SNG Ch5. How to eat Cherries

Story by Deca4531 on SoFurry

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#5 of Sara's New Groove

Tommy if offered help by old friends and new as his last wish grants him what he wanted most, or did it?

A sudden cold feeling began to fill Tommy's body along with a feeling of damp heaviness. Gradually Tommy drifted back to consciousness just as the memories of his most recent nightmare drifted away. He became aware of the sound of rushing water; in fact, he could feel it pelting him. The ground under him was hard as a rock and just as cold. Tommy tried to open his eyes, then tried to open them again, only then did he realize that wherever he was pitch black. Was he outside in the rain? No that couldn't be right, there would be at least some moonlight. Standing up he began to brush himself off and discovered another strange fact, he was naked!

With his hands held out in front of him, he began to creep forward. After only a couple steps he discovered a wall, and not only that, he had apparently walked out of the raid. After a bit more fumbling Tommy's hands closed over a couple of round knobs and he finally realized where he was. Turning the knobs, he shut off the flow of water to the shower heads and began to make his slow way to the locker room door where the light switches would be.

When at last he was dried and dressed he made his way out into the school. The sun had long since set and the building was deserted, even the janitors had all gone home. Somehow the place felt wrong like this, with its hallways empty and its classrooms eerily silent. In a strange way, he felt like he was walking inside the remains of some great beast now long since dead.

"You can't kill the Beast." whispered a voice in Tommy's ear so close to him he could feel the warm breath on the back of his neck.

He whipped around as his heart leapt into his throat and at the same time took a step back. This proved to be too complicated an action for him at the moment and his legs got tangled up in themselves, leaving him to fall back and land heavily on his rump. Before him, adorned in a cheerleader's uniform, which was already revealing by design and yet was somehow even more so on her, stood Sara with her customary innocent smile beaming down at him.

"I must say, I'm impressed," She said as she reached down and pulled him to his feet. "It took quite a while for those hot water tanks to run out. Guess we know where the education budget disappeared to.".

He stared at her bewildered for a long moment. "What am I doing here? Why was I in the locker room?"

With a shrug Sara put an arm around Tommy's waist and led him down the hallway "Simple really, what you desired didn't go quite as you expected and so after..." She paused and thought for a moment "after things fell apart you were sort of... reset so you could try again."

Tommy nodded as he pretended to understand "ok... So why don't I remember what went wrong?"

Sara's smile deepened into a grin, the mechanics involved in that answer were confusing even to her but she came up with something that was kind of true "Well basically you don't remember because it sort of no longer happened. And since it didn't happen there is nothing to remember." Tommy gave a more confident nod, it seemed to make sense. By this time they had reached the school's main entrance, its double doors bound by a thick chain and a heavy padlock. As Tommy inspected the door for some way he might be able to slip out he heard Sara say behind him "So have you given any thought on what to try next?".

With a sigh, he gave up on the door and turned back to the smiling feline "Nothing worth trying, but I'll come up with something soon." He felt a cold breeze on his back and turned to find the doors standing wide open, the chain lying still locked on the ground "Don't keep me waiting too long." Came Sara's voice from behind him again, but as he turned back to her he found the hallway once again empty. A shiver ran up his spine and he told himself it was just the cold breeze, after all, he had only imaged the subtle hardness in her last comment.


During the long walk home Tommy tried to clear his head and focus on the task at hand. Making her jealous apparently hadn't worked, nor had impressing her. As he turned the corner and made his way up the path to his front door his thoughts were interrupted as he suddenly noticed a figure sitting on his doorstep. They had their knees pulled up to their chest and their head rested on them. After several long moments passed and the figure didn't move Tommy realized they were asleep. He crept closer and as he did so he realized he recognized who it was. Placing his hand on Crystals shoulder he gave her a little shake.

"Huh, what?" She groaned as she uncoiled her stiff limbs. She shook her head to clear the sleep from her mind then looked up at Tommy. All at once the look of tired confusion evaporated and was replaced by relief and joy. Jumping up she wrapped her arms around Tommy's neck "Oh Tom, I've been so worried about you. When I didn't see you after gym class I began to grow concerned. I decided to wait here for you to come home and I must have fallen asleep." she squeezed him a little tighter "I was beginning to think something horrible had happened to you."

After a long and uncomfortable silence, he gently pulled her off of him. "I'm fine, I just... Fell asleep in the locker room and got locked in, it took me a while to find a way out."

Crystal chuckled shyly as she stared at her feet, then something caught her eye and she reached down for it. Up until then Tommy hadn't noticed the small object that had been sitting next to her. "I've been doing some research on that Sara person." she declared proudly, "I think I have discovered what she is." Opening the book, she flipped through a few pages then handed it to him.

Tommy looked from the book to his friend then back again. Marking the page with his thumb he turned the cover over and read the title aloud "Modern Myths and Legends." he gave Crystal a look but she just gestured back to the book. He began to read and as he did so he heard Crystal start to speak.

"They are called a bunch of different things: Deal devils, Crossroad demons, djinns. The names are all different but one thing is the same: they are bad news." She pointed to a line of text "It says here they grant a person what they wish for, but at the same time they use their powers to manipulate people and events and cause the wish to go horribly wrong."

