Mother Knows Best

Story by SurryKitten on SoFurry

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#14 of Simply Sexual

When a son misses his mother, his thoughts tend to wander, but Leo has special memories of his mother, and they're sure to awake some of his primal needs. Mother knows best.

Hope you enjoy! Let me know if you like it. Leave a message, a comments, or a favorite my way. It's always appreciated!

Leo awoke with a jolt, snapping his eyes open so quickly that the room began to spin in protest. His alarm was ringing next to his head, screaming that the day was beginning. Leo let out a sigh, relaxing back onto his bed as he listened to the wailing of his alarm. Did he really have to get up? Yes...

Realization began to set in. It was Wednesday morning, and his classes started in an hour. He knew it was seven a.m. by the screeching behind his head, but he couldn't muster the energy to grab the wailing machine and silence it. He simply wanted to lay in bed and sink back into his dreams, but he knew that he had responsibilities. There were papers to turn, classes to attend, teachers to ignore, and so on.

With a groan, he finally reached behind his head and clutched the rectangular device in his hand. With one click of the volume button, the alarm was silenced for another day.

"Fuck..." Leo whispered, sitting up on his bed slowly. He didn't want the room to spin any faster than it already seemed to.

He swung his legs to the side, letting his feet touch the ground, but he couldn't manage to get up just yet. He stretched, tensing the muscles in his chest and back while lifting his arms to the sky, balling his hands into fists. It was the first stretch of the morning, and he let out an audible growl as his spine cracked into place and his muscles pumped with oxygen to come alive. It was a brand new day.

Lifting himself to his feet, the black and white stallion walked to his door, wearing only a pair of navy blue boxers that hugged tightly to the morning wood that bobbed with his every step. He sometimes wondered what it would be like to be a smaller mammal. He figured it would be less fun, but he also knew it would be easier to walk in the mornings. He was a tall equine, reaching six foot five with a muscular build and a cock to match his height. Needless to say, morning wood was almost unmanageable without a little help.

He grabbed the towel that hung on the back side of his door before throwing it over his shoulder and walking out into the hallway. He lived in a dorm room that consisted of three other bedrooms, a common area, and a bathroom. It was a nice set of dorms, built the previous year to encourage parents to spend a few extra grand.

As Leo walked down the hall, he noticed his roommate's door open as he approached. He expected to see Chuck wobble out, hungover even though it was only Wednesday, but he was surprised when a beautiful wolfess tried to sneak out. She hadn't expected to see anyone, because her cheeks flushed a bright red when she saw Leo right at the door. They both stopped, temporarily staring.

"Morning." Leo said with a smirk after several moments of awkward silence. The wolfess was wearing one of Chuck's t-shirts that swallowed her small frame. She was a lot smaller than other wolves Leo had come across, and he simply towered over her like a giant. The poor girl barely reached his pecs.

Even though he was above her, he could see as her eyes trailed downward, stopping at the large lump that was absolutely impossible to hide. Leo honestly didn't try anymore. There were a few more moments of awkward silence, and Leo snickered.

"You like what you see babe?" He asked, and the female snapped back into her body. She had probably been daydreaming.

"Uh... ha..." She mumbled, hurrying past Leo as she went to the common area, more than likely to find her phone or other articles of clothing. Leo simply shook his head with a big grin on his face and continued to make his way to the bathroom.

He had just enough time to shower, dress, and grab his things before class started, and as he rushed into the classroom, the teacher glanced at the clock, disappointed that he couldn't count a student tardy. Leo had made it with only seconds to spare.

"Everyone, take your seats. I'm starting class now." He began. He was a short, stalky rat with very large, round glasses that were honestly too big for his face. Leo wondered if anyone had ever tried to tell him to get a smaller pair, but the teacher more than likely wouldn't have listened. He never listened to anyone as far as Leo could tell.

Leo was in his genetics class. He loved the topic, but he hated the teacher. For some reason, the little rat always seemed to pick on Leo for answers, calling him out in class more than any other individual. Leo chose to ignore it, but sometimes it did bother him. Dr. Davis began to write on the board, scribbling with his practically illegible handwriting. Leo knew that a five year old could have written neater, but he dared not say anything. After all, he was shooting for an A.

"We're going to talk about genes that can be passed from parent to offspring today. So, traits that your parents gave to you such as your eye color, fur color, and so on."

Parents? Leo had no idea what his father looked like. His mother had never mentioned him, and he never really had a reason to ask her. Any man that would walk out on a wonderful woman didn't deserve to be acknowledged. The only reason he would ever want to meet his father would be to punch him in the throat and take his wallet.

Leo snickered at the thought, but silenced immediately as Dr. David turned his sharp gaze in Leo's direction. Shit... Leo thought to himself, grabbing his pen and pretending to write something in his notebook.

Really though, Leo lived with his mother growing up. She was and still was a wonderful mother, and he sat back in his seat as he realized how much he missed her. He hadn't gotten to come home in a few months, and he sighed as he wondered what she was doing. She was probably working, writing for the local paper, or was she at home, washing laundry in the silk gown that hugged to her hips and barely covered her ass? It was black silk with a strip of see through tan lace that split down the front and accented all the edges. She also could have been on the couch, reading her favorite book. She always loved laying on the leather naked with a book perched in one hand and her fingers gently stroking the vibrator that buzzed between her legs. He missed her so much.

