell limp over the wolf's shoulder, the mouse sagging slightly atop the bed as Row pulled away from her legs, lapping the remnants of her orgasm from his muzzle as the pump finished empting her breasts.

Not long afterwards, Rowyin switched off the pump and removed the cups from the mouse's drained breasts, helping her up to her feet on the floor. She was able to move much easier with her breasts drained, but knew it was only a matter of time before her breasts were heavy and bloated with milk once again.

"Well... now that I've been milked, what are we going to do about these? I don't want to have to be milked like a cow every day..." Makojin quipped, annoyance clearly evident in her voice. Rowyin simply smirked and opened up the smaller box, pulling a bottle of pills from the packaging.

"The ‘antidote' came earlier... you just have to take a few of these pills daily and you should be down to a more manageable size within a couple of weeks..." He replied, helping the mouse into the kitchen so the two could eat. He placed the bottle down in front of her, which she took up to remove two pills. She popped them both in her mouth, then swallowed them down as Rowyin set a glass of water in front of her.

Makojin sighed as she put down the drained glass, looking down to the two massive breasts sitting in her lap as Rowyin prepared lunch. "Well... I guess I'll have to cash in some sick time at work then... There's no way I'm going to be able to work with these puppies getting in the way... unless I wanted to see if I can get a job at the strip club down the street..."

A month passed by, and every day after starting the pills, Makojin found her breasts decreasing by small increments, until she attained a more normal size. The mouse looked over her nude figure in the mirror, cupping her breasts. They had ceased their growth at a respectable DD cup, which the mouse was quite happy to have instead of the monster breasts she had had a month earlier. She bounced over to her bed, picking up the clothing she had placed out earlier. She had a planned lunch with Rowyin she didn't want to miss, knowing how much the horndog-wolf loved her new breasts. She slipped on her underwear, hooked up her new bra, and was slipping into her pants when she was met with some difficulty. She did not remember gaining any weight, yet she was having difficulty buttoning her pants around her waist.

A thought suddenly occurred to her as she struggled with her pants, stopping her dead as she started some mental math, thinking back over the past month. The blood suddenly drained from her face when she realized what had happened... she was late...

To be continued...