Tommy pretended to read for a few minutes longer then snapped the book closed "Look, Crystal, I appreciate what you trying to do but you're wasting your time. Jennifer is what I've wanted for as long as I can remember and this is my best chance to get her." He handed her back the book and took a step towards the door. As his hand came to rest on the handle he heard her yell.

"But why? Why her? What so important about that stuck up airhead? What..." She trailed off, but Tommy knew her well enough to know what she had left unspoken. "What's she got that I haven't got?".

Tommy tried several times to come up with a response, but in the end just shrugged. He didn't look back at her, he didn't dare. He could hear the tears in her voice and he wasn't sure what he would do if he turned around and saw them too. As if that would make them all too real for some reason. "I'm... I'm sorry Crystal." He said at last before stepping into the house and quietly shutting the door behind him. He leaned his back against the solid wood of the door and waited, listening. He could hear her breathing in the still night air and the sound was made all the worse by the way it quivered. She was his friend and he desperately wanted to comfort her, but he knew if he did she would only continue to try to talk him out of what he was doing and he couldn't let that happen. Then he heard the soft footfalls and she made her way back to her own home. Tommy slipped slowly down to the floor and rested his weary head in his hands. There were so many thoughts bouncing around in his brain it made his head hurt. It felt like all the answers were right there for the taking yet forever just out of reach. With a sigh, he picked himself up and slunk off towards his bed. He tried to push all the other confusing feeling off to the side and focused on his goal, Jennifer. If he could just get her to fall in love with him he knew somehow everything would be ok.

"Sounds like you know what you want."

Tommy nearly yelped as the sweet tones of Sara's voice filtered down to him from the top of the stairs. He had been so tired he had just let his head hang slack on his shoulders and he wondered just how long she had been there. "Wha... What?" He asked still a bit dazed.

"I heard you, your thoughts, and it sounds like you know just what it is you want." He stared blankly at her for a long moment while his brain caught up.

"Oh, you mean about wanting Jennifer to love me? Are you saying you can do that?"

Sara made a back and forth tilting motion with her paw.

"Sort of. I can't make her LOVE you, but I can make her want and desire you."

Tommy's eyebrows furrowed as he rolled her words around in his mind. He was about to ask if that wasn't the same thing but instead said slowly "ok... Sure, why not. Let's try it that way." With her customary smile, Sara nodded.


Tommy groaned in pain and rolled over in bed. He had only gotten a couple of hours of sleep in after returning home last night and his body was feeling the effects of a night spent on a shower floor. At least it was Friday he thought as he threw back the covers and rolled out of bed. As he showered and dress he began to wonder just what he was going to say to Crystal when he saw her. Their encounter last night hadn't gone well and she was probably going to be heated about it, but at the same time, he didn't want to start avoiding his friends. He was still wracking his brain around this as he left the house and started down his normal route to school. He moved down the familiar streets and alleyways on auto piolet as he continued to think about his impending encounter with Crystal. Things were going to get dicey if he couldn't come up with something to say to her before he-

His thoughts were interrupted as someone stepped out of one of the allies directly in front of him. Had he been paying attention he might have avoided them but as it were he barreled right into the new arrival and the two of them fell to the ground in a confusion of waving arms and tangled feet.

"Would you watch where you're going to stupid... Tommy?" as Tommy picked himself up off the ground, rubbing his head where it had hit the pavement, he came to the sudden and horrifying realization that he recognized the voice. Tommy's mouth ran suddenly dry as he looked up into the surprised yet smiling face of a very familiar young Timber Wolf. "That is your name isn't it, Tommy Amaker?" Jennifer asked as she offered him a hand up. Tommy nodded dumbly, not trusting his mouth to be able to form words at the moment. "Listen, I wanted to say I thought you were pretty brave the other day to try and ask me out," She said, brushing off her steel blue fur "not many have the guts to just walk up to me like that." One corner of her mouth rose a little higher "Or risk incurring Brandon's wrath, he can be quite the jealous type." This last bit she said with exaggerated exasperation.

"Well, um, I... Uh... Thought you were worth the risk." he managed and was rewarded with a genuine smile.

"Aw, you're sweet. Tell you what, Mr. Sweet Guy, why don't we play hooky today and go hang out at the mall, it's too nice a Friday to spend it cooped up in some classroom." after her words made it through the cloud of shock and into Tommy's brain the young fox beamed and nodded enthusiastically.

Jennifer talked almost continuously the entire way to the mall. Tommy didn't mind of course, even though she was mostly talking about herself and how shallow this friend was or what a slut that friend was or how hard the teachers were on her with all the homework they gave her, which she, in turn, had a horde of "Friends" who were so nice to do it all for her. After a while Tommy just stopped listening to the words and just enjoyed that fact that she was talking to him, he figured he was safe in doing this since she hadn't actually engaged him in the conversation since she started.