Leo took a deep breath, trying to focus on the teacher. Dr. Davis was scribbling on the board once more, but Leo couldn't focus. He hadn't realized he had missed his mother this much. The teacher began babbling once more, and Leo tried desperately to grasp his every word.

"You see, when a male or female reaches sexual maturity, the body begins to produce hormones to trigger things such as sperm production, heat cycles, breast growth, and so on. Most of you probably hit this period in full swing during late middle school and early high school. So did your parents. Once a female is in peak season, she can become impregnated, and the fun with genes begins. With the exception of twins, no two siblings look alike even if they come from the same parents. Why is that? Well..."

High school? Sexual peaks? Leo knew about sexual tension all too well. During his freshmen year of high school, he could hardly go a few hours without the intense urge to rub himself. Just being at school was torture enough. He would paw in the morning before school. Then, he would paw when he got home. He would also paw at least once before dinner and before bed. It had been torture, but he found one thing that seemed to ease his urges better than any porn--his mother.


"Mom! I'm home!" Leo called, throwing his backpack down onto the couch. It had been a long, tiring day at school. He knew it was only freshman year, but he was already completely done with school. He wanted to be finished, and he knew he had a ton of homework to do, but there was an ache radiating from his groin, and he knew it needed to be satisfied. It was one of the most annoying feelings in the world. It was like an itch that was just under the first layer of his skin and couldn't be reached--or satisfied.

There was no answer from his mother, and he hadn't seen her car outside when he walked through the garage. He was safe and alone. Hurrying up to his room, he shut the door and practically galloped to his computer, wiggling the mouse violently and impatiently. The computer never turned on fast enough in those circumstances, and he groaned as he saw the loading screen, complete with the blue, spinning circle.

The itch was gnawing at him, picking away at every inch of his skin and spreading like goosebumps over his arms and legs. He needed release and he needed it that instant, because he had been fighting himself since lunch, desperately sitting on his hands to prevent them from wandering to his aching cock. The computer screen turned a complete soft shaft of blue, and Leo groaned in agony as the screen read "Update 1 of 5, Please do not turn off your computer."

"Fuck!" He called out, pushing away from the computer and hurrying out of the room. He stomped down the hall, feeling his cock throb in protest.

Entering his mother's room, he could see that her laptop was neatly perched on the edge of the bed, and he quickly sat down and yanked the top open, almost yelping in happiness as the login screen popped up immediately. He clicked the small, square icon with the picture of a mountain, and the laptop opened the desktop, moving swiftly along.

"Yes! Yes! Thank you!" He cheered.

A grin spread across Leo's face. He was almost there, and he could almost pleasure himself. He just needed to make a few more clicks. With one hand, he reached down and hastily unbuttoned his pants, sliding them, along with his boxers, down just enough to expose his throbbing shaft that was already twelve inches long and still partially soft.

His other paw wiggled the mouse over to the Google Chrome icon. He clicked it, watching as the window opened to reveal that the internet was out downstairs.

"God Dammit!!!" Leo yelled angrily, feeling extremely frustrated. The itch was now all the way in the tips of his fingers and toes, continuously gnawing at his skin and causing the hair to rise on his arms and around his neck. He had no choice. He wasn't going to try to fiddle with the internet. Maybe his mother had something in her photos. It was worth a shot.

His right hand wrapped around his thick shaft, gripping just enough to feel the pressure before he began to stroke, moving his hand up to the head and back down to the base. He was moving slow at first to help himself get worked up, and with each full stroke he felt a slight throb of relief in his cock.

His other hand was beginning to scroll impatiently through his mother's pictures, and just as he thought that there was nothing to see, his eyes wandered over a folder without a label tucked away at the bottom of the list. He clicked it excitingly, and was instantly dazed by what pictures appeared. There were sexy pictures alright, but they were all of his mother.

He clicked on the first, watching as it came to full screen. His mother was sitting on the bed with her legs crossed and the camera angled downward, letting him see her wide hips and her breasts that were both bare. She was completely naked with her long tail neatly tucked against her right side until it dangled off the bed like her legs. His cock instantly hardened, springing to life faster than any classmate had ever made him.

"Holy shit..." He whispered, clicking through more pictures until he came to the picture that sent a throbbing jolt through his shaft. His mother was on the bed again, but this time the camera was on a stand at the foot of the bed. She was completely naked with her legs spread wide. She was a beautiful female mare with white hair that was speckled with black spots. She almost looked like a Dalmatian when it came to her fur, but she was nothing like a canine when it came to her body. Her breasts were large--supple double D's with perky nipples that seemed to point to the ceiling in the cool air. From her breasts, her body curved perfectly into a small waist before fanning out for her luscious hips. It was obvious from just her body shape that she could take a good pounding, and Leo began to shiver, rubbing himself harder as he imagined pushing into his mother.

