Waffles and Fun

Story by Coinsettia on SoFurry

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A story I did for Thursday_Prompt which, this week, was waffles. It's a cute little story I wrote very quickly today that I hope will appease all of you with waffle fetishes out there. I even drew the thumbnail myself, which I'm pretty proud of considering I did it with just on sale colored pencils, a ballpoint pen, and tutorials off YouTube.

Also, if you want to join in on the waffle fun, I've included the link this week's prompt right here. Don't be afraid to join us! http://www.furaffinity.net/view/19467886/

Also, I hope you enjoy my story! :-)

"Morning already?" the drowsy feline moaned, blinking away the intruding sunlight that molested her eyelids. She turned over, trying to feign ignorance over the vile substance that intruded through an unshut curtain. But turning away did no good, as the sunlight knew no boundaries and bounced off the walls to continue fondling her eyelids with their harsh embrace.

At last, though, she could stand it no longer and said aloud, "Alright, I'm up, I'm up, vile sun," and slinked out of the the covers that clung to her frail form as she attempted to sit up in bed. Raising her arms, she stretched sleep-stiffened muscles and, opening and closing her hands, she tried to grasp the energy she needed to wake up.

Finally, rubbing her eyes, she at last found the courage to stand and removed herself from the blanket's cloth grip. Releasing a deep yawn, she took today's first step forced a foot forward, mumbling to herself, "I didn't get enough sleep..," only to then collapse entirely to the ground with a loud "Bang!".

Her hand instantly went to her rump as it seared with pain from last night's activities. She fell for the old, "Hey, can you pick up my keys for me? I think I dropped them over there," and last night she had been up for hours feeling the keys up her asshole. Fuck, she was still sore. But gripping the support of the bed, she stood once more. Briefly observing her lover in bed, a muscular tomcat still deep in slumber, she quickly got dressed in little more than a bra and shorts and then departed to begin the day's routine.


Popping waffles into the toaster, she stopped only to inhale the familiar crispness as it descended into the steel intestines of the toaster. The life-giving smells wafted through the air and greeted her nose with the invigorated smells she needed to continue on with the day. That wonderful smell never got old. She smiled and then moved about the kitchen as she assembled the extra ingredients she needed for her morning masterpiece.

"Bananas, strawberries... mmm, yummy... peanut butter," the feline mumbled to herself as she gathered the items throughout the kitchen. Suddenly, though, she stopped and pondered as a serious crime came to mind. "But where's the syrup?"

She searched the cabinets, closet, refrigerator. But none was to be found.

"Looking for the syrup?" a voice asked from behind. But before she could turn, warm, meaty hands reached around her frail form to fondle the small lumps of flesh that clung to her chest.

"Aiden?!" she gasped aloud, "Did you steal my syrup?"

Her boyfriend, Aiden promptly answered, "You betcha I did."

"Well where is it?" she asked. Although she soon got her answer as it was hastily poured upon her succulent cleavage. She could only gape her mouth open as brown liquid soon ran down her breasts, staining the bright yellow bra she was wearing.

She screamed, "I got this bra from my grandma! What are you doing?!"

"Oh, no worries, I can fix this," he promptly answered back as her bra soon unhinged and fell to the ground, leaving her plump breasts swinging in their exposed nudity. Then, meaty fingers invaded the sanctity of her knockers to work the sticky fluids into her soft fur.

"Ohh... Aiden," she moaned, "You're lucky I don't have work today." But the only response she got were loud slurps on the side of her neck as plump lips worked to ease the tension from her mind. She soon closed her eyes as love's dusk quickly fell upon her and she fell into an enchanted stupor.

Her passionate slumber was short-lived; however, as she suddenly could feel a large protrusion poking into her backside. Her eyes immediately split open.

"Aiden?!" She shouted, "Are you n-n-naked?"

"Is there a problem with that?" he questioned back at her. Her body shivered in pleasure to the tantalizing words that trailed across her neck.

"No," she breathed.

"Good," he answered back, spinning her whole body around to at last see the face of his lover.

He gazed into the crystal-clear eyes that belonged to the dirty-brown feline he adored so much. She did much the same, staring into the onyx eyes of the snowflake-white, muscular feline she recognized as her lover. In his nakedness, his thick abs stood exposed to glaring sunlight and shined with the same blocky perfection as that of her, still toasting, waffles.