After about an hour of walking and bus rides, they found themselves at the multi-outlet effigy that was their mall. Even though it was relatively early in the day the place was already packed and he noticed that they hadn't been the only kids to think this was too good a Friday to spend in school. Her arm draped over his shoulder and he felt a giddy feeling coursing through him. As they moved from shop to shop Tommy felt as if he was in a dream, she would try on dresses and ask him what he thought, even though he didn't have a bad thing to say about any of them. Once she found one she really liked she would ask him to buy it for her. Tommy learned quickly that Jennifer had long ago mastered the art of the Innocent Begging. By the time afternoon had rolled around Tommy's arms were several pounds heavier with almost a dozen different shopping bags, and his wallet felt several pounds lighter to be sure. Still he couldn't remember his life ever being better.

"Wow, I'm exhausted, no better exercise in the world than shopping, eh Tom?" Tommy nodded his head, since the bag strings he held in his teeth prevented him from talking. "You know I really had fun today, I wouldn't have thought you were such a cool guy but now I see I was wrong." Tommy felt himself blush as a warm, fuzzy feeling flowed through him. "Tell ya what," She said as they stepped onto the bus back to their neighborhood. "There's a party going on tonight, it's normally only for the "in crowd" but I have a feeling you would fit right in. Wanna' join me?" Tommy's jaw dropped and he almost dumped the bag.

"You-you mean it?" He asked as he followed her onto the bus and took a seat next to her.

She giggled "Of course I mean it, silly, you can be my date. Brandon was going to take me but he has been way too clingy lately, there was even a rumor going around that he tortured some kid in the showers for..." She trailed off and for a moment looked very confused. She put a hand on the side of her head and winced as if a sudden headache had struck her. "He, um, he... Well, whatever it was he has been way too possessive, I think he has forgotten that he is MY boyfriend, not the other way around." She looked over at Tommy and smiled in a conspiratorial way. "Well, was anyway." she placed her hand on his thigh as she said this.

The bus driver called back to announce the street, Jennifer's street, and Tommy felt his heart sink, but then her hand squeezed his thigh and she leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. A warm glow seemed to pass from her lips into his cheek and quickly spread throughout his whole body. This wasn't a peck either, she held the kiss just a second or two longer than a normal kiss like that before pulling away.

"Pick you up at midnight." She whispered before she gathered up her bags and stepped off the bus. Just before the doors closed she looked back at him with a sultry smile and shot him a wink.

Tommy was so stunned he couldn't think of a response and could only watch as the bus pulled away and she shrank away into the distance. Slowly he brought his hand up to the spot where she had kissed him. "wow." he breathed.


Tommy had just crept out of his front door, closing it with delicate slowness, when an orange jeep pulled up in front of his house. He spotted Jennifer in the front seat waving him over and he quickly ran up. She opened the door and he climbed in. An older boy he didn't know was driving and Jennifer was seated tightly between the driver and himself. Three others were standing up in the back and holding the roll bar, obviously enjoying the wind in their fur. The night hadn't even started yet and already he was nervous. The wolfess laid and arm over his shoulders like she had done before, the difference was, this time, she was squeezed tightly against him. He could feel her soft legs and silky blue fur of her thighs as they pressed into his, as well as the heat of her body. She seemed incredibly warm, like the warmest blanket in the world, and the way she had her arm around him gave him the impression she was trying to pull him even tighter to her.

No one said much as they continued towards their destination, but Jennifer would occasionally look over at him from the corner of her eye and he would see her smile in a way that made his loins tingle. More than once he had to discreetly check to make sure he wasn't pitching a tent, and on one occasion even had to slip out of his jacket and place it in his lap, claiming he was warm, which was an understatement. Jennifer had just grinned at him but said nothing.

Tommy thought of asking where it was they were going but he doubted he could have been heard over the rushing wind as they drove. It's not like it really matter to him either way. Their course led them down an old County Road and then turned off down a dirt road and followed it for quite some ways.

He was just beginning to become creeped out when he spotted a light to the trees and within minutes they had emerged on a large clearing occupied by over a dozen cars and twice as many people. At the center of the clearing was a large bonfire and circling it were logs that many people were sitting on enjoying drinks or in many cases enjoying each other. It reminded him of some kind of campground - though he had never heard of one this far out in the middle of the woods. After they disembarked Jennifer took Tommy by the hand and let them off towards a particular pickup truck that had several people milling around. Many of the occupants were quite older than the both of them, some even in their 20s. Despite this, they all greeted Jennifer as if she were of regular in the group.

"What's up Jen," Greeted an attractive female cheetah "where is that stallion fellow you're always here with?"

Jennifer gave a dismissive wave "I'm sure you all heard about his last game," she gave a little giggle "let's just say the field isn't the only place he's been having performance issues."

They all shared a laugh and a few even gave Tommy a slap on the shoulder or fist bump. One of the older boys reached into the cooler that sat in the bed of the truck and held out a couple of beers for Tommy and Jennifer. Jennifer took hers up easily and blew the older boy a kiss while Tommy was a bit more hesitant in accepting the gift. He leaned in closer to Jennifer so he could whisper in her ear

"Are you sure this is okay? We're not old enough to drink, after all." She gave him an incredulous but amused look and just smiled.