He could see her lower lips in the picture. They were so cute and tight. If he didn't know better, he might have thought she was a virgin from just looking at her lower lips. She had them spread gently with her fingers, and the soft pink inside of her folds made Leo drool. Even his mouth knew that she would taste heavenly. He moved his hand faster, tightening his fingers around the flared head of his cock. He was at full size now, reaching over a foot and a half in length. It was almost an impossible length for any female to take--except a mare like his beautiful mother.

With one more click to the right, Leo's heart leaped. The next item was a video. His mother was still in the same position as before, laying on the bed with her legs spread, but this time, she had a vibrator between her legs. Leo quickly clicked on the video and began watching as his mother pumped the snug vibrator in and out of her pink folds. Her moans were like nothing he had ever heard before. They sounded real, not like the porn he usually watched. He watched her face twist in sensual pleasure. She parted her lips and let the moans drift from her lips and fill the air. He could see her juices beginning to drip around the toy, and suddenly, he could imagine them dripping around his shaft. He had never been inside of a female before, but he imagined that it was hot, like a heated, silky blanket wrapped around his cock that was slick and divine. He wanted to feel it so badly.

Sky reached up and touched her breasts, gently tweaking her right nipple with her fingers. She began to shiver. The vibrator didn't seem like it was much of a stretch for her pussy. It looked as if it was only stretching her a bit, but the way she moved it made him think that she was rubbing all of her inner spots, pressing the vibrator against each sensitive fold. She would push it upward before gently turning it in circles, and each time, her hips wiggled and juices began to stream from her lower lips. She was enjoying herself.

"Oh god..." She whispered in a blissful, raspy voice. She seemed lost in her pleasure--same as Leo.

Leo began stroking his cock faster, moving his hand along his throbbing shaft with the same speed that his mother moved her toy. He was imagining himself replacing the toy, pumping in and out of her and rubbing each one of her favorite spots. It wasn't long before he felt a pressure building in the base of his cock. His sac was tightening, lifting as he neared his climax, and his breaths became short and quick. He had never reached a climax this quickly before, but there was something about watching his mother that sent his body into overdrive. She made him simply want to cum immediately.

"Fuck yes... that's it. That's it dammit!" He moaned softly, feeling his hips begin to buck in his hand. He could tell his mother was close to her own climax, and he rubbed faster, wanting to finish with her as if he was really fucking her.

His cock was trembling, throbbing hard with a need to release. His head began to flare, and he could feel his toes beginning to flex as the muscles in his legs protested. It was then that he heard his mother's moans increase in pitch, and he watched as her pussy tightened and juices poured from her lower lips, dripping around the vibrator that continued to buzz and wiggle even as her pussy lips gripped the silicon. Leo lost it, shivering as the pressure shot up his shaft, producing his hot, thick cum. He continued to rub with each rope that shot from the head. The ropes seemed never ending, and by the time Leo finished his climax, there was a thick stream of his seed dripping from the head of his cock to the base, over his hands and even on his shirt. He couldn't remember the last time he had finished that hard.

The itch was temporarily sedated, retreating back to rest in his sac. Leo panted and quickly removed his shirt. He began wiping up the thick streams of semen, wanting to get everything clean before his mother got home. He knew he could have easily filled a beer bottle with all of his cum, and that was just from one climax. He climaxed at least four times a day, and he began to wonder how much he actually produced in a day's time.

"Time to clean up..." He said with a sigh. It was his least favorite part. All he wanted to do was lay back and bask in his mother's scent that lingered in the sheets, but he most definitely didn't want to get caught. It was definitely time to clean up.


"Leo, are you listening?" Dr. Davis asked in an irritated tone as Leo snapped back into his surroundings.

He had been lost in thoughts of his mother, and he cleared his throat, looking around as everyone stared at him.

"Can you repeat the question?" Leo asked, and he smirked as he heard a few people snicker. He wasn't paying attention, and everyone knew it, but honestly, who was?

"What is the difference between a genotype and a phenotype?" Dr. Davis asked, glaring a bit.

Leo knew the teacher was hoping he would fail. The teacher wanted to try and embarrass him in front of everyone after he gave the wrong answer, but Leo simply sat back in his seat, not even trying to hide the erection that lurked beneath his desk and inside his shorts.

"A genotype is completely genetic. It's the genes that exist in your DNA. A phenotype is what is expressed. In other words, it's what people can see or your outward appearance based on the DNA."

Leo spoke with confidence, and he saw the teacher scowl and push his classes up further on his muzzle in agitation. Leo was correct.

"Very good. Thank you Leo." He said, and he turned around as he began to write once more on the board.

Leo let out a sigh of relief. At least the question had been easy. He shifted in his seat, trying not to groan from the feeling of his cock concealed inside his shorts as well as pressing against the underside of his desk. It was truly uncomfortable. He tried to get situated, but as he reached down and adjusted himself, he noticed a female two seats over staring. He winked at her, and she instantly turned away, knowing she had been caught. He was used to that kind of attention though, and he enjoyed it thoroughly.

He tried to pay attention, but he had already been lost in thought so much that Leo honestly didn't feel like following the teacher anymore. He wanted to be in his thoughts.

