Entry 29

Story by KitTheSoulless on SoFurry

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#29 of Diary of an Awkward Youth

Dear Diary,

So, I figured out what the hell happened last week and I found it in one of those weird ass books from the shack. Apparently that thing in my dream was called an Incubus, a demon (which, seriously? Those actually exist?) that feeds off of sexual desires. This one must have had a few wires crossed cause I did NOT like that encounter.

Things since then have been pretty normal though. The boys left me be for a few days after I explained the dream, well sexually at least. It's been a week of comforting, hugs and reassuring snuggles otherwise, which I really don't mind much. I love them both dearly and I enjoy being held, so I really do enjoy snuggling with them regardless of whats going on.

As for the Incubus, apparently this sort of thing happened a lot when the last residents lived here, so they looked into how to deal with ghosts and demons. I can't say it's really that far fetched either really, the rituals are pretty strait forward and it doesn't involve sacrifices or silly robes like what you see in the movies. A good example is a threshold ward. Apparently it's as simple as sweeping up a pile of dust, sweeping it out the door and saying , "You're not welcome here."

As for the other stuff, I think the boys and I are going to try it some time soon. They've been good about not bugging me about anything sexual for a week or two now and even if it doesn't work, it'd be a treat for them. Besides, I've always wondered what it'd be like to have sex on a bed covered in rose petals.