"Hey if you don't want it, it's cool, more for me." She giggled and took Tommy's beer as well and then popped the cap off of her own and chugged half the bottle right in front of them. The sight had Tommy transfixed, partly because he never thought that she drank or could do it so well, not to mention how beautiful her throat looked as she chugged down the beer. She gave a satisfied sigh as she lowered the bottle and then took Tommy by the hand started to lead him away. She started telling him who about the group was they had just been talking to. How this guy worked in his dad's auto shop or that guy was studying art in college, who was dating who, who was a slut and things of that nature.

She finished off her beer as she led him towards another group of people, this one of many mixed ages. She had already started drinking his beer as she introduced him to this new crowd. Tommy didn't say much other than the occasional hello or a fist pump or high five whenever Jennifer belittled Brandon or brag about him. This went on for quite a while as they move from group to group. It seemed almost everyone knew Jennifer and many were quick to offer her a bottle of this or shot of that when she visited. Tommy also received these offers but graciously refused. After more than a half hour of meet and greets, Jennifer led him towards the center of the gathering near the large bonfire. She was clinging tightly to him at this point as she was having trouble walking but Tommy didn't mind, quite the opposite in fact. Near the center, several other couples were dancing by the fire or simply sitting on the logs and cuddling.

Jennifer suddenly pulled him close and began to spin with him, sweeping him into a dance. Tommy placed his on her back as she pressed in close to him, but she soon pulled his hand lower so he held her by the small of her back. She nuzzled his neck as she murred softly, clumsily turning with him in slow circles. After a couple turned she rested her hand on his arm again, easing his hand slowly lower until it was holding her toosh. She gave a playful growl and bucked her hips into his while at the same time giving his neck a little nibble. Unfortunately, this proved to be too coordinated a move for her current state and their legs wound up tangling together, knocking them both onto the soft grass.

"Isn't this great? I wish every day could be like this." Jennifer giggled as she stretched out on the grass "You having fun Tom?" Tommy started to answer but only got out a few words before Jennifer interrupted him "Oh man I'm starving; Tom go grab me a hotdog would you?"

Tommy nodded and got up, one of the groups they had talked with had been barbecuing and so it wasn't hard for him to procure some food for her. When he returned, however, he found that she was sound asleep in the grass and even after giving her a shake she didn't wake up. He gave a sigh and left her food next before laying back himself and staring up at the stars.

After a few minutes of peaceful gazing at the stars, he was startled by the appearance of the face directly above him.

"Hello, there!" Said the newcomer; a female Rhesus Monkey from the looks of her. Long hair cascaded down around Tommy's face and he nearly sneezed as it tickled his nose. The newcomer giggled and smiled down at him "You must be new here, I know almost every one at these parties. My name's Mimi!" This new girl seemed so energetic Tommy could only describe as bubbling. He smiled back at her and sat up so that he could properly say hello.

"Yeah, uh, my name's Tom. Nice to meet you." He extended his hand to the new girl, but instead of shaking his hand she hauled him up to his feet and then wrapped him in a hug.

"Hmmm, it's nice to meet you, Tom!" She gave him a tight squeeze and Tommy couldn't help but be acutely aware of her large breasts as she pressed them into his chest. She seemed to be a several years older than him but was still a few inches shorter. He also found that she smelled quite nice too, like strawberries and cream. Once she let go of him she looked down at the sleeping Jennifer "Your friend there sure seems like a ball of fun."

He looked down at the sleeping Jennifer as well and shrugged "Yeah, I think she just had a little too much to drink tonight." This made Mimi giggle and when Tommy gave her a confused look she only laughed harder.

"I've seen that one here quite a bit, normally with some big equine boy. Most of the time the big meathead has her bent over a log by now, and if she isn't passed out before then she almost always passes out during. Not that it's ever stopped her partner in either event" She giggled again and shot him a wink.

Tommy found he wasn't really surprised by this information, that Jennifer is prone to drinking herself to sleep or that Brandon wouldn't care if she was passed out or not before having his way with her. That thought caused him to look around the party again and this time, he noticed many more couples were gathered around the large bonfire and were in the process of open lovemaking. Apparently his focus drifted amongst these couples a little too long because Mimi suddenly pressed up against him again, causing him to jump a bit in surprise, and then jump a bit higher as her hand rested the crotch of his shorts

"It's infectious isn't it?" She said casually as she gave his stiffening packages squeeze. "It's my favorite thing about parties out here, the freedom." She leaned in closer so that her lips were only inches from his ear and subsequently pressing most of her body against him. "No one's here to judge; it's all about what makes you happy, what feels good." She gave his earlobe a little nibble and giggled softly when she felt him twitch in her hand. "Since your friend there is already asleep why don't I show you just how pleasurable these gatherings can be." She gave him a soft kiss on the neck while at the same time giving his package another squeeze and Tommy couldn't help but notice he was fully hard by this point.

"I, um, don't know if I should..." Part of his brain was telling him that he should wait until his time with Jennifer, but a large part of his puberty dominated brain was screaming at him not to pass up any opportunity.