After the first time he pawed to his mother, he couldn't stop. No one else excited him like she did. He tried to watch porn, but he was instantly turned off by the fake screams of the females. He wanted to make a female scream for him, but he wanted it to be real. He got off more thinking about his mother than any other female he knew.

He could no longer concentrate around her. He had been so overrun with pleasure that all he could think about was fucking her. He dreamed it, thought it, pawed to it, prayed for it, and everything in-between. Every time she bent over, he imagined moving behind her and pressing his groin to her ass. He wondered how she would react and what would happen, but his mother was an extremely smart woman, and she seemed to catch on quickly to his attraction, and even though he thought that he would never get to experience her body first hand, she proved him wrong.


"Dinner's ready!" Called a sweet voice from downstairs, and Leo eagerly put down his Xbox controller before jumping to his feet. He was always eager to go see his mother, but he had been trying to avoid her in the last few days. As a frisky teen, he was constantly imagining her in every position possible, and he knew that was a terrible thing for him to think about. It was his mother for god sakes.

"Coming!" He called down to her, taking a deep breath. He tried to stay downstairs when he got home, but he was so frisky that he had retreated to his room to paw three times, and unfortunately, he was still not satisfied. He could feel his cock aching, pressing against his basketball shorts to beg for attention, but he simply groaned and tried to ignore it. Maybe his mother wouldn't notice.

He reached down into his shorts and lifted his member, tucking it into the waist band. He wasn't even completely hard yet, but his cock was already pressing against his belly button. It was a tough life being a stallion. He began walking slowly, trying not to move too much, because he knew if he moved too fast, his cock would pop out from under the waist band to point at his mother, and he didn't want that. Did he? Yeah, he really did, but he had to restrain himself.

"Smells amazing mom. What are we having?" Leo asked as he walked into the kitchen, but as he looked to his mother by the stove, he froze. His jaw snapped open, and if it could have detached, it would have been on the floor in an instant.

"We're having some steak with green beans and garlic mashed potatoes, and for dessert, I was thinking a crème pie." She responded with her back to him. She was wearing nothing but a cute blouse that hugged to her every curve and a thong. The shirt was a beautiful shade of red, accenting her white and black spotted fur, and the thong was jet black, really making it seem like it could be part of her, but he knew they could easily be pulled down, and that was the thought that drove him insane. He could see her perfectly round ass right in front of him, plump and ready to be smacked and grabbed, even pounded. His cock was throbbing against his stomach now, fully erect. Maybe she still wouldn't notice.

"M-Mom what are you wearing?" He asked in a shaky tone, swallowing hard.

"It was hot. I was getting all sweaty while I was cooking. So, I just decided to take my pants off." She responded in a sweet, innocent voice as if she had no idea what her body was doing to him. She may have sounded innocent, but he could see the mischievous look that lurked behind her eyes, pacing back and forth like a predator. She knew what she was doing. She had to.

He couldn't even respond. He couldn't even move forward or take his eyes away from her. His cock was practically screaming in his pants for release. He managed to take one step forward and fall into a chair at the table, but that's all he could do. The table was already set with plates and cups, and he was simply left to watch his mother prance around the kitchen, teasing him with her every move. She walked to the fridge, gently opening the door and cocking her hip to one side as if she was trying to decide something.

"What would you like to drink?" She asked seductively, looking back over her shoulder at him. Her voice was so smooth, and as he took in the scents of the kitchen, he was sure that he could smell something besides the food. It was something sweet with a hint of spice, and his mouth was watering to try it. It was the same scent that he had taken in after stealing some of her panties. She was wet.

"Whatever." He responded quickly, feeling his heartbeat pounding in his chest. It felt as if his heart was beating itself against his rib cage, and just then, he realized how desperately he wanted to be beating himself as well.

His mother smiled, turning her head back to the fridge, and she teasingly bent over, reaching to the very bottom of the fridge to grab a bottle of water from the lower drawer. As she bent, she spread her legs a bit, letting him see the cute lump in her thong where her lower lips were. He could almost make them out, and his hand instinctually gripped his cock, beginning to rub himself through his shorts. He couldn't even control himself. He was so horny that his body would not let him remove his hand from his cock, and he sat at the table, stroking himself to the site of his mother's ass and pussy lips even if they were partially hidden by her thong.

"I hope water is okay." She said innocently, swaying her hips from side to side before she slowly stood up straight. Her long, black hair fell in strands over her back, and Leo could see himself moving the wisps to the side to gently kiss her neck from behind. He longed for it.

"Y-Yeah, water is fine mom, thank you." He said in a hushed voice, swallowing hard. The familiar itch was beginning to crawl over his skin once again, tickling each hair and giving him goosebumps along with a gentle throb in his cock. He needed release, and he needed it soon.

Ever since he had watched the video of his mother pleasing herself, he couldn't even look at her without getting a hard on. He woke up most mornings dripping pre-cum and gently humping his pillows to the thought of her, and by the way she was acting, he thought that she knew. Did she know how badly he wanted to be inside of her? Did she want it too, or was she just teasing? He was so confused. A good portion of his blood was no longer in his head, and the throbbing sensation in his groin wouldn't let him think straight.

