Wrongly Accused Chapter 2

Story by DeathAvenged on SoFurry

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#2 of Wrongly Accused.

It was three or four hours after Tony had stopped at the diner with Alexis to give her some food after hearing her stomach growling rather loudly. Now they had been driving down the road in silence, nothing but the radio playing random songs with Tony skipping over to different stations from time to time. He had stopped himself from questioning Alexis after she had told him to leave her alone about it in the diner. By now Alexis was on the verge of falling asleep in the back seat. Tony often glanced at her in the rear view mirror, watching her starting to nod off only to jerk awake and look around for a moment. He finally let out a soft chuckle and spoke softly. "If you want to lay out across the seat then go ahead...that is why I didn't bother buckling you back up when we left the diner.."

Alexis twitched her ears when she heard him and looked at him in silence before she shook her head some. "Not that easy to do..." Tony raised a brow and shifted some as he looked back to the road, speaking softly in return to her. "And why is that?" Alexis sighed, looking out the window as she grumbled. "Because I have learned to barely sleep...a prison isn't the most silent place at night...doesn't help when no one will leave you alone." Tony stood his ears up and looked at her in the rear view mirror. "Did...they try to rape you?" Alexis looked to him again and nodded faintly. "Yes...but those were the morons that didn't know I have magic...and a really hard kick..." Tony couldn't stop his grin as he shook his head some. "Not all prisons or cops are like that...but sadly some are." Alexis gave a small shrug and looked back out the window. "Doesn't matter...chances are I will be in a cell for the rest of my life or killed.."

Tony shook his head some and pulled over to take a break from driving. He pulled into a rest area and put the car into park before getting out and letting her out. Alexis stretched out with a groan, the fur along her tail standing up for a moment before she heard him. "Your so sure that things will go wrong..why?" She looked to him, staring up at him before moving to walk around the car slowly. "Because they didn't bother to investigate. Pretty damn sure I told you this." Tony watched her with his arms crossed, shaking his head a bit. "They have to investigate Alexis...not like they can just...ignore that kinda scene." Alexis stood in front of the car and looked over to him, her tail swaying slowly as she sighed. "But that is pretty much what happened. I can bet anything that if someone went back to my home...the blood will still be there...no body outline or finger print dust or anything else they do...it will look just like it did the night they pulled me out of there."

Tony folded his ears back as he listened to her, shaking his head a bit as he ran it over in his head. He sighed and decided to keep silent, letting her walk around a bit more before he got her back into the car. He he got into the drivers seat he spoke again. "Go ahead and lay down. It will be later tonight before we stop at the first hotel for the trip..." Alexis looked to him and gave a shrug in response. She ended up laying across the seat and rolled so her back would be to him. Tony got the car going again after he sent a text to a buddy back in the city, giving him Alexis's address and asking him to take pictures of the scene and do a bit of snooping for him. After he sent the message he relaxed into driving in silence, keeping the radio turned down low so it wouldn't wake the dozing feline in the back seat.

By eight in the evening Tony pulled into the hotel that was listed on a list in the file. He sighed and rubbed his eyes some, looking ot see Alexis was sitting up in the back seat with a yawn coming from her. Tony turned in his seat, looking to her as he spoke softly. "This is the hotel we are staying at. I have no idea on if they booked a room already or not...so just sit tight." He got out and closed the door, leaving her cuffed in the back seat. tony walked in and made his way to the front desk, tapping the little bell and getting a clerks attention. A young female mouse stepped up and looked to Tony with a worn smile. "Can I help you?" Tony smiled back and nodded some. "I am traveling with someone...from here." He showed her a slip of paper with the prison name on it and hte mouse nodded a bit in response. "I knew you were coming...they had booked you in one of the lower floors but those were filled up...your top floor..sadly it is a honeymoon sweet..." Tony blinked a few times and stared at her. "Hold up now those are usually one bed rooms..." The mouse nodded and gave a shrug. " Sorry. My boss is a moron sometimes and didn't bother calling back to tell them the room they booked was already taken...so he put you there." Tony sighed and rubbed his hand over his face then nodded a bit. "Alright let me have the key..." The mouse nodded and tapped at the computer for a moment before she smiled. "Your checked in for the night..check out is 11 Am tomorrow morning." Tony took the key car that was handed to her as he thanked her before going out to get Alexis.