"If you're worried she'll wake up there's no need, she'll be out for hours, and considering the pounding I've seen her take while like that I doubt a roller coaster would wake her up." Mimi smiled as she looked into his eyes, and he found her look comforting, like the look an old friend would give you. She closed her eyes and started to lean in, obviously giving him time to back out if he really wanted to. Despite his hesitations, he soon found his own eyes drifting closed and before long her soft lips pressed his. The first kiss was gentle, allowing him a chance to appreciate the softness of her touch. Her second kiss was only a bit hungrier as she played with his lower lip and started to wrap her arms around him. She drew him down to the ground and this time as she kissed him she licked the outside of his lips ever so slightly. He didn't know how but she seemed to know this was his first time making out with a girl and he appreciated her easing him into it. When she kissed him again he felt comfortable enough to open his lips a bit and just brushed the tip of her tongue with his own. He felt her body shiver on top of him as he did and she gave him another squeeze.

Over the next couple minutes, she let him progress at his own pace, moaning approvingly as he started exploring her body with his hands. Tommy was amazed at how and soft she felt and when his hands slipped under her shirt and caressed up her sides she gave him a welcoming moan, and even ground her hips against his ever so slightly when his paws just barely brushed the sides of her breasts. As his confidence grew he started to become bolder with his explorations as he slid his hands low and under the waistband of her cutoff jeans to give her rump the firm squeeze. She quivered again and even lifted her ass up into his hands more. As he continued to grope her soft toosh she began gyrating her hips so that if she wasn't pressing her rump into his hands she was grinding against his aching erection. It wasn't long before Tommy worked up the courage to slide his hands under her shirt once again, this time going straight for her ample breasts. As he slid his paws over the supple mounds she broke off her kiss with him. At first, this unsettled him, he thought maybe he had gone too far, but Mimi only arched her back into his grip more and let out a throaty moan. She left her head tilted back as she openly moaned every time his hands would squeeze her or his thumbs brush her nipples. Tommy knew she was no doubt doing this to give him a better look at her chest while not forcing him to look her in the eye just yet.

She shifted her weight onto her hips and lifted her arms over her head, adding to her invitation to take off her shirt with a few reassuring hip thrusts. Nervously Tommy obliged her and slid the thin garment over her head and as soon as it came free she knelt back over him, this time shifting forward so that her breasts hung just over his face. Tommy had seen women do things like this in porn videos before, often forcing their breasts against their partners faces and having them suckle. Mimi didn't, however, she just sighed and moaned contently as he massaged her chest and let him do what he wanted with her. Such an invitation - and one so openly given to someone she had only just met, had Tommy quite off-balance. He found it hard to think, not only was the throbbing in his groin very distracting but with her bare body so close and the smell of her filling his nostrils he found that his every thought came harder and harder. Soon he just gave up on trying to figure out what was the appropriate thing for him to do and just let his body act on instinct. He lifted his head up and drew one for pink nipples into his mouth. Mimi gasped, and for an instant Tommy panicked, but she didn't pull away and soon began to moan loudly as his tongue ran over the sensitive flesh. With each passing moment, Tommy's confidence grew and he began to suck harder and squeeze more forcefully. He even wrapped his free arm around her waist and pulled her tighter against his hips. He felt Mimi's hand rested on the back of his head and give him a gentle caress before drawing him up into a sitting position. Once he was sitting up with her in his lap she began wiggling her hips again as she held his head tight against her chest, her other hand caressing his back.

"Hmmm, you're quite good at that you know." She groaned. Tommy was hardly aware of anything else as he began to rock his hips in unison with hers, his mouth moving from one stiffening nipple to the other as she gently stroked his head the whole time. After some minutes, he felt her hand press into his chest and pushed him back down onto the grass. This time, he did look right into her eyes and she smiled deeply at him. Then her eyes shifted down and he followed her gaze down her wet breasts, lines of his saliva still rolling down them, and then lower to where their hips met. A large wet spot had formed over Tommy's crotch, but even more noticeable was the much larger wet spot that covered Mimi's jeans. He watched her hand as it slid down his chest and over his tummy, lifting up slightly so only her fingertips trailed down, until eventually they touched the button of his jeans. The delicate fingers slowly undid the button and lowered the zipper and his throbbing member eagerly leapt free to meet her. If Tommy wasn't blushing hard enough already he felt like his face must have been as red as a cherry by now.

For several long seconds, neither one of them did anything, they both just watched as his cock bobbed between them, eager for any attention. Then he felt her shift her weight and she began to stand up. He wondered for a moment if maybe she was dissatisfied with him and was going to leave, but then she took a couple steps forward so that she stood over his head, then turned and dropped down to her knees again. Now her head was hovering over his crotch and her long hair draped down over his junk, its thin strands tickling the sensitive flesh making Tommy squirm. He could hear her giggling as she amused herself with making him writhe. Tommy gasped as he felt her breath wash over him and it took all of his control not to buck as she gently nuzzled his pulsing cock. He let his head fall back, worried that if you watched too closely the mere sight of a girl so close to his privates might make him pop.