"Is there something wrong? You seem really distracted." She said softly, biting her bottom lip. "Are you sick? Mama can fix it." She whispered in a seductive tone, leaning forward over the table until her breasts were inches from his face, horrendously trapped in her tiny blouse. So badly he wanted to latch on to one.

"I-I... F-Fuck..." He whispered in response, feeling himself shiver. His primal instincts screamed for him to bed her over and fuck her, but he was trying desperately to restrain himself. What if she didn't want it?

"Aww, baby, you are sick. You can't even speak. Dinner can wait. Go up to your room and lay down. I'll be up with some medicine." She said softly, and Leo practically jumped from his seat.

He needed to get upstairs. He needed to rub himself; he needed to cum. He didn't even remember how he got to his room. He knew he must have sprinted though, because before he knew it, he was laying on his bed with his pants around his ankles and his throbbing cock pointing straight to the ceiling. He shivered in need, feeling the itch in his skin gnawing at every part of his being for release. He gripped his cock with one of his thick hands and began to stroke it, biting his bottom lip as he thought of his mother.

"What are you doing?" Came a soft voice from the door, and Leo jumped, but he didn't stop rubbing himself. He couldn't. His body simply would not let him stop. So, he laid there, rubbing his thick, long cock right in front of his mother with no intensions of stopping.

"I c-can't stop mama." He whispered softly, blushing as the words left his mouth.

"That's okay baby. Mama brought some medicine to fix it" She said softly, stepping forward into his room. She walked to his bed and gently lifted the shirt she had been wearing over her head. It landed in a heap on the floor, leaving her completely naked in front of Leo. "A big dose of mama's love can fix anything."

With those words, a hot stream of pre-cum drizzled from the flared head of Leo's cock. His mother seemed to smile in response, and she looked down at him, gently taking his paw off of his cock. Leo whimpered, needing his cock to be stimulated, but his mother shook her head. "No touching your cock big boy. That's bad. Now, you've been a naughty boy, sneaking into my room and watching my sexy videos. Not to mention the panties of mine that I keep finding under your pillow." She smirked and crawled onto the bed, kissing his cock just below the flared head. Her soft lips made his body ache, and she smirked as she trailed her lips down his hardened shaft, making her way down until she reached his sac. She gave each orb a gentle suck before pulling away, and she could hear her son whimper for more.

"I'm... sorry mama, please let me touch my cock." He shivered, feeling the itch grow stronger and begin to bite at his skin. It was seeping into his fingers now, threatening to eat him alive if he didn't satisfy it.

"You paw constantly these days. I keep finding cum stains all over your sheets and your boxers. I even find spots on my sheets and my panties. You're just a horny little boy, and since you've been stealing mama's panties. I think you need to be punished. Stealing is wrong." She smirked, and Leo shivered. He was so confused. He still couldn't think straight, but he wasn't going to move. He was at her command.

"What are you going to do mama?" Leo asked, and Sky smirked, biting her bottom lip.

She crawled up until she was on her knees next to his chest, and with one swift movement, she swung her leg over him so that she was facing his headboard and straddling his broad shoulders. Her pussy was right in his face. He had never been this close to a pussy before, but he knew what to do. He most certainly couldn't think, but his body took over. His instincts knew exactly what she wanted. He lifted his strong hands and gripped both of her ass cheeks, kneading them in his hands and using them to push her forward to sit onto his long muzzle. His nose was cold, and as he pressed it to her hot lips, his mother shivered and let out a soft moan. Leo wasted no time in pleasing her. He had waited too long for the opportunity to drag it out now. He had sniffed her scent so many times that it was almost like air to him, but having it this close to his face sent his head into a dizzy spell. He immediately began licking at her folds, diving his tongue deep into her pussy with as much force as he could muster.

Her taste was nothing short of heaven. It was almost like a liquid silk that tasted of the sweetest dessert he could imagine. It was a unique taste that couldn't be rightfully compared to any other delicacy, and it drove him wild. His hands grasped at her ass cheeks, pulling her even more forward into his muzzle, hoping it would allow his tongue to reach more depths. His muzzle was already soaked with her juices as he licked. It was obvious that she had been wet for him before, and from the sounds of her moans, he knew she was enjoying it.

Sky was gripping the headboard hard, arching her back and enjoying her son's tongue. She could feel him plunging his tongue inside of her and dragging it back across her sensitive walls, teasing all the muscles inside. His nose was cold, and with every lap of his tongue, it brushed against her clit, giving it a tiny flick. It wasn't much, but it was enough to make her hips buck forward and her pussy throb in response.

"That's it!" She called out, shivering on top of him. It had been too long since she had been pleasured like that. She focused on her son more than any other man, and after she found out how badly he wanted her, she couldn't refuse. She was going to give him exactly what they both wanted.

His hands were so big. She could feel his nails digging in to her plump ass, but she didn't care. She loved it more than anything. She could sense his desires for her in the way his fingers twitched and clutched at her skin, and at the very same moment, she could feel her needs growing with each lick. She needed more than just his tongue to lick her pussy. She needed a good stretch.