Their eyes locked, her lover found this the impeccable opportunity to place his lips upon her hers. Leaning closer, his robust lips radiated lust onto hers, his warm breath enough to stain her virginity. She closed her eyes out of lust and waited for her lips to be seized by his.

And waited... and waited... and waited...

She opened her eyes. In her arousal, she hadn't even noticed that the waffles had risen from the graze of the toaster's steel depths. They just stood there, grand obelisks praised by the sun as they stood there awaiting consumption. Her mouth watered.


Called by her name, she looked over at her lover, and she was shocked as she witnessed her boyfriend's lovely eyes completely grazed by tears.

"Arian...?" she asked back.

"You made waffles for yourself, but not for me," he whimpered, brushing a tear away from his eye with his finger. His eyes suddenly opened and he began to scream, "BAD GIRL!"

Panicking, she took a few steps back, "No, I was going to make some for you, I swear?" She wasn't able to finish however, because as fast as it took for the waffles to spring from the toaster, she was bent over the kitchen counter, shorts, panties and dignity all pulled down, receiving brutal spankings from her most beloved.


"Do you think I like doing this to you?!" he shouted viciously.

"No! Please!" she shrieked as a brutal hand to her rump sent flesh quivering like the star-spangled banner. She howled in pain.

"What made you so selfish as to keep all the waffles to yourself?!"

"No really! I wasn't?!" Another loud spank sent her lurching forward in pain.

"There's only one solution to deal with waffle thieves like yourself," as he said that, she instantly felt the threat of meaty pole against her tailhole.

"No please!" she pleaded, "I'm still so sore!"

"You should've thought of that before being so selfish!" With that, he shoved his massive rod of flesh into her asshole, forcing it to expand beyond discomfort to accommodate his massive shaft. She winced in pain as his dick grinded against her inflamed anal walls, his prick pushed forward only by what little pre leaked from the tip of his shaft.


His testicles became wrecking balls and his penis a spear that cut through her flesh. Every flesh dividing thrust into her asshole forcing her to cry out in pain. The torture was almost unbearable as every time his hips pistoned, his cock went a little bit deeper into her bowels. The intolerable pain forced her to cry out, "Please, pull it out! I'll give you a blowjob, but please, pull out! I'm just too sore!"

He spanked her, only adding to the pain she was currently enduring as her rump earthquaked in pain. She clamped her teeth together, biting down on mercy, and tried to imagine something. Anything to escape the pain. At last she opened her eyes and saw it. Still basking in their steel bed. Waffles.

Despite the smell of musk that hung pungent in the air, the smell of waffles could still be traced and her mind clung to that warm and heavenly smell. She could imagine the crisp taste of them between her lips that she would immediately assault with her tongue. Running her tongue across the wheaty flesh, she would allow the delectable syrup to dribble down her greedy lips. Scraping a few crumbs off her cleavage, she would then swallow, lounging in relaxation to the warm fluids in her stomach that made her feel so magnificent. Then, finished with that bite, she eagerly open her mouth for the next visitor. This was heaven.

Suddenly, her daydream was interrupted by the cacophonous shouts of her beautiful torturer.

"You're looking at those waffles. See? I knew you were going to keep them all to yourself!" he accused.

"No, I?"

"You know what?! If you want them so badly, you can have them!"

Pulling out of her asshole with flesh singing fury, he lifted his throbbing hard-on to spray his delicious man fluids upon her branded backside. The white fluids soon began to pile on top of her full rump, staining her gorgeously brown fur. That didn't disturb her as much, though, as sight of her boyfriend running over to the toaster to grab her prized waffles between strong fingers.

"My waffles!" she cried out. Her worry was for nothing though, as he soon returned them to her, slamming the duo of waffles into her cleavage with a sloppy splash. Then, satisfied with the mess he made of her breasts, he stomped out of the room in anger.

It was then, at long last, her eyes looked over to praise the breakfast, bathing between her knockers, she lusted for so thoroughly. Delicious, delectable, scrumptious waffles. Beautiful, gorgeous, stunning waffles. A breakfast so delicious that it deserved to be framed and all pancake lovers hanged.

Not to mention the meal that described her own self so well. Cooked thoroughly and coated in delicious syrup.