His new view there wasn't much better - at some point, Mimi had unbuttoned her own cutoff jeans and lowered the zipper a couple inches so that he could see the small tuft of pubic fur and the slightest hint of pink. He was so busy imagining what must hide behind those last few inches of zipper, and how easy it would be for him to slide the loose fabric down her legs, that when he felt the warm, pillowy lips gently kiss the tip of his member he very nearly cried out. A shiver ran up his spine so strong that his whole body shook, to Mimi's great amusement. Mimi waited for the initial shock to wear off before planting another soft kiss on the fleshy head, and then another just along the shaft, and then another, moving lower and lower with each new kiss. The poor boy was already soaked in his own pre and she got a good taste of him with each little peck. When she reached the base she paused and brought her hand around gently cup his furry sack. She caressed the delicate orbs gently, lovingly even, and took a moment to simply enjoy the weight of them in her palm and the way she could feel his pulse racing through them. Sticking out her tongue she pressed it firmly to the base of Tommy's painfully erect shaft and dragged it upwards with practiced slowness. She felt his pulse jump and his squirms intensify, but her large breasts pressing into his stomach kept him well enough penned. As her tongue reached the pink tip she opened her lips and when she kissed him again she let it slip into her mouth and gave it a welcoming lap with her tongue.

The heavy smell of musk had her own thoughts swimming and she desperately wanted to gobble down this boy's cock and drink down every last drop of his seed. Despite this she took her time and went slow, it wasn't hard to tell her that he wouldn't last long if she did that and she wanted to make sure he fully enjoyed his first experience. Suddenly her head whipping back as unexpected stimulation caused her to cry out and it took all of her control to keep her hands from clenching as the sudden wave of sensation course through her.

While Mimi focused on controlling her desire to ravage Tommy she neglected to notice how much she had been wiggling her hips as her own need for attention grew. This caused her shorts to begin slipping down and Tommy was treated to an even more tantalizing view. Reaching up he hooked his thumbs into the waistband and helped ease them down until they fell away on their own. He looked back down at Mimi, but she seemed too preoccupied to have noticed. Now Tommy was treated to an unobstructed view and soon found himself mesmerized. Her loins were completely soaked, and the firelight reflected off of the slick flesh like dancing fireflies. He was amazed at how intoxicated he found the smell to be now that it was no longer contained. He suddenly realized that he wanted to have a taste of it, and as soon as the thought occurred to him it became overpowering. The sight of it looming over him and the heavy smell had him lunging forward in seconds. Despite Tommy's many years of pornographic studies he was still surprisingly ignorant of female anatomy. Had this not been the case he might not have chosen the small pink nub as his first target. Tommy's mouth opened as wide as it could as he drove forward, taking her whole mound into his mouth and giving it a mighty suck. His tongue darted forward and lashed at the tiny button at the top of her slit. In some small corner of his mind, he registered her crying out and might have thought he had done something wrong had he not been so focused on the succulent treasure between his lips. He didn't even notice her driving back against him until his head smacked against the ground and her weight shifted almost entirely onto his face. He didn't mind of course, and when she started thrusting her hips and grinding against his face he found that only made it easier for him to draw more of the sweet nectar into his mouth. She tasted like honey and peaches and once he got a taste he was instantly addicted. His tongue wandered endlessly, tracing every curve, every fold, and delving deep into the recesses of her body. This last exploration wrought the biggest rewards as Mimi moaned and screamed wildly and he found himself nearly drowning as her cum shot into his waiting mouth with all the force of a super soaker. Didn't take long for Tommy to figure out the right combination of licks and pokes to make her explode again and again.

"Oy!" Called a voice from above Tommy. He stopped what he was doing and opened his eyes to find an older canine standing right above him. "That's me' sheila you're givin' a gobby to!" The man growled. Tommy furrowed his brow in confusion, unsure if the newcomer - an Aussie, given the thick accent, was actually speaking English. The man knelt down and spoke again, this time very slowly and with as little accent as he could manage. "That's my girl you've got in your mouth."

All the blood drained from Tommy's face, as well as other places, and he began hurriedly trying to explain himself through the gag that was Mimi's cunt. Unfortunately, the only thing he managed was some unintelligible mumbles and a few more moans from Mimi.

"Joey... Stop scaring.... The poor kid..." Mimi panted a moment later, finally able to lift her shaking body enough to let Tommy talk.

Joey held his glare for another second or two before the corners of his mouth began to twitch. A moment later he burst out laughing and slapping his knee. "I'm just gammin' with ya, mate! Can't fault ya for havin' a naughty."

"Um, what?" Tommy asked. Joey chuckled and shook his head.

"I'm only joking with ya'." He clarified with a sigh "Mimi here's me girlfriend - but don't fret," he was quick to add, as a panicked look came over Tommy "We're swingers, mate, it's all good. Hell, I'd be insulted if ya DIDN'T!" He laughed again.

With some effort, Mimi managed to roll off Tommy. She sat back on the ground next to him, unconcerned that she was completely naked and on full display.

"You know, for a virgin you're damn good at eating pussy." She breathed. With another laugh, Joey gave Tommy a slap on the back as he sat up.

"That true mate, ya a noobie?" Tommy blushed deeply and managed a little nod. "That's Ripper! Better Mimi here than some root rat. And Mimi! How could ya be lettin' this poor bloke do all the work?"