"Stop!" She called out a bit breathless, feeling her pussy beginning to tighten as she neared a climax, but she wanted to cum on his cock. "That was great baby." She said with a smirk, and she slowly moved her hips back and leaned down to kiss him. He eagerly returned the kiss, feeling his cock throb from the thought of being inside of her and the thought that she was tasting her own juices on his lips.

"You know, you have a very large cock, and not many girls are going to be able to take you like mama can." She said with a grin, having to raise her hips high in order to even let the head press to her pussy.

He nodded and looked down at his shaft, seeing the size difference between her pussy and his shaft. She was a busty mare with wide hips and large breasts, but he could feel with his tongue how tight she was, and he wasn't sure that he could fit. The head of his cock already seemed too wide for her pussy to take.

"Can I fit?" He asked softly, worried he was going to hurt her.

"We'll make it fit baby. I promise you won't hurt me." She smirked and slowly pushed down onto his cock. She had to use a bit of force, but as his flared head popped inside of her, she let out a loud moan and slowly began to sink the rest of the way down onto his shaft, letting her pussy lips glide to the base.

A vision of a scolding sheet of white flashed across Leo's vision, temporarily blinding him in passion. It was like nothing he had ever felt before. Her walls were gripping him so strongly, tighter than his hand ever could. Her folds felt like the finest threads of silk with his cock wrapped snuggly inside the hot, wet sheet. The heat radiating from her walls was almost overwhelming, but his cock simply throbbed and welcomed the warmth. His hips bucked forward on instinct, sliding several more inches into his mother, and she squealed in pleasure, still trying to take every inch.

"Fuck!" She called out. Her walls were being stretched wide, wider than they had in years. She could feel the way his throbbing shaft forced her walls apart, and she could also feel the way her pussy desperately tried to tighten to push him out. Her walls clenched his shaft, and as he bucked upwards, she felt him ram against her back wall, making her whole body go limp for an instant in pleasure. No one had ever reached that deep, and his cock was still several inches from being hilted.

Leo was lost in his pleasure, wanting nothing more than to be hilted inside of his mother's burning pussy. He reached forward and gripped her hips hard, letting his nails dig into her skin. He began bucking upward at the same time that he pulled her hips down, and Sky screamed in bliss, arching her back for him. Her hair fell in long strands along her back, swaying from side to side with each bounce of her ass, and Leo took that opportunity to buck harder, making her fall forward without notice. She was shocked, but it was exactly what he wanted. She was now leaned over him with her breasts bouncing inches from his muzzle. Leo latched onto her left breast, taking her hard nipple in between his lips and beginning to suck as hard as possible. His mother wiggled in delight, trying desperately to get her breast from his mouth, but he wouldn't let her. With a grin, he continued to suck and bucked inside of her like a wild stallion, loving the way his cock made her squirm and writhe in bliss. As he took her, his mother's walls tightened and clenched on his shaft, making him gasp and lose hold of her nipple temporarily. White speckles danced across his vision from the tightness, and he began to drool. His mother had been soaked before, but a new wave of wetness erupted from her lower lips as he reattached to her supple breast, and her hips bucked back and forth in wild circles. She had orgasmed for him. Playfully, he began grinding his teeth on her nipple, teasing the sensitive flesh until his mother squirmed in pleasure. Her pussy was drenched and so was his lap, but he had no intentions of stopping.

With a loud pop, he unlatched her nipple. "I missed sucking on your tits mama." He said innocently, as if he was a little boy again. His mother's pussy gave a naughty throb in response, and he couldn't help but smirk.

Before she could answer, he latched onto the other nipple, sucking hard and rubbing the tip in between his tongue and teeth. This caused his mother to squeal, and suddenly, he had an urge to make her drool. He stopped bucking and instead pulled her hips down as far as he could onto his shaft, feeling her womb still denying his cock. For pleasure, he let her grind on his throbbing member for a few more moments. She rocked her hips back and forth, grinding her throbbing lips on his thickness, feeling it teasing her cervix. She knew he wanted inside of her womb, but she wasn't sure he could get there. His father had tried many times with no success.

"You won't get any deeper than this baby boy." She said softly, shivering as the younger stallion gave her nipple a hard nip in protest.

"The fuck I won't." He said sharply. His voice had changed. It was deeper and far more aggressive in nature. He was no longer trying to think. Leo was letting his instincts guide him, and they were doing a wonderful job of telling him what to do.

Leo wanted to be hilted inside of his mother, but he knew he couldn't do it with her on top. He needed to have leverage and a good angle. With a loud growl, he used his hands to guide her hips, throwing her onto her back beside him. She blushed a deep red, wondering what he was doing, and before she knew it, her son was lifting her legs, setting them onto his shoulders. He looked so handsome from this angle. His chiseled chest and young, thick cock were both easy to see, and her pussy gave a throb just from the sight of him. Leo enjoyed the view as well. He could view his mother's pussy, dripping and waiting to be penetrated once more as well as her plump breasts and beautiful face. They were all for him. He made sure that her knees were secure on his shoulders and slowly bent her like a lawn chair, making her knees get close to her head and her hips lift from the bed. It was the perfect angle, and with no trouble at all, he penetrated her again, pushing his cock directly to her cervix without a second thought. His mother's eyes rolled back, and she gasped loudly to the sky. He didn't want to give her any time to adjust, and he began thrusting hard, rocking his hips back and forth to fuck his mother. She began to scream, wiggling her hips from side to side in bliss. She had only heard how wonderful this position was, but she had never experienced it for herself. His cock, which stretched her walls wider than a tennis ball, was hitting her g-spot with each thrust, sending her body into a state of overstimulation. All of her nerves were firing, making her hips buck and her legs twitch in bliss each time he rammed inside of her.

