The Journey: part 2

Story by 4mymate on SoFurry

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After I got dressed in my usual outfit (jeans, T-shirt, and leather jacket/boots) I headed downstairs and put on some music as I crossed the living room into the kitchen/dining room. I lived in a small-ish condo so the two rooms were squished into one. By the time the sun was lighting up the dining room I had a hardy, steaming breakfast of eggs and bacon, and I was nearly ready to leave. It was a very long trip to vex's house so I wanted to get on the road as soon as possible. I deposited my dishes in the sink and grabbed my helmet and my backpack, which I had packed last night after dinner, and strode out the front door. I usually ride my bike to work and school as I live very close to both but if I have to go anywhere far I'll take my motorcycle. I walked down to the car port and hopped on my bike, donning my helmet and starting up the engine. As the engine rumbled to life below me I closed my visor and my eyes adjusted to the light. After checking that I had all my stuff I drove out of the parking lot and drove down the little neighborhood street, passing apartments and businesses. About half an hour later I was barreling down the highway with the wind whipping through I sat up in bed rubbing the sleep from  my eyes. I had woken up a few minutes before the alarm clock and I was still half

asleep. Slowly feeling spread through my body and after a few minutes of sitting in bed I hopped up and walked to the bathroom to take a nice hot shower. I slipped off my boxer briefs and stepped in, turning on the water and adjusting the temperature. Before long I was standing under the gently steaming water, lathering my fur and humming a favorite song of mine. I didn't spend long in the shower, I was too excited about today. I slid the curtain aside and stepped out shuddering as the cold penetrated my wet fur. I quickly dried off and groomed my fur and went back into my room to get dressed as the first rays of sunlight shone through the fur and my jacket snapping in the wind behind me. It felt great to be on the highway. It had been a while since I had been on a trip like this and I couldn't wait to see vex again. We'd both been so busy with school and we both were definitely ready for a break.