Mimi giggled and looked a little ashamed. "Well, I tried. I wasn't expecting such an energetic response." Joey clicked his tongue admonishingly and Mimi mewed. "I'm sorry..." She said cutely, even throwing ln a little pout. She looked over at Tommy and broke into a grin. "I hope I can find some way to make it up to you." As she finished she turned over and stretched out on the grass, her long tail almost innocently brushing under Tommy's nose as she settled onto her belly. She resting her head on her arms as if settling in for a nap, and Tommy might have even believed that had she not left her ass propped up and her tail straight up.

Joey put an arm around Tommy's shoulder and pulled him in close. "My friend, it would be me' honor to help ya' discover the joy that is a Woman's Warmth, heh, or, at least, a nice, tight cunny." he gave Tommy a brotherly shake. "Oy, where's me' head, I never introduced me' self. The names Joey, heh, as I'm sure ya' guessed. I'm an exchange student, a good old Dingo from Down under, ha!"

Without missing a beat Joey pulled Tommy into position behind the monkey's eagerly raised tail. "Now first off," He began, like some wise sage to a pupil "when ya get in there, don't just go flat out like a lizard drinking, start slow, get used to it, enjoy it." Tommy nodded, his gaze locked on the dripping slit as Mimi wiggled her hips wantingly. "I'm sure this fine sheila here will have ya' near to poppin' in no time. So, here's the trick: When you can't hold it anymore, just bite the tip of your tongue. Works every time, mate."

"Sh-Shouldn't I wear a condom?" Tommy stuttered, looking at his bare cock only inches from her sopping pussy.

"Nah, mate, Mimi here is clean as they come, heh. No pun intended." He leaned in a little closer, as if to whisper conspiratorially "Besides, ya know the best thing about cherries?" Tommy shook his head. "It's the juice, mate! A girl eats a fresh cherry and she's just waiting to pop that sucker and drink down that sweet nectar."

He motioned to Mimi's puffy twat "See them lips there? Well, they're just waitin' to gobble down your cherry, mate. You wouldn't want to be rude to the lady and go denying her the best part, would ya?" He gave Tommy a few more pointers before giving him a slap on the back and moving off a bit. When Tommy hesitated Joey grabbed his rump and gave him a little nudge, the tip of his cock jolting forwards, sinking an inch into her wet pussy. Mimi made a soft cooing noise as he entered her but held otherwise still.

Groaning at the sudden, smooth, wet, electric sensation, Tommy was amazed at how hot it was inside of her, and wondered how his sensitive rod could withstand that kind of heat and pressure. Joey's hand on his rump gave him an encouraging push and Tommy sunk deeper into the wet tunnel. Placing his hands on her hips he began to ease forward on his own. He watched as inch after inch disappeared into the molten folds of Mimi's pussy. Once he was as deep inside of her as he could go he paused and let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding. He took a minute to get use to the feeling and he just enjoy the feel of her body around him. The muscles of her inner walls rippled around his hard cock, urging him even deeper, begging for more of him.

Joy popped his finger into his mouth for a moment before pulling it free with a thick coating of saliva. He gave Tommy's rump another slap, which forced him a little deeper for a moment and made both him and Mimi moan. He then gently pressed his slick finger against Tommy's tail hole. Tommy and Mimi both yelped, Tommy from surprise and Mimi from the way Tommy's dick jumped inside of her. It took Tommy a minute to get used to such a strange caress, but once he finally did relax he found he really liked it. He bent over Mimi and let her support his weight as he enjoyed the stimulation from both ends.

"Feels good, eh Tom-Tom?" Joey chuckled "Never underestimate how good havin' your freckle played with can be." He used his grip on Tommy's ass to pull him back a little then drive him forward. "Now give that sheila a good rootin'!"

Tommy obliged him by giving a view slow thrusts. He couldn't get nearly the range he could have if he had been upright, but his position still allowed him some pretty deep penetration. Joey's finger pressed harder against the tight button each time Tommy thrust forward and he began to notice that Joey was actually pushing him with each thrust. The added force made his balls slap against Mimi's clit each time and the reverberation was causing Tommy's climaxed to build quickly.

"I'm... I'm g-gonna..." Tommy clenched his jaw as he tried to control his body and let things draw out a little longer.

Joey leaned in closer to Tommy "Remember what I told ya', mate."

Tommy did as he was told and bit down on the tip of his tongue. He was amazed to feel the overwhelming pressure abate some, enough that he didn't have to focus on suppressing it so much and could enjoy the abundance of sensations that were assaulting him. He soon found himself biting his tongue again though as Joe his finger popped inside him. The slick digit slid back and forth in time with Tommy's own thrusts and soon left Tommy a panting, moaning mess. Joey's pace quickly picked up speed and as it did so did the speed of Tommy's thrusts, which were almost entirely controlled by Joey at this point. Soon he was jackhammering into the small monkey, who was now bucking and grinding into him as well.

Joey snickered "You about ready there, Tom-Tom?" It was mostly a rhetorical question, Tommy was practically gasping for breath at this point and could hardly find time enough to grunt or moan let alone speak. Tommy's knot pulsed visibly as it slammed into Mimi battered sex. With a mischievous grin, he pushed Tommy forward with as much force as he could muster while at the same time curling his finger up and pressing firmly on the tight bundle of nerves that was Tommy's colon.