Tony soon helped Alexis out of the back seat and shook his head some. He decided not to tell her about the deal with the room, not sure if she would flip or not. Tony gently held onto her arm, his tablet and files held in his other hand while his phone and key card were in his pocket. Tony got on the elevator with the feline and took her up to their room where she swiped the card to unlock the door. He had Alexis go inside first then flipped on the lights to find a large heart shaped bed at one side of the room with a hot tub and mini bar on the other side near the balcony doors. Alexis stood her ears up and raised a brow before she looked at him over her shoulder. "The fuck is this shit? Looks like a fairy puked all over the place." Tony had to laugh at her as he moved to take the cuffs off of her, setting them on the mini bar before moving to a soft looking couch that was in the room and sitting down. "Sorry kitten. Not my doing. Mix up between the prison and the moron running this hotel."

Alexis rubbed her wrists as she kicked off the sneakers she had been wearing. She walked around the room, sniffing a bit before curling her nose up a bit. "Fucking hell...they drenched this place in scented crap.." Tony laughed again and watched her. "You sure as shit ain't not girly chick are you?" she turned to look at him with her arms crossed before shaking her head. "Far from it...hate the color pink or anything frilly." Tony chuckled and sighed a bit before he looked to her. "Just chill...go shower or something. I will get some pizzas ordered because I ain't driving anywhere else tonight." Alexis nodded some and looked around again before she walked out on the balcony. She looked over at the small town they had stopped in, seeing the lights from a few buildings while Tony was ordering some pepperoni pizzas on his cell phone. As Alexis walked back in she made a comment to him. " I ain't sleeping in the bed with you." Tony almost dropped his phone and looked at her with wide eyes before he scowled. " I ain't sharing a bed with your ass either smarty pants. I will sleep on the couch. You get that huge ass bed all to yourself!"

Alexis cracked a small grin as she looked to him before disappeared into the bathroom and locked the door behind her to shower. Tony sighed and leaned back in the seat of the couch, shaking his head. "She is a cute little thing but she has a mouth on her..." He twitched his ears when he heard the shower start up and thought on it before he called down to the front desk, requesting some clean clothing for Alexis to be brought up.

By the time Alexis came out of the shower and was drying her fur off the clerk from the front desk brought some new clothing and even a brush. Soon after the pizzas were brought and paid for. Tony was laying the pizzas out on the couch, opening one of the boxes as Alexis finished up. He grabbed the brush and clothing then moved to the bathroom, knocking on the door. "Crack it open...got some new clothing for you.." Alexis blinked and stared at the door before covering herself with a towel and pulling the door open enough for him to hand the items to her before she would close the door. Alexis looked at the clothing in a some what stunned silence before she got dressed. She came out of the bathroom holding the brush and starting to get her hair and fur brushed out while moving over towards the couch. "Thanks...you didn't have to do that." Tony was swallow his first bite of pizza when she spoke, causing him to smile over to her. "Yeah I did. I don't need you stinking the car up with dirty clothing!" Alexis rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at him before grabbing a slice of pizza to take a bite. "Alexis...can you tell me what happened..at least what you remember from that night?"

Alexis looked at him in silence while she was chewing before she sighed and sat down on the other end of the couch with her tail wrapped around her legs and placing the brush on her lap. "I...was training with daddy...he was showing me how to concentrate on using my magic to heal people...healing broken bones and cuts...helping to reduce a fever all of it. He was trying to help me work through ti because sometimes it takes a lot out of me and I usually fall asleep afterwards...we were just starting to heal a cut on his arm that he made with a small knife he always had on him when he got this look of shock on his face and the next thing I felt was a hit to the back of my head that clearly was hard enough to knock me out...I didn't hear any kinda struggle or yells...nothing. When I woke up the cops were beating down my front door and rushing in shining flash lights on me. I was...covered in his blood. Whoever had done it beat him then slit his throat...they made sure I was the one covered in fur, holding the knife that killed him." She turned her head and looked over at Tony in silence while he was staring back at her with his ears laid back. Alexis looked away and sighed, going back to eating her slice before she moved to get in bed, brushing out the fur of her tail while Tony ran the story over in his head.

Tony watched her in silence with his arms crossed, watching her spend almost 20 minutes getting her tail and hair brushed out before setting the brush down on the night stand. she climbed under the covers of the bed and curled up with her back to him. Tony sighed and got up, dimming the lights in the room then moving back to the couch where he sat down and used the light from his phone to read through the files that he had with him, finding something off about all of it but not sure on what exactly it was. After sometime he her a soft groan from Alexis that made him look up to see her shift but remain asleep. "It is going to be a trip getting her up in the morning..."