"You like this mama? You're practically drooling." He growled, gripping her left leg with his strong arm as he thrusted faster and harder, gaining momentum. Leo watched as her breasts bounced forward with each plunge, bobbing on her chest back and forth to show him how fast he was pounding her. He could feel his mother's walls tightening harder, and he knew that was a sign for her second climax.

With a moan, he reached down with his free hand and began to stroke her clit with his thumb, spelling his name in tight strokes just to tease her. Sky lost control of herself in an instant, cumming all over him, and Leo watched as her juices squirted out from around his shaft to coat his groin and sac like a firehose.

"That's it mama. You look like you're having fun." He smirked and watched his mother's body twitch and ache. She was moaning so loudly that she couldn't even speak, and Leo loved watching her writhe in pleasure.

"F-Fuck Y-Yes!" She called out, panting hard as her voice almost failed her. She couldn't see straight. Her mind was clouded with lust and pleasure and with each thrust from her son, she could feel her body react with another buck of her hips and a tight throb of her walls. Her toes were curled in bliss to the point that she thought they could break, but she didn't care. With each penetrating rock of Leo's hips, Sky could feel her back wall weakening. It was only a matter of time before he was able to enter her womb and hilt inside of her like no other male had done.

Sky gazed down and watched as her son pounded at her pussy. She could see his cock disappearing inside of her, except for the last eight inches, and pulling back covered in her wet, slick juices. Her pussy was already so sore, throbbing in protest from how hard it was being fucked, but Sky simply loved it. There was no better feeling in the world than being sore from great sex.

"Deeper!" Sky begged, and as Leo thrusted harder, Sky had to grip his strong arms to stay still. Her nails practically dug into his skin, but he didn't notice. His adrenaline was pumping too much for him to feel the pain. Everything simply felt like pleasure.

"Yes mama!" He said, reaching both of his hands down to grip her hips in an almost feral manner. With her legs on his shoulders and a tight grip on her hips, he rammed himself inside of her, holding her hips in place to receive his full length. Her back wall remained strong in protest, but with a hard push, Leo managed to weaken it, and Sky screamed in bliss as her womb was filled with her son's thick shaft.

"Oh my god!" She screamed, practically breathless. Looking down, she could see that all of her son's shaft had disappeared inside of her. His hips were completely pressed to her pussy lips and she could feel the soft tickle of his happy trail fur on her clit. He was impossibly deep, and he stayed still for a few moments to let her shiver and grind on the cock that claimed her womb. Her hips were instinctually swaying back and forth to grind on his cock, and as she watched her hips move, she could also see the faint outline of his cock buried deep inside of her womb. Sky reached down, gently stroking her hand over her lower abdomen. She could feel his cock buried inside of her, throbbing wildly just beneath her skin.

"Tell me you love it mama." He whispered, leaning down to flick both of her nipples once more with his tongue, making her hips wiggle on his cock.

"I d-do love it. God it feels so fucking good. I can't imagine anything better." She whispered, and he smirked.

"So, you'd be upset if I took it away from you?" He asked with a grin, slowly starting to pull his cock out. He got halfway out before she gripped his arms and whimpered.

"No, No! Please don't pull out. I won't be able to stand it."

"Beg for me to fuck you mama." He whispered, leaning down to kiss her deeply and passionately, exactly how he had imagined doing so many times before. Her lips were soft against his, and they tasted so sweet. He continued to kiss her until she began to whimper once more.

"Please, fuck me baby boy. I want to be filled. I want all of that hot cum inside of my womb. From now on, I want your cum dumped inside of me instead of on your sheets. I want it all." She begged, biting her bottom lip as she grinded her aching pussy on his shaft.

He didn't respond with words, but he eagerly thrusted back inside of her, hilting her once more as her throbbing walls wrapped around him. He could feel every curve in her folds against his shaft, and he began to drool a bit as he thrusted back and forth inside of her. He bent her forward and reached up to grip her thigh with his nails as his other hand gripped her hip. He used all of his power to thrust, crashing his hips into hers and forcing every inch of his shaft into her pussy with no mercy. He wanted to please her, and Sky wiggled her hips back and forth in bliss on the bed. She absolutely couldn't sit still. All of her muscles were aching in bliss as her pussy stretched, and she couldn't control herself anymore. Her hips bucked, her toes curled, her breasts bounced, her pussy throbbed continuously, and she couldn't find a single place to put her hands. She could only feel her body nearing a third climax, and she arched her back off the bed, ready for the release.

As she was nearing her climax, Leo was nearing his own. He could feel his head flaring against her walls. He wanted desperately to fill her womb with his hot seed, because he knew that would mean that he could claim her as his own, and he had been dreaming of that moment for months.