At that same instant, Tommy's world exploded. A tsunami of ecstasy and bliss crashed over his mind, wiping away every thought in his head. His toes curled and his eyes rolled back as his dick began to swell and spasm frantically. His cum rocketed into Mimi's with such force that he could hear her choking on her own moans. He gripped her hips and fought to push deeper, his primal urges driving him to plant his seed deep inside her. He felt something give way and allow him room to force his knot inside her, giving his cock even deeper access, eliciting a loud but pleasured scream from the monkey as she was stretched around him.

Some instinct was informing him had he was actually inside Mimi's womb, and the thought made his jizz so desperate to escape his body that it was almost painful. Load after load ripped out of him, his balls seemingly eager to fill his partner to the brim. It was nearly a full half minute before he finally began to relax, the waves of his orgasm starting to recede. Without warning, Joey's finger twitched inside him again and he found himself going rigid once more as a second orgasm crashed over him. Somehow his balls found more seed to dump into his twitching, panting partner. He felt Mimi's body respond by tightening up around him and trying to draw him deeper into her. Her insides twitched as she came under him again and her body eagerly tried to suck every last drop of seed out of him. He could feel the thick cum flow over his cock as it sloshed and churned inside her, stirred by the force of his second ejaculation. This orgasm didn't last nearly as long as the first and he soon found himself coming back down yet again. This time, Tommy wasn't nearly as surprised when Joey pressed down on his colon again and rubbed it in quick circles. The dingo seemed intent on milking Tommy for all he was worth and Tommy's body obediently obliged him by sending him into another orgasm. This one wasn't nearly as intense and aside from one small squirt was mostly a dry come. After a couple of seconds, it to subsided and, this time, Joey finally slid his finger out and let the boy relax.

Both Tommy and Mimi collapsed onto their side, neither one of them having any strength left to hold themselves up. Tommy wrapped his arms around his simian companion and just cuddled with her for a while as they both basked in the afterglow. As his one paw gave her breast a playful squeeze his other strokes down her belly. He was amazed to find a sizable lump and couldn't help but feel pride and amazement that he had put it there. When he pushed down he could even feel the pressure on his dick. This made Mimi gasp and jump, causing her to tug on Tommy's engorged knot, making them both gasp. Through silent agreement they both stayed still, content to just snuggle until they could free themselves.

After some time, Joey approached them again. Tommy hadn't even noticed that he had left, but now he bore two ice cold bottles of water. He handed them both a bottle and only then do Tommy realize how incredibly thirsty he was. He gulped down the bottle eagerly and finished with a loud sigh of satisfaction. He gave a tug to check the thickness of his knot, which made Mimi gasp and moan. He gave another tug, this one much harder, and was rewarded with a wet sucking sound followed by a pop as his knot came free. A flood of fox cum gushed out of the monkey's gaping hole, and Mimi was quick to clap a hand over her sex to stem the flow.

Tommy sat up, and without the shared warmth of Mimi's body realized that it had grown quite cold outside. The fire had burned down and several other partygoers had already left. The fact that he was soaked in sweat and, well, other things, didn't help matters. He looked around for his discarded clothes but didn't see them anywhere around him. He looked at Joey, who nodded his head to the side and Tommy followed the motion to find both his clothes and Mimi's clothes laid neatly out on one of the logs closest to the fire where they could dry.

He got dressed quickly, surprisingly still feeling embarrassed to be naked around Mimi and Joey. As he was pulling his clothes on he kept stealing glances over at Mimi. He wanted to say something to her but somehow felt that a thank you just didn't sound right. No doubt Mimi noticed a few of his glances and once he had finished pulling his shirt over his head she walked up to him. Her smile was warm and tender as she looked into his eyes. Tommy tried unsuccessfully to say something and then just gave up and smiled back. She giggled and placed her hand on the back of his neck and then drew him into a deep kiss. As their lips met her tongue reached for his, giving him just the briefest lick before she broke away.

"You were amazing Tommy." She leaned in and gave him a peck on the cheek and then stepped back. "I hope to see you around again." She shot him a wink and then walked off towards one of the cars parked nearby.

Joey came up to him next and the two exchanged a fist bump "It's been a pleasure, mate. Maybe next time we can have a go at her together, I think Mimi's taken with ya'." They shared a laugh before Joey left to join Mimi and the two drove off.

"Yo, Tommy, Jennifer!" A voice called. Tommy looked over to find the group they had drove here with already loaded up in the Jeep and waving towards them. Tommy moved over to Jennifer and gave her a gentle shake.

She groaned sleepily and slowly opened her eyes "Time to go already?" She murmured, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "I swear we just got here. Man does my head hurt." Tommy helped her up and the two of them loaded up into the Jeep. They drove straight to Jennifer's house where they dropped her off. She thanked the driver and climbed out over Tommy. She had only gone a couple of steps before she turned back and regarded Tommy. "See you tomorrow, lover." Tommy gulped and nodded to her.

After he was dropped at his house, he hurried inside, thanking his new friends for the ride. As entered his room and started to strip down he found that his sheath was caked in dried cum. For a moment, he considered a shower, but then smiled and climbed into bed. He was soon drifting off to sleep, the thick smell of sex hanging around him and guiding him to dreams of a certain frisky monkey.