"I'm gonna cum mama." He said in a broken voice, feeling his own body tingling with sensation as his cock throbbed and his sac tightened.

"Yes! Yes! Please!" She called out.

With one last, hard thrust Leo hilted himself inside of his mother, making sure that every inch was buried as deep as possible before his cock seemed to shiver. He could feel the thick torrent of cum erupt from the head of his cock in hot spurts and fill her womb. His hips gave small, gentle thrusts with each rope that filled her, and he let out a soft groan of pleasure, gripping her leg and hip hard with his nails to hold his newly claimed mate in place. He watched as his mother arched her back off of the bed and climaxed hard for him. Her walls gripped him almost painfully, and he watched as her pussy juices squirted out around his shaft once more, coating his happy trail fur, his sac, and the bed. She seemed to squirt continuously for a good few seconds, and he loved the way that the hot juices felt around his cock.

Sky felt full. Her stomach was bloated with cum, and she felt her head spinning around in circles from pleasure. Her eyes were heavy, and she was panting hard, feeling her sensitive spots tingling in delight. Leo started to pull out, but she gripped his arm.

"Don't, please stay inside me." She whispered, and he happily pushed back inside of her, letting his cock rest in her tight folds. She was so tight that he knew he would remain hard for hours, but if she wanted it, he wasn't going to say no.

"T-That was amazing." She whispered, feeling her body tired and aching from her nerves being overstimulated. She was sensitive all over, especially her lower lips.

"I love you." Leo whispered, gently lowering his mother's legs so that they could rest on his hips and he could lay his head on her chest.

"I love you too baby boy." She said softly, biting her bottom lip and leaning down to kiss him with a hot passion that was more from a lover than a mother.


Leo snapped back into the classroom moments before the class was dismissed. He could feel a soft wet spot in his shorts, and he sighed as he knew he had dripped a bit of pre, but he didn't care. He was used to it honestly. Quickly, he packed up his things, throwing everything into his backpack before zipping it and throwing the bag over his right shoulder. He held one strap and began to follow the rest of the crowd out of the classroom, giving the teacher a snide wink as he passed.

He made it to the hallway before a small hand caught his arm, and he turned to see a smaller feline standing behind him. He basically towered over her like a beast, and he noticed that it was the same girl that had been staring at him in class.

"Yes?" He asked with a smirk, wondering what she wanted. He had a pretty good clue though.

"Hey, I'm Samantha." She said with a purr, biting her bottom lip. "I was wondering if you would maybe want to hang out sometime. We could study together or something." She said with a shy smile.

"Yeah? That what you want? You just want to hang out?" He asked, raising his eyebrow. He knew exactly what she wanted, and it wasn't to hang out. The lust filled look behind her eyes gave the little slutty kitten away.

Every female wanted his cock after they saw the size, but he hadn't been able to find a single one that could take it. He had several females come up to him and ask to "hang out" only to scream and beg him to stop after he was only ten inches in. The pretty kitty was no different.

"Yeah, I think we could have some fun together. You know?" She giggled, biting her bottom lip as she tried to steal a glance at his groin once more. He was still semi-hard, bobbing with every step, and he smirked at her. He was right. She wanted his cock.

"Sweetheart, if you could promise me that you could take the entire foot and a half, I might say yes, but sweet little girls like you beg me to stop before I'm even halfway in." He said with a smirk, and the feline's face turned a deep red.

"A... foot and a half?" She asked, her cheeks burning a deep red.

Leo raised one eyebrow and smirked. "Sure is. I'd rip that tiny pussy of yours wide open. Text me if you change your mind though. You can find my number around." She grinned, giving her a seductive wink before walking away.

Once back in his dorm, he threw his backpack down onto the sofa and went straight to the fridge, grabbing a Gatorade. He was still thinking about his mother. It had been too long since he saw her last, and he hated it. Just as he was about to call her, his roommate entered the front door. His roommate was a mutt, definitely no match in size or build to Leo, but he had the same little kitten attached to his arm that had been begging to get fucked only half an hour before. Leo smirked, knowing she had gone for the smaller male instead of him. Could he really blame her?

"Leo! What's up man! You know, there are some big parties going down this weekend. Are you going to stay here and hang?" The mutt asked with a smirk, pulling the female closer to his body. "We can all have a fucking good time." He said with a laugh, emphasizing the word "fucking."

"I totally forgot about that." Leo responded, smirking a bit.

"You forgot about Beta Sigs? They only throw the best fucking parties ever!" The mutt screeched.

"My mind has been other placed, but no, I'm gonna go home for the weekend. I have a good woman that lives in my hometown that can take my whole cock with no problems. I'd rather not waste my time on tiny bitches and get laid this weekend. My mother always said skinny bitches would be a waste of my time. She was definitely right." He smirked, winking at the kitten who was still blushing. She knew she couldn't take it.

"I'm going home." Leo said with a smirk. He wanted nothing more than to go see his mother to make up for lost time.

"Well, have fun." The mutt said, pulling the female toward his room.

"Oh, I will." Leo replied, and as he was left alone in the room, he could feel his cock beginning to harden once more as he thought of his beautiful mother waiting for him. "Mama, here I come."